JN-993 |
JN-993. Jerusalem News. 28 March 2012, 5 Nissan 5712 Contents: 1. The Terrible Reality of Almost Universal Hate Jews Have to Live With! by Brit-Am. 2. From Anti-Semite to Hassidic Jew by Rachel Hirshfeld 3. Ex-Mossad official: Only force works against terror by YAAKOV LAPPIN |
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1. The Terrible Reality of Almost
Universal Hate Jews Have to Live With! The extracts below show a little of the reality Jews have to live with everywhere. Even in Israel a Jew who inadvertently wanders into an Arab area is liable to be molested, stoned, lynched. On March 26, 2012, in Toulouse, France, a 23 year old Muslim fanatic, Mohamed Merah, entered a Jewish school and killed Rabbi Yonatan Sandler, a 30- year-old French-born teacher from Jerusalem; his two children Aryeh, 6, and Gavriel, 3; and 8-year-old Miriam Monsonego, the daughter of the school's principal, died in the attack. Several others were wounded. The killer had chased 8-year-old Miriam Monsonego, into the courtyard, caught her by her hair and raised a gun to shoot her. The gun jammed at this point and Merah changed weapons from what the police identified as a 9-mm pistol to a .45 calibre gun, and shot the girl in her temple at point-blank range. After the shooting groups of young Muslim girls demonstrated in favor of the murderer. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_Midi-Pyr%C3%A9n%C3%A9es_shootings A small rally (around 30 people)[72] was held in Toulouse to honour the memory of Merah and was dispersed by French police. Most of the protesters were reported as young women wearing the burka which is illegal in France to do so. Several Muslims acquainted with the killer attempted to leave flowers outside his flat. They said that they did not wish to judge him harshly and that the vilification of Merah was unfair. Graffiti on the walls in Toulouse reads "Viva Merah" and "Fuck the kippa". http://www.cjnews.com/node/89586 The rise in antisemitism has been noted in a report by the Anti-Defamation League that was (coincidentally) released on March 20 and picked up by some major media outlets, including Reuters. According to the study, 'pernicious antisemitic beliefs continue to be held [overall] by nearly one-third of those surveyed' ' with levels up in nine of 10 European countries surveyed. Nearly a quarter of French citizens hold antisemitic attitudes, an increase of 20 per cent since 2009. This compares with 63 per cent of Hungarians, 53 per cent of Spaniards, and 48 per cent of Poles. The lowest numbers in the study were found in Britain (17 per cent) and Germany (21 per cent). Indicators included whether respondents believe Jews have too much power in business, are more loyal to Israel than to their own country, or 'talk too much' about the Holocaust. 2. From Anti-Semite to Hassidic Jew http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/154211 A former Polish anti-Semite, whose favorite pastime was attacking Jews, revealed his Jewish identity, converted, and became a Hassidic Jew. By Rachel Hirshfeld Extract: Pawel Bromson grew up in Poland where he habitually engaged in anti-Semitic activities and, like many of his countrymen, blamed the Jews for the country's woes. As a pastime, he and his friends even boarded a train to Auschwitz and vandalized the former concentration camp, where they shouted at staff members that 'the genocide should have been bigger,' The National Post reported on Tuesday. 'I wasn't just anti-Semitic, I was anti-everyone,' Bromson said. However, Bromson's story is not that of an anti-Semite prototype. Fourteen years ago he discovered that his grandparents were Jewish. 'I thought my life was finished. It was a catastrophe,' he said. Like many Jewish families who had survived the Holocaust in Poland, Bromson's parents hid their religion from their children in order to protect them from persecution, noted the Post. Over time, Bromson not only accepted the truth regarding his Jewish identity, but also took steps in converting to Judaism, eventually becoming a Hassidic Jew. He currently lectures about his journey from anti-Semite to observant Jew, and is scheduled to speak at a fundraising event, on Tuesday night, at the Chabad of Westmount, Montreal. Deborah Shanowitz, program director at the Chabad of Westmount, said the centre decided to bring Bromson to Montreal because he has a very unusual story. 'He was a neo-Nazi who hated Jews and all minorities,' she noted. 'After embarking on a path of finding out what it is to be Jewish, he decided to go back and be like his great-grandfather.' 3. Ex-Mossad official: Only force works against terror By YAAKOV LAPPIN 03/28/2012 01:54 Former senior Mossad official says 2002's Defensive Shield operation shows that force is the best way to stop terror. http://www.jpost.com/DiplomacyAndPolitics/Article.aspx'id=263719 Extracts: Ten years ago on Thursday, after terrorists killed more than 100 civilians in one month, the IDF launched Operation Defensive Shield, and sent its soldiers deep into West Bank cities and towns. Palestinian gunmen set up ambushes in residential areas. They killed 30 IDF soldiers, and wounded 127. But Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other terrorist organizations suffered greater casualties in Jenin, Nablus, Ramallah, Kalkilya, Hebron and Tulkarm. The offensive began a turn-around that eventually succeeded in ending the second intifada's deadliest wave of suicide terrorism. 'Unfortunately, this operation proved that the only way to stop terrorism is with force,' Rami Igra, a former senior Mossad official, told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday. 'Before the operation, there was an explosion in Israel often. Afterward, it came to a stop,' he said. Igra stressed that the construction of the West Bank security barrier, and the intelligence effort that came after the offensive, were as pivotal in ending suicide bomb attacks as Defensive Shield. Ultimately, he argued, the offensive was a 'clear slap to all those on the Israeli Left who believe in diplomatic means. More than anything, this symbolizes the differences in approach between us and the Palestinians.' The cultural differences with radical Islamist elements are enormous, and the threat can only be dealt with using force, Igra said. While Israel believes that it is possible to reach compromises, 'de facto, this isn't true from a Palestinian perspective,' he added. Israel is forced to maneuver in a 'game of violence, though this is not our wish,' he continued. Operation Defense Shield succeeded in stemming terrorism from the West Bank, but it did not convince Palestinians to abandon the path of war and the notion that they can one day destroy Israel, Igra said, adding, 'This has been a 100-year-old struggle.' |
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