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The Book of Isaiah
Chapters 6 to 10
A Brit-Am
Biblical Commentary
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The Stages of Exile
Stages of Exile. Duration: 19 minutes |
and the Agathyrsi
Gideon from the Clan of Abiezer of the sub-section of Gilead within
Menasseh defeated the Midianites and saved all Israel from extreme oppression,
as related in the books of Judges (chs. 6,7,8).
Isaiah 9:4 recalls the history of Gideon. The Clan of Abiezer was also known as
Je-ezer (Numbers 26;30). This name "Je-ezer" in the Northern Hebrew dialect gave
rise to the appellation Agathyrsi which was one of the names given to the
Khazars or a portion of them.
Were the
Some people claim that the Khazars were Turks and that the Turks are Edomites
and therefore so were the Khazars. They then say that the Jews are mainly
descended from Khazars and therefore the Jews are Edomites. This may sound
ridiculous but there are those who sincerely believe in it. Not all those who
hold these views are necessarily anti-Jewish. Some appear to be sincerely
As for the Turks being Edomites I never saw anything really convincing and do
not believe it. There may have been Edomite elements amongst Turkish peoples but
I doubt if they were numerically significant.
As for the Khazars having been Turks I looked up the sources and all it means is
that the Khazars may have spoken a Turkish dialect as did some white "Nordic"
peoples, some "Turkish" peoples and some "Mongolians".
It is not even certain however what language the Khazars really did speak since
all we have are a few "Runes" that appear like a Central Asian Turkish-related
dialect and MAY belong to the Khazars. At one stage the Turks did rule for a
period over the Khazars and they did dominate the region of Southern Russia. So
some influence was to be expected.
This does not say much and even this is uncertain. Some of the Khazars are
believed to have spoken a Finnish-type language. Avraham Polak ("Kuzaria",
Hebrew) believed their original tongue was a Gothic dialect. We think they
originally spoke Hebrew. The Khazars were actually reported of in southern
Russia long before the Turks were ever heard of.
Why are the
Considered Turkish?
[Very Summarised] Claims:
Some Jewish sources say they were.
A letter from King Joseph of Khazaria relates them to Togarmah.
They are believed to have spoken Turkish and had Turkish customs.
Their ruling house is claimed to have been of Turkish origin and to have ruled
over Turks.
Brit-Am Replies:
Why Should the
Khazars NOT be Considered Turkish?
Most contemporary Jewish sources relate the Khazars to Israel. Sources that
relate them to Togarmah are mainly later ones and less reliable. Those who knew
them at first hand considered them Israelite.
The letter from King Joseph is in several versions. It has been doctored. The
segment relating them to Togarmah appears from its style to be an interpolation.
Both the Khazars themselves and Jewish authorities considered them to be of
Israelite descent.
There is little evidence of Turkish input. All that there was can easily be
explained by cultural contact.
The same ruling house that may have ruled over the Khazars and Turks also seems
to have possibly ruled over part of the Huns, the Goths, and the Parthians. The
deeper we go into these matters the more remote the possibility of Turkish
connections become.
As for most Jews being descended from the Khazars this too does not fit in with
the known facts.
If we thought it were so we would admit it since it does not matter (from our
point of view) much anyway.
For More Brit-Am Information on the Khazars go to:
Malbim and Survivors from the
Lost Ten Tribes in the Future
There is a principle that even Prophecies that we fulfilled close to the time of
their announcement very often have an additional application for the End Times. |
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