by Alexander Zephyr.

Part Two.
Different Explanations as to the Identity of Gog.

Continued from Part One.

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by Alexander Zephyr.

Part Two.

Different Explanations as to the Identity of

          Before we go forward with our reasoning, we would like introduce to our readers a few versions and interpretations from different sources on a subject of the prophecy of Ezekiel 38 and 39 which described the Wars of Gog wars against Judah and Israel in the latter years. Nobody argued about the timing of these wars in general, because the prophet Ezekiel clearly stated that Gog's attacks will occur 'after many days', 'in the latter years,' 'it (the attack) shall be in the latter days' (Ezekiel 38:8, 16).  Even so, there are still a few misunderstandings in relation to Redemption, Reunification, Advent of the Messiah and the Messianic Age events as to the following:

#Whether the Wars of Gog wars will have began before the Reunification of Judah and Israel?

#Will the Messiah (son of Joseph or son of David) have been revealed and the Messianic Age started?
#Will the armies of Gog have armies initiated this attack on Israel after those events?

Clarification of these matters is very important for understanding the true meanings of the Prophecies of Ezekiel.

          Rambam (Maimonides), the great Jewish Sage, in Hilchos Melachim [Laws of the Kings of Israel and their Wars] 12:2 advises us not to go into deep detailed study on the subject of  the Wars of Gog, the coming of the Messiah and other sequences of future eschatological events. The 'knowledge of these matters leads neither to fear not to love of God.' People can not understand the exact meaning of the many obscure passages of the Scripture until the time of their occurrence. It is enough to know future events in accordance with what Prophecy revealed in general, without going beyond the plain meaning of the verses. 'The detailed studies of these matters are in no way Principles of  Faith,' concluded Rambam. Well, despite this, we will try to go into some deep detailed study of Ezekiel 38 and 39 to satisfy our curiosity and in order to counter the arguments of other theories. We have nothing to lose: 'Knowledge of these matters lead neither to fear not to love of God and in no way are principals of the faith!'
Who is this mysterious Gog, ruler from the land of Magog and the prince of Rosh, (or just chief prince) of Meshech and Tubal, around whom so many tragic events will culminate in the End Times? Gog is a personality, a future demonic king, a despot and a tyrant. Many Bible expositors think that King Gyges (716-678 or 687-652 BCE) of Lydia, in western Anatolia (the modern Republic of Turkey) was the legendary Gog of the Bible. The Ancient Greek philosopher Plato (428-347 BCE) related a myth about Gog, who was a shepherd for the Lydian King Candaules (735-718 BCE). While in the field, Gog found in the cave a golden ring which could make him invisible any time he put it on his finger. So, the legend goes, Gog went to the palace, became invisible, seduced the queen, killed the king and made himself the ruler of Lydia. His country was called Gygea or  Land of Gog.

          Some scholars believe that Cambyses (530-523 BCE), king of Persia, or Antiochus Epiphanes (175-163 BCE), king of Syria, representied Gog from the land of Magog.

          Others speculate that the Septuagint translation of Amos 7:1 with a connection to Proverbs 30:27 pictured Gog as a 'King of Locusts,' leading his hordes in attack on Israel in the latter years.
          'Thus the Lord showed me, and behold, a swarm of locusts were coming, and behold, one of the young devastating locusts was Gog, the King' (Amos 7:1).

           There are those who prefer the Russian theory that Gog will lead the former Soviet Union forces allied with China and Iran, together with another group of nations, put forward the candidature of Vladimir Putin as a future pretender for the personification of Gog.

          There are adherents of the Common Market of Europe theory, saying that Gog will come from a newly resurrected Holy Roman Empire who will ally with other enemy nations in wars against Israel. The role of Gog role is given to a future leader of Germany, 'a little horn', who will become the main force behind the European Union.

     This 'king of fierce countenance', described by Prophet Daniel, is an extremely crafty, cunning, deceitful -and bloody- individual, who will preach peace but practice war (Daniel 8:23-25).
          Gog is also the attributed name of an Angelic being, a Principality, given charge over the land of Turkey, in a similar way to the 'Prince of Persia', 'Prince of Greece', or 'Michael, one of the chief Princes, given charge over Israel'  (Daniel 10:12-21).

         There is also an opinion that Gog and Magog are the Ten Tribes of Israel trapped behind the legendary Gates-barrier of Alexander the Great in the Caucasus Mountains to prevent them from invading the nations of the south.

          The Khazars who lived between the Caspian and Black Seas were also associated with Gog and Magog by Christian and Muslim writers. Ahmad ibn Fadlan, the Arab traveler, noted in his writings that Gog and Magog were ancestors of the Khazars.
          A Georgian chronicle too identifies the Khazars with Gog and Magog, describing them as 'wild men with hideous faces and the manners of wild beasts, eaters of blood.'

        Another opinion says that the place of Gog may possibly be in Georgia of the former USSR whose capital is Tbilisi (indicating a connection with Tubal, son of Japheth). There was a Gogarene province in Iberia (Georgia) in the Caucasian Mountains.

        Some Muslim scholars believed that Gog and Magog are the Mongols who in the past caused a lot of damage to Muslim Civilization in Central Asia. The Great Wall of China in the Arabic language is called 'the Wall of Al Magog.'

        In Midrashic Literature Gog is identified with Romulus, a legendary founder of ancient Rome.

In Midrash Bereishis Rabban 76:5 Gog is 'the 11th king of the 4th beast with the 10 horns' of Daniel chapter 7. 
      The Hebrew Bible (1-Chronicles 5:4) mentions the name Gog as that of an ancestral figure from the Tribe of Reuben, first born son of Israel.

      There is also a Talmudic tradition that Gog will be a descendant of  Esau (Edom) the  archenemy of Israel, and his fighting forces will consist mainly of Japhethic nations in  alliance with Hamitic countries.

      Malbim, (1809-1879 CE), Rabbi Meir Leibush, a preacher and Bible commentator, said that the identity of Gog will remain shrouded in mystery until the time he actually arrives.    

List of Contents Concerning Gog and Magog.
See Also:
Questions and Answers about Gog and Magog.

See Part Three.

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