Jerusalem News nos 691-720
Jerusalem News-691
26 Cheshvan 5768, 7 November 2007
1. Jewish Refugees
from Arab Countries Deliberately Ignored by UN!
2. Israeli-British Military Co-operation
; A Sign of Things to Come?
3. Landmark Criminal Suit Against
for Temple Mount Destruction
4. Guysen Israel News
- Extracts
5. Iran-Turkey-Russia-Syria Versus USA and Israel?
1. Jewish Refugees
from Arab Countries Deliberately Ignored by UN!
From: shieldofdavid@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [shieldofdavid] Digest Number 594
UN guilty of excluding Jewish refugees from peace agenda
Posted by: "Mech-el Samberg" marcsamberg@yahoo.com mechelsamberg
Sun Nov 4, 2007 12:53 pm (PST)
UN guilty of excluding Jewish refugees from peace agenda;
Injustice of the last sixty years must be rectified, says former
Justice Minister and Canadian MP Irwin Cotler
Release of Report Containing Dramatic U.N. Documents Revealing
Collusion, Nuremberg-like Laws by Arab Countries to Persecute
their Jewish Populations
November 2, 2007 (New York, NY) -- "The time has come to return
Jewish refugees from Arab countries to the Middle East narrative
from which they been expunged these past sixty years," said
Canadian MP and former Justice Minister, the Honourable Irwin
Cotler. He added, "This is not just a case of justice delayed,
but justice denied. Indeed, the displacement of 850,000 Jews
from Arab countries is not just a 'Forgotten Exodus' but a
'Forced Exodus."
Cotler, a long-time international human rights lawyer and Law
Professor will participate in a press conference to be held in
New York at NOON on Monday, November 5th in the offices of the
American Jewish Committee at 165 East 56th Street to release a
report on "Justice for Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries: The
Case for Rights and Redress."
The report, said Cotler, "contains documents - recently
discovered in the U.N. archives - that reveal a pattern of
state-sanctioned oppression of Jewish refugees from Arab
countries - including Nuremberg-like laws." It also contains
dramatic evidence of a veritable collusion among Arab countries
to persecute and displace their Jewish populations.
Cotler continued: "The report also discloses the pernicious and
prejudicial role played by the U.N. in excluding Jewish refugees
from Arab countries from the justice and peace agenda".
The press conference is being held as part of the New York
Summit of Justice for Jews from Arab Countries, and will include
50 delegates from 10 countries, on the eve also of the Annapolis
Peace Conference.
* * * * *
2. Israeli-British
Military Co-operation; A Sign of Things to Come?
DEBKAfile: First joint British-Israel air force exercise due with
arrival of British AWACS plane
November 5, 2007, 5:13 PM (GMT+02:00)
Military sources report that the British Airborne Warning and Control System
plane?s joint exercise is in line with Israel?s increasing cooperation with NATO
in line with its Middle East security program. It was the first visit to Israel
by an RAF aircraft on a military mission.
3. Landmark
Criminal Suit Against Waqf
for Temple Mount Destruction
by Hillel Fendel
(IsraelNN.com) A group of 150 Israeli citizens have filed a class action suit
against the Moslems who run the Temple Mount site for having destroyed Jewish
antiquities there.
The suit, brought by the Shurat HaDin Israel Law Center, charges that Islamic
Waqf officials have engaged in the deliberate destruction of ancient Jewish
relics on the Temple Mount. The indictment was filed in the Jerusalem District
Court last week, and Shurat Hadin sources say it is the first of its kind in
Israeli legal history.
Atty. Darshan-Leitner on Temple Mount suit
Can't see audio player above? Click here to listen.
"We are utilizing a seldom-applied section of the penal code," Shurat Hadin
director Attorney Nitsana Darshan-Leitner explained, "that allows private
citizens to bring a criminal complaint in certain areas. If we win, the Waqf
officials could face years in prison."
"Why has this never done before," IsraelNationalRadio's Yishai Fleisher asked.
"Many things have never been done before," Darshan-Leitner said. "You have to
think and be creative in order to do these things. Basically, it?s something
that the government should have done... There are certain areas of the penal
code in which private citizens are permitted to file a private criminal
complaint... The Israeli government has been notified of our suit, and it has 15
days in which to decide whether it wants to pursue it on its own. If not, then
we will do so on our own."
She explained that the 150 plaintiffs are acting as representatives of the
Jewish People, who are the owners of the Temple Mount and therefore the injured
party as a result of the Waqf actions at the holy site.
"In 1967," Darshan-Leitner said, "after the Six Day War, Israel made a terrible
mistake in allowing the Jordanians to continue to run the Temple Mount. It now
continues to be under the custody of the Islamic Trust (Waqf), but is not owned
by the Waqf; it is still owned by the Jewish people. King David purchased it,
King Solomon built the Temple there, and the Jewish People have longed to return
there ever since the Exile began nearly 2,000 years ago. Our regaining it in
1967 was the pinnacle of Zionism. Because it has long been the heritage of the
Jewish people, anyone who violates our rights there must be stopped and
The suit accuses members of the Waqf of intentionally demolishing priceless
Jewish artifacts, including remains from the Second Temple. In recent months,
the Waqf brought in bulldozers and heavy digging equipment to dig a long trench
on the Mount, supposedly to replace electrical cables. "Israeli archaeologists
who sifted through the discarded earth," the Law Center reports, "were shocked
to discover a great number of Jewish artifacts brutally trashed by the
bulldozers. A wall from the outer courtyard of the Second Temple is believed to
have been completely pulverized."
"The recently accelerated destruction is part of a four-decade-long campaign by
the Waqf to eradicate all evidence of the historical Jewish connection and claim
to the Temple Mount," the suit maintains.
Shurat HaDin alleges that the Israeli government, in its "political cowardice,"
has "consistently refused to undertake any concrete actions to stop the criminal
activities of the Waqf."
Darshan-Leitner says, "This private suit is an unprecedented response to the
brutal attempt by the Waqf extremists to eradicate any Jewish claim over the
Temple Mount. The Waqf leaders belong in prison for their actions, and since
Israel's government is refusing to protect Jewish heritage and property, we will
prosecute the Waqf ourselves. This legal action is a moral obligation, not only
for the Jewish people, but also for the Christian community, which has
significant interests in safeguarding the Temple Mount as well."
4. Guysen Israel News
- Extracts
Tuesday 6 November 2007
From: Guysen Israel News <webmaster@guysen.com>
2007-11-05 , 24 Heshvan 5768
Extracts Only:
23:19 The American president George Bush met with the Turkish Prime Minister,
Recep Tayyip Erdogan. In particular, he strongly condemned the terrorist actions
of the PKK Kurdish rebels. (Guysen.International.News)
22:58 Pakistan: the American Secretary of State, has telephoned the President
of Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf. Condoleezza Rice has again expressed her
disapproval at the state of emergency decreed three days ago in Islamabad. (Guysen.International.News)
18:08 Iraq: 165,000 American soldiers are currently deployed in Iraq, the
largest number since the American invasion in 2003. The number of dead Americans
and Iraqis, however, seems to be dropping in recent months: 875 Iraqi civilians
were killed in October against at least 1,023 in September, 36 American soldiers
were killed compared to 65 the previous month. (Guysen.International.News)
15:15 Jonathan Evans, the head of the MI5, the British intelligence services
warned on Monday that the al-Qaeda terrorist organization was in the process of
training children and teenagers with a view to carrying out attacks in Britain.
According to him, his services must now face ''the most and the most acute
immediate threat '' since their creation 98 years ago. (Guysen.International.News)
14:25 Is the Dead Sea endangered? Its level has fallen by another 7 centimeters
during October and it is now at -420.54 meters below sea level. (Guysen.International.News)
13:07 Due to a lack of funds, the construction of the anti-terrorist fence is
at risk of being stalled. The construction of the security barrier along the
Green Line will slow considerably in 2008 due to a cut of more than 500 million
shekels in the defense budget. In addition, the legal problems raised by this
work, are also delaying the task. (Guysen.International.News)
12:27 Ismail Haniyeh has accused Palestinian officials of ''contributing to the
closure of the Gaza Strip, established by Israel and the United States''. The
former Hamas Prime Minister has promised that the Palestinians ''would
recuperate their rights by holy war and armed resistance even if it takes a
thousand years''. (Guysen.International.News)
09:22 The United States will sell thousands of missiles to Israel. The two
largest American missile manufacturers Lockheed Martin and Raytheon will mainly
supply Jerusalem with air-ground missiles and ammunition, worth $1.32 billion.
The contract for the transaction was presented to the American Congress last
week. (Guysen.International.News)
09:11 The Rafael security has signed a contract worth more than $50 million
with the American army. (Guysen.International.News)
06:57 Somalia: over 90,000 civilians have fled the capital Mogadishu, as a
result of renewed fighting between loyalist forces and Islamists, that started
one week ago. (Guysen.International.News)
05:40 Pakistan: between 600 and 700 militants from the Islamic opposition to
President Musharraf have been arrested by the police last night. (Guysen.International.News)
5. Iran-Turkey-Russia-Syria Versus USA and Israel?
From: imra@netvision.net.il
Subject: Iran: Inevitable Iran-Turkey-Syria-Russia Alliance
Inevitable Iran-Turkey-Syria-Russia Alliance
News number: 860814033814:09 | 2007-11-05
TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- The Middle East has acquired immense strategic
value as one of the determining fulcrums in the global balance of power due
to its being the world's largest known storehouse of low-cost energy
The region's geopolitical importance, the kaleidoscopic nature of politics
among its states, the presence of volatile social and political forces
within them and the interference of world superpowers all insure that the
region will remain a potentially explosive source of tension for years.
Emboldened by its military strength after World War II, Moscow prepared to
carve up its southern neighbors. It demanded territorial concessions and
control of the Bosporus from Turkey and refused to withdraw from northern
Iran, which it had occupied in 1941. Turkey and Iran rebuffed Soviet
coercive diplomacy with the support of the United States and became key
allies in the American effort to contain Soviet expansion.
The Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) was a defense alliance between
Turkey, Iran, Pakistan and Great Britain. Originally named the Baghdad Pact,
the name was changed when the Iraqi revolution led Iraq to withdraw in 1959.
The United States had observer status in the alliance but was not a party to
the treaty. The fall of the shah removed the American shield from Iran,
sounded the death knell for the anti-Soviet CENTO alliance and sailed Iran
towards new horizons.
Now the same faith is on the road for Turkey. The measureless and
injudicious backup given by the occupying power in Iraq -- the US
government -- to the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and to Massoud Barzani,
the former tribal leader of the Iraqi Kurds and now the leader of the Iraqi
Kurdish region.
Turkey, taking into consideration the ongoing assaults by the PKK terrorists
in the southeastern regions and the measureless backup given by US
government to Iraqi Kurds, has drawn up a new strategic alliance policy that
weakens ties with the US and strengthens relations with Iran and Syria, its
millennium-long neighbors.
The US has failed to keep its promise to Turkey to confront the PKK. Turkey
now feels that it has no choice but to attack the PKK's sanctuaries in
northern Iraq together with Iran.
Iran is also suffering from similar assaults originating from the same
terrorist group located in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq under the
name of Party for a Free Life in Kurdistan (PJAK).
The US and Iran are increasingly at odds over a range of issues, and Turkey
has stood nearby the US as an old and devoted ally for the past 57 years,
but now the sympathy of Turkish people towards the US had fallen sharply
over the past couple of years, and it will take decades for US to recover
It seems it is now mandatory for Turkey and Iran to form a common
cooperative ground in regard to common problems and interests. New and
stronger cooperative action in the economic field by Turkey and Iran will
play a major role in the eradication of the political distrust and concerns
between the two countries. The parties have announced an upcoming doubling
of the volume of their trade.
Both countries have already agreed on the elimination of the main source of
discord: support for each other's separatist and oppositional organizations.
Iran has committed to adding the PKK to its list of "terrorist
organizations." Turkey has done the same concerning the anti-Iran terrorist
group "Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO)."
The second stage is the escalation of high-level cooperation between Turkey,
Iran and Syria and this is moving forward, as well.
Aversion to American global policy, in particular to the actions of the US
in Iraq, the common allies of Syria and Iran, and also shared economic
interests, will lead to the merging of the political strategies of Russia
and Turkey. Countries that were previously historical opponents will turn
into partners in the creation of a new Eurasian coalition.
The final effect of the region's aversion to American policies will be the
formation of the "union of four:" Russia, Turkey, Iran and Syria. Of course,
this rapprochement between Ankara, Moscow, Damascus and Tehran will
definitely affect Washington's position in the Middle East.
IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis
Website: www.imra.org.il
Jerusalem News-692
27 Cheshvan 5768, 8 November 2007
1. Saudi Arabia
and World Terror
2. The Negative Legacy of Yitschak Rabin?
3. The Rabin Conspiracy: Some Partial Answers
1. Saudi Arabia
and World Terror
From The Sunday Times
November 4, 2007
Saudi Arabia is hub of world terror
The desert kingdom supplies the cash and the killers
Nick Fielding and Sarah Baxter, Washington
Limited Extracts Only:
King Abdullah was surprised during his two-day state visit to Britain last
week by the barrage of criticism directed at the Saudi kingdom. Officials were
in "considerable shock", one former British diplomat said.
Back home the king is regarded as a modest reformer who has cracked down on
home-grown terrorism and loosened a few relatively minor restrictions on his
subjects' personal freedom.
With oil prices surging, Saudi Arabia is growing in prosperity and embracing
some modern trappings. Bibles and crucifixes are still banned, but internet
access is spreading and there are plans for "Mile High Tower", the world's
tallest skyscraper, in Jeddah. As a key ally of the West, the king had every
reason to expect a warm welcome.
Yet wealthy Saudis remain the chief financiers of worldwide terror networks.
"If I could somehow snap my fingers and cut off the funding from one country,
it would be Saudi Arabia," said Stuart Levey, the US Treasury official in
charge of tracking terror financing.
Extremist clerics provide a stream of recruits to some of the world's nastiest
trouble spots.
An analysis by NBC News suggested that the Saudis make up 55% of foreign
fighters in Iraq. They are also among the most uncompromising and militant.
Half the foreign fighters held by the US at Camp Cropper near Baghdad are
Saudis. They are kept in yellow jumpsuits in a separate, windowless compound
after they attempted to impose sharia on the other detainees and preached an
extreme form of Wahhabist Islam.
In recent months, Saudi religious scholars have caused consternation in Iraq
and Iran by issuing fatwas calling for the destruction of the great Shi?ite
shrines in Najaf and Karbala in Iraq, some of which have already been bombed.
And while prominent members of the ruling al-Saud dynasty regularly express
their abhorrence of terrorism, leading figures within the kingdom who advocate
extremism are tolerated.
Sheikh Saleh al-Luhaidan, the chief justice, who oversees terrorist trials,
was recorded on tape in a mosque in 2004, encouraging young men to fight in
Iraq. "Entering Iraq has become risky now," he cautioned. "It requires
avoiding those evil satellites and those drone aircraft, which own every
corner of the skies over Iraq. If someone knows that he is capable of entering
Iraq in order to join the fight, and if his intention is to raise up the word
of God, then he is free to do so."
The Bush administration is split over how to deal with the Saudi threat, with
the State Department warning against pressure that might lead the royal family
to fall and be replaced by more dangerous extremists.
"The urban legend is that George Bush and Dick Cheney are close to the Saudis
because of oil and their past ties with them, but they're pretty disillusioned
with them," said Stephen Schwartz, of the Centre for Islamic Pluralism in
Washington. "The problem is that the Saudis have been part of American policy
for so long that it's not easy to work out a solution."
According to Levey, not one person identified by America or the United Nations
as a terrorist financier has been prosecuted by Saudi authorities. A fortnight
ago exasperated US Treasury officials named three Saudi citizens as terrorist
financiers. "In order to deter other would-be donors, it is important to hold
these terrorists publicly accountable," Levey said.
All three had worked in the Philippines, where they are alleged to have helped
to finance the Abu Sayyaf group, an Al-Qaeda affiliate. One, Muham-mad Sughayr,
was said to be the main link between Abu Sayyaf and wealthy Gulf donors.
Sughayr was arrested in the Philippines in 2005 and swiftly deported to Saudi
Arabia after pressure from the Saudi embassy in Manila. There is no evidence
that he was prosecuted on his return home.
This year the Saudis arrested 10 people thought to be terrorist financiers,
but the excitement faded when their defence lawyers claimed that they were
political dissidents and human rights groups took up their cause.
Matthew Levitt, a former intelligence analyst at the US Treasury and
counter-terrorism expert at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy,
believes the Saudis could do more. He said: "It is important for the Saudis to
hold people publicly accountable. Key financiers have built up considerable
personal wealth and are loath to put that at risk. There is some evidence that
individuals who have been outed have curtailed their financial activities."
In the past the Saudis openly supported Islamic militants. Osama Bin Laden was
originally treated as a favourite son of the regime and feted as a hero for
fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan. Huge charitable organisations such as the
International Islamic Relief Organisation and the al-Haramain Foundation,
accused in American court documents of having links to extremist groups
flourished, sometimes with patronage from senior Saudi royals.
The 1991 Gulf war was a wake-up call for the Saudis. Bin Laden began making
vitriolic attacks on the Saudi royal family for cooperating with the US and
demanded the expulsion of foreign troops from Arabia. His citizenship was
revoked in 1994. The 1996 attack on the Khobar Towers in Dhahran, which killed
19 US servicemen and one Saudi, was a warning that he could strike within the
As long as foreigners were the principal targets, the Saudis turned a blind
eye to terror. Even the September 11 attacks of 2001, in which 15 of the 19
hijackers were Saudis, could not shake their complacency. Despite promises to
crack down on radical imams, Saudi mosques continued to preach hatred of
The mood began to change in 2003 and 2004, when Al-Qaeda mounted a series of
terrorist attacks within the kingdom that threatened to become an insurgency.
"They finally acknowledged at the highest levels that they had a problem and
it was coming for them," said Rachel Bronson, the author of Thicker than Oil:
America's Uneasy Partnership with Saudi Arabia.
Assassination attempts against security officials caused some of the royals to
fear for their own safety. In May 2004 Islamic terrorists struck two oil
industry installations and a foreigners? housing compound in Khobar, taking 50
hostages and killing 22 of them.
The Saudi authorities began to cooperate more with the FBI, clamp down on
extremist charities, monitor mosques and keep a watchful eye on fighters
returning from Iraq.
Only last month Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul-Aziz al-Sheikh, the kingdom?s leading
cleric, criticised gullible Saudis for becoming "convenient knights for
whoever wants to exploit their zeal, even to the point of turning them into
walking bombs".
And last week in London, King Abdullah warned young British Muslims not to
become involved with extremists.
Yet the Saudis' ambivalence towards terrorism has not gone away. Money for
foreign fighters and terror groups still pours out of the kingdom, but it now
tends to be carried in cash by couriers rather than sent through the wires,
where it can be stopped and identified more easily.
Hundreds of Islamic militants have been arrested but many have been released
after undergoing reeducation programmes led by Muslim clerics.
According to the daily Alwa-tan, the interior ministry has given 115m riyals
($14.7m) to detainees and their families to help them to repay debts, to
assist families with health care and housing, to pay for weddings and to buy a
car on their release. The most needy prisoners' families receive 2,000-3,000
riyals ($286 to $384) a month.
Ali Said Al-Mussa, a lecturer at King Khaled University in Abha, protested:
"I'm afraid that holding [extremist] views leads to earning a prize or, worse,
a steady income."
