By Aaron Klein
RAMALLAH ? United States-run programs that train militias
from Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah
organization have been utilized to kill Jews and were
instrumental in the "success" of the Palestinian intifada that
began in 2000, a senior Fatah militant trained by the U.S. told
"I do not think that the operations of the Palestinian resistance
would have been so successful and would have killed more than
1,000 Israelis since 2000 and defeated the Israelis in Gaza
without these [American] trainings," said Abu Yousuf, a senior
officer of Abbas' Force 17 Presidential Guard unit in Ramallah.
The U.S. has long run training programs at a base in the West
Bank city of Jericho for members of Force 17, which serves as de
facto police units in the West Bank, and for the Palestinian
Preventative Security Services, another major Fatah security
The training program, which includes courses in the use of
weapons, is paid for by $86.5 million in U.S. tax dollars granted
to the PA by Congress in April.
Many members of Force 17 and the Preventative Security Services
also openly serve in the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, Fatah's
declared "military wing," which took credit along with the
Islamic Jihad terror group for every suicide bombing in Israel in
2005 and 2006. Statistically, the Brigades is responsible for
more terrorism from the West Bank than any other Palestinian
Yousuf received U.S. training in Jericho in 1999 as a member of
the Preventative Security Services. He is a chief of the Al Aqsa
Martyrs Brigades in Ramallah, where he is accused of
participating in anti-Israel terrorism, including recent
shootings, attacks against Israeli forces operating in the city
and a shooting attack in northern Samaria in December 2000 that
killed Benyamin Kahane, leader of the ultranationalist Kahane
Chai organization.
After the Kahane murder, Yousuf was extended refuge by Yasser
Arafat to live in the late PLO leader's Ramallah compound, widely
known as the Muqata. Yousuf still lives in the compound.
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert last month granted Yousuf amnesty
along with 178 other Brigades leaders reportedly as a gesture to
Speaking during a sit-down exclusive interview for the upcoming
book "Schmoozing with Terrorists,"
Yousuf said his American training sessions were instrumental in
killing Jews:
"All the methods and techniques that we studied in these
trainings, we applied them against the Israelis," he said.
"We sniped at Israeli settlers and soldiers. We broke into
settlements and Israeli army bases and posts. We collected
information on the movements of soldiers and settlers. We
collected information about the best timing to infiltrate our
bombers inside Israel. We used weapons and we produced
explosives, and of course the trainings we received from the
Americans and the Europeans were a great help to the resistance."
Yousuf describing his U.S.-provided training:
"I myself received American trainings in Jericho. Together with
my Preventative comrades, I received trainings in intelligence
methods and military trainings. In the intelligence part, we
learned collection of information regarding suspected persons,
how to follow suspected guys, how to infiltrate organizations and
penetrate cells of groups that we were working on and how to
prevent attacks and to steal in places.
"On the military level, we received trainings on the use of
weapons, all kind of weapons and explosives. We received sniping
trainings, work of special units especially as part of what they
call the fight against terror. We learned how to put siege, how
to break into places where our enemies closed themselves in, how
to oppress protest movements, demonstrations and other activities
of opposition.
"We also learned to discover agents that Israel tried to plant in
our cells," he said.
Yousuf stressed he "isn't talking about U.S. training in order to
irritate the Americans or the Israelis and not in order to create
provocations. I'm just telling you the truth. We applied against
Israel all that we learned from the Americans."
Israel News -
Thursday 2007-08-22 , 8 Elul 5767
PM Ehud Olmert has praised the positive figures for economic growth. The
Israeli economy is in constant growth, with the GNP standing at 6.6%.
23:17 President Bush said on Wednesday that the early withdrawal of American
troops from Iraq would lead to chaos in the country. According to him the
situation would resemble Vietnam after the departure of the Americans. (Guysen.International.News)
12:50 According to the Palestinian press agency Maan, the Israeli navy assisted
by combat helicopters has destroyed 7 Palestinian boats off the coast of Rafah,
in the south of the Gaza Strip, and proceeded to a vast swoop. Several
Palestinians have already been arrested. (Guysen.International.News)
11:27 Twelve million Nazi archive documents have been transferred to Yad Vashem.
These archives were held until now by the Red Cross in Bad Arolsen, in Germany.
