The Brit-Am
Movement of the Lost Ten Tribes
I've looked at the many prophecies about that which Israel (not Judah), would
become, even in the physical aspects of Israel; I 've looked around the world
and have seen the nations that have been blessed far above other nations, and
have looked at the behaviors of certain nationalities vs. other nationalities,
I've studied for years and years in an unbiased way, and have concluded that the
the Anglo-Saxons, Celts, Dutch, Northwestern French, Danes, Scandinavians, etc.
are indeed the descendents of Israel, whom have a much more emphathic, gentle
and fairmindedness pysche, than many other nations.
This is not to say that the above mentioned groups are Godly people, in the ways
that would please God, it is rather to say that they have much different
mentalities than most of the rest of the world, and a more gentle forgiving
spirit (1 Kings 20:31), not that they cannot be fighters and warriors, such as
David, not that they are anywhere near being perfect people, and cannot or will
not do evil things.
The nations and nationalities mentioned above, have also been blessed with the
blessings mentioned in Gen.Ch.49 and many other places, these blessing which are
being surely taken from them by much more intolerant wild, warlike,
unemphathetic people, also people, who are plundering their once wealthy
countries, which also coincides to the giving of blessings and having the
blessings taken away (Lev.26:16,17 ) and many other places.
These Nationalities mentioned above are the only nations, that have had the
blessings mentioned above, and these great blessings fit the prophecies.
Physical Israel is one of the most important things on this Earth, and should
not be belittled, and the lessons that physical Israel teach us should not be
lost, because even the so-called lost tribes of Israel were never lost, they
were just removed (2 kings 17:23) to Assyria, from which they acquired a partial
Assryrian dialect and later migrated and regained their strength, so the
prophecies of ( Gen.ch.49) could be fulfilled, so that the spiritual lesson God
is trying to teach the world could be shown to the whole world in God's time.
"To Whom Israel Comes"
The USA is a melting pot, and it has been a very benevolent melting pot, but
the core of the rulership, and the core as a whole of the country, as well as
the financial gravity of the country is very much Israelite, and they still
control the power base of the country, and they've just allowed others into
this circle as it benefits them politically.
The power base is approximately in this order. The Descendents of England
(Joseph [ Manasseh,Ephraim]); The Descendents of Scotland (Simeon, Levi,
Joseph); The Descendents of Judah (Jews), The Jews in the USA, probably are
wealthier than any other group and they have tremendous political clout, yet
most of the Jews are more content to have the clout, than to have the office,
because it pays better that way, with less problems, but there are usually Jews
behind many politicians.
(The Jews and Irish get along like blood brothers [They are]), and ex-mayor of
New York Ed Koch acknowledged this at a St. Patricks day parade. The
Descendents of Ireland (Eire [Dan]) The Descendents of Ulster (Simeon, Dan,
Levi, Ephraim). The Descendents of Zebulon in N.Y.(Dutch), which were
originally the greater power base of N.Y.( New Amsterdam and Brooklyn) and still
control much "old money" in NY, but have generally mixed in with the rest of
the populace.
The Descendents of Rueben (French) in Louisiana. The Descendents of Scandinavia
(Sweden{Gad} Norway, Denmark, Finland ) in North and South Dakota, Minnesota,
Michigan, Washington State. The Descendents of Scandinavia have more of a
monetary power base, than a political base, and these Scandinavians have
prospered as almost no others have, agriculturally, because they are honest,
love the land and are very kindly people.
There were also many wealthy Swiss (Issachar), and Swiss Jews in the USA, and
No other groups as a whole can come close to the power and wealth of these above
mentioned groups, and all other nationalities are generally subservient to these
The general power core of the USA has remained Anglo-Saxon, and is Josephite.
The Anglo-Saxon influence has little by little superceded the other influences,
and Language has much to do with this. There are more Jews in the USA than in
Israel, more Irish than in Ireland, almost as many Danes as in Denmark, Swedes
as in Sweden, Norwegians, and Dutch as there are in their Original Countries.
The Germans in the USA are also very prosperous, but most of the Germans came
to USA to get away from war, unlike the Assyrian type of Prussian Germans; and
the Germans of The USA, that Settled in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Cincinnati,
Saint Louis, etc, and have run Breweries like Busch (Budweiser), Pabst, Miller,
Coors, Weidman, Lemp (Falstaff), etc., have been very loyal to America and have
downplayed their German roots.
At the outbreak of the civil war, the Germans in Saint Louis, seized the
federal arsenal, thereby keeping it out of southern hands, and this greatly
helped the war in the favor of the North. The Germans in Saint Louis,
Cincinnati and other cities have mixed in with the rest of the population, and
are no longer identified as Germans.
Most of the Germans in this country are probably Israelites, because they
usually have more mild sounding names, than the warlike Germans that stayed in
Germany, even the German customs officials remarked at the difference of the
looks of the "Germans" who migrated out of Germany and commented that those
migrating out of Germany had different looking features than those that stayed
in Germany, most of the Germans who left Germany were probably more of
Scandinavian stock, than German Stock.
The Italians and Greeks have been very loyal to the USA, but have not been as
prosperous as the Israelite core of the country as a whole. The Chinese,
Japanese, and Vietnamese have been very prosperous in the USA because they
believe in hard work, but they do not have much political clout, and are
subservient to the Josephite core of the Country.
