Tribal Report no.5
Brit-Am Tribal Report (BATeR)
3 November 2008 5 Cheshvan 5769
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"Tribal Report"-5
1. Norway: "My sister used to pinch me,
but I could bite"
2. Britain: Self-Defined Characteristics of the British According to a Poll
3. New Zealand gets third Jewish prime minister
1. Norway: "My sister used to pinch me,
but I could bite"
From: Bonnie Berggren
re TR4
Tribal Report no.4
#2. Norway:
Women bite and punch Police
(We always knew they had a problem)
Dear Yair: ...after you
said the Norway women bit a policeman, you said "We always knew they had a
problem.." Were you talking about the policemen? (Ha.)Remember Gad was a troop
or a fighter.....we tend to be that way. My sister used to pinch me, but I
could bite. No lie. Be careful of the ones from Sweden...Ha......After all the
hoop-la and the spending of one trillion dollars to build up more our TV
stations and newspapers...(have you ever seen the CBS building in Dallas?) we
have a new president. This is going to be interesting. But the Law will go
forth from Zion and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.....and the coastlands
will wait for it. ..Anyway, we are doing our thing here in the little
Apple.....going to get together next Tues. and sing our songs of Zion......We
pray for all of you. bb
2. Britain: Self-Defined
Characteristics of the British According to a Poll
Moaning, drinking and queuing are
what make us British
By Matthew Moore
Our top national characteristic is talking about the weather, just ahead of a
passion for queuing, but other qualities in the top ten are not so endearing;
sarcasm, a love of television soaps and curtain twitching were all identified as
central to the British identity.
Obsession with class was also high on the list, along with more modern ills such
as pandering to political correctness and road rage.
Working long hours, fascination with property prices and the love of bargains
also made it into the top 50, suggesting that our behaviour during the financial
crisis may be more ingrained than we think.
But it was all bad news. Stiff upper lip came out at number eight in the poll,
with respondents also picking out a reluctance to complain, good sense of humour
and the ability to laugh at ourselves.
The results were based on a study of 5,000 adults who were asked them to pick
out the things - good and bad - they believe makes us unique as a nation.
A spokesman for global research company, which conducted the survey
said that despite some of the negative traits identified, Britons were still
extremely proud of their country.
"This is a brilliant list of characteristics and some of the observations are
absolutely spot on," he said.
"You can't go anywhere or do anything in Britain without someone talking about
the weather, and we're almost proud of the fact that we get more rain than
anywhere else.
"What this poll demonstrates really well is how proud we are to be British -
more than two thirds of respondents said they felt honoured to be a part of this
1. Talking about the weather
2. Great at queueing
3. Sarcasm
4. Watching soaps
5. Getting drunk
6. A love of bargains
7. A love of curtain twitching
8. Stiff upper lip
9. Love of all television
10. Moaning
11. Obsession with class
12. Gossiping with neighbours over the garden fence
13. Obsession with the traffic
14. Enjoying other people's misfortune
15. Inability to complain
16. Love of cheap foreign holidays
17. Working long hours
18. A soothing cup of tea to ease worries
19. Eating meat and two veg
20. Looking uncomfortable on the dance floor
21. Feeling uncomfortable when people talk about their emotions
22. Clever sense of humour
23. Obsession with property values
24. Pandering to political correctness
25. Road rage
26. Being unhappy with our weight
27. Wanting a good tan
28. Being proud of where we live
29. Not saying what we mean
30. The ability to laugh at ourselves
31. Washing the car on a Sunday
32. Taking the mickey out of others
33. Asking people about their journey
34. Inability not to comment on how other people bring up their children
35. Jealousy of wealth and success
36. Being overly polite
37. Texting instead of calling
38. An inability to express our emotions
39. Obsession with the Royal Family
40. Fondness for mowing the lawn
41. Love of rambling through the countryside
42. A love of all things deep fried
43. Emulating celebrity lifestyles
44. Leaving things to the last minute
45. Irony
46. Keeping our homes neat and tidy
47. Take decisions and accept the consequences
48. Achieving against all odds
49. Wanting our sportsmen / teams to fail
50. DIY on a Bank Holiday
3. New Zealand gets third Jewish prime
New Zealand elected its third Jewish prime minster and its first conservative
government in nearly a decade on Saturday, ending the rule of one of the world's
longest serving elected woman.
Prime Minister elect John Key celebrates the National Party's victory during the
New Zealand General election in Auckland, New Zealand, Saturday.
Photo: AP
John Key, a 47-year-old multimillionaire, former foreign currency trader, son of
an Austrian Jewish woman and leader of the conservative national party, swept
easily to power.
Key campaigned as a moderate, but his policies include plans to eventually
abolish special parliamentary seats for Maori and making the country's
greenhouse gas emission trading scheme more favorable to business.
On Sunday, he promised to follow through on tax cuts and pro-business,
tough-on-crime policies that include registering the DNA of any suspect arrested
for an imprisonable crime.
Foreign affairs and trade policies are unlikely to change much under Key -
including the long-standing ban on nuclear-powered ships entering New Zealand
ports that has rankled Washington.
New Zealand's small number of troops doing reconstruction work in Afghanistan
will remain. New Zealand has no troops in Iraq.
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