They will allow new information on the millions of Jews exterminated during the
Shoah. This is the first delivery and another one is expected soon in Israel. (Guysen.International.News)
10:11 If a war were to break out between Israel and Syria, the IDF would
conquer Damascus in a few hours, according to a new report by the CSIS, the
American Center for Strategic and International Research. The supremacy of the
Israeli airforce over that of the Arabs should suffice to neutralize in a few
hours the Syrian airforce and DCA systems. This report also considers that it is
unlikely that an armed conflict will break out between the two countries. (Guysen.International.News)
08:27 Kirk Douglas: ''Never without my Torah''. The American actor, producer
and director Kirk Douglas, or Issur Danielovitch Demsky, his real name, will no
longer travel without his Torah scrolls since his helicopter accident in 1991,
when he was the sole survivor. He has since then taken to learning Torah,
feeling that his life was spared for this purpose: to rediscover his Judaism. (Guysen.International.News)
5. The Occult
Origins of Conspiracy Theories
Extract from
in "Brit-Am TRUTH" issue no.10
The First World War ended in 1918, the Russian Revolution had taken place in
1917. Russian Counter ("White")-Revolutionaries, under General Denikin..The native Russian and Ukrainian Forces of Denikin viciously attacked Jewish
communities. In the Ukraine, between 1918-1920 more than 60,000 Jews were
massacred with many more raped and injured. Churchill, though an anti-Communist and supporter of
Denikin, attempted to prevent these pogroms but with limited successes.
Anti-Jewish propaganda relied heavily on distribution of "The Protocols of
Zion". Incidentally, Henry Ford in the USA subsidized distribution of "The
Protocols" in America and overseas and had long excerpts from them published in
his own newspaper, "The Dearborn Independent".
(a) The Protocols
"The Protocols of Zion" purported to describe a plot by the Jews
and Freemasons to undermine the traditional foundations of society, crate
anarchy and licentiousness, and then take over the World. The Protocols
originally were taken from works of fiction and political satire in France and
Germany that described secret organizations plotting to corrupt society. Later
they were republished, Jews included amongst the villains, and presented as
fact. When the Protocols were first published in their "World Jewish-Plot"
permutation it was a period of upheavals and revolutions that appeared to fit
the "master plan" outlined by them. "The Times" newspaper in England at first
tended to consider the Protocols as genuine but later published articles by
Philip Graves that exposed them as a forgery. Philip Graves used information
provided by Lucien Wolf in 1921. Modern Conspiracy Theory to some degree is a
development of "The Protocols". The Jesuits along with the Secret Services of
Prussia and Russia helped spread the Protocols and/or similar literature in an
attempt to counter reform movements in Europe.
[Belief in the Protocols has been recently revived by Arabs and Conspiracy
Freaks including Jewish ones such as
Barry Chamish and Marvin Antelman.
Even otherwise God-fearing, intelligent, well-informed, nationalist, patriotic
supporters of Zionism have been taken in by such scallywags. The justification
used by these scoundrels is that there are "bad" Jews and "good" Jews with the
"bad" ones being responsible for the "Conspiracy" plots!]
(b) Nesta Webster
In Britain, Nesta Helen Webster (1876-1960) in 1920 wrote "The Jewish
Peril" based on "The Protocols". ...It should be noted that Nesta Webster was
involved in the occult. There was a school of devil worshippers and Hindu
aficionados popular in intellectual circles. It was headed by Aleister Crowley
(1874-1947) but included Irish Nationalists and leading anti-Semites amonst the
British Upper Classes. Members of this circle became early supporters of the
Nazis in Germany. Quite a few leading anti-Semites all over Europe were involved
with occultic (witchcraft) practices. They were the ones who propagated The
Protocols and Conspiracy Theory. They themselves could do with some examining.
1. Tom Carew: The Muslim Killing Fields
2. Archaeology: Brit-Am version of Explorator 10.19
British troops hunt the Taliban in Afghanistan
1. Tom Carew: The Muslim Killing Fields
Subject:The Muslim Killing Fields
Responding to those who accuse Israel of "savage and unprecedented brutality" from 1947 onward, researcher Tom Carew of Dublin, Ireland, a member of the Advisory Board of the Foundation for Constitutional Democracy, has written an article which might well be titled:
The Muslim Killing Fields
He points out that if warranted by the facts, the alleged savage and unprecedented brutality of the Israelis, from 1947 onwards "should be recorded and acknowledged." However, these "facts" "should also be set in the context of the entire peaceful Levant region and in the wider and equally peace-loving Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East as a whole."
Here are the findings of Carew's research:
1. The Bosnian War, March 1992 to December 14, 1995, saw 102,622 dead, according to the 2004 research of the International Criminal Tribunal. At least, 63,994 MUSLIM Bosnians were killed, and the Tribunal estimated that about 38,000 were MUSLIM civilians. Srebrenica in July, 1995, saw 8,000 dead, while the 1992 to February 29, 1995 Serb Siege of Sarajevo saw 12,000 dead, and over 50,000 wounded. At the hands of armed Serb Orthodox elements.
2. The Kingdom of Jordan's suppression of the PLO threat in September 1970 saw up to 25,000 MUSLIM Palestinian Arabs dead. At the hands of the Muslim Royal Jordanian Army.
3. In MUSLIM Kosovo, 1998 to 2000 saw about 10,000 killed. By Orthodox Serb forces.
4. In Assad's Syria, in January 1982, up to 20,000 Muslims were massacred by Muslim government forces in suppressing the Muslim Brotherhood in Hama.
