Tribes Report:
Denmark, Netherlands, Judah, UK, Canada
25 November 2010, 18 Kislev 5771
1. The Danish Value System.
Denmark, New Zealand and Singapore top list of least corrupt countries by Sean
2. Remarks on Holland.
By Barry Rubin.
3. Jews Join British Patriotic Demonstrations.
What are Israeli flags and Jewish activists doing at demonstrations sponsored by
the English Defence
By Shaul
4. Are they Jewish?
Interesting Site Answers ??? About the Jewish Roots of Famous People.
Jew or not Jew? Example: Kate Middleton (Fiancee
of Prince William).
5. Canadian Prime Minister Defends Israel.
1. The Danish Value System
Denmark, New Zealand and Singapore top list of least corrupt countries by Sean
Denmark, one of the least corrupt countries in the world according to this
year's Corruption Perception Index Photo:
Britain, in the wake of the MP expenses scandal, has slipped to its all-time
lowest rating of 20th in the survey of 178 countries, compiled by Transparency
The ranking is based on the perceived levels of corruption among public
officials and politicians, as assessed by experts at ten independent
institutions including the World Bank, Economist Intelligence Unit and World
Economic Forum.
It scores countries on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is perceived to be highly
corrupt and 10 indicates low levels of corruption.
Scoring 9.3, Denmark, New Zealand and Singapore head the chart, followed closely
by Finland and Sweden at 9.2.
President for the British Chamber of Commerce in Denmark Mariano A. Davies said:
"The Danish mentality is to a great extent permeated by a Scandinavian cultural
heritage known as 'Jante Law', where modesty, punctuality and equality are
important measuring tools in the Danish way of life.
"For this reason, few people become seriously rich and even fewer are seriously
poor. This rule of life is never very far from the surface of Danish life.
"In a business context, this will mean that Danes celebrate promotion with
sensitivity and do not like people who promote themselves bombastically and at
the expense of others.
"There is a sense of watchdog mentality underlying the Danish way of life
resulting in very clear 'dos and don'ts'?.
"Furthermore, from a business perspective, it can take a very long time (and
therefore a local presence) to earn the trust of a company in a supplier role
and this trust can be lost very quickly."
2. on Holland
By Barry Rubin,director
of the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center and editor of
the Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA)
meria/2010/09/rubin.html Mon Oct 31 2010
The Netherlands is a fascinating test case of how Middle Eastern
factors--immigration, foreign policy issues--affect European politics. These
questions have become highly partisan ones, with the left side and right side of
the spectrum often having diametrically opposite standpoints. The 2010 election
brought to power a government that is friendly toward Israel and has pledged to
reduce immigration.
The Netherlands is about to provide Europe with an important experiment: Can a
center-right government manage an overblown welfare state, nationally suicidal
multiculturalism, and virtually open-door immigration policies in a way that can
maintain popular support and solve problems? After months of negotiations failed
to bring about a coalition government across the spectrum, a new government has
finally been formed. The partners are the People's Party for Freedom and
Democracy (VVD), a European liberal (that is, conservative) party and the
Christian Democratic Party, (CDA). As it is, together they have 52 seats. While
the VVD has been growing, the CDA has been in decline.
To be sure of a majority, the government will be supported from the outside by
the Party for Freedom (PVV) led by Geert Wilders, giving a grand total of 76
seats, a razor-thin majority. Another small Christian party with two seats might
offer support when needed. What makes this arrangement controversial is the role
of Wilders, a controversial figure often described as 'anti-Islam' and made into
something of a bogeyman in Dutch politics. Yet Wilders' role has arguably
undermined the conservative side since if he hadn't run, the two other main
conservative parties would have gained almost all of his votes and had a big
Wilders is thus something of a distraction here, who will be used by the left to
call the new government various names; but the key figures are the leaders of
the VVD, Mark Rutte, and of the CDA, Maxime Verhagen. Conservative and center
parties received 55 percent of the votes in the elections.
Both of these parties support lower taxes, the free market, smaller government,
less government regulation, limited immigration, are friendlier toward the
United States and Israel, and take a tougher stance on radical Islamist groups.
Thus while the international media is going to be focused on Wilders, the Dutch
majority supports a program that might be called Wilders without the most
controversial bits.
Among the key points in the new government's program:
--Heavier punishments for repeat criminals and the hiring of more police,
including a special increase in those dealing with animal-cruelty crimes (a big
issue in Holland).
-- Immigrants will receive Dutch citizenship for a five-year trial period during
which it would be revoked and they would be deported for being convicted of any
crime requiring twelve years imprisonment.
--A ban on the burqa, with no headscarves permitted for judges, prosecutors, or
--Cutting legal immigration in half.
--First-cousin marriage, common among Muslim immigrants, will be banned.
--Spending cutbacks, for the minister of defense also, including a withdrawal of
the Dutch forces from Afghanistan.
The Netherlands is a small country with many unique characteristics. Yet this
society also offers an interesting case study of how these issues-including the
Middle East and immigration of large numbers of Muslims with consequent
demographic shifts-affect European societies. It also shows why European
political systems-though each, of course, is different-are deadlocked on ideas
and power, paralyzed from taking effective action to deal with their problems.
After the June 2010 elections, centrist and conservative parties hold 83 seats,
while those of the left have only 67. Since there are ten parties in parliament,
however, there tend to be coalition governments in which decisions on key issues
are deadlocked. The two largest have only 20 percent of the seats each.
