25 July 2012, 6 Av 5772 |
A Recall to Salvation. Highlights from the Book of Zechariah |
Zechariah Recalls All. Duration: 30 minutes |
The Prophet Zecharaiah spoke of the End Times.
Zechariah describes events that will involve both the Jews (Judah) and Joseph (the Ten Tribes). The Ten Tribes will return.
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A Recall to Salvation. Highlights from the Book of Zechariah by Yair Davidiy The name Zechariah is derived from the root Z-Ch-aR connoting remember and recall. The book of Zechariah deals with Recalling the Need for Repentance and Salvation of the Jewish and Israelite nations. The Prophet Zechariah authored the Book of Zechariah, the eleventh of the Twelve Minor Prophets. Zechariah was "the son of Berechiah, the son of Iddo" (Zechariah 1:1). In Ezra 5:1 and 6:14 Zechariah is called "the son of Iddo," who was properly his grandfather. In the Bible son of can sometimes mean grandson or simply descendant. We are all descendants of someone. Most of us do not know who our ancestors were but whoever they were they would want us to leave good lives. By doing good we help them in their world beyond the grave. Iddo the grandfather of Zechariah was the head of a priestly family (a Cohen) who had returned from the Babylonian Exile with Zerubbabel (Nehemiah 12:4). The Almighty had been displeased with our ancestors (1:2). God says return to me and I shall return to you (1:3). God is waiting for us to take the first step. If we return to God then God will return to us. This is a promise. We owe it to ourselves and to our forefathers. God is concerned about Jerusalem (1:4). Anyone who tries to dispute Judah s liberation of Jerusalem must contend with the Almighty God of Israel. People who go against Zionism and against the State of Israel are fighting the God of Israel. In the past the Almighty was a little displeased with Judah. Therefore Judah was vulnerable. The heathen took advantage and persecuted Judah beyond what was tolerable. God is now consequently very much more displeased with the heathen (1:15). Because the Jews (Judah) had sinned God was angry at them and delivered them into non-Jewish hands as a punishment BUT the non-Jews exploited the situation and wickedly oppressed Judah. Therefore God will be very angry with them. The Second Temple Period was a Preparation for the Jewish Diaspora. First the Ten Tribes had been taken into Exile and disappeared. Then, about 140 years later the Babylonians exiled all the People of Judah. Seventy years later the Persians under Cyrus conquered the Babylonians and let the Jews return. Most of the Jews remained in Exile. A small portion returned. The Returnees eventually increased and mutiplied and more and more Jews from the Exile returned to settle amongst them. Nevertheless most of them remained in the Diaspora. The Second Temple Period was an incomplete redemption. It was a partial reprieve; A probationary allowance of time for the sake of re-amalgamation and recuperation. The Jews in the Second Templed Period were to lay the foundations of Formal Legal Deduction of the Oral Law as a preparation for the continuation of their Exile (S.R. Hirsch, Horeb #306). The Oral Law had always existed. It is part of the Written Law. Nevertheless it had been too centered on the Second Temple area and the Sanhedrin (Deuteronomy 17:8-13). It needed a partial return in the Second Temple Times to prepare for the transition. Before then there had been Prophets. Now there still were Prophets such as Haggai, Malachi, and Zechariah. The Prophets however were to pass away and their place be taken by holy men who used their intellect. In the Future Prophecy shall return. S. R. Hirsch saw the Diaspora as a means of saving the Jewish People. They learned to rely on God and develop the Law. They were to spread knowledge of God and the Bible. They were also to bring in converts. Zechariah mentions this (2:11). [Zechariah speaks of the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem (1:16). We will rebuild the Temple sooner or later. You can count on it. There will be a New Temple of the Living God of Israel soon (we hope) in Jerusalem. Portions of the Second Temple still remain. The Second Temple is still being destroyed. The Arabs are systematically excavating deep down and removing all traces of Jewish presence on the Temple Mount. They deny that the Temple Mount ever belonged to Judah. They will be punished and so will all those who support them and prevent us from rebuilding the Holy Temple. Zechariah