Ephraimite Forum Contents
News and Views from Ephraimites beyond Specific Brit-Am Interests

Ephraimite Forum
Ephraimite Forum ARCHIVES
"Ephraimite Forum"-1
1. Arabs Always Wished to Destroy Israel
2. Modern Japan
3. Chicken Bones Suggest Polynesians Found Americas Before Columbus
4. Archaeology: Roman Mining of Lead in Britain
5. The Six Day War:
When America's Guarantees Could not be located
"Ephraimite Forum"-2
1. Steven Maney: The Double Standards of the BBC
2. Brit-Am Reply to Question on Meat and Milk.
3. Other Peoples: Canaan, Ghana, Uganda
"Ephraimite Forum"-3
1. Tolkien and the Jews
2. Shakespeare and the Jews
3. Prof. Paul Eidelberg: The Hidden Cause of the Arab War Against Israel
[followed by Brit-Am Refutation]
"Ephraimite Forum"-4
1.Jewish Genealogy
2.Interesting Quotations from Thomas Jefferson
3.Richard Griffin: Want to help BritAm?
Start by making your own coffee
"Ephraimite Forum"-5
1. Opinion: David Tempelhoff: Bibi Netanyahu Echoes Patton
2. DNA and Linguistics: Is Your Tongue in Your Genes?
3. Biblical Actuality: The Biblical Green Card?
by Rabbi Aryeh Spero
"Ephraimite Forum"-6
1. The Problem of Having Fallen Victim to Evil
2. e-mail address for Rabbi Avraham Feld
3.Dennis McGinlay: Note on truth and the human condition
"Ephraimite Forum"-7
1. Could the Key to Success Lie in Reverse Eugenics?
Does a Liberal Government-Subsidised Abortion Policy Eliminate Inherited Genius???
2. Betrand Russell: Quotation
3. The Good Germans in Denmark in WW11?
"Ephraimite Forum"-8
1.The Germans in Denmark: Another Explantion?
2.Humor : Prerogative
3.Tribute to US Military Power
"Ephraimite Forum"-9
1.Bible History:
