News Features Concerning the State of Israel, the Jewish People, as well as
Nations amongst whom we find a significant proportion of descendants from the Lost Ten Tribes.
Jerusalem News.
6 December 2011, 10 Kislev 5712
1. Clarification of the Europe, Syria-Turkey Situation.
Who Kills the Syrians? A Globalized Network of Considerations Enables the
on-going Butchering of
Thousands of Syrians
by Mordechai Kedar
2. Former General: We'll Have to Bulldoze Gaza.
Former IDF Major General Yoav Galant says Israel's negligence vis-a-vis Gaza
will eventually force it to undertake a major ground offensive.
By Gavriel Queenann
3. Our World: An ally no more.
4. Reply to Hillary:
Distraction Tactics of the Rich and Hateful by Yair Davidiy.
5. Australia expands Iran sanctions amid nuclear concerns.

Members of the Fogel Family from Itamar; Murdered (March 11, 2011) by Arab Terrorists for being Jewish .
May the God of Israel Avenge Them.

1. Clarification of the Syria-Turkey
Who Kills the Syrians?
A Globalized Network of Considerations Enables the on-going Butchering of
Thousands of Syrians
by Mordechai Kedar
The Center for the Study of the Middle East and Islam (under formation)
Bar-Ilan University
Middle Eastern Insights
No. 13, 2 December, 2011
Source: Originally Published in "Makor Rishon", a Hebrew Language weekly
newspaper. Translated from Hebrew to English by Sally.
The article is published in the framework of the Center for the Study of the
Middle East and Islam (under formation), Bar Ilan University, Israel.
This article also appears in the blog Middle East and Terrorism.
The horrible events that have been occurring in Syria for the past nine
months raise a worrying question: Why isn't the world getting involved in
what's going on there? Why did NATO interfere in Libya to bring about the
fall of the Qadhafi regime but in Syria the slaughter continues without the
world lifting a finger? Is the Libyan "black liquid" really more valuable in
the eyes of the world than the Syrian "red liquid"?
Today we will try to concentrate on the complex system of relationships
between those countries that have a say about Syrian affairs; a "system"
that paralyzes every international action to rescue the citizens of Syria,
after about 4000 of them have been murdered by the regime, and many
thousands more have been arrested and their fate is still unknown.
The whole world clearly knows that Syria is very important to Iran, and
indeed Syria is the Iranian Trojan horse inside the Arab world; it is the
logistical backbone of Hizballah in Lebanon, so the fall of the Syrian
regime will end the Syrian support for Hizballah and bring an end to the
"exporting of the revolution to Lebanon". Iran has cautioned the whole world
that external interference in Syria will be considered by Iran as an attack
upon itself, which will result in acts of reprisals against Israel and
Turkey. Turkey is involved up to Erdogan's ears in the events in Syria (see
below), but why Israel? What has Israel done to Syria that would justify an
Iranian attack? Iran has the answers to these questions.
Turkey is constantly stirring up matters in Syria. Not one day passes
without it's leaders - and contrary to Asad, they are legitimate leaders -
announcing that he (Asad) must resign and leave office, and the Turks are
hosting thousands of Syrian refugees in their country. Recently, there have
been scattered reports that Turkey has established a training camp within
its territory for the Syrian citizens and soldiers who deserted their posts,
in order to turn them into guerilla units under the title of "The Free
Syrian Army". Turkey arms and equips them, and these are the ones who are
attacking military camps, intelligence headquarters and buses of the Syrian
army. The number of Syrian soldiers that these guerilla units have killed
and wounded is estimated to be in the hundreds, and as a result, they have
caused the Syrian army to take defensive positions in their own camps.
Turkey threatens to take over several kilometers in the North of Syria along
its border with Turkey, to serve as a protected buffer zone where Syrian
citizens will be able to find shelter from the Syrian army. In response,
Iran threatens Turkey that it will attack "NATO positions" in Turkey if
Turkey will attack Syria. This warning amounts to no less than a threat of
war between Iran and Turkey.
Iran's reaction to the fall of the Asad regime may not be limited only to
Turkey and Israel, but may include the Gulf. Why not? If the Iranians see
that Europe is also involved in the overthrow of the Syrian regime, they may
announce that there's one naval mine - only one - in the Straights of
Hormuz. This announcement would be enough - even if it wasn't actually so -
to raise the price of oil drastically in the world, and the sputtering
economy of Europe will suffer a hard blow. Iran can very easily harm oil
installations in the countries of the Gulf without even deploying the army;
It would be enough to pay a few Shi'ites in Saudi Arabia to do to the oil
and gas pipes in their country what the Bedouin are doing in Sinai, to the
pipe that brings gas to Israel and Jordan.
