Jews are not wanted in Europe or in Islamic countries
Although initially settled by some idealistic Zionists, Israel has become primarily a dumping ground for the world's unwanted Jews and this is its principal significance to non-Muslim countries
For dictators in Muslim nations, inculcating mass hatred of Jews has substantial political value; Israel's principal significance to Muslim countries is as a focus of popular hatred
For the dictators and subjects of Arab nations, the State of Israel takes on an additional significance as a place whose successful conquest would signify a resurgence of Arab power as exciting as the Arab conquests circa 700 A.D.
Palestinian violence continues because it is yielding substantial material support from Arab and European nations, support that should lead to a gradual victory over the Jews and the liberation of all of Palestine.
Eur J Hum Genet. 2006 Oct 18; [Epub ahead of print]Three Pakistani populations residing in northern Pakistan, the Burusho,
Y-chromosomal evidence for a limited Greek contribution to the Pathan
population of Pakistan.
Firasat S, Khaliq S, Mohyuddin A, Papaioannou M, Tyler-Smith C, Underhill PA,
Ayub Q.
Aerial Photo of Elon Moreh, Samaria, Israel
Taken by Peace Now Sponsored by the EU
1. Islamic no-go zones in France
From: "D. Pipes Mailing List" <>
Subject: #731 Pipes weblog
The 751 No-Go Zones of France
They go by the euphemistic term Zones Urbaines Sensibles, or Sensitive Urban Zones, with the even more antiseptic acronym ZUS, and there are 751 of them as of last count. They are conveniently listed on one long webpage, complete with street demarcations and map delineations.
What are they? Those places in France that the French state does not control. They range from two zones in the medieval town of Carcassone to twelve in the heavily Muslim town of Marseilles, with hardly a town in France lacking in its ZUS. The ZUS came into existence in late 1996 and according to a 2004 estimate, nearly 5 million people live in them.
Comment: A more precise name for these zones would be Dar al-Islam, the place where Muslims rule. (November 14, 2006)
2. Poll: Most Israelis Will Stay
Subject: Poll: 70% Certain stay in Israel even if Iran gets the bomb,
Extracts Only:
Dr. Aaron Lerner Date: 24 November 2006
Telephone poll of a representative sample of 450 adult Israeli Jews) carried
out by Teleseker "this week" (the report declines to cite a specific date)
for Maariv and published on 24 November 2006:
Can Israel alone stop the Iranian nuclear plans with force?
Yes 44% No 53%
If Iran gets the bomb, will it use it in order to try and destroy Israel?
Yes 66% No 32%
If Iran succeeds in attaining military nuclear capability, will you consider
leaving the country?
70% Won't leave the county under any circumstances
20% Would consider leaving but probably stay
07% might leave
If it turns out that all the international diplomatic efforts fail, should
Israel attack the Iranian nuclear facilities even alone and without
international support?
Yes 49% No 46%
Should Israel attack Iran even if it expects an Iranian response that will
cost dearly in losses, and the resulting postponement in the Iranian nuclear
program will be for only a short period?
Attack 45% Don't 49%
Do you count on the USA and on the Europeans to succeed in stopping the
nuclear program of Iran by peaceful means and via UN Security Council
Yes 24% No 75%
3. USA: Voters personality traits in presidential elections
Claudio Barbaranelli et al.
Personality measures of more than 6000 US electors on the Big Five Factors have been collected on the Web through a Web site designed to assess their personality. By means of structural equation modeling the impact of personality factors as well as of demographic variables, such as age and sex, on voting intentions on the forthcoming US presidential elections was investigated. Personality variables accounted for 16% of variance of voting intentions, while gender and age accounted for no more than 3%. High Agreeableness and Openness were predictive of intention to vote for Kerry, while all high Energy, Conscientiousness and Emotional Stability were predictive of intention to vote for Bush. Results are consistent with previous research conducted in a different country, using a different language.
From the magazine "Aftenposten" translated to english:
Swedish Elite Kneels for Hitler
King Gustav V of Sweden decorated Hitlers henchman Hermann Gring with an order when the persecution of Jews was in full effect. He started a letter to Hitler in 1941 with the words Mein lieber Reichskanzler! [my dear Chancellor]
Sweden was not a neutral country under WWII, never!
