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Brit-Am Anthropology and DNA Update.

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Ten out of the Twelve Tribes of Israel were exiled and lost their identity. Their descendants are now to be found amongst Western Peoples. This is proven from the Bible, Talmud, and Rabbinical Sources as well as from Secular Studies in Ancient History, Archaeology, Mythology, Linguistics, and related fields. It would be expected that DNA studies also reflect ancestral links between the Gentile (in the religious sense) Peoples in question and their Jewish kinfolk. DNA should also show that the Israelite Nations of Judah and the Ten Tribes may be traced back to the Middle East Area of Ancient Israel. In the notes, comments, and articles listed below we give an inkling of the issues involved and the complexity of the subject. DNA (especially mtDNA) is determined by a combination of both environment and heredity. To what proportion of either determinant may characteristics at a particular stage be attributed is not known. Nevertheless, even relying only on what has been published and accepting conventional explanations, valid ancestral links between the Israelite Nations and the area of Ancient Israel may be shown to exist. This in itself may not proof anything but it does add to the general plausibility of what Brit-Am believes in.

Brit-Am Anthropology and DNA Update
12 JUne 2011, 10 Sivan 5771
1. Letter from
Yair Davidiy re 
(1) R1b-M222 (Neil northwest Ireland group)
(2) Virtual non-Existence of R1b in Ancient Europe!
2. Ancient DNA from European Early Neolithic Farmers Reveals Their Near Eastern Affinities.
3. Whites replacing blacks as the primary victims of racial discrimination in USA!
Archaeogeneticists track steppe migrants to west Europe.
5. mtDNA Article Improved and Updated.
mtDNA. Haplogroup mtDNA and Brit-Am Israelite Identifications.
6. National Character Does Not Reflect Mean Personality Trait Levels in 49 Cultures.
7. Ancient West Eurasian DNA Findings Listed.


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1. Letter from Yair Davidiy re 
(1) R1b-M222 (Neil Northwest Ireland group)

This may have been mentioned before.
The extract below suggests that R-M222 arrived in Ireland with La Tene Culture (ca. 300 BCE?).
This I guess would fit in with the oft quoted opinion of O'Rahilly that they were Belgae from Gaul.
See the quotes below and after that a perhaps related query.

## Celtic tribes of the British Isles

##  La Tene Culture

##  The Y-DNA haplogroup R1b-M222 is found in Northern Ireland, Lowland Scotland and Northern England and may reflect the arrival of La Tene in Ireland (see Surnames and Y-DNA). The swirling La T ne style continued to develop in Ireland after the Continental heartlands of La Tene and most of Britain were absorbed into the Roman sphere. As Ireland emerged from its centuries-long, climate-induced depression and embraced Christianity, the La Tene style blossomed in such masterpieces as the Book of Kells. ....

##  Surnames and Y-DNA

##  Both Y-DNA and surnames are handed down from father to son, so could links be found? Early attempts at this approach were perhaps over-hasty in their conclusions. The Y-DNA
haplogroup R1b-M222 was initially thought to mark the descendants of Niall of the Nine Hostages. It is carried by nearly 20% of the men in Donegal today. In early historic times this was the territory of the northern U' N ill, presumed descendants of the fabled 5th-century warlord. R1b-M222 is particularly common among those with some U' N ill surnames, such as O'Doherty, though not most of the O'Neills themselves. It also appears among the Connachta, supposed descendants of the brothers of Niall. However its concentration among Lowland Scots (rather than in Gaelic Argyll) and northern English suggests that it is centuries older than Niall.

## So it is more likely to be a La
Tene marker, present among the people of north-western Ireland long before the Uu N ill established their dominance there, unrelated to the Uu N ill elite.

[ Of interest is correspondence between Jerry Kelly and John Lochlan:
jerrykelly writes:

....Da/l Chuinn isn't on Ptolemy's map, but the Da/l  Chuinn are a branch of another people called the Fe/ini.  Earlier  spellings - Fe/ni, Fe/ne, etc.   The etymological affinity of  the name "Fe/ni" to the name of the Veneti, the tragic Gaulish tribe of  Armorica, has long attracted attention.

....we find in 8th century documents that a  distinction was made between the original Fe/ini and all the other  Fe/ini-come-latelies. It
appears that the original Fe/ini, as far as we can  tell from the earliest tales and law-texts, consisted solely of the Da/l  Chuinn, i.e., the Connachta and the Ui/ Ne/ill.

The Vennicni sojourn on the west coast, and then, in order, the  Rhobogdi towards the east....You also have a  similar name in lowland Scotland (Venicones).   I'm open to the idea  that the Dal Cuinn had an earlier tribal name in Ireland.  Although it  is possible to see the root Conn in the Venicone tribal name. Perhaps even in  Venicnii if the name was corrupted.

(2) Virtual non-Existence of R1b in Ancient Europe!
On a perhaps related track where did La Tene come from?
In the URL below is a listing of all ancient European YDNA heretofore.

R1b is almost non-existant!

There is an instance (2 samples?) from the
Lichtenstein Cave in Germany from ca. 1000 BCE.

Apart from that there plenty of G2as and I2a,
some R1a (in Germany, Russia, and China) but no R1b!

We then get 19 samples from the Basque area of Spain dated 500-700 CE.

Then another 4 (?) "Merovingian" (?) sample from Ergolding, Germany 670 CE.

Ancient Western Eurasian DNA

2. Ancient DNA from European Early Neolithic Farmers Reveals Their Near Eastern Affinities

The first farmers from Central Europe reveal a genetic affinity to modern-day populations from the Near East and Anatolia, which suggests a significant demographic input from this area during the early Neolithic.

