Jerusalem News nos 481-510
Jerusalem News-481
Date: 21 Ab 5766, 14-8-06
1. The End of the "Oslo" Curse?
2. The Shawn Report
(a) The Hebraic bond by Ilana Mercer
3. Arutz Sheva News Monday

1. The End of the "Oslo" Curse?
From: imra@netvision.net.il
Palestinians Considering Forcing Israel to Take
Complete Control over All Israel and "Palestine"!!!
Subject: Palestinians Divided Over Dismantling National Authority
Palestinians Divided Over Dismantling National Authority
Opponents: Israel Could Tell the World It Has No Palestinian Partner
Palestine Media Center - PMC [Official PA website]
The Israeli war on Gaza Strip since June 25, the international economic,
financial and diplomatic siege imposed on the Occupied Palestinian Territory
(OPT) since January 25, the kidnapping of Palestinian cabinet ministers and
lawmakers and the ongoing Israeli destruction of Palestinian infrastructure,
all overshadowed by Israel's war on Lebanon, have raised the prospect of
dissolving the Palestinian National Authority (PNA).
Dismantling the PNA, which was established in 1994, would effectively mean
returning to the pre-Oslo Accords era, when the Israeli Occupying Power was
assuming the civil administration according to international law.
The donors froze aid to the PNA since Hamas won January 25 elections, which
left the PNA virtually penniless.
Following Israel's kidnapping of the Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative
Council (PLC), Dr. Abdel Aziz al-Dweik, last week Palestinian Prime Minister
Ismail Haniyeh said:
"We need to debate the future of the Palestinian Authority following the
kidnapping of its second highest-ranking figure and an attempt to
assassinate its prime minister," Haniyya told the PLC on Wednesday.
"The question we have to ask ourselves is the following: Can the Palestinian
Authority continue to operate and function in these circumstances," Haniyeh
Haniyeh was referring to Dweik's kidnapping. The PLC Speaker assumes the
post of PNA presidency in case the post becomes vacant by death, resignation
or for other reasons, according to the Palestinian basic Law.
He also was referring to the hospitalization of seven employees of the
Palestinian Cabinet after opening an envelope postmarked in Tel Aviv,
destined for Haniyeh and contained a suspicious powder.
"We do not rule out the involvement of Israeli intelligence in the dangerous
and criminal act," Haniyeh said.
Haniyeh blamed "the Israeli and US policy of continuing to reject the
results of the elections," which saw his Hamas movement come to power in
The premier added that this policy "was aimed at undermining the structure
of the Palestinian Authority."
The Foreign Minister of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and
leader of the former ruling Fatah movement, Farouk Kaddoumi, a staunch
opponent of the Oslo Accords who is based in Tunis, had reportedly also
urged President Mahmoud Abbas this week to seriously contemplate the
possibility of dismantling the PNA.
Ghassan al-Masri, a spokesman for Kaddoumi, said the PNA should consider the
move unless Israel accepted three conditions: The withdrawal of the Israeli
Occupation Forces (IOF) to the positions it held before September 2000
positions, the release of frozen PNA tax and tariff revenues and the release
of all Hamas cabinet ministers and legislators who have been kidnapped since
the capture of Israeli Cpl. Gilad Shalit on June 25.
"It's inconceivable that the Palestinians should pay the cost of their
occupation by Israel," Masri said, adding: "Why shouldn't Israel, in its
capacity as an occupation force, bear the expenses of our education, health
and social welfare systems? Why should it be an inexpensive occupation for
Former PNA finance minister Salaam Fayad has also joined calls for
dismantling the PNA. "I think we have the right to question the
effectiveness of the continued existence of the Palestinian Authority as we
lose hope and as our cause is being marginalized by the international
community," he said.
IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis
Website: www.imra.org.il
2. The Shawn Report
(a) The Hebraic bond
by Ilana Mercer
"Why is America so much more pro-Israeli than Europe?" The Economist recently posed this question and, peremptorily, answered it: "The Israeli lobby (AIPAC) and the religious right."
The idea of a Jewish lobby that looms larger than life feeds nicely into the "wars for oil and Israel" conspiracy, popular in Europe. The madcap crowd propounding this "perspective" believes that, by and large due to The Lobby, the small satellite state (Israel) controls the colossus (U.S.).
This explanation is shorthand for Jewish supernatural powers. Unlike mere mortals (or Muslims), whenever Jews organize, they are said to exert influence that is both bad and excessively broad.
In their defense, Muslim lobbies were becoming mighty efficient too. Their representatives were regular guests at the White House, no less even giving an invocation to Congress. But then one after the other these media-savvy mouthpieces were implicated in terrorism. Or, conversely, caught on tape cussing America and vowing to transform it into an Islamic state. Not even the GOP's Grover Norquist, also the Muslim community's most powerful lobbyist, has been able to reverse the damage done.
The second reason for the support for Israel, surmises the Economist, lies in Americans' Christian faith. Evangelicals especially are viewed by European sophisticates, and others on the fashionable left, as happy-clappy cretins. Writes the Economist:
White evangelicals are significantly more pro-Israeli than Americans in general; more than half of them say they strongly sympathize with Israel. (A third of the Americans who claim sympathy with Israel say that this stems from their religious beliefs.) Two in five Americans believe that Israel was given to the Jewish people by God. ...
From the fact that in Eurabia sympathy for Israel is utterly unintuitive, the magazine appears to have concluded that it is 1) necessarily wrong, and 2) induced nefariously by Jews and their pliable proxies.
Fear of Islamic terror and cultural commonalities also account for the baffling support Israel has among Americans, grants the Economist. Hollywood and high-tech, however, are not what the suggestive polls invoked by the magazine imply when they speak of a shared "culture." As Europeans see it, fealty to the atavistic forces of nationalism and militarism is the only "culture" that unites the two nations.
If lily-livered Europeans want to understand the ties between the U.S. and Israel, they'd be better off reading Russell Kirk than the Economist. In "The Roots of American Order," Kirk traced the profound influence the Hebraic faith and traditions had on the New England Puritans, who drew for sustenance and guidance on Exodus, just as they did on Kings and Romans.
The American colonists, who were heavily influenced by "John Calvin's Hebrew scholarship," saw in the children of Israel and the story of the Exodus a metaphor for their own quest. In 1630, on the ship sailing to the New World, Puritan leader John Winthrop "preached a lay sermon to remind his fellow-voyagers how they made a covenant with the God of Israel."
"Because freedom from slavery and oppression were dominant themes in the Old Testament," wrote Kirk, "the legacy of Israel and Judah nourished American liberty." The Torah, or the Law "the moral commandments revealed to Moses upon Mount Sinai" were guiding principles to early Americans. According to Kirk, "The American moral order could not have come into existence at all, had it not been for the legacy left by Israel."
Indeed, the American founders had a deep affinity for and knowledge of the Mosaic faith and morals. In the Israelites, they saw a people that had set up a political order that was unique in the ancient world for the "existence of a partial check upon civil authority," said Kirk.
In the prophets, in particular from Amos to the second Isaiah John Adams saw exemplars for American order, political and private. "The great prophets restrained the kings' ambitions," and constantly rebuked the king and the people for their transgressions (at great personal risk).
For the greater part of its history, Israel lived without a state (i.e., a monarch). But when they did form one, "their one clear political principle was a religious doctrine. The human rulers of this people remain subordinate to God and they are judged by the degree of their fidelity to the indissoluble covenant between God and his people."
"A vast majority of Americans at the time of the framing of the Constitution" were intimately familiar with the Law and the teachings of the prophets. These laws, in Kirk's telling, were "not a set of harsh prohibitions imposed by an arbitrary tribal deity. Instead they are liberating rules that enable people to diminish the tyranny of sin; that teach people how to live with one another and in relation to God, how to restrain violence and fraud, how to know justice and to raise themselves above the level of predatory animals."
Israel keeps falling from grace. "America," as Kirk observed, "is no Bible state." And the political caste of both houses is plagued by false prophets. Americans needn't emulate Europeans, although both Israel and the U.S. might want to revisit their shared roots, occasionally.
3. Arutz Sheva News Monday
August 14, 2006, 20 Av 5766
By Hillel Fendel
Two Hizbullah terrorists were killed in two separate clashes with IDF
troops in southern Lebanon, but the ceasefire is largely holding. 161
Israelis hospitalized with wartime wounds.
At noon, the first ceasefire-threatening incident was reported: A
Hizbullah terrorist cell detected "moving in a threatening manner,"
according to the IDF announcement, was fired upon by an IDF force near
Hadta, in the western sector of southern Lebanon. One terrorist was
Shortly afterwards, another terrorist was killed in a separate clash
in the eastern sector. No Israelis were hurt in the battles.
The two incidents have been the only clashes since 8 AM this morning,
when the UN-approved ceasefire took effect.
Nine IDF soldiers were killed on Sunday, in the last 24 hours before
the onset of the ceasefire. Four of them were killed late yesterday
morning by an anti-tank rocket at an infantry force, an officer was
killed by a mortar shell, and two reservists were killed yesterday
evening by an anti-tank shell. Late this afternoon (Monday), it was
learned that two other soldiers had been killed Sunday night in an
anti-tank rocket strike.
Northern Command O.C. Gen. Udi Adam says he is concerned about the
"fragility" of the ceasefire, saying that the arrangement has many
The three hospitals in the north - Rambam in Haifa, Sieff in Tzfat,
and Nahariya - are currently treating 114 soldiers and 47 civilians
wounded in the nearly five weeks of warfare. Among them are 34 in
serious condition and 47 in moderate condition; the others are listed
as lightly wounded.
The proportion of Israelis killed in the warfare are very similar: 41
civilians, among them 17 Arabs and Druze, and 117 soldiers.
Since the war started, Sieff Hospital admitted 1,479 patients with war
injuries, among them 796 soldiers.
Though the ceasefire has taken effect, Defense Minister Amir Peretz
made it clear that the naval and land blockade of Lebanon would not be
lifted until other elements of the UN ceasefire resolution have been
implemented. Travel in and out of Lebanon will be restricted until a
system to supervise border crossings and prevent terrorists from
acquiring arms from outside the country is put into effect.
The army went to great pains to make sure that each of the 30,000
troops in Lebanon understands that no offensive action is to be taken,
unless life-threatening Hizbullah action is detected. The noted
presence of an armed Hizbullah terrorist or a vehicle carrying arms or
weapons will result in IDF fire.
This, in contrast with a document sent by UN Secretary-General Kofi
Annan to Israel, saying that Israel will be permitted to open fire
only after a request for such is submitted to the UN and the UN
approves it in writing.
Hizbullah's Last Surprises
In the last night of fighting before the ceasefire went into effect,
Hizbullah planned at least two major attacks against Israel. An IDF
reserves force operating in Lebanon just north of the Israeli border
city Metulah discovered a truck-bomb on its way to an attack - either
in Israel or against IDF forces in the area. The forces attacked and
destroyed the truck.
In addition, two Hizbullah drones headed south towards Israel were
detected and downed. One of the two may have fallen because of a
malfunction. At least one of them was found to be carrying
The IDF also continued to attack terrorist targets and
infrastructures, as well as the terrorists themselves, in southern
Lebanon, last night. Among the 178 targets attacked aerially last
night were 11 Katyusha launchers, 122 buildings that served as
Hizbullah weapons storehouses and the like, four tunnels, and more.
In addition, two terrorists were killed and two others were hit in two
separate incidents over the night.
The IDF estimates that over 530 Hizbullah terrorists were killed in
the course of the warfare. The army publicized the names of 180 of
them, who were positively identified, by dropping leaflets and
temporarily taking over the Hizbullah television and radio station.
The IDF has another several dozen names of terrorists it knows are
By Hillel Fendel
Precisely as the ceasefire in Lebanon was taking effect, Hamas
terrorists in Gaza fired advanced Kassam rockets towards a residential
street in Ashkelon.
Four people suffered shock and were evacuated to Barzilai Hospital in
Ashkelon, and some property damage was caused. The IDF announced that
its forces saw three terrorists who returned to the site to retrieve
the launchers. The soldiers fired at them and killed two.
Another Kassam rocket was fired from northern Gaza southwards, landing
in an open area near Kisufim. No one was hurt and no damage was
Hamas had cut down on its Kassam firings from Gaza over the past
several days, launching only 13 since August 5. Of these, three
landed inside Gaza. This contrasts with 140 Kassams fired in the
three weeks prior to that. The IDF has been operating fairly
intensively in Gaza over the past several weeks, destroying houses
from which Kassams were fired.
Haaretz reports, based on Palestinian Authority sources, that much of
the Hamas terrorist leadership is out of commission after being
targeted in IDF attacks. Number-one wanted Hamas terrorist Muhammed
Def is wheelchair-bound and has had his legs and hands amputated,
following last month's attack on his hideout in Gaza City. In
addition, both Ahmed Al-Andour, head of the Izaddin Al-Kassam Brigades
in northern Gaza, and Marwan Isa are in serious condition.
Katyusha Round-Up
More than 4,000 Katyushas were fired at Israel over the past five
weeks. About a quarter of them landed in built-up areas, and a
quarter were fired at Kiryat Shmonah. Another 800 were fired at the
Nahariya/Shlomi area, along the Mediterranean Coast. The Katyusha
explosions set fire to 10,000 dunams (2,500 acres) of forestland.
Not all the missiles exploded, and the security forces have issued
grave warnings to residents not to touch them.
A nearly-record number of Katyushas were fired at northern Israel
yesterday, some 250 in total. Among them were no fewer than 80 at
Kiryat Shmonah, at least 30 in several waves at Haifa, 60 at Nahariya,
28 at Meonah (just north of Maalot), and others at Tzfat, Acco, the
Golan, Carmiel, Midgal HaEmek and elsewhere. One person was killed,
two were seriously wounded, three were "moderately" wounded, nine
lightly, and at least 60 were treated for shock.
8,000 claims have been filed for property damage caused by the war.
The Knesset Finance Committee is convening today to discuss the
financial ramifications of the war.
Terrorist War on Other Fronts
Palestinian terrorists fired at an Israeli car this afternoon in the
Shomron, near Alfei Menashe. No one was hurt, and IDF forces combed
the area shortly afterwards. Around the same time, a Border Guard
force thwarted a planned stabbing attack at the Machpelah Cave in
Hevron. The terrorists was caught with a knife in his possession at
the entrance to the holy site. Earlier, another terrorist was caught
in the city with a knife. Both terrorists were arrested and taken for
Jerusalem News-482
Date: 23 Ab 5766
2. Daniel Pipes: Strange Logic in the Lebanon War
3. Arutz Sheva News Tuesday-
4. Woad Tackles Breast Cancer
5. Arutz Sheva News Wednesday
6. Irwin N. Graulich: Those Poor, Innocent Lebanese
7. Hungry men like chubby women

2. Strange Logic in the Lebanon War
by Daniel Pipes
New York Sun
August 15, 2006
[NY Sun title: "Press Bias Exposes Strange Logic of War"]
[Extracts Only]
As staff at some of the world's most prestigious press organizations effectively take Hezbollah's side in its war with Israel, they inadvertently expose a profound transformation in the logic of warfare.
Some examples of their actions:
Reuters: Adnan Hajj, a freelance photographer with more than a decade of experience at Reuters, doctored his pictures to make Israeli attacks on Lebanon look more destructive and Lebanese more vulnerable. His embellishments created thicker and darker plumes of smoke from bombing raids and posed the same woman bewailing the loss of her bombed-out residence in three different locations. Reuters fired Mr. Hajj and withdrew 920 of his pictures from its archive. Further research by bloggers uncovered four types of fraudulent pictures by Reuters, all exaggerating Israeli aggressiveness. The bloggers even documented how a Reuters picture was staged.
The BBC: Editors actively trolled for personal accounts to demonize Israel, posting this request on its news pages: "Do you live in Gaza? Have you been affected by violence in the region? Send us your experiences using the form below. If you are happy to speak to us further please include contact details."
The Washington Post: Similarly, a military affairs reporter, Thomas Ricks, announced on national television that unnamed American military analysts believe that the Israeli government "purposely has left pockets of Hezbollah rockets in Lebanon, because as long as they're being rocketed, they can continue to have a sort of moral equivalency in their operations in Lebanon." Having one's own people injured, he explained, offers "the moral high ground."
All these press and broadcast activities stem from a perception that taking casualties and looking victimized helps one's standing in the war....
3. Arutz Sheva News Tuesday -
August 15, 2006, 21 Av 5766
By Hillel Fendel
Paratrooper brigade reservists began returning to Israel this morning.
Hizbullah fired rockets at them, but missed; Israel did not respond.
UNIFIL chief says he can only "beg" sides not to shoot.
The trek home along dusty roads and brush in southern Lebanon began a
short while after midnight. Around the same time, other Israeli
forces began reducing their presence and taking up positions
overlooking villages used by Hizbullah.
One unit brought with it, on a stretcher, the body of the only female
IDF casualty in Lebanon - 26-year-old Keren Tendler of Rehovot, a
flight mechanic who was one of five soldiers killed when Hizbullah
downed an Israel Air Force helicopter on Saturday night. Her body was
recovered only late last night, in an emotional mission, because of
heavy fire rained on the area by Hizbullah.
The Lebanese Army says it will begin deploying its forces in the south
of the country in the coming days. Israel fears, however - and this
is confirmed by Lebanese officials' statements - that Hizbullah
terrorists will try to both return to the villages as early as today,
and to integrate into the Lebanese Army. It has been said in Beirut
that because of Hizbullah leader Nasrallah's refusal to disarm - in
violation of the ceasefire agreement - the Lebanese Army may not be
able to deploy in the south. The two Hizbullah ministers in the
Lebanese Government also said that the terrorist organization would
not disarm.
The London-based Al Hayat newspaper reports that a "compromise"
agreement being worked on in Lebanon would allow the terrorists to
keep weapons - but only in a concealed manner.
Given Hizbullah's refusal to abide by the disarming clause, as well as
"the previous poor performance of UNIFIL, it is difficult to envisage
a situation in which international peacekeepers would act vigorously
to force the disarmament of Hizbullah south of the Litani." This
understatement sum-up was penned by commentator Dominic Moran for the
Zurich-based ISN (International Relations and Security Network)
Security Watch.
UNIFIL Can Only Beg
UNIFIL's helplessness was confirmed by its chief, Maj.-Gen. Alain
Pellegrini of France, speaking on BBC last night. Asked what action
UNIFIL takes if it sees a ceasefire violation, Pellegrini said, "I try
first to make them stop - I call both parties... and I explain to them
the situation and I beg them to cease their fire; I am not strong
enough to enforce any cessation of confrontation in the field."
Pellegrini, a former French military attache in Beirut who headed the
Middle East Division of French military intelligence, said it is
"urgent" that the international forces come to support the Lebanese
army and reinforce UNIFIL.
As of Tuesday, 118 Israeli soldiers and civilians remained in northern
hospitals with wartime wounds. Of them 32 are in serious condition.
In Rambam Hospital in Haifa alone, 26 are in serious condition. The
hospital absorbed nearly 800 patients throughout the month of
Thousands of northern residents are beginning to stream home.
By Hana Levi Julian
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told the Knesset Monday afternoon that
Israelis have been fighting for years to live normal lives, and that
"unfortunately, we will be fighting" for years to come.
He said the United Nations Security Council ceasefire "will change
from the core" the situation in southern Lebanon. Prime Minister
Olmert said the resolution is "historic" because it makes Lebanon, and
not Hizbullah, responsible for security in its country. After praising
Israel's armed forces, firemen, police and rescue personnel, the Prime
Minister said that the country's retaliation is a clear signal that
Israel will not allow itself to be attacked.
Opposition Leader Binyamin Netanyahu (Likud) addressed the Knesset
following the speech by the Prime Minster, and said that the war
clearly puts an end to the concept of unilateral withdrawals.
Israel demolished more than 25 Jewish communities in the Gaza and
northern Samarian regions last year and turned over the territory to
the Palestinian Authority (PA) without a bilateral agreement. Prime
Minister Ehud Olmert has proposed further unilateral moves throughout
Judea and Samaria.
The former prime minister also
attacked Prime Minister Olmert for not accomplishing the return of two
kidnapped IDF soldiers and the disarming of Hizbullah.
Meanwhile, Hizbullah chief terrorist Hassan Nasrallah announced in a
televised speech on Monday that his group is on the brink of a great
By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
Hizbullah lost its war against Israel because an int'l force will cut
off arms supplies to the terrorist group and allow Lebanon to govern
the southern part of the country, the US President said.
Speaking at the State Department, U.S. President George W. Bush stated
that Hizbullah has "a fantastic propaganda machine" but it
nevertheless lost the war.
Earlier in the day, White House press secretary Terry Snow admitted
that Israel did not succeed in knocking out the entire Hizbullah
terrorist infrastructure. However, President Bush asserted that the
United Nations Security Council resolution, brokered by the United
States and France, is "an important step forward that will help bring
an end to the violence."
Blaming the terrorist organization for starting the war, he said that
Israel's retaliation showed the world "what it means to confront
terrorists" and that "you got to have hope that ultimately freedom
will prevail. The Israelis grieve over the deaths of innocents, while
Hezbollah supporters celebrate."
Before his speech, he spoke with Defense Department Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld. Flanked by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Vice
President Dick Cheney, Bush stated that the war Israel waged against
Hizbullah terrorist was part of the global war for freedom threatened
by terrorism.
He pointed out that the war never would have started had the United
Nations carried out a previous resolution for Lebanon to deploy its
army in southern Lebanon.
"Lebanon can't be a strong democracy when there is a state within a
state and that's Hizbullah," President Bush said. He denounced Syria
and Iran for arming Hizbullah, and added that Iran cannot be allowed
to become a nuclear power.
A7 Radio's "The Tamar Yonah Show"
Rabbi Pinchas Winston from www.ThirtySix.org and author of
over half a dozen books, explains how history has progressed untill
today, and why the Redemption has to come in the very near future. In
light of this, who will the Moshaich be? - or rather, who will he NOT
For more A7 Radio visit www.IsraelNationalRadio.com.
4. Woad tackles Breast Cancer
Forwarded by Aryeh Galin
From: "Root & Branch Association, Ltd." <rb@rb.org.il>
Sunday, 13 August 2006, 23:00 GMT 00:00 UK
War paint plant 'tackles cancer'
A plant Celts used to get blue dye for their war paint is a rich source of a compound that fights breast cancer, scientists have found.
Woad, which belongs to the same plant family as cauliflower and broccoli, contains high levels of the compound glucobrassicin.
The Italian team at Bologna University discovered woad contains 20 times more glucobrassicin than broccoli.
They were also able to boost its concentration by damaging the plant.
"Chemicals like these could one day prove to have an important part to play in the prevention and treatment of cancer"
Dr Kat Arney of Cancer Research UK
When the leaves are damaged, glucobrassicin is released by the plant as a defence mechanism.
Its derivatives can kill some plant pests. Notably, they also have anti-tumour properties and are particularly effective against breast cancer.
Researchers have already suggested that eating vegetables rich in chemicals such as glucobrassicin might help protect people against cancer.
Studies suggest that glucobrassicin flushes out cancer-causing compounds including derivatives of oestrogen.
Anti-cancer foods
A recent study found people who ate foods rich in glucosinolates had reduced levels of chemicals linked to smoking-related lung cancer.
5. Arutz Sheva News Wednesday
August 16, 2006, 22 Av 5766
By Nissan Ratzlav-Katz
A Hamas newspaper columnist declared that the Palestinian Authority
must now leverage what he considers a "Hizbullah victory" for a
renewed terrorist campaign against Israel - a "third intifada."
Writing in the August 7th edition of the semi-weekly Hamas newspaper
Al-Risala, columnist Ibrahim Abu Heija opines that, of all the
outcomes of the Hizbullah war against Israel, "the greatest
beneficiary will ultimately be the Palestinian resistance...."
Abu Heija feels that Israel lost the Lebanon campaign, with a
concomitant "collapse of the Israeli defense doctrine" and "the
confirmation of the decline in its deterrent capability...."
...according to the Al-Risala columnist's analysis,
Israeli defeats lead to Israeli withdrawals, which are encouragement
for further Arab attacks. In Abu Heija's formulation: The
Israeli defeat in Lebanon will force Israel to move towards partial
withdrawals from the Shab'a Farms, the West Bank, and perhaps the
Golan Heights, in order to diminish the effects of its defeat - but
this will in no way deceive the Palestinians, the Syrians, or the
Lebanese. Rather, it will push them all to make yet another move
towards achieving their rights.
According to a senior Jenin-based terrorist quoted in an August 3rd
report by WorldNetDaily.com,We won the war of Lebanon when
[then-Prime Minister Ehud] Barak ran away in the night by withdrawing
from Lebanon [in 2000]. We won the first Intifada [launched against
Israelis in 1987] when [Prime Minister Yitzchak] Rabin called on
[Yasser] Arafat to negotiate the 1993 Oslo Accords only in order to
stop the Intifada. The Gaza withdrawal is the first result of our
second Intifada [launched in 2000] and we see that Olmert still speaks
of a second disengagement from the West Bank, and now Israel is under
rocket attack. This is a great period and, I believe, a new
In the past, PA officials expressed admiration for, and a desire to
emulate, Hizbullah in the period following the Israeli withdrawal from
southern Lebanon in 2000 and at the start of the PA's lengthy
terrorist campaign that same year. As quoted in the May 28, 2000
edition of the PA newspaper Al-Ayyam, then-PA treasury advisor
Muhammad Zuhdi Al-Nashashibi said that the Israeli withdrawal is "a
lesson for whoever wants to win in Palestine like [Hizbullah has won]
in Lebanon."
Similarly, the late Feisal Husseini, Jerusalem Affairs officer for the
PA, declared to a gathering of Arab lawyers in Beirut in March 2001,
"Blessed be the resistance [Hizbullah], which gave us the hope that
the future is in our hands. The Lebanese victory is the greatest and
most important example of the reality in which the Israeli enemy is
living." (As-Safir, Beirut, March 21, 2001, as translated by
the Middle East Media Research Institute.)
6. Irwin N. Graulich: Those Poor, Innocent Lebanese
From: Women in Green <wfit2@womeningreen.org>
Those Poor, Innocent Lebanese
By Irwin N. Graulich August 4, 2006
[Extracts Only]
Let me get this straight. You allow one of the largest terrorist organizations in the world to set up shop throughout your country. You permit them to completely take over the entire southern third of your country and you claim to have seen nothing.
You allow the terrorists to build sophisticated, fortified bunkers and you did not see any heavy equipment building them. You allow the Hezbollah terrorists to move into many of your towns and villages, including the complete takeover of one of the largest neighborhoods in Beirut, where they proceed to build numerous, complex command and control centers ... and you claim ignorance.
You allow the terrorists to store weapons, bombs and rockets in your basements. You turn a blind's eye when they carry arms into your restaurants, stores and buildings. Yet you call yourself an "innocent civilian."
You sleep with dogs, you wake up with fleas. You sleep with missiles, you wake up dead.
You watch the parades with hundreds of thousands of participants including children screaming, "Jihad. Death to Israel, Jews and Americans," burning American and Israeli flags. Goose-stepping soldiers with Nazi-like salutes receive your cheers--and all of you "innocent civilians" did not see a thing (even though you were captured on videotape).
There are giant posters of the rubenesque terrorist leader, Hasan Nasrallah, all over Lebanon with headlines declaring the imminent destruction of Israel. Yet you choose to elect this terrorist party to your government--and all of the so called "innocent Lebanese" do not know anything about anything.
Twenty thousand rockets and launchers are shipped into your country along with other military equipment by plane, truck and ship, and the government industrial complex knew absolutely nothing; and neither did all those "poor, innocent civilians" who are now crying.
The Lebanese "knowingly allowed (aka aided and abbetted)" murderous terrorists to proliferate in their sovereign nation. Like spoiled teenagers, they now refuse to take any responsibility. Of course there are some truly innocent civilians, but there were hundreds of thousands of beautiful German babies and mothers in Dresden and Berlin who were blown to bits. If an attack emanates from your country, the entire country is responsible. That is how life works. Sometimes it is unfair.
I hate when people lie to my face and expect me to believe their vile fabrications. Does the Muslim world really think that the vast majority of Americans are that foolish? Only the quislings at CNN like Larry King, Nic Robertson, Wolf Blitzer, et al will fall for this Joseph Goebbels-style propaganda.
The confused, immoral left and their paper of record, The New York Times only see "innocent civilians throughout Lebanon." Europe, that moral bastion which gave birth to Nazism, will look at photos of men, women and children in despair, without putting the image into its proper context. Yet countries like Sweden, Switzerland and Ireland, who could not decide whether to support Hitler or Churchill during WWII, can drum up the moral authority to criticize Israel today. And leave it to Vichy, France 2006 headed by Jaques "Petain" Chirac to condemn Israel's response.
Listen up, all you "Innocent Lebanese along with your innocent, Hezbollah supporting government." Do you want to know why your towns, villages and cities are smoldering? Do you want to know why 800,000 people are homeless and 600 are dead? Do you want to know why your infrastructure is devastated?
The answer is: "The Jews are simply not going to pack up their little valises and walk into gas chambers again. The Jews will not be taken from their homes and marched into the Mediterranean Sea by Nazis or Hezbollah-Hamas-Syrian-Iranian, Nazi-like sympathizers.
The Jews in Israel or anywhere else are just not going to allow themselves to be shipped away like you dream about every day.
7. Hungry men like chubby women
<<30 hungry male participants preferred figures with a higher body weight and rated as more attractive heavier figures than 31 satiated male participants. Hungrier men were also less likely to be influenced by cues for body shape, supporting extant cross-cultural studies on female physical attractiveness. >>
Jerusalem News-483
Date: 24 Ab 5766, 18-8-06
1. The Shawn Report
(a) Interesting illustration concerning the Promise of Islam
(b) Binyamin Netanyahu interview
2. Origin of Indian Castes
3. Tank hits not as bad as it seemed
1. The Shawn Report
(a.) Interesting illustration concerning the Promise of Islam
(b.) Binyamin Netanyahu interview
Tue Aug 15, 2006 5:45 pm (PST)
Binyamin Netanyahu, from his interview with the British Television
this week.
The interviewer asked him: "How come so many more
Lebanese have been killed in this conflict than
Netanyahu: "Are you sure that you want to start asking
in that direction?"
Interviewer: Why not?
Netanyahu: "Because in World War II more Germans were
killed than British and Americans combined, but there
is no doubt in anyone's mind that the war was caused
by Germany's aggression. And in response to the German
blitz on London, the British wiped out the entire city
of Dresden, burning to death more German civilians
than the number of people killed in Hiroshima.
Moreover, I could remind you that in 1944, when the
R.A.F. tried to bomb the Gestapo Headquarters in
Copenhagen, some of the bombs missed their target and
fell on a Danish children's hospital, killing 83
little children . Perhaps you have another question?
2. Origin of Indian Castes
<<The present study suggests that the vast majority (>98%) of the Indian maternal gene pool, consisting of Indio-European and Dravidian speakers, is genetically more or less uniform. Invasions after the late Pleistocene settlement might have been mostly male-mediated. However, Y-SNP data provides compelling genetic evidence for a tribal origin of the lower caste populations in the subcontinent. Lower caste groups might have originated with the hierarchical divisions that arose within the tribal groups with the spread of Neolithic agriculturalists, much earlier than the arrival of Aryan speakers. The Indo-Europeans established themselves as upper castes among this already developed caste-like class structure within the tribes.>>
Brit-Am Explanation in plain language: Article says that Indian caste system basically existed amongst "Dravidians" before arrival of "Indo-European" mainly male immigrants who established themselves as members of the upper caste.
3. Tank hits not as bad as it seemed
From: imra@netvision.net.il
Tank hits not as bad as it seemed
Yaakov Katz, THE JERUSALEM POST Aug. 15, 2006
With 40 damaged tanks and 30 tank crew members killed in fighting in
Lebanon, the Armored Corps began Monday to gear up for its next battle -
this coming October when it tries convincing high-school graduates to enlist
in its ranks.
