Brit-Am Considerations
Ephraimite Forum-4
Date: 26 Sivan 5767, 12 June 2007
1.Jewish Genealogy
2.Interesting Quotations from Thomas Jefferson
3.Richard Griffin: Want to help
Start by making your own coffee
From: Craig Blackwood <cablack@westnet.com.au>
Subject: Avotaynu Guide to Jewish Genealogy
Quotations from Thomas Jefferson
An association of men who will not quarrel with one another is a thing which
has never yet existed, from the greatest confederacy of nations down to a town
meeting or a vestry.
Thomas Jefferson
An enemy generally says and believes what he wishes.
Thomas Jefferson
Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure
reliance for the preservation of our liberty.
Thomas Jefferson
He who knows best knows how little he knows.
Thomas Jefferson
He who knows nothing is closer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with
falsehoods and errors.
Thomas Jefferson
Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.
Thomas Jefferson
Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.
Thomas Jefferson
Leave all the afternoon for exercise and recreation, which are as necessary as
reading. I will rather say more necessary because health is worth more than
Thomas Jefferson
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
Thomas Jefferson
Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool
and unruffled under all circumstances.
Thomas Jefferson
Nothing is unchangeable but the inherent and unalienable rights of man.
Thomas Jefferson
One man with courage is a majority.
Thomas Jefferson
Whenever you do a thing, act as if all the world were watching.
Thomas Jefferson
Griffin: Want to help BritAm?
Start by making your own coffee
Previous generations understood God's advice contained in Proverbs that a
little bit of money here and there adds up quickly in terms of our personal
wealth. So too a little bit of money saved here and there can free up money we
might not otherwise have to help God's work and other worthy causes. I typically
spend 2 to 3 dollars a day buying coffee. I am now making my own at work and I
am going to offer that money to BritAm. I suggest all of you do the same.
Dr. Griffith
Want to get rich? Start by making your own coffee
Russ Wiles
The Arizona Republic
Jun. 10, 2007 10:04 PM
The road to riches, like a long journey, begins with that first step. Most
Americans aren't born with seven-digit net worths, but many get there by putting
their money to work for them, one dollar at a time.
Saving anything can seem daunting to people living paycheck to paycheck. But if
you earn income, you have a chance to put some of it away by reducing expenses.
Almost everyone could take their savings to a higher level. If you're among the
35 percent of workers counting less than $10,000 in savings and investments,
it's time to get serious. Here are a few ways to start:
? Pay off your credit cards.
It's easy to dig a hole through reckless card use, and you'll stay bogged down
if you don't pare your balance. Suppose you pay only a 3 percent minimum each
month on a $3,000 balance with a 13 percent rate. At that pace, you would need
13 years to pay it all off while incurring $1,590 in interest. Run numbers at
www.bankrate.com/brm/calc/min payment.asp.
? Make your own coffee.
All those high-priced lattes add up. If you could save $4 by forsaking just one
cup of designer coffee each day, you'd save $1,460 a year. Run numbers at
www.hughchou.org/ calc/coffee.cgi.
? Adjust the thermostat.
For many Arizonans, utility costs rank among the highest bills, especially in
summer. Shave them by adjusting your thermostat, installing low-energy bulbs,
planting shade trees and more. Read tips from Salt River Project at
www.srpnet.com/ menu/energy.aspx.
? Eat out less often. As with coffee, you can save cash by purchasing fewer
meals out. If you cut $4 a day by packing lunches five days a week, that's
$1,000 or so over a year. Calculate your savings at
www.hugh chou.org/calc/lunch.cgi.
? Downsize your auto. Cars are expensive in many ways - purchase price,
gasoline, insurance, registration, repairs and more. One way to minimize that is
with less-costly models.
For example, taking out a $12,500 auto loan rather than a $25,000 one will help
you save more than the $12,500 difference. You'll also avoid $1,868 in interest
(on a 48-month loan with a 7 percent rate), plus higher registration and
insurance. Visit
www.bankrate.com/brm/ auto-loan-calcula tor.asp.
? Entertain yourself.
Movie tickets, drinks and popcorn for two can approach $30. Shave $20 by renting
a movie and watching at home. Trim costs further by borrowing a video at the
library. Cutting entertainment by $20 a month frees $240 over a year.
Put money to good use
So you've saved up a lot of extra cash by cutting expenses. That's a good start.
But now you need to invest it wisely.
Once you start building up cash, create an account for emergencies. Money-market
mutual funds and certain bank vehicles are suitable for this.
Longer-term, workplace 401(k) plans and other retirement accounts offer a mix of
tax and other incentives.