Former detainees from the US military prison at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba are
also benefiting. To celebrate the Muslim holiday of Eid, 55 prisoners were
temporarily released last month and given the equivalent of $1,300 each to
spend with their families.
School textbooks still teach the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a notorious
antiSemitic forgery, and preach hatred towards Christians, Jews and other
religions, including Shi?ite Muslims, who are considered heretics.
Ali al-Ahmed, director of the Washington-based Institute for Gulf Affairs,
said: "The Saudi education system has over 5m children using these books. If
only one in 1,000 take these teachings to heart and seek to act on them
violently, there will be 5,000 terrorists."
In frustration, Arlen Specter, the Republican senator for Pennsylvania,
introduced the Saudi Arabia Accountability Act 10 days ago, calling for strong
encouragement of the Saudi government to "end its support for institutions
that fund, train, incite, encourage or in any other way aid and abet
The act, however, is expected to die when it reaches the Senate foreign
relations committee: the Bush administration is counting on Saudi Arabia to
help stabilise Iraq, curtail Iran's nuclear and regional ambitions and give a
push to the Israeli and Palestinian peace process at a conference due to be
held this month in Annapolis, Maryland.
"Do we really want to take on the Saudis at the moment?" asks Bronson. "We've
got enough problems as it is."
2. The Negative
Legacy of Yitschak
Oslo Deaths:
Yitschak Rabin was a prominent party to the process that resulted in the Oslo
Peace Accords that undermined the State of Israel and resulted in the death of thousands of Jews and whose
consequences are still with us.
Civil Division:
Yitschak Rabin on a daily or weekly basis systematically attempted to marginalize
the Jewish Settlers of Judah and Samaria, place them beyond the scope of his responsibility as Prime
Minister of Israel, and publicly denigrate them.
Family Suffering:
Yitschak Rabin equalized the subsidy given for children for both Arabs and
Previously a not insignificant sum according to the number of children had
been given to parents who could be liable for military service even if they did not actually
This in effect meant Jews and not Arabs.
It should be pointed out that at the "poverty level" the cost of living for
Arabs is much less for Arabs than for Jews e.g. Arab food, clothing, and lodging cost less.
After Yitschak Rabin abolished the child endowment "inequality" the
Arabs started having even more children than they already were. Ultimately the
subsidies were in effect drastically reduced since they were not encouraging Jews but rather Arabs to have larger families
and were a drain on the Treasury.
Previously this had not been the case.
They had once helped large Jewish families to get by.
We may therefore say that due to Yitschak Rabin less Jews were born and more
Arabs and that Jewish families with many children were in effect discriminated against.
Religious Jews Targeted:
Yitschak Rabin may have been assassinated by Yigal Amir, a religious Jew. At
all events the family of Rabin had engraved on his memorial the statement that Rabin has murdered by a Jew
wearing a Kipa (religious head-covering).
So too, a religious girl Margalit Har-Shefi received a nine month sentence
(part of which she served) for not reporting the intention of Amir to assassinate Rabin even though she had no
reason to take him seriously.
On the other hand an agent provocateur for the Security Service, Avishai
Raviv, had befriended Amir, had engaged in serious incitement against Rabin [photomontaging him on public posters as a Nazi], and mocked Amir for not having
the guts to kill Rabin.
Raviv was acquitted of any wrong doing through collusion of the Prosecution
and the Courts.
Margalit Har-Shefi was not.
The clear impression is that Margalit Har-Shefi was punished while Raviv was
not because Margalit Har-Shefi represented the Jewish settlers.
Yitschak Rabin is promoted as an object of veneration by Peace Now which is an
EU-heavily-subsidized organization dedicated to the undermining the defence-capability of the State
of Israel and helping the Arabs.
On the other hand,
Yitschak Rabin may have had positive aspects to his personality. He was
friendly with the Ultra-Orthodox on a personal level, appointed Ariel Sharon as an advisor in the period when Sharon was still in
control of his faculties, etc.
Yitschak Rabin, like many Israeli left-wingers, may have had a schizophrenic
personality and could be positive.
His family and the inheritors of his "legacy" however have chosen to emphasize
only the negative aspects while presenting them as positive ones.
3. The Rabin
Conspiracy: Some Partial Answers
Replies to
Remain; 28% of Israelis Say Amir Didn't Kill
by Hillel Fendel
The questions asked in the article by Hillel Fendel were:
Why did the lone
video of the assassination, the
video, focus in on Amir
for so many minutes prior to the killing?
Answer: Why not?
From the viewpoint of Kempler Amir was in the area Rabin was expected to get
to before Rabin, i.e when Kempler began rolling his camera Amir was already there.
Why was
allowed to stand, unguarded and by himself, in the area that was supposed to
be sterile, as documented in the Kempler video?
Answer: The guards explained that they thought Amir was a driver or some other
Amir bluffed them, talked and joked with them as one of the crew on their
Amir is an ex-soldier, a former overseas emissary, an organizer of public
activities, and a religous Yemenite Jew.
He was not the type to be considered suspicious.
Why, in the
video frame released by the government, does
arm appear to be several feet long? And why is his left arm seen shooting,
when he is right-handed?
The photo I saw did not necessarily show an artificially photo-extended hand.
Why would anyone doctor the photo?
Is it denied that Amir had a gun aimed it at Rabin, and fired it?
No-one (so far) is denying this. The only question is whether or not Amir
fired real bullets.
As for Amir using his left-arm, maybe the conditions (proximity of the crowd,
guards, etc) made use of the left arm preferable.
Combat soldiers often develop an ability to use both hands with some dexterity
and it was at almost point blank range anyway.
How is it that
an eye-witness to the event, Miriam Oren, was filmed at the site telling
reporters emphatically and repeatedly, "I saw that Rabin was not hurt"?
Answer: Out of the thousands (or at least hundreds) of people round about why
is only one witness saying this?
People under shock or great surprise make mistakes of perception.
More than one witness is needed to make this point pertinent.
? How did
Rabin's armored car back door close (7:18 min. into the
video) as the car prepared to speed away, with Rabin inside, if no one else
was in the back seat, as the car occupants later testified?
Answer: Maybe the door had not been closed properly in the first place and a person sitting in the passenger seat at the front leaned over and closed it?
We do not know.
We do however now know that the 12 year old daughter of the driver was in the
car and illegally so.
In other words some embarrassing points may have been covered up but they may
still have simple prosaic explanations.
? Why was
Rabin's wife, the late Leah Rabin, told at first that the entire incident was
just an exercise and a fake? Why was she told in advance not to travel with
her husband? [source: Ha'olam
magazine, Issue 193, November, 1999, page 21]
Answer: Why say such a thing unless someone thought that such
was the case?
Or maybe initially such a false report got out, i.e. it was a mistake.
The security authorities did not believe it possible. They were in denial,
someone invented the explanation, and the others grasped at the straw.
The fact that someone had cried "Blanks! Blanks!" immediately after the shooting was broadcast straight
away with news of the shooting. It may have seemed logical to assume that it was all only an exercise.
It could be that there was supposed to be a faked attempt on the life of Rabin and
may be Amir was being set up for it by Raviv (as has been claimed) but Amir
pre-emptied everything by using real bullets instead of blank ones that Raviv
was supposed to have supplied him. This theory was proposed immediately after
the incident, appeared to fit the then-known facts, and was widely accepted and discussed in the media though later it appears to
have been abandoned.
Alternately, we know that the GSS (General Security Service) had fabricated incidents through Raviv with whom Amir was associated. It may be that at some level the idea of a make-belief attempt on the life of the PM had been discussed
and then shelved. Word of these discussions had however permeated through the ranks and so when the event happened the wrong conclusions were initially reached by people in the field.
? Why was the
call, "Blanks, blanks!" heard when the shots rang out? Why did the
Commission not determine who shouted this?
Answer: The security guards are Jewish. They saw at once that Amir is Jewish. One of them was inspired to shout
"Blanks!" since Divine Providence wanted to keep Amir alive.
It worked.
Miracles still happen.
? Why was the
assassin not killed immediately?
Answer: See the previous answer.
? Why did
then-Health Minister Dr. Ephraim
say on television that night [45 seconds into video below] that Rabin had been
wounded by bullets to the chest, stomach, and spinal cord, when in fact the
video shows that Amir
fired from the back?
Answer: The shots were fired at almost point-blank range. Dum-dum bullets
prepared by the brother of Amir were used.
These split up inside the body causing unpredictable damage and making it
difficult to determine where the bullets came from.
Concerning the spinal cord Rabin had had a cosmetic operation on a part of his body that at first glance shows a similarity to symptoms of spinal damage.
? Why did the
Director of Ichilov
Hospital Dr. Gabi Barabash,
who was in the operating room when Rabin was treated for his wounds, say on
national TV that Rabin suffered from a wound to his chest, when
was seen firing from behind?
Answer: See previous answer. Also the preliminary report was produced in a
hurry under pressure and therefore could easily have been mistaken on some points which is feasible
under the circumstances.
Rabin was shot in the back at least twice at point blank range with specially
prepared dum-dum bullets.
These had been prepared by Haggai Amir who served a long prison sentence as a
result and admitted to having prepared them.
He never denied it. No-one denied it.
Dum-dum bullets explode in the body.
The effects are unpredictable and can give misleading impressions as to the
direction of impact.
This answer in effect answers all the other questions regarding contradictions
in the forensic reports.
? Why did
security guard Yoram
Rubin testify before the
Shamgar Commission that Rabin
was shot at 9:50 PM, when in fact
was arrested at 9:30 PM?
Answer: Who knows? But what does this 20 minute incongruity prove? If it was
all a conspiracy why make such an obvious mistake?
? Why did
Rabin's driver, Menachem
testify before the Commission and at
trial that he drove to Ichilov
Hospital in less than two minutes, when the ride actually took over 20
minutes? Could this question be connected to the previous one?
Answer: Damti had his little daughter in the car against the regulations. Was
he afraid after the shooting? Did he panic?
Did he take his daughter to safety before getting Rabin to the hospital?
