Is the USA Ephraim or Manasseh? Brit-Am. Movement of the Lost Ten Tribes. Ten out of the Twelve Tribes of Israel were exiled and lost their identity. Their descendants are now to be found amongst Western Peoples. This is proven from the Bible, Talmud, and Rabbinical Sources as well as from Secular Studies in Ancient History, Archaeology, Mythology, Linguistics, and related fields. In our articles and writings we bring news, queries, updates, insights, discussions, and research results related to these issues. Our understanding is that the Tribe of Ephraim is the dominant Israelite Tribal Group amongst Britain and her offshoots. The national character of the USA was determined by Manasseh and Manasseh is still in many ways predominant in America. It may be that numerically more descendants of Ephraim than Manasseh are to be found in the USA. Nevertheless, as far as Tribal Characteristics are concered the USA is to be attributed to Manasseh. There are those who say the exact opposite and allocate the USA to Ephraim and Britain to Manasseh. They are mistaken. The article below considers the claims made concerning the USA being Ephraim and replies to them, point by point. SCROLL DOWN! |
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Is the USA Ephraim or Manasseh?
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Is the USA Ephraim or Manasseh? by Yair Davidiy Several writers on Identity subjects have proposed that the USA should be regarded as Ephraim and Britain as Menasseh. Brit-Am, Movement of the Ten Tribes, understands the opposite i.e. that the British and their offshoots are Ephraim while the USA is Manasseh. Who is correct? The following essay is based on a reply to an article that (at the time) we took to be representative of the school of thought we are answering. See: The United States as Ephraim by William F. Dankenbring Is the USA Ephraim or Manasseh? Yair Davidiy's response 1 COMPARATIVES NUMBERS OF POPULATION: It is claimed that Ephraim was to vastly out-number Manasseh (Deut.33:17), ten to one. The population of the USA is 280 million, compared to England's 60 million and Canada's 28 million. Answer: Britain has about 60 million people, Australia and New Zealand around 20
million, there are several million descendants of the British and related people
in South Africa and others scattered around. Allowing for the presence of
aliens, etc we still reach a total of more than 100 million who can be ascribed
to Britain. This is assuming that most inhabitants of the USA of British
descent pertain to Menasseh: They are therefore different from the other British
whom we believe to be dominated by Ephraim. The USA has 280 million people BUT
almost half or more of these are probably not 2. YOUNGEST IN AGE: It was claimed that: Ephraim was the younger brother. It only makes sense that the younger would rise up later than the older brother. The USA is younger than Britain and in a sense even emerged from Britain. When Ephraim was "fully grown," he excelled his older brother, even as the USA has excelled England, and has grown much greater. The USA according to this line of thought parallels Ephraim. Answer: In the blessing of Jacob
it says concerning Menasseh he too will be great But his brother will be greater
than him. 3 WINE-DRINKING: It was claimed that Ephraim was
to become a people who drank too much WINE (Isa.28:1). Wine is produced in
abundance in the US, California, Oregon, etc. The British are not known as
wine-bibbers, but their drink of choice is BEER -- a completely different
beverage. This again points to the US being Ephraim, in the majority. The verse in Isaiah says, 4. MOST BLESSED: It was claimed that: Ephraim was to
possess the greatest natural resources and beauty -- including "verdant valleys"
(Isa.28:1). The US is the most fertile nation in the world, called the
"breadbasket" of the world. Our valleys like the Shenandoah, the Piedmont, the
Central Valley of California, the Willamette Vallley of Oregon, are world famous
-- we are a nation of awesome valleys, agricultural fruitfulness, and abundance. Ephraim is a name applied both to the particular tribe of that name and also
used for the Lost Tribes in general including Menasseh. The daughters of Britain
such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa, etc are also areas of
abundance and blessing. Verdant Valleys are found all over.
