The following list demonstrates that many words in English are derived from Hebrew originals. The English language was formed when the speakers of different Anglo-Saxon dialects were conquered by French-speaking Normans and from out of these a combination was formed that borrowed numerous additional words from Greek, Latin, and other sources. The English language has changed greatly within a fairly short period and nowadays the student of Shakespeare cannot get by without frequently referring to the Glossary. The words shown below are mainly of Anglo-Saxon origin though even some of those said to have been taken from the Greek or Latin may well be actually native to the English.
Sometimes words said to derive from another tongue are closer in meaning to a similar-sounding word in Hebrew than they are to the word they are supposed to derive from. "Pane" for instance is defined as ~1. a piece or division, especially if flat and rectangular; 2. a flat side or face...;3. a single division of a window..~ and is said to derive from the Latin "pannus" meaning a piece of cloth. As shown, one of the meanings of "pane" is "a flat side or face" and there is a Hebrew word PAN (pronounceable as "pane") meaning primarily "face" but also employed to denote "side, or aspect", i.e. the Hebrew meaning of the same-sounding English word is almost exactly the same as one of the word's meanings in English. The English word is therefore similar to the Hebrew yet different from the Latin source it is claimed to have come from!
Words similar to Hebrew or Semitic ones are also found in Greek and Latin and other Indo-European tongues but not as many as in English and not so strikingly directly similar.
Linguists make all kinds of complicated permutations (many of which are legitimate) to prove how one word is derived from another, for instance they will tell you that the English "oat" (an edible grain) comes from a similar source as the Greek "oidos" meaning "a swelling" and that "stone" (hard solid nonmetallic mineral matter of which rock is composed) derives from an Indo-European base "stai-" (to become thick, compress, stiffen) related to the Latin "stilla". These and similar claims in many cases are based on speculation but they are accepted since they accord with preconceived notions prevalent in the academic world. Our own claims of necessity must rely on much stronger evidence and proofs of similarity that are immediately obvious to any intelligent observer. The list below is my own and traces only those words that still look the same as their Hebrew originals and retain a similar meaning. It should be noted that many Hebrew words in the Bible have an uncertain meaning or alternate connotations unknown to us today and inscriptions in Ancient Hebrew are not always wholly decipherable. On the English side , the decipherment of some old Anglo-Saxon words is likewise sometimes controversial or unclear.
The following List is of examples beginning with "A" and "B". Some of the words may look the same as their Hebrew parallels merely due to coincidence but many must definitely come from the same source: Modern English is a composite tongue formed from Anglo-Saxon, Norman French, Greek, Latin, and other tongues. Roughly speaking, regardless of their supposed origins, the number of English words that look Hebrew, sound Hebrew, and have the same or similar meaning as their Hebrew look-alikes is not much different from the number of known original Anglo-Saxon words that fit the same criteria and are at present to be found in the Modern English Language! [Another study will show that the proportion of obvious Hebrew words in old Anglo-Saxon is roughly equal to the percentage of Anglo-Saxon words in present very-day English! The Northern Israelites were exiled by about 700 b.c.e. and our primary examples of Anglo-Saxon date from around 700 c.e. i.e. 1400 years later. Another 1400 years bring us up to the present era.] The noted similarities between English and Hebrew and especially between Hebrew and English words of Anglo-Saxon origin are so close and frequent that they in themselves prove that the ancient Hebrews and the ancestors of the Anglo-Saxons must have had contact and most likely spoke the same language! This point is obviously consistent with the two groups having in effect once been one and the same people.
First comes the English word then in brackets (X) is given its definition mainly based on entries from Collins University Dictionary. After that there is an equal sign (=) followed by the equivalent Hebrew word and in brackets the meaning of this word.
abash (make ashamed) = he-baiesh :הביאש(make ashamed)
abet (to incite) = he-pit:הפת (seduce)
abide (to stay, reside) = he- bait:הבית (make home)
abjure (to swear) = he- shbia:השביע (to swear)
acorn (HORN-SHAPED fruit of oak) = keren:קרן (horn-shape).
add (join, unite, increase) = ad:עד (reach unto, forever); od:עוד (increase).
adore (worship) = ha-adir : האדיר(make venerable).
after (later, next) = patir:פתר (come last, leave); batar:בתר (after).
air (gases, atmosphere) = avir :אויר(air); or:אור (light).
akin (related, of one kin) = ken:קן (nest).
alone (without any other) = yalin:ילין (lodge, remain)
all (entire number of) = col:כל (all),
am (present indicative of BE) = im:עם (in Hebrew meaning "in" or "with" but when placed before a verbal-noun also denoting the present indicative of BE).