Evidence for the Early Date of the Exodus
2.Anti-Semitism, Israelites, and the Rest: THE BLOOD LIBEL
3.Other Peoples : Genetic Differences Within Austria
4.Nice Overhead Picture of Jews Praying at the Kotel
5. DNA: Epigenomics?
"Ephraimite Forum"-10
1. Bowl of tomato soup a day 'boosts fertility'
2. DNA: "Old" Article on Epigenetics Provides Good Introduction to Subject
3. DNA: Is There a Genetic Basis to Race After All?
"Ephraimite Forum"-11
1. Presidents of the USA and Jewish Firsts
2.Early "Anglo" Immigrants to the USA and Jews who came later
3. Deepest Syria
"Ephraimite Forum"-12
1. Neanderthals still with us in Southwest France?
2. Study: Genes influence how we choose friends
3. The Alans: An Example of Inter-Continental Migrations in Ancient Times
"Ephraimite Forum"-13
1. Epigenetics
2. Selected Death Tolls for Wars, Massacres and Atrocities Before the 20th Century
3. Narth Understanding Homosexuality:
4. Etruscan Genius?
5. Discrimination Against Redheads in Britain
"Ephraimite Forum"-14
1. Changes in the average height of different nationalities
2. Did Prince Madoc of Wales Move to North America in 1170 CE?
3. Fertile Mules?
4. Isotopes and Human Migrations: Bavaria
5. Notes of Interest on Big Power Division of the World and US Interests
"Ephraimite Forum"-15
1. Synagogue Goers Live Longer
2. Jay: Average Heights and Personal Case
3. Words of Wisdom
4. Winston Churchill and Anti-Semitism
5. The Neocon Movement: pro-"Anglosphere" and pro-Israel
6. Redheads Liable to Disappear?
7. Interesting Genetic Marker
"Ephraimite Forum"-16
1. Aram Paquin: The Moon god?
2. O.Shane Balloun: Israel versus Ishmael
3. Thomas Malloy: Note the Differences
"Ephraimite Forum"-17
1. Genetics: Face-scan can spot genetic illnesses
2. Voltaire: On Originality
3. Amnon Goldberg: Christian Jews
4. Arabs and Islam: Some Past Notes of Interest
5. 17Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 10.21
"Ephraimite Forum"-18
1. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 10.22
2. Physical Anthropology: Uselessness of Blood Groups?
3. Top 20 WebSites followed by britam.org
"Ephraimite Forum"-19
1. Archaeology: Brit-Am Edition of Explorator 10.23
2.The Practice of Human Sacrifice
3. Study shows genes exert behavioural influence
"Ephraimite Forum"-20
1. Archaeology: Brit-Am version of Explorator: 10.24
2. The Benefits of Flaxseed Oil
3. Geneaology: Royalty in the USA?
"Ephraimite Forum"-21
1. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 10.25
2. Holocaust: Review of Book by Saul Friedlander
3. Samaritans bring in new blood to save their sect
"Ephraimite Forum"-22
1. Egyptian-Mexican Parallels
2. Archaeology: Brit-Am version of Explorator 10.26
3. The Forgotten People (Jews, YouTube)
"Ephraimite Forum"-23
1. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 10.27
2. Islam Wants to Conquer the World
3. Genealogy: Some URLs of Interest for those curious concerning
possible Jewish Origins
"Ephraimite Forum"-24
1. Articles on the Hidden Jews of Poland
2. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 10.28
3. The Dangers of Islam in Denmark
"Ephraimite Forum"-25
1. MEF Book Reviews - A Selection
a. The Holocaust and Arab Involvement
b. Historical Involvement of America in the Middle East
c. Mohammed was a bad man.
d. Islamic Penetration of Europe
2. Archaeology: Brit-Am version of Explorator 10.29
3. Jews in the USA: Some Figures
"Ephraimite Forum"-26
1. Islam in Europe: Clashing or Co-Existing Civilizations?
by Uriya Shavit
2. Antibiotics use dramatically raises risk of asthma in infants; pet dogs cut risk by 50 percent
3. Ancient rune stone found
4. Norway has highest standard of living in the world
5. Norwegians commit 'honor killings'
"Ephraimite Forum"-27
1. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 10.30
2. Genealogy: Great Britain, Search for A Surname
3. Genealogy: Irish Ancestry Surname Search
4. Mennonite Encyclopedia
5. History of the Tartan
"Ephraimite Forum"-28
1. Blog About Conversos (Captive Jews in Spain and Portugal)
2. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 10.31
3. Steve Mathe: Time to stand up and stand in for Israel
"Ephraimite Forum"-29
1. The Top Ten Cryptozoology Stories for 2007
2. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 10.32
3. Topography of Ireland: The Emerald Isle
"Ephraimite Forum"-30
1. Muslim Black slavery - Islam slave history of Black Africa
2. Archaeology: The Brit-Am Version of Explorator 10.33
3. Descendants of Judahy Amongst US Hispanics?
"Ephraimite Forum"-31
1. Dr. Matthias Kuentzel : A Nazi-Islamic Continuum
2. Arab Predatory Psychology: The Middle East's Tribal DNA by Philip Carl Salzman
3. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 10.34
"Ephraimite Forum"-32
1.Captain Ian McRae: "a hard book to find a copy of"
2.Archaeology: Gallic Treasure Trove from Ancient Brittany (France)
3. The Death of Muhammed al-Dura was a Hoax!
"Ephraimite Forum"-33
1. "Land of the Dead" found in North Wales?
2. Archaeology: Temple Mount Sifting- Volunteers Wanted
3. Zionism - Interesting Site
"Ephraimite Forum"-34
1. Clarification and Apology
2. David Jackson: In Protest
3. Aram Paquin: Another Protest
4. Archaeology: Brit-Am version of Explorator 35-37
5. Honest Reporting: The al-Dura Controversy
"Ephraimite Forum"-35
1. Mongols reached America before the Europeans
2. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 10.38
3. Islamic Terror Against the West Will be Satisfied only with Destruction
"Ephraimite Forum"-36
1. Dr. George Friedman
(a) Interesting Video
What is Geopolitics?
(b) Dr. George Friedman: Why Did the US Invade Iraq?
2. Proof that the Koran is a Hoax?
3. The Saudi and Al-Quaeda Ideological Identity
"Ephraimite Forum"-37
1. Archaeological Finds in Israel
2. First Temple seal found in Jerusalem
3. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 10.39
4. Background: Arabs in Israel
5. 270,000 Israelis live in the West Bank
"Ephraimite Forum"-38
1. Fewer trees, less rain: study uncovers deforestation equation
3. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 10.40
"Ephraimite Forum"-39
1. Genealogy for People of Spanish and Eastern Jewish Origin
2. Tamar Yonah: Coincidence, or Message From G-d?
3. Scientific Historical Research:
Black Death Did Not Kill Indiscriminantly?
