Oppressors of Womenfolk Not Hebrews!
Brit-Am Replies to Articles Claiming
Taliban Are Israelites!
(1) Introduction. The Queries About the
Taliban Pathans
and Afghans
(2) The INN Article.
(3) Brit-Am Reply to INN Article: Jeremiah 31:20 supports Brit-AM (Israelites
in the West) Explanation and not (as is claimed) that of Rabbi
The Lubavitcher
Rabbi has been Misrepresented by Afghan-lovers!
(4) The JP Article.
(5) Brit-Am Reply to INN Article
Appendix 1:
Letter from an Afridi of Afghanistan
Appendix 2:
Who Are the Afridi?
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(c) "Dr. David" SykesHi Yair,
Would you mind giving your opinion on this article? Thank you.
Marianne Connolly (sent the INN article)
Taliban of Jewish Descent? Experts are Checking
by Hillel Fendel
( Experts at the National Institute of Immunohaematology in Mumbai, India believe a large group of Taliban Muslims might be descended of the lost Ten Tribes of Israel - and an Israeli rabbinical expert agrees.
Israel's government is partially funding a genetic study to establish if there is any proof of the link, bringing an Indian expert in DNA profiling and population genetics to the Technion in Haifa. The expert, Shahnaz Ali, will be supervised by Israeli genetic research expert Prof. Karl Skorecki.
Rabbi Eliyahu Avichayil, who has dedicated his life to seeking out descendants of the Ten Tribes and bringing them to Israel, says he does not need or trust genetic testing for this purpose: "Rashi's explanation to Jeremiah 31, 20 implies that the way to identify the Ten Lost Tribes will be via the Jewish customs that they maintain - and in this case, there are many of them."
Rabbi Avichayil says that the Jewish-like customs that have been found among the Pathans - many of whom are now of the Taliban tribe - include sidelocks, ritual circumcision at eight days, cities of refuge for accidental killers, four-cornered garments, ritual immersion for women, and more. They also practice levirate marriage - not according to Moslem custom, which allows for various relatives of the deceased to marry a widow, whether or not she has children, but rather closer to Jewish custom, in that only brothers can marry only childless-widows.
The very name of the Afridi tribe, of which many members belong to the Taliban, indicates its origin from the Israelite Tribe of Ephraim, Rabbi Avichayil says. "The Pathans, 22 million strong, include not only the Afridic tribe, some 7.5 million people, but also the Rabanis, the Gadis, the Asheris, etc. - indications that many of them are of the Ten Tribes."
Asked if we now have to consider the possibility of absorbing millions of Moslems from the east, including Talibanis, Rabbi Avichayil said, "I originally thought that it would be sufficient to merely have a small representation of each tribe, and then the Messiah could take care of the rest. But I was then encouraged by the Lubavitcher Rebbe to continue bringing more and more - but some basic conditions must still be met, such as good absorption arrangements - not as there were with the Ethiopians - and of course a willingness on their part. I met with some Afridi members in Washington, and they were very enthusiastic about what I was saying. If I saw that some of them were interested in converting and living a Jewish lifestyle, I would immediately do what I could to help them come here."
Regarding Al Qaeda terrorist leader and mass murderer Osama Bin Laden, Rabbi Avichayil said, "No need for concern; he's not from these tribes, but rather hails from Yemen and Saudi Arabia."
Are Taliban descendants of Israelites?
Are the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan descendants of an Israelite tribe that migrated across Asia after it was exiled over 2,700 years ago?
This intriguing question has been asked by a variety of scholars, theologians, anthropologists and pundits over the years, but has remained somewhere between the realms of amateur speculation and serious academic research.
But now, for the first time, the government has shown official interest, with the Foreign Ministry providing a scholarship to an Indian scientist to come to the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa and determine whether or not the tribe that provides the hard core of today's Taliban has a blood link to any of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, and specifically to the tribe of Efraim.
Shahnaz Ali, a senior research fellow at the National Institute of Immunohaematology, Mumbai, has joined the Technion to study the blood samples that she collected from Afridi Pathans in Malihabad, in the Lucknow district, Uttar Pradesh state, India, to check their putative Israelite origin.
Shahnaz, an expert in DNA profiling and population genetics, will be supervised by Prof. Karl Skorecki, director of Nephrology and Molecular Medicine at the Technion Faculty of Medicine. Skorecki is famous for his breakthrough work on Jewish genetic research.
Shahnaz's research, which is expected to last anywhere between three months and a year, will be supported by a scholarship from the Foreign Ministry for the 2009-2010 academic year.
While the vast majority of Afghan Taliban are Pashtun, the largest ethnic group in Afghanistan, the theory that they are descendants of the Afridi Pathans is widespread in the area. The theory is based on a variety of ancient historical texts and oral traditions of the Pashtun people themselves, but no scientific studies by any accredited organizations have upheld the claim. It continues to be believed by many Pashtuns, and has found advocates among some contemporary Muslim and (to a lesser extent) Jewish scholars.
Official confirmation of the link by the Technion would lend immense weight to the argument. Afridi Pathans have an age-old tradition of Israelite origin, which finds mention in texts dating from the 10th century to the present day, written by Jewish, Christian and Muslim scholars.
According to some researchers, members of the tribe still observe many Israelite customs in their native places in eastern Afghanistan and in the federally administered tribal areas of Pakistan's North West Frontier Province, though they have lost all these traditions of theirs in India. In Afghanistan and Pakistan they are all Muslim today and form the core of the Taliban.
In his 1957 The Exiled and the Redeemed, Itzhak Ben-Zvi, Israel's second president, wrote that Hebrew migrations into Afghanistan began "with a sprinkling of exiles from Samaria who had been transplanted there by Shalmaneser, king of Assyria (719 BC)."
