Fareed Zakaria
Barak Hussein Obama President of the USA is in alignment with nasty elements
detrimental to Israel and Israelites. Obama is surrounded by sinister figures
and his background indicates links to gangsters, terrorists, and anti-American
anti-Jewish racialist maniacs. The article below analyzes one of the more
respectable influences upon the present policies of Obama. Parallels are noticed
between the Biblical story of Balaam the heathen prophet and the present
Balaam the Heathen Prophet and
Balaam was the Heathen Prophet who was hired by Balak [cf. Barak Husein] King of
Midian (Numbers ch.23), to curse the Children of Israel.
Instead of curses Balaam was forced by the Almighty to utter blessings and from
these blessings we may deduce who today are descended from the Lost Tribes of
and the anti-Zionist Barak
Balaam the Pagan Prophet and the Talking Ass
Balak-2: Blessings to Israel. Proofs
concerning the Lost Ten Tribes
The Blessings to Israel that God placed in the mouth of Balaam involve national
characteristics on a long-term historical basis through which we may confirm our
identification of North America, Britain and the daughters of Britain as the
leading group (dominated by the sons of Joseph) amongst the Lost Ten Tribes.
The Blessings were Irrevocable and at some times have to be fulfilled (Numbers
23:19). See the Brit-Am Commentary to the Book of Numbers chapters 23 and 24 for
explanations. One of their national symbols would be a lion and a unicorn
[Numbers 23:22, 24 24:8-9] which is the emblem of Great Britain.
The Promised Seed would be found In Many Oceans; They would be the Ruler of the
Waves and the Major World Power (Numbers 24:7, 24:17); They would become a
Distributor of Wealth and enabling of well-being to the rest of humanity
(Numbers 24:9); They were to comprise the Most Powerful Ethnicity in the World
and a Civilizer of Mankind. This was the end result. Initially however Balaam
intended to curse Israel and bring about its destruction. At first it was as if
Balaam was offering God the service of Balak in place of that of Israel. Balaam
initiated "Replacement Theology" especially in its Islamic version (Numbers
In order to curse Israel Balaam needed to separate Jacob from Israel meaning to
create a division between Judah and the Ten Tribes (Numbers 23:7). He succeeded
in part or at least what he intended to do did come to pass later.
The Separation of Judah from Joseph in some respects is a curse (Numbers 23:7,
It is a bad thing in itself.
Later the Israelites committed mass whoredom with the women of Moab and Midian
who prostituted their daughters. These females gave their bodies to Israelite
males on condition that the men first defecate in honor of the god Peor [Numbers
25:3]. This was due to the advice of Balaam [Numbers 31:15-16], whom the
Israelites eventually captured and killed [Joshua 13:22]. As a result of this
massive public fornication the whole Israelite nation had been placed in danger
of extermination at the hands of the Almighty. The zealotry of Pinchas [Phineas]
saved them [Numbers 25:8, 11 Psalms 106:30].
The name Balak in some Semitic dialects could be pronounced as Barak since the
"l" and "r" sounds can interchange.
The present President of the USA is named Barak Hussein Obama. Barak Hussein
Obama aggressively promotes abortion on demand along with privileges for
homosexuals and deviates who in turn actively promote their perversions. These
attitudes undermine the moral fiber of the USA. What affects America influences
the world. Obama also seems in favor of immigration to the USA of third world
natives to supplement the raw manpower as well as the intellectual resources of
the USA as discussed below. There may or may not be anything wrong with this in
principle but it does lead to a dilution of the Israelite element. It weakens
the Judeo-Christian foundation of Western Civilization. [Some people are
critical of the term "Judeo-Christian" since it is neither Jewish nor Christian.