In the elections, only three seats changed hands between the two broad blocs.
Yet this conceals some important changes. The biggest news was the shift within
the center-right to favor the PVV led by the controversial Geert Wilders, which
almost tripled its vote, going from 9 to 24 seats. To his enemies, almost no
epithet is too extreme to throw against him. The flamboyant Wilders has been
outspoken in opposing immigration and especially that of Muslims, making a sharp
critique of political Islamism and sometimes Islam itself. Throughout the
elections, Wilders had round-the-clock bodyguards to protect him from
assassination by Islamists.
Amsterdam, not long ago the most gay-friendly city in the world, is a place
where homosexuals might be attacked in the streets by Muslim immigrant youth.
Twenty percent of Dutch teachers report that attempts to teach about the
Holocaust, in the country of Anne Frank, were rejected or disrupted by immigrant
In an event that became widely discussed, a television show followed Rabbi Lody
van de Kamp and two young men clearly dressed as Jews who were mocked and
insulted, apparently by Muslims, while walking down Amsterdam's streets.
While Muslims still comprise only a bit more than five percent of the
population, whole areas of Dutch cities have a majority of people who are recent
immigrants who are far from being assimilated to the country's traditional
norms. For example, it is frequently estimated according to polls that up to
half of the country's Muslim population is sympathetic to the September 11
To understand the Netherlands requires comprehension of two concepts often
credited for the stability and success of Dutch society. One of these is polder,
which basically means a high value placed on consensus. In the narrow sense, it
means employer-worker cooperation, a form of what is often called 'corporate'
structure. This means that decisions are made slowly among a set of very
centralized interests. This system is often useful but may be disastrous if
faced by the need for tough and quick decisions required by a major financial or
social crisis.
Given this Dutch emphasis on stability, the violence that has developed over
immigration-which has always come from Muslim immigrants and not from 'nativists,'
in contrast with other countries-and resulted in the murder of Theo van Gogh by
an Islamist, was especially shocking.
The other concept is zuilen, which means the organization of separate,
relatively autonomous communities, each of which has its own political parties,
trade unions, schools, and media--though this system has weakened since the
1980s. Nominally, this deliberate division of society would seem to contradict
the polder framework but the two actually fit together since the zuilen also
permit centralized, elite decisionmaking on the basis of compromise and
consensus. The leaders of the zuilen come together to achieve a decision
acceptable to all.
While the zuilen have been weakened, they have left their mark on Dutch society.
The four historic zuilen are: Protestant, Catholic, Socialist, and Liberal (in
the European meaning of the word, that is, moderate conservative).
3. Jews Join British Patriotic
What are Israeli flags and Jewish activists doing at demonstrations sponsored by
the English Defence
By Shaul
LONDON - In March 2009 a unit of British soldiers returned from a stint in Iraq
and, as usual, were welcomed with a parade and reception at home - in this case
in Luton, not far from London. Standing out in the crowd of civilians cheering
the troops was a group of counter-demonstrators, a few dozen long-bearded
Muslims who shouted slogans against the British forces and carried posters
bearing messages such as "The butchers from Basra." Many in Luton were outraged,
and within a few days a group organized and eventually developed into the
English Defence League.
Indeed, what began as an emotional reaction turned into a popular movement
which, according to the British media, is growing rapidly and now numbers
thousands of supporters; it's hard core is located in Luton. The organization
calls for taking action against the "Islamization of Britain" and Muslim
fundamentalists. British media reports suggest that the league is a magnet for
extremist right-wing activists and for unruly soccer fans. In late May the
organization gained an important addition in the form of what it calls the
"Jewish division." According to one member, "hundreds of Jews" joined its ranks,
including "young people who are dying to do something." In the streets of
England, Jews can now be seen demonstrating together with people they would have
shunned in the past.
4. Are they Jewish?
Interesting Site Answers ??? About the Jewish Roots of Famous People
Jew or not Jew?
Kate Middleton (Fiancee
of Prince William)
Some people think that Kate Middleton, quite possibly the next Queen of England,
just might be somewhat Jewish? She might not be royalty yet, but we have to
You see, Kate's mother's maiden name is Goldsmith. And apparently that's enough
to make some think that she has Jewish ancestry. But if that's the case, that
Jewish link was lost a long, long time ago. Genealogy research is not just
limited to days past, and in case of Kate possibly ascending the British throne,
her lineage has been studied at length. And for at least five generations,
Kate's Goldsmiths have been married in churches. Nothing Jewish about that.
5. Canadian Prime Minister Defends
From: Dennis
Tate <>
Prime Minister Harper's speech in support of Israel.
Shalom Mr. Davidiy:
I will sure appreciate your prayers regarding the results of this
message that I sent out regarding much closer cooperation between Canada and
Israel. Feel free to use any part of this message that you wish to in your
Shalom and G-d bless you.
Dennis Tate
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper
Stands by Israel
Posted by Ilana
# Speaking in Ottawa at a conference on global anti-Semitism, Harper said, "When
Israel, the only country in the world whose very existence is under attack, is consistently and conspicuously singled
out for condemnation, I believe we are morally obligated to take a stand.
Harper told the conference,
"As long as I am Prime Minister, Canada will take that stand, whatever the cost.
Not just because it is the right thing to do, but because history shows us, and
the ideology of the anti-Israeli mob tells us all too well, that those who
threaten the existence of the Jewish people are a threat to all of us." #
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