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New Joseph Forum no.2 

Ephraimites, Two Houses, Joes, Ten Tribes Teachings
DEED (Diburi Ephratim-Ephraimite Discussions)
June 18 2009, 26 Sivan 5769
1. What then is the Brit-Am Message?
2. Why do we need
NJF? Is it not repeating the task of Brit-Am Now?
3. Suggested Future Threads for


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1. What then is the Brit-Am Message?
Yair Shalom,
You say that Ephraimites should not try to move to Israel at present.
You also have spoken against keeping the Commandments.
What then is the point of it all?
What exactly is the Brit-Am Message?

Brit-Am Reply:

We are not necessarily against people moving to Israel if they can do so even though we feel that all those in the Land should ultimately accept the Torah.
#1. What is the Brit-Am position on Ephraimites Coming to dwell in the Land of Israel at Present?
We are rather critical of the attitude of some Ephraimites who seem to say that because they probably descend from the Lost Ten Tribes they should be automatically allowed to come to Israel and receive all the rights, privileges, and obligations as the Jews.  This to our mind is an irrational attitude and sometimes seems a deliberate excuse to find fault with the Jews. It may be that in the Messianic Era when Israelite Ancestry is not doubted or doubtful and religious differences have been resolved that things will be different. At the moment such is not the case.

We also do not say that Ephraimites should not keep the Commandments.
On the contrary we feel that the urge to do so is a positive indication of ancestral arousal and of Israelite descent.
Nevertheless, We say that according to our understanding descendants of the Lost Ten Tribes at present have no obligation to observe the Jewish Religion unless they are born Jewish or convert to Judaism.
If someone disagrees they are welcome to do so.
We will argue with them as little as possible on this point since it takes us beyond the purpose of the Brit-Am Movement.
We wish to avoid religious controversies as much as possible.

The point of the Brit-Am Ten Tribes movement is to affirm that the Lost Ten Tribes as recognizable coherent entities are to be found concentrated amongst certain Western Peoples.
Individuals who belong to these entities that fit the Ephraimite Criteria are probably descended from Israelite Ancestors.

This knowledge in our opinion requires they who receive the message to:
Know that you descend from Israel.
Internalize your Israelite consciousness.

This to our mind should lead to:
An even stronger belief in the Bible and intensified Bible Study.
Leading a better, more responsible, existence.
An increased awareness of Divine Providence.
Confidence in and love of your own national group and place of residence.
Respect for the Jews.
Support of the State of Israel.

2. Why do we need NJF? Is it not repeating the task of Brit-Am Now?
In the past Brit-Am Now did do what we intent NJF to now do
but Brit-Am Now does other things as well. From now on it is intended that Brit-Am Now  concentrate on Brit-Am matters such as Biblical and Secular research, Insights, Publications, Opinions, Brit-Am pertinent correspondence and news items, etc.
NJF will take over the Joe and "Ephraimite" aspects regarding implications of Brit-Am information at the individual level and personal difficulties in reconciling Hebraic needs etc.
There is a need to have all the "Ephraimite" type correspondence, articles, queries, etc as much together for reference purposes as possible.  This should make it a little easier for those who need the answers to be able to access them.
There will always be some overlap between the themes discussed by NJF and those of Brit-Am Now but this is inevitable and the same may be said concerning all our other Newsletters.

3. Suggested Future Threads for NJF.
Conspiracy Quacks are Enemies of Ephraim!
Eastern Candidate Advocates for the Lost Ten Tribes Betray the Ephraimite Birthright!
Why Ephraimites Should or Should Not Support the Brit-Am Ten Tribes Movement.


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