Why is Damti the only one questioned on this matter?
Does not the PM vehicle need to be always accompanied by other security
Why was the Commission not required to ask for corroborative statements from
the accompanying security vehicles?
In other words, there may be a reason for the delay that the officials do not
want to make public but that does not mean that they themselves murdered
Rabin. Other explanations exist.
? Why did
Rabin's top aide Eitan
destroy evidence? He told the Commission that he took Rabin's possessions from
Hospital, and later told the Jerusalem newspaper
that on the same night he cleaned out Rabin's filing cabinets at the Prime
Minister's office.
Answer: If he was destroying evidence why did he admit it so
? Why did
official State Pathologist Dr.
Yehuda Hiss remove the mention
of a chest and spine wound from the autopsy report, when in fact all the other
doctors there, including Gutman,
and Barabash,
reported that Rabin died of a shattered spine with bullet entry through the
Answer: Hiss was later prosecuted on other counts of
unprofessional even criminal behavior.
It would not be beyond such a person to doctor a report for all kinds of
possible reasons.
? Why did the
chief judge at Yigal
trial, Edmond Levy, dismiss the testimony of police forensics expert Inspector
Baruch Gladstein,
who proved categorically that one gun shot was fired into Rabin at point-blank
range - about a half-meter closer than
ever got to Rabin?
Again dum-dum bullets can create misleading impressions.
The late
Arutz-7's popular broadcaster who waged a long struggle to uncover the truth
behind the Rabin assassination and the campaign of incitement against the
nationalist campaign that followed it, often said that his main objection to
the official version was the behavior of the guards. He said that from his
conversations with members of the VIP bodyguard unit, he knew they were
trained to shoot immediately if a gun is drawn in the immediate vicinity of
the VIP.
"VIP bodyguards told me," said
Zik, "that if, through some
foul-up, an assassin were to fire one shot, he would be filled with bullets
long before firing a second. How is it possible that
was able to get off not only two, but three shots, without being felled by the
guards?" He concluded that they had been instructed previously not to shoot -
and that this could only be if it was coordinated in advance that the
"assassin" would in fact be firing only blanks.
Answer: See our answer above to the question as to why someone shouted
People in a crowd under extreme circumstances react in unpredictable ways. It
is as if a group consciousness overtakes them.
They did not want to kill Amir.
It could be said that PM Rabin had committed a crime in his policies.
Whether he deserved to die or if he did whether Amir should have executed him
are different questions.
If however the Public Consciousness would have been forced to confront the
culpability of Rabin (or lack of it) the resulting impression may well have
prevented a continuation of the Rabin Pathway by those who came after him and
added to his transgression.
Instead of such considerations being placed on the Public Agenda as they could
have been immediately after his death the nationalist and national-religious
communities went into denial and grasped hold of Conspiracy Theories.
A similar thing happened with the Rabbi of Lubavitch who was a great leader
and in some ways perhaps almost a prophet.
He died.
His followers could not accept his death and therefore claim he is still
living but only hidden away only to soon reveal himself again.
Why not face facts?
Jerusalem News-693
2 Kislev 5768, 12 November 2007
1. Prince Charles is to be patron of the
biggest clan gathering in Edinburgh for almost 190 years.
2. Dr Richard Griffith: Dr Mazar
Destruction of Israelite Heritage
3. Major archaeology discovery supporting the bible:
Archaeologist uncovers Scriptures' famed wall
4. Arutz
Daily Israel Report
5. The uninvited guest: Chinese sub pops up in middle of U.S. Navy
1. Prince Charles is to be patron of the
biggest clan gathering in Edinburgh for almost 190 years.
2. Dr Richard Griffith: Dr
Destruction of Israelite Heritage
From: rgriff92437@aol.com
Subject: Time for BritAm to help Dr. Eilat Mazar
I hope BritAm and its supporters worldwide will help Dr. Mazar, and bring
attention to the wanton destruction of biblical artifacts on the temple mount.
PM's Office Complicit in Temple Mount Destruction
2 Kislev 5768, 12 November 07 05:00by Nissan Ratzlav-Katz(IsraelNN.com)
Well-known archaeologist Dr. Eilat Mazar of Hebrew University told Arutz Sheva
Radio that she sees the recent revelation of First Temple artifacts on the
Temple Mount as further proof of what she called the Antiquities Authority's
"criminal behavior." The destruction on the Temple Mount continues, she charged,
due to "a direct order from the Prime Minister's Office" to ignore the Islamic
Waqf's violations of antiquities preservation laws.
Asked why the Prime Minister would issue such a directive, Dr. Mazar said, "I am
an archaeologist, not a politician. However, it is clear that the Prime Minister
must not avert his eyes from the destruction of antiquities on the Temple Mount.
Not even at the cost of tranquility. These are artifacts that have been
permanently ruined and we will never be able to restore them."
The Antiquities Authority, Mazar noted, allows construction by the Waqf, the
Islamic religious authority, to proceed on the Temple Mount without consistent
state oversight. In the past, Mazar, as a member of the Committee for the
Prevention of Destruction of Temple Mount Antiquities, warned that ongoing Waqf
digging of a trench on the Mount was destroying Second Temple artifacts.
"It is adding insult to injury," Dr. Mazar said on Monday, "I have no idea what
[the Antiquities Authority] wants people to think of them - other than that they
are preening themselves over criminality and over their permission to carry out
illegal construction."
In September, the Committee of which Dr. Mazar is a member filed a petition with
the High Court of Justice to halt the destructive works being carried out by the
Waqf. In addition to an immediate intervention, the Committee petitioned for the
regulated oversight of any further Waqf construction on the Temple Mount.
"We would expect that the same demands [made during construction at other
historical sites] be applied primarily at the Temple Mount," Mazar added,
explaining that the Antiquities Authority provides precise regulations for such
projects all around the country. Under existing law, contractors who discover
artifacts while digging for their construction projects are obligated to freeze
construction and inform the appropriate authorities. This law is completely
ignored on the Temple Mount, according to Dr. Mazar and her colleagues.
Waqf Denies Existence of First Temple Artifacts
The director of the Waqf for holy sites in Jerusalem told a Lebanese newspaper
that Israeli reports of archaeological finds from the First Temple period are
baseless. Azzam Al-Hatib charged that Israel timed the reports to try to prove a
Jewish link to the site at the same time the Palestinian Authority has demanded
control of the Old City.
Muslims have been conducting a campaign that has escalated in the past two years
to convince the world that there is no Jewish connection with the Old City of
Jerusalem. They argue that the Western Wall (Kotel) was a hitching post for a
mythical horse ridden by Islam's founder, Muhammad. Historically, the
7th-century Arabian leader never set foot in Jerusalem.
3. Major archaeology discovery
supporting the bible:
Archaeologist uncovers Scriptures' famed wall
From: rgriff92437@aol.com
Archaeologist uncovers Scriptures' famed wall
Emergency dig finds tower built by Bible's Nehemiah
Present-day wall of Jerusalem
Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad may want to see Israel wiped off the map
and its Jews sent to Europe or Alaska, but an archaeological discovery announced
this week marks an event recorded in the Bible when his country (Persia,
at the time) literally helped put the Jewish people back on the map in
their capital city of Jerusalem.
Dr. Eilat Mazar, one of Israel's top archaeologists, ended her presentation
Wednesday to the 13th Annual Conference of the Ingeborg Rennert Center for
Jerusalem Studies on "New Studies on Jerusalem," with a surprise announcement.
She had discovered remnants of the fifth century B.C. wall built by Nehemiah,
the account recorded in the Old Testament book of the same name.
According to the biblical account, Nehemiah served as cupbearer for the Persian
King Artaxerxes in the city of Susa. The Persians had conquered the Babylonian
empire that had destroyed Jerusalem in 586 B.C. and taken most of the
inhabitants of Judah into captivity in what is now modern Iraq.
The account reads:
In the month of Nisan, in the twentieth year of King Artaxerxes, when wine was
before him, I took up the wine and gave it to the king. Now I had not been sad
in his presence.
And the king said to me, "Why is your face sad, seeing you are not sick? This is
nothing but sadness of the heart."
Then I was very much afraid. I said to the king, "Let the king live forever! Why
should not my face be sad, when the city, the place of my fathers' graves, lies
in ruins, and its gates have been destroyed by fire?"
Then the king said to me, "What are you requesting?"
So I prayed to the God of heaven. And I said to the king, "If it pleases the
king, and if your servant has found favor in your sight, that you send me to
Judah, to the city of my fathers' graves, that I may rebuild it."
Nehemiah's rebuilding of the city began with its walls, a project that was
resisted by hostile neighbors who had occupied the area around Jerusalem in the
Jews' absence.
But when Sanballat and Tobiah and the Arabs and the Ammonites and the Ashdodites
heard that the repairing of the walls of Jerusalem was going forward and that
the breaches were beginning to be closed, they were very angry. And they all
plotted together to come and fight against Jerusalem and to cause confusion in
it. And we prayed to our God and set a guard as a protection against them day
and night.
With tools in one hand and weapons in the other, Nehemiah's workmen toiled dawn
to dusk, completing the wall in a record 52 days.
Archaeological evidence for Nehemiah's project has been lacking. Jerusalem has
been rebuilt, destroyed and rebuilt in the almost 2,500 years since.
Mazar, who is perhaps best known for her recent excavation that many believe has
revealed the palace of King David, was working on an emergency project to shore
up remains of a tower long believed to date from the Hasmonean period, 142-37
B.C., that was in danger of collapsing.
According to an account of the conference in "The Trumpet," Mazar said, "Under
the tower, we found the bones of two large dogs, and under those bones a
rich assemblage of pottery and finds from the Persian period. No later finds
from that period were found under the tower."