Nevertheless it captures the Biblical Ethos without which our very survival is
endangered.] There is a parallel between Barak and Balak.
and Manasseh
The father of Obama was from Kenya and his mother from the USA of English
and/or Irish ancestry. Barak Obama may be serving illegally since the
Constitution of the USA requires a President to be a natural born citizen. Obama
may have been born overseas and has not proven otherwise. The USA embodies the
principle of Manasseh and descendants of the Israelite Tribe of Manasseh play a
dominant role in America. For Manasseh principles of the Constitution are
integral to its very being.
See our article:
Why the USA is Manasseh: A Summation
#3. Manasseh Represents Responsible
The name "Manasseh" in Hebrew means the Principle of Responsible Representation
such as is embodied in the USA Constitution and which is considered sacred by
the citizens of the USA as if it represents their ancestral principle and reason
for being.
The very name "America" is derived from a Latinized version of the Hebrew "Machir"
who was the first-born son of Manasseh and which name in Biblical Hebrew
embodies the principle of Capitalism.
Is the USA Ephraim or Manasseh?
Item 8. The Names
Apart from the Constitutional point there is nothing necessarily wrong in having
a foreigner as the leader. The person in question however should be in tune with
the background of what he is leading and have its interests at heart.
President Obama throughout his youth and academic career apparently had several
mentors. These include anarchists, Phnom Phen type communists, advocates of
domestic terror, and black Jew-hating racists such as Jeremy White. Anyone of
these nutcase psychos might be appropriate for the role of Balaam the evil
advisor but we have chosen someone who is far more becoming. Compared to the
gallery of sinister influences in the background of Obama a person like Fareed
Zakaria looks highly respectful.
Who is
The name Fareed in Arabic seems to mean "one of a kind, unique". The
family name is the equivalent of the Hebrew "Zechariah" implying "God will
is editor of Newsweek International, a Newsweek and Washington Post columnist,
weekly host for CNN, and a New York Times bestselling author. Esquire Magazine
has called him "the most influential foreign policy adviser of his generation."
Fareed is a non-practising Muslim from India.
# Zakaria
was born in Mumbai, Maharashtra,
India to a Konkani Muslim family. His father,
was a politician associated with the Indian National Congress and an Islamic
scholar. His mother, Fatima
Zakaria, was for a time the
editor of the Sunday Times of India.
... He received a B.A. degree from Yale University where he was President of the
Yale Political Union and editor-in-chief of the Yale Political Monthly. He later
earned a Ph.D. degree in Political Science from Harvard University in 1993...
In October 2000, he was named editor of Newsweek International.[2] and writes a
weekly foreign affairs column in it.
is the author of From Wealth to Power: The Unusual Origins of America's World
Role (Princeton, 1998), The Future of Freedom (Norton, 2003), and The
Post-American World (2008); he has also co-edited The American Encounter: The
United States and the Making of the Modern World (Basic Books). #
[In ca. 2004 Zakaria bought a 3.4. million dollar townhouse in Manhatten.]
[Both Obama and his wife, Michelle, are also millionaires. Where does all the
money come from?]
#In 2007,
Foreign Policy and Prospect magazines named him one of the 100 leading public
intellectuals in the world.[4]
has been described variously as a political liberal,[5][6] a conservative,[7] or
a moderate.[8] This is because he supported President Ronald Reagan in the
1980s, but moved left during the 1990s. He currently self-identifies as a
"centrist".[9] ... Zakaria
wrote in Feb. 2008 that "Conservatism grew powerful in the 1970s and 1980s
because it proposed solutions appropriate to the problems of the age", while- in
contrast- "a new world requires new thinking".[11] He supported
early during the primary campaign and then for president over John McCain. In
January 2009 Forbes referred to
Zakaria as one of the 25 most
influential liberals in the American media.[5]
#...he has been critical of the George W. Bush administration's emphasis on
holding elections in the Middle-East without equal regard to building
institutions of law, governance, and liberty.