In the book Mein lieber Reichskanzler! titled after the kings own words former Expressen editor-in-chief Staffan Thorsell joins the growing number of people who question Swedish policy during the war.
Chose to keep silent
Depending on your point of view and mood, Swedens policy in the first years of war can be described as cowardly, careful, realistic or egoistic, but it was never neutral. Intelligent adaptation was the tune of the times in the early 1940s, among diplomats, generals and politicians, but also among Swedish journalists. The truth is, you ducked in fear of the aggressive and racist superpower Germany, because that was considered wise and expedient, Thorsell says.
Close ties
In the book he describes close ties between the rulers and upper classes of the two countries. He starts off with a wedding in Koburg in October 1932, the first town to become nazified: Then Swedish presumptive heir Gustav Adolf marries princess Sibylla, daughter of grand duke Carl Eduard of Sachsen-Koburg. She would later become mother of present day king Carl XVI Gustaf.
Carl XVI Gustafs maternal grandfather was one of nazisms earliest supporters, Thorsell says, but makes a point of not burdening todays king with this.
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The night of November 10th 1938 Anders Forshell, Swedish marine attach in Berlin, had his sleep interrupted by window breaking and noise: It was the Kristallnacht, the night that became the start of ever grosser harassment of Jews.
In February the year after the Swedish kings carl [aide] and Gustav V rolled into a Berlin railway station. His majestys errand was to decorate Hitlers general field marshal Hermann Gring with the Grand Cross of the Swedish Order of Swords, established by King Frederik I in 1748, awarded for outstanding merit in time of war and for beneficial and long-lasting activity.
Gring had a weakness for glitter and finery, but also for morphine way beyond medical use. When the German journalist in exile Kurt Singer wrote about this in the book Gring Germanys Most Dangerous Man, the Swedish government banned the book.
Has something in particular gripped you during your work?
That Sweden didnt do more for the Jews in the 1930s, while there was still time, Thorsell says.
In the book he writes that Sweden in that period was one of the least hospitable countries to Jewish refugees, and that the immigration law of 1937 stated that they were not to be considered political refugees.
He points to the fact that Sweden and Switzerland, three weeks before Kristallnacht, persuaded Germany to stamp a 3 centimeter tall J in the passports of German Jews.
Swedish anxiety
Thorell describes the enormous Swedish anxiety after April 9th 1940 (invasion of Norway), that the Germans might waltz over Sweden as well.
That anxiety would mark Sweden for the rest of the war, he says.
On April 17th 1940, a week after the invasion of Norway, Germany demanded to be allowed to send a few railway carriages with medical equipment, some food and nurses through Sweden to Narvik. The Swedes allowed it, but saw through their fingers the fact that a few carriages turned out to be 34 freight cars, mostly loaded with provisions for the army, and a passenger car with 40 young Germans from Bayern.
They were weapons experts and radio specialists. Sweden helped Hitler conquer Narvik. This betrayal is almost unknown in Sweden, Thorsell says.
Later the Germans would issue more of these demands, and the Swedes solved the problem by letting single German railway cars attach to Swedish trains. After a while alcohol and cigars would be included in the cargo to cheer up the German fighters in the cold north.
Sweden exported ball-bearings parts necessary to keep the war machine going to Germany until the autumn of 1944, Thorsell says.
On the 17th of May (Norwegian Constitution Day). Norwegians in Stockholm were ordered not to celebrate the day in public; it was feared that Swedes would join the celebrations and that it could turn into a demonstration against the German attackers.
Another story concerns Swedens foreign minister Christian Gnther, who banned the Norwegian president of parliament from broadcasting a radio speech from Stockholm after April 9th. The plan for the speech was detected by Berlin; Hitlers propaganda minister Joseph Gbbels was furious, and pushed all he could. Which was enough.
The speech was instead recorded in Stockholm, and transmitted from London.
Part of the story is also that Norway probably had more to gain from the fact that Sweden was not in war than any other country, as it became a destination for thousands of Norwegian refugees.
Towards the end of the war, Sweden went from neutral to the allied, Thorsell says.
When you piece these stories together is there a danger that you, in sum, paint a picture which is too dark?
That might be. But I want to change the mendacious view of a morally elevated neutrality which for too long has had power over Swedish foreign policy, Thorsell says.