BAMAD no.69

 DNA and 
 Anthropology Updates 

Updates in DNA studies along with Anthropological Notes of general interest with a particular emphasis on points pertinent to the study of Ancient Israelite Ancestral Connections to Western Peoples as explained in Brit-Am studies.


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BAMAD no. 69
Brit-Am Anthropology and DNA Update
28 February 2010, 14 Adar 5770
1. DNA analysis tracks Silk Road forbears
2. Blond Australian Aborigines and Melanesians
3. Bushmen DNA Vastly Separated from Each Other!
Complete Khoisan and Bantu genomes

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1. DNA analysis tracks Silk Road forbears
"We have a diagnostic Indo-Iranian marker," he said, referring to one of the Y-chromosome mutations.

This marker shows the progress of the 'Aryans' into India and beyond. These Indo-Iranians spoke a language which is believed to be the forerunner of many modern tongues.

Some people living high in the mountain valleys of Central Asia still speak a form of Sogdian - the oldest living Indo-Iranian tongue.

The study also shows how successful emigrants from Central Asia were able to spread their language further than their genes.

DNA samples from Iran show far fewer Indo-Iranian markers in the west of the country, despite an Indo-Iranian language being dominant across the region.

Modern diversity

One explanation, said Dr Wells, could be that the incomers were so successful that the original inhabitants of the region began to adopt the newcomers' language.

Modern Central Asia's diverse genetic mix is explained by the migrations that came much later, when the Silk Road carried wealth and trade goods from China to Europe and back.

These migrations are reflected in the DNA, too, and it is clear that despite the majority of modern Central Asians speaking Turkic languages, they derive much of their genetic heritage from the conquering Mongol warriors of Genghis Khan.

"Central Asia is revealed to be an important reservoir of genetic diversity, and the source of at least three waves of migration, leading into Europe, the Americas and India," the researchers wrote in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

2. Blond Australian Aborigines and Melanesians
Blonde antipodals
Now, a reasonable question to immediately ask is "is this introgression from admixture with Europeans?" I gave some reasons why this is unlikely earlier, but I think we should not rule it out in the case of Melanesians because it is well known that the peoples of the Pacific have had intercourse (so to speak) with European seamen for the past several hundred years. But, there is a reason for believing this is indigenous: the hair color is often the only "evidence" of European ancestry one can find in these individuals. Their skin is very dark, they never have light eyes and their facial features are population-typical. Granted, if you had admixture in the past and subsequent random mating you would expect that within a large enough population fragments of European traits would emerge now and then, but the key is that non-black hair is the only "European trait" in evidence. To me the most important point is that blue eyes don't ever seem to show up even though this trait is more common than blonde hair among Europeans.

So let's assume the veracity of this trait. Some of us, who have read our C.S. Coon aren't surprised by non-black hair among the indigenous peoples of the southwest Pacific, the question is, why do we see this trait only here outside of Europe? I don't know, but one pet idea I have is that during Neolithic revolution in Asia a lot of peculiar human variation was wiped out by the demographic wave of advance of Chinese rice farmers. Only in places like Papua New Guinea, Melanesia and Australia have out-of-the-norm appearances remained.

Now, another final question, why are the Aboriginals so damn dark so far south? Julian O'Dea has pointed out that Tasmania is at the latitude of Corsica, so the southern continent isn't that far south, but, Napoleon was a white man. I proposed at one point that deme-to-deme diffusion of alleles from fair skinned northern Eurasian populations couldn't move past the cordon of tropical southeast Asia, and that Australian Aboriginals did not possess the standing genetic variation from which selection could operate, but they had enough variation to exhibit a hair color range.

3. Bushmen DNA Vastly Separated from Each Other!
Complete Khoisan and Bantu genomes
It's striking that two Bushmen are more different from each other than a European and an Asian are.

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