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Dr. Elior wrote:
Yair Shalom,
As an Israeli-American scholar for years I have read what you write and I agreed with you, until today.
"And they shall go in my judgements and keep my laws] Ezekiel" 36, and in many many other places it is A FACT that God punishes his children when they disobey Him. Ezekiel says that under no circumstances God will being the Israelites back to Zion to split Zion again into 2 kingdoms like they did after Solomon. The huge chasm between the Haredim [Ultra-Orthodox] and the seculars today (and the other chasms in Israeli society and the crime, etc.) is the REASON Israel today is in the same trouble with Elohim as Israel was yesterday! THE HAREDIM TODAY ARE LEARNING TORAH THE SAME DISTORTED WAY THAT THE LEVITES AND THE COHANIM DID IN ANCIENT TIMES, TRYING TO FOOL GOD AND LEADING TO THE DESTRUCTION OF OUR TEMPLE TWICE!!!. WHAT YOU CALL "THE FULL TIME TORAH WORRIERS" TODAY ARE AS CORRUPTED AS THOSE YESTERDAY. I AM TELLING YOU, YAIR, OPEN YOUR EYES, YOU ARE A DEDICATED MAN, IF WE DON'T STOP THE CHARADE ELOHIM WILL REPLACE ORTHODOX JUDAISM WITH MESSIANIC JUDAISM AND BRING IN CHRISTIAN ZIONISM TO SAVE US FROM OURSELVES!!!!! IF YOU CAN'T SEE THAT IT IS ALREADY HAPPENING, WE LOST AN OTHERWISE INSIGHTFUL BIBLICAL SCHOLAR.
Let me give you a perfect example of my point that we sin and need to recognize it before it is too late (again): When Barak met Arafat and Clinton at Camp David, Ehud offered Yasser half of Jerusalem in exchange for peace. I surveyed Canadian rabbis on the apparent meaninglessness of "If I forget Jerusalem may my right hand forget its cunning Psalm 135:5" to the Jews, and the rabbis view was as followed: "The Talmud says that peace is more important than Jerusalem." I said, "Yerushalaim is Zion. You can't give away what [the Almighty] gives you in perpetuity. The Torah is above the Talmud. The rabbis consensus was that the Talmud supersedes the Torah. I am afraid that the full time Torah worriers of Israel today are really Talmud Worriers and not Torah Worriers as you believe. God is as angry at them as He is angry at the anti-Zionist seculars. Israel in in the same danger she has been before in history!
Yair, your work is a Mitzva.
Please forgive me if I have offended you.
Dr. Elior K.
After the Death of Solomon: The Divided Kingdom ![]() Source of Map: |
![]() 2-Kings ch.11 |
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2-Kings ch.13 ![]() |