5. Egypt's Col. Nasser, hero of the Arab street, gassed some 1,400 MUSLIMS in the 1963-1967 Yemen Civil War, using Phosgene and Mustard aerial bombs. Joining only Hitler and Saddam in gassing their own people. And overall, Yemen saw 100,000 -150,000 MUSLIM dead from 1962 to 1970.
6. In then French-run Algeria, in 1954-1962, some 600,000 MUSLIMS were killed in the FLN war with the French.
7. Another 100,000 MUSLIMS loyal to France were also massacred by Muslim FLN elements.
8. In Algeria again, the Islamic gangs from 1991 to 2002 saw up to 200,000 MUSLIMS killed.
9. Sudan saw 500,000 killed from 1954 to 1972.
10. And another 1.9 million MUSLIMS from 1983.
11. Darfur has seen at least 200,000 dead.
12. The Iran-Iraq War saw at least 450,000 MUSLIM dead on EACH side, or 900,000 minimum, with estimates of up to 1.62 million overall.
13. Afghanistan saw 1 to 1.5 million MUSLIMS dead from Dec 24, 1979 to Feb 2, 1989.
14. The Taliban produced in excess of another 1 million dead in Afghanistan.
15. The Russian-ruled territory of Chechnya saw up to 100,000 MUSLIM dead from 1999.
16. In Iraq, under Saddam, 200,000 to 300,000 MUSLIM Kurds perished.
17. The 1991-1992 Shia Rising against Saddam in the South saw up to 200,000 MUSLIMS killed.
18. The purges carried out by Saddam in Iraq killed up to 1 million MUSLIMS.
19. And MUSLIM Indonesia massacred up to 200,000 in East Timor from 1975 to 1999.
20. Indonesia also saw 400,000 MUSLIMS killed in 1965-1966.
21. Bangladesh saw up to 2 million MUSLIMS killed in 1971.
22. Somalia saw up to 550,000 MUSLIMS dead from 1977.
23. Tajikistan saw 50,000 MUSLIMS killed from 1992 to 1996.
24. Iran has seen 10,000 MUSLIM Kurds killed.
25. Turkey has seen at least 20,000 MUSLIM KURDS killed.
26. Zanzibar in 1964 saw up to 17,000 MUSLIMS killed.
27. The Crusades overall killed only 1.5 million from 1096 to 1270, including some 70,000 MUSLIMS in Jerusalem in 1099, and 100,000 MUSLIMS in Antioch in 1098. Maybe 900,000 MUSLIMS perished overall.
28. The MUSLIM Turks killed 1.5 million Armenians in their 1915 to 1917 genocide.
29. Lebanon's 1975 to 1990 Civil War saw 130,000 dead.
30. In contrast, the "savage, racist, brutal, in-discriminate,
dis-proportionate, aggressive" Israelis killed up to 70,650 MUSLIMS from 1947
to the present (during which time these same Israelis lost 1% of their
population in 1947-1949 War of Independence and over 20,000 dead defending
their right to exist). Here is the data of Muslims killed by Israelis during
this 60-year period:
1947-1949 War of Independence 5 to 15,000
1956 Suez War 1,650
1967 June Six Day War 21,000
1973 Yom Kippur Oct 8,500
1982 First Lebanon War 18,000
1987 onwards - First Intifada 1,800
2000 Second Intifada 3,700
2006 Hezb-ALLAH War from Lebanon 1,000
MAXIMUM possible total killed by Israelis from 1947: 70, 650
Although all of the above data involve rough estimates or ranges of dead, a most significant fact emerges from this survey: For a very long time it has been clearly and, extremely dangerous to be either a Muslim in the whole region, or to be at the tender mercy of armed Muslims, especially if you are yourself a Muslim. Indeed:
The safest place for a Muslim is to be facing Israeli guns!
The Foundation for Constitutional Democracy
P.O. Box 23702, Jerusalem 91236 Israel
972-2-586-1207 ? Fax 972-2-586-0141
2. Archaeology: Brit-Am version of Explorator 10.19
From: david meadows <>
explorator 10.19 September 2, 2007
Another new theory about what killed the Iceman:
Claims (I think we've heard this before) that there was a
second Sphinx: (Daily India)
Very interesting mass burials from Tell Brak:,0,3255_5726_293931389,00.html
... and a rather different spin on what the site tells us: (SciAm)
Latest in the Temple Mount saga: (JPost)
... buried within that dispute are claims about the discovery of some
remains of the Second Temple: (Italian) (JPost)
... with some skepticism about same:
Remains of a fortress at Gezer:
I think we've mentioned this 'Second Great Wall' from Iran
find before:
The palace of Vercingetorix may have been found: (Telegraph)
Some Roman baths in Malta are in a deplorable state:
This might be 'elmer' material, but an archaeologist is claiming to
have located some 'lost city' mentioned by Pytheas: (Times of India)
A feature on garum:
More coverage of that Roman footprint:
Visit our blog:
An 'extension' of the Ferrybridge Henge has been found:
Archaeology in Europe Blog:
Evidence that the Spanish or Portuguese may have beat Cook to
Australia: (Telegraph),23739,22345028-3102,00.html
I think we've mentioned this change in Europeans' skull shape
A sort of 'state of the question' piece on the peopling of the
Plans are afoot to search for John Paul Jones' boyhood home:
On Maya elite crafts:
Plans are afoot to study some 'natural' mummies from Mexico:,0,3255_5726_293606333,00.html
Interesting article on Freud's antiquities collection:
Assorted arts items of interest: (2nd, 3rd, 4th)
Quebec City:
A bunch of gold coins from an English garden:
Interesting 'coin collector' story:
Ancient Coin Collecting:
Ancient Coins:
River of Gold - Precolumbian Treasures:
Assyrian sculpture at the Bowdoin College Museum of Art:
Bad Archaeology:
Important New Book - Read More -
Order Now!
