Tribal Report no.13

Compiled: 2 February 2009, 8 Shevet 5769
1. Scotland and Britain:
Heroes who saved Jews in the holocaust
2. Norway's pro-Israel opposition leader under 24-hour guard
3. Ulster: Anti-Protestant Forces Unite with Arabs Against the Jews of Israel
4. Ireland: Interesting, if Exaggerated, Article on Irish Character
5. Iceland: Selected Extracts from


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1. Scotland and Britain:
Heroes who saved Jews in the holocaust
Time to
honour Jane Haining, Scotland's Schindler

Jane Haining was born in 1897 in Dunscore, Dumfries and Galloway, into a Presbyterian family.

In 1932, she volunteered to become matron of a girls' home run by the Scottish Mission School in Budapest, where she quickly became fluent in Hungarian. She was responsible for 50 of the schools and 400 pupils, most of whom were Jewish and many of whom were orphans.

At the outbreak of the Second World War, she was in Cornwall on holiday, but immediately returned to Budapest and ignored orders to return to Scotland.

She again refused to leave Hungary following the Nazi invasion in March 1944, saying: "If these children need me in the days of sunshine, how much more do they need me in the days of darkness."

She is said to have wept as she sewed the Star of David on to the uniforms of her wards.

During the dark days of 1938 and 1939, the number of Jewish refugees coming to the school increased, mostly children fleeing from the Nazis in Austria.

She became aware that the Church of Scotland Mission had become a place of sanctuary.

She wrote: "What a ghastly feeling it must be to know that no-one wants you and to feel that your neighbours literally grudge you your daily bread."

In April 1944, she was arrested for a series of trumped-up offences, including working with Jews and listening to the BBC. At first she was imprisoned in Buda, before being sent to the holding camp at Kistarcsa, and finally, in May 1944, she was taken by train to the infamous death camp Auschwitz-Birkenau.

The others who deserve our recognition

FRANK FOLEY: Known as the Stourbridge Schindler, he was a British secret intelligence service officer who used his role as a passport control officer to help thousands of Jews escape from Nazi Germany. He died in 1958.

ROBERT SMALLBONES: As the Consul-General in Frankfurt-am-Main, he helped Mr Foley to save thousands of Jews by arranging papers for them to come to Britain.

RANDOLPH CHURCHILL: The son of the wartime prime minister, Winston Churchill, is on the list for his work in 1944 in Yugoslavia, where he set up a military mission after volunteering to be parachuted behind enemy lines with the author Evelyn Waugh.

CHARLES COWARD: Known as the Count of Auschwitz. After numerous PoW escape attempts, Sergeant Coward was transferred to Auschwitz III, a Labour camp. There he managed to smuggle food to Jews and even got dynamite to help the Sonderkommando rebellion in a partially successful attempt to blow up the gas chambers. At the end of the war he is believed to have saved 400 Jews by giving them documents from dead non-Jews.

TOMMY NOBLE: Another Scot, he was among a group of British PoWs who found a Jewish girl, Sarah Hannah Rigler (n? Matuson), who had escaped from a death march. They hid and fed her in camp and saved her life.

2. Norway's pro-Israel opposition leader under 24-hour guard


"Norway, a country that used to be very pro-Israel, has turned into one of the most anti-Israel countries in Europe today," within both government and public opinion.
That's according to Dr. Asle Toje, a researcher at the BI Norwegian School of Management and foreign policy adviser to the Progress Party of Norway (Fremskrittspartiet).

Toje is a staunch advocate of Siv Jensen, chairwoman of the main opposition Progress Party, who has recently come under fire for her pro-Israel stance. Following her appearance at a pro-Israel rally in Oslo on January 8, Jensen began receiving death threats, and is now under 24-hour security supervision.

"I have never experienced this kind of hatred in Norway," said Toje, who was present at the demonstration. "There were people throwing stones at and spitting on rally-goers. Afterward, people carrying Israeli flags were randomly attacked in the streets."

Along with expressions of support for Israel, speakers at the rally, including Jensen, called for aid to be distributed in Gaza and for a cease-fire agreement to be signed. "It was a peaceful rally," said Toje. "Jensen was calling for the same things as Barack Obama. The difference is that she was doing it in Norway. The environment here is different."

The Socialist Left Party (Sosialistisk Venstreparti), which is part of the current coalition, has proposed a number of boycotts against Israel since the government was formed in 2005.
"The first was a general boycott," said Toje. "Next came an academic boycott and then a boycott on arms." The boycotts, though not implemented, have exacerbated an already hostile atmosphere.

Israeli/Nazi comparisons and anti-Semitic incidents are now commonplace, Toje said.