Had the tower been built during the Hasmonean dynasty, the Persian-era artifacts
would represent an unexplained chronological gap of several hundred years. The
tower, said Mazar, had to have been built much earlier than previously thought
and the pottery data placed it at the time the Bible says Nehemiah was building
Todd Bolen, of BiblePlaces.com, noted that excavations in the Philistine city of
Ashkelon during the same Persian era, found 800 dog burials like those uncovered
by Mazar.
Nehemiah described 10 gates in the wall around Jerusalem as well as several
towers designed to protect the entrances to the city, among them the Tower of
the Hundred, the Tower of Hananel, the Tower of the Ovens, and an unnamed tower
"projecting from the upper house of the king at the court of the guard" in the
vicinity of Mazar's most recent dig.
WND reported Mazar's confirmation that what appeared to be chopped-up carved
stone, unearthed by recent trenching on the Temple Mount by the holy site's
Islamic custodians, were indeed antiquities with attributes of the Second
Temple-era during the ministry of Jesus.
Mazar has urged Christians to help save the holy site.
"The Christian world and all those who care about safeguarding the Temple Mount
must immediately join us in our efforts to protect the holy site and demand that
the Israeli government stop the Waqf construction," she said.
"The Temple Mount is important to people of all religions. Now is the time to
act before more antiquities are erased."
Daily Israel Report
Friday, Nov. 09 '07, 28 Cheshvan 5768
by Ezra HaLevi
Minister of Infrastructure and former Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer
(Labor) is the latest senior politician to admit that the 2005 Disengagement was
a mistake.
Speaking in an interview with Radio L'lo Hafsaka, a regional radio station, Ben-Eliezer
dropped the bombshell: "I admit and I confess that I was among those who
strongly supported [former PM] Ariel Sharon [and the Disengagement]. Today I
say, with my head held high, "We erred, we made a very big mistake."
Ben Eliezer did not say it was the withdrawal itself and abandonment of parts of
the Land of Israel that was the problem, but rather the nature of the recipients
of the territory. "Withdrawals can only work when the areas are handed over to
responsible hands and rotted in agreements and international guarantees,? he
explained. "Here we have a precedent - a territory we left turns into a base for
terror - period."
Ben Eliezer also called for a wide scale counter-terror offensive in Gaza,
complaining that Israel's fear of harming civilians was harming its own populace
instead. "Israel continues to say we bind ourselves to these ethical obligations
that no other country in the world is bound by. We are facing a conflict here
between two disciplines. One nation is prepared to commit suicide and sees it as
a religious imperative and an honor, the other wants to spare every ounce of
MK Reuven Rivlin, an opponent of the withdrawal from Gaza and northern Samaria
from the outset, responded to MK Ben Eliezer's about-face with alarm. "It is
horrifying that someone who pushed for the Disengagement and saw in it a "window
of opportunity" can now simply say such a thing while his colleagues in the
government are signaling that they once again see it as proper to give up the
essential interests of the State of Israel," Rivlin said.
Ben Eliezer is but the latest in a parade of Disengagement-regretting
politicians and public figures, including: Maj.-Gen (ret.) Yiftah Ron-Tal, IDF
ground forces commander at the time of the Disengagement Left-wing journalist
Ilana Dayan Maj.-Gen. (res.) Giora Eiland, Chairman of the National Security
Council and one of the Disengagement's chief architects Avri Gilad, broadcaster
and TV personality who supported Disengagement Brig.-Gen. (Res.) Moshe Ya'alon,
IDF Chief of Staff at the time the government decided to carry out the
Disengagement Yoel Marcus, left-wing commentator for Haaretz and ardent
Disengagement supporter Yehoshua Sobol, author and prominent left-wing
spokesperson and proponent of left-wing refusal to serve in the IDF IDF Central
Commander Maj.-Gen. Yair Naveh Yair Lapid, popular TV personality and
commentator Senior TV news anchor Dan Margalit, a strong supporter of
Disengagement Maj.-Gen. Gershon HaCohen, who commanded the Disengagement and
expressed his public agreement with it prior to implementation Several others
by Hillel Fendel
Journalists and left-wing politicians kept the "Rabin festival" going for yet
another day, ganging up against the Israeli Soccer Association for meting out
"too light" of a punishment to fans who jeered during a "moment of silence" for
At the Sunday night soccer game between Beitar Jerusalem and Maccabi Haifa,
hundreds of fans jeered, booed and sang songs of support for Yigal Amir during
what was supposed to be a "minute of silence" for Yitzchak Rabin on the 12th
anniversary of his murder. MK Ophir Pines (Labor) was the first to jump, saying
the Soccer League must condemn and punish the team for its fans' actions.
Monday and Tuesday saw many politicians and journalists condemning the incident,
lamenting the lack of supervision over the fans, and demanding measures to
punish the fans who thus expressed their opinion.
Some fans later explained that they simply do not remember Rabin fondly, blaming
him for giving weapons to terrorists and initiating the Oslo process. "It
offends me when they remember Rabin for two weeks each year," one fan said, "but
never remember the 1,400 people who were murdered or 20,000 who were wounded
because of the Olso process."
On Wednesday night, three judges of the Israel Soccer League court convened, and
on Thursday they handed down the decision: Beitar must play two home games with
no fans allowed, and pay an as-yet unspecified fine. In addition, it will have
to play two additional fan-less home games if the offense is repeated.
The decision was taken by a vote of 2-1; the dissenting judge ruled that the
approach to take should not be punitive, but rather by employing educational
measures and encouraging public denunciation.
Outside the court hearing, some fans held signs noting that when the fans of the
Arab team from Sakhnin once booed and hissed and held Hamas flags during the
singing of Israel's national anthem, it was considered "freedom of speech" and
no sanctions were imposed.
5. The uninvited guest: Chinese sub pops
up in middle of U.S. Navy
From: rgriff92437@aol.com
US power is waning because of its people's sins.
The uninvited guest: Chinese sub pops up
in middle of U.S. Navy exercise, leaving military chiefs red-faced
When the U.S. Navy deploys a battle fleet on exercises, it takes the security of
its aircraft carriers very seriously indeed.
At least a dozen warships provide a physical guard while the technical wizardry
of the world's only military superpower offers an invisible shield to detect and
deter any intruders.
That is the theory. Or, rather, was the theory
American military chiefs have been left dumbstruck by an undetected Chinese
submarine popping up at the heart of a recent Pacific exercise and close to the
vast U.S.S. Kitty Hawk - a 1,000ft supercarrier with 4,500 personnel on board.
By the time it surfaced the 160ft Song Class diesel-electric attack submarine is
understood to have sailed within viable range for launching torpedoes or
missiles at the carrier.
According to senior Nato officials the incident caused consternation in the U.S.
The Americans had no idea China's fast-growing submarine fleet had reached such
a level of sophistication, or that it posed such a threat.
One Nato figure said the effect was "as big a shock as the Russians launching
Sputnik" - a reference to the Soviet Union's first orbiting satellite in 1957
which marked the start of the space age.
The incident, which took place in the ocean between southern Japan and Taiwan,
is a major embarrassment for the Pentagon.
The lone Chinese vessel slipped past at least a dozen other American warships
which were supposed to protect the carrier from hostile aircraft or submarines.
And the rest of the costly defensive screen, which usually includes at least two
U.S. submarines, was also apparently unable to detect it.
According to the Nato source, the encounter has forced a serious re-think of
American and Nato naval strategy as commanders reconsider the level of threat
from potentially hostile Chinese submarines.
It also led to tense diplomatic exchanges, with shaken American diplomats
demanding to know why the submarine was "shadowing" the U.S. fleet while Beijing
pleaded ignorance and dismissed the affair as coincidence.
Analysts believe Beijing was sending a message to America and the West
demonstrating its rapidly-growing military capability to threaten foreign powers
which try to interfere in its "backyard".
The People's Liberation Army Navy's submarine fleet includes at least two
nuclear-missile launching vessels.
Its 13 Song Class submarines are extremely quiet and difficult to detect when
running on electric motors.
Commodore Stephen Saunders, editor of Jane's Fighting Ships, and a former Royal
Navy anti-submarine specialist, said the U.S. had paid relatively little
attention to this form of warfare since the end of the Cold War.
He said: "It was certainly a wake-up call for the Americans.
"It would tie in with what we see the Chinese trying to do, which appears to be
to deter the Americans from interfering or operating in their backyard,
particularly in relation to Taiwan."
In January China carried a successful missile test, shooting down a satellite in
orbit for the first time.
Jerusalem News-694
9 Kislev 5768, 18 November 2007
1. Jordan Times: Britain Leads Europe in
Sanctions Against Iran
2. Scandinavian Soldiers Unwelcome in
3. Iran, Saudia, and the US Dollar
4. E-mail snub to Israel by Prince Charles' aides sparks furor
5.DEBKAfile Exclusive: US cuts aid to Egypt by $500 million over its failure to halt
terrorist smuggling to Gaza
1. Jordan Times: Britain Leads Europe in
Sanctions Against Iran
From: imra@netvision.net.il
Excerpts: Curtailment British investments in Iran".Royal 'toys'.13 November
+++JORDANTIMES 13 Nov.'07:"Britain threatens oil,gas sanctions (on Iran)"
QUOTE:"Britain ...curb financial investments in Iran unless Tehran addresses
nuclear concerns"
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain will push to curb energy and financial investment
in Iran unless Tehran addresses nuclear concerns, Prime Minister Gordon
Brown said on Monday in a speech that also underlined Washington's
importance as an ally.
"We will lead in seeking tougher sanctions both at the UN and in the
European Union, including on oil and gas investment and the financial
sector," Brown said, unless there are positive reports this month from EU
foreign policy chief Javier Solana and the United Nations nuclear watchdog.
"Iran should be in no doubt about our seriousness of purpose," he said in
his first major foreign policy speech since becoming premier in June.
The five permanent members of the UN Security Council - Britain, the United
States, France, Russia and China - plus Germany, agreed earlier this month
to proceed with a third round of sanctions against Iran.
Iran has refused to halt uranium enrichment after two previous UN sanction
resolutions and denies the West's allegations that it wants to make atomic
bombs, saying its programme is for peaceful power generation.