Thousands of antitank missiles were fired over the days of fighting at tanks
and infantry forces in southern Lebanon. But while soldiers told stories of
deadly missile attacks on tanks, OC Armored Corps Brig.-Gen. Halutsi Rudoy
revealed Tuesday that out of the almost 400 tanks that operated in Lebanon,
only a few dozen were hit by antitank missiles and only 20 were actually
"The fighting was fierce and they fired hundreds and possibly thousands of
missiles," he told The Jerusalem Post in his first interview since a
cease-fire went into effect. "But if I compare the number of casualties in
this war to the first Lebanon War in 1982 and the Yom Kippur War in 1973;
then there were thousands killed in tanks and here only 30."
Rudoy said the antitank missiles soldiers confronted in Lebanon were some of
the most advanced in the world. He said Hizbullah had thousands of
Soviet-built Sagger, Cornet and Fagot antitank missiles, the French MILAN
and the US-built TOW, all supplied by Iran and Syria. These missiles are
usually fired by a two- or three-man team, the IDF has said.
But the missiles are not only used against tanks, despite their official
title. Aware that in close-range combat the IDF has an advantage, Hizbullah
fighters set up positions kilometers away from Israeli forces and also used
antitank missiles against infantry forces. More than 70 infantry soldiers
were killed in antitank missile attacks on the homes they had commandeered
in Lebanese villages and as they moved throughout the hilly terrain.
Rudoy said it was possible new recruits might be scared to enlist in the
Armored Corps, but he believed that when they were told the real numbers and
how tanks were responsible for killing dozens of Hizbullah fighters they
would come and serve.
"We were at war, and in war the soldiers and the tanks at the front are the
ones that get hit the most," Rudoy said. "It could have been worse, and
thanks to the high professional level of the tank crews, the damage was far
less than what was expected in the beginning."
Referring to the Trophy, a Rafael-developed active protection system that
creates a hemispheric protected zone around armored vehicles such as the
Merkava 4 tank, Rudoy said he would demand that his tanks be fitted with the
defense system once it was deemed operational.
Jerusalem News-484
1. Little Country?
2. Israeli Raid into Lebanon
(a) Arutz 7 Report
(b) Haaretz Report
3. IDF arrests Palestinian deputy prime minister
1. Little Country?
Note the article below MAY have been quoted by us in the past
but judging by the people forwarding it to us it seems to be enjoying
a new interest.
The sources was said to be the following URL but I could not find it there:
Little Country?
The Middle East has been growing date palms for
centuries. The average tree
is about 18-20 feet tall and yields about 38 pounds
of dates a year.
Israeli date trees are now yielding 400 pounds/year
and are short enough
to be harvested from the ground or a short ladder.
Israel the 100th smallest country, with less than
1/1000th of the world's
population, can lay claim to the following :
The cell phone was developed in Israel by Israelis
working in the Israeli
branch of Motorola, which has its largest
development center in Israel.
Most of the Windows NT and XP operating systems were
developed by
The Pentium MMX Chip technology was designed in
Israel at Intel.
Both the Pentium-4 microprocessor and the Centrino
processor were entirely designed, developed and
produced in Israel.
The Pentium microprocessor in your computer was most
likely made in Israel.
Voice mail technology was developed in Israel.
Both Microsoft and Cisco built their only R&D
facilities outside the US in Israel.
The technology for the AOL Instant Messenger ICQ was
developed in 1996 by four young Israelis.
Israel has the fourth largest air force in the world
(after the U.S, Russia
and China). In addition to a large variety of other
aircraft, Israel's air
force has an aerial arsenal of over 250 F-16's. This
is the largest fleet
of F-16 aircraft outside of the U. S.
Israel's $100 billion economy is larger than all of
its immediate neighbors
Israel has the highest percentage in the world of
home computers per capita.
According to industry officials, Israel designed the
airline industry's
most impenetrable flight security. US officials now
look (finally) to
Israel for advice on how to handle airborne security
Israel has the highest ratio of university degrees to
the population in the world.
Israel produces more scientific papers per capita
than any other nation by
a large margin - 109 per 10,000 people --as well as
one of the highest per
capita rates of patents filed.
In proportion to its population, Israel has the
largest number of startup
companies in the world. In absolute terms, Israel
has the largest number of
startup companies than any other country in the
world, except the U.S.
(3,500 companies mostly in hi-tech).
With more than 3,000 high-tech companies and
startups, Israel has the
highest concentration of hi-tech companies in the
world -- apart from the
Silicon Valley, U.S.
Israel is ranked #2 in the world for venture capital
funds right behind the U.S.
Outside the United States and Canada, Israel has the
largest number of
NASDAQ listed companies.
Israel has the highest average living standards in
the Middle East.
The per capita income in 2000 was over $17,500,
exceeding that of the UK.
On a per capita basis, Israel has the largest number
of biotech startups.
Twenty-four percent of Israel's workforce holds
university degrees, ranking United
States and Holland and
12 per cent hold advanced degrees.
Israel is the only liberal democracy in the Middle East.
In 1984 and 1991, Israel airlifted a total of 22,000
Ethiopian Jews
(Operation Solomon) at Risk in Ethiopia, to safety
in Israel.
When Golda Meir was elected Prime Minister of Israel
in 1969, she became
the world's second elected female leader in modern
When the U. S. Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya was bombed
in 1998, Israeli rescue teams were on the scene
within a day -- and saved three victims from the rubble.
Israel has the third highest rate of
entrepreneurship -- and the highest
rate among women and among people over 55 - in the
Relative to its population, Israel is the largest
nation on earth. Immigrants come in search of
democracy, religious freedom, and economic
opportunity. (Hundreds of thousands from the
former Soviet Union)
Israel was the first nation in the world to adopt
the Kimberly process, an
international standard that certifies diamonds as
"conflict free."
Israel has the world's second highest per capita of
new books.
Israel is the only country in the world that entered
the 21st century with
a net gain in its number of trees, made more
remarkable because this was
achieved in an area considered mainly desert.
Israel has more museums per capita than any other
Medicine... Israeli scientists developed the first
fully computerized,
no-radiation, diagnostic instrumentation for breast
An Israeli company developed a computerized system
for ensuring proper
administration of medications, thus removing human
error from medical
treatment. Every year in U.S. hospitals 7,000
patients die from treatment
Israel's Given Imaging developed the first
ingestible video camera, so
small it fits inside a pill. Used to view the small
intestine from the
inside, cancer and digestive disorders.
Researchers in Israel developed a new device that
directly helps the heart
pump blood, an innovation with the potential to save
lives among those with
heart failure. The new device is synchronized with
the camera helps
doctors diagnose heart's mechanical operations
through a sophisticated system of sensors.
Israel leads the world in the number of scientists
and technicians in the
workforce, with 145 per 10,000, as opposed to 85 in
the U.S., over 70 in
Japan, and less than 60 in Germany. With over 25% of
its work force
employed in technical professions. Israel places
first in this category as well.
A new acne treatment developed in Israel, the Clear
Light device, produces
a high-intensity, ultraviolet-light-free,
narrow-band blue light that
causes acne bacteria to self-destruct -- all without
damaging surrounding
skin or tissue.
An Israeli company was the first to develop and
install a large-scale
solar-powered and fully functional electricity
generating plant, in
southern California's Mojave desert.
All the above while engaged in regular wars with an
implacable enemy that
seeks its destruction and an economy continuously
under strain by having
to spend more per capita on its own protection than
any other country on earth.
2. Israeli Raid into Lebanon
(a.) Arutz 7 Report
IDF Forces Disrupt Syrian Weapons Shipment to Hizbullah
00:19 Aug 20, '06 / 26 Av 5766
by Nissan Ratzlav-Katz
[] Israeli forces carried out a raid deep in southern Lebanon Saturday morning, disrupting Syrian arms shipments to Hizbullah terrorists. One IDF officer, Lt-Col. Emanuel Moreno, died in the operation.
Lebanese officials confirmed that three Hizbullah members were killed in the confrontation.
Unofficial sources report that two Hizbullah terrorists were captured by IDF troops during the operation, which took place near Baalbek in eastern Lebanon. About 97 kilometers (60 miles) north of the Israel-Lebanon border, Baalbek was the scene of previous IDF strikes against Syrian arms shipments to the Hizbullah.
Two IDF soldiers were also reportedly injured during the mission. They were flown to a hospital in Israel.
The air force flew drones and warplanes across eastern Lebanon early Saturday in order to cover up the commando attack in Baalbek. A special forces unit unloaded army vehicles from a helicopter and headed toward the city, but Hizbullah terrorist guerillas intercepted them. The operation in Lebanon was apparently exposed, military sources said, when IDF planes had been identified; however, the mission went ahead as planned.
In the wake of the Israeli operation, United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan called Prime Minister Ehud Olmert Saturday evening to update him on the deployment of UNIFIL forces in Lebanon and to express his organization's dismay at the Israeli raid. Reiterating official positions made public earlier in the day, PM Olmert told Annan that Israel honors the United Nations Security Council ceasefire resolution, but reserves the right to take defensive action to prevent the re-arming of the Hizbullah.
The UNSC resolution establishing the ceasefire prohibits foreign weapons from reaching Lebanon without authorization of the Lebanese government. Israel considered the continuing arms shipments to Hizbullah to be a violation of the ceasefire. As Foreign Ministry spokesman Mark Regev said on Saturday, "Israel is entitled to act to defend the principle of the arms embargo."
United Nations Middle East envoy Terje Larsen disagreed, saying on Saturday that such an Israeli raid violates the UN Security Council ceasefire resolution.
According to a weekend report from Beirut in the Australian newspaper The Age, an internal document distributed among Lebanese army forces over the past week calls for troops to stand "alongside your resistance and your people who astonished the world with its steadfastness and destroyed the prestige of the so-called invincible army after it was defeated."
(b.) Haaretz Report
Hezbollah claims it foiled IDF raid near Baalbek
By Amos Harel, Haaretz Correspondent, and News Agencies
An Israel Defense Forces officer was killed and two other officers were wounded - one seriously - during a commando raid near the Hezbollah stronghold of Baalbek in eastern Lebanon early Saturday.
Hezbollah's Al-Manar TV said the unit was transported by helicopter before dawn, and was being driven in two vehicles to raid the office of senior Hezbollah official Sheikh Mohammed Yazbek in the village of Bodai before being discovered by Hezbollah militants. A battle gunbattle erupted and the troops were forced to retreat, Hezbollah TV said.
Lebanese sources said the troops were carried in two Lebanese army vehicles and were wearing Lebanese army uniforms.
Lebanese security officials later said that three Hezbollah guerrillas were killed in the fighting, but Hezbollah sources claim their operatives emerged from the battle unharmed. IDF officials voiced skepticism at Hezbollah's claim.
Channel 10 TV and Israel Radio reported that several Hezbollah operatives were taken as prisoners in the raid, though the army declined to confirm or deny this report.
Army sources said the vehicles came under heavy fire, and that "we had great luck that the operation didn't result in 10 fatalities from the force." They said that it was thanks only to the troops' resourcefulness and courage that the unit did not suffer a far greater tragedy.
The IDF said the assault aimed to disrupt arms smuggling to Hezbollah from Iran and Syria and that such operations would continue until "an effective monitoring unit" was in place to prevent Hezbollah from rebuilding its arsenal.
"Special forces carried out an operation to disrupt terror actions against Israel with an emphasis on the transfer of munitions from Syria and Iran to Hezbollah," the IDF said, adding that the operation had achieved all its aims.
Following the battle, Israel Air Force helicopters fired missiles as the commandos withdrew, leaving the area within an hour.
Witnesses at the site saw a destroyed bridge about 500 meters from the area where the landing took place. The witnesses said they believed it was destroyed by Israeli missiles.
3. IDF arrests Palestinian deputy prime minister
By Avi Issacharoff, Haaretz Correspondent, and AP
[Extracts Only]
RAMALLAH - Israel Defense Forces soldiers arrested the Palestinian deputy prime minister early Saturday, the army said, the highest-ranking Hamas official to be arrested in a six-week-old crackdown against the ruling Hamas party.
Troops burst into the home of Nasser Shaer - considered to be a relative moderate - around 4:30 a.m. and took him away, the deputy prime minister's wife, Huda, said.
She said her husband had been in hiding since Israel began its crackdown in late June after Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip infiltrated southern Israel and captured a soldier. She said he had rarely been home during that period.
The army confirmed Shaer was arrested in Ramallah overnight for his involvement and activity in Hamas.
With Shaer's arrest, four members of the Hamas-dominated Palestinian Cabinet and some 28 Hamas lawmakers are in Israeli custody. Four other ministers have been detained and released. Despite the roundup and a seven-week offensive in Gaza, the soldier, Cpl. Gilad Shalit, remains in captivity.
Jerusalem News-485
Date: 27 Ab 5766, 21-8-06
1. The Scotsman: Rockets can't keep Scots from their Israeli roots
2. Diskin: Gaza could become Lebanon
3. Halutz: Over 500 Hizbullah members killed
4. Alabama Governor Proclaims "Stand with Israel Day"
5. Finland: Thousands rally for Israel
1. Rockets can't keep Scots from their Israeli roots
The Scotsman
Sunday, 20th August 2006
Rockets can't keep Scots from their Israeli roots
MURDO MACLEOD ( mmacleod@scotlandonsunday.com)
THEY are two proud nations separated by 2,500 miles, 14 inches of annual rainfall and 13 degrees centigrade in annual temperature. And while one enjoys calm and stability, the other is besieged and clinging to a fragile peace.
But the crisis in Israel is not stopping Scottish Jews setting off for a new life in one of the world's most troubled regions.
Adam Jacobs, 22, an engineering student from Giffnock, arrived in Israel 10 days ago in the certain knowledge he will be signed up for military service next month.
Jacobs, who quit his degree to make the move, is staying with other young arrivals near Jerusalem, and will head north to a fruit-growing kibbutz called Sasa near the Lebanon border later this month.
"I'm coming here because I feel closer to my Jewish roots," he said. "I want to explore my heritage and I feel at home here. I feel freer and that I can express my Jewishness as I want to. There's a real energy and vibrancy here that I want to be part of and the Jewish community in Glasgow is in decline. Over the past five years, I have felt a growing realisation that I wanted to come to Israel."
And on a flight east last Wednesday was Glaswegian Jack Coutts, 70, with his wife Alice, 66. Both worked for decades in the Scottish newspaper industry, but have now realised their dream of retiring to Israel, even if it means living in a war zone. "I wasn't afraid of the violence. I was actually more stressed about the packing than the rockets," said Jack.
"Every house here has a bomb shelter and we have been visiting Israel a lot over the years and have survived all kinds of scrapes. We have wanted to come to Israel for years and have been planning it and this wasn't going to stop us."
Across the world, migration to the Jewish state is either declining or levelling off - but not in the UK. Figures show that despite the long-running threat of suicide attacks within Israel, endless skirmishes with Palestinian militants and the current hostilities in Lebanon, 480 British Jews took Israeli citizenship last year.
The Jewish Agency - which promotes and organises migration - says that up to the end of July, 328 Britons had arrived in Israel. That figure is expected to rise to 550 by the year end.
Jacobs is unsurprised. "I feel that a lot about Israel doesn't come across in the British media. Israel is actually a very multicultural place, with Jewish people from all over with their distinctive cultures.
"You have Jews from Eastern Europe, the Middle East itself, North America and Britain. You have the Ethiopian Jews here and you have Arab Christians and Muslims. Over a million Arabs are citizens of Israel and they have all the rights to public service that other Israelis have."
Under Israeli law, all Jewish males must serve for three years in the Israeli Defence Force (IDF). Jacobs said: "I didn't come here specifically to go into the army, but I came here fully realising that I would be called up. It's compulsory here and I think it's only right that I do my duty for the country, just like everyone else does.
"After that, I want to continue my studies. I'm not sure exactly what I want to study, but I think I'd like to do engineering."
On the recent fighting, he said: "I'm as upset as anyone to see the pictures of people being killed on both sides. I want to build bridges between people and I don't want anyone to live under occupation or live in danger of suicide bombs."
He added: "Some of my friends thought I was crazy coming here; they were worried for me. I will miss Scotland, I'll miss my friends, I'll miss the football. I'm a Rangers supporter and I'll be keeping in touch with the football news."
Some emigrants have blamed what they see as growing anti-semitism in the West for their decision to move to Israel. But Jack Coutts, who is staying in temporary accommodation near Jerusalem but will live in Netanya, 60 miles from the border with Lebanon, insisted: "There wasn't anti-semitism. Scotland is a good place, very tolerant, but I am concerned about what I see as support for Hezbollah in Glasgow.
"I was dismayed when someone painted 'Hezbollah' outside the Garnethill Synagogue in Glasgow."
Shira Immerglueck, a spokeswoman for the Jewish Agency, which helped to organise both Jacobs' and the Coutts' immigration, said: "We did worry that some people would change their minds and cancel because of the current situation, but they didn't.
"A lot of Jewish people have the attitude that this is the time Israel needs them."
Meanwhile in Scotland, members of the Jewish community admit many are nervous about being too upfront about their origins and faith. The community is in decline, with about 6,000 Jews north of the Border compared with a peak of 80,000 in the middle of the last century.
Rabbi Nancy Morris, of the Glasgow New Synagogue, said: "I notice that the community feels more compelled to lay low compared to North America and not be very open about their Jewishness.
"Scotland is a friendly place and I have not experienced anti-semitism myself, but some of the commentary around just now is incitement against the Jewish community as well as against Israel."
Rabbi Gerald Levin, of the Garnethill Synagogue, said: "One feels under pressure, apprehensive, that something could happen.
"I personally feel that Scotland is tolerant, but next month will be interesting because we have our annual open doors' event, in common with many other bodies. It will be interesting to see how many people come to the building."
And Fiona Brodie, honorary secretary of the Glasgow Jewish Representative Council, said: "People should remember that not all Jews have the same view of Israel or the government's actions and not all Israelis approve of everything the government does, just like people have different views in this country. It's a democracy.
"I have no plans to move from Scotland; I'm settled here and it's home. It's important for me that Scotland has always been a friendly country. It's never had anti-Jewish legislation, for example."
SCOTLAND'S modern Jewish community is believed to have begun with migrants from Holland and Belgium who came to settle in Edinburgh in the 18th century.
Many worked in professions connected to the tailoring industry, including furs and leather, as well as jewellery and watchmaking.
The first Jewish congregation in Edinburgh was founded in 1816, and in Glasgow in 1823. The congregation in Aberdeen was founded in 1893.
Scotland's first fully fledged synagogue was set up in Edinburgh 1825.
Prior to that, a small number of Jewish students had come from south of the Border to Scottish universities. Scotland was attractive because students did not have to swear a religious oath to study.
The Jewish community grew dramatically towards the end of the 19th century with waves of migration from the Russian empire to the UK. It was during this period that the focus of Jewish life in Scotland moved decisively from Edinburgh to Glasgow. Scotland's oldest synagogue, at Garnethill, was founded in 1889.
Scotland's Jewish community was not without its own divisions, mostly linguistic. Rather than attend the Garnethill synagogue, which was mainly English-speaking, many Polish Jews opted to found their own synagogue in the Gorbals.
The population peaked at about 80,000 in the mid-20th century and began to decline after the war, as many left for England, the United States or Israel. There are about 6,000 Jews in Scotland today.
Prominent members of the Scottish Jewish community include former Tory Cabinet minister Sir Malcolm Rifkind and Lady Cosgrove, Scotland's first female judge.
2.Diskin: Gaza could become Lebanon
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2006 11:19:30 -0400 (EDT)
From: imra@netvision.net.il
Subject: [Thanks to the retreat from Gaza] Diskin: Gaza could become Lebanon
Diskin: Gaza could become Lebanon
Shin Bet chief warns government from intensification of terrorism in Gaza:
'This is a strategic problem. The Philadelphi Route is breached, tons of
explosives have been smuggled in recently. We don't have to wait three years
and investigate'
Ilan Marciano YNET 20 August 2006
Shin Bet Chief Yuval Diskin warned during a government meeting Sunday that
"the intensification of terror sources in Gaza is a strategic problem which,
if not treated properly, will result in a reality like in Lebanon. We don't
have to wait three years and then launch investigations."
Diskin said that the "Philadelphi Route is breached, and recently a number
of tons of explosives and hundreds of weapons have entered. Recently, USD
1.5 million has been smuggled in through Rafah by the Hamas Agriculture
Ministry, and terror experts have also entered."
The Shin Bet chief recommended reviewing all agreements on the passages,
which he said "are ineffective in actuality under Egyptian monitoring."
"In Judea and Samaria Hizbullah is smuggling in money in large sums and
encouraging terrorist attacks against Israel. Nasrallah is perceived as a
national hero among terror organizations, and they are attempting to learn
from him. They understand the power of the antitank missile and guerilla
fighting, as using underground bunkers," said Diskin.
The Shin Bet chief said 49 ministers have been arrested up to now, including
members of parliament and senior Hamas members. Four of the ministers have
been released, one is still being interrogated, and an indictment sheet is
being prepared against another.
3. Halutz: Over 500 Hizbullah members killed
IDF Chief of Staff Dan Halutz said "Israel entered a staged application of
the ceasefire, which is not total. Hizbullah is keeping the ceasefire,
keeping a low profile, and not appearing on the ground with arms and
uniform. The deployment of the Lebanese army is taking place along the
agreed lines."
The chief of staff said that "in Lebanon after the war they are doing some
soul seeking, among many of the Shiite population there is a feeling of
loss. Nasrallah is being portrayed as the destroyer of Lebanon more than as
its savior. Siniora is trying to apply the components of Resolution 1701
without reaching a clash with Hizbullah. 1,500 Lebanese army soldiers have
gone to the south, with 50 tanks and 100 armored vehicles."
Halutz said that the IDF believed "Hizbullah took a heavy blow, in its
operation infrastructure and fighters. Its status in Lebanon has been
eroded. The number of terrorists killed up to now is definitely over 500 and
it's expected to rise after searches of all the areas are conducted. The IDF
attacked ten thousand Hizbullah targets, including logistical
infrastructures and command posts. Hizbullah was strong during the fighting
to its credit, but the damage it sustained was expressed by its unequivocal
call for a ceasefire."
(08.20.06, 16:36)
IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis
Website: www.imra.org.il
4. Alabama Governor Proclaims "Stand with Israel Day"
From: Johnstembridge1@aol.com
Governor of Alabama Signs Proclamation Designating "Stand with Israel Day"
An old friend in Montgomery sent us a heads up that Monday was proclaimed "Stand with Israel Day" in the State of Alabama by Governor Bob Riley. Nice enough, so we got ourselves a copy of the Proclamation:
WHEREAS, the Jewish people have been subject to acts of terror throughout their long history, including the Holocause of the Nazi terror regime; and
WHEREAS, in 1943, in the midst of World War II, at a time of war against the Axis powers and their effort to exterminate the Jews of Europe through mass murder, Alabama led nation as the first state in America to officially call for the establishment of a Jewish homeland; and
WHEREAS, that official call was in a unanimous Joint Resolution, Act 144, SJ 4, 1943 Regular Session of the Alabama Legislature approved and signed by the Governor of Alabama on June 10, 1943; and
WHEREAS, more than five decades the State of Israel has been America's chief democratic ally in the Middle East, in an alliance based on shared values and shared interests; and
WHEREAS, in the wake of September 11, 2001, the Alabama Legislature unanimously passed a second Joint Resoluion, Act 258, SJR 85, 2002 Regular Session urging national support for the State of Israel and expressing Alabama's unequivocal support for the Sate of Israel against the senseless acts of terror; and
WHEREAS, the State of Israel and its people remain the target of terrorist activities; and
WHEREAS, Hezbollah and Hamas terror organizatios have recently launched attacks on sovereign Israeli land, killing and wounding Israeli soldiers and innocent citizens; and
WHEREAS, the State of Alabama hereby proclaims her support of the State of Israel in its need to maintain its existence as a county and a democracy, standing with Israel as a state, as a nation, and as a people against terrorism and tyranny and for the cause of freedom and democracy in the Middle East and around the world:
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Bob Riley, Governor of Alabama, do hereby proclaim August 14, 2006, as STAND WITH ISRAEL DAY in the State of Alabama.
Given Under My Hand and the Great Seal of the Office of the Governor at the State Capitol in the City of Montgomery on the 11th day of August 2006
5. Finland: Thousands rally for Israel
Evening newscast opens with report on pro-Israeli rally in Helsinki, ambassador tells Ynet
Liron Milshtein
From Finland with love: Almost a week after the war in Lebanon ended, thousands of Finns gathered in Helsinki Sunday evening to express their support for Israel .
The rally, which was secured by dozens of police officers, drew local Jews as well as non-Jewish residents.
Yaron Gorash, a businessman married to a Finnish citizen who has been living in the country for 18 years told Ynet: "We decide to show Helsinki residents other aspects" of the situation in the Middle East.
Israeli Ambassador in Finland, Shemi Tzur, told Ynet the evening newscast opened with a report about the rally, which apparently drew 2,800 participants. The television report noted that the rally "proved beyond any doubt the Israeli power and the fact there's great sympathy for Israel."
"People arrived from all over Finland. Some of them traveled almost the whole night 10 hours in order to reach Helsinki," Tzur said. "The protesters marched through Helsinki's two major streets on Sunday, while all coffee shops were packed. Reactions on the street were great people yelled out 'let's go Israel.'"
Rally participants marched to the Israeli embassy in the center of Helsinki and later gathered at a building near the Finnish parliament where several senior figures delivered pro-Israeli addresses.
"Every day at 5 p.m. (during the war) Muslim communities protested against Israel by the embassy," Gorash said, explaining the motivation behind Sunday's rally, organized by the Jewish community in conjunction with other associations.
"We decided to respond to them (Muslims) and show them that there is support for Israel, and to urge the citizens to look at things from a different perspective," he said. "The Finns really love Israel and support it, even though the politics here is a bit different."
EU representative Hannu Takala was among those who delivered speeches at the end of the march. He called on the Finnish government and European Union to wake up and realize Israel shares the same values of democracy and peace.
"They must realize terrorism threatens us all and not only Israel," he said.
Ambassador Tzur, who also spoke, stressed that the war in Lebanon was against Hizbullah and not against the Lebanese people. He also urged Finland, which is known for its involvement in humanitarian issues, to do everything in order to secure the release of the abducted Israeli soldiers.
Tzur added that the Finnish support was important and reflected the love and friendship between the two countries.
Jerusalem News-486
Date: 30 Ab 5766, 23-8-06
1. Wikipedia and the Notorious BC
2. Texas Sheriffs Say Terrorists Entering US from Mexico
3. Proverbs 6:27-29
4. Baby Brains are Wired For Math
5. Global Islamic conflicts
1. Wikipedia and the Notorious BC
2. Texas Sheriffs Say Terrorists Entering US from Mexico
By Kevin Mooney
CNSNews.com Staff Writer
August 21, 2006
(CNSNews.com) - The chief law enforcement officers of several Texas counties along the southern U.S. border warn that Arabic-speaking individuals are learning Spanish and integrating into Mexican culture before paying smugglers to sneak them into the United States. The Texas Sheriffs' Border Coalition believes those individuals are likely terrorists and that drug cartels and some members of the Mexican military are helping them get across the border.
Sheriff Sigifredo Gonzalez of Zapata County, Texas told Cybercast News Service that Iranian currency, military badges in Arabic, jackets and other clothing are among the items that have been discovered along the banks of the Rio Grande River. The sheriff also said there are a substantial number of individuals crossing the southern border into the U.S. who are not Mexican. He described the individuals in question as well-funded and able to pay so-called "coyotes" - human smugglers - large sums of money for help gaining illegal entry into the U.S.
Although many of the non-Mexican illegal aliens are fluent in Spanish, Gonzalez said they speak with an accent that is not native.
"It's clear these people are coming in for reasons other than employment," Gonzalez said.
That sentiment is shared by Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.).
"For years, Muslims and other 'Special Interest Aliens' from places other than Mexico have been streaming into the U.S. across our porous border," Tancredo told Cybercast News Service. "These people are not paying $50,000 or more a head just to 'take jobs no American will do.'
"Terrorists are working round the clock to infiltrate the United States," he added. "Congress and this administration must address this gaping hole in our national security and they must do it now."
3. Proverbs 6:27-29
4. Baby Brains are Wired For Math
Through monitoring the brains of infants, researchers confirmed that infants as early as six months in age can detect mathematical errors, putting to rest a debate that has been ongoing for over a decade.
5. Global Islamic conflicts
From: Robert Jones <rjones100k@yahoo.com>
Mr. Davidiy
I got this info from Globalsecurity.org and Rand Corp studies. I find it very hard to see any moderate forces within Islam. This is less of a religion and more of a political ideology or movement. I believe war and conflict is the core of their ideology and many ethnic groups globally have embraced this ideology of war under the guise of Islam.
Check out the facts on the "Religion of Peace":
Current World conflicts:
I. Americas
1. Colombia insurgency/drug war 1970 Present
2. Peru insurgency/drug war 1980 Present
II. Europe
1. Spain Basque uprising 1970 Present
2. Balkans/ Yugoslavia/ Kosovo 1990 Present (Islamic conflict)
3. Georgia Civil War 1991 Present
4. Moldova/ Trans-Dniester 1991 Present
5. Chechen uprising 1992 Present (Islamic conflict)
III. Africa
1. Algeria insurgency 1992 Present (Islamic conflict)
2. Angola Cabinda 1975 Present
3. Congo Civil War 1998 Present
4. Ivory Coast 2002 Present (Islamic conflict)
5. Namibia Capriviti Strip 1966 Present
6. Somalia Civil War 1991 Present (Islamic conflict)
7. Sudan Civil War/ Darfur 1983 Present (Islamic conflict)
8. Uganda Civil conflict 1980 Present (Islamic conflict)
9. Djibouti/ US conflict 2001 Present (Islamic conflict)
10. Nigeria civil disturbance 1997 Present (Islamic conflict)
IV. Far East
1. Burma insurgency 1950 Present
2. China Senkaku and Spratly Isle 1968 Present
3. Indonesia Aceh 1986 Present (Islamic conflict)
4. Indonesia Kalimantan 1983 Present (Islamic conflict)
5. Indonesia Maluku 1999 Present (Islamic conflict)
6. Indonesia Papua. /West Irian 1963 Present (Islamic conflict)
7. Philippines Islamic insurgency 1970 Present (Islamic conflict)
8. Laos Hmong insurgency 2000 Present
9. Korean War 1953 Present
10. Thailand Islamic rebels 2001 Present (Islamic conflict)
V. SW Asia
1. India Assam conflict 1985 Present
2. India Kashmir uprising 1970 Present (Islamic conflict)
3. India Naxalite uprising 1967 Present
4. Sri Lanka Tamil Tiger uprising 2006 Present
5. Nepal Maoist uprising 1996 Present
6. Pakistan Baluchistan 2004 Present (Islamic conflict)
7. Afghanistan/ US Taliban conflict 2001 Present (Islamic conflict)
8. Uzbekistan Civil disturbance 2005 Present (Islamic conflict)
VI. Middle East
1. Israel Intifada uprising 2000 Present (Islamic conflict)
2. Israel Hezbollah conflict 2006 Present (Islamic conflict)
3. Iraq/ US counter insurgency 1990 Present (Islamic conflict)
4. Turkey/ Kurdistan insurgency 1984 Present (Islamic conflict)
5. Yemen uprising 2004 Present (Islamic conflict)
40 Current global conflicts.
24 conflicts involving Islamic Rebels, Terrorist groups or nations in either an uprising or full-scale war.
These conflicts do not include terrorist attacks or assassinations by Islamic groups on other nations. Since 1979, Islamic terrorist from the World Trade Center, to embassies in Africa, has hit every continent.
In the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the U.S., the threat of militant Islamic terrorism -- rooted in the Middle East and South Asia -- has taken center stage. While these extremely violent religious extremists represent a "minority view", their threat is real. As pointed out by RAND's Bruce Hoffman, in 1980 two out of 64 groups were categorized as largely religious in motivation; in 1995 almost half of the identified groups, 26 out of 56, were classified as religiously motivated; the majority of these espoused Islam as their guiding force.
Rob Jones
Jerusalem News-487
Date: I Elul 5766, 25-8-06
1. Another Side to Islam? The Battered Husbands of Saudi Arabia
2. Are the Arabs Working Alone?
3. Arutz-Sheva Thursday
( 1. Only 1/4 of Israeli-Arabs Supported Israel in War, as Predicted
(5. New Bike Trails Being Built in Israel
(7. Bnai Anousim Visit Israel on Solidarity Mission
4. Sweet Anti-Semitism by Emanuel A. Winston
5. DNA Racial Classifications Refuted!
1. Another Side to Islam? The Battered Husbands of Saudi Arabia
From: imra@netvision.net.il
JEDDAH, 24 August 2006 - With an aim of tackling a growing phenomenon of
husbands suffering violence at the hands of their wives, the National
Society for Human Rights (NSHR) has opened a new file to deal with women who
trouble men, reported the Al-Madinah newspaper.
