Ten Tribes Tribal Report no.30
1 October 2009 13 Tishrei 5769
1. Ingileif
Steinunn: Iceland Left-Out?
2. Norwegian
Sympathiser of Brit-Am Fears Exposure
3. New Subscriber from Oslo, Norway
4. France:  Most Converts to Judaism from Brittany, Normandy, and Alsace
5. Judah:  Were the Jewish Spouses of Great Men also Important?
6. Ireland
Dublin Overgrown Hooligans Attempt to Intimidate Customers
of Shop Selling Israeli Goods
Brit-Am Protest Recorded.
7. Ireland: Irish Fancy Boys Invoke Israel in Lisbon Debate
8. Ireland-Poem: The Wean of the Green
9. Brittany in France: A Brief Outline


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1. Ingileif Steinunn: Iceland Left-Out?
From: Didrik <>

I was reading the Ten Tribe Tribal report no 29 and then I saw on the map that Iceland is not signed in.
Do it not be calculated as on earth's end?

I want to give following fractures about our spiritual background.
We still start our week on Sunday even if it has been the resting day since 1703 then ordered by the Danish king.
The Icelandic Catolic church followed always more the Irish church than the Continental church even if we had Archbishop in Scandinavia.
For example our Catolic bishops were married, and it says that nearly all Icelander have the last Catholic bishop in Iceland as their forefather, because he had seven sons That became all priests distributed evenly over the country.

I wish you all blessings from our Almighty Father in the future

Ingileif Steinunn

2. Norwegian Sympathiser of Brit-Am Fears Exposure
Subject: Shalom, Yair
Hello again,

It has been a long time since I emailed you. Your site proved very interesting in regards to questions that have been on my mind for quite some time. I did send you an email commenting some of the things I had read on your site...It does not bother me what was written, but the way it works in Norway now is that you can track everything published about a person, so if an employer looks me up ...he would immediately be able to feed a bias towards not hiring me.

I would therefore like to kindly ask you to remove my email to you from this publication. While I think it is very unfortunate that the situation with anti-semitism seems to only grow in the negative direction, it would be helpful to me if you could do this.

I appreciate your time and work, Yair. I also hope that the situation improves, but I fear that it must get worse before it gets better.


3. New Subscriber from Oslo, Norway
From: Bjorn S.

Dear Sirs,
Thank You for letting me join "Brit-Am Now"
God told me and showed me some weeks ago that I am a descendant of one of the (lost) tribes. He loves the descendants of the tribes very much and I believe He will gather us back to the Holy Land very soon. Amen.
I live in Oslo, Norway, and I have been very blessed by this site as I explore my true history.
best regards,
Bjorn S

4. France:  Most Converts to Judaism from Brittany, Normandy, and Alsace

Map of French Provinces
Alsace is in the east, on the upper left-hand side.
Brittany (i.e. Bretagne) and Normandy (Normandie) are in the west - on the right hand side.

Shmuel James tells us that Gentile-born converts to Judaism from France overwhelmingly come from the
region of Normany and Britanny that neighbor each other and ethnically overlap.  A runner-up (though someway behind) is Alsace on the border between France and Germany.  The predominance of Brittany and Normandy  holds not only in our times but has been the norm for centuries.

Conversion to Judaism often indicates Jewish or Israelite ancestry and instinctive identification with the Jewish People.

5. Judah:  Were the Jewish Spouses of Great Men also Important?
The list of Jewish distinguished and accomplished personages is a long one and is well known.
Shmuel James tells us that of equal length or possibly longer would be  the list of Gentile distinguished and accomplished personages
who have a Jewish spouse or mistress!

Apropos of spouses:
Overheard some time back:
Behind every great man there stands--

 - an astonished mother-in-law!

6. Ireland
Dublin Overgrown Hooligans Attempt to Intimidate Customers of Shop Selling Israeli Goods
Brit-Am Protest Recorded.

Dublin: Irish Mob Boycoots Store that Sells Israel Goods Just Like the Germans Did to Jewish Stories Before the Holocaust

Boycott Israel Flash Mob in Jervis Shopping Centre

Brit-Am Protest (accepted by Monitors of left-wing blog and allowed to remain as an example of Israeli-Jewish irrationality):
I live in Israel. Our impression is that foreigners who protest against the treatment of the Arabs do not really care for them so it is a waste of time arguing as to whether we treat them as well as we should or not.
Protesters against Israel in Ireland in many cases have parents who supported the party of de Valera  that during World War Two was anti-Semitic and refused to help Jewish refugees. Their children are no different from them. They just express their inbred viciousness in ways that are now more socially acceptable.
In other words they are symptomatic of an Irish Problem whereby the victim is victimized. Irish anti-Israel activists look for vulnerable victims (such as the Jews) to vent their spleen against instead of protesting Arab oppression of minorities.
Anti-Israel protests in Ireland bring shame on the Irish people.

