Ten Tribes Tribal Report no.23

24 June 2009 3 Tammuz 5769
1. Judah. How Strong is Orthodox Judaism -- Really?
The Demographics of Jewish Religious Identification
2. Icelandic Words
3. Finland and Other Peoples


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1. Judah. How Strong is Orthodox Judaism -- Really?
The Demographics of Jewish Religious Identification
Daniel J. Elazar
These figures suggest that, as opposed to the popular image of a tiny embattled minority seeking to impose its will on the vast majority of world Jewry (the usual figures given are 15 percent versus 85 percent), Orthodox Judaism commands the allegiance of between 33 to 45 percent of all the Jews in the world and 50 to 70 percent of those who identify as religious in some way. Conversely, the non-Orthodox religious movements account for no more than one third of world Jewry and possibly as little as 25 percent. Hence, if Orthodox claims are strong, it is not only because they control all of the religious establishment outside of the United States by law or weight of tradition, but because they have the numerical strength to retain that control. It is no wonder, then, that Orthodoxy remains the dominant voice on the "Who is a Jew?" and other such issues and claims the lion's share of Jewish public money devoted to religious purposes.

2. Icelandic Words
From: Didrik Samundsson <>
Subject: some thoughts

Sabbat Shalom, Yair

Greetings from Iceland for your tremendous work.
That always inspire us the couple when we read it.
But sometimes we dont have time to go through it immediately so it is spared until later.

Now I was going through an older letter from you and got such inspiration I have to share it, even not neccesarely in public.

During our investigation on the origin of the Icelandic nation it becames clearer and clearer that a big portion at least are from Benjamin. But the time is not really ripe yet for talking. But the conform information must be available when God starts to wake up people to gather his people.

It is really funny indeed to find out that words you thought was entirely Icelandic have their origin from the Mediteranian inner.

My inspiration quelle today was the word. Hycsos, in Iceland we have the word Hyski  that means bad clan (people) and is strong word parents use to make clear for their children that this people is nothing to be acquainted to.

The other word is Rabbuni, in Icelandic, to rabba, is to make gentle and wise discussion within the brotherhood.

Didrik & Ingileif

3. Finland and Other Peoples
From: Ope Tuslapsi <>
Subject: Sciri in Finland

Hi Yair,
I read once again about Issachar and remembered seen Scirri in some old map. Actually It was written in Scyri, but I think It is the same, because I see It next to Hirri in the same map. Everywhere else in the internet the Hirri is next to Scirri so maybe Scyri is the same as Scirri.
The name of the map is Additamentvm qvintvm, Theatri orbis terrarvm, Evropam, sive celticam veterem. Antwerpen 1595. made by Abraham Ortelius.
In other map "Philip Cluver: Germaniae antiqvae libri tres, Antiqvae Germaniae Septemtrionalis descriptio. Amsterdam 1616 " Sciri is located in Poland and Hirri in Latvia.
Now. What is amazing that Finns do share lots of genes with Polish nation. And It is known that one Finnougric tribe once located in Latvia, the Livonians. Lots of historians tide together Lithuanians and Prussians with Gutones, the Goths. Jurate Rosales made a book named The Goths and Balts.
In the book It is said that Wulfilas Bible is actually not gothic but some other Germanic language. So Gothic names can be found in Baltic region as well where goths, godos, gutones etc. have been travelling.. Visigoths settled in Iberia, Spain. The Finnougric tribe of Veps ( ) is mentioned in ancient texts as a tribe of wisi or ves.  Wisi or vesi means water in Finnish language, not west. Livonians is saed to been Vepsians.. They dwelled from Vepsian lands to Gothic (Balts) lands. In this page (sorry, written in Finnish) you can see wisi, Alani, Sciri and Hirri in map of Adam Bremens vision made to match this day.
We have been studying the relation with Baltic languages (Curonian, Lithuanian, Semgallians, Jotvingians etc.) and have found that many things match with Finland. The words, the spelling and bending the words. Slavic, Baltic, germanic and Finnish words have been in touch for at least 2000 years. Finland has kept the most ancient varient of gothic words such as Kuningas (goth Kuningaz, king), Aeiti (Aithee, mother). There are lots of examples. Finland though has Its own structure as It is agglutinate language (as Sumerian language).
One interesting fact is that there is biblic places in Finland.. Kaanaa, Jerusalemi..
But Kainuu (large region in Northern Finland before Lapland) can be made as Canaan..
"In terms of archaeology, language, and religion, there is little to set the Phoenicians apart as markedly different from other local cultures of Canaan, because they were Canaanites themselves. However, they are unique in their remarkable seafaring achievements. Indeed, in the Amarna tablets of the 14th century BC they call themselves Kenaani orKinaani (Canaanites). " .. One big town is Kajaani.. (or Caiaani.)
What comes to Scythians.. My friend has found that amongst the Tocharians and Scythians there really were Finns also. That link has been found by DNA-studies made just in these days. The royal house of Incas were Scytho-Finns. Now how can we besides the DNA find that relationship. By language of course. Quechua for example has lots of Finnish words. At the time Spanish conquerors visited Peru, a Quechuan vocabulary was written. So we now, at least from 17th century the words exactly the same as in Finland. Finns are not the main issue, but the scythians. Finns just travelled with Scythians that makes the connection obvious for naming Finland as the sceleton.. or Issachar.
The ancient rulers of Finland has been found to be Goths. The Kalevala can be traced back to Baltic Countries even though It was saved in 19th century in Northern Russian Carelia, Viena Region. Kalevala tells a iron age King story of tall, gigantic men that ruled once Baltic Sea region, Baltic countries, Finland and parts of Russia. Kalev (means Red jacked, royal, king) had 12 sons. ...The Kalevala's kings may be the remnants of the Finnish/Baltic branch of Kvenland. . Kvenland was a mother of all North European King houses one time. It was first situated in Finland. Kvenland, Finland and Got(h)land is mentioned tidely together with each other in Scandinavian sagas. In old Swedish and European maps, nowadays Finland is mentioned as Eastland (East from Sweden) or East Gotland. So we are not sure, were Finland first situated, perhaps in the regions of Baltic countries....So we can think that they have the same beginning. Pohja (which is an evil place situated in north in Kalevala) situates in South Finland. Also Kalev's sons row over a big sea, that must be Finnish bay. So After Kalev's sons won Pohja (that is Lapplanders, Saami) they spread over Finland. First they came to Southwest Finland, that still has Finland original name in Itself "The true Finland" (Varsinais-Suomi, Suomi = Finland today) . Suomi comes from the same origin that Saame/Saami and Haeme (in South Finland). They are each others varients. So Saami came to be mean Finland and otherwise. That you can see in bible codes as crossing each other and not the exact same names though. There are many national stories that match with the Scandinavian sagas, only the names seem not the same.

Were Finns elsewhere also ? Yes, with the scythians.


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