5. WILD BULL QUALITY: In Deuteronomy 33:17 a firstborn bull is followed by a wild ox [actually in Hebrew Raem i.e. unicorn]. After that Ephraim is recalled followed by Manasseh. The claim is made however the Ephraim parallels the wild ox (raem) and Manasseh the bull. WFD opines: # Ephraim is more like the "wild ox" of this verse-- younger, wilder, less settled -- you've heard of the "Wild West," and the "wild American," like many younger brothers, we tend to be a little on the "wild side," and therefore many Europeans look on us with a little distrust, consternation, and even bewilderment. # Deuteronomy 33: 17 His glory is like a firstborn bull, And his horns like the horns of the wild ox [in Hebrew Raem i.e. unicorn] Together with them He shall push the peoples To the ends of the earth; They are the ten thousands of Ephraim, And they are the thousands of Manasseh. Answer: 6. DOUBLY FRUITFUL AND MUCH GREATER: It was claimed that: # Ephraim's
very name literally means "doubly fruitful." Well, look at the evidence! The US
has been VERY
fruitful during the 20th century -- abundantly so. DOUBLY so. Joseph is a
fruitful bough # Biblical Commentators say that Ephraim merited since not only was he the
little younger brother of Menasseh but he was prepared to belittle himself. England agreed to allow the USA to direct
the world and that she would take a backseat in exchange for American economic
support in prosecuting the Second World War. 7. A COMPANY OF NATIONS: It was claimed that in the
Blessing to Jacob: [Genesis 35:11] AND GOD SAID UNTO HIM, I AM GOD
ALMIGHTY: BE FRUITFUL AND MULTIPLY; This blessing was given to Jacob (Israel) and is applicable to all Israel as
a whole. 8. THE NAMES: As explained in our book Ephraim. The Gentile Children of Israel and our work Joseph - The Israelite Destiny of America the very name Ephraim connotes aristocracy in Hebrew. Ephrathi in Hebrew means someone from the Tribe of Ephraim and it also means an aristocrat. Britain is the only country in the world where the aristocracy still means something. The House of Lords is one of the main governing bodies of Britain. It still has the ability to delay legislation or to send it back for reconsideration. Also the name Angle for the people who gave their name to England (Land of the Angles) and an alternative form of which was Aegle: The Angles were also known as Aegels and Aegel in Hebrew means young bull which was a symbol of Ephraim. The Prophet Jeremiah 31:18 says that Ephraim is an Aegel: [Jeremiah 31:18] I HAVE SURELY HEARD EPHRAIM BEMOANING HIMSELF THUS; THOU HAST CHASTISED ME, AND I WAS CHASTISED, AS A BULLOCK [Hebrew: Aegel] UNACCUSTOMED TO THE YOKE: TURN THOU ME, AND I SHALL BE TURNED; FOR THOU ART THE LORD MY GOD. The great commentator Rashi (1040-1105 CE) said that Aegel [i.e. young bull] was a nickname for Ephraim. The name Manasseh as we explained in our work (quoting from the Biblical Commentary of Rabbi Shishom Raphael Hirsch) connotes responsible representation such as that prevailing in the USA and to which citizens of the USA attach more importance than any other nation! For an American to say that something is not constitutional means that whatever is spoken of is quite seriously wrong whereas other peoples would not necessarily agree. The name America derives from that of an Italian sailor Americo Vespucci who was in the employ of Henry-VII of England. Americo Vespucci received his name in honor of a legendary hero. ARTHUR J. ZUCKERMAN ( "A Jewish Princedom in Feudal France, 768-900", New York, U.S.A., 1972) proved that the legendary hero known in the southern France as Americo (and several other names including America) was actually a Jew descended from the House of David. This Jew was a friend of the French King Charlemagne and intermarried with his family. He is recalled in Hebrew manuscripts under the name Machir or HaMachir i.e. in Medieval Hebrew a diminutive form meaning the Man from Machir BUT in Biblical Hebrew connoting "People of Machir". The Hebrew names "Machir" and "Ha-Machiri" can be difficult to pronounce for those not familiar with the Hebrew Language. In Early Latin Manuscripts and popular ballads he was known as Americo or America and other similar names. Zuckerman proved that the names given to Machir in Latin Documents are in effect merely dialectical variations of the Hebrew name Machir. The name Americ is a variation of the Hebrew Machir or HaMachir. Machir in the Bible was the firstborn son of Manasseh (Genesis 50;23). Machir received his territory east of the Jordan River (Numbers 32:39, Joshua13:31). Americo Vespucci received his name in honor of the Jewish noble named in Hebrew Machir and Vespucci gave his name to America. Since we believe in Divine providence we may therefore say that America was indirectly named after Machir the firstborn son of Manasseh! One of the meanings of the word Machir in Biblical Hebrew is the Principle of Selling or Capitalism and the USA is the foremost Capitalist country. [This was pointed out to us by our friend Benjamin Turkia now living in Jerusalem but originally from Finland. 