Family and Business Security
Smart Security Camera
[Satire?] Beware the Irish Conspiracy?
Posted by: "Shield of David List Moderator"
Fri Sep 7, 2007 10:51 am (PST)
Very good satire.
September 07, 2007 Beware the Irish Conspiracy? By James Lewis
As every conspiracy theorist knows with certainty, hidden hands
manipulate the innocents of the world. Jews have a commanding
lead over all other groups as the target of suspicion in the vast
literature of conspiracists. But this tradition, reinforced by
the new book
17690&sr=8-1> The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy by
Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer, should not blind us to other
dangers, more deeply hidden and cleverly disguised.
In fact, the biggest hidden influence in American politics is no
doubt the Irish Conspiracy. Largely staying in the background of
American life, the Irish have penetrated all our institutions,
even the Presidency itself. No less than twelve American
presidents are believed to have had Irish ancestry
d_government> . (See Kennedy, Reagan). Irish politicians have
been rife at all levels of American government (Tip O'Neill,
Edmund G. "Pat" Brown, Ed Rendell).
In many cities entire police and fire departments are stacked
with the Irish. The iron fist of paramilitary dominance is
exercised every year for all the world to see, as Fifth Avenue in
New York City has its center line painted green and the Chicago
River flows into Lake Michigan dyed green on St. Patrick's Day, a
demonstration of raw power that chills to the bone knowledgeable
initiates into the secrets of this cabal. None will ever reveal
to the rest of us the dark truths they hide.
They have infiltrated major American religious institutions, like
the Catholic Church. The upper ranks of the Church in America
are of predominantly Irish descent, and many of the priests
accused of sexually abusing altar boys likewise have been of
Irish extraction.
Need I say more?
Dual loyalties
Are the Irish loyal to this country? The question is intriguing,
but the answer is not clear. Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr., a known Nazi
sympathizer prior to World War II, made his money as an organized
crime chief, smuggling illegal substances that brought more
families to ruin than crack cocaine or heroin. An IRA supporter,
Kennedy, Sr. and his Irish friend Mayor Richard Daley of Chicago
are widely believed to have stolen the presidential election of
1960 for Kennedy's son Jack.
American IRA sympathizers have long been a mainstay of terrorist
support, paying for decades of bombings and shootings against our
closest European ally, Britain -- including attempts to
assassinate Prime Ministers Margaret Thatcher and John Major.
During World War Two, the IRA secretly plotted with Nazi Germany,
and even today, the Irish Republican Army receives funds from
hidden sympathizers in Boston and elsewhere.
Do the Irish have dual loyalties? According to Wikipedia
(which sometimes is
accurate), during World War II:
"The IRA fostered links with German intelligence (the Abwehr) and
Foreign Ministry, with men such as Francis Stuart travelling to
Germany to talk, though these attempts were largely ineffectual
due to a combination of Abwehr and Foreign Ministry incompetence
and IRA weakness. Germans also came to Ireland, the most notable
of whom was Hermann G rtz, who was captured in possession of
"Plan Kathleen"- an IRA plan that detailed a Nazi supported
invasion of Northern Ireland." The Irish Diaspora
Do the Irish ever give up their distinctive identity? The
Constitution of Ireland reads, "the Irish nation cherishes its
special affinity with people of Irish ancestry living abroad who
share its cultural identity and heritage." There are more than
80 million people of Irish descent in the world, only six million
of them living in Ireland.
Legally, Irish citizens can maintain their native citizenship for
three generations after departing the Auld Sod. Therefore
thousands of Irish immigrants, legal and illegal, can blend into
the American population and still consider themselves Irish
citizens. 26,000 people in America speak Gaelic, making covert
coded communcations <>
column anyone?
Take the case of Che Guevara, who was half-Irish. Che was a
ruthless killer who dedicated his adult lifetime to stirring up
anti-American hatreds in Latin America. His influence is still
felt. Wouldn't it be more honest if his name was Che O'Houllihan?
Media control:
The smiling face of the Irish menace
What do the following media figures have in common?