speaks of Four Carpenters who will come to save Judah from being Scattered (1:21). The Talmud (Succah 52;b) says that the Four carpenters who will come to save Israel and Judah are The Messiah Son of David, the Messiah Son of Joseph (future redeemer and head of the Lost Ten Tribes), Eliyahu, and the Righteous Priest. The impression is that: The Messiah Son of David means the future religious leader and eventual supreme ruler of all Israel. The Messiah of tradition. The Messiah Son of Joseph means the future head of the Ten Tribes and also represents responsibility for rebuilding the physical and military infrastructure of restored Israel. Eliyahu brings Israel back to their roots and arouses awareness of Tribal Identity amongst all Israel ( the heart of the children to their fathers Malachi 4:6). Brit-Am and anyone who helps Brit-Am may be doing part of the work of Eliyahu. The Righteous Priest ( Cohen = Priest in Hebrew) is a figure of Melchizedek (Genesis 14;18) and therefore perhaps a leader of the righteous amongst non-Israelite peoples. In the future Jerusalem will be rebuilt and will spread out enormously. It will reach up to Damascus. Many from the Ten Tribes (who will return from the North) as well as from Judah will dwell within it (2:4 see Commentary Meam Loaz ). Anybody who persecutes the Jews is considered by God as if they attempted to harm the very eye of God Himself (2:8)! Many nations shall attach themselves to Judah and become Jewish (2:11). [Zechariah 2:12] AND THE LORD SHALL INHERIT JUDAH HIS PORTION IN THE HOLY LAND, AND SHALL CHOOSE JERUSALEM AGAIN.The return of the Jews to the Holy Land is the will of God. Anybody who tries to undermine or weaken this return will have to give an account for it before the Almighty! The Temple will be built again. The Ten Tribes will return and help build it (6:15 see Malbim). After Judah was expelled from the Land it became desolate (7:14). Only when the British and Jews returned did the Land of Israel begin to flourish. The Almighty will once again cause HIS PRESENCE to be revealed in Jerusalem which shall be called a city of truth (8:3). The Jews today keep four fasts days of mourning associated with the destruction of the Temple. When the Temple is rebuilt these four days will become feast days (8:19). In the End Times ten men out of all the languages of the world will take hold of the cloak of a Jew, saying, Let us go with you, for we have heard, God is with you (8:23). [Zechariah 9:1] THE BURDEN OF THE WORD OF THE LORD IN THE LAND OF HADRACH, AND DAMASCUS SHALL BE THE REST THEREOF: WHEN THE EYES OF MAN, AS OF ALL THE TRIBES OF ISRAEL, SHALL BE TOWARD THE LORD.The future borders of Israel shall reach beyond the Euphrates and expand far to the north (9:2). As explained in Lost Israelite Identity The Biblical Damascus actually stood on the Euphrates. Hadrach in southeast Turkey was the center of Lias which land the Tribe of Dan once conquered (Judges chapter 18). In the Time of the Hashmonean/Maccabees Jewish patriots defeated the Hellenistic force of decadence and perversion. Ephraim shall fight and win a similar battle agaisnt his internal and external enemies (9:13, see THE BOW OF JUDAH AND THE ARROWS OF EPHRAIM ). [Zechariah 10:6] AND I WILL STRENGTHEN THE HOUSE OF JUDAH, AND I WILL SAVE THE HOUSE OF JOSEPH, AND I WILL BRING THEM AGAIN TO PLACE THEM; FOR I HAVE MERCY UPON THEM: AND THEY SHALL BE AS THOUGH I HAD NOT CAST THEM OFF: FOR I AM THE LORD THEIR GOD, AND WILL HEAR THEM.There will be a re-conciliation of the Lost Ten Tribes with Judah. Joseph and Judah will re-unite and return to the Land (10:6). Ephraim will become once again a mighty power (10:7). They will settle in Gilead i.e. Syria and Jordan, and in Lebanon (10:10). Some kind of calamity will occur. Two-thirds of the world s people will perish (13:8). Part of the remaining third of non-Israelites and Israelites by descent will then accept the faith of Israel and identify as Israelites BUT then will come the troubles of Gog and Magog. There will be persecutions and the threat of extinction. Most of the non-Israelites who accepted the Israelite faith will back out. It will be mainly those of Israelite descent who remain attached to Israelite religion. See Also: To Rebuild the Temple. Zechariah and the Future Building. See Also: Commentary on the Book of Zechariah. See Also: THE BOW OF JUDAH AND THE ARROWS OF EPHRAIM Parallels in Prophecy between the Maccabees and Ephraim in the Future. |
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