3. Whites replacing blacks as the primary victims of racial discrimination in USA!

Perceptions of reverse racism on the increase
From the press release:
Whites believe that they are replacing blacks as the primary victims of racial discrimination in contemporary America, according to a new study from researchers at Tufts University's School of Arts and Sciences and Harvard Business School. The findings, say the authors, show that America has not achieved the "post-racial" society that some predicted in the wake of Barack Obama's election.
Both whites and blacks agree that anti-black racism has decreased over the last 60 years, according to the study. However, whites believe that anti-white racism has increased and is now a bigger problem than anti-black racism.

Perspectives on Psychological Science May 18, 2011 vol. 6 no. 3 215-218
Whites See Racism as a Zero-Sum Game That They Are Now Losing
Michael I. Norton and Samuel R. Sommers.

4. Archaeogeneticists track steppe migrants to west Europe.


21 April 2011

Posted by Jean M 
The Mainz archaeogenetic team of Barbara Bramanti and Joachim Burger broke the news to a startled world in September 2009 that farming had arrived in Europe with farmers from the Near East. Their study of ancient mtDNA in Mesolithic and Neolithic people of Northern Europe revealed that the two populations were unrelated.[1]

What puzzled them was that the Mesolithic and Neolithic mtDNA haplogroups did not add up to the pattern in Modern Europeans. They coined the phase "factor X" for the missing ingredient. They hazarded a guess that perhaps there was an input from a later migration, but couldn't think where that could have come from.

No wonder! Western archaeology had been in the grip of anti-migrationists for decades. The exceptions were those aligned with Colin Renfrew and Peter Bellwood, who fought the tide to argue strongly for farming being spread by migration (demic diffusion) rather than purely cultural diffusion. So at least that idea was floating around the archaeological literature. The concept of later migration had sunk almost without trace. Even the strongest proponents of the theory that Indo-European languages spread from the European steppe in the Copper Age did not dare to suggest that this was by mass migration.

Yet geneticists had noted the correlation of Y-DNA R1a1a and Indo-European speakers at the end of the 20th century. Subsequently the trail eastwards of R1a1a across the steppe was tracked in ancient DNA. It was left to Richard Stevens, administrator of the Family Tree DNA R1b-L21 project to point out that R1b1b2 looked like the western half of the same story. I supported his vision in the first draft of the Peopling of Europe in March 2009.

Only two years later the Mainz archaeogenetic team have come to the same conclusion. Or at least they are prepared to admit that they are investigating the idea that mysterious "Factor X" could be a migration from the steppe.[2] They are pursuing a two-pronged attack on the problem. Archaeologists have taken tooth and bone samples of 250 skeletons from graves between Kazakhstan and Hungary. Partners at the University of Bristol are measuring the strontium isotopes in the samples, while researchers at the University of Oxford analyze the isotopes of carbon and nitrogen. Samples also went to the Joachim Burger in Mainz for his team to extract the DNA of the Yamnaya remains. The bad news is that the results of their study won't be available until 2012 at the earliest.

One early result is revealed in the press coverage. Several skeletons from kurgans (burial mounds typical of steppe people) east of the Tisza in Hungary, have strontium isotope distribution in their teeth which does not match that of the area in which they were buried, so they seem to be immigrants from far away.

21 April 2011 - 17:52 PM
If I well understand the paleolithic were replaced by the neolithic and the neolithic by the "Indo Europeans" the famous Gimbutas 's "steppe peoples" during the cooper age ? This is what you are supporting Jean ? The problem with some DNA studies is that each morning there is a new paper who is contradicting the last one there is may be a competition between these searches ? To myself I support Dienekes 's ideas who is saying that R1b1b2 has not many things to do with the earlier Indo Europeans who were much more closely to the "Indo Aryans" as the lost preserved Kalash tribe in Pakistan or as well : the most common Eurasian Y DNA found among the Upper Brahman caste of India . This is what I think with a fully respect of your opinion .

5. mtDNA Article Improved and Updated.
Haplogroup mtDNA and Brit-Am Israelite Identifications.

1. General Introduction
2. British mtDNA
3. Jewish mtDNA
(i) Ashkenazi mtDNA
The AMOVA phenomenon
(ii) Ashkenazi Compared with General European?
4. mtDNA of Afro-Americans
5. Finnish mtDNA haplogroups
6. European mtDNA Patterns?
7. Interim Conclusion.

Haplogroup mtDNA and Brit-Am Israelite Identifications. Ten out of the Twelve Tribes of Israel were exiled and lost their identity.
Their descendants are now to be found amongst Western Peoples. This is proven from the Bible, Talmud,
and Rabbinical Sources as well as from Secular Studies in Ancient History, Archaeology, Mythology,
Linguistics, and related fields. It would be expected that DNA studies also reflect ancestral links between the Gentile
 (in the religious sense) Peoples in question and their Jewish kinfolk. DNA should also show that the Israelite Nations
of Judah and the Ten Tribes may be traced back to the Middle East Area of Ancient Israel.
In the article below we give an inkling of the issues involved and the complexity of the subject.
DNA (especially mtDNA) is determined by a combination of both environment and heredity. To what proportion of either
determinant may characteristics at a particular stage be attributed is not known.
Nevertheless, even relying only on what has been published and accepting conventional explanations, valid
ancestral links between the Israelite Nations and the area of Ancient Israel may be shown to exist.
This in itself may not proof anything but it does add to the general plausibility of what Brit-Am believes in.

Concerning West European peoples mtDNA findings as conventionally understood are not inconsistent with Israelite Origins to a significant degree. In some cases direct descent of part of the peoples in question from the general area of Ancient Israel is the most logical conclusion that would need to be drawn if the present date is accepted as valid.

6. National Character Does Not Reflect Mean Personality Trait Levels in 49 Cultures

7. Ancient West Eurasian DNA Findings Listed


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