Tribal Report no.8

25 November 2008 27 Cheshvan 5769

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Tribal Report no.8
1. David Tempelhoff : Reflections of a Former Afrikaner
2. Canada: Fireball in the Heavens
3. Britain: Prince Charles' pride for grandmother who sheltered Jews


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1. David Tempelhoff : Reflections of a Former Afrikaner
From: David Tempelhoff <>
Dear Yair,
I am a Dual Citizen of the United States of America and South Africa. My US citizenship is by Birth and the South African Citizenship is from my father who is Afrikaans.
My father was Anglicized to some degree because he grew up in a city called Benoni. The same Community that Chalize Theron grew up in. Benoni was called the Emerald Jewel of the East Rand and its economy was heavily dependent on the Gold Mining Industry. My Dad told me stories of growing up in Benoni being an Afrikaaner. He said it was Old Colonial British in culture and ironically devoid of discrimination from the English Speaking Community toward the Dutch Afrikaaners. The city was quite liberal and progressive in spirit even though it was small. It was an inclusive place. He eventually left in his early 20's to study in Canada and eventually in Boston where I was born.
Our family returned to South Africa when I was 5 and stayed until I was twelve.We moved to Canada for 5 years and returned to South Africa when I was 18. I went to University in Durban and left South Africa when 24. Like other young and restless kids I wanted to see the world. My old English Proffessor said the 'world is your oyster' and I believed this.
Like a Bull in a China shop I set out and eventually ended up in a small village in Alaska on the Bering sea. My plan was to make some money fishing and then go back to SA to get a LLB and become an attorney. This did not go as planned. I feel in love over the course of my first Northern winter and ended up getting married. Marriage shocked me into reality and come spring,  I decided to join the US Navy then into the US Army. The free-booting days were over.
This was 12 years ago and a lot of ground has been covered. I could never return to SA even though me heart burns. I have responsibilities and economic commitments.
My first allegiance is to the US but I worry about SA. I worry about the Afrikaaners. My fathers people, my bloodine, who have no where to go.
My heart is sore for South Africa.I feel pain in my heat when I hear about the rape, the murders the total onslaught on all the people living there black and white. I wish I could help but I can not alI I can do is pray.
There have been thousands of white farmers who have been murdered but it is not reported because it is felt thy should be afflicted for 'payback' because of Apartheid. They have God to help them and thats about it.
I then thought to myself--- what more does a man need. Nothing, G-d will protect his people who call on His name.
The Challenge the Afrikaaners face is just another hurdle. They have fought the Russians, East Germans, Cubans, Brits, the Zulus, the Vatican with all its power. They will just have to keep on surviving and thriving and making the most of the dilema they are in.
I was happy when SA just pounded the English National Rugby Team in London, UK this last weekend. Despite SA being ravished there is a glimer of National Pride and hope. Issachar is a donkey and tough as nails. Ephrahim might be the Prince of leadership and diplomay but when it comes to downright toughness and stubborness they have to step aside for Issachar and Zebulon.
G-d knows the end we dont. He always comes thru with a suprising victory. I am sure Isreal was fretting when the Egyptian Army was crossing behind them closely when they were crossing the parted waters of the Red Sea. And then the Sea closed. I bet it was at the last minute.
Goliath taunted Isreal for many days before David promptly cut off his head.
Sometimes we have to grin and bear it in this life, even if it means a generation or two. Worst thing we can do is wilt.
A Number of years ago I killed a young whitetail deer. He didnt want to die. He kicked and fought despite being severly wounded with such vigor and intensity that I was rivited with a new appreciation for life. In this animals death I saw a quality I wanted in my life. A fighting Spirit to the very end.
There have been days when I have been filled with hopelessness and unfounded fear. Normally these are days that I  forget that G-d has everthing in control and I have forgotten about that little Buck.
We have to fight to do what is right everyday and face this lifee head on balls to the wall. Everythng can be taken away but a fighting spirit cannot. We have to give it away.

2. Canada: Fireball in the Heavens
Witnesses: Large meteor streaks across Canada sky
2 days ago

SASKATOON, Saskatchewan (AP) ? Scientists say they hope to find remnants of a meteor that brilliantly lit up the sky before falling to earth in western Canada.

University of Calgary planetary scientist Alan Hildebrand called it one of the largest meteors visible in the country in the last decade.

Widely broadcast video images showed what appeared to be a speeding fireball Thursday night over Saskatoon that became larger and brighter before disappearing as it neared the ground.

Hildebrand said Friday that he received about 300 email reports from witnesses.

"It would be something like a billion-watt light bulb," said Hildebrand, who also co-ordinates meteor sightings with the Canadian Space Agency.

Tammy Evans was wakened by her 10-year-old daughter who ran into the bedroom.

"She said there was a flash of light, the house shook twice and it sounded like dinosaurs were walking," Evans said.

Hildebrand suspects it broke up into pieces and he plans to investigate around Macklin, Saskatchewan near the Alberta border.

Rick Huziak, an amateur astronomer in Saskatoon, helped operate a camera on top of the University of Saskatchewan physics building that captured video of the meteor.

"It was quite spectacular. The ground lights up all over the place," he said.

Martin Beech, an associate professor of astronomy at the University of Regina, said meteorites are valuable to learning about the history of the solar system.

"Picking up a meteorite is almost equivalent to doing a space exploration mission between Mars and Jupiter," he said.

3. Britain: Prince Charles' pride for grandmother who sheltered Jews
By Daily Telegraph reporter

Prince Charles met a member of the "Kinder" - now elderly citizens - and their families over tea at a reunion in north west London, to mark the 70th anniversary of the decision to allow thousands of children into Britain from Nazi-occupied Europe.

In a short speech to the gathering, he told how his paternal grandmother, Alice, Princess Andrew of Greece, took in a Jewish family when she was living in Athens.

He said: "That's one reason why I wanted to be with you today because my grandmother would have approved. She was a very remarkable lady."

He said he was "incredibly proud a member of my family did the right thing.

"That I think is something we always need to remember on these occasions. What is the right thing to do?" he added.

"We must never ever forget the lessons from what you had to go through."

He thanked the "Kinder" for their "absolutely crucial" contribution to British life since they arrived 70 years ago.

He said the refugees' experiences were "almost unimaginable, even though I promise you I have tried to imagine what so many of you had to go through".

The event commemorates the Government's decision to allow 10,000 mainly Jewish children into Britain following a House of Commons debate on refugee policy on November 21 1938.

The reunion took place at the Jewish Free School in Kingsbury which was instrumental in helping to evacuate many of the youngsters from London to Ely, near Cambridge, at the beginning of the war.

Charles said that speaking to the "Kinder" made him "so incredibly proud to be British".


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