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1. Chuck Missler is Wrong!!! The Terms
Israel and Judah. Nehemiah and All Israel. Chuck Missler has written an article against the idea of the Ten Tribes. See: Mystery of the Myth: The Ten Lost Tribes by Chuck Missler Our friend Steve Mathe is preparing an article in reply to Chuck. Brit-Am also has an article in which ALL the claims made by Chuch Missler are answered. See: The Completeness of the Exile. Answers to Deniers of Brit-Am Biblical Truth Missler however correctly brings out a point that causes some confusion. In the Prophets the terms Judah (and according to the context, its synonyms e.g. Zion, Jerusalem) is frequently used for the equivalent of the present-day Jews and their ancestors in Judea. The term Israel is often used for the Ten Tribes. This however is NOT ALWAYS the case. In some places the term Israel may be applied to the Jews of Judah. This is what Missler says: # After the Babylonian captivity, the terms "Jew" and "Israelite" are used interchangeably. Ezra calls the returning remnant "Jews" 8 times and "Israel" 40 times. (Ezra also speaks of "all Israel": Ezra 2:70; 3:11; 8:35; 10:25, et al.) Nehemiah uses the term "Jew" 11 times and "Israel" 22 times. Nehemiah too speaks of "all Israel" being back in the land (Nehemiah 12:47). The remnant who returned from Babylon is represented as "the nation" (Malachi 1:1, et al.). # Missler quotes from The Book of Nehemiah: Nehemiah 12: 47 In the days of Zerubbabel and in the days of Nehemiah all Israel gave the portions for the singers and the gatekeepers, a portion for each day. They also consecrated holy things for the Levites, and the Levites consecrated them for the children of Aaron. In the time of Nehemiah MOST of the Jews of Judah were still in Babylon where Nebuchadnessar had taken them. A small minority return and later grew. This small minority was mainly from the Jews of Judah and Benjamin along with the probable majority of Levi. There were ALSO representative minorities of the other Tribes as we have explained and as explained by Nachmanides: # They said in the Midrash Seder Olam, #Of those who came into the Land in the time of Ezra the whole community together numbered 42,360. The total whose names are recorded however only numbered 30,360. What happened therefore to the missing 12,000? These were those from the other Tribes who came up with Ezra. # # Behold I will recall a matter that is expressly mentioned many times in Scripture. It is known that with the Return of the Exiles under Ezra only the Tribes of Judah and Benjamin returned. These had been exiled to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar. # Those from the Tribes of Ephraim and Shimeon from Israel that were present (2-Chronicles 35:18) with Judah... are referred to in a general sense as 'from Israel' (in 2-Chronicles 35:18) and not by their specific tribes since they represented only a small portion of their tribe. These are they who returned under Ezra with the Jews from Babylon. They were not expressly mentioned by their tribes since they were attached to Judah. They all settled in the cities of Judah. There was no Redemption for the Ten Tribes who remained in exile. #... in the time of the Second Temple a few refugees from the other tribes also came up. They did not come from all of the other tribes but only from Ephraim and Menasseh. [Another authority however, Tosefot in Arakin 32;a, says that, 'from each and every tribe a few returned']. These few were not enough to be termed a tribe in their own right or even part of a tribe. Due to their minority position they were included amongst the two tribes of Judah and Benjamin and dwelt in their cities. This Second Redemption was not meant for the other tribes....etc. See: THE TEN TRIBES WILL RETURN! The Bible Says So! by Nachmanides (Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman, 1194-1270, born in Spain, died in the Land of Israel) Amongst the Jews are to be found small minority representative portions of ALL the Tribes. This enabled Nehemiah in the name of ALL Israel to offer up sacrifices for all the Tribes. BUT the overwhelming majority (ca. 88% according to Midrash) were from the Tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi. All the rest of the Israelites Tribes (apart from those Jews still in Babylon) were with the Ten Tribes. They were destined to lose consciousness of their ancestry. They became the Lost Ten Tribes!!! 2. Terms in Prophecy for the Ten Tribes (from Steve Mathe). Joseph: Ephraim Israel Ez. 37:16 Hos. 5:3, 13; 6:4,Psalm 78:67 Hos. 11:12, Ez. 37:19 Amos 6;6 Isa. 7:19; 11:13, Jer. 3:18; 5:11; 11:17, Ob. 1:18 Jer. 7:15; 31:20-21; 33:30 Jer., 13;11; 31:27; 31 Zech 10:6 3. Sea Peoples as Philistines and Israelites. The Peleset are the Philistines (the name Philistine being a phonetic corruption of Peleset+-ine) The Danua are the Tribe of Dan The Shekelesh are the Tribe of Issachar (Shekelesh being understood to translate as men of Sheker, a corruption of men of Sachar) The Weshesh are the Tribe of Asher (technically the name is equivalent to Uashesh, and so in the theories is a corruption of Asher) The Tjekker are the Tribe of Manassah (an Egyptian tale Wenamun explicitely mentions that Dor is a Tjekker town, and Dor is the name of a place in the Manassah region). 4. Philistines and Myceneans. Minoans in Ancient Wessex (England)! The connection between Mycenaean culture and Philistine culture was made clearer by finds at the excavation of Ashdod, Ekron, Ashkelon, and more recently Gath, four of the five Philistine cities in Canaan. Especially notable is the early Philistine pottery, a locally made version of the Aegean Mycenaean Late Helladic IIIC pottery. In the floor of the hall is a circular hearth paved with pebbles, as is typical in Mycenean megaron hall buildings;Such wheels are known to have been used for portable cultic stands in the Aegean region during this period. One name the Greeks used for the previous inhabitants of Greece and the Aegean was Pelasgians, but no definite connection has been established between this name and that of the Philistines. The theory that the Sea Peoples included Greek-speaking tribes has been developed even further to postulate that the Philistines originated in either western Anatolia or the Greek peninsula. Examples of Minoan merchandise have regularly turned up in various tombs in Egypt. They have been found in the Levant and, through the matter is somewhat contentious, Minoan-type jewelry and goldwork has even been found in the graves of Wessex Culture, a race living in what is now southern England at a time contemporary with Minoan Crete at its heyday. 