4. Turkish-Amerindian Links?
5. Recent Find: "Temech" should be "Shlomit"!
"Ephraimite Forum"-40
1. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 10.41
2. Antisemitism on the Rise Worldwide
3. Free Virtual Tour Offers Entire World Glimpse of Temple Mount
"Ephraimite Forum"-41
1. Are Pigs a Health Menace?
2. Jewish Populations all over the world
3. Thomas Gray: Exile Chores
4. Slavery, Christianity, and Islam
5. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 10.42
"Ephraimite Forum"-42
1. Great Seal secrets revealed!
2. Ireland: Cornelius Coughlan VC
3. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 10.43
"Ephraimite Forum"-43
1. Cohen in a Kilt
2. Emigration of Scotch and Scotch-Irish to America
3. Ancient Astronomical Clock Machinery Discovered?
"Ephraimite Forum"-44
1. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 10.44
2. Paul Eidelberg: Scientific Progress Dependent on Monotheism?
3. Archaeologists Discover Largest Parthian Fortress in Iran-Proper
"Ephraimite Forum"-45
1. Interesting Essay: Christian Arab Defends Israel
2. Genealogy: Joan Griffith: Finns in Sweden and the USA
3. Christians and Jews: When We Let John Hagee Speak for Us
4. Black Tea Good for Diabetes 2 and Maybe Prevents It!
5. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 10.45
"Ephraimite Forum"-46
1. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 10.46
2. Linguistics: Distant Native languages bridge Bering Sea
3. Archaeology: Tel Dan Excavations
"Ephraimite Forum"-47
1. Evidence of Jews in Austria in 200s CE
2. Ancient Jerusalem: Netanyahu lived ca. 600 BCE!
3. Synagogue from 300s CE discovered in West Germany
"Ephraimite Forum"-48
1. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 10.47
2. David Bell: Maoris and Amerindians Related?
3. Half Shekel Silver Coin Found!
"Ephraimite Forum"-49
1. African Slavery in Palestine - Gone With the Wind
2. Brian Patmore: Amerindians and the Maoris
3. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 10.48
"Ephraimite Forum"-50
1. Palestinian Trivia
2. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 10.49
3. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 10.50
"Ephraimite Forum"-51
1. Archaeology: Ashkelon, Israel, "Oldest arched gate in the world restored"
2. Climatic Change: Article followed by Brit-Am Comment
3. "Counter Conspiracy Theory Suggestions
and the Big Oil Money".