#More recently, Zakaria
has also criticized the "fear-based" policies employed not only in combating
terrorism, but also in framing immigration laws and pursuing trade, and has
argued instead for an open and confident United States.[16]
is a naturalized citizen of the United States.[19] He currently resides in New
York City[2] with his wife, Paula Throckmorton
son Omar, and daughters Lila and Sofia. ##
Fareed Zakaria reads well and is open-minded. When necessary he changes his mind
and admits his mistakes. Fareed Zakaria became a backer of Obama in his
Presidential campaign. Obama made a point of being photographed with the book,
"The Post-American World", by Fareed Zakaria, 2008, in his hand. Just because
Obama read a book and liked it does not mean that he will let it rule his life
or affect his policies. An analysis of this work however does help explain
several points in the attitude of Obama.
In an interview Fareed emphasized some of the points his work analyzes:
Zakaria says we live in a changing world. Asia is coming up, Europe is going
down. The USA however has advantages through which it may yet maintain some
measure of pre-eminence.
The USA has:
1. Adaptability, Momentum, the ability for adjustment
2. Regarding Future Industries the USA leads, e.g. nano-technology, bio
technology, etc,
3. In Higher education the USA leads. This is reflected in Scientific
discoveries etc. Claims that the USA is lagging behind education-wise are based
on a misreading of the statistics. The USA actually has higher standards and
better achievements.
4. Europe is aging, the USA stays young through immigration.
The USA must adapt, keep on taking in foreigners from Asia and take in even
The Photo and the Book
Obama was photographed carrying a copy of the book "The Post-American World", by
Fareed Zakaria, 2008.
What Does
... The original photo by Doug Mills, which shows
leaving his plane to attend a campaign event in Bozeman, Montana in May 2008,
appeared twice on the New York Times website, first in an election-themed
slideshow and again the next day in a
posting by Dwight Garner discussing
choice of reading material.
is indeed carrying a copy of
The Post-American World, published in May 2008 by W.W. Norton. Born in India in
1964, Zakaria
is a naturalized American citizen residing in New York City. A former editor of
Newsweek International and Foreign Affairs, he is a world-renowned expert on
international relations. And he was born a Muslim, though he describes himself
as "not a religious guy."
... Its thesis...is that the power and influence of non-western countries are
rising and will continue to rise on into the 21st century, presenting new
"opportunities and challenges" to the United States. "That does not mean we are
entering an anti-American world,"
notes in his introduction. "But we are moving into a post-American world, one
defined and directed from many places and by many people."
This is not a development for Americans to fear,
said in a Washington Post interview just after the book was released, "but
rather one to prepare for and compete in."
BA Comment:
The picture may be posed. Obama probably made a point of being seen with the book
in hand. Obama dresses very well and has excellent publicity advisors. It does
not seem by chance that Obama let himself be photographed with this book in
Is there a picture anywhere of Obama holding the Bible?
What Significance does the book "The
Post-American World", by Fareed
2008, have?
A reading of this work shows us not only what Obama may be thinking and what his
present and future policies may be but incidentally it also provides further
proof as to the Israelite Heritage of the USA and its identification with the
Tribes of Joseph.
Below we provide excerpts and summaries from the book followed by Brit-Am
The book is concentrated. It contain numerous discussions with over-views,
facts, historical throw-backs, and pros and cons, alongside its own agenda.
There follows a collection of excerpts and summaries we considered of interest
to our readership. This does not make for a well-balanced review of the work
but it gives some idea of what it is about. Even so, there several points that
Zakaria devotes a great deal of space to but we do not, or hardly, mention them
at all. Not because they are not important but because they lack interest to
ourselves and probably also to our readership. The book is well written but we
found certain sections somewhat boring and in our mind superfluous.
The Book. Excerpts, Summary, and
2000-2007 world economic growth was 3.2%, greater than any other time in
history. There is less war now than ever before despite media reports.
The Islamic threat is diminishing, prosperity is wearing the threat away,
radical elements are diminishing .
BA Comment:
We disagree. The Islamic threat exists as long as Muslims do. Their relative
influence may be increasing. Simeon Peres, President of Israel was also an
advocate of prosperity and economic connections as a means of placating
Palestinians and hostile Arab neighbors. It did not work.