Zahir Shah, the last king of Afghanistan, when asked about his ancestors, claimed that the royal family descended from the tribe of Benjamin.
On the academic level, British researcher Dr. Theodore Parfitt has been conducting research on genetic effects and chromosome Y among numerous tribes around the world. In India he is assisted by a young researcher from the University of Lucknow - Dr. Navras Afreedi - who claims that his ancestors were Afreedi, descendants of the tribe of Efraim, and that many of the Pathans and other tribes are descendants of the Ten Tribes. Afreedi did his post-doctoral work at Tel Aviv University, titled "Indian Jewry and the Self-professed Lost Tribes of Israel in India."
Shahnaz's genetic research would examine Navras's theory that Afridi Pathans are descendants of the tribe of Ephraim, which was exiled in 721 BCE. The research uses DNA analysis to trace shared ancestries and origins of certain populations of interest in the eastern provinces of India, to map the cause of a certain disorder that is very frequent in the large populations of those provinces, and to see if the DNA mutations originate in a certain "founder event."
We received the letter below in jumbled English. We have rearranged it somewhat
but probably have managed to remain true to the intention of the writer. We are
not sure why the letter was sent to us. Perhaps we were confused with somebody
else? It could be that many other people also received copies.
We consider the letter to be genuine and of interest.
From: shaista afridi <>
Subject: Sir , we are neither Taliban nor Israeli
I am Arif Afridi. I tell you that we belong to rough hilly area of the
Pakistan-Afghan western border in Khyber [Pass] agency. first of all I tell you
that we do not belong to any Taliban, and for that purpose we organized our own
military group to rescue our culture and our tradition. Because much of time
Taliban wanted to interfere in our area but we did not accept them since they
are an extremist group wanting to imposed their own theory on us. We have own
history. How can we accept the Talib [Taliban]? What is Talib? We hate the
Taliban. We did not accept the rule of Great Britian, when they imposed on us
road taxes. We also [before the British] fought against the Mughal Emperor [of
India] and also against Alexander the Great. We have own customs. We are totally
different from other Pathans [of Afghanistan and Afghanistan]. We therefore do
not give our sisters or daughters [in marriage] to other Pathan tribes. Our
custom are totally different from those of other peoples. I will agree that the
other Pathan may be relatives of Lost Israelite Tribes. But you and other should
not relate us with Ephraim. Because we do not know who Ephraim is.
Now I tell you about my original custom and tradition. We have a rule of Friday.
On that day you can never murder of any person. If you murder some one, then the
local assembly orders the deporting of the killer who would be banned forever
from our areas. Second we obey the order of the tirah jirga [Traditional Laws
Council] system, we can not think of disobeying any kind of decision made by
the assembly. We also sacrifice for our friend. If a person needs sheltering,we
give them shelter. The sheltered person then becomes our temporary brother. If
make peace with another tribe... Nobody can refuse to accept the council
decision. If a person disobeys, then eight Afridi tribes will jointly destroy
the home of that person who did not accept the order of the jirga [Council]. Our
female wear a lengthy shawl or fat dopata, while a male wear white or black
capon head before going to tirah. In tirah [a hilly area] nobody should think
about women for romance. The females independently go to the ghar (mountain) to
bring wood for burning. We like sheep and goats meat. We do not eat the meat of
a horse cat dog etc.
Our Afridi people have relatively less education, but they are very inventive.
Most of weapon factories are situated in our area. Even little children are
making bullets in the home. ...sir we are not extremists but what can we do?
In the south side... the Iranis support the military in fighting against us .
In the west side is the extremist Taliban wanting to interfaces with us.
On the other side we are facing the American drone attacks.
On the eastern side the Pakistani air force is bombing us. Most powers want to
weakened us. And they want to destroy us. But we are silently facing such
Little by little we will be wasted away from rom this world because most of our
female have widowed. Most of the girls and boys have been made orphans. If we do
not interfere in the affairs of others, then why do other people interfere in
our community?
If we do not cultivate opium and bung (chars) [drugs? poppy seed? hemp?], what
will we eat?
Because we are spend total season on to earn money. And our area is 75 percent
rough hilly area.
Sir, you are my brother and do not mind my words but I am telling you the
We are different from other Pathan and we also do not belong to Ephraim. We are
only Afridi.
You should question those other Afridies who is live in Malahabad, Lucknow,
arif afridi my email is
Afridi, classically called the the name of a Pashtun (Pathan) tribe. The Afridis inhabit about 1,000 square miles (3,000 km?) of rough hilly area in the eastern Safed Koh range, west of the Peshawar Valley and east of Torkham, and Maidan in Tirah, which can be accessed by the Kajurhi plains and the valleys of Bara and Churah.
The famous historian Herodotus mentions a country bordering on the banks of the Indus occupied by a people called the Pactyans[1] who were divided into four nations, one which was the Aparthea, or Aparutai, identified with the modern Afridis. They lay claim to an inaccessible upland area of refuge, the Tirah and its central place, Maidan and at Bagh[citation needed]. As a result, they have literally have been able to force every passing conqueror to pay toll tax for use or passage through the Khyber Pass.
Olaf Caroe and Aurel Stein are reported to have suggested that the Afridis may be the original inhabitants of the Gandhara area rather than an integral part of the great clans allegedly descended from the tribes of Israel. Thus, the Afridi tribe is one of the infamous Karlanri tribes, who have a formidable reputation as warriors.
Some historians think that Afridis are the direct descendants of the Greeks. During the time of Alexander The Great, some of his troops made this terrain their permanent abode. The Albanians amongst his troops constitute a considerable number in the Pashtun population.
According to Pashtun folklore, the Afridi tribe can trace its origin back to the eponymous ancestor of all Pashtuns, Qais Abdur Rashid, through his youngest son, Karlan.
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