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Tribe 13 Pre-Publication Offer Click Here |
Here in Ireland, the Catholic Church's endemic anti-Semitism had more indirect, yet still devastating, consequences. Irish Catholicism had, throughout the 1920s and 1930s, published and preached against the Jews as a deicidal nation which had endured for 2,000 years as "the worm in the rose" of Christendom. And in a country where notions of Irishness and Catholicism were inextricably entwined, the Jews, as enemies of the Church, were, by definition, enemies of the State, and religious and non-religious anti-Semitic motifs were synthesized to create one national anti-Jewish ideology. So "Jewish finance" was characterized as a mean of enslaving the Irish Catholic nation while Freemasonry and Communism were presented as Jewish-driven vehicles for what Ireland's leading anti-Semitic ideologue Fr. Denis Fahey- (most of whose books were prefaced and approved by prominent members of the Irish hierarchy) called "the destruction of Catholic civilization through the perversion of hearts."Brit-Am Comment:
Thus Ireland's Rome-based Catholic clergy could warn the Irish ambassador to the Holy See in 1946 that Jewish influence was not just "anti-Christian [but] anti-national and detrimental to the revival of an Irish cultural and religious civilization," an attitude which may partly explain the Irish colleges' apparent refusal to shelter Jews during the round-up of Roman Jews three years earlier, even as 4,500 were being hidden in other Catholic institutions, 10% of them in the Vatican itse1f. The Irish government's response to the increasingly desperate pleas of the chief rabbi of Mandated Palestine and former Irish chief rabbi Yitzhak Halevi Herzog (ironically, one of Pius XII's first defenders) to use its influence to rescue small groups of French and Hungarian Jews was, in the words of the historian Shulamit Eliash, "tepid and unenthusiastic." And, mindful of the "numerous protests regarding the number of alien Jews who [had] established themselves" in Ireland, the Ministry of Justice (which had the final say on refugee visas) implemented throughout the Nazi era an immigration policy which explicitly excluded those with what were termed "non-Aryan affiliations." So while just one Irish Jew actually perished in the Holocaust, one wonders how many of her Continental coreligionists died as a result of Ireland's institutionalisation of societal anti-Semitism, which resulted in fewer than 70 Jewish admissions between 1933 and 1945.
is a Jerusalem-based journalist and the author of The Accidental Empire: Israel
and the Birth of the Settlements, 1967-1977.
Brit-Am Comment:
The author of the above
article has an anti-Jewish anti-religious agenda as may be seen by his
activities against Jewish settlement in the Holy Land. He is also exaggerating.
And he is inaccurate. No real innovation has been introduced but rather an always
existing opinion brought more into focus.
The article however does
highlight a problem.
Too many non-Jews are converting to Judaism without intending to try to keep the
This is causing a reaction and may make conversion more difficult for those who
are genuine applicants and who in some cases face a difficult enough task as it is.
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