"At the turn of the twentieth century, despite robust growth in demand, wheat
prices declined by 20 to 35 per cent in Europe, thanks to America's granaries."
BA Comment:
The USA and other Israelite Nations were blessing to all the world in the
humanitarian and economic spheres.
A Blessing to Others
Light to the Nations
"With 5 per cent of the world's population, the United States has generated
between 20 to 30 per cent of world output for 125 years". 41
BA Comment:
The USA and other Israelite Nations
be blessed with great economic prosperity on a world-wide,
historically-significant scale.
Heading: Blessings
Asian States were once well-developed and were on the way to evolve upwards.
Why then did they not continue to do so in the same way as Europe did?
Absolutism in Europe was countered by the Church, by the landed aristocracy, and
by geography: Europe is broken up by mountains and rivers and therefore lends
itself more to the separation of different areas. This in turn encourages
diversity and initiative.
BA Comment:
The Blessings to the Israelite Peoples (Canada, USA, Ireland, Britain, Sweden,
Finland, Norway, Denmark, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland, Australia,
New Zealand, South Africa) came about only partly due to innate virtues of their
own. A good portion of what they achieved and received may be attributed to the
opportunities given them and the
environmental, geographical,
historical circumstances they found themselves in. This is how Divine Providence
# Nial Ferguson has argued that the British Empire is responsible for the
world-wide spread of the English language, banking, the common law,
Protestantism, team sports, the limited state, representative government, and
the idea of liberty. Such an argument might gloss over the hypocrisy and
brutality of imperial control, economic looting, mass executions,
imprisonments, torture. Some, the Dutch and the French, for example, might
quibble with the exclusively English provenance of such ideas. But in any case,
it is undeniable, that as a consequence of Empire, European ideas and practices
blanketed the glob. # 68
BA Comment:
This strengthens the point made above, that the Blessing to Israel included
being a boon to others. The Dutch and French also include within their
populations elements from the Ten Tribes of Israel. In France the Tribe of
Reuben is influential and in the Netherlands Zebulon is predominant. They too
benefited from the blessings repeated by Balaam. Joseph however was the
firstborn and received an increased manifold portion.
of the Blessings to Israel
# In the next few decades, three of the world's four biggest economies will be
non-Western (Japan, China, and India). And the fourth, the United States, will
be increasingly shaped by its non-European population. # 74
Today, almost one fourth of the world's population, 1.5 billion people, can
speak some English. # 79
# Some 80 per cent of the electronically stored information in the world is in
English. # 80
Asian and other nations might take a lot from the west but they are still
developing along their own lines. They are becoming more independently minded
and producing their own variations of western products.
# China, # is the world's largest country, fastest-growing major economy,
largest manufacturer, second-largest consumer, largest saver, and (almost
certainly) second-largest military spender. China will not replace the United
states as the world's superpower.# 93
China will however in many areas "become the second-most-important-country in
the world".# 93
BA Comment:
The book also points out that developing countries that are antagonistic to the
USA receive support from China without demands being made that they conduct
themselves in a civilized manner. The book is full of barbed remarks against the
administration of President Bush. China wants to take over Taiwan. China wishes
to undermine the military supremacy of the USA and seeks ways to do so. China
tends to position itself in the world as an alternative to the USA.
# The architect Norman Foster pointed out to me that in the time it took for the
environmental review process for one new building at Heathrow, Terminal Five, he
will have built ? start to finish ? the entire new Beijing airport, which is
larger than all five of Heathrow's terminals combined. # 136.
India is also of growing importance. India has human capital. The Indian public
is pro-American. India is a nuclear power at odds with its neighbors, China and
Pakistan, who are also nuclear powers.
The advantages of India include,
# a vast, growing economy, an attractive political democracy, a vibrant model of
secularism and tolerance, a keen knowledge of both East and West, and a special
relationship with America. # 165.