Young adults have golden opportunities to maximize wealth over time. A
25-year-old starting from scratch can reach $500,000 at age 65 by investing $424
a month and earning 4 percent above inflation. Someone who waits until 45 to
start must sock away $1,364 a month to reach the same goal.
See Vanguard's "determine how much to save" calculator at
https://flagship .vanguard.
com/VGApp/hnw/planning education/retirement.
Ephraimite Forum-3
Date: 24 Sivan 5767, 10 June 2007
and the Jews
2. Shakespeare and the Jews
3. Prof. Paul Eidelberg:
The Hidden Cause of the Arab War Against Israel
[followed by
Brit-Am Refutation]
and the Jews
2. Shakespeare and the Jews
by David Basch
Humor: Was Shakespeare Jewish?
by David Verveer
The one-man play "Shylock" by Gareth Armstrong
3. Prof. Paul
The Hidden Cause of the Arab War Against Israel
[followed by Brit-Am Refutation]
From: eidelberg@foundation1.org
Subject: The Hidden Cause
The Hidden Cause of the Arab War Against Israel
By Prof. Paul Eidelberg
Why Arabs want to destroy Israel receives only superficial commentary by
students of the Arab-Israel War.
Most say the Arabs want to destroy Israel because it is a Jewish state. Notice,
however, that the state's political elites are only nominally Jewish. In fact,
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Deputy Prime Minister Shimon Peres, Foreign Minister
Tsippi Livni, Defense Minister Amir Peretz, and Education Minister Yuli Tamir
want to transform Israel into a multicultural society like Sweden, whose
political elites have erased their own people's history and culture.
Others say that the Arabs want to wipe Israel off the map of the Middle East
because it is a democracy that threatens, by its example, the autocratic power
structure of the Arab-Islamic world. And yet, despite the veneer of
democracy--periodic multiparty elections--such is the concentration of power in
Israel's (prime ministerial) government, on the one hand, and such is the
impotence of its legislature on the other, that Israel should be classified as
an oligarchy. Indeed, since the government owns or controls almost 90 percent
of the country's assets, Israel may rightly be called a corporate state.
Still other commentators say that the Arabs want to annihilate Israel because
Islam is a militant and expansionist religion. This is indubitably true. But
the question remains: What is there about Israel that the Arabs most detest or
fear if it is not, strictly speaking, a Jewish as well as democratic state?
Could it be the state's secular character, its having ever been dominated by
secularists? Consider what two Arab commentators say.
One writes: "The propagandists of secularism, who leave out of account the
religious factor in the Palestine problem, ignore the fact that this is the only
bone of contention in the world which has persisted for thirty centuries."
Another Arab spokesman declares: "Apart from the political conflict, there is a
basic philosophical and spiritual incompatibility between the two contending
nationalisms. Even if all political disputes were to be resolved, the two
movements, Zionism and Arab Nationalism, would remain, spiritually and
ideologically, worlds apart--living in separate 'universes of discourse' which
are incapable of communication or meaningful dialogue."
Notice that neither of these Arab spokesmen regards territory or geographical
boundaries as a decisive issue in the Arab animosity toward Israel. Which means
that Israel's policy of "territory for peace" is doomed to fail, indeed, is
leading to Israel?s territorial dismemberment. Territorial nationalism, however,
is the paramount principle of secular Zionism. This being the case, the "peace
process" signifies the end of secular Zionism, the ideology of the Likud party!
What is crucial here, however, is not the noun "Zionism," but the adjective
?secular.? From the Arab point of view, Israeli secularism is the greatest
threat to Arab-Islamic civilization, as may learn from Moslem scholars such
Harvard-educated professor Seyyed Hossein Nasr.
To be sure, Arabs murdered religious Jews even before the establishment of the
secular state of Israel. But anti-Zionism was the principal motive of such
murders, and the Zionist movement was dominated by secularists--even
self-professed atheists like David Ben-Gurion.
In short, Arab hostility toward Israel is primarily motivated by the fact that
Israel is ruled by irreligious Jews, above all by those of the political Left..
In other words, the hidden cause of the war being waged against the Jews is
Jewish rejection of the God of Israel.
This conclusion accords with basic Jewish sources as well as with
Jewish history. When Jews turn away from God, God turns away from Jews. Stated
another way, when Israel fails to exalt God?s name, God will use various
instruments, be it the United Nations or the Arabs, to condemn and humiliate
This underlying dynamic of Jewish history is obscured by the very
brilliance of well-intended critics of the ?peace process??which is why they
have had no discernible impact on the obviously irrational and suicidal behavior
of Israel's government. The same critics would accomplish infinitely more if
they would but recognize that the irrational and suicidal nature of the ?peace
process? is a consequence of the godless character of Israel's government. They
would then see that Arab despots are merely instruments of Divine Providence.
