1. Ancient DNA Reveals Lack of
Continuity between Neolithic Hunter-Gatherers and Contemporary Scandinavians
http://www.cell.com/current-biology/ abstract/S0960-9822(09)01694-7
Through analysis of DNA extracted from ancient Scandinavian human remains, we
show that people of the Pitted Ware culture were not the direct ancestors of
modern Scandinavians (including the Saami people of northern Scandinavia) but
are more closely related to contemporary populations of the eastern Baltic
region. Our findings support hypotheses arising from archaeological analyses
that propose a Neolithic or post-Neolithic population replacement in Scandinavia
[7]. Furthermore, our data are consistent with the view that the eastern Baltic
represents a genetic refugia for some of the European hunter-gatherer
2. Ancient DNA
A compilation of DNA haplotypes
extracted from ancient remains
http://www.isogg.org/ancientdna.htm 3. Genetic Affinities Among Populations. Jews Close to Greeks
Fig. 2 shows the results of multidimensional scaling based on Chord genetic
distances. The correlation between the original Chord distance matrix and a
Euclidean distance matrix derived from the two-dimensional plot was very high (r
= 0.971). Sub-Saharan African, North African, and European populations formed
three distinct clusters. The Ashkenazi, Roman, North African, Near Eastern,
Kurdish, and Yemenite Jewish populations formed a fairly compact cluster between
the North African and European groups. This Jewish cluster was interspersed with
the Palestinian and Syrian populations, whereas the other Middle Eastern
non-Jewish populations (Saudi Arabians, Lebanese, and Druze) closely surrounded
it. Of the Jewish populations in this cluster, the Ashkenazim were closest to
South European populations (specifically the Greeks) and also to the Turks. The
Ethiopian Jews were placed close to the non-Jewish Ethiopians. The Lemba were
located roughly halfway between the sub-Saharan African and Jewish clusters.
.....These results indicate that religious affiliation is a better predictor of
the genetic affinity among most Jewish populations in our survey than their
present-day geographic locations.
....Our admixture estimates for the Lemba were consistent with Spurdle and
Jenkins' (24) conclusion that 40% of Lemba Y chromosomes are of sub-Saharan
The Med haplotype, the most frequent haplotype in Jewish communities, was also
common in circum-Mediterranean populations. Its widespread distribution and
relatively recent age suggest high rates of male gene flow around the
Mediterranean and into Europe, possibly via the Neolithic demic diffusion of
farmers (43) and/or more recent migrations of sea-going peoples such as the
Phoenicians (44).
4. Lemba:
Evidence for Partial Jewish Origins?
Several lines of evidence support the hypothesis that Diaspora Jews from Europe,
Northwest Africa, and the Near East resemble each other more closely than they
resemble their non-Jewish neighbors.
From: Vincent Vizachero <vincent@vizachero.com>
Subject: Re: [DNA] Lost Jewish tribe 'found in Zimbabwe'
To: genealogy-dna@rootsweb.com
Hello, Mr. Strawman. Nice to meet you.
The real facts are that the CMH is present in the Lemba at a frequency
far in excess of what is observed in neighboring tribes, but at a
frequency consistent with what is observed in modern Jewish
populations. Thomas et al. never claimed that ALL Lemba have the CMH,
so your "analysis" doesn't really add much to the discussion.
In fact, the Thomas et al. study found that the Lemba have shared
ancestry with non-Jewish African populations (e.g. Bantu), with Jewish
non-African populations (e.g. Ashkenazim and Sephardim), AND with non-
Jewish non-African populations (e.g. Muslim Yemeni).
In short, the DNA is wholly consistent with the Lemba "origin story"
in which a small group of Jewish men from the Near East found there
way to Africa.
No stretching required.
On Mar 7, 2010, at 7:26 AM, Anatole Klyosov wrote:
> Obviously, to call the Lemba haplotypes the "Cohen haplotype" is a
> huge stretch.
From: Vincent Vizachero <vincent@vizachero.com>
Subject: Re: [DNA] Lost Jewish tribe 'found in Zimbabwe'
To: genealogy-dna@rootsweb.com
Did you not read the Thomas paper? The data is in there.
But if you need it spoonfed, CMH was 8.8% of Lemba, 15% of Ashkenazic
Israelites, 10% of Sephardic Israelites, 2% of Yemni, 0% of Sena, and
0% of Bantu.
In the one of the Discovery Channel's videos they show them extracting from
deep inside a femur. Not sure there would be much chance for contamination
...from the study....
These results were repeatedly obtained
with DNA extracted from 2 to 4
different biopsies per mummy; moreover,
they differed from the Y profiles of
the male laboratory staff and were independently
reproduced twice in a second
laboratory physically isolated from
the first, data-generating laboratory.
On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 8:41 AM, Lawrence Mayka wrote:
> The problem is that the haplotype is not just R1b, but clearly R1b1b2.
> Indeed, suspiciously so. Contamination?
> > From: genealogy-dna-bounces@rootsweb.com [mailto:genealogy-dna-
> > bounces@rootsweb.com] On Behalf Of Al Aburto
> > R1b is found in North Africa isn't it? The frequency is just very low
From: "Elizabeth O'Donoghue"
Subject: Re: [DNA] King Tutankhamun's Y-DNA - Eureka!
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2010 15:39:22 -0000
I cannot at the moment recall where I found a map online of R1b1b2 diversity
(though I'm sure one of you included the link in a post), but it indicated
the area along the Mediterranean from Turkey and around the coast to and
including Egypt as the most diverse/oldest.
From: SVass
Subject: Re: [DNA] King Tutankhamun's Y-DNA - Eureka!
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2010 11:00:50 -0800
I am merely making an observation and not entering into any discussion.
Sample 115 from Beit Jaan of The Druze: A Population Genetic Refugium of the
Near East by Behar, Skorecki, Hammer, et alii, May 2008 at PLOS One differs by
one with a 15 at DYS437 from the presumed Tut values. Sam Vass
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