The United States has not ruled out military action against Iran. Brown has
urged a diplomatic solution, while also saying he will not rule out
IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis
Website: www.imra.org.il
2. Scandinavian Soldiers Unwelcome in
Norwegian and Swedish soldiers are not welcome as part of the United Nations
force in Darfur Sudan's president Omar al-Bashir told Al Jazeera TV this week.
Al-Bashir believes Scandinavians are really agents for Israel's intelligence
service Mossad and the American CIA.
The leader of the UN's peacekeeping operations, Jean-Marie Guehenno, fears that
al-Bashir's protests will derail the UN force in Darfur.
Sudan demands the peacekeeping force be primarily African, and rejects
assistance from Norway, Sweden, Thailand and Nepal.
3. Iran,
and the US Dollar
From: imra@netvision.net.il
Subject: Iranian and Saudi FMs disagree on mentioning concern for dollar in
OPEC statement
OPEC blunder reveals Saudi-Iran disagreement on dollar
Agence France-Presse - 17 November, 2007
A blunder by OPEC on Friday exposed a disagreement between Saudi Arabia and
Iran about the falling dollar when a private meeting of ministers was
broadcast to journalists by mistake.
In an embarrassing oversight, the private meeting of foreign, finance and
oil ministers from the 12 members of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting
Countries was broadcast for 30 minutes on closed-circuit television in the
media room.
Iran's Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said in a written proposal that a
final declaration by OPEC leaders, who arrive here Saturday for a two-day
summit, should express concern by member states over the fall of the US
Reacting to the request, Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal Saudi
Arabia's foreign minister warned that mentioning the falling dollar could
lead to the "collapse" of the US currency.
"There are media people outside waiting to catch this point and they will
add to it (exaggerate) and we may find that the dollar collapses," he said.
Member states should express concern over "the continued depreciation of the
US dollar" in the final declaration, Mottaki said.
US foe Iran was joined in its attempt to put the falling dollar on the
agenda by another of Washington's antagonisers, Venezuela.
Prince Saud, who was chairing the meeting, described the Iranian proposal as
"This is a sensitive issue. It will cause the dollar to drop further, thus
complicating the problems we are facing from the dollar's fall," Prince Saud
The fall of the US dollar, which has declined by about 15 percent in 12
months, has affected the revenues of OPEC members because most of them price
and sell their oil exports in the US currency.
The remarkable insight into the inner workings of the Organisation of
Petroleum Exporting Countries, which produces 40 percent of world oil, ended
when an official emerged to switch off the television.
Ironically, Iran has moved away from the dollar and now prices nearly all of
its exports in local currency, meaning most of its revenues are in euros and
yen, a source in the Iranian delegation told AFP earlier.
He said that this had saved the country about 10 billion dollars (14 billion
He also said that OPEC was unlikely to make a statement on the dollar
because the organisation believed the issue of pricing oil was a sovereign
issue that should be dealt with individually by members.
The summit, which begins on Saturday, is only the third gathering of OPEC
head of states in the organisation's 47-year history.
The 12-member organisation, dominated by US ally Saudi Arabia, produces
about 40 percent of world oil and attempts to regulate production of its
members through a quota system.
IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis
Website: www.imra.org.il
4. E-mail snub to Israel by Prince
Charles' aides sparks furor
Exclusive: US cuts aid to Egypt by $500 million over its failure to halt
terrorist smuggling to Gaza
Jerusalem News-695
9 Kislev 5768, 19 November 2007
1. Guysen Israel
News Sunday: Extracts
2. U.S. Hopes to Arm Pakistani Tribes Against Al Qaeda
3. The Dollar Crisis and Brit-Am Solution
1. Guysen Israel
News Sunday: Extracts
Date: Sun, 18 Nov 2007 15:02:10 +0000
2007-11-17 , 7 Kislev 5768
23:18 Ban Ki-Moon has sounded an alarm in the face of global warming. The
Secretary General of the UN has called for a decision to take urgent measures,
''as the world is on the brink of disaster''. The summary of the
Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Climate Change for policy makers was
released on Saturday, after having been the subject of an agreement in Valencia
(Spain). The experts paint a grim picture: they foresee a possible rise in
temperatures of about 6.5 degrees by 2100 compared to 1990 levels, melting
glaciers, the multiplication of heat waves, droughts and floods, and rising sea
levels ... (Guysen.International.News)
22:56 Guns in Palestinian kindergartens: Palestinian children play or train
with imported plastic weapons in Judea and Samaria, imitating terrorist
organizations combat techniques. This phenomenon is increasingly common, in the
context of education of hatred and violence against Israel. The use of these
toys endangers the lives of children in the areas of IDF operations. The
television channel Al-Arabiya broadcast a report on the issue on October 21. (Guysen.International.News)
22:44 Saudi Arabia will release $300 million for environmental research. The
aim is to help combat global warming and reduce pollution while continuing to
use oil. King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia announced a new OPEC summit. (Guysen.International.News)
22:11 Football: Israel beat Russia 2-1. This victory by Israel, already
eliminated from the qualifying campaign for the Euro 2008, mainly benefits
England to maintain its chances. It now only needs a draw against Croatia in a
few days to be able to enter the next Euro. (Guysen.International.News)
21:18 Hugo Chavez opened the third OPEC summit in Riyadh. The Venezuelan
president said that the price of oil would rise steeply by several hundred
dollars if the United States decided to attack Iran or Venezuela. (Guysen.International.News)
21:09 The OPEC summit has opened in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Representatives of
the 11 member countries met for the third summit of the Organization of
Petroleum Exporting Countries since its founding in 1960. The current members of
the organization are Algeria, Angola, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates,
Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar and Venezuela. (Guysen.International.News)
20:33''About a quarter of Saddam Hussein's WMD (weapons of mass destruction)
were destroyed under UN pressure in the early 1990'', writes John Loftus,
president of The Intelligent Summit on the website Analyst-Network, based on
reading the archives of Saddam Hussein. He continued: ''Saddam sold
approximately one quarter of his WMD its Arab neighbors in the late 1990's. The
Russians insisted on the withdrawal of another quarter in the last month before
the start of the war. The last quarter of WMD - his nuclear weapons facilities -
were hidden in huge hangars on the Euphrates. The Israelis believe that Saddam's
nuclear stockpiles eventually reached Syria in the form of ''dirty bombs''....
Saddam ordered his scientists to manufacture Zyklon B gas - a favorite of the
Nazis in Auschwitz ... [The archives consulted] describe a process of uranium
enrichment by laser that had not been brought to the attention of the UN
19:18 The treasurer of the State of New York intends to intensify economic
pressure on Iran. He told the Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu that he will put
pressure on American companies in relation with Tehran, and on the pension funds
which the State of New York has invested funds. Over the past year, Netanyahu
has been trying to convince a maximum number of American States to avoid
investments in Iran via their pension funds. (Guysen.International.News)
2. U.S. Hopes to
Arm Pakistani Tribes Against Al
by Eric Schmitt, Mark Mazzetti and Carlotta Gall.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 18 " A new and classified American military proposal outlines
an intensified effort to enlist tribal leaders in the frontier areas of Pakistan
in the fight against Al Qaeda and the Taliban, as part of a broader effort to
bolster Pakistani forces against an expanding militancy, American military
officials said.
If adopted, the proposal would join elements of a shift in strategy that would
also be likely to expand the presence of American military trainers in Pakistan,
directly finance a separate tribal paramilitary force that until now has proved
largely ineffective and pay militias that agreed to fight Al Qaeda and foreign
extremists, officials said. The United States now has only about 50 troops in
Pakistan, a Pentagon spokesman said, a force that could grow by dozens under the
new approach.
The proposal is modeled in part on a similar effort by American forces in Anbar
Province in Iraq that has been hailed as a great success in fighting foreign
insurgents there. But it raises the question of whether such partnerships can be
forged without a significant American military presence in Pakistan. And it is
unclear whether enough support can be found among the tribes.
Altogether, the broader strategic move toward more local support is being
accelerated because of concern about instability in Pakistan and the weakness of
the Pakistani government, as well as fears that extremists with havens in the
tribal areas could escalate their attacks on allied troops in Afghanistan. Just
in recent weeks, Islamic militants sympathetic to Al Qaeda and the Taliban have
already extended their reach beyond the frontier areas into more settled areas,
most notably the mountainous region of Swat.
The tribal proposal, a strategy paper prepared by staff members of the United
States Special Operations Command, has been circulated to counterterrorism
experts but has not yet been formally approved by the command"s headquarters in
Tampa, Fla. Some other elements of the campaign have been approved in principle
by the Americans and Pakistanis and await financing, like $350 million over
several years to help train and equip the Frontier Corps, a paramilitary force
that has about 85,000 members and is recruited from border tribes.
Ever since Sept. 11, 2001, the Bush administration has used billions of dollars
of aid and heavy political pressure to encourage Gen. Pervez Musharraf,
Pakistan"s president, to carry out more aggressive military operations against
militants in the tribal areas. But the sporadic military campaigns Pakistan has
conducted there have had little success, resulting instead in heavy losses among
Pakistani Army units and anger among local residents who have for decades been
mostly independent from Islamabad"s control.
American officials acknowledge those failures, but say that the renewed emphasis
on recruiting allies among the tribal militias and investing more heavily in the
Frontier Corps reflect the depth of American concern about the need to address
Islamic extremism in Pakistan. The new counterinsurgency campaign is also a
vivid example of the American military"s asserting a bigger role in a part of
Pakistan that the Central Intelligence Agency has overseen almost exclusively
since Sept. 11.
Small numbers of United States military personnel have served as advisers to the
Pakistani Army in the tribal areas, giving planning advice and helping to
integrate American intelligence, said one senior American officer with long
service in the region.
Historically, American Special Forces have gone into foreign countries to work
with local militaries to improve the security of those countries in ways that
help American interests. Under this new approach, the number of advisers would
increase, officials said.
