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# Obama however does not seem to care much for his family or for anybody.
Obama is against Israelites and Israelite values and in favor of homos and abortion.
I think he is a "nut case" though a talented speaker, obviously very intelligent in his own way. He also seems to have a gift for picking talented people and has managerial capabilities. #
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
2. Craig Blackwood:
not a US Citizen!
#5. Did Brit-Am Insult or Flatter Hussein Obama?
Just a quick reply on OBAMA.
He has yet to prove that he was born in US territory. So far 2 million has
been spent evading the demand. The Hawaiian hospital where he claims to
have been born denies he was ever born there. The issues and ramifications
are that if this be so, then the truth and the integrity of America has been
further eroded and it makes a mockery of democracy.
He has confessed (Fox News) when he was elected as Senator to the problem
that that it was not a problem with the senate but it was with the
Victimization of Jewish Refugees from Muslim Countries
By Daniel Greenfield Tuesday, March 23, 2010
One of the unreported aspects of Obama's manufactured insult over an Israeli
housing project in Jerusalem is the way in which the administration has targeted
Jewish refugees from Muslim countries.
While media reports frequently denounced Interior Minister Eli Yishai, as a
'Right Wing Extremist', for approving one stage of the planned housing
project'what they did not report was the larger story. Eli Yishai is the head of
the Shas party, one of Israel's largest political parties, which represents the
interests of Sefardi and Mizrahi Jews from Muslim countries. And the housing
project would have benefited Jerusalem's sizable population of Jews from Muslim
In the 20th century a vast exodus took place in which as many as a million Jews
from Muslim countries fled or otherwise departed, often leaving behind homes and
valuables. Some came to America and Europe. Many more came to Israel instead.
Today three million Mizrahi Jews live in Israel, indeed the majority of Israeli
Jews are not the 'immigrants from Brooklyn' derisively referred to by
Israel-bashing pundits, but Jews whose families came to Israel from Muslim
countries, or who spent many centuries living in Jerusalem under Muslim
They came from Yemen, Turkey, Libya, Syria, Morocco, Iran, Egypt, Iraq and
Algeria. Some were driven out by enraged Muslim mobs. Others had their children
stolen and their property seized by the government. Others remained behind 'sand
curtains', unable to leave. The ways in which some of these Jews were smuggled
out of the country through a virtual 'Underground Railroad' is unknown to most.
And this is a story that continues today.
This is what a million Jews from Muslim countries escaped to begin their lives
again in Israel. They left behind life in Muslim countries where they were
Dhimmis, legally treated as second class citizens under Islamic law. They
thought that they had turned their backs on a state of affairs where Muslims
could dictate that synagogues should be built no taller than mosques, where
their lives were worth less than a Muslim's and were paid for with blood money
and forced to live in ghettos. That is until Obama decided to be gravely
insulted because they had decided to live in a place that he thought they had no
right to live.
Some commentators have speculated that Obama's goal by manufacturing the
'insult' scandal, was to force Shas out of the government coalition, thereby
disenfranchising the millions of Jews from Muslim countries living in Israel.
And let us consider for a moment, Eli Yishai. Like so many other children of
Jewish refugees from Muslim countries, Yishai was born in Jerusalem. His father,
Zion Yishai, however came from Muslim Tunisia. Jews have lived in Tunisia for
over 2,500 years. But where they once numbered in the hundreds of thousands,
today there are hardly a thousand Jews left. The majority of Tunisian Jews now
live in Israel and Europe.
In the 15th century a Flemish nobleman wrote [re Jews in Tunisia] as follows;
'The Jews, on the other hand, have no freedom. They must all pay a heavy ...
tax. They wear special clothes, different from those of the Moors. If they did
not do so, they would be stoned, and they therefore put a yellow cloth on their
heads or necks; their women dare not even wear shoes.'
Tunisian Jews were forced to live in ghettos called 'Haras', subject to Muslim
riots and atrocities. One in 1864 was described as follows, 'Muslim fanaticism
... unleashed against our brethren on the island of Djerba' synagogues profaned
and defiled. The Scrolls ... torn in pieces and burnt ... men injured and
trampled ... all the women and girls raped .... My pen refuses to set down the
terrifying ... atrocities ... in all [their] horror.'
Tunisian independence, celebrated by liberals as the end of colonialism, opened
the door to a renewed wave of Muslim anti-Jewish violence. Today of the 105,000
Jews that lived in Tunisia in 1948, barely a thousand remain.
Obama and those in the EU who are striving to turn Jerusalem into another ghetto
with areas where Jews may live and areas where they may not live, are once again
inflicting the horrors of Islamic Occupation on the Jews who fled from it. It is
of course understandable that Obama would sympathize with Muslims over
non-Muslims due to his own extensive Muslim heritage, a fact he himself
emphasized in a speech at Al Azhar Islamic University.
'I think that the Arabs want to control the whole world. That is obvious; after
all, it is written in their Koran. Furthermore, you can't trust them. For
instance, my parents were their neighbors in Yemen. When my parents decided to
immigrate to Israel, the Arabs tried to rob them of their possessions.' So
speaks Avraham Yitzhaki, one of the original residents of the Ramat Shlomo
The Shas party meanwhile has promised to use Obama's attacks in their own
campaign commercial and their newspaper answered Barack Hussein Obama even more
bluntly in its weekly newspaper, describing Obama as 'a Palestinian stone
throwing youth in East Jerusalem, and not a strategic leader' and his actions
as, 'a creative solution coming from an Islamic extremist'. The editorial
concluded, 'Today it is here, but tomorrow it will be in the U.S. and Europe'
Kenya, his cousin Odinga
and Islamic jihad
It turns out that Raila Odinga, the communist, who has the support of the
muslims who are killing people in Kenya- is Obama's cousin.
From Free Republic:
Obama and his paternal 1st cousin Odinga, wanted to bring the whole of Kenya
under Sharia law. Obama campaigned for Odinga in August of 2006,just before he
filed with the US Federal Elections Commission for his presidential candidacy.
The idea was simply to have the Luo tribe, mostly Muslims, to take over Kenya
from the inheritors of colonial power, the Kikuyu, and bring the country under
Sharia law, kick out the Western investors in the nation that had made it one of
the most stable nations in Africa, and supplant those Western investors with
wealthy Arab oil money.It all failed. Then Odinga yelled election fraud<
and put his Luo Islamofascists into the streets of Nairobi to "protest" by
murdering, raping and maiming Kikuyu people, including the recent burning alive
of a church full of Christians.<
See also:
& Raila
in Kenya. Video
5. Edgar Defends
Your explanation and its tone alone convinces me that you are indeed a
blatant racist. The name Hussein does not mean that President Obama is a nut
case or that he hates jewish or white people or black people. Do not judge a
person by his name but by his content of character and the good works he is
doing for people.
I am certain if he was a white man you would not spewed such vitriol. Did you
spew vitriol at Bush when he wrongly attacked Iraq and wasted 10 billions per
year of taxpayers' money on an illegal war'
You should cease and desist from such destructive and negative behaviour
patterns if you wish to spread the true word of Almighty God. Edgar.
Brit-Am Reply:
Why did Obama (and everybody else, it seems) downplay the name Hussein during the Presidential election and then emphasize it immediately afterwards?
The Iraqi War was necessary for the sake of the USA and the world.
That does not mean that its management should not be criticized or that in the
future things will not turn sour.
We can only do what we can.
It was basically something that had to be done and in my opinion should be done
again against the enemies of Israel and the USA.
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