9. GEOGRAPHIC PARALLELS: It was claimed: #Geographically, in ancient Israel, the house of Manasseh was divided, separated into East Manasseh and West Manasseh, with the Jordan River the dividing line. West Manasseh stretched to the Mediterranean Sea. Ephraim was south of Manasseh, stretching from the Jordan to the Mediterranean. Today, we have the same juxtaposition of the two tribes. Manasseh is once again in the north -- West Manasseh is Canada, north of the US, with both of them stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans; and East Manasseh is England, lying EAST of the Atlantic Ocean. The Atlantic, like the ancient Jordan River, divides East and West Manasseh. # Answer: This is a good point. In our book Joseph - The Israelite Destiny of America we adduce a similar analogy. Menasseh was originally both in Germany, France, Holland, and across the water in Britain. Then most of Menasseh with other Israelites moved to Britain with the remnants from Germany later moving to the USA. Meanwhile Menasseh in Britain came to dominate the North and West and settled very heavily in Ulster (i.e. North Ireland) across the water. These became the Scotch-Irish. Later most of Menasseh from Ulster etc moved to America with a remnant remaining in Britain. We thus had once again two major divisions of Menasseh separated by an expanse of water symbolized by the Jordan River. 10. IDOL WORSHIP: It was claimed that: Ephraim was prophesied to become "joined to idols" (Hos.4:17). Idols abound in modern USA. Answer: Ephraim as a term applies to all the Lost Ten Tribes. Out of all the people
we have pointed to as containing significant elements from the Lost Tribes of
Israel the USA in many respects is still the most God-fearing and the closest to
Israel as it was intended to be. Religion in the United StatesOn the other hand in the UK disbelief is prevalent: Demographics of atheism 11. A MIXED PEOPLE: It was claimed that: Ephraim
was to be a "mixed" people. God said "Ephraim has MIXED himself among the
peoples; Ephraim is a cake unturned [burnt on one side, white on the other].
Aliens have devoured his strength, but he does not know it" (Hos.7:8-9). Hosea here was referring to all the Lost Ten Tribes under the heading
Ephraim. We understand the verse to say that Ephraim as a
national entity will consider and conduct himself as the same as the others, as
non-Israelites. The expression translated as mix himself in Hebrew is Yitbolel
meaning assimilate. Ephraim will become the same as the Gentiles in the sense
that he will not be aware of his Israelite Identity and no longer maintain his
Hebrew traditions. He will be assimilated.
12. THE 13TH TRIBE: It was claimed that: Ephraim was the 13th tribe. He was born last, of the tribe heads, born to Joseph in Egypt, after Manasseh, the 12th tribe. The US flag has 13 stripes, the US originally had 13 colonies, in the US seal we find 13 stars above an eagle [symbol of the "king of the air," or airpower], also 13 arrows clutched in his left claw, and an olive branch with 13 leaves in its right claw, with a shield of 13 red and white stripes. The number 13 is associated with Ephraim AND with America! Answer: Partly True but then again if you consider the blessing of Jacob (above) he
said that Ephraim would be considered the greatest but that his brother Menasseh
would also be great though Ephraim would be greater than he. 13. CHRONOLOGICAL FULFILLMENT: It was claimed that: The northern tribes of Israel were taken into captivity by Assyria in 718-721 B.C. God foretold Israel would be punished for "seven times" (Lev.26:18, etc.; see also Dan.4:23). Prophetically, a "time" can equal a "year" in fulfillment (Num.14:34; Ezek.6:4-5). A perfect "prophetic year" is 360 days; each day is a year in fulfillment. This apparently is based on the original year, as it was in the days of Noah. Noah was in the ark from the 17th day of the second month till the 17th day of the seventh month -- a total of 150 days (see Gen.7:11-13; 7:24, 8:3-4). Thus five months equaled 150 days -- or 30 days per month. Obviously, Noah was not using the modern Jewish calendar! If we extrapolate, then a year of 12 30 day months would equal 360 days. Therefore, Israel's punishment was 360 X 7 = 2520 years in fulfillment. If we count 2520 years from 718-721, we come to A.D. 1800-1803. At that time the punishment would be terminated, and God would begin to BLESS the tribes with their intended blessings -- the blessings He gave to Abraham, Isaac, and Israel -- and the tribal fathers, including Joseph. What happened in 1803 in the world that was of any prophetic significance? What great blessing occurred in that year? Who received it? In 1803 Thomas Jefferson, the third US president, purchased the Louisiana Purchase from Napoleon of France -- all the land stretching from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. This vast tract was bought for pennies to the acre. The Lewis and Clark Expedition traversed this huge tract, finally arriving on the Pacific Coast, at the mouth of the Columbia River. Never in history has a nation expanded so quickly, so vastly, and for so little. The birthright promises were to accrue to Ephraim -- and this was a mighty geographical extension of the United States of Ephraim! Answer: It is not strictly correct to say that the Birthright Blessings were to accrue to Ephraim. Joseph received the right of the Firstborn: 1-Chronicles 5: The two sons of Joseph were Ephraim and Manasseh. Both received the Blessing of Joseph though Ephraim was to have the pre-eminence. See our work The Tribes, where we show that according to the Rabbinical Commentaries Manasseh was to be often the greater in worldly matters. It also be that numerically many more of the inhabitants of the USA are from Ephraim but the determinative element is from Manasseh and it is through the USA that Manasseh receives its major Tribal Self-Expression.