On January 21, Etgar Lefkovits reported in The Jerusalem Post on an e-mail sent out by Trine Lilleng, a senior Norwegian diplomat based in Saudi Arabia. "The grandchildren of Holocaust survivors from World War II are doing to the Palestinians exactly what was done to them by Nazi Germany," Lilleng wrote.

Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr St?e (Labor), in his recent memoir, To Make a Difference, makes an implicit comparison, noting, when writing of Hebron: "Most of the shops have been shut down. The shudders have been bolted and are marked by signs from the Israeli police. They are marked, as other shops have been marked at other places and at other times."

In August 2006, Jostein Gaardner, an esteemed Norwegian author and a friend of St?e's, published an op-ed in the Aftenposten daily under the headline, "God's chosen people."

Gardner wrote, in reaction to the Second Lebanon War, "We don't believe in the notion of God's chosen people. We laugh at this people's capriciousness and weep at its misdeeds. To act as God's chosen people is not only stupid and arrogant, but a crime against humanity. We call it racism."

A week later, Gaarder penned another op-ed, expressing his "regret if I have hurt anyone - though I intended and still intend to be harsh in my critique of the State of Israel."

In September 2006, 10 shots were fired at an Oslo synagogue, but no one was hurt. The shooter, Arfan Bhatti, "wished to kill women and children coming out of the synagogue,"Aftenposten reported.

On June 2, 2008, Bhatti was acquitted of terrorism charges and convicted of "aggravated vandalism." He is now serving an eight-year prison sentence.

Norway's approximately 1,500 Jews, who live mainly in Oslo and Trondheim, have experienced a fair amount of anti-Semitism, Toje said.

He posited that this was connected with the mass immigration from Muslim countries that began in the 1970s.

On Israel, he said, "An unwillingness to see that there are two sides to the story has emerged. The far left has invited radical Islam into bed with them. It is the new thing to be apologist about."

In defying that trend, Toje praised Jensen as "a very bold politician. She stood up and made her voice heard at a time when it was not the popular thing to do - which is usually when it really matters."

3. Ulster: Anti-Protestant Forces Unite with Arabs Against the Jews of Israel
Report on Belfast demonstration against Israel?s attack on Gaza

JM Thorn
30 December 2008
A demonstration was held in Belfast on Monday (29th) to protest the Israeli attack on Gaza.  Organised at short notice by Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) it drew a respectable crowd of 130 people.  The biggest elements of the demonstration were trade unionists, followed by various republican groups and Palestinian exiles.  Socialist representation at the demo was very limited.

Belfast hears of Gaza suffering

Peter Bunting, ICTU [headquarters in Dublin, Eire] Assistant General Secretary said that the conflict should not be viewed "through the prism of our sectarianised politics".
"The Palestinian people of Gaza deserve your support as does everybody who lives in fear of violence," he said.
"If it is one message that has to come from Northern Ireland today it is that violence is the greatest impediment to a just solution for the people of Israel and Palestine."
The DUP's Nelson McCausland condemned the march as "anti-Israel and pro-Hamas".

"Some of the marchers were calling for the eradication of the state of Israel. These marchers were chanting 'From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.' This is simply a way of calling for the total annihilation of Israel," he said.

4. Ireland: Interesting, if Exaggerated, Article on Irish Character
From: Dr Richard Griffin
Subject: "Bold Sons of Erin: The Irish as Guerillas and Gangsters"

This a fascinating presentation on Irish culture and specifically on how the Irish adopted irregular warfare and exported this style of warfare to lands they settled.
It reminded me of Genesis 49:17 "Dan will be a serpent by the roadside, a viper along the path, that bites the horse's heels so that its rider tumbles backward."

