UK-USA, Ephraim

The British-American Symbiosis in the Light of Scripture and History.

Introduction. Ephraim and Manasseh.
Historical Development and the American Revolution.
Freeing the Prisoners and Settling the Uninhabited Wastes.
The American Myth Forms the National Character.
Westward Ho!
The British-American Overlap in World History.
The Need for Fraternal Harmony.


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Introduction.UK-USA, Ephraim-Mannaseh.

Brit-Am identifies the Lost Ten Tribes with Western Peoples.
Ancient groups whom we have shown to belong to the Tribes of Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh) tended to congregate in the British Isles. There were some from Joseph (especially from Manasseh) who remained on the Continent. When the USA was founded most of Manasseh in Europe moved to the USA. The USA also received many from other Israelite tribes including Ephraim. In addition to this quite a few American Gentiles also descend from Judah.
At all events even if Ephraim is the numerical majority it was Manasseh that on the whole dominated the USA. Manasseh determined much of the US national character and attitudes.
From the Tribal point of view the USA is Manasseh.
In Britain and amongst British offshoots Ephraim dominated.
In other articles we have shown how the USA is Manasseh and the British family of Nations is Ephraim.
We have also shown how according to our sources Manasseh was destined to achieve its national Tribal expression after Ephraim.
The greatness of Manasseh was to be seen in its physical-material achievements.
Why the USA is Manasseh

Ephraim was to bring other nations into being though Manasseh also played a part in this.

The short article below merely shows that historically the USA came out of Britain, developed in the shadow of Britain, and then seamlessly overtook the British. The USA and the British belong to the same family. They pertain to the same Israelite Tribal Grouping not only from the Biblical point of view but also from the historical one! This is despite whatever glaring differences, distinctions, and occasional fiction may exist or have ever existed between them.

Historical Development and the American Revolution.

From 1607 to 1776 the British established settlements in North America. Other settlements were also set up by the French, Dutch, Danish, and Spanish. The British took over the other settlements apart from those of the Spanish that were later incorporated by the USA. The overwhelming demographic input was from the isles of Britain:

# During the 17th century, an estimated 350,000 English and Welsh migrants arrived in the Thirteen Colonies, which in the century after the Acts of Union 1707 [formalizing the joining together of  England and Scotland], was surpassed in rate and number by Scottish and Irish migrants. #

The colonies in what later became the USA went to war against Great Britain in  1775. The Declaration of Independence followed in 1776. The American Revolution received much valuable support from the French whom we identify with the Tribe of Reuben.

Perhaps the most famous slogan of the American rebels against Britain was, "No Taxation without Representation!"
This principle found expression later in that,
# The colonists insisted that representation was achieved only through an assembly of men actually elected by the persons they were intended to represent. #
This reflects an aspect of the Tribal character of Manasseh. The very name "Manasseh" in Biblical Hebrew expresses the principle of Responsible Representation. This is reflected in the USA Constitution of 1789. At first the number of colonies comprising the USA was 13. This number has especial significance for Israel in general and for the Tribe of Manasseh in particular. In a sense Manasseh was the 13th Tribe when Ephraim is considered first and when all the Tribes are listed. [ Usually (with exceptions) however a quorum of 12 Tribes is retained by either (a) considering Ephraim and Manasseh as the one Tribe of Joseph (Genesis 49 Exodus 28;9 1-Chronicles 1) OR (2) Not counting Levi (Genesis 49;32, Numbers 1, 2,7, 10,13,26) since Levi had the Priestly function and was scattered amongst the other Tribes; Or (3) not counting Zebulon (Deuteronomy 26).

Freeing the Prisoners and Settling the Uninhabited Wastes.

The war against the Americans had never been popular in Britain and recruits were hard to obtain. The British government hired Mercenaries from the Duke of Hesse in Germany. [ After the war some of the Hessians remained as colonists.] These Mercenaries were not necessarily voluntarily ones. They have been compared to virtual slaves of their monarch who sold them at will.
Not only that but quite a few of the early English, Scottish, and Irish settlers were either convicts or indentured servants whose status was also not always much better than that of slaves.
Convicts made up about one-quarter of the total British settlement.