According to the NSHR, cases of wives beating their husbands are growing;
... . The NSHR now fears that the problem may grow to an uncontrollable
level. Many of the men involved in the cases say they are subjected to both
physical and mental violence and many complain that they have been denied
access to their children for years.
, . .Some Saudi men who have filed cases against their wives at the NSHR
say they have been mistreated because of their medical conditions. ... .
Another man, who had filed a case at the NSHR, tells officials that he
thinks his wife is a man and not a woman. "She punches really hard and never
listens to what I have to say. She wants to wear the trousers in the house
and take on the role of a man," ... ..
2. Are the Arabs Working Alone?
American electronic warfare experts in Israel
to find out how Hizballahs Iranian systems neutralized Israeli EW...
3. Arutz-Sheva Thursday
August 24, 2006, 30 Av 5766
Extracts Only
(1. Only 1/4 of Israeli-Arabs Supported Israel in War, as Predicted
By Hillel Fendel
Though some media headlines blared "Only 18% Supported Hizbullah," poll numbers show that 73% of the Israeli-Arab public refused to say they supported Israel in its war against Hizbullah.
The complete results of the poll taken by pollster Mina Tzemach's Dachaf Institute will be released tonight, on Knesset Television Channel 99. The numbers that have been publicized thus far have been interpreted in various ways.
Eighteen percent of the Israeli-Arab respondents said they favored Hizbullah in the recent war, while 27% said they favored Israel; another 36% of the Arab citizens said they didn't favor either side. The remaining 19% were not accounted for.
At the same time, the Israeli public was also polled as to how they felt the Arabs sided. 55% said that most or all of the Arab public supported Hizbullah. The other 45% of the Jewish public was divided roughly in half: Half thought that half the Arabs supported Hizbullah, while the other half felt that less than half supported Hizbullah.
The left-wing Haaretz newspaper concluded that the Jewish public was proven wrong. Its story was headlined, "Minority of Israeli-Arabs Supported [Hizbullah chief Hassan] Nasrallah," and the inside text said that the Jewish predictions about the Arabs were "different" than what the Arabs actually felt.
In fact, however, the Israeli-Arab tendencies accurately reflected what their Jewish fellow citizens had predicted. 54% of the Arab public said straight out that they did not support Israel, the country of which they are citizens, and another 19% could not say they did support Israel. This well jibes with the feeling by 75% of the Jewish public that half or more of the Arabs supported Hizbullah.
This point could also be phrased differently. 54% of the Arab public said straight out that they did not support Israel, well jibing with the feeling of 55% of the Jewish public that "most or all" Arabs supported Hizbullah. Furthermore, the additional fact that another 19% of the Arab public could not say they did support Israel corroborates the bottom-line feeling of 75% of the Jewish public that half or more of the Arabs support Hizbullah.
A third interpretation, of sorts, was advanced by Arab MK Ibrahim Tzartzur. He said the survey shows that most of the Arabs oppose the war, and are not necessarily against Israel. "On the other hand, the clear majority of Jews feel the Arabs are a traitorous fifth column," Tzartzour said. "The Jews want the Arabs to be more Zionist than they themselves," he added without explanation.
(5. New Bike Trails Being Built in Israel
By Ezra HaLevi
A new bike trail will allow bicyclists to ride across the Jewish State. The first 30 km (18 miles) will be opened during the holiday of Sukkot, six weeks from now.
The trail is being built by Derech Eretz, the operator of the Trans-Israel Route 6 Highway, Israel's first toll road. Bicyclists were just one of the many groups opposed to the construction of the highway, which covered many of their favorite trails with asphalt. Now, the company intends to return to them some of what was taken.
The preliminary trail will be a circular route from the Ben Shemen Forest, near Modiin, to Nachal Sorek the area where the villainess Delila, of the Book of Judges, lived.
The second stage of construction will create a circular route between the Elyakim interchange, near Haifa, and the Beit Kama Junction, near Sderot and former Prime Minister Ariel Sharons HaShikmim Ranch.
Bicycling has become increasingly popular in Israel, with hundreds of thousands of bikes sold each year in recent years. In major cities such as Tel Aviv, efforts have been made to create bicycle lanes along major thoroughfares and in parks.
Some alternative energy advocates say an increase of bicycling contributes greatly to weaning Israel off the oil that funds the hostile Arab world.
It was announced Wednesday that bike rentals will begin to be available at many of Israels train terminals in the near future.
(7. Bnai Anousim [Descendants of Forced Converts] Visit Israel on Solidarity Mission
By Arutz Sheva Staff
Nearly two dozen Bnai Anousim from Spain, Portugal and Italy arrived in Israel Wednesday for a week-long solidarity visit organized on their behalf by the Shavei Israel organization.
Bnai Anousim is the Hebrew term for people whose ancestors were forcibly converted to Catholicism during the time of the Inquisition. Historians have often referred to them as "crypto-Jews" or by the derogatory term "Marranos." Many continued to practice Judaism in secret over the centuries.
The group, which includes a professor, a lawyer, a hotel owner and other professionals, will tour the country and take in the sights in places such as Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, the Negev and Gush Etzion.
Their itinerary includes visits to the Holocaust memorial at Yad Vashem, King David's Tomb on Mount Zion, an Intel factory up north, Masada, Herodion and, of course, the Western Wall of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. They will also meet with former Israeli President Yitzchak Navon and Members of the Knesset, and will take part in a Spanish and Portuguese-language seminar on Judaism at a Jerusalem yeshiva.
The recent fighting in Lebanon did not deter the participants from coming. "When the conflict erupted," said Shavei Israel Chairman Michael Freund, "we were concerned that people might be afraid to come. But not only did no one cancel as a result of the war, it actually moved more people to join, if only as a way of showing their solidarity during this difficult period."
Freund noted that in recent years, growing numbers of Bnai Anousim have begun looking for ways to reconnect with Israel and the Jewish people. "Hundreds of years ago, their ancestors were torn away from the Jewish people, and yet, at great risk, they somehow managed to keep their Jewish identity alive. It is time for Israel and the Jewish people to reach out to the Bnai Anousim and embrace them, and to welcome them back home."
Based in Jerusalem, Shavei Israel reaches out and assists lost Jews seeking to return to the Jewish people. The group currently has full-time rabbinical emissaries in Spain, Portugal and Brazil, where they are engaged in outreach work among the Bnai Anousim.
It also operates Machon Miriam, a Spanish-language conversion and return institute in Jerusalem under the auspices of Israels Chief Rabbinate, where many Bnai Anousim complete their formal process of return to Judaism.
For more information, contact: spanish@shavei.org.
4. Sweet Anti-Semitism
by Emanuel A. Winston
Article in defence of the Haredim (Ultra-Orthodox) in Israel
It is a good article but it does not go far enough.
In a lot of ways the Haredim keep the country together.
5. DNA Racial Classifications Refuted!
Jerusalem News-488
Date: 3 Elul 5766, 27-8-06
1. Nazis Helping Iran?
2. Guysen Israel News Excerpts
3. Iran, Germany, and the Nazis
1. Nazis Helping Iran?
From: Sandie B
Subject: RE: Jerusalem News-487
#2. Are the Arabs Working Alone?
Yair - regarding the topic, Are the Arabs working alone, I did a search online last night, "Nazism Iran" and came up with the close alliance the two seem to have, even to skin-heads being accepted into their army. Common enemy, Judah, of course. There are all sorts of hits tying the two together. We know Nazism continues in Germany, and we in the Us have similar groups. Would not have even thought to search those two terms together had not an acquaintance reminded me of some things we were wondering about years ago.
Praying for peace sandie b.
2. Guysen Israel News Excerpts
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2006 13:01:42 +0100
From: Guysen Israel News <webmaster@guysen.com>
Subject: Mailinfo Guysen Israel News august 25, 2006
2006-08-24 , 30 Av 5766
French President Jacques Chirac said that 1600 French soldiers would soon arrive to add to the 400 already present in Unifil, as "France has obtained the necessary guarantees from UN on their mission".
20:22 General Gershon Cohen who supervised the disengagement from the Gaza Strip last year, said: "The events that took place last year in Gush Katif were criminal. I took part in a crime against the Jewish people." (Guysen.Isra l.News)
07:27 According to Palestinian sources, Tsahal forces made an incursion during the night in the south of the Gaza Strip and took positions on the roofs in Abasa, before arresting the local chief of the armed branch of Hamas and killing his brother in the exchange of fire. Tsahal confirmed the arrest of the highly wanted terrorist. (Guysen.Isra l.News)
3. Iran, Germany, and the Nazis
Iran Some Facts
Leading Trading partners in order of importance:
Germany, South Korea, Italy, France
Iran-Germany Relations
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said February 4, 2006 on the occasion of the annual Munich Conference on Security Policy that the world must act now to stop Iran from developing a nuclear bomb, evoking her nation's own history as a cautionary tale of what can happen when threats to peace remain unchecked.
"We want, we must prevent Iran from developing its nuclear program further," Mrs. Merkel told the audience of top security officials and policy makers during a speech at the annual Munich Conference on Security Policy.
Mrs. Merkel, whose speech came on the same day that the International Atomic Energy Agency voted to report Iran's case to the United Nations Security Council, said Germany's own experiences during the 1930's should be a warning over how to deal with Iran.
"Now we see that there were times when we could have acted differently," she said. "For that reason Germany is obliged to make clear what is permissible and what isn't."
Mrs. Merkel, discarding any diplomatic niceties and raising her voice in a tone of frustration, said Iran had "blatantly crossed the red line" and not only with regard to respecting its international obligations as a signatory of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
She said it was also "unacceptable" for President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran to deny the Holocaust and say that Israel should be "wiped off the map."
"A president that questions Israel's right to exist, a president that denies the Holocaust, cannot expect to receive any tolerance from Germany," Mrs. Merkel said to applause. "We have learned our history."
In 2005 Germany had the largest share of Iran's export market with $5.67 billion
Iran to Germany: Help us deal with Israel
Ahmadinejad asks Merkel to put on Nazi boots?
By Ryan Jones
July 21, 2006
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad apparently believes that all Germany needs is a little nudge to revert to its Nazi ways and hatred of the Jews, and so has asked Berlin to help him deal with Jewish state.
Nazi leader Adolf Hitler is a favorite in the Muslim world (his Mein Kampf is a perennial best-seller), and has been invoked by Ahmadinejad on several occasions as he called for the destruction of Israel.
In a letter to Chancellor Angela Merkel this week, Ahmadinejad came worryingly close to asking the German leader to emulate the Fuhrer.
A German official who has seen the letter spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity:
"It's all related to Germany and how we have to find a solution to the Palestinian problems and Zionism and so on. Its rather weird."
"There are a lot of propaganda phrases about Israel and the Jews inside."
Ahmadinejad has openly stated his desire to see Israel "wiped off the map," and has warned the West that if it does not eliminate the Israeli "cancer" by absorbing the nation's six million Jews, the Muslim world will deal with the problem in its own manner.
Exposing Iran's Nazi Links
Jerusalem News-489
Date: 8 Elul 5766, 28-8-06
1. Unifil in the service of Hizbullah?
2. The Brit-Am Version of explorator 9.13
3. Jewish Nation Welcomes Month of Elul
1. Unifil in the service of Hizbullah?
From: Al Ramsay <alramsay2@eastlink.ca>
Subject: Newspaper item
DURING THE RECENT month-long war between Hezbollah and Israel, U.N. "peacekeeping" forces made a startling contribution: They openly published daily real-time intelligence, of obvious usefulness to Hezbollah, on the location, equipment, and force structure of Israeli troops in Lebanon.
DURING THE RECENT month-long war between Hezbollah and Israel, U.N.
"peacekeeping" forces made a startling contribution: They openly published
daily real-time intelligence, of obvious usefulness to Hezbollah, on the
location, equipment, and force structure of Israeli troops in Lebanon.
UNIFIL--the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, a nearly 2,000-man
blue-helmet contingent that has been present on the Lebanon-Israel border
since 1978--is officially neutral. Yet, throughout the recent war, it posted
on its website for all to see precise information about the movements of
Israeli Defense Forces soldiers and the nature of their weaponry and
materiel, even specifying the placement of IDF safety structures within
hours of their construction. New information was sometimes only 30 minutes
old when it was posted, and never more than 24 hours old.
Meanwhile, UNIFIL posted not a single item of specific intelligence
regarding Hezbollah forces. Statements on the order of Hezbollah "fired
rockets in large numbers from various locations" and Hezbollah's rockets
"were fired in significantly larger numbers from various locations" are as
precise as its coverage of the other side ever got.
This war was fought on cable television and the Internet, and a lot of
official information was available in real time. But the specific military
intelligence UNIFIL posted could not be had from any non-U.N. source. The
Israeli press--always eager to push the envelope--did not publish the
details of troop movements and logistics. Neither the European press nor the
rest of the world media, though hardly bastions of concern for the safety of
Israeli troops, provided the IDF intelligence details that UNIFIL did. A
search of Israeli government websites failed to turn up the details
published to the world each day by the U.N.
Inquiries made of various Israeli military and government representatives
and analysts yielded near unanimous agreement that at least some of UNIFIL's
postings, in the words of one retired senior military analyst, "could have
exposed Israeli soldiers to grave danger." These analysts, including a
current high ranking military official, noted that the same intelligence
would not have been provided by the U.N. about Israel's enemies.
Sure enough, a review of every single UNIFIL web posting during the war
shows that, while UNIFIL was daily revealing the towns where Israeli
soldiers were located, the positions from which they were firing, and when
and how they had entered Lebanese territory, it never described Hezbollah
movements or locations with any specificity whatsoever.
Compare the vague "various locations" language with this UNIFIL posting from
July 25:
[ www.un.org/Depts/dpko/missions/unifil/pr09.pdf ]
Yesterday and during last night, the IDF moved significant reinforcements,
including a number of tanks, armored personnel carriers, bulldozers and
infantry, to the area of Marun Al Ras inside Lebanese territory. The IDF
advanced from that area north toward Bint Jubayl, and south towards Yarun.
Or with the posting on July 24, in which UNIFIL revealed that the IDF
stationed between Marun Al Ras and Bint Jubayl were "significantly
reinforced during the night and this morning with a number of tanks and
This partiality is inconsistent not only with UNIFIL's mission but also with
its own stated policies. In a telling incident just a few years back, UNIFIL
vigorously insisted on its "neutral ity"--at Israel's expense.
On October 7, 2000, three IDF soldiers were kidnapped by Hezbollah just
where they disappeared. The U.N. was thought to have videotaped the incident
or its immediate aftermath. Rather than help Israel rescue its kidnapped
soldiers by providing this evidence, however, the U.N. obstructed the
Israeli investigation.
For months the Israeli government pleaded with the U.N. to turn over any
videotape that might shed light on the location and condition of its missing
men. And for nine months the U.N. stonewalled, insisting first that no such
tape existed, then that just one tape existed, and eventually conceding that
there were two more tapes. During those nine months, clips from the
videotapes were shown on Syrian and Lebanese television.
Explaining their eventual about-face, U.N. officials said the decision had
been made by the on-site commanders that it was not their responsibility to
provide the material to Israel; indeed, that to do so would violate the
peacekeeping mandate, which required "full impartiality and objectivity."
The U.N. report on the incident was adamant that its force had "to ensure
that military and other sensitive information remains in their domain and is
not passed to parties to a conflict."
Stymied in its efforts to recover the men while they were still alive,
Israel ultimately agreed to an exchange in January 2004: It released 429
Arab prisoners and detainees, among them convicted terrorists, and the
bodies of 60 Lebanese decedents and members of Hezbollah, in exchange for
the bodies of the three soldiers. Blame for the deaths of those three
Israelis can be laid, at least in part, at the feet of the U.N., which went
to the wall defending its inviolable pledge never to share military
intelligence about one party with another.
UNIFIL has just done what it then vowed it could never do. Once again, it
has acted to shield one side in the conflict and to harm the other. Why is
this permitted? For that matter, how did the U.N. obtain such detailed and
timely military intelligence in the first place, before broadcasting it for
Israel's enemies to see?
Lori Lowenthal Marcus is president of the Zionist Organization of America,
Greater Philadelphia District.
2. The Brit-Am Version of
explorator 9.13
Adapted with Permission
Brit-Am Comments in Square Brackets [ ]
From: david meadows <rogueclassicist@gmail.com>
An ancient water system in Israel:
"Archaeologists in Israel have unearthed an ancient water system which was modified by the conquering Persians to turn the desert into a paradise. "
http://tinyurl.com/jhe9g (CNN)
http://tinyurl.com/kqlrd (Reuters)
What we're learning from the Ramat Rahel site:
[Interesting site includes pictures of Baal Bel in Lebanon etc]
Interesting item on the use of a laser to clean up an Egyptian
http://tinyurl.com/r2gmg (Photonics)
... and spy satellite photos from the 1960s to find sites in
http://tinyurl.com/kfuaw (SMH)
Questioning the DSS-Qumran connection:
Interesting account of some army engineers' visit to Ur:
http://tinyurl.com/z7zj5 (WP)
Review of 'The Exodus Decoded':
http://tinyurl.com/fz4as (Jewish News)
The eruption of Thera was possibly twice as large as previously
http://tinyurl.com/o33nm (NG)
http://tinyurl.com/ko36m (TD)
Plenty of coverage of the discovery of a Scythian mummy in
( a great photo gallery)
A Thracian city from Turkey:
Interesting discovery of a pile of Phoenician burials on Sicily:
http://tinyurl.com/eqys6 (ANSA)
Interesting Roman-era infant burials from the UK:
http://tinyurl.com/pdp75 (Post)
An ancient Roman murder?:
Water workers 'laying pipe' have found a Roman village in
Visit our blog:
... and a bronze age causeway has been found in Suffolk:
A cat's actions have caused a rethink of cairns and brochs
in Caithness:
http://tinyurl.com/f22uq (BBC)
A metal detectorist has found some Anglo Saxon stuff:
http://tinyurl.com/j5j3t (Evening Star)
... and another has found an interesting seal:
A heat wave in the U.K. has allowed a pile of sites to be
http://tinyurl.com/jjw67 (Telegraph)
Fragments of an 800 b.p. psalter have been found in a bog:
cf: http://tinyurl.com/gualu (AD)
... and Irish bog bodies are telling us a lot of stuff:
http://tinyurl.com/h7j5r (Retuers via Yahoo)
More coverage of the apartheid society that was early Britain:
http://tinyurl.com/ke35y (NG)
[These ideas are in fact all theoretical only]
Evidence of pre-aboriginal (is that possible in a post-modern
world?) Australians:
Hawaiian temples are older than previously thought:
http://tinyurl.com/fmh4h (LS via Yahoo)
New Zealand Archaeology eNews:
They've found evidence of Jacques Cartier's first settlement
(1541) near Quebec City (the articles are somewhat different
in focus):
http://tinyurl.com/h43f4 (Canada.com)
http://tinyurl.com/gtqoc (Ottawa Citizen)
Rethinking William Davie (while digging up his house):
As might be expected, there's plenty of interest in the discovery
of some bones suggesting the Aztecs sacrificed, boiled, and
ate some humans:
http://tinyurl.com/rfbly (Reuters)
http://tinyurl.com/hgdm7 (SMH ... best headline)
http://tinyurl.com/evhdx (Telegraph)
Interesting discovery of a burial near the Amazon dating to
800-1200 B.C./B.C.E:
The Domesday Book has gone online:
Analysis has proven that a portrait of Mary, Queen of Scots is
about 200 years older than previously thought:
Carnival has Egyptian roots?:
Not quite sure how to classify this one ... a good article about
a former tombarolo who now makes 'copies' of ancient Etruscan
The lucrative illicit antiquities market (on the internet):
http://tinyurl.com/zuae3 (BG)
Some ancient coin id resources:
Ancient Coin Collecting:
Ancient Coins:
3. Jewish Nation Welcomes Month of Elul
19:18 Aug 27, '06 / 3 Elul 5766
by Ezra HaLevi
[] Friday marked the first day of the Hebrew month of Elul the last month of the year 5766.
Elul is considered a month of preparation for the new year and is traditionally a time of soul-searching and personal accounting.
Between the first day of Elul until Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is a period of 40 days. These are the 40 days which Moses spent on Mount Sinai before he descended with the second set of Ten Commandments.
It was on the 17th of Elul that the spies - sent by Moses to scout out the Land of Israel and delivered the negative report about the land - died (Numbers 14:37). According to Jewish tradition, G-d created the world on the 25th day of Elul. Today (Sunday), the 3rd of Elul, is the 71st anniversary of the death of Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook, the first Chief Rabbi of the Holy Land in modern times and the spiritual father of the religious-Zionist public.
Jews from North African countries began reciting selichot, special prayers of repentance, Saturday night. Ashkenazi Jews will begin reciting them the Saturday night before Rosh HaShana. The fundamental part of the selichot service is the repeated recitation of the "Thirteen Attributes," a list of G-d's attributes of mercy that were revealed to Moses after the sin of the golden calf (Exodus 34:6-7).
It is customary to blow the shofar, rams horn, every morning (except on the Sabbath) of the month of Elul, with the intent of awakening the Jewish people to repentance and action. Psalm 27 is also added to the daily prayers each day until the end of the Festival of Sukkot.
More than 2,500 Jews took part in the monthly encirclement of the Temple Mount Wednesday night in honor of the month of Elul.
Jerusalem News-490
6th Elul 5766, 30-8-06
1. Proverbs 6:30-35
2. Arutz Sheva News Tuesday, -
August 29, 2006, 5 Elul 5766
3. Fox News journalists forced to convert to Islam at gunpoint
Islam has a long history of forced conversions.
[Is this what they intend for you?]
4. Palestinian Terrorist Enemies of Own People
5. The Birthrate
The Biblical and Future Borders of the Land of Israel
1. Proverbs 6:30-35
Someone who has nothing to eat and steals will be punished. Nevertheless his action is understandable and even forgiveable.
Depending on the circumstance a thief when caught should be able to make restitution and have the matter ended.
Let us all hope that we never end up in situations like the one described here, not in any way.
There is something here about a payment having to be made.
If the husband does not take vengeance the Almighty will.
Everyone is susceptible.
Even King David slipped up on this matter.
David also payed
as described (2-Samuel chapters 15-18) in our ongoing Brit-Am studies of the Book of Samuel.
The Almighty is the only refuge we have.
2. Arutz Sheva News Tuesday, -
August 29, 2006, 5 Elul 5766
by Hillel Fendel
A collection of incidents of Israeli bravery and heroism during the
recent war in Lebanon.
Offensive Defense
A unit of the Harel Division was charged with taking over the
outskirts of a southern Lebanese village from which Katyusha rockets
were fired at the Galilee. During the morning hours, the enemy saw
that the soldiers had taken over a house, and the terrorists prepared
to attack. However, the division's elite Sayeret unit deployed such
that each house would be protected from two angles.
The attack began, with the Israelis coming under heavy fire from
anti-tank missiles and light weapons, and the terrorists consequently
approaching the house. At that moment, the surrounding Israeli forces
opened fire from their two directions, killing all the terrorists who
were near the house and scattering the others. Our forces suffered a
number of wounded, but they were able to hold on without medical
treatment until the evening hours, when they were evacuated by
The Famous Bint Jbeil Battle
During the early morning hours of July 26, our forces approached the
hostile village of Bint Jbeil, just a few kilometers from the Israeli
border. They tried to circle around and enter one of the houses,
which was apparently near an important Hizbullah headquarters. But
the terrorists were heavily deployed in the area, and they surprised
the Israelis with heavy fire from atop a high terrace.
A number of soldiers were hit in the first burst of fire, and other
soldiers quickly arranged themselves to rescue their comrades - dead
or alive - and hit back at the enemy. The ambushing terrorists,
however, had the advantage of height, and all who entered their field
of fire were vulnerable. Despite this, the soldiers bravely continued
the battle, fearing that the terrorists would try to abduct bodies or
live soldiers, and stormed the area at great risk to themselves.
The battle was led by commanders, many of whom were hit. In the end,
the battle was completed by the lower-ranking soldiers, who killed the
terrorists, rescued their friends, and reported by radio that the
battle was under control and that they were treating the wounded.
Despite the heavy losses - eight soldiers killed - some 25 dead
terrorists were counted, and the IDF forces displayed great heroism
and determination.
Another Natan Elbaz
At one point during the above battle, Maj. Ro'i Klein - 31, father of
two young sons, a resident of Eli in the Shomron - found himself and
several of his soldiers cornered in a dead-end alley by Hizbullah
terrorists, who threw a grenade at them. Klein made a quick decision,
called out "Shma Yisrael" - "Hear O Israel, the L-rd is our G-d, the
L-rd is One" and jumped on the grenade, sacrificing his life in order
to save the lives of of his soldiers. His widow said later she prays
that her sons will grow up to be like their father.
Klein's act of self-sacrifice was reminiscent of that of Natan Elbaz,
a Moroccan Jew who immigrated to Israel without his family in the
early 1950's. While serving in the IDF in February 1954, he and a
fellow soldier were disarming grenades when the safety cap of one was
released. With four seconds left before the grenade would explode and
cause a catastrophic explosion in the munitions-filled tent, Natan ran
out with the grenade held close to his chest, jumped into a ditch -
and, with his death, saved the lives of many others.
Maroun a-Ras
In capturing houses used by the terrorists, the IDF forces found much
valuable weaponry, equipment and information. In particular, one home
that had been quickly abandoned by Hizbullah turned up advanced
observatory equipment, an editing room, maps of both IDF and Hizbullah
forces, communications devices and more. Most important of all were
anti-tank missiles that had hit Israeli tanks, as well as a Syrian
bill of lading for equipment it had sent to Hizbullah. The last item,
of course, is critical for Israel's intelligence and foreign relations
Nearby, an IDF force entered one of the nearby houses - and
encountered a Hizbullah cell that had not run away. In the battle
that ensued, one or two terrorists were killed, while others hid in
inner rooms. A battalion officer - an immigrant from Ethiopia - led
the way, and at one point he threw a grenade which bounced off a wall,
set off an explosion, caused a door to slam shut - and the officer
found himself , wounded, locked inside a room alone against the enemy.
However, he continued fighting, and killed another terrorist.
Finally, another force of the same battalion blew up an outer wall o
the house, killed the other terrorists, and rescued the officer.
The Battle of Andoriya
One of the last battles before the ceasefire went into effect took
place in Andoriya, a village from where many Katyushas were fired at
Kiryat Shmonah, ten kilometers to the east. A large force of some 600
men, mostly of the Nachal Brigade, descended upon the village after a
night-long trek while carrying heavy loads of equipment. They opened
fire, but were greeted by a much heavier burst of enemy fire from
several directions. One soldier was killed and 12 were wounded, but
the force continued with determination, going house to house and yard
to yard.
Dozens of rockets and shells were fired at them, by joint Hizbullah
and Iranian forces, killing another soldier and wounding 8 more.
Nevertheless, the Israelis continued to advance, led by their
commanders, until they reached their target, recently abandoned by the
terrorists. Hizbullah, well-entrenched in the area, had left rockets,
launchers, shoulder-held missiles, and more.
Some of the soldiers ended the battle in a state of dehydration,
brought on by a lack of water, difficult conditions before the battle,
and the duration of the battle. None of this prevented them from
advancing unyieldingly towards their target. The wounded were
evacuated under heavy fire. In one case, a medic was wounded while
treating a soldier, yet continued treating him until he himself
fainted at the door of the helicopter that came to evacuate his
(based on incidents collected by Rabbi Shlomo Aviner)
By Hana Levi Julian
Israel Air Force fighter pilots killed four Palestinian Authority
terrorists in a strike in central Gaza early Monday. Wanted
terrorists were also killed in Shechem.
PA sources said two of the men were members of Force 17, the PA
presidential guard, and two were Hamas security force members. IAF
pilots scored a direct hit with a missile that hit the four men in the
Sajaiyeh neighborhood of Gaza City.
On Tuesday morning, in a similar strike in the same area, three more
terrorists were hit. Also on Tuesday, an IDF force killed two wanted
Fatah terrorists in the Balata slum of Shechem (Nablus).
While the war continues between Israel and PA terrorists, PA factions
in Gaza persist in their battles with each other. Members of the
Hamas-led police force shot and killed an Arab passenger in a car near
the town of Khan Yunis on Monday.
A Hamas spokesman claimed the car resembled a stolen vehicle and did
not stop when ordered to do so at a checkpoint, and that shots were
fired from inside it.
3. Fox News journalists forced to convert to Islam at gunpoint
Islam has a long history of false conversions.
[Is this what they intend for you?]
Details at:
4. Palestinian Terrorist Enemies of Own People
From: imra@netvision.net.il
Subject: Tunnel Meant for Terror Attack at Karni Uncovered
August 30th 2006
Tunnel intended for terror attack uncovered near Karni crossing
On August 27th 2006, following intricate and ongoing intelligence-gathering
activity by the IDF and ISA, security forces were able to uncover the
location of a tunnel dug from within the Gaza Strip in the direction of the
Karni crossing. The tunnel was intended to be used to carry out a
large-scale terror attack, apparently against the crossing itself. Forces
uncovered the shaft (13 meters depth) and main infrastructure (150 meters
length) of the tunnel. The tunnel entrance was found inside a house in the
residential area of Sajaiya.
IDF forces are operating in order to collapse the tunnel.
Due to the many security alerts regarding the intentions of terror
organizations to carry out an attack on the crossing, the crossing has been
intermittently closed over the past months as part of the activity to thwart
such attempts. The Karni crossing is one of the main lifelines of the
Palestinian population- allowing the passage of merchandise and medical
supplies in and out of the Gaza Strip. Its targeting by the terror
organizations, along with other crossings such as Erez and Kerem Shalom, is
a deliberate attempt by terrorists to weaken the Palestinian economy. The
targeting of these crossings which are reopened again and again after
attacks is a cynical exploitation of the Israeli effort to ease the daily
lives of Palestinian civilians who are not involved in terror activity.
It should be noted that despite the uncovering of this particular tunnel,
the threat of terror against the crossing still exists.
5. The Birthrate
Israel First in Multiple Births; Moslem Births - Down
14:13 Aug 30, '06 / 6 Elul 5766
by Hillel Fendel
[] The Central Bureau of Statistics has found that some 100,000 Jewish babies were born in Israel in 2005, maintaining a steady rate, while some 34,000 Moslems were born - a drop of some 5.6%.
Other findings:
Israel is in first place in the world in multiple-baby births, largely because of the high rate of fertility treatments in the country. In 2003, 5% of all Jewish babies were born in multiple-baby births, compared with only 3.4% of Moslems. The number of such babies born in Israel has risen 29% over the past decade.
Of the 143,913 babies born in Israel in 2005 70% were born to Jewish mothers, 24% - Moslem, 2% - Druze, and 1% - Christian Arab. The nearly 1% drop in births from the previous year was largly due to the 5.6% drop in Moslem births.
After remaining at a steady 4.6 or 4.7 births per Moslem woman for some 15 years, the rate has dropped sharply over the past five years to 4 births per woman. The Jewish sector has remained steady for more than a decade at around 2.6-2.7 births per woman. The number of Druze births has dropped over the past 15 years from an average of 4.1 babies per woman to 2.6. The number of Christian births dropped from 2.7 per woman in 1996 to 2.2 last year.
Among the Jewish births, 5.5%, or 5,498, were born to single mothers. In 2004, there were 6.6 births for every 1,000 single women, up from 3.6 fifteen years ago.
For every 200 baby girls who were born in 2005, 211 baby boys were born.
In the past decade, the average age of a mother at her first birth rose by 17 months, to 26.6 years old.
In the past decade, the rate of fertility of mothers under the age of 20 dropped by 19%, to a total of just over 4,100.
Jerusalem News-491
1. "Is the West Racist Toward Muslims and Arabs?"
2. The Shawn Report
Why Are Mormons Funding Islamic Terrorism?
