The British Island Nations

Part Two of:

Continued from:
Part One.
The Blessing to Jacob at Beth-el:A Nation and a Company of nations.

Britain as Ephraim -4: A Company of Nations

Duration: 34.12 minutes

When Jacob (i.e. the Patriarch Israel) blessed Joseph and his two sons Ephraim and Manasseh (Genesis 48:3) he recalled the Blessing he had previously received at Luz (Beth-el). This involved becoming a "Nation and a Company of Nations" (Genesis 35:11). This blessing was to be fulfilled primarily through Ephraim. The Tribe of Ephraim found his expression mainly through the British and offshoots of Britain. We discuss briefly the British Family of Nations.
In the British Isles: Ireland (Eire), Ulster (North Ireland), Scotland, Wales, England.
The British Overseas are also spoken of:
Ephraimites in the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa.
This is another proof identifying the British with Ephraim.

Why the British are Ephraim!

The British Island Nations

pop. ca. 49 million
English Flag Union Jack Royal Banner of England

Modern Version of the Tudor Rose.
The Brit-Am and
Tudor Roses
Tudor Rose
Counties of England

Wikipedia: England.
England is highly industrialised, but since the 1970s there has been a decline in traditional heavy and manufacturing industries, and an increasing emphasis on a more service industry oriented economy.[82] Tourism has become a significant industry, attracting millions of visitors to England each year. The export part of the economy is dominated by pharmaceuticals, automobiles..crude oil and petroleum from the English parts of North Sea Oil.. Agriculture is intensive and highly mechanised, producing 60% of food needs with only 2% of the labour force.[139] Two thirds of production is devoted to livestock, the other to arable crops.[140]

Ireland (Eire)
Ireland is a republic.
Irish Flag Irish Coat of Arms Map of Ireland

Ireland has also an ambivalent relationship with the British.
Many Irish might not like us including Ireland amongst the British Family of nations.
There are also those amongst the British who may have reservations of their own.
Nevertheless there is some justification for it.
More people of Irish descent (four generations back downwards) live in Britain than in Ireland.
Ireland is geographically a part of the British Isles.
The Irish contributed greatly to British History.
At some stages more than 1/3 of the British Army that maintained the British Empire was of Irish descent.
In Australia more than 20% are of Irish origin.
Also many in Canada and New Zealand came from Ireland.
The Irish are of Israelite descent on the whole. They derive from several tribes including that of Ephraim.

Ireland is one of the largest exporters of pharmaceuticals and software-related goods and services in the world, the seventh largest producer of zinc concentrates, and the twelfth largest producer of lead concentrates.
Ireland produces metals, food, clothing, pharmaceuticals.
The standard of living is one of the highest in the world despite an economic crisis at present (2011). pop. 4,5000,000

Ulster (Northern Ireland)
pop. 2,000,000

Map of Ulster Map of Ulster
In the United States Census, 2000, 4.3 million Americans claimed Scots-Irish ancestry. Interestingly, the areas where the most Americans reported themselves in the 2000 Census only as "American" with no further qualification (e.g. Kentucky, north-central Texas, and many other areas in the Southern US) are largely the areas where many Scots-Irish settled, and are in complementary distribution with the areas which most heavily report Scots-Irish ancestry.
Ulster Flag Ulster was settled by elements from both Ephraim and Manasseh.
Those who remained in ULster were mainly from Ephraim.
Ulster Scots in the USA were mainly from Manasseh.

The Scotch Irish from Ulster became the most naturalised Americans out of all other immigrant groups.

According to the Harvard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups, 400,000 people in the U.S. were of Irish birth or ancestry in 1790 when the first U.S. Census counted 3,100,000 white Americans. According to the encyclopedia, half of these Irish Americans were descended from Ulster, and half from the other three provinces of Ireland.

Northern Ireland has traditionally had an industrial economy, most notably in shipbuilding, rope manufacture and textiles, but most heavy industry has since been replaced by services.

pop. 5 million
Scottish Coat of Arms Scottish Coat of Arms Location of Scotland
There are many more people with Scottish ancestry living abroad than the total population of Scotland. In the 2000 Census, 9.2 million Americans self-reported some degree of Scottish descent.[165] Ulster's Protestant population is mainly of lowland Scottish descent,[166] and it is estimated that there are more than 27 million descendants of the Scots-Irish migration now living in the U.S.[167][168] In Canada, the Scottish-Canadian community accounts for 4.7 million people.[169] About 20% of the original European settler population of New Zealand came from Scotland.[170]

Traditionally, the Scottish economy has been dominated by heavy industry underpinned by the shipbuilding in Glasgow, coal mining and steel industries. Petroleum related industries associated with the extraction of North Sea oil have also been important employers from the 1970s, especially in the north east of Scotland.
Map of Scotland Scottish Flag Map of Scotland

Scotland is less affluent than England BUT a higher proportion of millionaires and important politicians etc in England are of Scottish descent.

pop. 3 million

Welsh in 500 CE Wales

British Pound-Welsh Dragon Flag of Wales

Population ca. 3 million.
The modern Welsh economy is dominated by the service sector. Manufacturing is also important.

Wales is important for its music, soldiers, men of conscience, and British Patriotism. More than a fifth of the Welsh are English and a good porion of the English are Welsh.

The Welsh Language has strong similiarities to Hebrew.


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