The creation of the USA (like other British colonies) embodies principles reflected in Biblical Prophecy,
Isaiah 49 (Translation contains Brit-Am modifications in light of the Hebrew original text):
8 Thus says the LORD:
' In an acceptable time I have heard You,
And in a day of salvation I have helped You;
 I will form you and give you
to become a covenant of the people [Hebrew: "Brit-Am"],
To establish a land,
To bring about the inheritance of desolate heritages;
9 To say to the prisoners, 'Go forth,'
To those who are in darkness, 'Show yourselves.'
'They shall graze along the pathways,
And their pasturing shall be on all bountiful heights.

Most of this chapter (Isaiah 49) refers primarily to the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel.

Note the following features recalled above by Isaiah (49:8-9) and fulfilled in the creation of the USA:
National Salvation.
Establishment of a land or new country.
Inheritance of relatively under-populated uncultivated "desolate heritages".
Freeing of the Prisoner-Convicts.
Grazing and pasturing in fertile regions.

Most prophecy was intended for the End Times. Nevertheless points made often reflect aspects of reality that will be foreshadowed several times over in history and may return upon themselves.

It should be mentioned that, even though North America had previously been settled by Amerindians by European standards, it was underpopulated and desolate. One of the causes of conflict between the colonists and the British authorities had been the tendency of the Americans to settle on what was considered Amerindian territory.

The American Myth Forms the National Character.

A second war between Britain and the USA broke out in 1812. Despite initial victories the British lost after which relationships between the two powers became more regulated.

C. E. Carrington ("The British Overseas", UK, 1968) points out that at that time there were 27 British dependencies in the West. These include territories that later were incorporated into  Canada and the West Indies etc.  West Indian dependencies at that time were relatively more important than they are today. Out of the 26 only 13 rebelled.  Neverthless, regarding those settlements that became the USA, numerous points of difference existed between the British and the colonies. In hindsight perhaps division was inevitable. In addition Carrington notes that, after the event, the Americans felt a need to cast the British in the role of villains plotting to deprive them of life, liberty and happiness. Shades of what today we would call Conspiracy Theories are noticeable. Modern Conspiracy Theories indeed often depict the British along with the Jews as scheming avaricious culprits with dictatorial autocratic designs against the unsuspecting gullible citizens of what is still considered the New World.

# A potent and lasting force in American history had been the revolutionary myth. To create the revolutionary fervor in 1776 it was necessary to invent and propagate a legend of resistance against tyranny and oppression, and this legend has become part of the American heritage....This is not a sentimental trifle, it is the deep-rooted almost instinctive foundation of the American national character, which must be appreciated if America is to be understood...What matters is that Americans believe themselves to have come into existence fighting for liberty, and in that faith they stand for liberty today. # (Carrington, pp.98-99).

Westward Ho!

After achieving independence the USA expanded westward taking on its present-day configuration.

Wikipedia "History of the United States"

tells us:

# U.S. territory expanded westward across the continent, brushing aside Native Americans and Mexico, and overcoming modernizers who wanted to deepen the economy rather than expand the geography. Slavery of Africans was abolished in the North, but heavy world demand for cotton let it flourish in the Southern states. The 1860 election of Abraham Lincoln calling for no more expansion of slavery triggered a crisis as eleven slave states seceded to found the Confederate States of America in 1861. The bloody American Civil War (1861-65) redefined the nation and remains the central iconic event. The South was defeated and, in the Reconstruction era, the U.S. ended slavery, extended rights to African Americans, and readmitted secessionist states with loyal governments. The national government was much stronger, and it now had the explicit duty to protect individuals. The present 48 contiguous states were admitted by early 1912, with Alaska and Hawaii added in 1959. #

# Thanks to an outburst of entrepreneurship in the North and the arrival of millions of immigrant workers from Europe, the U.S. became the leading industrialized power by the early 20th century. #

The early settlers of the USA were British. Their values were British. English common law was the basis of their legal system. American national characteristics and behavioral patterns had been foreshadowed by those previously found in the British Isles.
In the first hundred years of their independence most of the growth in population was due to natural increase and to immigration from Britain.

Carrington (p.138) tells us:
#  American political ideas and prejudices were derived from English sources; and in many other ways the United states was long dependent on the British Empire...the external trade of America was still in the hands of the British...Almost the whole tonnage of shipping entering European ports sailed under the British flag, the whole of it under the protection of the British Navy. More than one-half of American exports went to Great Britain. The Americans were a nation of primary producers still backward in industrial development; for all manufactured goods, other than those produced in village workshops, they were obliged to depend upon the British, the one
industrialised nation. This dependence tended to increase rather than decrease as the Age of the Machines drew on...