* Maureen O'Hara
* Princess Grace of Monaco
* Eugene O'Neill
* Peter O'Toole
* Anthony Quinn
* Michael Flatley, creator of Riverdance
* Paul McCartney, John Lennon and George Harrison of the
* Bruce Springsteen
* Judy Garland
* Gene Kelly
* Johnny Rotten, Lead singer of the Sex Pistols.
Obviously they are major Irish media figures. The Irish influence
in Hollywood and the media is both visible and hidden. The
reason why Ireland gets such a good press, why Hollywood
celebrates it in sentimental movies, and why Saint Patrick's Day
(a Catholic and ethnic holiday) is celebrated with supermarket
specials on beer and corned beef, is that the Irish maintain a
virtual stranglehold over the media, luring millions of innocent
non-Irish into unwitting participation in the rituals of their
sinister ceremonies.
Is it a conspiracy
or a culture?
Why is the Irish Conspiracy so powerful and well-hidden? We can
only speculate. But notice that author Stephen Walt, who is
sounding the alarm about the Jewish lobby in America, has his
academic position at the Kennedy (!) School of Government.
Clever conspirators always divert attention to sidewhows, lest
their true powers become visible. The very lack of active public
discussion of the Irish Conspiracy is the most convincing proof
of all of the real power exercised by it, and the cunning
intelligence of the puppet masters behind it.
Next week: How the British Foreign Office drew America into two
world wars.
[Editor's note: in case it isn't obvious, this article is
satirical. You can relax about the Irish -- at least until next
St. Patrick's Day]
James Lewis blogs at
Symbol of Eire |
The refrain of a famous song goes: "The sweet little shamrock, the dear little shamrock, The sweet little, green little, shamrock of Ireland." This innocent looking little plant is a national symbol of Ireland. It may be suspected of having aphrodisiacal psychedelic-enhancing properties. The possible existence of such qualities must have been kept such a close secret that until now nobody knew about them but how else did the Irish manage to raise such large families? |
By equal measure it may well originally have been the totemic emblem of esoteric
druid societies. Just look at it! What more proof does one need? Next Week: The sinister implications and pagan associations of the "Irish Apple" commonly known in the communal community of commoners as the common potato. |
Click Here for Source of Picture |
Jerusalem News-674
11 Tishrey 5768, 23 September 2007
1. Homos in Germany (and Rest of World) Victimize Little Children!
2. Environmental Crisis: An Alternative Opinion
3. Israeli Commandos in Action
'IDF seized nuclear materials in Syria'
1. Homos in
Germany (and Rest of World) Victimize Little Children!
From: Eliezer <>
Child molestation and pedophilia, as now encouraged by the German
government, occur far more commonly among homosexuals than among
heterosexuals on a per capita basis, according to a new study. In her
thesis -- also written for the Regent University Law Review -- Doctor
Judith Reisman cited psychologist Eugene Abel, whose research
found that homosexuals "sexually molest young boys with an
incidence that is occurring from five times greater than the
molestation of girls. ?"
This has all happened in Germany before. As recent as the Weimar
Republic (1918-1933) to be exact. Read "Between The Flames..."
A Dance Between Flames: Berlin Between the Wars (Hardcover)
by Anton Gill (Author)
Plus... The Poisoned Stream
The Poisoned Stream is derived from Samuel Igra's 1945 book,
Germany's National Vice. During the Weimar Era (1918-1933)
Germany was popularly known as the most sexually corrupt
nation in the world. Seems they haven't learned a thing from
history. As Voltaire Writes - "History Never Repeats Itself,
Man Always Does."
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Zionism's Bleak Present
by Daniel Pipes
Jerusalem Post
October 11, 2007
"We are all Keynsians now," Richard Nixon famously asserted just as the
economic theories of John Maynard Keynes fell into disrepute. Likewise, one
could have said with similar confidence in 1989, as Israel's existence reached
wide acceptance, "We are all Zionists now." No longer.
Count the ways Israel is under siege: from Iranians building a nuclear bomb,
Syrians stockpiling chemical weapons, Egyptians and Saudis developing serious
conventional forces, Hizbullah attacking from Lebanon, Fatah from the West Bank,
Hamas from Gaza, and Israel's Muslim citizens becoming politically restive and
more violent.
World-wide, professors, editorialists, and foreign ministry bureaucrats
challenge the continued existence of a Jewish state. Even friendly governments,
notably the Bush administration, pursue diplomatic initiatives that undermine
Israeli deterrence even as their arms sales erode its security.
Let's suppose, however, that the country muddles through these many problems.
That leaves it face to face with its ultimate challenge: a Jewish population
increasingly disenchanted with, even embarrassed by, the country's founding
ideology, Zionism, the Jewish national movement.