American officials said these security improvements complemented a package of
assistance from the Agency for International Development and the State
Department for the seven districts of the tribal areas that amounted to $750
million over five years, and would involve work in education, health and other
sectors. The State Department"s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law
Enforcement Affairs is also assisting the Frontier Corps with financing for
counternarcotics work.
The training of the Frontier Corps remains a concern for some. NATO and American
soldiers in Afghanistan have often blamed the Frontier Corps for aiding and
abetting Taliban insurgents mounting cross-border attacks. "It"s going to take
years to turn them into a professional force," said one Western military
official. "Is it worth it now""
3. The Dollar
Crisis and Brit-Am Solution
See "Brit-Am Comment" Below:
"The Discipline Of the Dollar"
David Ignatius, washingtonpost.com, Sunday, November 18, 2007:
followed by Brit-Am Comment
... the United States, as a financial superpower, has the
luxury of borrowing abroad in its own currency. The Chinese, who are sitting on
$1.4 trillion in foreign reserves, hold much of that in Treasury securities and
other dollar investments. This cushion tends to mask our financial weakness --
and to lessen the natural correctives that would keep America from borrowing and
spending more than it can afford.
"If you're borrowing in foreign currencies, you can literally run out of cash
and hit a brick wall," explains Jeffrey Sachs, who heads Columbia University's
Earth Institute. "What we can't do is run out of dollars, so we have a degree of
America illustrates the old saw about how a debt can grow so big it becomes the
bank's problem rather than the borrower's. The United States is running a
current account deficit of roughly $800 billion a year, nearly 6 percent of our
gross domestic product. But the world keeps accepting our dollars as IOUs
because the alternative would be disastrous for everyone. Kenneth Rogoff, a
former chief economist at the IMF who teaches at Harvard, notes that if the
United States were unable to fund its debt, world economic output could fall by
as much as 25 percent.
But a global financial adjustment is underway, nonetheless. The clearest sign is
the fall in the dollar. The greenback has declined 16 percent against a
trade-weighted basket of currencies over the past year and 26 percent since
The sinking dollar is often described as a problem, but it's actually part of
the cure -- not as harsh as the IMF's austerity measures for Asian countries a
decade ago but not painless, either. Over time, a cheaper dollar will boost U.S.
exports and may even reduce our seemingly insatiable appetite for imports, which
won't be quite so cheap as before. Meanwhile, the problems in the housing sector
may make U.S. consumers a bit less spendthrift, and we may begin saving more as
a country.
If the world were populated by Adam Smiths, these natural market mechanisms
would produce the gradual adjustments that are needed. But in real life, markets
are inhabited by versions of TV financial analyst Jim Cramer -- emotional,
volatile traders whose passions are triggered by good or bad news. They
overreact, and markets overshoot.
So what's ahead in this season when markets are repricing currencies and
financial risks? Here's the Adam Smith version: As the dollar falls, China
and other Asian nations will begin adjusting their portfolios so that they
accumulate fewer dollars. The value of their artificially pegged currencies will
finally rise against the dollar. Over time, the U.S. trade deficit will shrink,
and the dollar eventually will begin to rise again.
Then there's the Jim Cramer version: As the dollar falls, the gradual adjustment
will turn into a stampede, with investors fleeing dollars for the safety of
other currencies. The Fed will have to raise interest rates, consumers will stop
spending and America will sink into recession. In that bleak market scenario,
the United States might resemble Thailand of 1997 more than we'd like to
Brit-Am Comment:
The problems of the USA in
some measure may be traced to Iran and Venezuela pricing their oil in Euros together with other nations moving out of the
dollar sphere. The USA presence
in the Persian Gulf and its mutual arms-sales with-protection agreements with
etc are all part of the same need. The USA probably CANNOT go backward.
China and other nations will hang on to dollar reserves as long as they can buy
oil with it.
Oil that is priced in dollars both enables the selling-nation to buy goods with the dollars it receives and enables the USA
to spend the dollars in question. It is as if for every barrel of oil sold in dollars the US can write a check for
the same amount knowing that it will never have to see it cashed, in whole or in part. The US can also use oil
that is to be produced and is to be priced in dollars as surety for present expenditure.
If this changes all those dollars out there are like checks coming home to roost. It is a bit like a merchant who
pays his suppliers with notes of credit. The notes of credit (i.e. dollars) are passed on from one supplier to another
until they become the same as hard coin. The merchant then puts out more notes of credit that are copies of the first one and these too circulate and are accepted as solid coin. It is known what the merchant is doing but as long as everybody benefits no complaints will be made. Every now and again one of the recipients comes to the merchant to cash his note.
If the merchant has goods to give in place of the note they will be accepted. If someone else has goods (such as oil in the ground) and are prepared to accept the note this too means that the merchant will feel no pressure.
If however the other person who had oil in the ground and was accepting the notes stops doing so more pressure will be put on the merchant.
If a few notes come in at once and not enough goods are available for all of them the merchant will try to sell fewer goods per note. The note will be worth less [the level of the dollar goes down].
If suddenly a rumor goes out that the merchant has not enough money in the bank or goods in stock to cover the notes of credit all the suppliers may rush to cash their notes in for whatever they can get while there is still time.
The merchant may be forced to declare bankruptcy and go out of business for a while.
In the case of a nation like the USA it is not certain what the equivalent situation would lead to.
At all events, as long as the USA maintains its present geo-political position this probably will not happen. The USA however is under pressure and may be faced with a choice to get bigger or get out and getting out may no longer be an option (if it ever really was).
If the USA goes under so does much of the world as we know it.
As long as US troops are in Iraq, Iraqi oil will be sold in dollars.
For the USA overseas oil resources priced in dollars help fund US overseas activity as well as (or even better than) if the oil was found in Texas.
This is especially true of Middle East oil since a good portion of the dollar revenue paid for the oil is spent (for armaments, investments, infrastructure with US assistance, etc) according to formulas foreseen and directed by US offialdom.
Iran has a
leadership that threatens world civilization and may force the US and Allies to
intervene which in turn may well help the USA in other ways such as putting oil from Iran back into dollar prices.
Iran is helping to bolster Chavez of Venezuela whose oil has also been taken out of the US sphere. Dealing with Iran could enable an incidental removal of Chavez at the same time.
All these however are interim solutions.
The existence of Israel actually strengthens the US position since at the superficial level it focuses Arab attention away from American dominance and actually enables such dominance (through aid, advisors, and aramament sales, etc) as a "counter" to the Israeli presence.
In addition, Israel acts as the equivalent of a gigantic aircraft carrier constantly in the background and liable in case of emergency to deal with all comers.
Nevertheless, there are other problems in the Middle East region.
The State of Israel is one of the "sacrifices" the USA is constantly pressured to offer up to placate the
"demon-gods" of Mecca.
The USA actually accedes but it does it piecemeal and we would like to think with reluctance and against its better
In the long run it will not help, and the USA knows it.
Even though the oil is priced in dollars and much of the income paid for it is spent under US direction a good portion also remains in the hands of the "natives" according to their own discretion.
Saudia uses much of its money to fund an aggressive campaign of Islamization directed against the USA, the UK, Israel, and remnants of traditional "Judeo-Christian" life-style and values in the west. The Moslem World in general along with the EU bureacracy are co-operating.
See We Were Warned! "Eurabia" in The Book of DANIEL?
How long can the USA remain depend on Saudi oil and Saudi dollar support while Saudia uses part of its excess revenues to fund the
undermining of the US existence and that of all Western Civilization?
A change in the attitude of Saudia may not be possible. The USA may have to step in again.
How long can the USA and company in this era of anti-Imperialism keep up the charade and keep having to intervene without ultimatley taking over?
A permanent US and
Allied presence in the region will be difficult to maintain indefinitely UNLESS
colonies of US citizens are settled in the area.
Only then will the US public (which does not realize that its own existence may be at stake) be prepared to pay whatever the price is for the USA to remain in the Middle East forever.
Sound fantastic? It is.
But see our article:
"Ephraim Comes Back!
The USA in Iraq:
Has the Return of the Lost Ten Tribes Began?"
Stranger things have happened in the past.

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Family and Business Security
Smart Security Camera
Jerusalem News-696
Jerusalem News-696
10 Kislev 5768, 20 November 2007
1. Survey: Americans see Israel as ally
2. Zionist official was first to hear of Final Solution
3. Jewish Properties in Arab Lands Were Illegally Expropriated
1. Survey: Americans see Israel as ally
A large percentage of Americans continue to support the State of Israel,
especially in relation to the Palestinians and the "war on terror,"
according to a survey released Sunday by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).
The survey reveals that a large majority of Americans, 65%, see Israel as an
important ally.
A 2005 ADL poll showed nearly identical numbers of Americans with this view,
indicating that American support for Israel has stayed strong and relatively
constant over the last few years.
This support comes despite the common belief that America's friendship with
Israel makes the US a bigger target for terrorists. Though 65% of
respondents expressed this conviction, 57% said that the US should continue
to give Israel its support.
Americans remain much more sympathetic to Israel than to the Palestinian
people, the survey says. Forty-five percent of respondents said that they
sympathize more with the Israeli people, compared to 16% who said they
sympathize with the Palestinians.
This sympathy toward Israel has increased only slightly over the last few
years. Two years ago a similar poll showed 42% of Americans being
sympathetic toward Israel, and 13% sympathetic toward the Palestinians, and
a 2003 poll revealed that 40% of Americans had sympathy for Israel and 15%
had sympathy for its Palestinian neighbors.
In addition, 47% of those surveyed believe that difficulties of the
Palestinian people are mainly the result of their leadership's failure to
seize opportunities for peace, rather than Israel's actions.
Americans also demand Palestinian concessions as a prerequisite for a
Palestinian state. Fifty-seven percent (57%) of respondents say that
Palestinians must end terror and recognize Israel before a Palestinian state
can be created.