The following are some excerpts from this presentation

Joe Reilly Ph.D.
"Bold Sons of Erin: The Irish as Guerillas and Gangsters"
International Psychohistorical Association
"The traditional Irish hero comes from this tale: [The Cattle Raid of Cooley] Cuchulainn.
He is small totally focused warrior who dies fighting an army.
His last act is to wrap his belt around a tree to die on his feet.
He refuses to surrender or to negotiate.
No surrender is his policy."
Irish family culture carries over memory of mistreatment in Erin and USA.
Erin was dominated by British military power since 1169.
Six counties of Northern Ireland are still occupied by British troops.
The crucial event was The Great Famine.
Ireland had at least four major famines between 1640 and 1845.
We have volumes of newspaper and magazine reports of the Great Famine.
The cultural attitudes of genocidal discrimination continue in family culture.
Historical knowledge is unneeded to continue attitudes.
Historical knowledge of mistreatment focuses attitudes and justif ies them.
It has been noted in survey research that the Irish in Erin or overseas are not likely to minimize nor to deny their grievances.
Resentment carries on in a family culture, which approves of resentment.
The Irish experienced genocide due to limited relief given to Famine Irish.
It has been rumored Queen Victoria wrote to the Kaiser during the Famine.
She may have stated she looked forward to the elimination of all Catholic Irish.
Once Erin was unpopulated, she planned to settle Scots Presbyterians.
The Scots were loyal to her so the Irish would not trouble her again.
In 1920s the War of Independence coercion programs were done openly.
British police force in Erin reinforced by veterans recruited to do terrorism.
The order was to make Ireland a hell for rebels to live in.
The Royal Irish Constabulary made Ireland a hell for anyone to live in.
One plan was to shoot a known Nationalist every day to eliminate resistance.
Irish Nationalists would be listed and shot by local police in every locality.
Michael Collins...He spoke Irish and was a trained accountant. Collins realized organization could defeat overwhelming might.
He was misclassified as an enlisted Volunteer rather than an officer.
Collins followed an Irish language proverb in his strategy:
An te nach bhfuil laidir ciathfidh se bheith glic
He who is not strong needs to be clever.
A guerrilla is an irregular soldier.
He20does not have resources of a regular soldier.
He must be clever since he is not strong.
Irregular military defense was a practice exported by the Irish.
The Texas Rangers organization was founded by Jack Coffee Hays.
He was an Irish Protestant from Tennessee.
The Rangers had no uniform and only a loose military structure for years.
The Confederate Army used irregulars in the Civil War.
The IRA had rank distinctions only for operational reasons.
The Rangers were individualistic with limited orders.
Confederate soldiers respected only officers who earned respect.
The Irish military attitude is a ranking officer is only different in rank.
The cultural viewpoint is no one is better than anyone else.
A military superior only has a superior rank temporarily.
An Irish proverb explains this viewpoint: Might is not lasting.
For centuries the Irish had secret societies, which evened scores.
We certainly do not know all of the organizations or their operations.
British historical sources always label them as criminals.
Irish writers label them as a resistance movement ??s local units.
The Whiteboys, Ribbonmen, Defenders and Hearts of Oak are known.
These guerrilla organizations avenged themselves on their enemies.
One of their activities was to steal cattle.
Cattle rustling was invented in Ireland and transferred to the USA.
Stealing cattle from the foreigner is a Nationalistic act.
Making a profit on it can be a=2 0criminal act or an act of survival.
The situation and opinion of the onlooker sets that determination."

5. Iceland: Selected Extracts from Wikipedia
Ethnic groups  93% Icelandic,
7.0% (see demographics)
 -  1 December 2008 estimate 319,7561 (172nd)
GDP (PPP) 2007 estimate
 -  Total $12.274 billion[1] (132nd)
 -  Per capita $39,167[1] (5th)

Iceland, officially the Republic of Iceland is an island country located in the North Atlantic Ocean between mainland Europe and Greenland.[2] It has a population of about 320,000 and a total area of 103,000 km?.[3] Its capital and largest city is Reykjav?.

Located on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Iceland is volcanically and geologically active on a large scale; this defines the landscape. The interior mainly consists of a plateau characterized by sand fields, mountains and glaciers, while many big glacial rivers flow to the sea through the lowlands. Warmed by the Gulf Stream, Iceland has a temperate climate relative to its latitude and provides a habitable environment and nature.

The settlement of Iceland began in 874 when, according to Landn?ab?, the Norwegian chieftain Ing?fur Arnarson became the first permanent Norwegian settler on the island.[4] Others had visited the island earlier and stayed over winter. Over the next centuries, people of Nordic and Celtic origin settled in Iceland. Until the twentieth century, the Icelandic population relied on fisheries and agriculture, and was from 1262 to 1918 a part of the Norwegian and later the Danish monarchies. In the twentieth century, Iceland's economy and welfare system developed quickly. In recent decades, Iceland has implemented free trade in the European Economic Area and diversified from fishing to new economic fields in services, finance, and various industries.

Today, Iceland has some of the world's highest levels of economic and civil freedoms.[5] In 2007, Iceland was ranked as the most developed country in the world by the United Nations' Human Development Index.[6] It was also the fourth most productive country per capita, and one of the most egalitarian, as rated by the Gini coefficient.[7][8] Icelanders have a rich culture and heritage, such as cuisine and poetry, and the medieval Icelandic Sagas are internationally renowned. Iceland is a member of the UN, NATO, EFTA, EEA and OECD, but not of the European Union.

Iceland has been hit especially hard by the world financial crisis. The nation's ongoing economic crisis has caused significant unrest in recent months and made Iceland the first western country to borrow from the International Monetary Fund since 1976.[9] Iceland's newly established minority cabinet is headed by the world's first openly gay leader. [10][11]


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