The Arabs are simply facilitating the demise of a secular state, a precondition
of Israel's spiritual redemption.
Brit-Am Refutation
to above article.
It is true that in the past some Moslem theologians have used the religious
factor (or lack of it) amongst secular Zionists in their arguments.
This sentiment can also be found amongst the Moslem "Man in the Street"
Arabs are often religious to a degree. Their religious concepts can be divided
into three basic categories:
a. A superstitious pagan sort of distant appreciation of cause and effect, good
and bad luck, fate, etc.
Secular Jews especially immodestly dressed women and women in assertive public
positions can upset the Arab sense of propriety and threaten their inner world.
b. Classical Moslem "Arabian" orthodox type.
This will tolerate the Jew to a limited degree as long as the Jew maintains an
inferior status and allows himself to be periodically oppressed which oppression includes
beatings, rape, abduction of women and children,along with occasional murder with life varying from barely tolerable to a living
On top of all this under an Islamic regime they will perpetually have the threat of a capricious annihilation hovering over their heads.
Welcome to Islamistan!
c. General Monotheism that finds expression through Islam.
Arabs quarrel with each other and oppress one another.
An Arab who is disaffected with his peers may come to consider them basically
"wicked" while finding the Jews relatively speaking to be "righteous".
Arabs often have or can come to quickly acquire a healthy "fear of God".
This can come into play at times of disaffection or after military defeats or even as a result of vigorous law enforcement measures.
The more religious the Jews are or seem to be the more these potentialities
amongst Arabs can work for the Jewish good.
The three above categories intermerge and overlap in the Arab character.
The first two are usually dominant while the third may assert itself after
traumatic experience.
The third category "Fear of God" is the only viable option that Jews should look
In order to get along with the Arabs the Jews should therefore be prepared to
thoroughly beat the Arabs while themselves living a God-fearing existence.
Being "religious" in itself is not a solution.
Ephraimite Forum-2
1. Steven
The Double Standards of the BBC
2. Brit-Am Reply to Question on Meat and Milk.
3. Other Peoples: Canaan, Ghana, Uganda
1. Steven
The Double Standards of the BBC
From: steven maney <stevie.maney@hotmail.co.uk>
Subject: little britain
Dear Sirs,
I read about the guy who wouldn't lecture in the UK because of the attitude in
the media and universities.
I would like to say that I agree with him and wonder if this is a direct result
of darkness hating the light?
For instance, while on an open university course, I was amazed to see how
'freedom of speech' was allowed when it came to criticising fat people,
religious groups, men and poor people. BUT, no one was allowed to say ANYTHING
critical about homosexuals.
Homosexuals have penetrated all levels of the BBC, government and higher
education, and as a result, they are defended in cases where others would have
been sacked or worse.
Could you imagine the police 'dropping the case' if a heterosexual person had
been caught with a dead woman in their pool after a drug fuelled party,
comparing the Michael Barrymore/ Lubbock case?
And what about Graham Norton, who is currently hosting the 'Joseph Choir Search'
- looking for children to audition for the Andrew Lloyd Weber musical- what if
he had been 'religious'? What would the BBC have done when he said, on air, that
drugs were 'OK'? Would he have been allowed to work with children?
The BBC is also currently suppressing a report about its anti-Israel bias, so I
would say the lecturer was right not to come and hopefully his stance will raise
serious questions about where this bias is coming from.
Kind Regards
Stevie Maney
2. Brit-Am Reply
to Question on Meat and Milk:
(PS: Thanks for your earlier reply, but I noticed you used the milk & meat
kosher example- didn't Abraham give the 'Lord' meat and curds with bread?)
We are not about to get into a debate on this matter since that would take us
too far beyond the field we have to concentrate upon.
You are referring to our notes on the Brit-Am Answers to Queries on Judaism entry
Q. 3. Are
Rabbinical Explanations derived from the Bible?
If so, can you give an example?
Meat and Milk
You are also correct concerning Abraham.
Some explain this verse as first milk products and after that meat ones which is
However even if we assume that they really did eat meat and milk together this was before the beginning of the Torah.
Before the Torah was given through Moses the Patriarchs may have kept many of
the laws but it was in a different format.
For example:
Jacob married two sisters which under the Law of Moses would have been
Under the Law of Moses levirate marriage takes place when one brother dies
without children one of the surviving brothers has to either marry the widow or formally
release her (Deuteronomy 25:5). This only applies to the brothers.