As developed by Theodor Herzl (1860-1904) and other theoreticians, Zionism's
call for a sovereign Jewish state fit the political context and mood of its
time. If Chinese, Arabs, and Irish sought to establish a national state, why not
Indeed, especially Jews, for through nearly two millennia they had paid the
greatest price of any people for their political weakness, having been expelled,
victimized, persecuted and mass murdered as none other. Zionism offered an
escape to this tragic history by standing tall and taking up the sword.
From its inception, Zionism had its share of Jewish opponents, ranging from the
Haredim (Ultra-Orthodox) to nostalgic Iraqis to reform rabbis, But, until
recently, these were marginal elements. Now, due to high birth rates, the
once-tiny Haredi community constitutes 22 percent of Israel's current
first-grade class; add to this the roughly equivalent number of Arab
first-graders and a sea-change in Israeli politics can be expected about 2025.
Worse for Israel, Jewish nationalism has lost the near-automatic support it once
had among secular Jews, many of whom find this nineteenth-century ideology out
of date. Some accept arguments that a Jewish state represents racism or ethnic
supremacism, others find universalist and multi-cultural alternatives
compelling. Consider some signs of the changes underway:
Young Israelis are avoiding the military in record numbers, with 26 percent of
enlistment-age Jewish males and 43 percent of females not drafted in 2006. An
alarmed Israel Defense Forces has requested legislation to deny state-provided
benefits to Jewish Israelis who do not serve.
Israel's Attorney General Menachem Mazuz has up-ended the work of the Jewish
National Fund, one of the pioneer Zionist institutions (founded in 1901) by
determining that its role of acquiring land specifically for Jews cannot
continue in the future with state assistance.
Prominent Israeli historians focus on showing how Israel was conceived in sin
and has been a force for evil.
Israel's ministry of education has approved school books for third-grade Arab
students that present the creation of Israel in 1948 as a "catastrophe" (Arabic:
Avraham Burg, scion of a leading Zionist household and himself a prominent Labor
Party figure, has published a book comparing Israel with 1930s Germany.
A 2004 poll found only 17 percent of American Jews call themselves "Zionist."
Abraham Burg, a former Labor Party leader, compares Israel with 1930s Germany.
Seen in a larger context, this turn from Zionism echoes trends in other Western
countries, where old-style patriotism and national pride have also declined. In
Western Europe, citizens tend to see little of special value in their own
history, customs, and mores. Last month, for example, the Netherlands' Princess
Maxima, wife to the heir to the throne, announced to wide acclaim that "The
Dutch identity does not exist." This Western-wide decline of patriotism
aggravates Israel's predicament, suggesting that developments there fit into a
larger trend, making them the more difficult to resist or reverse.
To top it off, Arabs are moving these days in the opposite direction, reaching a
fever pitch of ethnic and religious bellicosity.
As a Zionist myself, I watch these several trends with foreboding about Israel's
I console myself by recalling that few of today's problems were evident in 1989.
Perhaps in 2025, Zionism's prospects will again brighten, as Westerners
generally and Israelis specifically finally awake to the dangers posed by
Palestinian irredentists, jihadists, and other extremist Middle Easterners.
Other items in category Israel
B. Reactions from
We actually like Daniel Pipes and read his column regularly.
Unfortunately and exceptionally this time he seems to have said the wrong things on a few points.
Pines notes that,
*Israel is in danger as usual.
In our opinion, Israel needs to become more religious, stop
abortions, have more children,be more patriotic in its attitudes. Perhaps consider Brit-Am options.
*The US Administration to a degree appears to be working against
If the USA abandons Israel both nations will suffer.
The answer for the USA is also to turn back to the God of Israel and be aware of
its Israelite destiny as explained by Brit-Am.
*Theodor Herzl (1860-1904) and other theoreticians was responsible for Zionism's
call for a sovereign Jewish state.
Zionism did receive something of its modern form from Herzl but basically it is
an expression of the Tanach (Bible) and of traditional Jewish aspirations.
*The Haredim are Increasing.
Concerning the "Haredi" (ultra-Orthodox) community Daniel Pipes refers to "The end of Zionism" by Nehemia Shtrasler
and to
"Retreat from reason" by Isi Leibler
The prime lament of Shtrasler is that Haredim do not all serve in the army.
Religious youth however make the best soldiers. About 40% of all new officers
and up to 50% of the front-line elites unites are comprised of religious.
The North and South Irish in the British Army sang,
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Jerusalem News-684
10 Cheshvan 5768, 22 October 2007
1. The Kurdish Revival
2. Israeli No-Confidence Motion
3. Arutz
(5. Report: Israel Had Man on Inside of Syrian Nuclear Facility
(6. Priestly Blessing on Temple Mount
1. The Kurdish Revival
ARAB NEWS (Saudi) 18 Oct.'07:"Kurds: Stateless on Regional Fault
Line"Christophe de Roquefeuil, Agence France Presse -
PARIS, 18 October 2007: Above and beyond the current tensions between Ankara
and Baghdad, the Kurdish question represents a perennial risk in an
explosive area at the crossroads of Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria. "The
mountains are our only friend," goes a Kurdish saying, which encapsulates
perfectly the history of a people on one of the most unstable fault lines in
the world.