7. Ireland: Irish Fancy Boys Invoke Israel in Lisbon Debate
(a) Background:
Ireland is a member of the EU. The Lisbon Treaty is an agreement to bring EU members into greater unity
and for the member states toi give up more of their sovereignty.
In order to come into effect the treaty needs to be ratified by all 27 members of the EU.
EU referendum: Ireland rejects Lisbon Treaty
 So far it has been approved by 18 members including Britain, but Ireland is the only country to put it to a public vote.
The leaders of the 26 other member states watched with dismay as Ireland voted "no", a decision that will inevitably lead to much infighting and bickering across Europe.
Despite benefiting from E32 billion in European Grants in recent years, a low turn-out (45 per cent) of the Irish electorate discarded the Treaty, designed to streamline the

The outcome was triumph for a highly-effective No Campaign masterminded by the
Libertas group led by the multimillionaire Declan Ganley.

Libertas argued that the Treaty would undermine Ireland?s influence in Europe, would open the door to interference in taxation and enshrine EU law above Irish law.

For Brian Cowen, the newly-installed Irish Prime Minister, the result was a disaster. All the main political parties, aside from Sinn Fein, had supported the Treaty and made strenuous efforts to win the referendum.

Mr Cowen now has to face the embarrassment of explaining to his fellow European leaders why he failed to persuade his nation to adopt the Treaty.

(b) Amongst the different groups in Ireland who campaigned against Lisbon were various left-wing groups one of which was the Irish Friends of Palestine Against Lisbon.
##Earlier today, Friday 18th September, Sean Clinton, a member of the anti-Lisbon campaign group Irish Friends of Palestine Against Lisbon (IFPAL) was arrested outside the Israeli Embassy in Dublin. His "crime" was erecting an IFPAL sign calling for a 'No' vote in the Lisbon Referendum. ##

Clinton is an inhabitant of Limerick were there was once a boycott  against Jewish shop-keepers

The Limerick Pogrom 1904-06) .  This was probably the most serious anti-Jewish event in Irish history.
Limerick is now notorious as the pyjama city where people stay in their pyjamas all day long
(and when they go out simply put coats over them) and live off social benefits.

Clinton (a possible relation of Billy in the USA?) raised a sign opposite the Israeli Embassy saying:
##Israel killed over 300 Palestinian Children in January
yet the
EU will not impose sanctions.
EU policy facilitates Genocide
Vote NO to Lisbon#

IN Commentary to this incident Brit-Am sent two letter that remained on the blog site for a few hours before being removed.
The letters said:

(1) Mr Clinto should have written:
#The Palestinians have killed thousands of innocent people and persecute Jews and Christians
yet the
EU supports them.
Say No to Lisbon##

He should then have planed his sign outside the German Embassy and not the Israeli one.

(2) Bring the Palestinians to Lisbon! (since removed)
 by Conor Davidi - Brit-Am Lost Ten Tribes Movement Sun 27 Sep 2009 07:25:30 AM CDT britam at netvision dot net dot il Jerusalem, Israel
##Friday 18th September, Sean Clinton, a member of the anti-Lisbon campaign group Irish Friends of Palestine Against Lisbon (IFPAL) was arrested outside the Israeli Embassy in Dublin for erecting a sign against Israel and against the Lisbon Agreement.##

What is the connection?
Is this not another version of the Jewish Conspiracy Theory but in left-wing terms?
Why not bring all those nice Palestinians to Lisbon and Spain where they may live happily ever after and try not to get themselves into trouble by terrorizing others any more?

Maybe the Irish Friends of Palestine Against Lisbon (IFPAL) should change their name to
 Irish Friends of Palestine for Evacuating Arabs to Lisbon (IFPEAL)?

Then Mr Sean Clinton will be able to plant his sign (after making the appropriate changes)begore the German Embassy instead of picking on the little Jew boys all the time.

The last message we posted here along these lines was removed by the Monitors.
It will be interesting to see how long this one lasts.