There are many other groups in the USA, from Hungary, Poles, Croats, Czechs,
Russians, Ukranians, Albanians, but they've usually blended in with the Ango-Saxon
Core of the Country, and they might very well be of Israelite descent too (Amos
9:9). There are other groups (Non-Israelite) that do not have the orderly
Israelite work traits and basic honesty of the Israelites, and therefore, they
are the dregs of the USA, and all we need to do to find these groups is to see
which peoples are on welfare and the dole, more than the other groups. These
groups are a drag and burden on the country, not all of them, but many of
The Anglo-Saxon-Dutch, Jewish center of the country is still the the Money-power
base of the whole country. The USA seems to fill the Prophecy of (Amos 6:1 ~ Ex.
19:5) ...The Chief Nation, to whom the House of Israel comes!
Proofs of Where Israel Is
If we want to prove where Israel is, we just have to look at (Genesis) 28:14),
about Jacob (Israel) being as the dust of the Earth, and blessing all of the
families of the Earth. Also read the blessings of (Gen.27:28,29), speaking of
"Let the Nations of the Earth bow down to you.
We can read (Gen.49:22-26) about the blessings of Joseph, how his Branches run
over the wall. We can read (Amos 6:1) about trusting in Mount Samaria, and the
rulers of the "Chief of the nations. All we need to do is look at these very
few scriptures about "Who" are the most blessed nations in the world. About
"Who" have spread around the world and have been the dominate nations in the
world for a long time? Britain ruled 58 nations and controlled many more, the
USA has had a world dominating economic empire, and didn't need anymore
territory, as they already had the chief places of the Earth (Gen. 49:25). Who
has the dis-proportionately large number of of Israelite surnames?
We can also trace the Anglo-Saxons back to the Fertile-crescent if we so
desire. We can go back to the history of Parthia, and see where they came
from. We can also reject these few of many scriptures about what Israel would
be in the latter days, but ...either the word of God, (including the scriptures
on Israel) is true, or it is not; we can either believe it or not; if we don't
believe it, then nobody will convince us that the prophecies on Israel have
been fulfilled, are being fulfilled and will be fulfilled.
A trail ~ Where is Israel Today?
The Israelitish surnames, not exclusive to the Tribe of Dan, do give a great
indication of where Israel is, today, even though the Danube, Dneister, Don
and Dannau rivers, the Don ridge, north of the Russian city of Volgodonsk are
great Serpent trails (Gen.49:17), leading to the city of Gdansk in Poland, the
Country of Danemerke, right into Ireland where Dans, Dons, Duns are part and
parcel with the Irish Nation.
Many of the similar Hebrew and Israelite names seem to follow a path right to
northwest Europe, the name Sac, Saka, Saxons, Scthyian, Sassinians, Scotland,
Arsechs, and many other derivations of Isaac and other Hebrew and Israelitish
names, do seem more than coincidental.
In England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Holland, France, Denmark, Sweden, Etc,
there are almost no end of Israelitish and Hebrew names, Judson , Hudson, Hutson,
Jutson, Abrahamson, Abrams, Lewis,Love, Laver,Donlevy, Clovis, Roban, Roens,
Robinson, Robbins, Ruebens, and Benjamin, Solomon, Levi, Ronson,
Aronsen,Yacobsen, Jacobsen,Jacobs, Acuff,Cobb,Isaacson, Davidson, Davidsen,
Davis, Davies, Dawes, McDevitt, McTavish and countless other corruptions of
these names and names of the other descendents of Israel, including Samson,
Samuel, Simms, Simpson, Sampson, Ellison, Elison, Allison, Mc Mannass, Etc.
Most of these people have carried these surnames for countless centuries, when
in many cases their ancestors could not even read or write, therefore, they
didn't get these names from the King James bible, they were orally passed down,
and given to scribes, at registries.
No other places in the world have such a prolific number of Israelitish names,
as do the areas of the British Isles and N.W. Europe.
The un-intact names like Cobb, Acuff, Jacoby, Johnson (Jona), Lewis, (Levi),
McDevitt, Davis, Robbins, Robinson (Rueben), McMannus (Son of Mannaseh), are as
much proof of the Israelite origins of these peoples, as are the intact names,
because if the intact names were given by registrars for orphans, then how about
the unintact names that have parts of the name imbedded in them.
If a person would go around telling these people that they had descended from
Israel they would be "laughed to scorn". A person, though could ask the Arabs
"why all the Israelite names in these countries?" The Arabs would probably be
quicker to say that they were Israelites, than the Israelites themselves would
The Arabs know where they came from (The Twelve Tribes of Ishmael), but Israel
doesn't know, because God says that they do not know (Isaiah 1:3). When God
said that He had removed Israel out of His sight (II Kings 17:23 ), it also
means that God was also out of their (Israel's) sight.
We know that God sees all things, so "Out of sight" means a separation, where
both parties are out of sight of each other; it being said figuratively,"Out of
God's sight" in God's, case, but God was literally out of Israel's sight. This
prophecy "Out of sight" has come to pass, but just for a time though, until
Hosea (1:10 ) comes to pass, In the place, where it was said "you are not my
people", there it shall be said to them,"You are the sons of the living God."
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