Europe and The United States might react to the Iranian action and the
deterioration into war between Iran and NATO may follow quickly. The result
of this war would be - among other things - cessation of the export of
Iranian oil to China, and a dramatic rise in the price of oil in the world.
China has invested many billions in the petrochemical and other industries
in Iran, and a NATO war on Iran may bring about regime change in Iran. The
new regime might renege on the agreements that the Ayatollahs' regime have
made with China, which might cause all of those investments to go down the
drain. This is the reason for China's support of Iran and Syria.
Russia supports Syria too, because it too has invested many billions in
Syria and Iran, and worries about these investments. But Russia has an
additional, much larger fear: the fall of the regime in Syria, and the war
that may break out in the Gulf as a result of that, might cause great damage
to the Chinese economy, which is already suffering a slowdown as a result of
the world-wide economic slowdown. High unemployment in China will cause many
millions of unemployed Chinese to join the millions of Chinese who are
flooding into Russia today in search of work. If there is anything that the
Russian leaders fear, it is to be swallowed up demographically by the
Chinese, which has been happening in recent years at a rapid rate, mainly
because of the demographic decrease of the Russians.
Russia has military and intelligence bases in Syria, and the only ports in
the Mediterranean Sea in which Russian warships anchor on an ongoing basis
are the Syrian ports, Latakia, Tartus and Banias. The toppling of the Asad
regime by NATO might bring to power a Western-leaning regime, and Russia
will lose its special privileges in Syria.
However, it is important to bear in mind that Europe is also invested
economically in Iran: thousands of European companies, mainly in Germany,
France and Italy, are up to their necks in investments of many billions in
Iranian industry, and not just in oil, so a European attack on Syria might
have the same effect on these investments as the attack on Iraq did eight
years ago: flush them down the drain, and the European economy will suffer a
hard blow as a result.
The fall of the Syrian regime may influence Israel as well. On one hand, it
will result in the partitioning of Syria into a number of countries: Kurdish
in the North, 'Alawite in the West, Druze in the South, Bedouin in the East
and two more in Damascus and Aleppo, which have never had great love between
Iran, which is worried about what's going on in Syria, is increasing the
pressure on Iraq, which has the majority of Shi'ites, to take on the role of
Iran's Trojan horse inside the Arab nation, especially after the U.S. army
completes its withdrawal in another month. There are signs lately that this
is Iran's intention, mainly because of the series of visits in Iraq of Vice
President of the U.S., Joe Biden, which is meant to stabilize a pro-American
government that will reject Iranian pressures. The U.S. wants to retain
bases in Iraq, which will serve as sources of intelligence in case of war
with Iran, but the Iraqi government objects. This objection increases the
American fear of an Iranian takeover of Iraq, because this would be an
additional step in Iran's overall goal to take over the rest of the Gulf
countries, with Saudi Arabia heading the list.
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2. Former General: We'll Have to
Bulldoze Gaza
Former IDF Major General Yoav Galant
says Israel's negligence vis-a-vis Gaza will eventually force it to undertake a
major ground offensive.
By Gavriel Queenann
First Publish: 12/5/2011, 10:30 PM
Major General Yoav Galant (Ret.) said Monday Israel's refusal to take decisive
action in Gaza will only serve to force Israel to make a massive incursion into
the Hamas-run enclave.
Galant told attendees of a speech at Tel Aviv University that Israel's concerted
efforts to dismantle against terror infrastructures in Judea and Samaria caused
terror levels to plummet, while Gaza terrorists were being allowed to thrive and
"A lack of action, negligence by military officials, has resulted in a situation
in the West Bank where we took care to tend the lawn, but in Gaza - since we
didn't - thorns grew into tree trunks."
"In the end we'll have to go in with bulldozers," Galant added.
Galant, a former contender for IDF chief of staff, added that Gaza is "something
belonging to the Islamic bloc. That's a reality no one knows how to solve."
Galant joins former IDF chiefs of staff Shaul Mofaz, Moshe Yaalon, Dan Halutz,
and Gabi Ashkenazi in calling for major operations to root out Gaza's terror
infrastructure. Minister of Internal Security Yitzhak Aharonovitch has also
publicly called for a Gaza incursion.
Israel's strategic paradigm of airstrikes-for-rockets has largely been seen as
maintaining the poor security situation of its Gaza belt communities - which
have had over 12,000 rockets fired at them from Gaza since 2001.
Iran has long used terror factions like Hamas and the Popular Front for the
Liberation of Palestine in Syria and Lebanon as proxies against Israel - and
pro-Western elements in Lebanon.
3. Our World: An ally no more
12/05/2011 23:47
Instead of warning Egypt against breaking its treaty with the Jewish state, US
officials chose to criticize Israel instead.
