Tribal Report no.2
23 October, 24 Tishrei 5769
1. Brian Patmore:  "Victorians are really jealous!"
2. South Africa:
Afrikanners Largely from Frisia!
3. Australia: Intimidation of Parents of Suicide Soldiers by Australian Army


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1. Brian Patmore:  "Victorians are really jealous!"
From: Brian Patmore <>
Re: Tribal Report no.1
#3. Humor: Victoria Victorious Over Rest Of Australia

Shalom Yair,
I like the humour regarding Victoria.
However, as an Aussie ex-pat you must realise that Victorians are really jealous of the rest of the place.
In good old Vickytoria you can have four climates in one day !!
All Victorians want to move north to get a better sun-tan.
Did you know there is a mass exodus of its inhabitants moving continually to Queensland ?
We refer to them as Vicky Cowboys !!
The best thing Melbourne has is the road north !!!
Of course you would not try to say that I may have these opinions solely because my family came from Tasmania - land of the best beer, mountains, lakes etc.
That's right, not VB or Carlton Draught or Fosters.
No indeed, James Boags from Launceston or Cascade from the Avoca valley are far better and the clean pure water (yes pure water) makes all the difference.
Pardon me if I am particular to Tassie and QLD (the fun shine state) !!
Good one Yair, but always be suspicious of those cowboys !! Ha ! Ha !
Bless you and all of yours.

Ohhh.......Most pleased to see the recent Hakhel Ceremonies on The Temple Mount.
That is a good sign and the fact that good meaning sons of Jacob have done so is a most wonderful thing.
May they be blessed by Hashem for this great effort and may all of Israel join in the celebrations next year !!
When will greater Israel be united on such a momentous occasion ? I will leave that in the hands of Hashem.
All should put aside their differences and thank Hashem for such a great thing to happen after nearly 2000 years.
Shalom again,

2. South Africa: Afrikanners Largely from Frisia!
Regarding Afrikaner ethnic origins: I've come across different sets of figures, but most common state that roughly 40% is of Dutch and Flemish stock, near 40% is of German origin and between 7-14% is of French Huguenot origin. Huguenots were highly educated and very professional among the VOC settlers. That's why their influence is disproportionately strong even today. As far as British immigrants to South Africa concerned, they formed a distinct group of so-called English-speaking South Africans.

Comment by Alex ? December 20, 2006 @

The following is another ethnic origin breakdown of the White Afrikaans population.

[ Research by J.A. Heese who studied the genealogical composition of the Afrikaner looking at the period 1657 - 1867 and he concluded that the Afrikaner nation ancestry was Dutch 34.8%, German 33.7%, French 13.2%, Non White 6.9%, British 5.2%, Other European nations 2.7%, Unknown 3.5%. GFC de Bruyn used a different form of calculation and his results were: Dutch 34.1%, German 29.2%, French 24.7%, British 0.3%, Other European nations 2.4%, Non European 5.4%, Unknown 3.9% (refer to J.S. Bergh ed., Herdenkingsjaar 1988, RTJ Lombard "Die bydrae van die Franse Hugenote tot Suid-Afrika se bevolkingsamestelling"). The above reaffirms this claim, with the presence of non-white blood amongst Afrikaners in my own ancestors. The Indian element forms a major portion of the mix ancestors of Afrikaners, "In geheel is die Indi element by gemengde huwelike veel groter as die aandeel wat slavinne uit ander w?elddele gehad het" Heese, Groepe sonder Grense, p 7. ] From : My Genetic Enrichment. From Andr?van Rensburg.

The following is another ethnic origin breakdown of the White Afrikaans population.

[ Research by J.A. Heese who studied the genealogical composition of the Afrikaner looking at the period 1657 - 1867 and he concluded that the Afrikaner nation ancestry was Dutch 34.8%, German 33.7%, French 13.2%, Non White 6.9%, British 5.2%, Other European nations 2.7%, Unknown 3.5%. GFC de Bruyn used a different form of calculation and his results were: Dutch 34.1%, German 29.2%, French 24.7%, British 0.3%, Other European nations 2.4%, Non European 5.4%, Unknown 3.9% (refer to J.S. Bergh ed., Herdenkingsjaar 1988, RTJ Lombard "Die bydrae van die Franse Hugenote tot Suid-Afrika se bevolkingsamestelling"). The above reaffirms this claim, with the presence of non-white blood amongst Afrikaners in my own ancestors. The Indian element forms a major portion of the mix ancestors of Afrikaners, "In geheel is die Indi?element by gemengde huwelike veel groter as die aandeel wat slavinne uit ander w?elddele gehad het" Heese, Groepe sonder Grense, p 7. ] From : My Genetic Enrichment. From Andr?van Rensburg.
Now to complicate matters even more the true ethnic origins of a significant portion of the Dutch & even German arrivals was in fact Frisian as discovered & mentioned by the notable & former anti-Apartheid Dutch born South African journalist Adriana Stuijt. Stuijt even goes on to claim that the Frisians are the majority ethnic origin of the White Afrikaans peoples.

[ There are many similar examples where one can find the Fresian roots of Boer forebears. However, the Dutch language spoken by the masters of the VOC have always hidden the fact that most of their labourers came from regions which actually were Fresian-speaking. Tonder now is in present-day Denmark, but just like many northern German towns today, Fresian was their first root-language. ] From: Adriana Stuijt from comments at Fresians - forebears of the Boers - want their own national identity back in greater Europe.

3. Australia: Intimidation of Parents of Suicide Soldiers by  Australian Army
Parents tell of army's 'bully boy' tactics
Peter Gregory
October 23, 2008 - 2:01PM

The parents of a young soldier who killed himself while absent without leave say the army used "bully boy'' tactics to silence them after his death.
Wendy and Adrian Hayward said today that they were told they would go to prison if they discussed publicly the report surrounding the death of their son, David, 20.
Private David Hayward was found dead in March 2004, after being absent without leave for 60 days. The couple said they were not told at the time that he was missing.
Mrs Hayward said she and her husband were warned days after his death that they would be committing a federal offence if they spoke about the report.
"I was really frightened ... can you imagine dealing with that and dealing with grief as well?'' she said.
Mr and Mrs Hayward today joined Rosa Satatas, whose son John, 19, hanged himself at Holsworthy Barracks in 2003 at the announcement that their compensation claim against the Federal Government had been settled.
They and solicitor Emma Hines, from law firm Slater and Gordon, said the settlement was confidential and would not reveal the amount.
But the Haywards and Mrs Satatas urged other families whose children had been bullied or abused while in the military to come forward with their accounts.
Ms Hines said the resolution involved a special ex-gratia payment to the families. She also called for an independent body, rather than closed military tribunals, to look at similar cases in the future.


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