By Debbie Schlussel
3. The Forgotten Heros May Again Save Humanity:
Eyam (North-Central England) 1665
5. Holy Land churches attack Christian Zionism
1. "Is the West Racist Toward Muslims and Arabs?"
The US should hold Arabs and Muslims to a universal standard
by Michael Rubin
2. The Shawn Report
August 31, 2006 Why Are Mormons Funding Islamic Terrorism?
By Debbie Schlussel
Americans regard Mormons in many ways.
But not as funders of Islamic terrorism and instructing young children in beheadings. Unfortunately--perhaps unwittingly--they are.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, the Mormon Church, is the single largest donor to the U.S. branch of Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW), also known as Islamic Relief. In the past year, it donated $1.6 million to the charity.
But Islamic Relief is not just any charity. The Israeli government says it is a HAMAS front group. It is also under investigation by the American government.
IRW was founded in 1984 by Dr. Hany El Banna. He is a relative of Hassan El Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group--from which HAMAS, Yasser Arafat, and Al-Qaeda's second-in-command Ayman Al-Zawahiri emanated.
This Equals This (Islamic Relief = Islamic Terror Artwork by David Lunde) In May, Israel deported Ayaz Ali, IRW's chief of operations in Gaza, after three weeks in jail. Israel said Ali gave money to HAMAS and Al-Wafa and Al-Tzalah, both outlawed by Israel for laundering money to HAMAS. He also stored images of Osama Bin Laden, Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi, Senior German Nazi officials, Nazi swastikas, and a "God Bless Hitler" banner on his computer.
Upon Ali's deportation an Israeli government statement said:
He also admitted that he worked in Jordan and cooperated with local HAMAS operatives. . . . Incriminating files were found on Ali's computer, including documents that attested to [Islamic Relief's] ties with illegal HAMAS funds abroad--in the UK and in Saudi Arabia--and in Nablus. The IRW's activities in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip are carried out by social welfare organizations controlled and staffed by HAMAS operatives. The intensive activities of these associations are designed to further HAMAS' ideology among the Palestinian population.
These associations' educational and religious institutions incite against the State of Israel and advocate terrorist actions against it and its citizens.
In 1999, IRW's British headquarters received $50,000 from a Canadian group that the Treasury Department says is a Bin Laden front, according to the Los Angeles Times.
Investigator Bill Warner notes that IRW's registered agent in the United States, Kazbek Soobzokov, is the son of Nazi Waffen SS officer Tscherim Soobzokov and was the lawyer for deported accused terrorist and Islamic cleric, Imam Wagdy Mohamed Ghoneim. Regarding Ghoneim, Immigration and Customs Enforcement official Bill Odencrantz said, "Frankly, our task is not to sit around and wait for people to blow up buildings."
An Islamic Relief fundraising dinner I attended in summer 2004 in Dearborn, Michigan, was chilling. It was just after Americans Nicholas Berg and Paul Johnson were beheaded by Muslims.
The evening's "entertainment" consisted of young boys--some apparently as young as seven--simulating beheadings and shootings of other young boys who donned the American, Israeli, and British flags. Then they put red scarves over their heads to symbolize blood . . . and no head. Afterward, they took off the flags and stomped on them. Almost every Islamic leader in town was there, clapping in ecstasy. So was U.S. Congressman John Conyers, who will run the House Judiciary Committee if Democrats regain control of Congress.
The master of ceremonies was Rayed Tayeh, formerly employed by Islamic Association for Palestine, which several former top FBI officials say is a HAMAS front group. In 2002, Tayeh served as spokesman of a Muslim group boycotting Starbucks because its Chairman is Jewish. A letter Tayeh wrote in a Capitol Hill newspaper was deemed so anti-Semitic that even Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney fired him from her staff.
An Islamic Relief fundraiser I attended, Friday, was tamer. Misbah Shahid, the organization's Detroit representative, announced that IRW publishes and distributes school textbooks to children in Palestinian refugee camps. But textbooks distributed in the camps are riddled with anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, and anti-American rhetoric, according to Molly Resnick of Mothers Against Teaching Children to Kill and Hate.
Shahid also told the audience that his organization is one of the key Non-Governmental Organizations currently distributing aid to Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon, including U.N. and U.S. aid. But those camps are known as breeding grounds for terrorists.
Given all this, why are Mormons pouring millions into Islamic Relief? They aren't alone.
Islamic Relief's brochures show Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour accepting Katrina aid from IRW, last year. It is a consultative member of the U.N. It was founded in Britain with the continued financial aid and assistance of the British government, whose ambassador to Israel convinced the Israeli government to allow Islamic Relief to open its HAMAS-friendly Gaza office.
Almost five years after 9/11, we will never end terrorism if the West continues to sanction its funding.
3. The Forgotten Heros May Again Save Humanity: Eyam (North-Central England) 1665
<<Discovery Health Channel had a program last night on survivors of the Plague
in London in 1665. Apparently a scientist has wondered why the 32 people in
the village listed in the article below survived and if there was a genetic
mutation that would also protect against AIDS, bird flu and other major viruses.
Since the population of this small town is still pretty self contained, he was
able to extract DNA samples from descendants of these survivors ...
<<Now he is finding the same gene in people exposed to AIDs but not infected.
<<"The plague broke out in the village of Eyam in Derbyshire, brought on a
shipment of old clothes sent from London. The villagers, led by their courageous
clergyman, realized that the only way to stop the spread of the plague to
surrounding villages was to voluntarily quarantine the village, refusing to leave
until the plague had run its course. This they did, though the cost was 259
dead out of a total of 292 inhabitants. Each year this heroic event is
commemorated by the Plague Sunday Service in Eyam. "
<<Here is a more scientific description from PBS
Steve Collins <scollins@ll.net>
Subject: Fw: The Rainbow Swastika by Hannah Newman
Shalom Yair,
I cannot vouch for this item's info but pass it on FYI. It claims to be a Jewish analysis of New Age anti-Semitism.
by Hannah Newman
5. Holy Land churches attack Christian Zionism
By Matthew Tostevin Thu Aug 31, 1:53 PM ET
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - The Vatican's envoy in the Holy Land and bishops from three other churches have launched a rare joint attack on the Christian Zionist movement, accusing it of promoting "racial exclusivity and perpetual war."
Christian Zionists form a growing part of the pro- Israel lobby in the United States, the Jewish state's main ally. They believe the return of Jews to the Holy Land and establishment of Israel are proof of God's promises to biblical patriarchs.
Churches in the Middle East often appear closer to the Palestinians, whose Christian minority makes up a substantial portion of their clergy in the region.
The "Jerusalem Declaration on Christian Zionism" was signed by Latin Patriarch Michel Sabbah, a Palestinian, and by bishops of the Episcopal, Evangelical Lutheran and Syrian Orthodox Churches in Jerusalem.
Many Christian Zionists are evangelical Protestants, and the declaration is a sign of a growing struggle between the groups.
"The Christian Zionist programme provides a world view where the Gospel is identified with the ideology of empire, colonialism and militarism," said the declaration, accusing Christian Zionists of hurting hopes for Middle East peace.
"We reject the teachings of Christian Zionism that facilitate and support these policies as they advance racial exclusivity and perpetual war," the declaration added.
The three main Christian Zionist groups in Jerusalem said in a statement that they were concerned at the declaration's "inflammatory language" and that it was far from the truth.
Christian Zionists stress Christianity's Jewish roots. Some back the movement to settle the occupied West Bank, the cradle of Jewish civilization, which Palestinians want as part of an independent state.
"We pray for peace. But we note with sadness that the present Palestinian government is totally dedicated to the destruction of Israel," the Christian Zionist groups said in their statement, referring to the governing Palestinian Islamist group Hamas.
The prospect of Middle East peace talks has looked even more unlikely since Hamas's election victory in January. The group is formally dedicated to destroying Israel.
"The problem in the region is not as simple as the Jerusalem Declaration makes out," the Christian Zionists' statement said.
Jerusalem News-492
1. Anti-Semitic Jews
2. EU Could Revive Latin as a Working Language
3. Why I'm Proud to be a Jew
4. Are Taller People Smarter??
1. Anti-Semitic Jews
An interesting article
brought to our attention by
John Stembridge <Johnstembridge1@aol.com>
2. EU Could Revive Latin as a Working Language
The Vatican has called for Latin to be revived as the official
working language of the EU:
http://tinyurl.com/lytvp (Total Catholic)
By Jonathan Luxmoore: The Vatican's daily newspaper has called for Latin to be made the official working language of the European Union, after attempts by the new Finnish presidency to promote its use in EU departments.
"While Latin has been given up as a compulsory subject in schools over recent years, interest in the language is growing in Europe and other parts of the world," the semi-official LOsservatore Romano said in a commentary.
"In these circumstances, it would constitute a suitable instrument for international communication."
The paper said a Latin-language news programme, Nuntii Latini, had been broadcast weekly for the past decade by YLE, Finlands equivalent to the BBC, making the ancient Roman language "potentially contemporary."
It added that Latin formulations had been found for numerous modern phenomena, such autocinetica (motorway), supervenalicium (supermarket), fullonica electrica (washing machine) and pilae coriaceae lusor (soccer star).
Besides Finland, which has a tradition of classical scholarship, other countries have reported a growing interest in Latin, whose renewed use as a once-universal language has also been encouraged by the Catholic Church.
The Finnish government set up a weekly news summary in Latin when it first assumed the EUs rotating presidency in 1999, and has repeated the service, alongside English, French and Swedish, since taking over the six-months presidency for its second term on 1 July.
Classics scholars have insisted use of the language would "turn EU jargon into poetry". As examples, they said the Common Agricultural Policy could be rendered as "Ratio communis agros colendi" (common scheme for cultivating the fields), while the EU's Acquis Communautaire, or body of laws and regulations, could be Latinised as "Corpus legum institutorumque iuris Europaei."
"Using Latin is a way of paying tribute to European civilisation and it serves to remind people of European societys roots, stretching back to ancient times," explained Mia Lahti, editor of the Finnish presidencys website.
"Latin isn't dead its still very much in use in different forms across the world today. After all, Italians, French and Spaniards all speak a new form of Latin."
Several Italian newspapers have backed the LOsservatore Romano proposal, while noting that Finland itself was never part of the Roman Empire.
3. Why I'm Proud to be a Jew
From: Johnstembridge1@aol.com
Why I am Proud to be a Jew
By Bruce from New York
With war raging in the Middle East, with global terror reaching new heights, with global anti-Semitism on the rise, I thought it might be a good time to reflect on why I'm proud, more than ever, to be a Jew.
I'm proud to be a Jew because Jews don't kidnap.
I'm proud to be a Jew because Jewish education does not consist of teaching martyrdom and hatred.
I'm proud to be a Jew because my religious leaders and religious services don't whip me into a frenzy to kill others.
I'm proud to be a Jew because in the middle of a war, Jews still demonstrate and protest to protect the rights of the Arab-Israeli minority to voice their opposition to the war.
I'm proud to be a Jew because even when Israel is wrongly and falsely accused of killing innocent civilians, Jewish leaders apologize immediately for any loss of life-instead of celebrating these deaths by passing out candy and shooting celebratory gunshots into the air.
When the world accuses Israel of massacre in Jenin - when the world accuses Israel of bombing civilians on a Gaza beach-when the world accuses Israel of shooting a child cowering against a wall - when the world accuses Israel of bombing a Lebanese apartment building killing 56 civilians - when all of these accusations turn out to be totally false-to be vicious anti-Semitic lies - and when all along I knew in my heart that these stories just could not be true - and I'm later proven to be right - then I'm proud to be a Jew.
I'm proud to be a Jew because the Israeli Army is so, so good, that when it takes more than four weeks to wipe out a sophisticated enemy who has prepared six years for this war, the world criticizes the IDF for not getting the job done quickly.
I'm proud to be a Jew when my army, the Israeli army, drops leaflets and makes calls to Lebanese citizens on their cell phones to warn them to evacuate before bombing begins.
I'm proud to be a Jew when the democracies of the world talk about fighting the war on terror, but only Israel is left alone to bear the burden of eradicating Hezbollah, the proxy army of Iran and Syria.
I'm proud to be a Jew when entire Israeli towns in the north-Nahariya, Kiryat Shemona, Safed, are reduced to ghost towns due to the constant shelling, and yet not one looter has appeared to empty out the property of others.
When Israel must defend its very right to exist, when it must fight a well armed enemy representing the Islamic fascists, as President Bush has called them, when Israel must conduct this war on terror with its hands tied behind its back so as not to take an innocent life lest the media have something true to report, that it must fight this war of survival under the cloud of "disproportionality", as if thousands of Katusha rockets falling on its citizenry is somehow "proportionate" - when Israel simultaneously pushes back these threats both in the North and in the South under the added pressure of a biased media, then I'm proud to be a Jew.
I'm proud to be a Jew when the Edinburgh Scottish film festival tells an Israeli director to stay home although his film is being screened and the director says "No, I'm coming."
I'm proud to be a Jew because Mel Gibson is not a Jew.
I'm proud to be a Jew when the UN's Human Rights Commission consists of countries like Syria, Libya and Iran and Israel is not asked to join.
I'm proud to be a Jew when magician David Blaine announces his trip to Israel next week to entertain the children living in bomb shelters and tells the press he's doing it to encourage other performers to stand up for Israel and its right to defend itself.
I'm proud to be a Jew when a Russian/Israeli businessman single-handedly creates not one but two tent cities on the beach to house Israelis fleeing the North and provides shelter, bedding, food and drink, showers and bathrooms-all done without red tape in a matter of 24 hours - to house over 6,000 Israeli's, one of whom described it as a "poor man's Club Med."
I am proud to be a Jew when Israelis on the left and on the right support the government's decision to fight-when 97% of the country is united in its own defense-when Israeli's from Jerusalem give shelter to families from Haifa-when food from the Negev is donated to feed soldiers at the front-when the IDF deploys soldiers on special assignments to deliver diapers to shelters and to entertain and calm the frightened children.
I'm proud to be a Jew when the three weeks preceding Tisha B'Av reminds us of the terrible things we have endured as a people and as a nation - and yet immediately thereafter, Hashem offers us consolation, redemption and hope - plus the promise that we shall defeat our enemies, that we shall endure, that Am Yisrael Chai.
And I am proud to be a Jew because when we proclaim that God is on our side, we have the book to prove it.
Shabbat Shalom!
4. Are Taller People Smarter??
5. Naval and Military Build-Up off Lebanon Coast
DEBKAfile Exclusive Military Report
September 4, 2006, 11:37 AM (GMT+02:00)
The extraordinary buildup of European naval and military strength in and around Lebanons shores is way out of proportion for the task the European contingents of expanded UNIFIL have undertaken: to create a buffer between Israel and Hizballah.
Close investigation by DEBKAfiles military and intelligence sources discloses that Lebanese security and peacemaking is not the object of the exercise. It is linked to the general anticipation of a military clash between the United States and Israel, on one side, and Iran and possibly Syria on the other, some time from now until November
This expectation has brought together the greatest sea and air armada Europe has ever assembled at any point on earth since World War II: two carriers with 75 fighter-bombers, spy planes and helicopters on their decks; 15 warships of various types 7 French, 5 Italian, 2-3 Green, 3-5 German, and five American; thousands of Marines French, Italian and German, as well as 1,800 US Marines.
It is improbably billed as support for a mere 7,000 European soldiers who are deployed in Lebanon to prevent the dwindling Israeli force of 4-5,000 soldiers and some 15-16,000 Hizballah militiamen from coming to blows as well as for humanitarian odd jobs.
A Western military expert remarked to DEBKAfile that the European naval forces cruising off Lebanese shores are roughly ten times as much as the UNIFIL contingents require as cover, especially when UNIFILs duties are strictly non-combat. After all, none of the UN contingents will be engaged in disarming Hizballah or blocking the flow of weapons incoming from Syria and Iran.
Arutz Sheva News Monday
September 04, 2006, 11 Elul 5766
By Yechiel Spira
IDF officers receiving a classified Foreign Ministry memorandum are
warned they may face arrest and charges of war crimes in Europe.
Israel has learned that certain European and international
organizations have already begun working towards compiling cases
against IDF officers and government officials, planning to file war
crimes charges against them for Israels actions in Lebanon. Officers
are being warned against visiting Europe as a result.
Foreign Ministry legal advisor Ehud Keinan, who distributed the
memorandum, warns soldiers of the impending legal threat, one that may
result in criminal charges against both senior and junior military
officers alike.
Organizations based in Europe are working in earnest to compile
evidence against political leaders and senior commanders, seeking to
charge the latter with war crimes for complying with orders in the
recent war in southern Lebanon.
Ministers cited include Eli Yishai of Shas, who is quoted as saying,
Entire villages must be wiped out, in reference to IDF activities
during the war. Also cited is Haim Ramon, the justice minister who
stepped down in light of an ongoing police investigation against him
in an unrelated matter. Ramon made similar remarks in statements
referring to the village of Bint Jbeil.
Keinan warns officers and cabinet ministers alike to refrain from
using terms such as eradicate and crush, since they provide those
seeking to build cases against them with ammunition.
The Foreign Ministry and State Prosecutors Office have hired the
services of criminal attorneys in Europe, adding that efforts are
underway to find a common language with European leaders in the hope
of avoiding situations that would prove difficult and embarrassing to
Israel and nations like Britain. Government officials in Israel state
that British leaders are troubled by the trend as well, but they
explain that the law in Europe permits such actions, based on
international law.
During the past year, there have been a number of cases in which
senior IDF officers were instructed to cancel travel plans to England,
and in one case, a senior officer was instructed to remain on board a
plane that landed in the UK when embassy officials learned that he
would have been placed under arrest upon entering the country. The
officer, Doron Almog, returned to Israel on the next flight.
Israel offers protection to officers in such situations, pointing out
that despite all efforts at home, European law permits filing charges
of war crimes and reality dictates that Israel address the situation
with the seriousness it demands.
Jerusalem News-493
1. The Barry Chamish Follies Continue
2. Europe nixes landing rights for El Al planes with IDF cargo
3. Attacks on Jews in UK soar since Lebanon
4. Frightening News from France
5. Humans 'hardwired for religion'
1. The Barry Chamish Follies Continue
2. Europe nixes landing rights for El Al planes with IDF cargo
Date: Mon, 04 Sep 2006 13:11:45 -0400 (EDT)
From: imra@netvision.net.il
Europe nixes landing rights for El Al planes with IDF cargo
By Zohar Blumenkrantz, Haaretz Correspondent 4 September 2006
A number of European states are refusing to allow El Al cargo planes
carrying Israel Defense Forces equipment from stopover landings in their
The refusal came from states considered friendly with Israel, including
Britain, Germany and Italy, according to Captain Etai Regev, the chairman of
El Al's pilots' union.
Regev sent a letter of complaint on the matter to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert
and to the Defense Ministry, the Finance Ministry, and the Tourism Ministry.
According to Regev, El Al flights bearing heavy loads that arrive from U.S.
bases "are not given approval by European states to make stopover landings
for refueling, for political reasons.
"As a result, cargo planes are taking off from the U.S. with much lighter
weight, and are reaching Israel with significantly fewer munitions than
Regev called this "a substantial blow to state defense."
3. Attacks on Jews in UK soar since Lebanon
From: imra@netvision.net.il
Attacks on Jews soar since Lebanon
By Joanna Bale and Anthony Browne
The Times [UK]September 02, 2006
Synagogues and citizens have been targeted
BRITISH Jews are facing a wave of anti-Semitic attacks prompted by Israel's
conflict with Hezbollah in Lebanon. Synagogues have been daubed with
graffiti, Jewish leaders have had hate-mail and ordinary people have been
subjected to insults and vandalism.
On Thursday an all-party parliamentary inquiry will state that anti-Semitic
violence has become endemic in Britain, both on the streets and university
campuses. The report will call for urgent action from the Government, the
police and educational establishments.
Mark Gardner, of the Community Security Trust, said: "In July, when the
conflict in Lebanon began, we received reports of 92 incidents, which was
the third-worst month since records began in 1984." In 2000 the monthly
average was between 10 and 30 incidents.
The former minister Denis MacShane, who chaired the parliamentary inquiry,
said: "These figures confirm the evidence given to us that anti-Semitic
attacks are a very real problem."
The Board of Deputies of British Jews submitted evidence to the inquiry that
anti-Semitism in Britain was at its worst level.
The July incidents "were more dispersed than usual", Mr Gardner said. "It is
usually a small number responsible for a large number of attacks, but these
were very widespread across the country and included graffiti attacks on
synagogues in Edinburgh and Glasgow."
The attackers, when visible, are from across society, he said. "When it's
verbal abuse, it's just ordinary people in the street, from middle-class
women to working-class men. All colours and backgrounds. We hardly ever see
incidents involving the classic neo-Nazi skinhead. Muslims are
In hate-mail to senior Jewish figures, ordinary Jewish people were being
blamed for the deaths of Lebanese civilians. "There are also references to
the Holocaust, saying that Hitler should have wiped out the Jews."
Mr Gardner said that the rise in attacks reflected increased hostility to
Israel and Jews in the media and across society: "The number of anti-Semitic
attacks reflects the mood music around Jews and Israel."
There have been several attacks in Golders Green and Hampstead Garden Suburb
in North London, where there is a large Jewish population. La Maison du Cafe
in Golders Green Road was targeted two weeks ago by two young men who threw
chairs at the restaurant, punched workers and threatened to kill the owner,
Ruth Cohen, with a knife.
Ms Cohen, 34, said: "They asked if it was a Jewish restaurant. They said
they were going to kill me and called me a 'dirty Jew', a 'stinking Jew'.
One of them had a knife. A colleague came out. They started punching him and
throwing chairs."
In Hampstead Garden Suburb, swastikas and the words "Kill all Jews" and
"Allah" were daubed on the house and car of Justin Stebbing. Dr Stebbing,
who works at a hospital, said: "I felt violated. It's horrible."
Jon Benjamin, of the Board of Deputies, said: "The problem is the spin that
Israel is an irredeemably evil regime, and we are concerned that it may
become common currency to connect British Jews with this."
The Association of Chief Police Officers said: "Our National Community
Tension Team are alert to recent incidents. We are working with the CST. We
are strongly encouraging reporting of incidents."
4. Frightening News from France
From: Captain Ian McRae <ian.mcrae@rahoosie.fsnet.co.uk>
Subject: Fw: France
Once again, the real news in France is conveniently not being reported as it should.
To give you an idea of what's going on in France where there are now between
5 and 6 million Muslims and about 600,000 Jews, here is an email that came
from a Jew living in France. Please read!
Will the world say nothing - again - as it did in Hitler's time?
He writes, "I AM A JEW -- therefore I am forwarding this to everyone on all
my e-mail lists. I will not sit back and do nothing." Nowhere have the
flames of anti-Semitism burned more furiously than in France:
In Lyon, a car was rammed into a synagogue and set on fire. In Montpellier,
the Jewish religious center was firebombed; so were synagogues in Strasbourg
and Marseilles; so was a Jewish school in Creteil - all recently.
A Jewish sports club in Toulouse was attacked with Molotov cocktails, and on
the statue of Alfred Dreyfus in Paris, the words "Dirty Jew" were painted.
In Bondy, 15 men beat up members of a Jewish footbal team with sticks and
metal bars. The bus that takes Jewish children to school in Aubervilliers
has been attacked three times in the last 14 months.
According to the Police, metropolitan Paris has seen 10 to 12 anti-Jewish
incidents PER DAY in the past 30 days. Walls in Jewish neighborhoods have
been defaced with slogans proclaiming "Jews to the gas chambers" and "Death
to the Jews."
A gunman opened fire on a kosher butcher's shop (and, of course, the
butcher) in Toulouse, France; a Jewish couple in their 20s were beaten up by
five men in Villeurbanne, France. The woman was pregnant; a Jewish school
was broken into and vandalized in Sarcelles, France. This was just in the
past week.
So I call on you, whether you are a fellow Jew, a friend, or merely a person
with the capacity and desire to distinguish decency from depravity, to do,
at least, these three simple things:
First, care enough to stay informed. Don't ever let yourself become deluded
into thinking that this is not your fight. I remind you of what Pastor
Neimoller said in World War II:
"First they came for the Communists, and I didn't speak up, because I wasn't
a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up, because I
wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up,
because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time there
was no one left to speak up for me".
Second, boycott France and French products. Only the Arab countries are more
toxically anti-Semitic and, unlike them, France exports more than just oil
and hatred. So boycott their wines and their perfumes. Boycott their clothes
and their foodstuffs. Boycott their movies. Definitely boycott their shores.
If we are resolved we can exert amazing pressure and, whatever else we may
know about the French, we most certainly know that they are like a cobweb in
a hurricane in the face of well directed pressure.
Third, send this along to your family, your friends, and your co-workers.
Think of all of the people of good conscience that you know and let them
know that you and the people that you care about need their help.
The number one best selling book in France is "September 11: The
Frightening Fraud," which argues that no plane ever hit the Pentagon.
5. Humans 'hardwired for religion'
Jerusalem News-494
1. Ben Gomperts: In Defence of France
2. News Items from Guysen Israel News
1. Ben Gomperts: In Defence of France
re Jerusalem News-493
#4. Frightening News from France
From: Vertaalbureau Van Lokeren <vanlogo@skynet.be>
Subject: Re: France
As a part-time resident of France and person of half-Jewish parentage, I
think this message is a polemic aimed at further worsening the situation in
France. Yes it is alarming that certain groups (perhaps Moslem) are
targeting Jews and Jewish institutions. I think the French government is
well aware of these problems, but I don't think that this sort of
overstatement of the case is going to help. The moslem world has its
problems and not all of them stem from Israel. (eg I don't think that Darfur
has much to do with Israel). Unfortunately the self-identification of
certain Jewish groups with Israeli aims and ultra-orthodox behaviours has
helped raise the profile of relatively soft Jewish targets. I cannot see any
good reason for demonizing the French government in this respect.
Ben Gomperts
2. News Items from Guysen Israel News
Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2006 13:51:13 +0100
From: Guysen Israel News <webmaster@guysen.com>
Subject: Mailinfo Guysen Israel News September 07, 2006
2006-09-06 , 13 Elul 5766
21:36 At a conference in Haifa, Foreign Affairs Minister, Tsipi Livni, maintained that the Israeli offensive in Lebanon had not been a failure, as the IDF was not expected to act only in Lebanon. "Our situation is much better than it was. We launched the military operation in the knowledge that not by it alone could we bring home the kidnapped soldiers and destroy Hizbollah". The situation created by the IDF has lead to a political process that has allowed an arms embargo on Hizbollah and the deployment of the Lebanese army", she explained. (Guysen.Isral.News)
19:15 The UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) published its "State of the World Population 2006. The world population has risen to 6.5 billion people and is expected to exceed 9 billion in 2050. The State of Israel has 6.8 billion inhabitants and should reach 10.4 million by 2050. The rate of population growth (2005-2010) is estimated at 1.7%, the fertility rate is 2.72%, the infant mortality rate has been reduced to 5 and 92% of Israelis live in towns. In Israel life expectancy is 78.2% for men and 82.3% for women. 2% of men and 4% of women (over 15 years) are analphabet. The Israeli gross national income was $23,510 in 2004. (Guysen.Isral.News)
18:29 The IDF announced the end of its operations in Jenin. A special unit had surrounded a building in the town in which a wanted terrorist from Islamic Jihad was hiding. Mujihad Sata was implicated in many attacks and the preparation of attacks in Israel. He was killed when he tried to escape. (Guysen.Isral.News)
17:55 The EU is demanding that Israel "freeze its settlement activity in Palestinian territories". In a press release from the EU President it said that "any new construction project in the area would compromise chances for peace and constituted a violation of international law." (Guysen.Isral.News)
16:36 Pakistan has said that it is ready to collaborate in the search for the man whom the United States has been looking for actively since the collapse of the Twin Tours in New York on 11 September 2001: Ossama Bin Laden. (Guysen.Isral.News)
15:14 Hizbollah recruits children from a very young age. More than 2000 children aged 10 to 15 are currently being trained by the Shiite militia, the majority of whom are trained for suicide attacks. 120 of them have already declared themselves ready for their mission. "It's thanks to the blood of our young martyrs that we will achieve our goals," the head of Hizbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, said. (Guysen.Isral.News)
The Hangover
(Caroll Azoulay for Guysen Israel News)
[]As if the burning heat of the Israeli summer were not enough, the katyushas spread their murderous fire over the north of the country: 157 dead, thousands of people injured, in shock, traumatized, bereaved, and displaced during a war that was forced on us against our will. Hiding in the shelters, the north of Israel proved itself to be exemplary, never failing to repeat that it was ready to endure any kind of suffering in order to be permanently rid of the existential terrorist threat that has weighed on its borders for too long.
WE BELIEVE in enlightened government and progress. And that is why we support Arab fascism. WE BELIEVE in peace. And that is why we support all military aggression against Israel. WE BELIEVE in democracy. And that is why WE BELIEVE that Israel is the only country in the Middle East, that must be destroyed. WE BELIEVE in freedom. And that is why we support Saddam Hussein and Hafez Assad, as well as Yassir Arafat. WE BELIEVE in the freedom of speech and of the press. And that is why we support the P.A.. WE BELIEVE in self-determination and self-definition for all. But not for Jews. We oppose violence. And that is why we support Palestinian terror. WE BELIEVE in human dignity. And that is why we applaud, when Arabs blow up Jewish women and children. WE BELIEVE in human rights. And for this reason we support Arab atrocities. WE BELIEVE in fraternity and the brotherhood of nations. Which is why Israel must be de-Zionized and converted to a clone of Lebanon and Bosnia. WE BELIEVE in voting. Which is why we applaud Libya, Sudan, Iran, and Iraq, and demand that Israel be destroyed. WE BELIEVE in freedom of movement. Except for Jews. WE FAVOR equality. As in Syria, Iraq and Libya. WE FAVOR minority rights. But not for Jews, Kurds, Southern Sudanese, Copts or any other politically incorrect groups. WE BELIEVE in freedom. But do not mind that slavery still exists in Sudan, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere, among Arabs. WE BELIEVE in a free press. And so we support censorship by the PLO and the Arab regimes. WE BELIEVE in freedom to practice religion. But only for Moslems. WE BELIEVE in affirmative action, preferences for those who suffered from past discrimination. But not for Jews. WE BELIEVE in progress and enlightenment. And so we support Jihad and pogroms. WE BELIEVE in egalitarianism. And so we support demands for ethnic cleansing of the Middle East, to drive out the Jews. We love children and living things. And this is why we applaud suicide bombers.
We hate it when people blame the victims. Which is why all terrorism is the Jews' fault. WE BELIEVE in education. As long as we never have to read any books. WE BELIEVE in multiculturalism. As long as no one ever has to learn respect for the Jews or for the West, or for Amerika. WE BELIEVE in progress. And so we celebrate barbarism and savagery. WE BELIEVE in progress. As long as Arab countries never are asked to progress beyond the 12th century. WE BELIEVE in democracy. But not for Arabs. WE BELIEVE in prosperity. And that is why we support Arab feudalism and kleptocracy. WE BELIEVE in equal citizenship. Just as long as Israel never conscripts its Arabs. WE BELIEVE in freedom of expression. Which is why people who do not agree with us must be censored. WE BELIEVE the human rights of Arabs must be protected. But not in Arab countries. We are upset by illiteracy. And that is why we practice it. WE BELIEVE in women's equality. But not among Arabs. We oppose torture. Except when it is by the Palestinian Authority or similar, progressive Arab forces.
Jerusalem News-495
1. Problematic Article?
Hitler's nephew's grandson
converts to Judaism
3. Pyramids in the Ukraine and Tourism
4. Daniel Pinner - Another Victim of Left-Wing "Justice"
5. Brit-Am on Arutz-7
1. Problematic Article?
Hitler's nephew's grandson
converts to Judaism
From: imra@netvision.net.il
Law suit alleges visiting Iranian President implemented anti-Semitic policy
of torture and imprisonment
Seven Jewish-Iranian families have filed suit in an American federal court
against former President Mohammad Khatami over charges that he is
responsible for the kidnapping and torture of their missing family members.