With vote tallies in for Egypt's first round of parliamentary elections in it is
abundantly clear that Egypt is on the fast track to becoming a totalitarian
Islamic state. The first round of voting took place in Egypt's most liberal,
cosmopolitan cities. And still the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafists received
more than 60 percent of the vote. Run-off elections for 52 seats will by all
estimates increase their representation.
And then in the months to come, Egyptian voters in the far more Islamist Nile
Delta and Sinai will undoubtedly provide the forces of jihadist Islam with an
even greater margin of victory.
Until the US-supported overthrow of Hosni Mubarak, Egypt served as the anchor of
the US alliance system in the Arab world. The Egyptian military is US-armed,
US-trained and US-financed.
The Suez Canal is among the most vital waterways in the world for the US Navy
and the global economy.
Speaking at the annual policy conclave in Washington sponsored by the leftist
Brookings Institute's Saban Center for Middle East Policy, US Defense Secretary
Leon Panetta and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton hammered Israel, the only
real ally the US has left in the Middle East after Mubarak's fall. Clinton felt
it necessary "in the name of democracy" to embrace the positions of Israel's
radical Left against the majority of Israelis.
The same Secretary of State that has heralded negotiations with the violent,
fanatical misogynists of the Taliban; who has extolled Saudi Arabia where women
are given ten lashes for driving, and whose State Department trained
female-hating Muslim Brotherhood operatives in the lead-up to the current
elections in Egypt accused Israel of repressing women's rights. The only state
in the region where women are given full rights and legal protections became the
focus of Clinton?s righteous feminist wrath.
In the IDF, as in the rest of the country, religious coercion is forbidden.
Jewish law prohibits men from listening to women's voices in song. And recently,
when a group of religious soldiers were presented with an IDF band that featured
female vocalists, keeping faith with their Orthodox observance, they walked out
of the auditorium. The vocalists were not barred from singing. They were not
mistreated. They were simply not listened to.
And as far as Clinton is concerned, this is proof that women in Israel are under
attack. Barred by law from forcing their soldiers from spurning their religious
obligations, IDF commanders were guilty of crimes against democracy for allowing
the troops to exit the hall.
But Clinton didn't end her diatribe with the IDF's supposed war against women.
She continued her onslaught by proclaiming that Israel is taking a knife to
democracy by permitting its legislators to legislate laws that she doesn't like.
The legislative initiatives that provoked the ire of the US Secretary of State
are the bills now under discussion which seek to curtail the ability to foreign
governments to subvert Israel's elected government by funding
non-representative, anti-Israel political NGOs like B'Tselem and Peace Now.
In attacking Israel in the way she did, Clinton showed that she holds Israel to
a unique standard of behavior. Whereas fellow Western democracies are within
their rights when they undertake initiatives like banning Islamic headdresses
from the public square, Israel is a criminal state for affording Jewish soldiers
freedom of religion. Whereas the Taliban, who enslave women and girls in the
most unspeakable fashion are worthy interlocutors, and the Egyptian Muslim
Brotherhood, which supports universal female genital mutilation is moderate,
Israel is an enemy of democracy for seeking to preserve the government's ability
to adopt policies that advance the country's interests.
4. Reply to Hillary:
Distraction Tactics of the Rich and
Hateful by Yair Davidiy.
Recently a few religious soldiers walked out of a group celebration
because a choir of girl soldiers were singing.
Security and Defense: Marching out of tune
How and why and in what circumstances Jewish Law forbids listening to women
singing, and whether or not it is compatible with Scripture is a matter for
discussion elsewhere.
The point is that Ultra-Orthodox and many Orthodox consider it forbidden.
Religious soldiers today are the backbone of the IDF. They comprise a
near-majority in front-line units and amongst the officer corps.
Not everyone is pleased with this. There are those who would like to change it.
In the past left-wing ideologists and fanatical adherents of secularism
controlled the armed forces.
Ben-Gurion referred to the IDF as the crucible of the nation. Service in the
army was used as an opportunity to re-create Israelis along lines the
powers-that-be considered desirable.
Young people from religious families entered the Army as observant and very
frequently emerged as non-religious. Nowadays things have changed in some ways
but the previous mentality often still prevails.
The really Ultra-Orthodox (as distinct from the National Religious) usually do
not serve in the Army for several reasons. There are however exceptions and
their numbers are growing. The majority of Ultra-Orthodox however do not serve
and probably never will.
[The Ultra-Orthodox do however contribute to the
nation in other ways, and in some respects this is even more of value.]
The left-wing Media and public personalities frequently attack the
Ultra-Orthodox for not serving.
Sometimes army spokesmen and leaders join in these attacks.