If the Chronological Claim above, "360 X 7 = 2520 years in fulfillment", etc. were correct it would not be an overwhelming proof regarding the identification of the USA with Ephraim. Anyway regarding the 360 by 7 equation it has not yet been proven conclusively that there ever really was a 360 day year. The verses concerning Noah indicate it but are not sufficient on their own. We tend to believe that there was once a year of 360 days and that it changed due to astronomical causes as claimed by Immanuel Velikovsky. See:Slow-Down Planet? Is the Year Now longer? This would help confirm our conclusions concerning the Megalithic Monuments of Western Europe have been built after the Lost Ten Tribes reached those areas. The problem is that today very few agree with this. —We are not sure about the Chronology. There are claims that the present system is a few hundred years of in excess of what it should be. We incline to sympathize with such revisionary concepts but have not yet decided definitely on the subject. At all events if the Revisionary Chronology is ultimately proven then calculations such as the above are unfounded. Even if the present Chronology (with ca. 720 BCE being
a date of Israelite Exile and not a much later date) remains in force and we accept the 360
day year then even so in the early 1800s Great Britain ALSO exploded in terms of
population increase, industrial and scientific expansion, overseas possessions,
international influence, etc. In fact at that time the expansion of Britain was
probably very much greater than that of the USA in absolute terms. It would take
more than another hundred years for the USA to fully come into its own in the
International sense.
14. WHO IS THE GREATER? It was claimed that the USA is the greater nation and it was prophesied that Ephraim would be the greatest. Answer: We have seen that some commentators understood Menasseh to be the more blessed of the two in the material sense. Which is greater? Steven Collins (as usual) made a good point. God was with the USA! See: Ronald Reagan and Belief in the Ten Tribes.
Even so, for sheer heroism and exertion of raw strength and effort the
achievements of Britain and her daughters in the first two encounters were the
greater. 15. NAMES OF TRIBAL CLANS: In our books we trace different clans of Israel to the British Isles and elsewhere. Often the names of these clans in History are similar to those of Israelite tribes and Tribal clans. For instance, the group known as Galadon that settled in the west of Britain has a name similar to Gilead an important clan in Menasseh. Britain can be divided up into different areas in which clans belonging to either Ephraim or Manasseh were predominant. The overwhelming majority of the early settlers to the USA section of North America came from areas in Britain (the west and north) in which Manasseh had been the main factor! America = Machir first born son of Menasseh. Machir can also mean Capitalism epitomized by the USA. Menasseh = Responsible Representation as also epitomized by the USA. Ephraim (Ephrathi in the singular)= means aristocracy as found in Britain and almost nowhere else. John Bull = England. Angli=Aegli= Ephraim. See Also: Why the USA is Manasseh: A Summation Seven Main Points The USA is Manasseh for the following Seven Main Reasons: 1. Tribal Demography. Peoples from areas historically attributable to clans from Manasseh in the British Isles and Europe tended to migrate to the USA. 2. Manasseh was to become great AFTER Ephraim! As explain above re the Blessings of Jacob and the explanations of the Rabbinical Commentators Bnei Yissachar and the Malbim. 3. Manasseh Represents Responsible Representation. The name Manasseh in Hebrew implies responsibly and representation and these are the main principles of the American Constitution. 4. America is Named after Machir first-born son of Manasseh. America is a Medieval Latinized version of the name Machir and Ha-Machiri or People of Machir. See above. 5. The Principle of Capitalism is Encapsulated in the name Machir. Machir in Hebrew means Sell, Price, or Captitalism. 6. Yank meaning Jacob means American! Yank is another way of pronouncing Jack which is short for Jacob who was later renamed Israel. 7. The Presidential System. Leaders from Manasseh in the Bible had attributes and empowerment similar to that of Presidents. This was in contradistinction to the other Kings of Israel. |
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