The families, currently residing in Los Angeles and Israel, contend that
Khatami instituted the policy of imprisoning their relatives without
trials and refusing to provide them any information concerning their
whereabouts. The Jews were arrested on different occasions during the years
1994 through 1997, as they sought to leave Iran across its border with
The plaintiffs, who are not U.S. citizens, brought the suit under special
laws - the Alien Torts Act and the Torture Victims Protection Act - which
permit foreigners to sue their tormentors for torture and kidnapping in
American courts. The lawsuit filed in the New York District Court is being
represented by attorneys Robert Tolchin of New York, Nitsana
Darshan-Leitner of Jerusalem and Pooya Dayanim of Los Angeles. The
plaintiffs are seeking hundreds of millions of dollars in damages against
Khatami for his role in the on-going disappearance of their loved ones.
The families had to wait until Khatami was physically present in the US to
initiate a suit against him. On Friday evening copies of the complaint and
summons were handed to Khatami at a reception in Arlington, Virginia hosted
by the Council on American-Islamic Relations. Khatami has twenty days to
file an answer denying the allegations or default the case.
Since the Islamic revolution in Iran in 1979, millions of Iranian citizens
have sought to escape from the Islamic regime. In normal circumstances when
Muslim citizens are arrested attempting to leave without official
permission, the established punishment is a small fine or a short jail term.
However, in the instances where Jewish citizens have been similarly
arrested, the Islamic government has instituted much harsher penalties.
The Plaintiffs allege that Khatami has singled out the Jewish community and
implemented the policy of secretly imprisoning the Jews indefinitely.
Over the years, the Jewish families have received reports from other former
prisoners and guards that the missing Jews are alive and being held in
different prisons. In the case of the Tehrani family of Los Angeles, a
former Muslim neighbor has sworn out an affidavit testifying that he has
seen their missing son, Babak Tehrani, in a Tehran prison two years after
his disappearance.
"These Persian Jewish families are seeking to bring Khatami before an
American court for his involvement in the torture and imprisonment of their
loved ones in Iran," stated the families' attorney
Nitsana-Darshan-Leitner, "It is shocking that the State Department would
grant this anti-Semitic criminal a travel visa instead of joining with the
families in the struggle to bring him to justice. The court case will
establish that these missing Jews are, indeed, still alive in Iranian
prisons and that the former President violated international law with his
policy of arrests and torture which targeted the Jewish community."
(972) 03-736-1519
email: info@israellawcenter.org
3. Pyramids in the Ukraine and Tourism
4. Daniel Pinner - Another Victim of Left-Wing "Justice"
Gush Katif Volunteer Back to Prison
15:30 Sep 10, '06 / 17 Elul 5766
by Hillel Fendel
[] Daniel Pinner's appeal of his 2-year sentence for firing in self-defense at an Arab mob has been turned down. Set to return to prison from after Sukkot until just before Pesach, he holds no grudges.
A three-justice panel of the Supreme Court turned down the appeal today (Sunday), and Pinner will return to prison several weeks from now.
Daniel was convicted earlier this year of having injured an Arab in Gush Katif by shooting in the air when an Arab mob attacked him with rocks. An unmarried licensed electrician, Pinner was in Gush Katif at the time - June 2005 - to volunteer his services in the refurbishing of the Palm Beach Hotel for new families. He was taking a walk on the beach when he was attacked by the mob, and found himself in a situation he later described as "clearly endangering my life." He fired in the air, escaped the mob unscathed, and was arrested four days later on charges of having wounded one of the Arabs.
In April of this year, Pinner appealed his sentence, claiming that the conviction was faulty on several counts. To his and his lawyer, Baruch Ben-Yosef's, happy surprise, Supreme Court Justice Edna Arbel agreed that his appeal was "likely to succeed" and ordered him freed until the handing down of a ruling on his appeal.
However, what she might not have taken into account was that the Prosecution would also appeal, demanding a longer sentence.
In the event, as Pinner had suspected would happen, the Court turned down both appeals today - and Pinner must return to prison to complete his two-year sentence.
However the Court showed some consideration by postponing his return to jail by over five weeks, until after the Sukkot holiday. Assuming that the customary third will be shaved from the sentence for "good behavior," Pinner should be out of prison and a free man - this time for good - by the Passover holiday in early April 2007.
Pinner takes seriously the Talmudic dictum that one must thank G-d for the bad as well as the good. "G-d's salvation comes in the twinkling of an eye," a thankful and jubilant Pinner told Arutz-7 as he left the prison this past April - and today, as well, he was able to see the bright side. For one thing, the timing of the decision and the judges' consideration banded together so that he would not spend any major holiday in prison. "I won't miss much being in prison during the winter," he said, "and not only that, but when I was in jail before, I was able to study more Torah than in many of my years before that. So I hope to continue that as well."
Several months ago, while still in prison, Arutz-7 asked him how he feels about the train of events that brought him to prison. "I don't have any bitterness," he said. "Much worse things have happened to much better people, and in the grand scheme of things I'm really not suffering... I've spoken to many people from Gush Katif, and I realize that I have a much easier time than them. They spent many months worrying about being thrown out of their hotels, to who knows where - while if I'm thrown out, I'll be very happy, and in any event, I always have a home to go back to. Their lives have been destroyed, while mine has just been put on hold for a while."
5. Brit-Am on Arutz-7
Hear Brit-Am Representative Yair Davidy Speak on the Tamar Yonah show:
Go to
Scroll down to the bottom to the green -colored square:
"Brit-Am In Black and White"
Yair Davidiy speaks with Tamar Yonah about the Lost Ten Tribes and why Christians Should Not Missionize Jews.
Hear Broadcast of Radio Show:
To hear Yair Davidiy only go to the middle of the broadcast (24:01 to 46:59).
Or go to Artutz-7
Israel National Radio
"Latest Radio Shows"
Picture of Tamar
'The Weekend Edition'
[] The 10 Lost Tribes & Why it is Forbidden to Missionize
To hear Yair Davidiy go to middle of broadcast,
Move clip position to 24:01
Jerusalem News-496
1. MK Effie Eitam: Expel treacherous Arabs
2. Effi [Ephraim] Tells it as it is
3. Anti-Judaism, by William Kristol
1. MK Effie Eitam: Expel treacherous Arabs
Devout Jewish MK: Expel treacherous Arabs
By Stan Goodenough
September 11, 2006
Right-thinking Knesset member Effie Eitam called Monday for the expulsion from Samaria and Judea of the overwhelming majority of Palestinians, and for the removal of Israeli Arabs from the Jewish state's political system.
Eitam a former left-wing liberal who subsequently spurned political correctness and turned to embrace his Jewish heritage identified the Palestinian Arabs as an implacable enemy of his nation, the Israeli Arabs as first degree traitors who comprised a fifth column inside Israel, and Israels war ethics as urgently in need of change after the debacle of the recent war against the Lebanese Hizballah.
The member of the National Union-National Religious Party was speaking during a memorial service for an IDF officer killed in Lebanon last month.
As expected, Eitams comments triggered an outcry in Israel, with the countrys leftist-leaning media giving them prominent coverage and airing negative responses to throughout the day.
Ahmed Tibi, one of the men in Eitams sights and one of the most treacherous of the Arab Knesset members, foamed in fury at his Jewish adversary and sought to defame him by suggesting that it would have been better if he had made his comments in German.
Historically, however, it is the Arab side that has praised and emulated the Nazis, and whose goal of obliterating Israel most closely resembles Hitlers Final Solution.
Tibi and his fellow Arab lawmakers have openly supported terrorist attacks on Israelis; have encouraged the kidnapping of Israeli soldiers and have broken Israeli law by visiting enemy Arab states like Syria in a show of solidarity with the leaders of those countries.
News reports Sunday morning said that Israels attorney-general Menachem Mazuz has called for a criminal investigation of National Democratic Assembly Party MKs Azmi Bishara, Jamal Zahalka and Wasil Taha for visiting an enemy state (Syria) without authorization to do so.
During their visit, Bishara warned the Syrians that Israel could be preparing to attack them.
Extreme leftist Jewish Israelis in the Meretz-Yahad Party and the militant Peace Now group also erupted, with some calling for a criminal investigation not into the sell-out Arabs but into Eitam, in a bid to have him prosecuted for his remarks.
Peace Now an extra-parliamentary group of self-hating Jews that never misses an opportunity to attack their own people described the devout, quiet-spoken Eitam as a racist and hallucinatory leader.
2. Effi [Ephraim] Tells it as it is
Tue., September 12, 2006 Elul 19, 5766 | [] | Israel Time: 23:10 (EST+7)
Eitam: Kick Palestinians out of W. Bank, keep Israeli Arabs from entering politics
By Nadav Shragai, Gideon Alon and Jack Khoury
Last Update: 12/09/2006 01:34
MK Effi Eitam (National Religious Party - National Union) raised a storm of outrage yesterday when he called for West Bank Arabs to be transferred and for Israeli Arabs to be ejected from politics.
Left-wing and Arab lawmakers reacted furiously to Eitam's statements and called for Attorney General Menachem Mazuz to open an investigation into the rightist lawmaker's comments on grounds of incitement to racism.
Eitam said that the great majority of Palestinians in the West Bank should be expelled, and that Arabs should be ousted from Israeli politics as a fifth column and "a league of traitors."
The remarks, broadcast yesterday on Army Radio, were made during a Sunday speech at a memorial service for a soldier killed in Lebanon during the recent war.
"We will have to expel the great majority of the Arabs of Judea and Samaria," Eitam said. "It's impossible with all those Arabs, and it's impossible to give up the territory. We've already seen what they're doing there," he said.
It was the first time that Eitam, who heads the Religious Zionism faction within the National Union, has publicly supported deportation of Palestinians.
Turning to the subject of Israeli Arabs, Eitam said, "We will have to take another decision, and that is to sweep the Israeli Arabs from the political system. Here, too, it's clear and simple. We've raised a fifth column, a league of traitors of the first rank. Therefore, we cannot continue to enable so large and so hostile a presence within the political system of Israel."
Yossi Beilin, the leader of the left-wing Meretz party, urged Attorney General Menachem Mazuz Monday to bring Eitam to trial on charges of incitement to racism.
Beilin's call was based on an amendment to the law that grants lawmakers immunity from prosecution. The amendment lifts the immunity from legislators who incite to racism or ethnic prejudice.
Arab MK Mohammed Barakeh said that the attack on the representatives of Arab citizens of Israel was an attempt to "delegitimize the Arab population entirely and to negate their right to voice their opinions and participate in the political process."
Barakeh said the measures proposed by Eitam are already being implemented, as the Palestinians "are witness to many steps to push them aside and expel them from their homeland, among them the security fence in Jerusalem and the West Bank. The policies of siege, starvation, and negation of the basic right of human dignity are a means of extremely dangerous ethnic expulsion.
Peace Now secretary-general Yariv Oppenheimer said that Eitam's words "show that the dogma of [slain extreme right-wing Rabbi Meir] Kahane is alive and well. In a moment of candor, the mask was removed from Eitam's face, exposing him as a leader of fantasy and racism."
The spokesman of the Justice Ministry said his office had received requests to open an investigation of Eitam, and they would receive the customary attention.
3. Anti-Judaism, by William Kristol
Wall Street Journal,
Jerusalem News-497
1. Some Interesting Short Free Video Clips on the Web
2. Jewish New Year Approaching
3. Rabbi Daniel Lapin: "the secret"
4. Demonstration on Behalf of Israel and the USA to be held on birthday
of Brit-Am Founder.
5. Murderer of Rabbi Kahane was an Enemy of the USA
1. Some Interesting Short Free Video Clips on the Web
Link to the following sites to see parts 1-6 of this informative video series:
------------ ----
2. Jewish New Year Approaching
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2006 04:19:50 -0500
From: Tefillin Beit E-l <daniel@tefillin.co.il>
Subject: Shana Tovah - Tefillin Beit E-l
Shalom to you.
This is important information for the coming Jewish year.
5767 years from the creation of the world.
Year of Ma'aser Ani (tithe for the poor).
Year 6 of the shmita cycle (next year is shamita year).
1938 years from the destruction of our Holy Temple.
59 years from the establishment of the State of Israel
40 years from the liberation of Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and Gaza
Shelemah - complete (both cheshvan and kislev 30 days)
Simple - 12 months in the year
Year 10 of cycle 304 of the lunar (small) cycle
Year 27 of cycle 206 of the solar (big) cycle
Wishing you a great year.
Kol Tuv, and k'tivah v'chatimah tova.
We should just hear good news.
Daniel Aviya
3. Rabbi Daniel Lapin: "the secret"
From: Rabbi Daniel Lapin <myrabbi@towardtradition.org>
Subject: Why Does Time Magazine Ask - "Does God Want You To Be Rich?"
The secret is that a majority of Americans take God and the Bible very seriously. Over fifty percent of Americans try to take the Lords wishes into account in almost every major decision they make in their lives. How they date and marry, give birth to children, raise and educate those kids, how they vote, and yes, how they run their financial affairs. In all these temporal matters and in many others, they seek to act in accordance with Gods wishes as they understand them from the Bible.
It is not that God wants us to be rich, but He does want us to be obsessively preoccupied with the needs and desires of other people. He does want us to create ordered societies in which His rules of law are followed and in which peoples right to their property is respected. He wants us to place others upon the economic escalator by charity that promotes independence rather than dependence. He wants us to avoid coveting but to work hard and diligently in order to imitate the first Adam who was placed into the Garden for that very purpose. He wants us to remember that the word service is correctly applied to both customer and worship.
It should come as no surprise to the faithful among us that He has chosen to reward those of His children who follow His prescriptions in this matter with great comfort, security, and yes, prosperity. Does God want you to be rich? No He wants you to do the right things in close connection with many others also doing the right thing. Not surprisingly, His response to His children is prosperity.
For over two hundred years this has been the secret of the greatest engine of economic prosperity that world history has ever seen, the United States of America. It is a secret to which clergymen may well contribute more than journalists and business professionals more than politicians.
4. Demonstration on Behalf of Israel and the USA to be held on birthday of Brit-Am Founder.
Brit-Am was founded by Rabbi Avraham feld and Yair Davidiy.
Brit-Am works on behalf of both Joseph and Judah.
The Rally spoken of in the new item below will be held
on September 20 which according tot he secular calendar
is the birthday date of Yair Davidiy.
The organizers of course have probably never even heard of
Yair Davidiy but still it's a nice gesture...
NY Rally for Israel and the United States to be held September 20th
- Sep 13, 2006
Shalom CAMERA E-Mail Team:
Iranian President Ahmadinejad may be traveling to New York next week and may speak at the UN. It is vital that all people who value pluralism and decency condemn Ahmadinejad's anti-western, anti-Jewish bigotry, including his exhortations for the elimination of Israel and America. The news media need to do more to inform the public of his extremism - as well as that of other Iranian leaders - so that intelligent decisions can be made regarding Iran's push to obtain nuclear weapons capability.
Remind the media and the public that in Ahmadinejad's October 2005 speech at the "World Without Zionism" event, he didn't just call for the elimination of Israel, but also of America. And, in a threat to Muslim moderates, he warned that any Muslim leader who recognizes Israel will "burn in the fire of the Islamic Ummah [nation]"
[ Excerpts from Ahmadinejad speech at "World Without Zionism" event: as reported by Iranian Students News Agency (Iran), October 26, 2005, via www.memri.org , dispatch 1013 ]
"...We are in the process of an historical war between the World of Arrogance [i.e. the West] and the Islamic world, and this war has been going on for hundreds of years...This occupying country [i.e. Israel] is in fact a front of the World of Arrogance in the heart of the Islamic world. They have in fact built a bastion [Israel] from which they can expand their rule to the entire Islamic world... This means that the current war in Palestine is the front line of the Islamic world against the World of Arrogance...
"... They [ask]: 'Is it possible for us to witness a world without America and Zionism?' But you had best know that this slogan and this goal are attainable, and surely can be achieved
"Imam [Khomeini] said: 'This regime that is occupying Qods [Jerusalem] must be eliminated from the pages of history.' This sentence is very wise...Very soon, this stain of disgrace [i.e. Israel] will be purged from the center of the Islamic world - and this is attainable...
"I hope that the Palestinians will maintain their wariness and intelligence, much as they have pursued their battles in the past 10 years. This will be a short period, and if we pass through it successfully, the process of the elimination of the Zionist regime will be smooth and simple...
"I warn all the leaders of the Islamic world to be wary of Fitna: If someone is under the pressure of hegemonic power [i.e. the West] and understands that something is wrong, or he is nave, or he is an egotist and his hedonism leads him to recognize the Zionist regime - he should know that he will burn in the fire of the Islamic Ummah [nation]...
"The Islamic people cannot allow this historical enemy to exist in the heart of the Islamic world...
"Oh dear people, look at this global arena. By whom are we confronted? We have to understand the depth of the disgrace of the enemy, until our holy hatred expands continuously and strikes like a wave."
* In another speech, Ahmadinejad praises "the art of martyrdom."
see URL for more details:
5. Murderer of Rabbi Kahane was an Enemy of the USA
From: Dina2 <jidea@netvision.net.il>
Jerusalem, Israel
HaRav Yehuda Kroizer SHLIT"A, Rosh Yeshiva
New York, NY - A New York Police Department detective has broken his silence about the connection between Rabbi Meir Kahane's murderer and the terrorists who destroyed the Twin Towers at the World Trade Center.
Political activist Rabbi Meir Kahane was murdered by an Egyptian-born al-Qaida terrorist after he delivered a speech at a Manhattan event in 1990 -- but because no one actually saw al-Sayed Nuseir pull the trigger, he was acquitted of the crime and was instead convicted on a lesser charge of possession of an illegal weapon. Three years later, Kahane's murderer helped lead the terror cell which attacked the World Trade Center in 1993.
At the time, the theory that Kahane's murder had been part of a terror conspiracy was discounted by federal investigators. But Detective John Molelli knew better, having been the first to find and examine the papers in Nuseir's rented house in Cliffside, New Jersey. The papers included plans to attack a number of targets in New York City, including the World Trade Center. Police found photos of the Twin Towers, the Empire State Building and the Washington Monument. They found manuals on how to make bombs. They also found written materials promoting terror attacks on American soil.
He broke his silence about the evidence he found and its link to the World Trade Center attacks this year. According to some reports, the evidence was ignored because Kahane was the victim in the case. Kahane was considered a troublemaker.
Brit-Am Note:
The Arab attacks on the World Trade Center in this case mean those of 1993
which preceded the September 11, 2001 attacks.
The World Trade Center bombing was the February 26, 1993, terrorist attack in the garage of the New York City World Trade Center. A car bomb was detonated by Arab Islamist terrorists in the underground parking garage below Tower One. It killed six, injured over 1,000 people.
Jerusalem News-498
1. Islamic History Expert: Moslem Peace with Israel? Never!
2. Chamish Teams up with "Spotlight" Nazi Types??
3. Rescued from the Archives:
"... And besides, God is an Australian" by Sam Orbaum
1. Islamic History Expert: Moslem Peace with Israel? Never!
by Ezra HaLevi
Islam History Professor Moshe Sharon of Hebrew University told a counter-terrorism conference Thursday, "There is no possibility of peace between Israel and the Palestinians whatsoever - ever.
Sharon, speaking at the annual conference of Herzliyas Counter Terrorism Institute, said that Iran is dead serious about obtaining and using nuclear weapons in order to bring about its vision of an Islamic End of Days.
The veteran expert on Islam says that Western officials fail to grasp that the Arab and Islamic world truly see Israels establishment as a reversal of history and are therefore unable to ever accept peaceful relations with it. From Moslems perspective, Islamic territory was taken away from Islam by Jews. You know by now that this can never be accepted, not even one meter. So everyone who thinks Tel Aviv is safe is making a grave mistake. Territory which at one time was dominated by Islamic rule, now has become non-Moslem. Non-Moslems are independent of Islamic rule and Jews have created their own independent state. It is anathema. Worse, Israel, a non-Moslem state, is ruling over Moslems. It is unthinkable that non-Moslems should rule over Moslems.
Sharon dismissed various peace treaties signed by Moslem and Arab officials over the years as "pieces of paper, parts of tactics and strategies with no meaning."
Sharons assessment focused on the danger posed by Iran. From studying Iranian culture, literature, newspapers, broadcasts and interviews with major players in the Islamic regime, Sharon concludes that a deep belief in a Shiite messiah is at the root of Irans nuclear project. They truly believe that the Shiite messiah, the 12th Imam (also known as the Mahdi), is here, and that he will reveal himself What moves the Iranian government and leadership today is first and foremost the wish to bring about the 12th Imam."
Addressing the theological doctrine of how exactly the this Messiah will be revealed, Sharon explained: "How will they bring him? Through an apocalypse. He (the Mahdi) needs a war. He cannot come into this world without an Armageddon. He wants an Armageddon. The earlier we understand this the better. Ahmadinejad wants nuclear weapons for this!"
Sharon has in the past insisted that the Western world was engaging in great folly by differentiating between radical and peaceful Islam. All of a sudden we see that the greatest interpreters of Islam are politicians in the Western world, he wrote sarcastically. They know better than all the speakers in the mosques, all those who deliver terrible sermons against anything that is either Christian or Jewish. These Western politicians know that there is good Islam and bad Islam. They know even how to differentiate between the two - except that none of them know how to read a word of Arabic.
The difference between Judaism, Christianity and Islam is as follows: Judaism speaks about national salvation - namely, that at the end of the story, when the world becomes a better place, Israel will be in its own land, ruled by its own king and serving G-d. Christianity speaks about the idea that every single person in the world can be saved from his sins, while Islam speaks about ruling the world. I can quote here in Arabic, but there is no point in quoting Arabic, so let me quote a verse in English: Allah sent Mohammed with the true religion so that it should rule over all the religions.
The idea, then, is not that the whole world would necessarily become Moslem at this time, but that the whole world would be subdued under the rule of Islam.
That, Sharon insists, is the plan, in black-and-white, of the Iranian regime.
This is why [Iranian President Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad seeks nuclear weapons, he emphasized. The faster we realize this, the better.
2. Chamish Teams up with "Spotlight" Nazi Types??
or due to ill health is being exploited by them?
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2006 17:23:43 +0000
From: ???? ??? <sagi_cohen@hotmail.com>
Subject: Important information you should post
Barry Chamish Was Just Featured at Holocaust Deniers conference.
The worst neo-nazis on earth just held a Holocaust Denial conference in Washington, DC. Among the speakers featured there were a "Rabbi" from the Neturei Karta cult and Barry Chamish, lunatic conspiracy "theorist", listed proudly alongside the Palestinian terrorists, Iranian fundamentalists, and the very worst Nazis on earth. The official announcement celebrates "Barry Chamish, author and Israeli anti-Zionist," as one of the speakers.
To view the conference announcement, include Chamish's star role, go to:
This is the same Chamish who has been whining for months that it is unfair to even discuss his ties with dozens of Holocaust Denial organizations and web sites such as those listed at www.barry-chamish.com
Brit-Am Comment: It seems hard to believe even for BC but sure enough he is listed there in the "Other Speakers"
section together with "Rabbi Yisroel Weiss" (??) from Naturei Kartei and a gang of Moslems and mixed Uncle Toms
who for the occasion are evidently being classified as "honorary white men".
Maybe they put BC there without his permission?
And why is he listed with the "Other Speakers" like an afterthought or secondary attraction?
I dislike BC very much but I would have thought he had more value as a crowd puller?
The last time he was supposed to attend a Holocaust Deniers Conference (which was cancelled)
they billed him as a star attraction.
3. Rescued from the Archives:
"... And besides, God is an Australian"
by Sam Orbaum
(Jerusalem Post January 26, 1998)
If not for the Australians, we wouldn't be here today."
An Australian told me that. At first I thought he meant all of humanity wouldn't be here today, but it turns out he was only talking about the Israelis.
I barely got over that one when I was informed that Australia is Israel's best friend, and we should be thankful.
Another Australian told me that.
Hey, c'mon guys do you hear me giving credit for the Zionist existence to Canada?
I could get strung up in my native land for saying this, but it seems to me the Americans should get some mention here.
Uh-uh, says Leo
Marks, putting up his little fists.
"There would be no Israel if not for the Balfour Declaration. The Balfour Declaration was possible only because Britain defeated the Turks in 1917 and the active ingredient in this defeat was the Australian Light Horsemen."
Oh. So we exist today because of Australian horsemen.
Were they at least Jewish Australian horsemen?
"Noop. There were not many Jews in Australia at that time, and those who were there were city dwellers, not tough farmers. The horsemen were mercenaries, actually." he says, his telltale accent skirling off his 69-yearold tongue.
My second Australian breast-beater, Basil Milentis, recently spent a lovely weekend touring the military cemetery in Beersheba, and says he found evidence that at least two of the swashbuckling Aussies were Jewish.
STILL, IT was a goyish enterprise that put us on the map. Not that these young chaps put their lives on the line for a Zionist vision.
"They were virtually all farm boys," Marks explains. "Life in the Australian outback was very boring and the boys jumped at the chance of seeing the world and doing something exciting.
"They were all experienced horsemen, many of them `boundary riders.' They repaired the boundary fences of the huge farms, living on their own with just two horses, away from the homestead for sometimes a few months."
So they came to war, and a good time was had by all.
"Absolutely whacked 'em," Milentis says, pointing out that their battle in Beersheba was the last in history fought on horse-back.
So why not give credit for us being here to the horses? Why the Aussies?
Because to boot out the Turks, the Brits needed someone to get dirty for them.
"The Aussie boys loved a challenge," Marks exudes, with a faraway look that says, `Gawd I wish I wuz there.'
"Give them a difficult task and they jumped. Also, they were used to hot, waterless, hard conditions at home, while on the other hand, the British troops came from a cold, sunless, wet climate.
"The Australians didn't take easily to the British Army's 'spit and polish.' They looked sloppy, disheveled and were not your parade-ground marchers. Lawrence of Arabia and the Australians had a strong dislike for each other. The Aussies considered Lawrence and his Arabs as cowardly body looters. They were never around for the battle, but arrived afterward to loot and ill-treat the wounded Turks."
T.E. Lawrence ("Lawrence of Arabia") wrote of the Aussie in his Seven Pillars of Wisdom: "His hard face, arched eyebrows and predatory nose set off the peculiarly Australian air of reckless willingness..."
Marks would have liked to wring Lawrence's neck.
(He also described, day by day and man for man, how Australians won World War II. Just as he was about to
tell me that Australians walked on the moon centuries before the Americans, his wife called us for lunch.)
MARKS lives on Moshav Avihayil next to Netanya, and around the corner from a World War I museum. The museum does not glorify Australia enough for my friend Leo.
"Rubbish," he muttered as we toured the place. "Ridiculous," he scowled at the video film we watched. "The Americans didn't do anything, really, in comparison to the Aussies."
He's been here 25 years, but still hasn't left Australia.
Milentis has little in common with Marks except for flag-waving chauvinism: He's 42, a Christian theology student who's been here a month, preparing for a prison ministry posting.
He had more fantastic claims to make about unrequited gratitude for Australia.
"You know those rooftop water heaters you see everywhere in Israel? An Australian invention. No, really. Friend of mine, Fraser Moodie, from Perth, used to be a goalkeeper, he came up with the idea. "Trickle [drip] irrigation. Not an Israeli invention; its Australian.
"Look all over Israel, you'll see Aussie contributions. Reforestation, desalination all thanks to Aussie advice. Genetic engineering? We started doing that 210 years ago.
"Hey, did you know that in 1917, a region of northwest Western Australia the Kimberleys was mooted as a national home for the Jews? The Balfour Declaration killed that idea.
"Nobody knows that an Australian UN official, C.W. Evatt, was responsible for the changeover after the UN partition vote. And of course, we were the first to vote 'yes' for partition.
"Australia's Israel's best friend."
Is that so, Basil? Then how come all those anti-Israel votes in the UN come in something like 158-2, and Australia is never one of those two?
"Ach. Politically, we're in the hands of the Brits. But we never vote against. Bob Hawke [prime minister from 1983-91] was passionately pro-Israel, he once declared publicly on TV that Australia will never desert Israel, never vote against it."
Milentis is proud that "antisemitism never caught on in Australia. And did you know that the largest community of Holocaust survivors outside Israel is in Melbourne?"
On the other hand, we seem to have the most eucalyptus trees outside of Australia. Milentis marvels at their proliferation here.
"I went to the Jordan River to be baptized. All those trees! It was just like being back in Manjimup. That's my village, there's this little river there, see. It reminded me of the Warren River, except that, at the Jordan River, you gotta pay to get in."
Bet you didn't know the Jordan River was a desert until the first Aussies got there.
Aw, what the heck. Happy birthday anyway, Australia.
Jerusalem News-499
27th Elul, 5766
20th September 2006
1. Pictures of Star of David in Exotic Places
2. Where is Chamish?
3. Report: Numerous Terrorists Freed by Israel Murder Jews After Release
4. Pictures of Jordan
5. Arutz Sheva News Service -
1. Pictures of Star of David in Exotic Places
2. Where is Chamish?
Jerusalem News-498
#2. Chamish Teams up with "Spotlight" Nazi Types??
we had brought to our attention the name of
Barry Chamish in the list of
"Other Speakers" on a neo-Nazi site advertising an upcoming
Holocaust Deniers Conference.
Chamish was listed alongside Moslem-terrorist apologists and Quislings and types a normal person
would not want to be found on the same side of the street with.
Even for Barry Chamish such open associations seem a little strange.
Is it a hoax?
Has BC been set up?
Has BC gone round the bend altogether?
Is he sick?
Normally after such a posting a gaggle of BC aficionados would write us
with protests and even implied threats trying to explain exactly what BC was doing in such
This time, nothing.
Where is BC?
Are the BC followers no longer concerned for the well being and good name of BC?
What is the World Coming to?
3. Report: Numerous Terrorists Freed by Israel Commit Murder After Release
The Media Line, September 18, 2006
A report issued by an Israeli organization of victims of terror reveals that 132 Israelis were killed by terrorists who had been released from Israeli jails between 1993 and 1999. According to the report, each of the perpetrators had been certified as not having "blood on their hands" a controversial criterion used by Israeli political and security officials to justify the release of Palestinian prisoners before the completion of a sentence, often in the context of a "confidence-building" measure or a political deal with the Palestinians. Between 1993 and 1999, 6,912 such prisoners were released. The report by the Almagor Terror Victims Association listed 14 specific attacks perpetrated by released terrorists, including some of the most notorious terrorist incidents in recent years.
4. ReportPictures of Jordan
i.e. of Biblically Israelite territory now illegally occupied by Arab squatters
and nomads.
5. Arutz Sheva News Service -
Tuesday, September 19, 2006, 26 Elul 5766
By Ezra HaLevi
Israels Jewish majority has declined over the past five years,
according to the latest numbers released by Israels Central Bureau of
Statistics (CBS) in honor of the Rosh HaShanah holiday.
The Jewish majority in Israel has dropped 1.8% since the year 2000. In
2005, Jews made up 76% of the State of Israel, compared to 77.8% in
At the end of 2005, according to the CBS, there were 6,990,700
citizens in Israel 5,313,800 Jewish and 1,377,100 Arab (1,140,600 of
them Muslims).
Meanwhile, Israels Muslim population has risen 1.1%, from 15.2% to
16.3% during the same period.
The percentage of those claiming no religious affiliation has also
risen and is attributed to the influx of relatives of Jews from the
former Soviet Union.
Also examined in the statistical survey were age trends according to
religion. The average Jewish age is 30.6 and the average Muslim age is
18.6. Those 65 and older made up 11.8% of the Jewish population, and
just 2.8 % of the Muslim total. Also, whereas 25.6% of Jews are below
the age of 15, 42.6% of Muslims are.
The CBS reported that 21,000 people made Aliyah (Jewish immigration to
Israel) in 2005.
Jerusalem News-500
1. U.S. Voters Feel Better About Israel
2. Arutz Sheva News Service -
3. Mass Grave of Massacred Jews Found in Ukraine
4. Chamish Fan Protests to Brit-Am But where is BC?
5. Arutz Sheva News Thursday,
1. U.S. Voters Feel Better About Israel,
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2006 18:07:21 -0400 (EDT)
From: imra@netvision.net.il
[Excerpts Only]
August 28, 2006 - U.S. Voters Feel Better About Israel, Quinnipiac
University National Thermometer Shows; Feelings For Iran, Palestinians,
Syria Are Cooler Still
For complete poll results:
Americans' view of Israel has become even more positive since the recent war
between the Jewish state and Hezbollah forces, according to a Quinnipiac
University national poll released today. Americans see the Palestinians and
Iran, both of whom are strong Hezbollah allies, as slightly less friendly to
the United States than they were in a June 12 poll by the independent
Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University. In addition, Syria, another
Hezbollah benefactor, is viewed by the U.S. public more negatively than any
country other than North Korea and Iran.
