BAMAD no.19

 DNA and 
 Anthropology Updates 

Updates in DNA studies along with Anthropological Notes of general interest with a particular emphasis on points pertinent to the study of Ancient Israelite Ancestral Connections to Western Peoples as explained in Brit-Am studies.


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Brit-Am Anthropology and DNA Update
21 Adar-1 5768, 21 February 2008
1. R1b1 from Southwest Asia Israelite Origins?
2. Female Ancestry of Arabs
3. Brit-Am Answer to Question about Tracing Family Ancestry

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1. R1b1 from Southwest Asia Israelite Origins?

Brit-Am Impression: R1b1 is the Y(male -determined) DNA of  many West
Europeans though it has minor offshoots elsewhere.
The opinion expressed below would trace its origins to Southwest Asia
(where the Land of Israel is situated) with finds amongst present-day Jews being used
as indicators.
From: Vincent Vizachero <>
Subject: Re: [DNA] eastern R1b1c modal (was DYS 389-2)


I believe that the difference in estimated ages  for ht15 and ht35 
might help us understand the LGM-era movement of R1b1c.

First let me issue the standard caveat that R1b desperately needs 
(and deserves) a focused study along the lines of the studies that 
have emerged on E3b, I, and J among others.  Only a detailed an 
extensive study can properly test the many theories on the subject.  
But having said that, here's my take.

The evidence points to a southwestern Asian (and I include the 
Caucasia in that group) as the point of expansion for just about 
every subclade of R1b1 that I have studied.  R1b1b appears to have a 
southwestern Asian (SWA) origin, not a  Central Asian origin as 
postulated by Spencer Wells and others.   Four of the six major 
clusters of R1b1* that I have identified are found almost exclusively 
in Jewish and/or Near Eastern populations.  The origin of the other 
two is uncertain - they are young and found in the UK mostly -  but 
I  wouldn't rule a crypto-Jewish affiliation for them.

It appears that ht35 is older than ht15, by a little bit at least, 
and ht35 is found at high concentrations in SWA and in Jewish 
populations.  Moreover, on the markers where ht15 and ht35 differ 
(DYS393, DYS461, DYF385, etc.) ht35 has the same modal values as 
R1b1b.  In short, ht35 maintains the ancestral value and ht15 has the 
derived value.

There is little doubt that ht15 expanded out of Iberian peninsula at 
the end of the last ice  age, but my personal theory is that it 
arrived in Iberia after the LGM and before the Younger Dryas.  In 
other words, R1b1c expanded out of SWA at the end of the LGM only to 
be forced back south during the  Younger Dryas.  For whatever reason, 
either during the journey from SWA to Iberia or during a bottleneck 
in Iberia itself, the split between ht15 and ht35 manifested.

This explanation explains the most basic facts:  dual radiation 
patterns from separate refugia, largely similar founder haplotypes, 
and the closer similarity of the R1b1b modal to ht35 than to ht15.  I 
cannot think of another explanation that accounts for all the known 
facts more neatly.


2. Female Ancestry of Arabs

Brit-Am Impression: The Abstract below appears to suggest that the motochondrial
trasmitted) DNA of the Arabian Peninsula indicates a 62% "Northern" origin,
20% from Africa, and 18% from the east, mainly from India.
Furthermore it is implied that the  62% "Northern" markers were the oldest ones.

Mitochondrial DNA structure in the Arabian Peninsula
 BMC Evol Biol. 2008 Feb 12;8(1):45 [Epub ahead of print]
Abu-Amero KK, Larruga JM, Cabrera VM, Gonzalez AM.

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Two potential migratory routes followed by modern
humans to colonize Eurasia from Africa have been proposed. These are the two
natural passageways that connect both continents: the northern route through the
Sinai Peninsula and the southern route across the Bab al Mandab strait. Recent
archaeological and genetic evidence have favored a unique southern coastal
route. Under this scenario, the study of the population genetic structure of the
Arabian Peninsula, the first step out of Africa, to search for primary genetic
links between Africa and Eurasia, is crucial. The haploid and maternally
inherited mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) molecule has been the most used genetic marker
to identify and to relate lineages with clear geographic origins, as the
African Ls and the Eurasian M and N that have a common root with the Africans L3.
RESULTS: To assess the role of the Arabian Peninsula in the southern route, we
genetically analyzed 553 Saudi Arabs using partial (546) and complete mtDNA (7)
sequencing, and compared the lineages obtained with those present in Africa,
the Near East, central, east and southeast Asia and Australasia. The results
showed that the Arabian Peninsula has received substantial gene flow from
Africa (20%), detected by the presence of L, M1 and U6 lineages; that an 18% of the
Arabian Peninsula lineages have a clear eastern provenance, mainly
represented by U lineages; but also by Indian M lineages and rare M links with Central
Asia, Indonesia and even Australia. However, the bulk (62%) of the Arabian
lineages has a Northern source. CONCLUSIONS: Although there is evidence of
Neolithic and more recent expansions in the Arabian Peninsula, mainly detected by
(preHV)1 and J1b lineages, the lack of primitive autochthonous M and N sequences,
suggests that this area has been more a receptor of human migrations,
including historic ones, from Africa, India, Indonesia and even Australia, than a
demographic expansion center along the proposed southern coastal route.

PMID: 18269758 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

3. Brit-Am Answer to Question about Tracing Family Ancestry:


Shalom, my name is W, I would like some information on how or whom I should contact as to my Hebrew family tree. I have been a christian all my life, and have always known the hebrew roots to our faith but the last three years my wife and I have studied this much closer. I'm finding the ALMIGHTY  is impressing on me to search my family tree way back.  I'm not sure why? If you guys can point me in the right direction or person to help me research this matter it would muchly appreciate thanx. C.

Brit-Am Answer:
Your question is symptomatic of a growing trend. People want to know about their ancestors.
We in Brit-Am are occupied in tracing the Lost Ten Tribes in general.
We are not at present involved with tracing the genealogy of individual families.
From the little we know about the subject your search will depend on how much information you already have about your forebears.
This information could be supplemented with the work of a professional genealogist and/or in some cases web sites and e-mail genealogical discussion groups that exist for certain families, ethnic groups, etc.
You could also supplement your research by a DNA test.
One of my sons took a DNA test which helped us very much and whose results dove-tailed with conventional genealogical research we undertook by contacting nearest known relatives.
A professional genealogist also voluntarily tried to help us but could not get very far due to the paucity of information we were able to supply at the time.
The results of a DNA test MIGHT (and might not) give similar results to other people on the web whose names and provenance could help you.
For a DNA test we would recommend FTDNA
even though that is not the company our son used.
Our impression is that FTDA provides more services and ongoing involvement
in DNA studies in general.
In some cases you might strike "gold" and come up with satisfactory answers straight away.
In most cases however such is not the case.


See also:
BAMAD Archives
DNA Refuted. The "Cohen Gene"
R1b The Western Japhet?? or not?
haplogroup I
Brit-Am DNA
Queries about Race

BAMAD Archives

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