#the base of American power, a vibrant American society, was its greatest
strength and its weakness. It produced America's gigantic economy and vibrant
society. But it also made its rise halting, its course erratic, and its
involvement on the world stage always fragile. # 166
The British Empire at its height covered a quarter of the globe and a quarter of
its population.
# During the Diamond Jubilee [June 22, 1897], 165 ships carrying forty thousand
seamen and three thousand guns were on display in Portsmouth, the largest fleet
ever assembled. # 169
#...the British Empire created the first truly global market. # 170
Britain was the greatest and most successful exporter of its culture and values
in history.
British values, as propounded by Dr. Thomas Arnold, included,
# ideas of fair play, athleticism, amateurism.
The New York Times (1897) on behalf of the USA said:
# "We are a part, and a great part, of the greater Britain which seems so
plainly destined to dominate this planet". # 171
In the Boer War that began in 1899 450,000 British troops defeated ca. 45,000
Boers but at great cost. Britain was friendless and condemned by every other
British entry into World War -1 was a mistake for Britain. The USA should learn
the lesson . 173
Britain (1845-1870) had 2% per cent of the world's population, 30 % of global
GDP, 20% of world trade, 40% of world manufacturing trade.
The USA equaled Britain in most fields by 1870 and surpassed it in the 1880s.
In 1860 Britain produced 53% of world's iron (# then a sign of supreme
industrial strength #); in 1914 less than 10%.
In 1914 Britain however was the world financial capital. Returns from overseas
investments masked its economic decline.
Fareed draws parallels between Britain as compared to the USA with the USA rated
against up-and-coming China.
Britain did not resist the rise of the USA but rather acceded to it.
# It was a strategic masterstroke. # 177
# As a result, Britain remained the master of the seas, controlling its lanes
and pathways with "five keys" that were said to lock up the world, Singapore,
the Cape of Africa, Alexandria, Gibraltar, and Dover. # 178
BA Comment:
The points above reflect the blessing. Israel was to rule the waves and be the
foremost military power with ports and bases in vital international strategic
Gates of Your Enemies
Rulers of the Waves
In Many Waters
The Joseph Characteristics
Rule Over Other Peoples
A World Power
Military Might
India and Egypt
Britain and the USA are both sons of
Joseph. Manasseh was to become great after Joseph. Reading between the lines it
would appear that Fareed
advocates coming to an accommodation with China and helping China to reach its
Fareed continues:
Britain, due to USA and Australian prejudices, did not reach accommodation with
Japan and lost Singapore in 1942.
World War-2 ended the greatness of Britain but Albion retained influence due to
the personality of Churchill. The USA had been paying most of the Allies
economic costs.
# In return for its loans to London the United States took over dozens of
British bases in the Caribbean, the Indian Ocean, and the Pacific. # 179
Margaret Thatcher helped turn the British economy around in the 1980s. Today
London is once again becoming the world financial center.
# The US economy has been the world's largest since the middle of the 1880s, and
it remains so today. # 180
# The British army was sufficiently small that the German chancellor Otto von
Bismarck once quipped that, were the British ever to invade Germany, he would
simply have the local police force arrest them. # 181
#The American military, in contrast, dominates at every level; land, air, space;
and spends more than the next fourteen countries put together, accounting for
almost 50 per cent of global defense spending. # 181
# The United States spends more on defense research and development than the
rest of the world put together. And, crucially, it does all this without
breaking the bank. # 181
BA Comment:
The USA in many ways is a continuation of the British Empire but with
characteristics typical of Machir
of Manasseh rather than the aristocratic-oriented Tribe of Ephraim. The USA is
big and emphasizes size. The Commentators noted that Manasseh was greater than
Ephraim is size and wealth
even when Ephraim was predominant.
Part of the American lead over other nations is due to its research capabilities
and innovations. The Jewish population both in the USA and in Israel contributes
greatly to this. The Jewish intellectual and innovative influence comes not only
from the Jews themselves but also from their Gentile co-workers who are
influenced by them. This phenomenon was remarked upon by John
("Comets Jews and Christians" ,1996).