The poll of 1,080 American voters gives respondents the names of 17
countries or institutions and asks them to rate each on a scale of 0 -100
according to "how friendly or unfriendly do you think" each nation or group
is to the United States.
The mean scores for each nation or institution:
1) England - 78.3
2) Canada - 71.7
3) Israel - 65.9
4) India - 53.4
5) Mexico - 51.4
6) United Nations - 49.2
7) Russia - 45.5
8) France - 43.2
9) China - 39
10) Saudi Arabia - 38.2
11) Venezuela - 35.9
12) Iraq - 27.7
13) Cuba - 24
14) Palestinian Government - 22.8
15) Syria - 21.7
16) North Korea - 15
17) Iran - 13.9
"The changes since our last poll show that the recent fighting in the Middle
East has strengthened Americans' view that Israel is a friend to the U.S.
and that Iran, Syria and the Palestinians are not," said Peter Brown,
assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.
"The biggest change toward Israel has been among political independents."
When Quinnipiac last asked Americans to rate those nations in June, Israel
received a score of 62.9. The increase to 65.9 represented the largest jump
of any nation surveyed compared to the previous survey. Israel's support in
the United States is stronger among Republicans (70.9) and independents
(68.1) than among Democrats (60) and among men (71.9) than women ( 60.5).
In other findings:
The Palestinian government dropped from 25 to 22.8;
Iran fell from 16.9 to 13.9;
Syria, which was not listed previously, scored the third worst overall at
In each case, Democrats and women view those countries marginally more
favorably than Republicans, independents or men.
Saudi Arabia, which condemned the original Hezbollah attack, dropped
slightly from 39.5 in June to 38.2.
"Although the changes in each case are modest, together it is reasonable to
assume that they show the recent fighting increased Americans' sympathies
toward Israel and increased the animosity in the United States toward
Israel's enemies," said Brown.
IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis
Website: www.imra.org.il
2. Arutz Sheva News Service -
Wednesday, September 20, 2006, 27 Elul 5766
By Ezra HaLevi
[To view story with photos:
To listen to an interview with Assistant Director Tzvi Binn on Israel National Radio:
For more information about Efrat:
Our organization is pro-choice in the truest sense, says Ruti
Tidhar. Many women see abortion as their only choice due to financial
woes. We restore their ability to choose to have their baby.
Tidhar, a social worker, heads the team of 2,300 volunteers who are
the lifeblood of Efrat, an organization offering assistance and
support to Jewish women considering aborting their pregnancy.
Efrat was established in 1977, by Dr. Eli Schussheim, an Argentinian
immigrant who served as senior surgeon in Jerusalems Shaarei Tzedek
Hospital during the Six Day War.
Dr. Schussheim had always been disturbed by the high rate of abortions
in Israel and the policies that accompanied them. Female IDF soldiers,
for example, are informed that they are entitled to three free
abortions during the course of their military service, and Israel
remains the only Western country with no cut-off point for late-term
Theoretically, a woman can have the fetus aborted while she is
already in labor here, Tidhar laments. Though such a case has never
occurred, late-term abortions are extremely common in the Jewish
But it is not the unborn with which Tidhar is most concerned. My
patients are the women, she says. My job is to show them that there
are other options. Often they are simply afraid of an unplanned
pregnancy. They already have trouble making ends meet and see it as
impossible to introduce a new child into the world. They fill out
forms at a local hospital, a committee gives it a rubber stamp (95% of
public hospital abortion requests are granted) and all the while she
is not informed of the gravity and long-term ramifications of her
When Tidhar is contacted by a woman wanting to know more about her
options, she dispatches one of the groups volunteers to meet with the
patient anywhere in the country. Based on their experience of
meeting with many such women, volunteers report two underlying reasons
abortion is pursued in most of the cases they deal with: One, the
embryo is so small that they are able to disconnect emotionally. Two,
financial pressures and anxiety fear that they will not be able to
provide properly for the child.
We let the woman know what her options are, Tidhar explains. We let
her know that we truly will shoulder the financial burden. We give her
back the empowerment of being able to make an actual decision on the
The turning point is usually once she is willing to look inside and
admit that even with all of the difficulties, she doesnt really want
to go through with it, but simply told herself she had no choice,
Tidhar says. Once she is there, she makes the decision with her
heart. And the heart is where we make all our truly important
Without government funding or support from the hospital and clinics
(Abortion is big business in Israel, Tidhar says), Efrat must rely
on word of mouth, modest advertising campaigns and private referrals
from doctors, nurses or members of hospital committees to spread
awareness of their services.
We have no idea what percentage of the women who request an abortion
are informed that we even exist, Tidhar says, but she is optimistic
due to the increasing number of children born with Efrats assistance
each consecutive year. The organization brought 2,000 children to
childbirth this past year.
In Israel, an average of 900 abortions take place every week, so
Efrats volunteers and social workers say there is plenty more work to
be done.
Efrats Assistant Director Tzvi Binn says the organization relies on
donations, half of which come from Israelis, and takes pride in its
low overhead costs. Its American office is run out of a volunteers
home, and its main office in Israel is staffed by young women
performing their national service and is housed in a donated ground
floor apartment.
Around the corner from Efrats office is the groups warehouse, which
doubles as a neighborhood bomb shelter. Mountains of diapers, baby
wipes, formula, baby carriages, cribs and all the other goods waiting
to be distributed lie in rows. Shipments are constantly going out to
different parts of the country.
An initial package contains a crib, bassinet, stroller, baby bath and
a baby kit that includes blankets, baby clothes, bottles and other
items (pink for a girl and blue for a boy). Subsequent monthly
packages contain diapers, formula and non-perishable foods. Local
supermarkets are also paid directly to supply goods to new mothers.
All the goods and equipment add up to $1,000 each a figure
oft-touted by Binn. For just $1,000 one can truly save the life of a
Jewish child, he says.
The name "Efrat" is explained on the organizations web site as having
been that given to the prophetess Miriam, the sister of Moses, in
Egypt, after she refused Pharaohs order to kill all Jewish males
during childbirth. The Midrash relates that Pharaoh attempted to
persuade her and the other midwives that being born into a life of
poverty and bondage was of no value anyway. She refused, risking her
life, and was given the name Efrat, which shares its Hebrew root with
the first commandment in the Bible: to be fruitful and multiply
(pru u'revu).
The organization's founder says the road ahead is a long one, but that
so far, it has been rewarding. Since its inception, Efrat has saved
the lives of over 17,000 Jewish children in Israel, Dr. Schussheim
says. "Not a single time has a mother told me she regretted having her
child not a single time.
To listen to an interview with Assistant Director Tzvi Binn on Israel National Radio:
For more information about Efrat:
3. Mass Grave of Massacred Jews Found in Ukraine
4. Chamish Fan Protests to Brit-Am But where is BC?
ig8802@aol.com wrote:
Dear Brit-Am:
Yom tov. First, allow me to say that I entirely agree with your findings concerning the present-day identity of the so called "lost" 10 tribes of Israel. I've been aware of this premise since 1982 (thru the late Herbert W. Armstrong's writings on the subject and also E. Raymond Capt). With the exception of ACHIM ACHARIM, I own copies of all your books and have diligently read them cover-to-cover. Your resarch is to be commended.
Now to cut to the chase. I (and others I've spoken with who read your newsletter) would like to request that you focus your energies exclusively on the "Brit-Am message" and kindly discontinue your unfounded rants against Conspiracies (both fact and theory). Few things surprize me anymore, but I must say that I am rather astounded just how obsessed you appear to have become with Barry Chamish. Also, how do you reconcile your appearances with Tamar Yonah on ARUTZ-7, with full knowledge that she:
1.) Is a good friend of Barry and has invited him to appear as a guest on her outstanding program on numerous occasions.
2.) In the past several months has consistently featured other authors/speakers who also heartily subscribe to Conspiracies (i.e. Dr. and Rabbi Marvin Antelman, Dr. Jerome Corsi, etc.).
I was also rather less-than-elated with your tactless reply to Charles Voss of UNITED HEBREW CONGREATIONS some months back. I happen to be a subscriber to his e-mail AND snail-mail newsletters ("The Hope of Israel"). It isn't good policy to "bite the hand" of a fellow ally and supporter of your agenda. I would speculate that Brit-Am could use as many friends and people of "like mind" as possible.
I should also add that I own copies of Barry's (5) most recent books, which I've also carefully read. I fail to see how any possible conflict of interest exists between subscribing to the "Brit-Am message" and accepting the validity of Conspiracy allegations. And WHY would it be "open-minded" to accept Brit-Am findings, but NOT Conspiracy findings? Just provide the evidence and kindly allow me to decide for myself, thank you.*** I would hope that you're not so gullible and naive to believe that Lee Harvey Oswald murdered JFK, for example (and I do believe that would constitute a Conspiracy, rather than merely a conspiracy).
I'm a Karaite, so I'm indifferent toward "X-tain issues". Geo-political Conspiracies, however, are MOST consistent with my understanding of "End of Days" biblical prophecy (especially the TANAKH concept known as "The time of Jacob's trouble"). I should also point out to you that Chamish did NOT invent the existence of "Jewish" Sabbatains (anti-TORAH schmucks who foolishly chose to follow the likes of Shabtai Tzvi, Jacob Frank and others of that ilk). Dr. Antelman (who has authored two encyclopedias on advanced chemistry--I don't believe a "nut case" could pull that feat off!) researched that esoteric subject well before Barry became involved in the "C" field. I would also caution you against making other patently absurd allegations against Chamsh (i.e. collaborating with nazis and Holocaust deniers). Surely you were aware that Barry lost quite a few relatives in Ha Shoa!?!?
Before closing, I invite you to respond (if you're so inclined) and/or post this on a future newsletter. Shalom, shalom and adieu,
Kevin S. L. Burke
***= I'm a libertarian (as were Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine) and resent being told how to think and what I should/ shouldn't believe as truth/ fact. If you ever read Orwell's "1984", or Huxley's "Brave New World", you'll know where I'm coming from.
Capt I hear is an Identity Freak whose cause is not ours and should not be mentioned in the same breath as ourselves.
Conspiracy Theories are false and wicked and usually against both Judah and Joseph.
See what we have already written on this subject:
"Brit-Am Fights the Enemy"
As for whether or not we are obsessed with them see:
In the same way as we are against Nazis, and Arab terrorists, we are against
Conspiracy Theories. What right do you have to tell us otherwise?
Tamar Yonah interviewed us and a lot of good people and she also interviewed a few Conspiracy Cranks.
Nobody's perfect.
Tamar interviews a lot of people and most of her interviews
are worthwhile and sometimes very valuable, e.g. hear an excerpt from her interview
with the representative of Efrat, the Israeli anti-Abortion organization,
Jerusalem News-500
#2. Arutz Sheva News Service -
If Brit-Am were to exclude itself from association with everybody we disagree
with on some point or other there would not remain many people to associate with!
Charles Voss of UNITED HEBREW CONGREATIONS supports Barry Chamish
in his magazine. If anti-Conspiracy viewpoints according to you should not be pertinent
to Brit-Am then pro-Conspiracy ones are equally not the sphere of Charles Voss.
Jerusalem News-421
#1. New Chamish Feature
Q. 3. Question: What Kind of Reaction Have you had from followers of BC?
The answer to this question includes:
(a) A reply to a vitriolic defence of BC made by pseudo-Karaite
revivalist Charles Voss.
Jerusalem News-423
#4. Conspiracy: Protest from Charles Voss and Brit-Am Reply
Charles involved us against our will in correspondence with Barry Chamish
and wrote to us on behalf of Chamish and his corrupt views.
If he did not want a reply, why write?
Your remark,
<<"bite the hand" of a fellow ally and supporter of your agenda>>
is not in place.
I see that critics of Brit-Am claim on the one hand that we are mainly interested in money and on the
other that we bite the hand that feeds us.
Maybe but who is really feeding who?
We are not dogs and you are neither feeding nor beating us BUT
If someone feeds their dog with one hand and beats him with the other and the dog bites
one of the hands who is the confused party?
Chamish was not the only person who lost relatives in the Holocaust.
If chamish is not collaborating with Nazis and the like why is
he listed as a speaker at one of their meetings?
Jerusalem News-498
#2. Chamish Teams up with "Spotlight" Nazi Types??
Apart from that we never (up to now) really accused him of collaborating.
He does not need to.
He is bad enough in his own right.
A lot of people claim to be friends of Chamish but why has none of them so far met the
Brit-Am challenge and tried to explain Chamish being listed at the nazi meet??
A Karaite is someone who claims not to rely on the Oral Law but to decide what
the Law should be according to his own understanding of the Literal meaning of the
Bible text.
In other words the 600 000 Israelite warriors and their families who received the Torah at
Sinai never had an inkling of what they were told really meant until you came along?
Regarding the so-called Sabtaians see what we wrote on this subject in the past:
No-one is trying to tell you what to think but just because you call yourself a libertarian
does that mean Brit-Am should not have an opinion?
Does that mean that you can think and say what you like even when it is not true and harmful to others?
BC claimed that UFOs are run by extra-terrestrials in cahoots with the "Illuminati"
to run the world.
Maybe they came to take him away?
Where is he?
Has he been abducted by a UFO?
5. Arutz Sheva News Thursday,
September 21, 2006, 28 Elul 5766
By Ezra HaLevi
MK Effie Eitam (National Union-NRP) has repeated his call for the
State of Israel to consider the transfer of hostile Arabs from Judea
and Samaria.
Speaking with Army Radio's Razi Barkai on Wednesday morning, Eitam was
asked to explain his terming of Israeli-Arabs a "fifth column" and his
call for Israel to encourage the transfer of PA Arabs from Judea and
"Look, in the wake of this war, the people of Israel need to begin to
say the truth," Eitam said. "The deceptive myths must end. The myth
that we can abandon territory without it becoming a launching ground
for attacks on us and the myth that this struggle is over the outcome
of the [1967] Six Day War.
"The days of viewing our territory as a checkbook - through which we
can buy off the rejection of our existence here - have ended. We
therefore must be honest with ourselves: if we can't give the land
away, and we can't keep the land with this hostile nation upon it, we
must encourage them to emigrate."
Eitam said he was coming from a recent trip to the United States,
where he discussed his ideas with Attorney General John Ashcroft.
Eitam said Ashcroft was very receptive to the ideas, due to the
lessons of September 11th. "The assertion that the world will not
allow transfer to occur is another deception," Eitam said
After the Eitam interview concluded, Barkai brought Yossi Sarid,
former head of the extreme left-wing Meretz Party, on the air, and
asked him whether he did not share Eitam's concern for the future of
the Jewish state. Sarid said that he was not sure what scared him
more, the threats facing Israel or Eitam's worldview.
Sarid compared Eitam's statements to those of Neo-Nazi and fascist
politicians in Europe. "If they would say those things we would
object, so we must object when Eitam says them," Sarid posited.
Barkai posited that Israel's situation may be different, since the
population in question is seeking the destruction of the very state
Jerusalem News-501
1. Arabs Boycott Coca-Cola for Being Pro-Israel
2. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 9.22
3. Most Israelis Religious to a Degree?
4. Human Pigmentation Originally Dark?
5. Saudi Celebrations
6. Bangladesh editor faces death penalty for being pro-Israel?
7. Hamas Nazi Conspiracy Freaks
1. Arabs Boycott Coca-Cola for Being Pro-Israel
2. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 9.22
From: david meadows <rogueclassicist@gmail.com>
explorator 9.22 September 24, 2006
Good coverage of the ongoing excavations at Ramat Rahel:
http://tinyurl.com/r3eya (JPost)
Interesting restoration/reuse of a Hittite dam:
On the year 5767:
http://tinyurl.com/fjjmc (JPost)
This puts a somewhat different spin on some of those recent
Bulgarian discoveries:
What the Romans did to Wales:
http://tinyurl.com/fp276 (Western Mail)
Interviewish reviewish thing from NPR with Barry Strauss on
his latest book re-examining the Trojan War:
More coverage of the Plutonion and its deadly vapours:
Looking for evidence of 19th century "ethnic" people and
prostitutes in Idaho:
http://tinyurl.com/qqs34 (Bee)
On the DNA front, it appears that most Brits are descended from
a group of Spanish fishermen:
Nice feature on amber:
http://tinyurl.com/edkau (IOL)
http://tinyurl.com/laqbj (Raw)
Latest 'old seeds' to germinate:
Ancient Food:
http://tinyurl.com/nc3c5 (AFP via Yahoo)
Israel has opened an underground archaeological exhibit near
the al-Aqsa mosque:
http://tinyurl.com/hz965 (Reuters)
... and they're planning an exhibition about the Damascus Gate:
http://tinyurl.com/om63w (JPost)
3. Most Israelis Religious to a Degree?
Subject: Poll: Overwhelming majority of Israeli Jews observe various
religious commandments
Sender: imra-owner@imra.org.il
Poll: Overwhelming majority of Israeli Jews observe various religious
Dr. Aaron Lerner Date: 22 September 2006
Telephone poll of a representative sample of adult Israeli Jews carried out
by Mutagim for Makor Rishon and Gesher and published in Makor Rishon on 22
September, 2006
31.8% Don't turn on electrical equipment on the Sabbath
62.6% Say Kiddush on the Sabbath
89.1% Read the Haggadah at a Passover Seder
70.8% Fast on Yom Kippur [78.6% of women and 62.8% of men]
61.8% Observe Kashrut at some level
65.5% Give charity on Purim
Website: http://www.imra.org.il
4. Human Pigmentation Originally Dark?
Human pigmentation genes in Africans, Europeans, and Chinese
<<These results probably suggest that early Eurasians were dark, and evolved their light skin pigmentation separately, with different genes contributing to the depigmentation of Caucasoids and Mongoloids.>>
5. Saudi Celebrations
Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2006 12:43:02 -0400 (EDT)
From: imra@netvision.net.il
Subject: Saudis take to streets in rare show of patriotism - Foreigners
caught publicly violating Ramadan fast could be deported
Saudis take to streets in rare show of patriotism
Reuters - 24 September, 2006
Saudi Arabians celebrated their National Day for only the second year on
Saturday, an innovation in a country that has long discouraged national
patriotism because of its commitment to Islam.
The festivities began on Friday and continued into the early hours of
Saturday in the streets of Riyadh, which were jam-packed as men drove cars
festooned with Saudi flags. State television celebrated the occasion all day
Police, unused to such public displays of emotion in a country where
protests are banned, maintained a heavy presence in case the crowds got out
of hand.
"Formerly there were religious strictures against celebrating National Day.
There was a fear it would come to resemble religious festivals like Eid
al-Fitr or Eid al-Adha," said writer Hamza al-Mozainy.
King Abdullah raised the profile of the occasion after he came to the throne
last year, making it a public holiday.
The kingdom, the birthplace of Islam, was founded in 1932 by Bedouin warrior
Abdul-Aziz bin Saud, who managed to unite most of the vast and diverse
Arabian Peninsula under his rule.
Since then the Saud family have governed in alliance with clerics who adhere
to a puritanical school of Sunni Islam which many analysts say has
contributed to global Islamic militancy.
Most of the 19 Arabs who carried out the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on U.S.
cities were Saudi nationals. Militants swearing allegiance to Saudi-born al
Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden have also targeted the Riyadh government in
recent years.
"The National Day is a time of pride and joy, but it is also a time to read
our history and think about the future," a blogger known as Saudi Jeans
wrote on Saturday.
"The domination of a certain extreme mindset on many life aspects here has
delivered many problems, including terrorism."
The celebration in the the world's biggest oil exporter and a key U.S. ally
came at the start of the holy month of Ramadan.
The Interior Ministry said any foreigner caught eating in public during
fasting hours in Ramadan could be deported.
IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis
Website: www.imra.org.il
6. Bangladesh editor faces death penalty for being pro-Israel?
7. Hamas Nazi Conspiracy Freaks
Extract from Hamas Conspiracy Freaks:
"With their money, they [Jews] took control of the world media (…).
"With their money they stirred revolutions in various parts of the world
(…). They were behind the French Revolution, the Communist
Revolution and most of the revolutions we heard and hear about, here and
there. With their money they formed secret societies, such as
Freemasons, Rotary Clubs, the Lions and others in different parts of the
world for the purpose of sabotaging societies (…). With their money
they were able to control imperialistic countries and instigate them to
colonize many countries in order to enable them to exploit their
resources and spread corruption there. (…) There is no war going on
anywhere, without having their finger in it[2].
More with photos:
Jerusalem News-502
(a) The incident
(b) Initial reaction
2. Russia Allied with Iran?
3. Syria prepares for war against Israel
4. Earth's temperature reaches 'ancient levels'
5. Sir Winston Churchill: Quotations
(a) The incident
Arutz Sheva News Service -
Monday, September 25, 2006, 3 Tishrei 5767
By Hillel Fendel
Shades of the 1920's: A Jewish man was hauled off to the Old City
police station in the middle of prayer for sounding the shofar during
Rosh HaShanah services at the area known as the Kotel HaKatan.
The incident occurred around 7:30 in the morning, at the northern-most
section of the accessible Western Wall - a little-known area called
the Kotel HaKatan, the Small Wall. It is considered to have
extra sanctity, as it stands opposite the presumed spot of the Holy of
Holies of the Beit HaMikdash.
Yesterday morning (Sunday), a group of some 10 men and two women
gathered at the site, as they have done for several years on Rosh
HaShanah, for early-morning prayers. The holiday prayers feature the
blowing of the shofar (ram's horn) at several different times.
Towards the end of the first shofar sounding, a Border Guard policeman
came in, made an unclear motion with his hand as if to ask what was
going on, and then left. He said nothing.
Shortly afterwards, Eliyahu K., the 20-year-old prayer leader, blew
the shofar a second time, in the midst of his silent prayer (in
accordance with Sephardic custom). Policemen came in once again and
began trying to pull him away. However, Eliyahu was in the midst of
reciting the Amidah - a long passage during which one must stand in
one place without moving - and he therefore did not move.
The policemen informed their supervisors by radio that he was praying
and refused to move, and reinforcements were soon sent - no fewer than
20 policemen, according to several witnesses.
They then started dragging him out, and when they stopped for a
moment, he got up and resumed his prayers. They then began to drag
him away again, and shortly afterwards again stopped for a moment -
and again he resumed his prayers. At this point, the policemen
allowed him to complete his prayers.
In the meanwhile, the other members of the prayer group came out and
tried to prevent the policemen from taking Eliyahu away. At this
point, the policemen started swinging their clubs violently; no one
was hospitalized, but "it was a big brawl," in the words of one
witness, with many people being dragged around and beaten while
wearing their prayer-shawls and Sabbath suits.
Meanwhile, Eliyahu was taken to the small police station at the
Western Wall plaza, and several of his friends followed him there.
They wanted to go up the steps into the police station, and demanded
that at least the shofar be returned, but the police again came down
with their clubs.
They finally took Eliyahu by foot, accompanied by his fianc e, all the
way around the Old City, past Mt. Zion and through Jaffa Gate, to the
Kishle police station inside Jaffa Gate. At this point, there was no
longer any violence, and Eliyahu was released around 11:30 - after
being charged with attacking a policeman, disturbing a policeman in
the line of duty, and disturbing the public order.
One witness related, "It's not only that they stopped him from blowing
the shofar, but rather the fact that the police beat us up very
harshly. I was on my way to the Wall for prayers when I saw 5-7
policemen going with Eliyahu and protecting him very closely. I
walked after them, and then a few of his friends came, and then the
violence started. We asked the policemen to return the shofar, and
they started kicking us and punching us."
The worshipers said that the police had apparently been called by an
Arab woman who said the sound of the ram's horn disturbed her
A Jewish resident of the Old City told Arutz-7, "How ironic. The loud
Arab weddings and nightly prayers by the muazzin [over a powerful
loudspeaker] at 4:30 AM disturb our sleep every night." Similar
complaints are heard from Jews living near Arab villages in Judea and
A member of the Jerusalem Police spokesman's office, contacted by
Arutz-7 for a statement on the matter and asked whether this signified
a new policy towards shofar-blowing at the Wall, said, "When we have
an answer for you, I will get back to you."
The head of the local council of the Jewish Quarter of the Old City,
Shmuel Yitzchaki, could not be reached for comment by the time of this
The rabbi of the Western Wall, Rabbi Shmuel Rabinovitch, told Arutz-7,
"This is a very grave incident, and I have asked the local police
commander, Yossi Priente, to check into it - both the violence and the
prevention of the shofar blowing. It reminds us of the days of the
British Mandate when Jews [had to make] super-human efforts to blow
the shofar at the Western Wall."
He was referring to the 1ate 1920's, when the British, in an attempt
to appease the Arabs, and following violence at the Wall, forbade
shofar-blowing at the Wall. In one famous incident in 1929, a man
named Moshe Segal blew the shofar at the conclusion of Yom Kippur -
and was immediately arrested by the British. Though he had fasted for
the previous 25 hours, the British detained him without food until
midnight, when he was released. It was later reported that the
release came about when then-Chief Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kook
informed the commander that he himself would not eat until Segal was
Nearly 40 years later, following the first Yom Kippur service at the
Wall under Israeli sovereignty, shortly after the Six Day War, the
shofar was again sounded - by Moshe Segal.
The Jerusalem police department can be faxed at (972-2) 539-1190.
(b) Initial reaction
Arutz Sheva News Service -
Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 4 Tishrei 5767
By Hillel Fendel
Police: The shofar-blower we stopped at the 'small Western Wall' area
had already completed his prayers. Eye-witnesses: A pure lie; the
police dragged him away in the middle of his prayers.
As reported here
yesterday, 20-year-old Eliyahu Kleiman was in the middle of
blowing the shofar during the silent Amidah prayer, in accordance with
Sephardic custom, when several policemen arrived, took his shofar, and
began dragging him away. They also "brutally tore off the
prayer-shawls of the other worshippers," according to one of the
participants in the service, "and started pushing and beating them."
The police response to the events of Rosh HaShanah at the Kotel
HaKatan (Small Wall, pictured above) in the Old City of Jerusalem is:
They didn't happen.
Jerusalem Police spokesman Shmulik Ben-Ruby told Arutz-7 that the
shofar-blower was not in the middle of prayers and "had already blown
long enough" when he was ordered to stop. When confronted with the
fact that many eye-witnesses say he was clearly in the middle of
prayers when he was stopped and dragged away, Ben-Ruby insisted that
his version was the correct one - but agreed to "check again."
Eyewitness Account
Yochanan, one of the participants at the prayer service in question,
told Arutz-7 this morning what happened:
"We first prayed the Shacharit morning service at the regular Western
Wall plaza, but then we went over to the Kotel HaKatan area [to the
north of the plaza, alongside the ancient wall]. We blew the first
set of 30 shofar-blasts, during which a Border Guard policeman came in
but didn't say anything. We then started the silent prayer, and after
a while, Eliyahu started blowing the next set of ten. At that point,
a policeman came in and started yelling at him; Eliyahu continued
blowing, in order to finish the set, and certainly didn't answer him
in the middle of prayer. The policeman then called on his radio and
said that [Eliyahu] was in the middle of praying and that they would
arrest him afterwards - but the order came back to arrest him right
"So then the policeman tried to drag him, more policemen came in to
help and started dragging him away - the whole time, of course, his
feet were together and he didn't move; he fell down, and they dragged
him some more. We couldn't do anything because we were in the midst
of praying ourselves. They took him out - I understood that they
finally let him complete his prayers - and when we got there, we saw
him praying, but the police had taken the shofar, which was made in a
special way. We tried to get it back, but they pushed and yelled and
threatened to arrest us. They took him to the police station near the
Western Wall, and we went up the steps to at least get the shofar
back. At one point, I heard one burly Yassam [special unit] policeman
say, 'OK, now we'll get them,' and they started hitting and pushing us
away quite forcefully. At one point he even took out his club, but he
didn't have time to use it against us."
This account jibes with other accounts collected by Arutz-7 and being
collected by others who were there. Another woman wrote, "The police
acted with great violence, without provocation, towards the one who
blew the Shofar, the other worshipers, and passers-by who came
Police spokesman Ben-Ruby, however, told a different story: "The man
was blowing the shofar after the prayers were finished, and then there
was a gathering - they were blocking the way - and since he had
already been blowing the shofar for a long time, he was told to stop.
He didn't stop, and so he was detained and later released."
A-7: "We spoke to an eyewitness who was there and he said that the
shofar-blower was in the midst of praying -"
Ben-Ruby: "No, that is definitely not what happened, according to the
policemen and officers who were there."
A-7: "- the witnesses say that the policeman even told his commander
on the two-way radio that the man was praying, and that he was dragged
out with his feet together, and that he was finally allowed to resume
Ben-Ruby: "No, that is not what happened... It's a question of one
claim against another claim."
A-7: "Even when there are ten eyewitnesses? I'm referring to the ten
who were praying together - not including the two women, as they were
in the women's section and only heard what happened, but didn't see -
who all agree on what happened. If the police have a different
version, is it still just a question of one claim against the other?"
Ben-Ruby: [affirmative but unclear answer]
A-7: "Could you check back with the officer and policemen who were
there and tell them that the witnesses have a different version, and
we'll check back with you later?"
Ben-Ruby agreed, but as of mid-afternoon, he had not yet checked with
them, and asked for more time.
One woman who was there wrote, "The police claim that shofar-blowing
during Ramadan would bring about violence - but last year the same
group blew the shofar at the same place, and nothing happened, even
though it was also Ramadan then." Ben-Ruby did not mention this
The Kotel HaKatan
Rabbi Shmuel Rabinovitch, the Rabbi of the Western Wall, told Arutz-7
he hopes this "very grave" incident will finally give the Kotel
HaKatan the positive attention it deserves. The area is officially
considered a "holy site," yet no governmental body has taken
responsibility for it. Prayers are often held there on an informal
basis, but participants run the risk, as has occurred in the past, of
being harassed by local Arabs.
"The police told me that they are checking into what happened there on
Sunday," the rabbi said. "They understand themselves that it should
not have happened. But my interest is not to have a policeman fired
or something like that. What I would like to gain from this is that
the Kotel HaKatan area should be recognized and regulated, and that we
will be able to pray there in an organized, recognized fashion. After
Yom Kippur [next Monday], the police will come and we will discuss
this whole matter. Our goal is not to cause provocations and not to
disturb the Arab families that live there, but at the same time, that
must not come at the expense of this holy site."
Daniel Luria, of the Ateret Yerushalayim settlement association: "If
the Kotel HaKatan is finally regulated as a result of this, it will be
great. As of now, it has fallen between the cracks; no one can really
speak for it. There are afternoon services there every day, and
dancing after the Sabbath afternoon service - but we want to see it
become a full-fledged recognized holy site." He said it is possible
that a large-scale Sabbath service would be arranged there this very
Mrs. Bracha Slae, a long-time resident of the Old City's Jewish
Quarter, said, "The Kotel HaKatan simply has no father. No one is in
charge. If we wanted to bring a Torah scroll, it would be gone in ten
minutes. Rabbi Rabinovitch told us a couple of years ago that though
he is the 'Rabbi of the Western Wall and the Holy Sites,' he has
authority only over the Western Wall Plaza, and not the area to the
south or to the north of it... We have even looked in Jewish National
Fund records to see the history of this spot, but no one seems to
If Mrs. Slae, Rabbi Rabinovitch, Daniel Luria and others have their
way, the Kotel HaKatan may soon lose its anonymity and become a
recognized and well-frequented holy site. It can be accessed by
walking north from the Western Wall towards Damascus Gate, and turning
right - towards the Temple Mount - at Iron Gate Rd.
2. Russia Allied with Iran?
Subject: Russia offered to sell surface-to-air missile systems to protect
Iran's nuclear facilities
Sender: imra-owner@imra.org.il
MOSCOW [MENL] -- Russia, pledging to complete the Busheher reactor, has
offered to sell a range of surface-to-air missile systems to protect Iran's
nuclear facilities.
Russian diplomatic and industry sources said Moscow has been negotiating to
sell Iran a range of anti-aircraft systems to protect Bushehr from Israeli
or U.S. air strikes. The sources said contracts could be signed when Bushehr
was ready to begin operations in a move expected to take place in late 2007.
