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The Book of Ezekiel
A Brit-Am
Biblical Commentary
Ezekiel and Unity. Duration: 18 minutes |
The Book of Ezekiel has much of interest concerning the Lost Ten Tribes. Here we briefly touch on a few salient points including the coming re-unification of the Ten Tribes with Judah.
Ezekiel (37:15-28) saw the return of
the Ten Tribes as an indispensable requirement for the deliverance of Israel and
Judah. The stranger who sojourns with us and identifies with us will have the
same rights as us (Ezekiel 47:22). He also has the same responsibilities
(14:7-8). God will once again accept Judah and all Israel (16:62). Ezekiel
(23:2-3) indicates that from the very beginning the two sections of the Children
of Israel, i.e. "Judah" and "Israel" or "Ephraim" were distinct entities with
their own predispositions. The Book of Ezekiel at its primary level is mainly
concerned with Judah but here and there it contains messages for the Lost Ten
Tribes of the greatest importance. Ezekiel(11:14 according to Commentators) refers to the three stages of exile
of the Lost Ten Tribes. They will be
ingathered. God is still with them. Ezekiel hints that
first the exiles will return to the Land of Israel and after that they shall put
away their idols and keep the Law. Ezekiel says that Judah has an
obligation to help the Lost Ten Tribes return. The complete return of Judah is
dependent upon the return of "Samaria" (16:53, 55, 61) meaning the Ten Tribes
especially Manasseh. Manasseh today is mainly the USA. God will renew His
covenant with Judah and with Israel (16:62). Ezekiel (chapter 26) describes the
movement of Tyre to Tarshish in Spain. He describes the international mercantile
connections of Tyre (chapter 27). He recalls Dan and Javan (the Greeks)
together (27:19) as trading with Tyre and engaged in metallurgical production.
Ezekiel 37 speaks of
dead bodies being resurrected. He than goes on
to say that God told him to take the stick (in Hebrew "etz" which can also mean
"wood", or "tree") and to write upon it, "For Judah and for the Children of
Israel who are joined to him", i.e. "For the Jews". He was told to take another
stick and write upon it, "For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim and for all the House
of Israel who are joined unto him" (37:16). He was then told to join them
together and they were to be one (37:17). Bystanders saw Ezekiel fulfill these
symbolic actions and asked him what their meaning was? He replied that "Judah"
and "Israel" (the Lost Ten Tribes) are destined to be (37:19-21) gathered
together into the land of Israel and there re-united. They are to become one
kingdom and one king shall rule over them (37:22). This King will be either a
descendant of David or King David himself. They shall keep the Law (37:24). God
will dwell amongst them and the Tabernacle-Temple will be rebuilt (37:27-28).
We learn from this the two entities "Judah" and "Joseph" will remain
separate from each other until the end times. Commentators saw the niceties of
the Hebrew original in the above passage as indicating that: (a) The
re-unification must take place initially through our own initiative. Ezekiel is
told to take the sticks and write upon them and join them together in his own
hands but then God makes them one in HIS hand (37:19). The Temple will be
rebuilt (chapter 43). The land of Great Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates
and beyond will be divided up amongst the twelve Tribes of Israel (chapter 47).
The non-Israelite stranger who dwells among you will receive an inheritance
together with the Tribe he dwelt amongst (47:22).
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