News Features Concerning the State of Israel, the Jewish People, as well as
Nations amongst whom we find a significant proportion of descendants from the Lost Ten Tribes.
New Jerusalem News.
10 November 2011, 13 Cheshvan 5712
1. Defector: Iran aided 9/11 plot.
2. U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel by Jeremy M. Sharp
3. US Should Stay in Iraq: Arabs Respect Strength!
The strongest tribe By HAROLD RHODE

Members of the Fogel Family from Itamar; Murdered (March 11, 2011) by Arab Terrorists for being Jewish .
May the God of Israel Avenge Them.

1. Defector: Iran aided 9/11 plot
Bruce Golding - The New York Post, May 20th, 2011'p=7392
A former Iranian intelligence official who defected claimed that Tehran helped
plot the Sept. 11 attacks, according to bombshell court papers filed yesterday
in a victims' lawsuit against the Tehran government.
The ex-official is one of three unidentified defectors from Iran's secretive
Ministry of Information and Security who testified under oath about 'Iranian
government complicity' before, during and after the terror strikes, according to
the Manhattan federal-court lawsuit.
The defector said that in addition to helping devise the plan, Iran supplied
training in 'airliner hijacking' and provided 'material support for hundreds of
al Qaeda fighters' after Sept. 11.
He added that top leaders of al Qaeda, Hezbollah and Iran attended a series of
meetings in Iran 'during the months before' the attacks, according to a
description of the testimony in the court filing.
The testimony ' made during videotaped depositions and filed under seal ' came
as part of the $100 billion civil suit filed by dozens of relatives of Sept. 11
victims against Iran, al Qaeda, the Taliban and others.
Lawyers for the plaintiffs say the defectors ' identified only as Witnesses X, Y
and Z ' 'worked in positions that gave them access to sensitive information
regarding Iran's state sponsorship of terrorism,' the court papers state.
The defector also said his allegations are 'supported by government letters and
memoranda, photographs and organizational charts.'
'Very little of the evidence . . . has been brought to light in any public
forum, although some of it is apparently known to the US government,' the
plaintiffs' lawyers wrote.
Retired CIA officers pored over the three defectors' 28 hours of testimony for
any sign of deceit, but it was deemed credible, Janice Kephart, a former lawyer
with the 9/11 Commission and expert witness in the suit, told The Post.
The court papers note 'an important but often overlooked conclusion' of the 9/11
Commission that 'there is strong evidence that Iran facilitated the transit of
al Qaeda members into and out of Afghanistan before 9/11 and that some of these
were future 9/11 hijackers.'
2. U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel
Jeremy M. Sharp
Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs
September 16, 2010
Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since
World War II.
1976-2004, Israel was the largest annual recipient of U.S. foreign assistance,
having since been
supplanted by Iraq. Since 1985, the United States has provided nearly $3 billion
in grants
annually to Israel.
Almost all U.S. bilateral aid to Israel is in the form of military assistance.
In the past, Israel also
had received significant economic assistance. Strong congressional support for
Israel has resulted
in Israel's receiving benefits not available to other countries. For example,
Israel can use some
U.S. military assistance both for research and development in the United States
and for military
purchases from Israeli manufacturers. In addition, all U.S. foreign assistance
earmarked for Israel
is delivered in the first 30 days of the fiscal year. Most other recipients
normally receive aid in
installments. Congress also appropriates funds for joint U.S.-Israeli missile
defense programs.
In August 2007, the Bush Administration announced that it would increase U.S.
assistance to Israel by $6 billion over the next decade. The agreement calls for
incremental annual
increases in Foreign Military Financing (FMF) to Israel, reaching $3 billion a
year by FY2011.
For FY2011, the Obama Administration requested $3 billion in FMF to Israel.