Before the Giving of the Torah a similar practice existed but it could be carried out by any member of the family
and therefore in the case of Tamar either of the sons of Judah was eligible and
so was Judah (Genesis 38).
A remnant of the earlier custom still remained (though not legally binding) even after the giving of the Law and so Ruth had to be "redeemed" by marrying
one of the surviving kin of her deceased husband (Ruth 4:5 ).
3. Other
Peoples: Canaan, Ghana, Uganda
The following message was first seen at
[X-Sender: awendawn@yahoo.com
To: epigraphy@yahoogroups.com]
but has since been also available from other groups.
It is included here out of curiosity
Canaanites And the Inca Connection
East African (Nairobi)
5 June 2007
Posted to the web 5 June 2007
Philip Ochieng
WHY IS ENKAI, THE Creator god of the Maasai, almost the same as
Enki, who created the Sumerians, as well as Enoch, the Canaanite hero who
stormed heaven, and Inca, the divine chief of the ancient Andeans?
Is it accidental that if you reverse the syllables of those names -
a word-game which ancient societies played all the time - you get
Ka'in of the Sumerians, Kainan of the Canaanites, Cain of Genesis and Chanes
of Mesoamerica?
Thus, although Genesis informs us that Cain was Enoch's father, a
scruple crosses the mind. For the book cannot make up its mind
which one of them was the first city-builder. It says that Cain gave his city
the name Enoch. But both words mean exactly the same thing - "founder,"
"settler," "city builder." It is thus certain that Cain is Enoch.
What the Maasai share with the Canaanites, Sumerians and the
autochthons of Central America is their Nilotic root.
And, as is now well known, Genesis is drawn entirely from Israel-
Judah's bondage in Egypt and Sumeria (Babylon) and, between them,
the religious subservience in Canaan called "idolatry."
All the ancient Nilotes worshipped the creator goddess Maat (known
also as Isis and a thousand other names). As the goddess of love and
justice, her counterpart in Orphic mysticism was the mysterious Eros, known
to the Vedic Indians as Kama and to the Romans as Cupid.
By the time we meet this deity in literature, however, she is
entirely male because, by that time, the whole matriarchal world of the
Hamites has been overrun by Semito-Aryan patriarchy and all institutions of
the goddess have been handed over to a new male supremo - for instance,
Zeus on Olympus.
Ptah-hotep, the Coptic guru, defined Maat as the truth, justice and
righteousness. For she it was who could transform a human individual
into a geru-maa, self-disciplined and virtuous. A geru-maa was
likened to a tree growing in fertile ground, offering pleasant shade and
yieding succulent fruit.
This is extraordinary information. In ancient Hamitic languages -
as we saw in an earlier piece - you removed "at" from a noun to
masculinise it. If you masculinised Maat, you got Maa.
MAAT HAD BEEN THE supreme goddess ever since she created herself
and the universe. Now, under patriarchy, the need arose for the supreme
divine office to go to a male god. It was thus that Maat became Maa.
If, for its part, the geru in geru-maa is cognate with the Hindu-
Sikh guru (the supreme teacher), then geru-maa can be translated
as "Teacher of Righteousness." This is engrossing. For Genesis identifies the
"Teacher of Righteousness" with the Canaanite priest- king
Melchizedek of pre-Israelite Jerusalem.
The Maasai are likely to have come from around Napata and Meroe, the
seat of a celebrated Nilotic state where, at Nag Hammadi, ancient
gospels have recently been discovered which connects the authors
with the Melchizedekian order to which Jesus belonged.
All this may indicate why the worshippers of Enkai called themselves
Maasai. Cynthia Salvadori translates the word Maasai as "people of
Maa speech." But that begs the question: What exactly is "Maa speech?"
An answer that suggests itself is that Maa is another name for Enkai.
Moreover, if Enkai is cognate with the Sumerian Enki, the Canaanite
Enoch, Genesis's Cain, the Andean Inca, the Mexican Chanes, to this
list we can add the ancient Western African kingdom of Ghana and, in
modern Ghana, the Akan.
Robert Graves in The Greek Myths and Robert Temple in The Sirius
Mystery report that Canaan is only a Hebrew corruption of Aganor - the
Ugandan who became the eponymous father of the Canaanites - a name which
closely resembles Ghana.
They and Cheik Anta Diop - the great Senegalese archaeo-historian -
demonstrate a direct cultural, mythological, linguistic and blood
link between Cush, Egypt, Crete, Arcadia, Thessaly, Armenia, Lemnos,
Canaan, Garamantia (ancient Libya), Dogon, Bambara, Wolof and Akan.
East Africa
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