Carrington (p.139) continues:
# The American miracle was not their War of Independence, nor their constitution, nor - what now seems remarkable - their technical ability; it was the conquest of a continent. No other event in the nineteenth century is so important as the westward march and expansion of the Americans. No other record exists in human history of 
colonisation on so gigantic a scale...#

The British-American Overlap in World History.

In 1860 the US population in numbers drew equal with that of Great Britain. It was not until the First World War however that the USA approached pre-eminence. Until that time the USA developed in the shadow of Great Britain, with the help of Britain, as an area of British investment, and as a product of populations that had once been present in the British Isles.

The New York Times (1897) on behalf of the USA said:
# "We are a part, and a great part, of the greater Britain which seems so plainly destined to dominate this planet". #

Britain (1845-1870) had 2% per cent of the world's population, 30% of global GDP, 20% of world trade, 40% of world manufacturing trade.
The USA equaled Britain in most fields by 1870 and surpassed it in the 1880s.
In 1860 Britain produced 53% of world's iron (# then a sign of supreme industrial strength #); in 1914 less than 10%.
In 1914 Britain however was [still] the world financial capital. Returns from overseas investments masked its economic decline.

Fareed notes:
Britain did not resist the rise of the USA but rather acceded to it.
# It was a strategic masterstroke. #
# As a result, Britain remained the master of the seas, controlling its lanes and pathways with "five keys" that were said to lock up the world, Singapore, the Cape of Africa, Alexandria, Gibraltar, and Dover. #
The USA in one sense replaced Britain.

# The US economy has been the world's largest since the middle of the 1880s, and it remains so today. #
"With 5 per cent of the world's population, the United States has generated between 20 to 30 per cent of world output for 125 years".

From another point of view the USA is an outgrowth of Britain and the British.

The world hated the British. In the Boer War (with South Africa 1899-1902) the British were still the major world power. The Boers had world sympathy while the British had only their own Dominions and Empire. This caused the British to look for allies thus bringing them closer to France and eventually to the USA. The results were seen in World War-1.

The position that Britain once held is now occupied by the USA.
Today as many as 80% of Europeans [outside of the UK] oppose US foreign policy (at least as it was under President Bush) and say the US is the greatest threat to world peace.

The Need for Fraternal Harmony.

Today the British, British offshoots (Australia, New Zealand, Canada), and the USA, along with the State of Israel still think alike and need to appreciate each other.

Nevertheless tensions and differences exist. These may even worsen before they get better.

Isaiah 9:
21 Manasseh shall devour Ephraim, and Ephraim Manasseh;
Together they shall be against Judah.

This verse indicates fiction between Manasseh, Ephraim, and Judah.
Eventually however Ephraim (and all the Tribes) will be reconciled with Judah.

Isaiah 11:
13 Also the envy of Ephraim shall depart,
      And the adversaries of Judah shall be cut off;
      Ephraim shall not envy Judah,
      And Judah shall not harass Ephraim.

Ezekiel 37:
22. and I will make them one nation in the land, on the mountains of Israel; and one king shall be king over them all; they shall no longer be two nations, nor shall they ever be divided into two kingdoms again.


' What links our countries is less a place than an idea -- the idea that for nearly 400 years has been America's inheritance and England's bequest. The legacy of democracy, the rule of law, and basic human rights. '
H.W. Bush, [99]

'Britain has repeatedly proved to be America's closest and most effective ally in times of crisis. Our relationship is based, of course, on shared history, values, institutions and language. But it has also been reinforced by strategic interests. If Britain is drawn much further into Europe's plans to create a
superstate, its Atlantic orientation will be lost, perhaps irreparably. '
Margaret Thatcher, [100]

Wikipedia. Special Relationship.
# In the opinion of one international relations specialist: 'the United Kingdom's success in obtaining US commitment to cooperation in the postwar world was a major triumph, given the isolation of the interwar period.[15] A senior British diplomat in Moscow, Thomas Brimelow, admitted: 'The one quality which most disquiets the Soviet government is the ability which they attribute to us to get others to do our fighting for us ... they respect not us, but our ability to collect friends.'[16] Conversely, 'the success or failure of United States foreign economic peace aims depended almost entirely on its ability to win or extract the co-operation of Great Britain'.[17] Reflecting on the symbiosis, a later champion, former prime minister Margaret Thatcher, declared: 'The Anglo-American relationship has done more for the defence and future of freedom than any other alliance in the world.' #[18][19]


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