In the short term, Europe is the most significant economic challenge to the USA.
# The native-born, white American population has the same low fertility rates
as Europe's. # 198
BA Comment:
Diminishing population is due to several factors the most important being the
abandonment of Biblical values. BA Israelite people should have as many children
as they can.
# If America's economic system is its core strength, its political system is its
core weakness. # 198
Europe is becoming a financial alternative to the USA.
[ Capital markets outside the USA are chiefly London and Hong Kong. ]
# The United States has been and can be the world's most important, continuing
source of new ideas, big and small, technical and creative, economic and
political.. # 210
Major US problems: health care, Social Security, tax reform.
The US can no longer dominate, says Fareed.
There is Less need for the USA in the modern world.
BA Comment:
means that other countries, especially Asian ones, have less need of the USA.
Bush, unlike Clinton, did not demonstrate sufficient sympathy for the cultures
of foreign countries.
As many as 80% of Europeans oppose US foreign policy (under Bush) and say the US
is the greatest threat to world peace. 227
BA Comment:
Much of Continental Europe (even Israelite Countries) are dominated to some
extent by Esau-Edom who is the arch enemy of Joseph. Japan is also suspect.
Joseph Defeats Esau
The Japanese are not Hebrews!
During the Cold War there was always a basic support for the USA. After the Cold
War the world fears the USA regardless of the specific justice of the situation
in Iraq. 228
US must involve others in its policies like Roosevelt did during WW-2.
USA must make friends with Iran (implied p. 235), China, and Russia.242
#American tentacles and interests are spread as widely today as were Britain's
at the height of its empire. For those who believe that America's place in the
world is wholly different from that of the British Empire it is instructive to
read the "Base Structure Report" for fiscal year 2006. In it, the Department of
Defense boasts of being 'one of the world's largest landlords'! The report lists
a sprawling network of 766 bases in forty foreign countries from Antigua to the
United Kingdom. These overseas bases were worth at least $2127 billion in 2005,
housed 197,000 uniformed personnel and an equal number of dependents and
civilian officials, and employed an additional 81,000 local foreign hires?# 238
BA Comment:
This emphasizes the point made above that Britain and the USA fulfilled the
blessing to Israel that they would have bases all over the world and rule the
USA has difficulty in overcoming Iraq, Israel cannot beat Hezbollah even though
it has more power. Need for more Peace Corps type activities. American Muslims
should be enlisted on the side of America. Preferable to be loved not feared.
BA Comment:
The USA and Britain both reflect the Blessings to Joseph. Britain has been
waning for some time but is still potent. The USA has reached a turning point.
The world really is changing.
Fareed seems to believe in
letting the USA gradually become Asian in its demographic constituency and its
world wide policies. To what extent
agrees with Fareed
is another matter. Obama
does work for dialogue with Islam and Asia. He also seems to work towards
weakening the linkage between the USA and Britain and the close connection of
America with the State of Israel. |
The book by Fareed in its analysis of the former glory of Britain and the
present situation of the USA provides additional evidence that Britain and the
USA have fulfilled the blessings given to Israel. This identifies them as
containing amongst their populations a significant proportion from the Lost Ten
Tribes of Israel. Brit-Am, Movement of the Ten Tribes, works to promote
knowledge and awareness of this fact. Fareed proposes policies that Obama may
well be forwarding. These are against the Biblical and Israelite characteristics
of the USA. If put into practice they are liable to endanger the world.
What is good for Israelites is good for the world. The book admits that such was
the case in the past. It is the future we are arguing about. People like Fareed
may be more dangerous than maniacs like Jeremy White. In many areas Fareed
recognizes the truth. He has good qualities. Merits in one's enemies make them
more dangerous, not less.
See Also:
Why the USA is Manasseh: A Summation
'It is impossible to rightly govern the
world without God or the Bible.'
George Washington