Brit-Am Anthropology and DNA Update
9 March 2011, 3 Adar-Sheni 5771
1. Answer to Dr. Jonathan
Caro Re Wikipedia and Israelite DNA.
2. The Origins of R1b are From the Area of Ancient Israel!
3. Present-Day Hungarians Mainly Descended from Newcomers!
Historical Ethnic Changes in the Populations of European Nations.

Comparison of lactase persistence polymorphism in ancient and present-day Hungarian populations
Dora Nagy et al.


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1. Answer to Dr. Jonathan Caro Re Wikipedia and Israelite DNA.

RE: Brit-Am Now no. 1660
#5. Some Points of Interest. Wikipedia Article on British Israelism

Dear Mr. Davidey,
Lack of consistency with modern genetic findings

The Wikipedia entry said:
Human genetics does not support British Israelism's notion of a close lineal link between Jews and Western Europeans. Genetic research on the Y-chromosomes of Jews has found that Jews are closely related to other populations originating in the Middle East, such as Kurds, Turks, Armenians and Arabs, and concluded that:

# Middle Eastern populations...are closely related and...their Y chromosome pool is distinct from that of Europeans.  # (
Nebel, 2001.)[168]

 "Y-DNA Haplogroups J2 and, to a lesser extent, J1 are most commonly identified in Jewish people, which is in contrast to Western Europeans. The more distant Haplogroup R1b is the most commonly identified in Europeans.[179][180][181][182]"

What is your best guess regarding this discrepancy and its challenge to the Britam notion of the continuity of these populations? Could it be that the Ten Tribes were more genetically distinct from their Benjaminite/Judahite brethren than is generally assumed or that during the Ten Tribe diaspora there was such extensive assimilation that the discrepancy of haplogroups can't be reconciled? Alternatively, were early Ten Tribe migrants to Western Europe more or less restricted to subsets of this population movement, perhaps restricted to the Celtic and later so-called Barbarian ruling classes, who came to superimpose themselves upon a distinct native populace?
Dr. Jonathan Caro

Brit-Am Reply:
First let us consider what was written in the Wikipedia article and its relaibility.
Jews are more closely related from a DNA perspective to Kurds, Turks, and Armenians, and more distantly to Arabs.
The closeness is reflected more in the relative proportions of different types of assumedly different ancestries.
It is being assumed that ALL these different groups had the same relative proportions of different ancestors, i.e. they are all mixed but with the same relative proportion of ingredients!
This to our mind is a result of the Jews having been in the Land of Israel until 2000 years and having been subject to the same environmental influences as Kurds, Turks, and Armenians. DNA reflects environmental influence at key points in time after which the it is "fixed" and transmitted by heredity.
The Arabs were also in the area but more distant and also have been more influenced by an influx of foreigners.

Concerning the Jews:
(b)   Brit-Am Alternate Belief in the Light of DNA with Acceptance of Conventional DNA Dogma.
(1) From the Jewish Side.

Ashkenazi Jews have about 20%  J1 and ca. 23% J2.
Sephardic Jews have about 12% J1 and ca. 29% J2.

This is only 30 to 40 % of the Jews with J1 and J2.

Jewish Cohens have about 40% J1 and 40% J2, i.e. ca. 80% of J. About half the J1 and half the J2 of Cohens have the Cohen Modal Haplogroup (CMH) often referred to as the "Cohen" gene. Since the CMH occurs in both J1 and J2 then either the CMH is due to environmental influence OR the difference between J1 and J2 is environmental!
OR the CMH precedes the differentiating of J1 from J2 but only comes to expression when triggered by another factor.
The CMH is also found amongst numerous other peoples.
We would say CMH is triggered by environment in conjunction with heredity. The Cohens have a mutual ancestry. This makes their heredited inherent dispositions similar to each other. They therefore respond to environment influences in similar ways. In other words CMH is a function of heredity that comes to expression due to environment.

We have compared Y DNA of Jews to that of Western Europeans recently.
(b)   Brit-Am Alternate Belief in the Light of DNA with Acceptance of Conventional DNA Dogma.
(2) From the Brit-Am Ten Tribes Aspect.

In Africa the DNA typical difference between one village and that besides is has been described as greater than that found in all Europe.
Heat means more mutations. Mutations mean loss of information.
The hotter it becomes the simpler the YDNA becomes i.e. the more information has been lost.
The difference between the YDNA of northern Europe and that of equatorial Africa is that the YDNA of Africa is less complex i.e. it has less infiormation.
It has already been admitted that female-transmitted mtDNA typology is determined by the environment.
Soon or later we think the same will be said for YDNA.
Remember you heard it first on a Brit-Am forum, probably long before anyone else publicly announced it!

2. The Origins of R1b are From the Area of Ancient Israel!
The Origins of R1b
R1b originated in Levant (Lebanon and Israel), spread to Anatolia (Turkey), then to southern Russia (Sea of Azov), then to western Europe.


R1b1b2 (M269) ...appears to be the first R1b subclade to enter Europe. Although the highest densities of R1b1b2 and subclades today are in north west Europe (which initially led to the idea that it spread from Iberia), its highest diversity is in Asia Minor and the Caucasus. ....Equally telling is the fact that predecessor and brother haplogroups appear in western Asia. Subsequent mutations further down the line produced two huge sub-clades with clusters of offspring mutations - the sign of a population in rapid growth and spread. ...carriers of R1b1b2+ share with carriers of R1a1a a high level of lactose tolerance, which appears to have arisen with dairy farming, rather than in the earliest farmers. In fact the type common in Europe most probably arose on the Pontic [North of the Black Sea]-Caspian [Caspian Sea area] steppe....
Judging by the end results, the Volga-Ural region, whence sprang the Afanasievo and Andronovo Cultures, was strong in R1a1a, while the region around the Sea of Azov was strong in R1b1b2....earlier forms of R1b appear in the Levant...

3. Present-Day Hungarians Mainly Descended from Newcomers!
Historical Ethnic Changes in the Populations of European Nations.

Comparison of lactase persistence polymorphism in ancient and present-day Hungarian populations
Dora Nagy et al.

Relevance to Brit-Am:

The inhabitants of different nations in Europe have changed. In some places newcomers have moved in and replaced the original locals.
In not every case have these permutations been historically recorded or at least they are not popularly known of.
There is also the effect of Genetic Drift in which a population changes due to certain groups having more children than others.
This processes are pertinent to Brit-Am Studies.
The case of Hungary may be symptomatic of many other parts of Europe.

See Also:
"Brit-Am Now"-537
#1. Brit-AM Claims Justified by New Studies: Changes in "ancient genetic patterns."
re Changes in the Netherlands.
# We show that, in a given location, the descendants of those individuals who inhabited the area at the time of origin of surnames can be as low as approximately 20%. #

Comparison of lactase persistence polymorphism in ancient and present-day Hungarian populations
Dora Nagy et al.
My guess is that these 10th-11th century Hungarians comprised, in accordance to what physical anthropology suggests, a mix of Mongoloid and Caucasoid types of eastern origin, both of which are expected to be low on LP, while present-day Hungarians are largely descended from pre- and post-Hungarian Central European Caucasoids who possessed the regular (for central Europeans) high LP frequency.

My guess is that these 10th-11th century Hungarians comprised, in accordance to what physical anthropology suggests, a mix of Mongoloid and Caucasoid types of eastern origin, both of which are expected to be low on LP, while present-day Hungarians are largely descended from pre- and post-Hungarian Central European Caucasoids who possessed the regular (for central Europeans) high LP frequency.


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