The Brit-Am Commentary to the Book of Hosea in Four Volumes
This offer includes:
1. "Hebrew Bride" The Ten Tribes and Judah in the Prophecy of Hosea, First Chapters
The Prophecies of Hosea-1 available for $20 or as part of the Four Hosea Books offer for $60.
2. "Lost Hebrews Found" The Prophecies of Hosea -2
The Prophecies of Hosea-1 available for $20 or as part of the Four Hosea Books offer for $60.
3. "Hebrew Destiny" The Prophecies of Hosea -3
The Prophecies of Hosea-1 available for $20 or as part of the Four Hosea Books offer for $60.
4. "Hebrew Salvation" The Prophecies of Hosea -4
The Prophecies of Hosea-1 available for $20 or as part of the Four Hosea Books offer for $60.
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