8. Poem: The Wean of the Green

In June 2008 the Irish voted against the Lisbon Treaty that would have subjected them to European will.
The NO vote by Ireland was justified and testifies to the innate nobility of the Irish People. In October 2009 however there was a repeat vote and due in part to Government pressure and heavy propaganda the Irish voted "Yes".
The campaign against Lisbon had involved many different groups.
Amongst these were to be found left-wing elements that attempted to associate the EU with the State of Israel and with Zionism even though no such connection exists.
Quite the contrary. Nevertheless since in their eyes the State of Israel is often depicted as the acme of evil -by depicting the EU as associated with it they thought to score a point.
The poem below is a protest against such tendencies and a call to transfer the Arabs elsewhere.

The Paddies to Lisbon at first said No!
Meaning they should not be
EU bound
An argument which may be fair and sound
Still it goes to show
Just how low
Micks can get
When by hate beset
Their anti-Semites invoke the Jew
As reason to
The fangs of Berlin
When there is no link
Between the two/
It makes one think
The primeval sin
They stoop to
Wishing to eschew
Their Bond of
patrilineal kin
They are brothers to the Jew
Something they evidently rue
To Patriarchal chagrin.

They should better protest
EU support of Palestine
Which is not for the best.
And campaign towards
Removal of Arabs by airline
Which will bring rewards
Of Biblical Accords.
Fly them all to Lisbon and Spain
In comfort and not in pain.
Efforts not in vain.
That is what should be done
They can have fun in the sun.
Swim in the sea, play in the sand
When they are at a distance
Jerusalam and the Holy Land
They may abandon their persistence
in spreading Anti-Semitic views
and terrorizing the Jews
May they begin to live
A prosperous normal life
Husband, children, and wife
Then Israel may yet forgive.
When the Arabs are not around
The Jews will be safe and sound.

9. Brittany in France: A Brief Outline

Brittany in France

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Brittany (Breton: Breizh, pronounced [br js]; French: Bretagne is a cultural and administrative region in the north-west of France. Brittany was previously a kingdom and then as a duchy it was a fief of the Kingdom of France. It was at one time called Less, Lesser or Little Britain (in opposition to Great Britain). It is one of the six Celtic nations.[1]

In January 2007 the population of Brittany was estimated to be 4,365,500.

Main article: History of Brittany

The peninsula that became "Brittany" was a centre of ancient megalithic constructions in the Neolithic era. It has been called the "core area" of megalithic culture.[3] It later became the territory of several Celtic tribes, of which the most powerful was the Veneti. After Caesar's conquest of Gaul the area became known to the Romans as Armorica, from the Celtic term for "coastal area". Its transformation into "Brittany" occurred in the late Roman period. According to medieval Welsh sources, the Roman usurper Magnus Maximus brought his British troops to Gaul to enforce his claims. He settled them in Armorica, and this Romano-British colony expanded when Britain itself was invaded by the Anglo-Saxons, forcing the native Celts to the west and overseas and establishing the dominance of the Brythonic (British Celtic) Breton language in Armorica.[4] The Armorican British colony expanded, forming a group of petty kingdoms which were later unified in the 840s under Nominoe in resistance to Frankish control.[5]

In the mid-9th century Nominoe and his successors won a series of victories over the Franks which secured an independent Duchy of Brittany. In the High Middle Ages the Duchy was sometimes allied to England and sometimes to France.

In the 19th century the Celtic Revival led to the foundation of the Breton Regionalist Union and later to independence movements linked to Irish, Welsh and Scottish independence parties in the UK and to pan-Celticism. There was a major cultural renaissance in the 20th century associated with the movement Seiz Breur.[8] The alliance of the Breton National Party with Nazi Germany in World War II weakened Bretonism in the post-war period.
Megaliths at Carnac

Brittany is home to many megalithic monuments, which are scattered across the peninsula. The largest alignments are near Karnag/Carnac. The purpose of these monuments is still unknown, and many local people are reluctant to entertain speculation on the subject. The words dolmen (from "taol" table and "maen" stone) and menhir (from "maen" stone and "hir" long) are Breton and commonly used by either Breton or French people.

Traditional coat of arms

Bilingual road signs can be seen in traditional Breton-speaking areas.
French, the only official language of the French Republic, is today spoken throughout Brittany. The two regional languages have no official status with regards to the state, although they are supported by the regional authorities within the constitutional limits: Breton, strongest in the west but to be seen all over Brittany, is a Celtic language most closely related to Cornish and Welsh. Gallo, which is spoken in the east, is one of the Latinate Oeil languages.

Despite the resistance of French administration, bilingual (Breton and French) road signs may be seen in some areas, especially in the traditional Breton-speaking area. Signage in Gallo is much rarer.

A large influx of English-speaking immigrants and second-home owners in some villages sometimes adds to linguistic diversity.

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