According to the
State Department's FY2011 budget justification for Foreign Operations, 'U.S.
assistance will help
ensure that Israel maintains its qualitative military edge over potential
threats, and prevent a shift
in the security balance of the region. U.S. assistance is also aimed at ensuring
for Israel the
security it requires to make concessions necessary for comprehensive regional
After years of negotiation, the United States and Israel announced in August
2010 that Israel will
purchase 20 F-35s at a cost of $2.75 billion, which will be paid for entirely
with FMF grants. The
first planes are scheduled to be delivered in 2015, though the deal is still
pending final approval
by the Israeli cabinet.
By all accounts the United States has given more money to Israel than to any
other country. The Congressional Research Service's conservative estimate of
total cumulative US aid to Israel (not adjusted for inflation) from 1949 through
2010 is $109.001 billion.
3. US Should Stay in Iraq: Arabs Respect Strength!
The strongest tribe
11/09/2011 22:24
Bringing troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan may spell failure for our
missions in both places.
Most Iraqi political leaders of all factions have privately said that they want
US troops to stay. In Baghdad, you could hear them time and time and again
imploring us to do so. Cultural pride, however, a major component of Middle
Eastern culture, does not allow them to say so publicly, lest they appear weak
in a rough neighborhood. They can, however, respond to a request that appears to
be from others. We might, for example, say that we would like to stay in Iraq in
order to help ensure security, and the Iraqis would then be appearing to be to
'acceding to our [Iraqi] request,' and their cultural pride would remain intact.
What is needed is for US President Barack Obama to publicly make a commitment
that we are there in some form for the long haul ' however vague the statement
is not important ' the Iraqi leaders can make an appropriate arrangement that
would preserve their dignity in public.
Absent such a statement from Obama, the Iraqis had no choice other than to ask
the Americans to leave.
What alarms the Iraqis is precisely that bad neighborhood, where almost all of
their neighbors ' Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria and even Jordan ' have been doing
their utmost to make sure that the remarkable experiment of a democratic
country, which successfully includes all its citizens, totally fails.
Anbar, for example ' the Sunni-dominated area in western Iraq ' was, until
President George Bush's surge in the mid-2000s, well on its way to becoming an a
l - Q a i d a - d o m i n a t e d statelet. Before the surge, only three of the
21 major tribal groupings supported the US in some way. When President Bush sent
in the Marines, who demonstrated that America was serious about eliminating the
terrorists, however, within less than a year, almost all of the Sunni tribes had
switched from supporting the fundamentalists to supporting the Americans ' all
because America had demonstrated that it was the strongest power in the area. As
the locals put it, the Marines were the strongest 'tribe' in the area. Of
course, as Osama bin Laden observed about people respecting the 'Strong Horse,'
everyone wanted to be allied with the winner.
In less than a year, therefore, Anbar, the most dangerous place in Iraq, became
one of its most peaceful areas. It was American resolve and staying power that
had changed everything.
As the locals said, they sided with us, and, more importantly, respected us
because they knew they could rely on us.
If we do not wish the entire region to be overrun by Muslim extremists sitting
on half the world's oil and using it to fund the Islamic obligation of a
worldwide Caliphate ' as is being implanted now in Europe, Africa and North and
South America ' we will need to return to Iraq. At that time, though, it will be
at even a greater cost of life and treasure ' which probably means that we will
Instead, we shall probably continue accommodating the Islamists, as we have
already been doing in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt, Turkey and South America.
Obama's desire to bring American troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan, instead
of making a commitment to leave a small force as his military emphatically
recommended, may instead spell failure for our missions in both places. But
evidently Obama's political agenda matters more to him than the security of the
Bing West
In The Strongest Tribe and in a subsequent article in Military Review about
counterinsurgency lessons, West argued that the current doctrine of
nation-building and winning hearts and minds by economic development was based
on Western liberal theory rather than the realities of battle. ... He believes
that the warriors, not the people, defeat warriors, and that America's mistake
in both Iraq and Afghanistan was to concede all authority to appoint and to
remove for cause military and police officers. He believes insurgencies proceed
from the bottom up, and must be dealt with at the local level.
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