"Russia has already installed and manned SAM systems around Bushehr," a
diplomatic source said. "The current talks regard an air defense umbrella
that would protect all strategic sites in Iran."
In November 2005, Russia reached agreement for the sale of 29 TOR-M1
short-range anti-aircraft systems to Iran in a deal valued at more than $700
million. The sources said Iran has also sought the strategic S-300PMU SAM
system, capable of detecting and intercepting enemy aircraft at a distance
of 300 and 150 kilometers, respectively.
NOTE: The above is not the full item.
This service contains only a small portion of the information produced daily
by Middle East Newsline. For a subscription to the full service, please
contact Middle East Newsline at:
editor@menewsline.com for further details.
IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis
Website: www.imra.org.il
3. Syria prepares for war against Israel
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 05:03:58 -0400 (EDT)
From: imra@netvision.net.il
Syria prepares for war against Israel - plans human shields for Golan
TEL AVIV [MENL] -- Syria, buoyed by Hizbullah's success against Israel, has
ordered his military to prepare for a regional war with the Jewish state.
Israeli intelligence sources said Syrian President Bashar Assad has ordered
a series of measures meant to bolster the preparedness of his military. The
sources cited increased training, exercises, procurement as well as an
examination of Israeli ground and air battles in Lebanon in July and August.
"We see signs of a new strategy in the Syrian military based on the lessons
from the Hizbullah war," an intelligence source said. "It could take months
until the picture becomes clearer."
The sources said the Intelligence Corps has detected Syrian activities in
the Golan Heights that could mark preparations for another war. They said
Syria appeared to be planning to bring people to the Golan to serve as a
human shield during any conflict with Israel.
4. Earth's temperature reaches 'ancient levels'
The world's temperature is reaching levels not experienced for thousands of years, a new study has shown.
US-based researchers argue that the rise in temperatures is resulting in plant and animals species migrating towards the poles.
Due to the rise in difference in the temperatures of the eastern and western Pacific Ocean, the researchers also caution that El Ninos, a weather event occurring every few years, could become more frequent.
Published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, their study found that because of a rapid warming trend over the past 30 years, the Earth is now reaching and passing through the warmest levels in the current interglacial period, which has lasted for roughly 12,000 years.
Data from the last century reveals that the Earth has been warming at a rate of 0.2C per decade for the last 30 years.
According to the researchers, human-made greenhouse gases have been the dominant factor in climate change during recent decades.
Dr James Hansen of Nasa's Goddard Institute for Space Studies commented: "This evidence implies that we are getting close to dangerous levels of human-made (anthropogenic) pollution."
The most alarming result found by the researchers is that global warming has brought the Earth's temperature to a level within about 1C of the maximum temperature of the past million years.
Explaining the significance of this, Dr Hansen said: "That means that further global warming of 1C defines a critical level. If warming is kept less than that, effects of global warming may be relatively manageable. During the warmest interglacial periods the Earth was reasonably similar to today.
"But if further global warming reaches 2C or 3C, we will likely see changes that make Earth a different planet than the one we know. The last time it was that warm was in the middle Pliocene, about three million years ago, when sea level was estimated to have been about 25m (80ft) higher than today." []
5. Sir Winston Churchill: Quotations
"The price of greatness is responsibility."
"To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often." - Speech, House of Commons, 1925
"Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival." - speech, May 13, 1940
An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.
Every day you may make progress. Every step may be fruitful. Yet there will stretch out before you an ever-lengthening, ever-ascending, ever-improving path. You know you will never get to the end of the journey. But this, so far from discouraging, only adds to the joy and glory of the climb.
A joke is a very serious thing.
A prisoner of war is a man who tries to kill you and fails, and then asks you not to kill him.
Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.
By swallowing evil words unsaid, no one has ever harmed his stomach.
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.
Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others.
Difficulties mastered are opportunities won.
Eating words has never given me indigestion.
History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.
I am an optimist. It does not seem too much use being anything else.
I am easily satisfied with the very best.
I was only the servant of my country and had I, at any moment, failed to express her unflinching resolve to fight and conquer, I should at once have been rightly cast aside.
If you are going through hell, keep going.
It is a fine thing to be honest, but it is also very important to be right.
Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.
Sure I am of this, that you have only to endure to conquer.
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.
Jerusalem News-503
1. Two Australian Police Forces introduce DNA testing of Applicants
2. Young Arabs Want to Go West
3. Arutz Sheva News Wednesday
1. Two Australian Police Forces introduce DNA testing of Applicants
Note: Australia is divided into six states each with its own police force.
In addition there exists the capital city area of Canberra and regions
that are not states (such as the Northern Territory) but administered by the
Federal Government which has its own police force.
(a) Victoria
The Victoria Government, (State of Victoria, Australia) may be the first
Police force to conduct DNA testing of all its members in a bid to combat
possible corruption.
The Victoria Police is considering tough new screening tests for its
recruits. New police may be forced to take DNA tests as part of a wider
crackdown on recruits. " I think it is very important that Victoria Police
actually does know who Victoria Police are recruiting", said Assistant
Commissioner of Victoria Police Ethical Standards Department, Keiran Walsh.
(b) Federal
Australian Federal Police (AFP) staff will become the first employees in the
country to undergo compulsory DNA tests.
The move follows a decision by the AFP Association national council.
But the association's support for DNA testing was conditional on heavy
safeguards to prevent genetic profiling and other misuse of samples, it said
in a statement.
The association, which represents Australia's 5,200 federal police
employees, resolved to support the limited use of DNA sampling at a meeting
in Canberra on Tuesday.
But it agreed only to support DNA sampling for crime scene elimination,
integrity checks on potential applicants and disaster victim identification,
the statement said.
While the AFP Association has previously voiced concerns about DNA testing,
it has recognised "there are potential merits in the responsible use of DNA
in certain cases," it said.
"In supporting the limited use of DNA samples, the association has stressed
that the procedures and safeguards need to be incorporated into wider
community standards and laws covering the collection and use of body tissues
by both governments and private agencies."
AFP Association president Jon Hunt-Sharman said privacy was the biggest
concern regarding DNA sampling.
"This issue is at the heart of the privacy of all Australians," he said.
2. Young Arabs Want to Go West
A recent Bir Zeit Poll on Palestinian propensity to emigrate ("44% of young Palestinians are willing to emigrate if given the opportunity"):
proposes a paradigm shift in the approach to the Palestinian issue and its resolution - from the Political to the Humanitarian
the proposal is couched in terms entirely compatible with libertarian political principles and to the best of our belief constitutes a "win-win" proposal which will:
* Alleviate, and even eliminate, the humanitarian plight of individual Palestinians
* Ensure the continued security and survival of Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish people
* Provide a significant boost to the economies of the Developing World
* Transform poverty stricken refugees into affluent migrs
3. Arutz Sheva News Wednesday
September 27, 2006, 5 Tishrei 5767
Extracts Only
By Hillel Fendel
An IDF force in Shechem was shot at, hit 3-5 terrorists, arrested 2
more, and found and neutralized a 10-kg. explosives vest which was
apparently intended for a pre-Yom Kippur attack.
The incident occurred during the night in the Balata slum neighborhood
of Shechem (Nablus), the city long described as the terror capital of
the Palestinian Authority.
In the course of ongoing activity designed to pressure terrorist
groups in the area, and in the wake of intelligence warnings regarding
preparations for an imminent terrorist attack, the Israeli forces
entered the Balata neighborhood over the course of the night. They
surrounded a particular building, from which terrorists inside soon
began firing and hurling explosives at the forces. The Israelis
returned fire, identifying 3-5 hits; our forces were unhurt.
The joint IDF and GSS forces then combed the area, finding a powerful
10-kg. (22 lbs.) explosives vest hidden among garbage bins outside the
building. Two wanted terrorists were arrested.
"I told my soldiers afterwards, 'You just saved 20 people in Netanya,
or possibly more if it [the bomb] would have been used in a more
populous area,'" the commanding officer later told Ynet. Many of the
soldiers who fought this mission returned just three weeks ago from
Explosives vests of this type have been used by Palestinian terrorists
in dozens of suicide bombing attacks in Israel over the past several
years, murdering hundreds of people.
IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Dan Halutz told soldiers yesterday that we
face more years of fighting "for our right to live in this land."
Speaking at a gathering of City Officers and soldiers responsible for
informing families in the event of loved ones' death, Halutz said, "I
want to wish for us that you will no longer have to carry out your
work, but I know this is an unrealistic wish in the State of Israel.
We are accustomed to saying this sentence, but we know deep down that
it has been decreed upon us to continue fighting for the right to live
in this land."
By Hillel Fendel
Asher Weisgan, who shot and killed four Arabs traveling with him in
his car on the day the Disengagement began last year, has been
sentenced to four life-terms.
A 39-year-old father of two, Weisgan worked as a driver transporting
Arab workers to and from work every day. On the day of the murder,
Weisgan stopped at the guard booth upon leaving the Shilo industrial
area to get their ID cards, then suddenly pulled out a gun and shot
the Arabs, killing four of them on the spot.
He later said he killed them in the hopes of stopping the expulsion.
Neighbors in the town of Shvut Rachel, north of Jerusalem, expressed
surprise, saying Weisgan was a non-observant Jew who did not attend
rallies or show interest in Israeli politics.
Nationalist-camp media personality Haggai Segal says that last year's
widespread warnings by left-wing personalities against right-wing
violence was instrumental in causing the quadruple murder.
"All of last year," Segal wrote in the weekly Makor Rishon recently,
"the security authorities and the media were busy warning us of evil
right-wing schemes to use violence to stop the Disengagement. It now
turns out that these warnings not only did not prevent violence, but
actually encouraged it.
"At Weisgan's conviction earlier this month, the judges quoted his
explanation for why he committed the murders: 'I wanted to save the
Nation of Israel from the [results of] the Disengagement. Time was
running out and the date of the Disengagement was getting closer, and
then one day, suddenly [then-Shabak head] Avi Dichter says in a
television interview that only a lone Jewish attacker could stop the
Disengagement... These thoughts began to take root within me that
maybe I should do something and that it was a good idea, a good way to
stop the Disengagement...'"
An ambitious multidisciplinary research initiative into alternative,
sustainable energy resources is being launched by the Weizmann
Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel.
Its goal is to significantly advance the search for solutions to the
worlds most pressing energy problems.
Some of the major global energy challenges confronting researchers and
policymakers include: The demand for energy has risen sharply
in recent years, fueled by rapidly rising standards of living and
expanding populations, especially in China and India.
If nothing is done to change current patterns, energy demand will
rise nearly 60% by the year 2030.
Non-renewable energy sources such as fossil fuel are running out;
petroleum-based fuel supplies could be held hostage to political
upheavals, affecting the peace and security of Israel and the entire
The continuing upward spiral of oil prices threatens the stability
of the global economy.
Burning fossil fuels is a major cause of air pollution and
increases the accumulation of greenhouse gasses in the upper
atmosphere, which may already be causing global warming. Weizmann
Institute scientists are concerned about this state of affairs, and a
number of them have recently made commitments to help search for
Developing alternative means of producing energy is a
necessary step for dealing with the continuing energy crisis, says
Institute President Prof. Ilan Chet. Creating fresh, sustainable
methods of producing energy in the required amounts will only be
possible if we can gain the knowledge to invent completely new
technologies. The Weizmann Institute of Science has an obligation to
take a lead in the global effort in this field. We believe we can help
shape the planets future.
Already at this early stage, Institute scientists have created some
original approaches to producing alternative energy. One example is
the manufacture of methanol (which is currently extracted from fossil
fuels) from the suns energy. If the method proves successful, it may,
in the future, provide a relatively clean, renewable, and
environmentally friendly fuel.
Various research groups in physics and chemistry will focus on energy
conversion, storage, and conservation. Some projects are already
making progress in converting the suns energy to electricity and
fuel. A research team in the life sciences plans to investigate ways
of utilizing plants and biomass as energy sources. Institute
scientists also carry out basic research in nuclear fusion. New
lubricants containing nanomaterials developed at the Institute promise
to increase the efficiency of machinery, thereby reducing fuel
Jerusalem News-504
1. Jewish Genetics: A Mixed Blessing?
2. Guysen: Danger from Gaza; Israel Economy Upgraded?
3. Israelis More Pro-British than British are pro-Jewish?
1. Jewish Genetics: A Mixed Blessing?
University of Utah study links genetic diseases to high Ashkenazi intelligence http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/584626.html
A team of scientists from the University of Utah suggests a link between genetic diseases found among Ashkenazi Jews and their higher-than-average intelligence. According to the study, to appear in Cambridge University's Journal of Bioscocial Science, the pattern of such diseases among Jews whose families came from central and northern Europe is a product of natural selection for enhanced intellectual ability.
The hypothesis has drawn mixed reactions, with some scientists dismissing it as extremely implausible while others have criticized it as politically incorrect.
The Utah team concluded that the selection resulted from the restriction of Jews in medieval Europe to occupations that required more than usual mental agility, The New York Times reported last Friday.
Between 800 and 1700, Jews in France, Germany, Poland and other European countries were restricted to managerial and commercial occupations, including money lending and tax collection. The study argues that these occupations were intellectually demanding and that those who were successful had more offspring, enhancing the intelligence of the Ashkenazi population.
The researchers note, for example, that while Jews make up 3 percent of the United States population, 27 percent of American Nobel prize winners have been Ashkenazi Jews. They also say that the rate of genius among Ashkenazi Jews is much higher than among the general population in the north European countries they lived in. According to the study, 23 of 1,000 Ashkenazim have an I.Q. of 140 and higher compared to four of 1,000 north European non-Jews.
The restrictions imposed on Jews in medieval Europe led to the spread of genetic mutations that enhanced intellectual ability. These mutations are also responsible for four genetic diseases characteristic of Ashkenazi Jews, including Tay-Sachs and the Niemann-Pick and Gaucher syndromes, the study says.
"It would be hard to overstate how politically incorrect this paper is," Steven Pinker, a cognitive scientist at Harvard University told the Times, noting that it argues for the existence of inherited differences in intelligence between groups. However, he said, "It's certainly a thorough and well-argued paper, not one that can easily be dismissed outright."
2. Guysen: Danger from Gaza; Israel Economy Upgraded?
From: Guysen Israel News <webmaster@guysen.com>
Subject: Mailinfo Guysen Israel News
September 28, 2006
5 Tishri 5767
Egypt is doing nothing or nearly nothing to prevent the infiltration of large quantities of arms towards the Gaza Strip, the head of the Shabak confirms.
14:09 The Israel economy has been ranked as number 15 in the world by the WEF (the World Economic Forum), rising 8 places with respect to its previous rank. Israel is also ranked as number 3 in the class of "Openness to technology." (Guysen.Isra l.News)
3. Israelis More Pro-British than British are pro-Jewish?
An interesting article
"Poll: Blair is 'true friend' of Israel
Almost two-thirds of Israelis believe that British Prime Minister Tony Blair is a "true friend of Israel," ...
The survey of Israeli perceptions of Britain also found that Britain is seen by Israelis as the European country that is friendliest towards Israel...
As for British policy towards Israel, 40 percent of those polled said that British policy was pro-Israeli, 27 percent said it was neutral, and 25 percent thought it was pro-Arab. The majority of the Israeli public (68%) believes that Britain's policy in the Middle East is based on current interests, rather than historical considerations.
When asked whether Israel could rely on Britain as a political ally, 7 percent said it 'definitely could,' 16 percent said it 'could' and 37 percent said it 'could to some extent.'
The first thing that springs to the Israeli mind when asked about Britain is royalty: 24% of respondents mentioned the royal family, palaces, servants, changing of the guard, etc. when asked what they associate with the UK. The next most popular associations were football (15%), London landmarks like Big Ben and the Tower of London (12%), and the British Mandate / War of Independence (10%).
Most Israelis see Britain as both a culturally diverse society (72%) and a tolerant society (63%). Just over half of Israelis see Britain as an important source of creative ideas (52%), while a third of Israelis have visited Britain at least once.
Jerusalem News-505
1. Chamish Innocent?
(a) BC was set up
(b) UFOs did not come!
2. China Attempted To Blind U.S. Satellites With Laser
3. Hizbulla Missionaries in Latin America?
1. Chamish Innocent?
(a) BC was set up
Jerusalem News-498
#2. Chamish Teams up with "Spotlight" Nazi Types??
We reported Chamish being billed with "Other Speakers"
as a participant in a Conference of Holocaust Deniers.
BC was listed on the neo-Nazi web-site for all to see.
Usually when we say something against BC a few of his supporters
quickly step in to set us right or wrong.
This time there was no reaction despite repeated challenges on our part.
Nevertheless, truth be told, it seems that BC this time was set up.
His name, he implies, was posted up without his knowledge as we half suspected
(and voiced our suspicions at the time).
Could not BC sue them for that?
Maybe we should apologize to BC?
And maybe he should apologize to all the good (and bad) people he has said bad things
about that are not true?
This entry is not an apology but rather just an attempt to straighten the record.
(b) UFOs did not come!
The extra-terrestrials in their UFOs
who Chamish says are taking over the world
through their Zionist and Zionist allied proxies
did not arrive to take BC away.
2. China Attempted To Blind U.S. Satellites With Laser
By VAGO MURADIAN September 22, 2006
China has fired high-power lasers at U.S. spy satellites flying over its
territory in what experts see as a test of Chinese ability to blind the
spacecraft, according to sources.
It remains unclear how many times the ground-based laser was tested against
U.S. spacecraft or whether it was successful.
But the combination of China's efforts and advances in Russian satellite
jamming capabilities illustrate vulnerabilities to the U.S. space network
are at the core of U.S. Air Force plans to develop new space architectures
and highly classified systems, according to sources.
According to experts, lasers - depending on their power level - could blind
electro-optical satellites like the giant Keyhole spacecraft or even
interfere with radar satellites like the Lacrosse. Blinding, one source
said, is different than disabling given the enormous power required to shoot
a laser through the dense lower atmosphere and reach a fast-moving satellite
in space. The hardware on the spacecraft can't be changed given they're in
orbit, but software changes can help them weather disruptive attacks.
Russian jamming systems are publicly known - the Air Force destroyed such a
system deployed to Iraq to keep American GPS guided bombs from finding their
targets during the 2003. The site was destroyed by GPS guided bombs.
Pentagon officials, however, have kept quiet regarding China's efforts as
part of a Bush administration policy to keep from
angering Beijing, which is a leading U.S. trading partner and seen as key to
dealing with onerous states like North Korea and Iran.
Even the Pentagon's recent China report failed to mention Beijing's efforts
to blind U.S. reconnaissance satellites. Rather, after a contentious debate,
the White House directed the Pentagon to limit its concern to one line. In
that one line, the report merely acknowledges China has the ability to blind
U.S. satellites, thanks to a powerful ground-based laser capable of firing a
beam of light at an optical reconnaissance satellite to keep it from taking
pictures as it passes overhead.
According to top officials, however, China not only has the capability, but
has exercised it. It is not clear when China first used lasers to attack
American satellites. Sources would only say that there have been several
tests over the past several years.
"The Chinese are very strategically minded and are extremely active in this
arena," said one senior former Pentagon official. "They really believe all
the stuff written in the 1980s about the high frontier and are looking at
symmetrical and asymmetrical means to offset American dominance in space."
China's burgeoning anti-satellite capabilities are further evidence of
Beijing's focused military strategy that aims not to engage the United
States in direct confrontation, but through asymmetric means, according to
Andrew Krepinevich of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments in
Krepinevich points out that China has outlined a set of capabilities it
refers to as "Assassins Mace" to keep U.S. forces in the region at risk and
away from China's borders, and tailored to undermine each U.S. advantage
from submarine to satellite capabilities.
For their part, service officials are not expressing alarm at efforts to
counter the U.S. space advantage, explaining that such moves are predictable
and understandable. But they are taking it seriously enough to test
ground-based lasers against their own spacecraft to determine their efficacy
and map space architectures that are resilient enough to resist such
The problem, according to sources, is that current satellites are large, on
predictable orbits that are easy to track and have scant defenses against
The United States operates three large optical reconnaissance satellites of
the Keyhole-series by Lockheed Martin that were introduced some three
decades ago. The loss of any of the three would prove a blow to U.S. space
capabilities, sources said, which is why they will be replaced by a large
constellation of spacecraft under the Future Imagery Architecture program by
Boeing and Lockheed.
Top officials, among them Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne, flatly declined
to comment on whether China has attempted to blind its satellites. Chinese
officials could not be reached for comment at press time.
Wynne did, however, acknowledge that the Air Force's space plans are shaped
recognizing that potential foes will seek asymmetric means to harm a U.S.
space network that gives the American military an enormous edge.
The goal, Wynne said, is to minimize the impact that real-life attacks would
have on U.S. space capabilities through a networked architecture that can
lose nodes but keep functioning.
Wynne stressed that what's at stake isn't merely U.S. military superiority,
but the fate of global commerce because signals
from Air Force GPS satellites are critical to everything from airline and
maritime commerce to car navigation systems.
And unlike the 1980's threat from Soviet anti-satellite plans, future space
attacks will be limited in scope, Wynne said.
"At the time, the Soviets were always talking about a bald-faced assault,"
he said. Future "asymmetric attacks are going to be local to try to mask out
our capabilities in one region. The trick to winning asymmetrical warfare is
to make it irrelevant."
He said a new generation of GPS 3 satellite "will make further assaults and
jamming efforts irrelevant."
Doing "space and ISR through very different means . means asking good
questions," he said. "Do 22,200-mile-high orbits make sense? Does an orbital
periodicity that is well known to any adversary have any relevance today?
What you really want is assured situational awareness, position location and
communications capabilities."
But analysts, executives and even officials within the Pentagon have
criticized the Air Force, arguing that the service is talking a good game
but falling short on execution - largely for lack of budget.
One veteran space industry executive expressed shock at how limited the
debate has been to better secure U.S. spacecraft, given the evidence that
nations are investing in systems to blind American leaders in a future
The reason, executives and analysts said, is that such safeguards are
complicated and expensive, and become targets when programs go over budget
or fall behind schedule.
Case in point? One source said the Pentagon is so thirsty for more bandwidth
to handle burgeoning communications demands that it has been short-changing
security, which consumes bandwidth.
"It's a tradeoff," said one industry source. "And so far, the pressure has
been for capacity over security."
According to analyst Loren Thompson of the Lexington Institute, the Air
Force is making poor investment choices not only in space, but ISR programs.
"The U.S. Air Force's ambitious plan for fielding orbital and airborne
reconnaissance systems has begun to come unhinged in the budget process from
Space Radar, to missile warning to future radar planes, the whole mission
area seems to be melting down," Thompson said.
Wynne contends that space programs are merely in the process of being
restructured to rein in cost increases and schedule slips. Wynne also argues
that the F-22 fighter's powerful radar and electronic capabilities allow it
to perform the roles of larger existing aircraft like the Joint Surveillance
Target Attack Radar System, the Airborne Warning and Control System and the
Rivet Joint, allowing the service to forgo investment in aircraft that are
vulnerable to a new generation of powerful surface-to-air missiles.
"I'm probably the biggest supporter of the F-22 outside the Air Force, and
while it's the best fighter ever and can do these jobs, but not as well as
dedicated assets that have the ability to stay on station far longer,"
Thompson said. "Osama bin Laden is still at large and there are known
vulnerabilities to our space systems. In this environment, it's odd that the
Air Force is cutting its orbital, manned and unmanned reconnaissance assets
while presenting the F-22 as a reconnaissance platform. The point is, where
are we deficient, firepower or finding the enemy?"
As for China specifically, Thompson said the country has a right to defend
"If you keep looking over the fence at you neighbor's back yard, you're
going to get poked in the eye, so it's not surprising that China might be
worried about U.S. forces stationed on their doorstep," Thompson said. "They
don't like it and are figuring out how to poke us in the eye. Now I'm no
great admirer of the Chinese leadership, but how would we feel if the
Chinese had their aircraft carriers off Long Island. That's why we have to
do a better job of protecting ourselves and I'm afraid that's not what we're
The former Pentagon official put it more bluntly.
"The Air Force is trying to put a happy face on this," he said. "It's not
that they don't know what do. It's that they don't have the money in their
space budget. It's that simple."
Another factor is the sheer complexity of building satellites that has
fueled cost overruns and schedule delays. For example, the Air Force
originally envisioned the National Polar Orbiting Environmental Observation
Satellite as a powerful new climate spacecraft. But departments across the
government added their unique payloads to the spacecraft, causing
integration challenges and cost growth.
The same happens on classified spacecraft as intelligence agencies pile on
payloads. Then there is the challenge of ensuring that the technology that
is on the spacecraft is the best possible given it will be in orbit for a
decade or more.
"Unlike an airplane, once you launch something into space you can't upgrade
it again, so when it comes to technology, you are often reworking your
system to get the best available in there because you know that it's going
to be around for a long time once it's in orbit," the former official said.
"So when people talk about cost, that's a piece of it. It's even harder when
you're trying to protect yourself against threats over the next 50 years."
IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis
Website: www.imra.org.il
3. Hizbulla Missionaries in Latin America?
Jerusalem News-506
1. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 9:23
2. US Helps Israel with Weaponry
3. The shekel is now one of the strongest currencies in the world
4.The French justice system to pronounce verdict on the
controversial footage of the death of Mohamed al-Dura
5. Joschka Fischer: Future of Europe's Security in the Middle East
6. Bible Study - the key to Progress?
7. Arutz Sheva News Tuesday
1. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 9:23
From: david meadows <rogueclassicist@gmail.com>
explorator 9.23 October 1, 2006
A British archaeologist thinks he knows what happened to the
stuff looted from the Temple by the Romans:
9th century B.C./B.C.E. temple from Syria:
http://tinyurl.com/gax6f (Canada Now)
A 3rd century A.D./C.E. synagoge near Maoz Haim:
Report of the 2006 excavation season at Old Nisa [Persia-Parthians]:
Traces of silver in Second Temple pottery hints at Jerusalem's
http://tinyurl.com/gnmzx (JPost)
Review of Barry Strauss latest on Troy:
http://tinyurl.com/nh3em (Herald)
Assorted sites revealed during the heat wave this summer in
Christopher Columbus and Ptolemy's Geography:
http://tinyurl.com/p6adp (Swiss Info)
Robin Hood was Welsh?:
http://tinyurl.com/n7au9 (Daily Mail)
Bibles Before the Year 1000:
Cyprus' Department of Antiquities has a new website:
2. US Helps Israel with Weaponry
World Tribune.Com
'Non-stop shuttle' brings Israel new bombs from U.S.
TEL AVIV The Israeli air force is continuously flying in munitions from the United States to replenish stockpiles depleted from the war in Lebanon.
Military sources said C-130 air transports and state-owned airliners have been shuttling between Israel and the United States to load up with munitions and related equipment. The effort began following the 33-day Israel-Hizbullah war in Lebanon, which ended on Aug. 14.
"It's a non-stop shuttle," a military source said. "Flights are taking place nearly every day and we're taking whatever they're willing to give or sell us."
The source said the air force plans to replace its stockpile of air munitions, particularly standard general-purpose air bombs. During the war, he said, the air force used so-called dumb bombs stored for more than 30 years.
"They were rusty but they worked," the source said. "Now, we want new munitions for our stockpile."
The source said the U.S. supplies were being delivered from the Dover Air Force base in Dover, Del. He said the Israel air force has been obtaining U.S. Air Force surplus bombs and related equipment to prepare for any near-term conflict with Hizbullah or its allies, Iran and Syria.
During the war, Israel conducted 15,000 sorties in Lebanon, more than any other conflict in Israel's history. The source said the air force depleted its supply of Joint Direct Attack Munitions, which converts general-purpose bombs to guided munitions.
The source said the General Staff was expected to discuss a proposal to renew a strategic production line of air and ground munitions to avoid dependency on the United States during any war. He said such a line had operated until the 1990s, when the Defense Ministry and military agreed that a conventional war was unlikely. The state-owned Israel Military Industries had operated the munitions line.
3. The shekel is now one of the strongest currencies in the world
4.The French justice system to pronounce verdict on the
controversial footage of the death of Mohamed al-Dura
5. Joschka Fischer: Future of Europe's Security in the Middle East
From: imra@netvision.net.il
JORDAN TIMES 29-30 Sept. '06:"Turkey and Europe - two trains on a
collision course?"
By Joschka Fischer,1998-2005 Germany's foreign minister and vice-chancelor
A leader of the Green Party for nearly 20 years, he is now a
visiting professor at Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School.
QUOTE FROM TEXT:"Safeguarding European interests today means establishing...
an unbreakable bond with Turkey as a conerstone of regional security"
By intervening in Lebanon, Europeans have made a far-reaching, risk-fraught
and, at the same time, correct decision. The reason is that the future of
Europe's security will be determined in the Eastern Mediterranean and the
Middle East. Europe, whether it likes it or not, has taken on a new,
strategic role in the region. Should it fail, the price will be high ..., it
is of the utmost importance that a European "Grand Strategy" for the Eastern
Mediterranean and the Middle East be developed, so that Europe can calmly
and clearly define its interests. In any serious variation of this Grand
Strategy, Turkey will need to play a central role - politically, militarily,
economically and culturally.
Safeguarding Europe's interests today means establishing a strong link -
indeed an unbreakable bond - with Turkey as a cornerstone of regional
security. So it is astonishing that Europe is doing exactly the opposite:
firmly closing its eyes to the strategic challenge posed by Turkey.
Successful modernisation and democratisation of Turkey - with a strong civil
society, the rule of law, and a modern economy - will not only be hugely
beneficial for Turkey, but will also export stability and serve as a model
for transformation in the Islamic world. Above all, the successful
modernisation of a large Muslim country will make a decisive contribution to
Europe's security.
Since the days of Kemal Ataturk, the founder of modern Turkey, the
modernisation of Turkey has relied on its Western or European perspective.
For the last 43 years, this perspective has been largely defined by Turkey's
interest in joining the European Union and by the EU's promise of accession.
But at the very moment when even slightest glance at the crisis-ridden
region on Europe's eastern flank - Iran, Iraq, Syria, the Middle East
conflict, Central Asia and the Southern Caucasus, Islamic terrorism,
emigration, and threats to Europe's energy supplies - should make clear
Turkey's paramount importance to European security, Europe is revelling in
its disinterest in the state of European-Turkish relations.
...And what perspective would Turkey have outside the EU? Pan-Turkish
illusions? A return to the Orient and to Islam? None of these will work. But
Turkey will not sit idly on Europe's doorstep. Europe's attitude is pushing
Turkey towards forging alliances with its traditional regional rivals,
Russia and Iran. These three powers, each of great importance to Europe,
have been rivals for many centuries. So an alliance between them would seem
a near impossibility. Yet Europe seems bent on achieving the impossible, to
the continent's detriment.
Within Turkey, opinion polls suggest that frustration with Europe is
intensifying, while Iran is viewed with increasing favour. A sense of
alienation towards the West is spreading, and Turkey's diplomatic relations
with Russia have reached a hitherto unknown intimacy.
Of course, there is vast domestic resistance to Turkey's accession to the
EU. The final result of the accession process is therefore an open question
for both sides. ...In European-Turkish relations, two trains are
racing headlong towards each other. Neither Turkey nor Europe can afford the
all-too-foreseeable crash.
IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis
Website: www.imra.org.il
6. Bible Study - the key to Progress?
Jerusalem News-504
#1. <http://www.britam.org/jerusalem/#Jewish>Jewish Genetics: A Mixed Blessing?
We quoted a study that said that Ashkenazic Jews have more inherited
intelligence (as well as a predisposition for certain sicknesses) than most
other people.
This study did not reflect our own view nor reality.
The secret to success (your own or at least that of your offspring
or their offspring) lies in Bible study.
"Brit-Am Now"-779
#4. Historical Achievements Due to Bible Study
7. Arutz Sheva News Tuesday
October 03, 2006, 11 Tishrei 5767
By Hillel Fendel
Hamas has smuggled up to 1,300 tons of weapons from Egypt into Gaza
and is preparing for the option of launching a large-scale conflict
with Israel. So states a Fatah report quoted by WorldNetDaily.
The weapons, WND
reports, include between several hundred and 1,300 tons of
advanced rockets; anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles; rocket
propelled grenades; raw explosives; rifles; ammunition; and other
heavy weaponry.