5. Tuatha de Danaan (Tribe of Dan) in Ireland from Syria (Achaia) ? ContentControls/Support/ InfoSectionViewer.aspx?Guild InfoSectionID=191501&Group=228982 The Tuatha De Danaan were "the people of Anu" and formed the pantheon of the pre-Celtic Irish. They could be roughly compared to the Greek gods of Olympus. They were remembered by the Old Irish for their goodness and great skills, used for the benefit of the people of Ireland. The arrival of the Tuatha De Danaan was not only shrouded in mystery, but was so strange to the local people that they had to create a rational explanation as to how they appeared... They were recorded as having landed in Northern Ireland from Scotland on a day which was later to be termed Beltaine, better known as May Day - 1st of May. It was stated that, after burning their ships, they surrounded themselves with a mist of draoideacht, which means 'magic' or 'sorcery' and marched inland for three days. By this means they hid themselves from the local inhabitants - the Firbolg - until they reached Sliabh-an-lerainn, the Mountain of Iron in Co. Leitrim, where they were first seen. The Tuatha appeared as tall, fair haired, 'shining-faced' sages with a highly organized small group of highly skilled leaders, artisans and craftsmen. They were remembered for teaching the Irish people agricultural skills and animal husbandry. It's interesting to note that according to the traditions of the Tuatha de Danaan, they had spent seven years in the north of Scotland before reaching Ireland, at places named Dobhar and Lardahar. Before Scotland, they had spent some years in Lochlonn, which has been equated with Scandinavia. In modern Gaelic, Lochlainn refers to the state of Denmark, and it seems a rather interesting coincidence that the Danes call their country Danmark; the land of the Dan people. Apparently the Tuatha De Danaan were welcomed to Scandinavia where they settled in four cities where they taught to the young. Sages, resident in the cities were there to 'teach the sciences and the varied arts'. Prior to their teachings there, they apparently came from a place called Achaia. It may be a tenuous link, but a region called Achaiyah, north of Mount Hermon, Syria is sited as being a possible site for Kharsag, the homeland of The Annage the so called 'Shining Ones' - great teacher gods of Sumerian tradition. These were the gods of the Sumerians who began the cradle of Western civilization in the Mesopotanian Valley. They were said to be a race of sorcerers that worshipped the Goddess Danu. I?m not sure this is entirely accurate. Danu is a somewhat obscure Goddess. It may be that Danu was like a mentor to them - someone who trained and tutored them in sorcery and magical arts. But whether they learned their skills from someone else or from each other, they mastered them all, and brought them back to Ireland. They came to Ireland after the Fir Bolgs, who had colonized Ireland under treaty with the Fomorians. But the Fir Bolgs were no match for the skills and power of the Tuatha de Danaan. The Danaan quickly subdued them in the First Battle of Mag Tuired and then attempted to wrest control of Ireland from the Fomors. They tried treaties first to establish a peaceful co-existence. Nuada, the king of the Danaan upon their arrival in Ireland, lost an arm in the battle against the Fir Bolg, and was no longer fit to rule. So the kingship was given to Bres the son of Eriu of the Danaan and Delbaeth, the current king of the Fomors. Bres was a poor king for the Danaan, and he was ultimately deposed. As part of a treaty, Ethniu of the Fomors was given as wife to Cian son of Dian Cecht, the great Danaan healer, and from them was born Lugh who became the new Danaan king. Lugh led the Tuatha de Danaan in the Second Battle of Mag Tuired. The Fomor's champion Balor had a poisonous eye. It took several men to raise the lid that covered that eye, but then it would slay whomever its sight fell on. Lugh overcame Balor with a shield polished like a mirror and then cut off his head, giving the Danaan victory. The Fomorians were permanently driven out of Ireland. As I have said before, the Tuatha de Danaan were the best and the brightest - the fairest of all people.... Dagda, the Good God, was their greatest and wisest king, and was their ruler when the Gaels arrived. His daughter Brigit was the patroness of craftsmen and poets and came to be so loved by the people of Ireland, that the Catholic Church canonized her and she is still known as St. Brighid. Lugh was worshipped as a Sun God and Badb and Macha as War Goddesses. Morrigan was Queen of the Night and the Western Sea and was worshipped as a triple goddess. She would shape-shift and appear as an old crone at times, and often as a young maiden. She, Macha, and Badb, would take the form of crows and fly over battle fields, goading the warriors into a frenzy. Many other of the De Danaan became well known in legends and were worshipped as gods and goddesses. ... Their descendants are known as Daoine Sidhe (pronounced theena shee) and many have intermarried with humans. 6. Hebrew-Language article on the Ten Tribes. Ba-ikvot eseret hashevatim by Dr Yom Tov Levinski 7. Scotts in the Baltic??? From: finnestorp To: Sent: Saturday, 28 January 2012, 9:05 Subject: [Germanic-L] Re: Sails
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