With no access to the sea and no state to represent them, the 25 to 35
million Kurds have maintained their language, traditions and clan-based form
of social organization. "Up to the end of the 19th century, the Kurds were
used as tools by the Persian and Ottoman empires, which gave them great
latitude and hired them as auxiliaries" to keep the peace on their borders
or control other minorities, said Oliver Roy, a specialist in the region.
"It was when the Persian and Turkish worlds went secular - with Ataturk in
Ankara and the Pahlavis in Tehran - that the Kurds developed in reaction
their own ethno-national claims," he said.
But the countries of the region have regularly acted together to quell
aspirations for Kurdish independence. In 1947, Baghdad, Tehran and Ankara
signed the Pact of Saadabad, aimed at coordinating efforts against the
"armed gangs."
And today the three countries - secular Turkey, Islamic Iran and Iraq under
US tutelage - still waver between fear of separatism and the temptation to
use the Kurdish question to further their own designs against neighbors. The
games of the great powers created uncertain times for the Kurds themselves.
World War I saw the break-up of the Ottoman Empire, but left no lasting
solution for Kurdistan, which continued to be claimed by Turkey.
The League of Nations for a time considered the idea of an independent
Kurdish state, but in 1926 it opted instead to attach the region around the
Kurdish city of Mosul to the British protectorate of Iraq. Not until the
first Gulf War of 1991 did the Western powers intervene to protect Kurds
against the exactions of Saddam Hussein.
Allied to the US, the Kurds were major beneficiaries of the American
intervention, which confirmed their substantial autonomy and the relative
stability of their region. The downfall of Saddam Hussein in Baghdad then
profoundly changed the balance of powers in the region.
"What we are now seeing is a meeting between the Kurds of northern Iraq and
the Kurds of Turkey on the cultural, linguistic and economic levels in a way
never seen before," said Roy. Iran is also involved, with a "very clear
increase in state repression in Iranian Kurdistan," Roy said.
2. Israeli No-Confidence Motion
9 Cheshvan 5768 / Sunday, Oct. 21 '07
(5. Report: Israel Had Man on Inside of
Syrian Nuclear Facility
by Ezra HaLevi
The latest in the string of foreign press reports regarding Israel's September 6
strike in Syria claims Israel had a mole inside a Syrian nuclear facility. The
IDF has released no information regarding the mission.
ABC News reported Saturday that, Israeli officials believed that a target their
forces bombed inside Syria last month was a nuclear facility, because they had
detailed photographs taken by a possible spy inside the complex.
The report quotes an unnamed senior U.S. official saying Israel noticed the
Syrian nuclear facility this summer, leading the Mossad to either co-opt one of
the facility's workers or to insert a spy posing as an employee. As a result,
the Israelis obtained many detailed pictures of the facility from the ground.
The official described the photographs as showing a large "cylindrical structure
with very thick walls all well-reinforced." He said it was located far from
civilization, near a lone pumping station that was to supply the cooling tower
for the nuclear reactor. He added that the facility was of North Korean design.
The report adds an element to previous reports on US involvement in the attack.
The official said that Israel urged the US to destroy the reactor, but it
refrained from doing so due to the lack of actual nuclear material in the
"It was unmistakable what it was going to be," the official said. "No doubt in
my mind."
Washington Post: Syria Burying the Evidence
Syria has begun destroying the remains of the facility, which was allegedly
bombed in an Israel Air Force operation on September 6, according to the
Washington Post.
The report, which also quotes an unnamed US official, says Syria is trying to
get rid of the evidence that a nuclear facility was present at the site in order
to obscure it from UN nuclear inspectors.
Last week, Syria brought reporters to a facility it claimed had been hit by the
Israeli strike. The Post reported that it was a different place altogether.
(6. Priestly Blessing on Temple Mount
by Hillel Fendel
A historic first: Last week, during a special visit to the Temple Mount, the
Priestly Blessing (Numbers 6:24-26) was recited there, for arguably the first
time since the 1st-century destruction.
The Blessing is recited daily in synagogues in Israel by descendants of Aaron
the Priest, and only on festivals in the Diaspora.
On the Temple Mount: During the Priestly Blessing, the "Kohanim" raise their
The special visit was held to commemorate the 842nd anniversary of Maimonides's
famous visit to the Temple Mount, Judaism's holiest site. A group of some 25
Jews, organized by the Temple Institute in Jerusalem, marked the special day
with a commemorative visit. Giving extra-special meaning to the occasion was a
spontaneous Priestly Blessing delivered to the group by Yehuda Katz, the lead
singer of the Reva L'Sheva band, and Eliezer Breuer, originally of the former
Soviet Union and now from Kiryat Arba.