It is however on record that IDF officers when asked by official government
committees (e.g. The Tal Commission) what should be done about it have answered that they do not want the
Ultra-Orthodox serving. They would know what to with them. I have heard a Government
official admit as much on a Knesset Broadcast interview.
At present more than 40% of all potential inductees (religious and
non-religious) receive a deferment. The IDF has too many soldiers for its needs,
or so it thinks.
Attacks on the Ultra-Orthodox by the media and by politicians often seem to be
deliberate attempts to distract the public from the real problems that Israeli
society is plagued with.
The Ultra-Orthodox have taken the place of the scape-goat that Jews in the
Daispora used to fulfil. They are blamed for the social problems and the offences that
others are responsible for.
They are used to distract attention from the real culprits.
Back to the girls choir:
This walk-out by a few soldiers whether justified or not should have been
considered a small matter. Worse things happen every day. No-one needed to know
about it.
The Media however made a circus of it.
The Leader of the Israeli Parliamentary Opposition, Tspi Livni, and other female MKs (Members of the
Knesset) spoke about it at length and with great vociferation in the Knesset and
elsewhere. Even the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, referred to it and
used it as yet another excuse to attack Israel.
[Moslems chop off the clitoris of baby
girls and behead young women for talking to boys. Has Hillary ever spoken of
this? Would she do so? Does she care?]
Clinton is a rich woman. She made money through her legal practice and
connections. Tsipi Livni is also rich. Instead of worrying about poor people
and the real problems of their own peoples these two females preferred to expend
their considerable energies and influence in criticizing a few Orthodox
Religious soldiers serving their country and the free world.
What is the army anyway?
The army should be an organization for men to fight as organized units against
the enemy. And enemies are not lacking.
The army should not be considered a social get-together for girls to come and
entertain the boys with their sing-songs!
And if the girls do come to sing their songs why should religious Jews be forced
to listen to them?
The only reason women are conscripted into the IDF is for ideological reasons.
As individuals, women who serve are often extremely valuable acquisitions. In
some fields females are better than men.
Nevertheless on the whole the Army could do without them. The men could manage.
The money and investments thus saved could be used well elsewhere. Jewish law
is against women serving in the Armed Forces though many girl soldiers in Israel
are religious.
[Deuteronomy 22:5] A woman shall
not wear anything that pertains to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman's
garment, for all who do so are an abomination to the LORD your God.
"anything that pertains to a man" in
Hebrew is "cli-gever" which may also be interpreted to say the "weapons of a
This is not to say that women should not know how to defend themselves. On the
contrary. Those females who are able and so disposed may well benefit from
knowing how to use a gun or other weapon.
When life is in danger all other considerations are abrogated. This is the
Torah. There is a difference however from knowing how to do things in case of
severe emergency than setting out to do them at all events no matter what the
case. There is also a difference in being subjected to the military organization
in question and its resulting life-style. A great Rabbi once said that if the
girls were being called up just to sit around and say Psalms all day we would
still be against it.
Anyway US Foreign Secretary Clinton is part of the Obama administration which
has impoverished many US citizens and placed others in danger.
One would think they should have more serious matters to occupy themselves with?
Every day we read about another grave problem the USA is unable to find a
solution for.
Why does Clinton not concern herself with those matters?
Were the Israeli Army girls assaulted, insulted, abused, mistreated?
were ignored.
They were not even requested to refrain from what they were doing!
Since when does ignoring the performances of young women become a matter for
international deliberations?
5. Australia expands Iran sanctions amid
nuclear concerns
Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd says measures will target people, companies involved
in Iran nuclear programs, will restrict Australia business with Iran's
petroleum, financial sectors.
By The Associated Press
Australia has expanded sanctions against Iran amid growing concerns over the
country's suspected nuclear weapons program.
Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd said in a statement Tuesday that the measures will
target people and companies involved in Iran's ballistic missile and nuclear
programs and will restrict Australia's business with Iran's petroleum and
financial sectors.
Rudd cited last week's attacks on the British Embassy in Tehran and a recent
International Atomic Energy Agency report that suggested Iran was working to
develop atomic weapons as reasons behind the sanctions.
The U.S., Britain and Canada also announced additional sanctions on Iran after
the report was released. The sanctions are meant to pressure Iran's economy.
Meanwhile, according to a report by the U.K.'s Telegraph newspaper on Monday,
Iran's Revolutionary Guard has raised its alertness level fearing a military
strike by a foreign power.
Western intelligence sources told the Telegraph that the commander of the
Revolutionary Guard Mohammed Ali Jaafari issued a command to raise operational
readiness, fearing what the report called "potential external strikes and covert
Also Monday, U.S. military officials said that they were concerned that a
stealthy surveillance drone that crashed in Iran could give Tehran the
opportunity to glean information about the classified program.
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