anchor (a heavy object lowered by cable or chain into the water to keep a ship from drifting) = anach:אנך(plumber's line).
annoy (irritate, vex) = inui:ענוי (torture, torment, vexation).
answer ("reply" derived from the Anglo-Saxon "answeru", i.e. swear) = shevua:שבוע (swear).
any (one of more than two; some; even one) = heni:הנה (here), ha-ain: האין (nought or not ought).
area (part of earth's surface, from Latin for a level piece of ground) = ara:ארע (Aramaic for "land").
as (at the same time that) = az:אז (as, then).
ash (powdered remains after fire) = aishאש: (fire).
ask (question, demand) = ha-sik:הסיק (conclude).
ask (question, demand) = (ha-) asik:העסיק (employ, occupy, involve)
ashamed (feeling shame) = asham:אשם (guilty)
at (on; in; near; by; through; from) = et:את (with, and).
awe (mixed reverence and wonder; terror) = aer:ער(aroused).
bad (not good; not as it should be; incorrect) = bad : בד(falsehood; impostor; solitude).
bail (release through financial warranty from other power, control, jurisdiction) = baal:בעל (lord, master, owner).
bake (to cook by dry heat; to make dry and hard by heat) = beka:בקע (to crack).
bald (lacking hair on head; bare) = balad:בלד (alone, isolated).
bale (evil; harm) = bal:בל (prohibited).
bare (uncover, strip) = bear:בער (devour, animal-graze, make bare).
base (foundation) = basis:בסיס (base).
be (become, occur, remain or continue) = be:ב- (in, [as a prefix- "in process of"]).
beach (sandy shore beside a sea, lake, etc.) = bitzah:ביצה [pronounceable as similar to "beach"] (mud, muddy stretch besides an expanse of water).
bear (carry, sustain, transport) = bear:בעיר (domestic cattle once used as beasts of burden).
bed (thing for sleeping or resting on) = bad:בד (cloth).
belt (a strip or band worn around the waist) = belet:בלט (protrude, stand out).
blow (to stir or speed up the motion of air) = bela:בלע (swallow).
boil (bubble up, to reach the vaporising point by heat) = bahal :בהל(boil).
bone (hard tissue forming skeleton) = even:אבן (pronounceable as "eben" meaning "stone")
boor (rude, awkward) = bore:בור (ignorant), baer:בער (illiterate, lacking)
bore (make a hole) = bir :בור(hole); bare:באר (well).
boss (person in authority) = bos :בוס(downtrod).
break (to force to come apart by force) = parake:פרק (break), berech:ברך (knee), berek:ברך (bend).
breeches (trousers reaching to the knees) = berech:ברך (knee).
brim (topmost edge) = be-rom:ברום (at the top).
bull (the male of certain large animals) = baal :בעל(husband).
burn (destroy by fire ) = bear:בער (burn).
buy (to get by paying) = bai :בעי(request, demand).
by (near, in direction of) = bi:בי (in)
Isaac E. Mozeson ("The Word" 1989, U.S.A.) used the same methods as those of etymological linguists to trace nearly every word in English back to a Hebrew source. Mr. Mozeson believes that Hebrew was the original tongue of mankind and therefore the words of all languages may be proven to have an ultimate Hebrew root after the probable linguistic permutations are taken account of. Nevertheless, in a private conversation with me Mr. Mozeson agreed that English may well be closer to the Hebrew than most other tongues. He himself wrote,
"Hebrew vocabulary has as much affinity with English as it has with Arabic" (I.E. Mozeson, "The Word", p.1) and
"Many times in this book the English term is closer to the Hebrew one than the Arabic counterpart" (I.E. Mozeson, "The Word", p.16 entry: "After". Note:).
Some few examples of the many entries (on words beginning with "A" or "B") not covered by ourselves from I.E. Mozeson include:
admiral = amir (top, ruler); agony = Yagon (great pain); albino = laban (white); amber = anber; angle = akel (bend); Yank = Yaacov; at = ad (to); babble = Babel; baby = bubah; ball =balal (confound, be rolled up); bar = bareah (bolt); barley = bar (grain or corn); bat = bad (tree limb); be = ba ("to come" or "come to be"); beaker = bakbook (jar or bottle); beat = beeate (kick out, trample, spurn); berry = peri (fruit ); bid = badtah (express); bit = budt (separate or only); bleak =balak (waste); bully = baal (master); bucket = bakbuk; brook = braykah (pool); bubble = bubooah; burst = parats; butt=bautt; breach = preetza ; brass = barszel