Rabbi Chaim Richman, one of the organizers of the trip, said, "This was probably
the first time since the destruction of the Temple [1,928 years ago] that the
Priestly Blessing was delivered on our holiest site. At times like these, when
there is talk of giving away our precious places, and when despair is sometimes
in the air, events of this nature serve to remind us that G-d has not forgotten
about us, and that He still has big plans for both us and the Holy Temple - and
that the Temple will yet become the focal point of the world once again."
Another notable aspect of the visit was the welcoming attitude of the police.
"In an unusual departure from standard procedure," one participant said, "we
found that the police were particularly sympathetic to our needs. At one point,
when the Moslem Wakf guards started yelling that we were praying, one of the
policemen took our side and even threatened to remove them if necessary."
Maimonides, also known as the Rambam, made his historic visit to the Temple
Mount on the sixth day of the month of MarCheshvan in the year 1166 (4926 in the
Jewish calendar). Unanimously considered one of Judaism's greatest figures, the
Rambam wrote that he put himself in danger to make a trip to Jerusalem, where he
entered "the Large and Holy House [the Temple Mount] and prayed." Three days
later, he also visited the Machpelah Cave in Hevron, and vowed to commemorate
the anniversaries of those days as his personal festivals for years to come.
Thursday's visit to the Temple Mount
Last week's visit was also led by Rabbis Yisrael Ariel and Yehuda Glick. Rabbi
Ariel is a former Yeshiva head, founder of the Temple Institute, and one of the
paratroopers who took part in the 1967 liberation of the Temple Mount. Rabbi
Glick made news briefly over two years ago when, as Director of the Absorption
Ministry's Ashkelon region, he became the first public official to resign in
protest over the plans to withdraw from and destroy Gush Katif.
Though the Chief Rabbinate disagrees, the Yesha Rabbis Council has ruled that
one who ascends and visits the Temple Mount while adhering to three conditions -
prior immersion in a mikveh; keeping the laws of Awe of the Temple (no leather
shoes, proper respect, etc.); and knowledge of the precise permitted areas - is
fulfilling a "great mitzvah [Torah commandment]."
The group stands on a staircase built recently by the Muslim Waqf on the Mount's
southern end, leading to new mosques below. The Waqf does not allow entry to
To arrange a trip to the Temple Mount in accordance with the above requirements
of Jewish law, click here.
"The more Jews who visit this holy site," Rabbi Richman told Arutz-7, "the more
cooperative the police are with us and the more respectful they are of our needs
- as some police officers have indicated to me. And the more we encourage Jews
with stories like what happened last week, the more they will come."
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(a) BBC News Feature
Pledge to launch clan gathering
The "biggest" clan gathering for almost 200 years is to take place in Edinburgh
after receiving ?300,000 in funding.
The Gathering, which is expected to attract 8,000 clan members and 30,000
spectators, is being planned for Holyrood Park in 2009.
Edinburgh City Council, Scottish Enterprise Edinburgh and Lothian, and
EventScotland are helping to fund some of the ?1.5m cost of the event.
The rest of the money will come from ticket sales and private enterprise.
As well as the traditional displays of piping, dancing, athletics and heavy
events, the games will have a food and drink fair.
There will also be an exhibition allowing visitors to trace their ancestry, and
a live music stage featuring leading contemporary and traditional bands.
"The Gathering 2009 will focus the world's attention on Scotland's culture and
as hosts we will be ready to make the most of this fantastic opportunity to
promote Edinburg" Steve Cardownie, Edinburgh City Council
The highlight of the clan programme will be a clan parade up the Royal Mile and
historic pageant of the clans in the arena on the Castle Esplanade.
The organisers led by Lord Sempill, chief of the Name and Arms of Sempill and
vice convenor of the Standing Council of Scottish Chiefs, and Jenny Gilmour,
expect to attract 30,000 local visitors to the event planned for 25 - 26 July
Already more than 60 clans have said they want to take part, including Clan
Donald, the world's largest clan.
Lord Sempill, said: "Not since Sir Walter Scott's Royal Pageant in 1822 have so
many clans come together, so The Gathering 2009 will be a meaningful historic,
as well as cultural, event.
"Our clan tradition and cultural identity are very closely linked and, at a time
when Scots are coming to terms with their identity, The Gathering is a fantastic
opportunity to reinforce a very important part of our heritage and to celebrate
its existence."
(b) About The
Gathering 2009
The Gathering 2009 has the honour of hosting the 2009 World Highland Games
Heavy Athletic Championships. Over the weekend the largest highland games ever
to have been held in Edinburgh will play host to the greatest international clan
gathering to have taken place on Scottish soil.
Set in the magnificent Royal Park of Holyrood, with its breathtaking volcanic
backdrop of Arthur's Seat and Salisbury Crags, it will showcase heavy events
such as caber tossing and hammer throwing, accompanied by time honored
disciplines such as piping and highland dancing. There will be a host of
contemporary musicians, high-quality Scottish arts and crafts and a 'taste
experience' of the best of Scotland's produce.
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