Israel has long complained that the arrangements at the Egypt-Gaza
border crossing are not satisfactory, and that the European monitors
are ineffectual in stopping the smuggling. Then-Prime Minister Ariel
Sharon agreed to the deal last November, after U.S. Secretary of State
Condoleeza Rice arrived in the region and gave her stamp of approval.
WND's Aaron Klein quotes Abu Ahmed, leader of the northern Gaza
chapter of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror group, as saying the terrorists
are working towards, and succeeding in, turning Gaza into a
Hizbullah-like threat against Israel.
"We learned from Hizbullah's victory that Israel can be defeated if we
know how to hit them and if we are well prepared," Abu Ahmed said. "We are
importing rockets and the knowledge to launch them and we are also
making many plans for battle."
WND also quotes another terrorist leader - Abu Abdullah, reported to
be a top member of the Izaddin Al-Kassam Brigades of Hamas - detailing
the preparations for war against Israel.
"In the last 15 months," Abu Adullah said, " though the fighters of
Hamas kept the ceasefire, we did not stop making important
advancements and professional training on the military level. In the
future, after Hamas is obliged to stop the ceasefire, the world shall
see our new military capabilities." He said that Hamas and Hizbullah,
which has cells in Sinai, are cooperating in importing rockets and
guerilla training.
By Hillel Fendel
Tenders for nearly 1,000 housing units in Judea and Samaria have been
announced so far this year - four times more than during the same
period last year. The population has grown by 5.3%.
The extremist left-wing organization Peace Now, which often attempts
to malign the Yesha (Judea and Samaria) public, released a report
today saying "the settlers" profited from the war in Lebanon. Peace
Now claims "the settlers succeeded in taking advantage of the war in
the north in order to expand the outposts, make new roads, and build
infrastructures and permanent construction in the outposts."
Yesha Council spokesperson Emily Amrousi said in response, "Peace Now
continues to try to cause a dispute between the government and the
Yesha residents and to cause wars between the Jews - even during this
difficult time in which we face difficult external crises." She said
that the Council would be happy if the Peace Now figures were correct.
The Yesha growth rate, as reported by Peace Now, is nearly three times
higher than that of the rest of the country. One-third of the Yesha
growth can be attributed to the expansion of the hareidi-religious
communities of Beitar Illit, Modiin Illit (Kiryat Sefer) and Tel
Tzion. However, the natural growth rate in Yesha - i.e., babies born
to resident families - itself is twice as high as in the rest of the
By Hillel Fendel and Hana Levi Julian
Following a day-long break coinciding with Yom Kippur, Fatah-Hamas
violence resumed Monday night, with the death toll rising to ten.
Fatah Al-Aksa terrorists threaten to target Hamas leaders.
The fighting erupted on Sunday when PA interior minister Said Siyam
sent Hamas fighters to quell a protest by Fatah policemen complaining
at not having been paid in months. Last night's fighting added three
deaths to the toll, with at least 22 injured.
Fatah blames Hamas for the deadly violence, and members of Fatah's
Al-Aksa Brigades, who have amassed experience in murdering Jews, say
they will target Hamas leaders. An announcement released by Fatah
reads, "Khaled Meshal, Said Siyam, and Yusuf A-Zahar [of Hamas] are
the ones responsible for the incitement, and they will therefore be
executed, to serve as an example for others... This is a natural
reaction to minister Siyam's decision to sent his men to fight with
protestors in the streets."
In response, Hamas legislator Mushir Al-Masri said, "Fatah is merely
pouring oil on the fire. Hamas will show no mercy if its leaders are
targeted by the leaders of the overthrow."
The inter-faction violence has once again raised concern in the
Palestinian Authority of a civil war.
Jerusalem News-507
1. Famous Scotsmen: Sir Robert Philip
2. Benjamin Disraeli: Quotations
3. City of David - Virtual Tour
4. Site of Red Sea Crossing? Interesting
5. Arutz Sheva News Wednesday
6. British Christians lament 'Forsaken Promise'
7. Ron-Tal Fired but his Accusations Remain Valid
1. Famous Scotsmen
The man who fought TB
Sir Robert Philip, 1857-1939
2. Benjamin Disraeli: Quotations
One of the hardest things in this world is to admit you are wrong. And nothing is more helpful in resolving a situation than its frank admission.
What we anticipate seldom occurs; what we least expected generally happens.
When men are pure, laws are useless; when men are corrupt, laws are broken.
I am a Conservative to preserve all that is good in our constitution, a Radical to remove all that is bad. I seek to preserve property and to respect order, and I equally decry the appeal to the passions of the many or the prejudices of the few.
I never deny. I never contradict. I sometimes forget.
Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think.
Talk to a man about himself and he will listen for hours.
My idea of an agreeable person is a person who agrees with me.
There are three kinds of lies; lies, damned lies and statistics
Benjamin Disraeli.
3. City of David - Virtual Tour
Good pictures etc, a bit clumsy but worth
playing around with.
4. Site of Red Sea Crossing? Interesting
similar to notions that have been propounded in the past.
5. Arutz Sheva News Wednesday
October 04, 2006, 12 Tishrei 5767
By Hillel Fendel
Maj.-Gen. Yiftah Ron-Tal, who retired from the army this year, says
there is a clear link between the IDF's execution of the Disengagement
from Gaza and its poor performance during the Lebanon war.
Ron-Tal last served as the IDF's Ground Forces Commander. Speaking
with Voice of Israel Radio this morning, Ron-Tal said that the army's
active participation in the expulsion of the Jews of Gush Katif and
northern Shomron last year harmed its readiness for the war in
Lebanon. "We are still paying the price of this mistake," he said.
Gen. Ron-Tal, who is still officially in the army, said that the
"military and political echelons responsible for the warfare in
Lebanon should take responsibility for the failure." Asked if he
means that Olmert and Halutz should resign, he said, "That is usually
what taking responsibility means."
"In June and July of 2005," Ron-Tal said, "the army was sufficiently
ready to defeat Hizbullah - but the army dedicated most of its time to
training for the Disengagement, at the expense of training [for war].
The army was not at a level that it could not fight, but during the
first few days of warfare they had to remove rust... Was the army
supposed to deal with Disengagement? It's not the army's job to expel
Jews, which was something that was not in consensus, and as a people's
army, it should not have had to do this."
In answer to a question, he said he does not intend to enter politics.
Speaking earlier with the Kfar Chabad magazine, Ron-Tal said that for
a country to volunteer to uproot its own communities is "an act of
suicide... I still cannot understand how Israel gave up parts of its
land so willingly and enthusiastically, and how it turned the
residents who are so attached to the Land into criminals, instead of
admiring their struggle to preserve the Jewish character of the
Ron-Tal said earlier this year that when he was faced with the choice
of either resigning from the army or carrying out Disengagement
orders, he deliberated, but chose the latter.
MK Uri Ariel, whip of the Knesset's National Union-National Religious
Party faction, said that Ron-Tal's remarks against the army's
participation in the Disengagement "reflect the opinion of most of the
senior officers. The problem is that they don't stand firm in their
position and did not say these things when it mattered." MK Ariel
called on other IDF officers to reveal the extent of their opposition
to the Disengagement.
IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Dan Halutz has summoned Gen. Ron-Tal for a
"clarification" of his remarks. The IDF Spokesman said that it is
"not appropriate for an officer on retirement leave who is receiving
an army salary to express criticism of the State of Israel's political
echelons. The matter is even more grave in light of the fact that
Gen. Ron-Tal was a member of the IDF General Staff and was a partner
to all the processes and decisions, including the Disengagement plan."
MK Aryeh Eldad (National Union) said that Gen. Ron-Tal is correct in
linking between the army's participation in the expulsion and its
failure in the recent war. "The army wasted 4.5 million work days in
order to expel 9,000 Jews from their homes," Eldad said, "and the
Chief of Staff gave out certificates of excellence to the units that
excelled in the expulsion. This is not the way to defeat Arabs."
MK Tzvi Hendel, also of the National Union, was one of the thousands
of Jews expelled from their homes in Gush Katif last year. He heard
Ron-Tal's remarks with bitterness, saying, "It's too bad that he did
not have the courage to say this in real-time, though at least now he
got up the strength to say what most of the General Staff thinks."
Hendel added, "During the expulsion from Gush Katif, it was
specifically those who wore the IDF uniform who were obligated to warn
the entire public against this dangerous and corrupt act, in order to
save the IDF - which is precious to the entire public - from
corruption and destruction."
By Nissan Ratzlav-Katz
The Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI), a British parliamentary
lobby made up of Conservative party MPs, is hosting three events and
running a booth at the Conservative party conference.
Among those attending CFI events this week at the Conservative party
conference in Bournemouth are MPs Dr. Liam Fox, Sir John Butterfill,
Tobias Ellwood and parliamentary chairman of the CFI, MP James
Arbuthnot. Tzvi Heifetz, the Israeli ambassador to the UK, and Shmuel
Ben-Tovim of the embassy's economic desk were there as well.
The CFI will be hosting a private lunch for senior members of the Tory
party, a larger reception for all the delegates to the conference and
a special event for the Jewish community of Bournemouth.
The CFI booth promoting Israel at the conference has been operating
since the conference's opening on Sunday and will continue through
Wednesday, the concluding day of the Conservative party event. During
the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur, from Sunday night through Monday
night, Christian pro-Israel activists took over manning the CFI booth.
In addition to allowing delegates the opportunity to learn more about
Israel, the CFI informational stand also boasted some of the latest
wines from the Israeli Yarden vineyards, which sponsored the booth
this year.
CFI, whose primary objectives are defined as "supporting Israel and
promoting [political] conservatism," also sponsors parliamentary
delegations to Israel as an integral part of its efforts. The next CFI
delegation is due in Israel in November of this year. On the trips,
British MPs are introduced to Israeli politicians and officials for
comprehensive briefings. Delegates also tour Israel to gain a greater
understanding of the facts on the ground.
CFI also has Labour and Liberal Democrat party sister organizations.
The Labour Friends of Israel (LFI), is considered one of the most
prestigious sub-groups in that party. Touting its links to Israel in
campaign literature ahead of the last parliamentary elections, the UK
Labour party boasted, "More Labour MPs have visited Israel than from
any other party." In September of 2005, an LFI delegation visited the
Western Wall tunnels in Jerusalem's Old City.
6. British Christians lament 'Forsaken Promise'
Film screened at pre-state detention facility exposes Britain's betrayal
7. Arutz Ron-Tal Fired but his Accusations Remain Valid
IDF ground forces chief ousted for remarks on Olmert, Halutz
By Amos Harel and Mazal Mualem, Haaretz Correspondents, and Haaretz Service
10 October 2006
[Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA: Media coverage has almost totally avoided
following up on Ron Tal's charges that the IDF was not prepared for action
in Lebanon because it had diverted resources the year before to preparing
for the police action removing the Jewish communities in Gaza and northern
Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Dan Halutz on Wednesday discharged the
head of the IDF's ground forces over remarks he made calling for the
resignation of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Halutz.
Halutz told Major General Iftach Ron-Tal in a letter that he was being
relieved of regular duty, a month before he was to retire, due to remarks he
had made on the disengagement from Gaza and for the comments he had made
against Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.
The chief of staff sent the letter after trying to reach Ron-Tal since the
morning without success. The lieutenant general also failed to respond to a
summons to Halutz's office at 6:00 P.M.
Ron-Tal had called on Olmert and Halutz to resign from their positions. The
IDF Spokesperson's Office issued an official censure of the lieutenant
general's remarks on Wednesday morning.
In an interview with a Kfar Habad journal and in various radio interviews,
Ron-Tal said the IDF's extensive involvement with the disengagement from
Gaza diminished its capability to fight the Lebanon war.
Ron-Tal described the war as a failure, and called on Halutz and his senior
officers "to take responsibility and resign."
The major general also leveled criticism at Halut'z statement that the
campaign resulted in a "victory on points," saying he does not recognize
such an achievement.
He said the IDF did not determine the nature of the campaign, and that all
those who managed it should be held to account.
In an interview with Israel Radio, Ron-Tal said the decision to impose the
disengagement on the army was "a big mistake, for which we're still paying
the price."
According to Ron-Tal, the task of the disengagement harmed the army's
training and its readiness for the Lebanon war.
Jerusalem News-508
1. Benny Elon : Pay Arabs to Leave
2. Jewish historical Sources
3. Leading Rabbis and Rabbinical Factions in Israel
4. Arutz Sheva News Sunday,
5. Proverbs 8:12-13
1. Benny Elon: Pay Arabs to Leave
MK: Use US aid to pay Arabs to leave Gaza
- Oct 04, 2006
MK Benyamin Elon, an advocate of "voluntary transfer" of Arabs from the West Bank and Gaza Strip, said Wednesday that Israel should make do without U.S. foreign aid, and that the funds should be given to Palestinians who agree to leave the territories.
"If we really want to be creative and courageous, the only solution is this: If, for 20 years, Israel itself went without U.S. foreign aid, it could be given to every family of the million refugees of the Gaza Strip. We must finally solve the problem of the refugees, which is the heart of the conflict.
"This money would be given to every family of the million refugees of the Gaza Strip region, and each family would emigrate with $100,000 dollars." The money would be given them as they emigrate, Elon said.
"Many countries would absorb them if they came not as refugees, but with $100,000 dollars."
Asked if the plan were at all practicable, Elon told Israel Radio, "The state of Israel has never seriously considered this.
"This would be far more inexpensive than all the ammunition, and this is the only humanitarian solution."
2. Jewish Online historical Sources
including translations of Scripture
3. Leading Rabbis and Rabbinical Factions in Israel
This is a good short run-down of the Orthodox religious leaders
in Israel. It should be of interest to they who have some familiarity
with the subject.
4. Arutz Sheva News Sunday,
October 08, 2006, 16 Tishrei 5767
by Gil Zohar
What happened to the 50 tons of gold, silver and sacred treasures
looted from Herod's Temple following the Roman legionnaires' sack of
Jerusalem on Tisha b'Av in the year 70 CE?
The Arch of Titus in Rome, erected shortly after the death of Titus
who reigned as emperor from 79 to 81, clearly depicts Roman soldiers
bearing on their shoulders the golden candelabrum, silver trumpets and
bejewelled Table of the Divine Presence which the Roman emperor
Vespasian and his son Titus carted back to Rome as trophies of war.
Between 75 CE and the early 5th century, the treasure remained on
public display in the Temple of Peace in Rome's Forum. Many Jews
believe almost as an article of faith that the Temple artifacts
remain there in Rome, secreted away in vaults beneath the Vatican.
But in a newly published book, British historian Sean Kingsley, basing
himself on untapped historical texts and new archaeological sources,
argues that the treasures were removed from Rome after the Vandal
invasion of 455 CE.
Kingsley, whose book God's Gold: The Quest for the Lost Temple
Treasure of Jerusalem was released October 5 by John Murray, says that
the loot was first taken to Carthage in Tunisia, then to Hippo Regius
in Algeria, and on to Constantinople today known as Istanbul,
Turkey, before finally being returned to the Holy Land in the mid 6th
century. At that time, the treasures were ultimately hidden in the
Judean wilderness, beneath the remote Greek Orthodox Monastery of St.
Theodosius, 12 km east of Bethlehem.
It's a plausible argument that has almost messianic implications. If
the Temple treasures were retrieved, the discovery could help lead to
the actual rebuilding of the Temple, the resumption of biblical
sacrifice and the coming of the Messiah.
One thing is for sure it is not imprisoned deep in Vatican City. I
am the first person to prove that the Temple treasures no longer
languish in Rome, says Kingsley, an expert on the East Mediterranean
economy in Late Antiquity.
Kingsleys sources include Josephus Flavius, the 1st-century Jewish
general turned renegade who chronicled the history of the failed
Jewish revolt against Rome. Kingsley also found evidence in, among
others, the works of Procopius, a court historian of the Byzantine
Emperor Justinian, who died in 562, and from Theophanes Confessor
(c.760-817), a Christian monk from Constantinople.
In Chronographia, which spanned 284 to 813, Theophanes recorded that
Geiseric the Lame, king of the Germanic tribe of the Vandals, loaded
the treasures that "Titus had brought to Rome after the capture of
Jerusalem" on a boat and took them to his North African capital
Carthage in 455. Although history remembers the Vandal sack of Rome as
extremely brutal (and their act made the word 'vandalism' a term for
any wantonly destructive act), in actuality Geiseric honored his
pledge to Pope Leo I not to make war on the people of Rome. The
Vandals did however take gold, silver and many other things of value
away from the city.
In the crusade of 533 to restore the lost Roman provinces of North
Africa, the Byzantine general Flavius Belisarius seized the treasure
from a Vandal ship fleeing the harbor of Hippo Regius, today known as
Annaba or Bone, Algeria. It was then shipped to Constantinople, the
capital of Byzantium. In recognition of Belisarius' great victory, the
Emperor Justinian granted him a Roman triumph (the last one ever
given) upon his return to Constantinople. In the procession were
paraded the spoils of the Temple of Jerusalem which Belisarius had
In the 7th century, the Persians sacked Jerusalem, killing thousands
of Christians, and dragging the Patriarch Zacharias to Persia.
Kingsley believes that his replacement, Modestus, spirited away the
treasures to their final hiding place in the Judean Desert in 614. The
Monastery of St. Theodosius, where Kingsley believes the relics may be
today, was founded in 476.
According to Kingsley, "The treasure resonates fiercely across modern
politics. Since the mid-1990s, a heated political wrangle has been
simmering between the Vatican and Israel, which has accused the papacy
of imprisoning the treasure.
"The Temple treasure remains a deadly political tool in the volatile
Arab-Israeli conflict centered on the Temple Mount [the site of the
Jewish Temple and the Muslim Dome of the Rock].
"The treasure's final hiding place - in the modern West Bank ... deep
in Hamas territory - will rock world religions."
5. Proverbs 8:12-13
<<WITH PRUDENCE>>: In Hebrew the expression is "ORMAH" meaning "cunning". Through learning Biblical Wisdom in the Torah one acquires cunning to overcome adversaries and one's own evil inclinations and counter-productive drives. One will also learn to discern the use of cunning in others as if you yourself "dwelt" with it and knows its workings inside out.
This interpretation interacts with the continuation of the verse whereby the words translated as "WITTY INVENTIONS" more correctly connote "cunning plots". Everyone has external adversaries and internal ones. The external ones are our enemies or people who for some reason or other are negative towards us. The internal adversaries are our own weaknesses. It would be better if we did not have any weaknesses or faults but we do and we are not going to be cured of them overnight. Nevertheless we do not have to let this stop our progression along the right path.
Through learning the Bible we will be enabled to overcome and to conquer on all fronts.
In our struggle to survive and to get along in life our successes are liable to turn our head or lack of success to make us bitter and disregarding of others. Speak straight or speak evasively but try not to offend or deceive and not put others down.
For Previous Brit-Am Commentary to the Book of Proverbs, go to:
Brit-Am Biblical Commentary:
The Book of Proverbs
Author of Proverbs:
Solomon, King of Israel and Judah
Jerusalem News-509
1. Ancient 12 feet tall camel found in Syria
2. Arutz Sheva News Monday,
3. Arabs Planned to Kidnap and Murder Numerous Jews in Czechia
1. Ancient 12 feet tall camel found in Syria
2. Arutz Sheva News Monday,
October 09, 2006, 17 Tishrei 5767
A record number of Jews gathered Monday at the Western Wall of the
Temple Mount in Jerusalem's Old City for the traditional massive
Birkat Kohanim, priestly blessings.
The ceremony has become a tradition ever since the liberation of the
Temple Mount during the Six-Day War in 1967 and is seen as an
observance of the Jewish obligation to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem
and the Holy Temple three times a year, on Pesach (Passover), Shavuot
(Pentecost) and Sukkot (Tabernacles). During the weeklong Pesach and
Sukkot holidays, the ceremony is held on the second of the Hol haMoed
(intermediate) days.
Hundreds of kohanim, Jews who trace their lineage to Aaron, the
first High Priest, stood closest to the Western Wall to take part in
the special blessings. Attending the Western Wall prayers Monday were
Chief Rabbis Shlomo Amar and Yonah Metzger, as well as Western Wall
Rabbi Shmuel Rabinovitch. Rabbi Rabinovitch told Arutz-7 that
Mondays priestly blessing marked the largest such gathering for
prayers at the site since the first Sukkot after the Six Day War.
Police were forced to close the gates leading to the Western Wall
Plaza due to its being filled to capacity by worshippers. The
blessing, however, reaches those stuck outside the plaza as well,
obviously, Rabbi Rabinovitch said. He added that many of those
packing the plaza were not outwardly observant. Many secular Jews
have adopted the custom of making a pilgrimage to the Western Wall on
the holiday, he said.
The Birkat Kohanim is a part of daily prayers in Israel, but is
only recited on holidays in most communities outside Israel. The blessing
given appears in Numbers 6:23-27:
And G-d spoke to Moses saying: Speak unto Aaron and his sons, saying,
in this manner shall you bless the children of Israel. Say to them:
May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May the Lord shine His face upon you.
May the Lord lift His countenance upon you, and grant you peace.
3. Arabs Planned to Kidnap and Murder Numerous Jews in Czechia
Arab terrorists planned mass murder of Jews in a Prague synagogue after taking them hostage, according to Czech intelligence
October 6, 2006, 10:28 AM (GMT+02:00)
This plot, according to the Prague Daily Monitor, triggered the special security measures announced in the Czech capital for the first time two weeks ago.
According to the sketchy information released, unidentified Arab extremists planned to penetrate a synagogue during a Jewish holiday, pose unspecified conditions that would not be fulfilled and then blow up the synagogue with explosives they would have had ready for use. They intended killing scores of Jewish worshippers inside.
On Sept 23, the Czech government deployed armed guards around dozens of buildings and on the streets of the capital after security services announced an unspecified attack was imminent. They have not divulged any further information.
The countrys once flourishing Jewish community was decimated by the Nazis during World War II.
Jerusalem News-510
1. - No more Christians in Iraq?
2. -Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 9.24
3. -5,000 evangelical Christians march for Israel in Jerusalem
1. No more Christians in Iraq?
From: Joan Griffith
Subject: No more Christians in Iraq?
If this article was published more widely, it might make Christians think--or maybe not--and they might realize that a "few" Jews in a tiny country on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea means much more than they think.
From the Oct. 6 online Guardian Unlimited (http://www.guardian.co.uk)
A minute's success pays for the failure of years. -Robert Browning
'In 20 years, there will be no more Christians in Iraq'
[Extracts Only]
Three years after the invasion of Iraq, it is believed that half the Christians in the country have fled, driven out by bomb attacks, assassinations and death threats. So why haven't the coalition forces done more to protect them? Mark Lattimer reports
Friday October 6, 2006
The Guardian
Three members of his family had already been murdered before Shamon Isaac decided to leave Baghdad. First, his son-in-law Raid Khalil was shot dead in January 2005 as he fled gunmen who had tried to pull him and his father into a minibus. Like many Christians, Khalil had received a death threat signed by the Islamic Army in Iraq. He left behind a widow and a baby girl, who is now nearly two.
Four weeks after Khalil was killed, Isaac's brother was stopped at a checkpoint by seven men in Iraqi army uniforms as he was on his way to collect passports to take his own family out of the country. "People in the neighbourhood shouted to his daughter that her father had been assassinated," Isaac said, "and she came out and found his body in the street." Then last August Isaac's brother-in-law was shot dead in his shop by three gunmen.
Finally Isaac and his family had no choice. When in January this year cars started to circle the family home in al-Dora with men shooting in the air, they escaped to another Baghdad neighbourhood, al-Jediya. But major demonstrations were taking place throughout the Muslim world in response to the Danish cartoons and on January 29 bombs ripped through seven churches in Baghdad, Mosul and Kirkuk, killing 16. Then one day a man walked into the small shop that the family had just opened next to their new home, bought some cigarettes and walked out, but not before he had left a letter on the counter. On opening it, they found it contained a single word: "Blood."
The mechanisms of terror in the new Iraq have uprooted families from every community, including Sunni and Shia, Arab and Kurd. But although Christians made up less than four per cent of the population - fewer than one million people - they formed the largest groups of new refugees arriving in Jordan's capital Amman in the first quarter of 2006, according to an unpublished report by the UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR). In Syria, which has a longer border with Iraq, 44% of Iraqi asylum-seekers were recorded as Christian since UNHCR began registrations in December 2003, with new registrations hitting a high early this year. Fleeing killings, kidnappings and death threats, they come from Baghdad, from Basra in the zone of British control and, disproportionately, from Mosul in the north. The Catholic bishop of Baghdad, Andreos Abouna, was quoted recently as saying that half of all Iraqi Christians have fled the country since the 2003 US-led invasion.
Yet their exodus has gone largely unreported, despite the fact that both George Bush and Tony Blair have spoken about how their own Christian beliefs have informed their policies in Iraq. In one of his first speeches after 9/11, the US president described the fight against terrorism as a "crusade", a characterisation that he wisely dropped but which is habitually repeated by critics of US foreign policy, including al-Qaida and other insurgent groups in Iraq. Many Christians have been accused of association with the multinational force, or of supporting the west. Now Iraqi Christian leaders are bitter that the west has done so little to protect them.
When Isaac fled Baghdad with 11 of his family it was, naturally enough, to the ancient home of Iraqi Christianity that they came - to the plains of Nineveh. I met them there three weeks later, huddled in a room in Bartallah, outside Mosul, part of the great fertile flatland on the banks of the Tigris where nearly every village has its church, and each church now has an armed guard. The plains are among the longest continually habited places on earth. It was to save Nineveh that the Biblical God delivered up Jonah from the belly of the whale, and the Assyrian Christians here still speak Syriac, a dialect of Aramaic, the language Jesus Christ spoke with his apostles.
But Nineveh's unique place in Christian heritage counts for little today beside its strategic value in the geo-ethnic endgame of the Iraqi conflict. Situated between Iraqi Kurdistan and the insurgent strongholds west of Mosul, the Nineveh plains are central to the security of both, and to the territorial ambitions of Kurds and Sunni Arabs alike. Travelling in Iraq as part of a human rights mission coordinated by the charity Minority Rights Group International, in association with the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (Unami), I was told that no aid workers had been able to operate here since May 2004, when four Americans from a Baptist charity were killed in an ambush on the Mosul-Erbil road.
In Mosul city, both the Ba'athists and the Islamist groups had deep bases of support that enabled them to control whole neighbourhoods and, periodically, the city's police. "They stopped a Christian woman from Mosul university, took her away and cut off her head," the manager of a women's welfare organisation told me, her face flushed with the imagining of it. "They said that if anyone comes to college without hijab, they will be killed."
"The poor security situation covers all communities in the city," explained Dr Yousef Lalo, the assistant governor of Mosul. "But as a minority, the Christians are particularly vulnerable. They are also often more affluent than other communities, so people try to extract money from them." A former psychology lecturer, Lalo's habitual companions are no longer students but the bodyguards that testify to his status as the only remaining Christian in the city's senior administration.
"Many churches were bombed in 2004 and 2005 but the multinational force and the Iraqi national army did not find out who was responsible; they didn't even do a proper investigation. It got worse and few people turned up even for Christmas and Easter celebrations. Now the Christians protect their own churches."
Lalo couldn't provide a number for how many Christians had left Mosul, but said that "thousands" had emigrated to Jordan, Syria and Turkey. "Half the Christians in Mosul have left since 2003 and the rest are planning to leave if they can. Many of my family have emigrated to Australia and Sweden and become refugees."
But this softly spoken professor was staying to fight. "This is my land, and the land of my father and grandfathers, and I will not leave. I have also forbidden my three sons to emigrate."
That morning, Lalo had his first meeting with the multinational force commander for Mosul and eastern Nineveh, Colonel Michael Shields. Although "meeting" is perhaps not quite the right word for an encounter that began when four US soldiers in full battle dress came through the front door unannounced, the commander demanding: "Who's the leader? Where's the leader?" But once the Americans had put down their weapons and body armour, the exchange that followed was polite enough. I knew Lalo was bitter that the US had supported the appointment of a Muslim mayor in a predominantly Christian area and Shields told me he was working hard to improve contacts with local officials. He explained: "Nineveh province is an ethnically challenging area. If the governor shows favouritism, that creates problems." Lalo ventured bluntly that Shields' predecessor had been "bad for the Christians". "That," the colonel said, "is water under the bridge."
The Christians' last hope in Iraq may just lie, according to Lalo, with Sarkis Aghajan, minister of finance in the Kurdistan regional government and, until last May, Kurdish deputy prime minister. It is he who has been channelling money to Nineveh to pay for armed guards.
In his palatial residence in Ankawa, a Christian neighbourhood in Iraqi Kurdistan, he talked about his community as he sat between a picture of the crucifixion and the statue of an eagle. "As Christians," he said in Syriac, "we regard Nineveh as our region. Throughout history our people have been obliged to leave and live elsewhere." This included those who had fled Saddam Hussein's campaign to "Arabise" Kurdish and Christian areas in the north, when land was redistributed by force to Arab settlers. But now, he explained, about 3,500 families had come from Mosul and Baghdad to settle in the Nineveh plains.
But Aghajan's ambitions go further. He is convinced that the only way to secure protection in the longer term is for an autonomous region, a safe haven, to be established covering Nineveh's Christians, as well as smaller minority communities there such as the Yezidis and the Shabak. "This special region would help us to maintain Christian history in that place. In that way, there would be no way for Kurds or Arabs to intervene. This would encourage the Christians living outside to come back, and it would be an example in the Middle East."
Aghajan is also sure that such an autonomous region should be part of an enlarged Kurdistan, prompting some politicians from Nineveh to accuse him of serving a Kurdish agenda. One, who fears the prospect of Kurdish control as much as a return by the Ba'athists, described him as "prime minister Barzani's loyal Christian". But Aghajan insists that the Nineveh plains would "get a fairer share" from the Kurdistan administration than from the central government. He praised Barzani's leadership. But he also knows that many Christians are already voting with their feet for the relative safety of Kurdistan.
2. Archaeology: Brit-Am Version of Explorator 9.24
From: david meadows <rogueclassicist@gmail.com>
Subject: [Explorator] explorator 9.24
explorator 9.24 October 8, 2006
King David's spa?:
Allianoi update:
More coverage of those silver anomalies in Jerusalem pottery:
More theories about gases at Delphi:
Somewhat extravagant claims of knowledge of nanotechnology among
the Greeks:
Thracian trepanation:
A Jewish cemetery in the heart of Bohemia:
Archaeologists in Peru have found a cave with 600 b.p. burials
of the warrior Chachapoyas people:
http://tinyurl.com/hh6ad (Reuters)
Freemasons are giving up some of their secrets:
On Pythagoras, the masculinity of numbers, and the lack of
females in the upper echelons of science:
Genghis Khan (TM)?:
Antique false teeth:
More Columbus news ... tangentially ... a 'copy' of Ptolemy's
Cosmographia is coming up for auction:
Lost and Hidden Christianity:
http://tinyurl.com/gnf9w (BBC)
Past issues of Explorator are available on the web at Classics
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3. 5,000 evangelical Christians march for Israel in Jerusalem
By Reuters
More than 5,000 evangelical Christians, including believers from as far afield as Congo and New Zealand, marched through Jerusalem Tuesday to voice their support for Zionism and the state of Israel.
The event was organized by the International Christian Embassy of Israel.
"I am here to show my love and support for the people of Israel," explained Mpoy Muambi, a pastor from the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Earlier this year, the Vatican's envoy in the Holy Land and bishops from three other churches launched a rare attack on the Christian Zionist movement, accusing it of promoting "racial exclusivity and perpetual war."
"The Christian Zionist program provides a world view where the Gospel is identified with the ideology of empire, colonialism and militarism," a declaration read.
Those joining Tuesday's march, the 27th pilgrimage of its kind, dismissed these accusations, adding that Israel needs their help all the more following its recent war in Lebanon.
"After the war, we wanted even more for the people of Israel to know that we are not afraid. God wanted us to come to show them we love them," said Jan Christianson, 61, who came from New Zealand with her husband.
The pilgrims, many of them wearing t-shirts bearing the slogan "Israel, you are in our hearts," were welcomed on Sunday with a message from Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.
"This is the city God has chosen to be the capital of the Jewish people and it will remain the capital of the Jewish people," the recorded message said. In response, the crowd applauded and shouted in Hebrew: "The nation of Israel lives!"
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