"Ephraimite Forum"-52
1. English National Character: Extracts from a Book Review
2. Interesting Article on Syrian Jews in Brooklyn, New York
3. Condoleeza Rice Oil Tank Picture- A Fake?
"Ephraimite Forum"-53
1. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 10.51
2. Wayne Laurence: Elvis was a Protestant
3. Cam Rea: Related to Elvis
"Ephraimite Forum"-54
1. Informative Lecture on Homosexuality
2. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 10.52
3. Russ Curenton: Harry Potter - an anti-Semite?
4. Food Shortages:
(a) Doomsday Afficianado but worth Reading
5. Early Vikings in Ireland preceded by Anglo-Saxons
"Ephraimite Forum"-55
1. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.1
2. Prof. Paul Eidelberg: Churchill, the Jews, and the Arabs
3. Archaeology: More Prehistoric Man Frauds Uncovered in Germany
"Ephraimite Forum"-56
1. Jewish Families Descended From King David
2. Syrian Water Resources
3. Efrat -the Movie in English
Israeli Anti-Abortion Organization
"Ephraimite Forum"-57
1. History: German Jewish Rabbis were forced to become Assimiliationists
2. Captive Jews: Was Miguel de Cervantes (author of "Don Quiote") a 'Converso'?
3. Captive Jews: Another Case of a Jewish Child Forcibly Adopted
"Ephraimite Forum"-58
1. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator :11.2
2. Conspiracy Freaks (?) Caught Forging letters Against British Royal Family
3. Italy: The Captive Jews of San Nicandro who Came Back to Israel
"Ephraimite Forum"-59
1. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.3
2. BBC: The Birth of Israel on You-Tube
3. Photos: The unknown story of Yemen's Jews
"Ephraimite Forum"-60
1. Overview of Anti-Semitism worldwide
2. Books Reviewed and Essay: Churchill and His Myths
3. New Apocryphal Work Discovered:
Messiah Son of Joseph References
"Ephraimite Forum"-61
1. Prince Of Wales Opens The Earl's New Garden At Arundel Castle, West Sussex
2. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.4
3. Eminent historian debunks Scottish history as largely fabrication
"Ephraimite Forum"-62
1. How, Thanks to Sympathy for a Jew, England Remained "Anglican"
2. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.5
3. The Need to Remember and the Need for Israel:
How Canada and all the Rest did not want Jewish Refugees
"Ephraimite Forum"-63
1. Jay: Anglican Church referred to as "Holy Catholic
2. Bob Dylan: Neighborhood Bully
3. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.6
"Ephraimite Forum"-64
1. New Zealand's [Maori] Colonization 1000 Years Later Than Previously Thought?
2. Hitler's Nephew's Grandson is a Jewish Studies Teacher at an Israeli University
3. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.7
3. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.6
"Ephraimite Forum"-65
1. Thousand-year-old Lombard warrior skeleton discovered buried with horse in Italy
2. Interesting Article About the Amerindian Comanches
3. Palm tree grown from 2,000-year-old date stone
"Ephraimite Forum"-66
1. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.8
3. ads4israel
"Ephraimite Forum"-67
1. Archaeology: Brit-Am version of Explorator 11.9
2. Audio: Hebron Singer Shalev Ben Ya'akov Live in Studio
3. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.10
"Ephraimite Forum"-68
1. Holocaust:
Involvement of Wehrmacht and German Civilians in "Final Solution"
2. Dennis Tate:
To Combat Global Warming: Need More Trees and Desalinated water in Dead Sea Region!
3. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.11
"Ephraimite Forum"-69
1. Another Carbon Dating Embarassment:
2. Conspiracy: John Birch Society had anti-Jewish leadership
3. Irish Mythology, Goods Stories, and History
4. The anti-Zionist Debate and Brit-Am Replies.
Debate with someone who considers himself an "Irish Republican" and supports the Palestinians.
5. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.12
"Ephraimite Forum"-70
1. Attempt to re-enact Ancient Phoenician Circumnavigation of Africa
2. "Sweet Home Alabama" sang by Finnish Rock Band with Red Army Choir
3. Orphaned British pensioner uncovers 1,500-year-old family tree
4. Life sciences in Ireland- A New Celtic Culture
5. Archaeology: The Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.13
"Ephraimite Forum"-71
1. Jay: Chuckwagon Races in Canada and Chariot Racing
2. The Abominable Snow Man at the Barber Shop?
3. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.14
"Ephraimite Forum"-72
1. Palestinian Refugees: Why Did they Leave?
2. Transfer of Arabs equals Exchange of Populations
3. African Slaves in Muslim Countries
4. Seal of King Zedekiah's minister found in J'lem dig
5. Love, blackmail and rape, how al-Qaeda grooms women as
"perfect weapons".
"Ephraimite Forum"-73
1. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.15
2. Remains of a 3000-year-old city found in Gilan, Iran
3. Archaeology: [Explorator] explorator 11.16
"Ephraimite Forum"-74
1. Health: Running slows aging process: study
2. Royal Family:
Prince Charles Helps Small-scale Scottish Food Producers Stay Afloat
3. Nationalities: Scotland
Reasons to be cheerful: Scots are among Europe's happiest
"Ephraimite Forum"-75
1. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.17
2. "Fitna": Horrifying Film About Islam Now on Google
3. Non-Jews and Jewish Circumcision
"Ephraimite Forum"-76
1. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.18
2. Arabs: Saudi Anti-Terror Cartoons
3. Britain and the "Drunkards of Ephraim" (Isaiah 28:2)?
"Ephraimite Forum"-77
1. Israel-Palestine Conflict: Interesting URL
2. US Support for Israel has brought a blessing on America!
3. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.19
"Ephraimite Forum"-78
1. Celticfest Chicago
2. Wall of Second Temple-era Jerusalem found in Mt. Zion excavations
3. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.20
"Ephraimite Forum"-79
1. Denmark: Happiest nation in the World?
2. 10 Happiest and 10 Least Happiest Nations?
3. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.21
"Ephraimite Forum"-80
1. Robert Michael:
Failure of Allies to Help Jews During Holocaust followed by Brit-Am Remarks
2. Human Development Index List Comparted to List of Israelite Countries
3. WW2 and the Problem of Ireland
a. Irish non-Acceptance of Jewish Refugees
b. The Challenge Of The Irish Volunteers of World War II by Geoffrey Roberts
c. Deserters from the Irish Army to the Allies Cause
d. Summary
"Ephraimite Forum"-81
1. Professor William Rubinstein Replies
to Claims Against the Allies Concerning the Holocaust
2. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.22
3. Dave Browning: Islam is the Enemy
"Ephraimite Forum"-82
1. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.23
2. Ecology: The Death of Bats in the USA Could Affect You!
3. South Africa: Article on the Afrikaners (2004)
"Ephraimite Forum"-83
1. Botany: Another Academic Forgery Revealed
2. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.24
3. The Excavatator of the City of Dan Passes Away
"Ephraimite Forum"-84
1. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.26
2. Olympic Medals Countries Compared
3. Map of Major Fascist Locii in Germany
"Ephraimite Forum"-85
1. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.27
2. Africa: Albinos (i.e. Natural Whites) in Burundi Killed for the Needs of Witchcraft Potions
3. Palestinian Background: There are NO Moderate Palestinians!
"Ephraimite Forum"-86
1. Descendants of Nazis who Converted to Judaism
2. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.28
3. Did Shamanism Originate with the Canaanites?
"Ephraimite Forum"-87
1. Indonesian Visitors to Australia from an Early Date?
2. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.29
3. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.30
"Ephraimite Forum"-88
1. Archaeology: The Tribe of Dan and Ancient Soul-Power
2. The Holocaust: Jews Saved and Jews Abandoned to Die
3. Zionism: De-Bunking the Socialist "Pioneer" Myth
"Ephraimite Forum"-89
1. Holocaust: South American Hero Saved Thousands of Jews
2. History: Nice article on the Caledonian Picts (Scotland) versus the Romans
3. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.31-32
"Ephraimite Forum"-90
1. UN Witchunt After Israel: Heathen Nations Hungry for Blood
2. Many Captive Jews in Spain or Simply Phoenicians, Arabs, and Others?
3. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.33
"Ephraimite Forum"-91
1. Possible Unknown Jews in Italy
2. Archaeology: Brit-Am version of Explorator 11.34
3. Archaeology: Remains of Second Temple Era Jewish Town Revealed
"Ephraimite Forum"-92
1. Robert Graves: Geert Wilders Speaks about the Islamic Threat to the West
2. Reconstruction of Ancient Greek Computing Machine: "world's first computer"?
3. Archaeology: Brit-Am version of Explorator 11.35
"Ephraimite Forum"-93
1. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.36
2. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.37
3. Health: Pill link to infertile men, says Vatican
"Ephraimite Forum"-94
1. William Thompson: Artist
2. Ronan Siman Tov: Artist
3. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.38
"Ephraimite Forum"-95
1. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.39
2. Jewish Partisans and Food for Thought
3. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.40
"Ephraimite Forum"-96
1. Archaeology:
Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.41
2. Archaeology:
Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.42
3. Pict Women (Manasseh?) of Scotland Had High Status.
"Ephraimite Forum"-97
1. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.43
2. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.44
3. The Origins of the African Slave Trade by Piero Scaruffi
"Ephraimite Forum"-98
1. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.45
2. Early Israeli Stamps: Doar Ivri (The Hebrew Post)
3. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.46
"Ephraimite Forum"-99
1. Hidden Jews from Italy?
2. Online Celtic Studies: An Academic Source Page
3. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.47
"Ephraimite Forum"-100
1.Tracing the Tribe: The Jewish Genealogy Blog
Jews in Italy
Jordan Times: Demographic map of Palestine
2. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.48
3. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.49
"Ephraimite Forum"-101
1. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.50
2. Archaeology: Brit-Am Pick of the Week
'Supersize' lions roamed Britain
3. Nazi "Aryan" Boy Mascot Was Jewish!
"Ephraimite Forum"-102
1. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.51
2. Bo Ronn: Seven Pyramids in Mauritius
3. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 11.52
"Ephraimite Forum"-103
1. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 12.01
2. The Little Ice Age and Scotland (1645-1715)
3. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 12.02
"Ephraimite Forum"-104
1. Interesting Lecture on the Oral Law in Judaism
2. Hidden Jews, Marranos: Sources
3. Eating Seafood That Contains Toxic Substances Can Affect
The Nervous System
Note: Ephraimite Forum is a continued as:
New Joseph Forum