"These findings are reassuring, not only because of continuing strong
support for Israel, but because Americans understand that without a major
Palestinian effort to deal with terrorism, there can be no viable
Palestinian state," said ADL National Director Abraham Foxman.
Despite their support for Israel and their view of Israel as an important
American ally, 60% of Americans believe that any peace agreement between
Israel and the Palestinians must be accomplished with minimal US
The ADL survey was conducted via telephone interviews with 2,000 American
adults between October 6 and October 19 of this year.
2. Zionist official was first to hear of
Final Solution
------------ --------- --------- ---
Etgar Lefkovits , THE JERUSALEM POST Nov. 15, 2007
------------ --------- --------- ---
A senior Zionist official stationed in Switzerland during World War II was
likely the first person to receive information from a German source regarding
the plan for the systematic extermination of Europe's Jews, according to a new
book published by Yad Vashem. Chaim Pazner, head of the Jewish Agency's
Palestine Office in Geneva, immediately forwarded the information to senior
British officials and to Jewish officials in British-ruled Palestine, and the
report reached the top echelons of the British government, according to the
book, Chaim Pazner - The Man Who Knew.
The book - written in Hebrew by Menahem Michelson, with contributions from
historian Sir Martin Gilbert - describes a report from a German source in the
summer of 1942 about the Final Solution and the British government's refusal to
make that information public. On July 29, 1942, Pazner received a coded message
in a telephone call from his former economics professor in Basel, Edgar Salin,
telling him that he had received information of "supreme importance." The
economics professor, who had converted to Christianity years earlier, was
friends with Dr. Arthur Zommer, a German officer and fellow economist who was
opposed to the Nazi regime and who had been leaking confidential information
about Hitler's plans to his Swiss friend. Pazner immediately took the night
train from Geneva to Basel, arriving in the Swiss city on the morning of July
30, the book relates. Salin then shared with him the information he had received
from the German officer. "In the East, there are camps being prepared which will
be used to destroy all the Jews of Europe and many of the Soviet war prisoners
by gas," the message read. "Please pass this message on immediately to Churchill
and Roosevelt personally." "If the BBC broadcasts a daily warning to the Germans
not to operate the gas chambers maybe they will not operate them, because the
criminals are doing everything they can to prevent the German people from
finding out what they are planning to do and it is clear that they will also do
this," the terse but bone-chilling message stated. Salin read out the
information to Pazner, instructing him to copy it down word by word. "Who gave
you this information? " a stunned Pazner asked. "An impeccable source," the
professor answered. "The source is German." Previous reports about the Germans'
intentions and the mass killings had already filtered out from Polish
intelligence or from Jewish sources, but this information was the first to come
directly from Germany itself, said Prof. David Bankier, head of the International Institute
for Holocaust Research at Yad Vashem. "The information was about a plan, but
there was not [just] a plan but implementation, " Bankier said. Pazner then
passed on the information to a Swiss Jewish leader, Dr. Benjamin Sagalowitz, who
was a friend of the representative of the World Jewish Congress in Geneva, Dr.
Gerhart Riegner, the book relates. Next, Pazner rushed the information to Jewish
Agency officials in British-ruled Jerusalem. Then, on August 2, 1942, he met
with a British intelligence officer in Geneva who went by the name of Victor
Farell, and who worked in the British Passport Control Office in Switzerland.
Pazner implored him to pass on the information to Churchill as the German source
had requested. The British official said he would do so, but the report was
never broadcast on the BBC, the book recounts. During a follow-up meeting, the
British official assured an anxious Pazner, who had been eagerly waiting to hear the BBC radio broadcasts, that he
had indeed passed on the message and that it had reached Churchill, and would
again recommend it be broadcast on the BBC, adding that there was only so much
he could do. But still the report - and the warnings to the Germans not to gas
the Jews - was not broadcast. Pazner died in 1981. "Throughout his life my
father always carried this sadness that nothing was done with this information,
" recalled Avi Pazner, veteran Foreign Ministry diplomat. "He had passed on a
message which could have stopped the Holocaust, but nothing was done," he said.
Riegner, the WJC official in Geneva, had been previously credited with being the
first to notify the West of the Nazis' plan for the systematic extermination of
the Jews in what has become known as the Riegner telegram. Riegner had received
his own information about the Nazi plan to kill all the Jews of Europe during
the first days of August that same summer, from a prominent German industrialist, later identified as Eduard
Schulte, according to the definitive The Abandonment of the Jews by noted
Holocaust historian David S. Wyman. The Israeli author of the new book said this
week that while it had been assumed that Pazner was the first to receive
information from a German source of the Nazi plans for the mass extermination of
European Jewry, there was no conclusive proof of this, noting that such
documentation was never found in the British archives, with wartime messages
routinely intercepted by the Gestapo. In the end, neither Pazner's nor Riegner's
message were able to stop the German killing machine. Riegner's message, which
reached the US in August 1942, was not released to the press until late
November, at the request of the State Department who viewed the reports with
total disbelief and who had asked American Jewish leaders not to publicize the
information until it was confirmed. Even after the belated State Department
confirmation, the Nazi extermination of the Jews of Europe continued unabated
for another two-and-a-half years.
3. Jewish Properties in Arab Lands Were
Illegally Expropriated
From: Steve Collins <scollins@sio.midco.net
Subject: Fw: Jewish exodus from Arab nations
Shalom Yair,
A Jewish friend sent me this. I thought you'd like to see it as well!
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 11:41 AM
''The time has come to introduce the history of the Jewish refugees from Arab
countries from which they were expelled 60 years ago into that of the Middle
East'' Irvin Cotler, a former Canadian Minister of Justice and parliamentarian
said on November 2. He continued: ''This is not a case of justice delayed, but
justice denied. The displacement of 850,000 Jews from Arab countries was not a
forgotten exodus, but a forced exodus.'' The World Organization of Jews Forced
to Leave Muslim Countries has valued the amount of goods they have to surrender
at $300 billion and has gathered notarized property titles for property in Iraq,
Egypt and Morocco - of a total surface area of more than 100,000 sq km, which is
five times that of the Jewish state. The organization hopes that this issue will
be included by Israel in the upcoming peace negotiations. (Guysen.International.News)
Jerusalem News-697
11 Kislev 5768, 21 November 2007
1. Children's Day: 30% of Israel's Jewish Population are Children
2. What Happened to Saddam's WMD's?
3. Brit-Am Office and Neighborhood Experiences Minor Earthquake
as yet Not Reported by Media.
1. Children's Day:
30% of Israel's Jewish Population are Children
by Hillel Fendel
(IsraelNN.com) Tuesday is International Children's Day, and the Central
Bureau of Statistics (CBS) released a report in its honor.
In 2006, 2.366 million children aged 17 and under lived in Israel -
approximately a third of the entire population. Among them are 1,633,100
million Jews (30% of the Jewish population), 39,000 Christians, and 570,000
Muslims plus 46,000 Druze (close to 50% of the Arab population).
The highest percentage of children in the country - 63% - is found in the
hareidi-religious city of Beitar Illit, south of Jerusalem, followed by the
Bedouin towns of Tel Sheva (61.7%) and Rahat (60.9). Bnei Brak and Beit Shemesh
have approximately 50% children. Tel Aviv is the city with the lowest rate,
only 20%.
In 1995, Jews comprised 74.3% of Israel's child population, while in 2006, it
had dropped to 69%. Arab children rose from 24.4% to 27.7%.
The 30% rate of Jewish children amidst the total population compares favorably
with 17% in Italy, 18% in Germany, 25% in the United States. In Egypt, Jordan
and Syria, however, the rate is 40-44%.
92% of the children live with both parents.
Just over 400,000 children are registered in welfare service offices - among
them 65% Jews and 29% Arabs.
The highest percentage of children is found in the Jewish communities of Judea
and Samaria - 45.5%, followed by 40.9% in Jerusalem.
During 2005, more than 1,600 girls under aged 17 were married - 84% of them
Arab. The Knesset is to vote on Wednesday on proposed legislation raising the
minimum age for marriage from 17 to 18. The Knesset will mark Children's Day
day with a session on the topic of youth marriages, with the participation of
MKs, rabbis, religious Moslem and Druze leaders, lawyers, and representatives of
the police and various organizations.
Israel's Education Ministry is marking International Children's Day with special
classes and seminars. An open phone line is open with the National Students
Most Popular Names
The 3rd-most popular boys' name in 2005, Itai, jumped to 1st place last year,
having been bestowed upon 2.5% of the baby boys. It was followed by Uri/Ori,
Noam, Daniel, David, Ido, Moshe, Yosef, Yehonatan, Yonatan, Amit, and Ariel.
As in the past eight years, Noa was the most popular girls' name, and has become
even more so. It was given to 3.4% of the baby girls born in 2006, compared to
3% the year before. The next-most popular names were Shira, Maya, Yael, Tamar,
Sarah, Roni, Agam, Michal, Adi and Talya.
Among Moslems, the most common names were Muhammed and Shahad.
2. What Happened
to Saddam's WMD's?
Shattering Conventional Wisdom About Saddam's WMD's
by John Loftus
FrontPageMagazine.com | 11/16/2007
Finally, there are some definitive answers to the mystery of the
missing WMD. Civilian volunteers, mostly retired intelligence
officers belonging to the non-partisan IntelligenceSummit.org,
have been poring over the secret archives captured from Saddam
Hussein. The inescapable conclusion is this: Saddam really did
have WMD after all, but not in the way the Bush administration
believed. A 9,000 word research paper with citations to each
captured document has been posted online at LoftusReport.com,
along with translations of the captured Iraqi documents, courtesy
of Mr. Ryan Mauro and his friends.
This Iraqi document research has been supplemented with satellite
photographs and dozens of interviews, among them David Gaubatz
who risked radiation exposure to locate Saddam?s
underwater WMD warehouses , and John Shaw, whose brilliant
detective work solved the puzzle of where the WMD went. Both have
contributed substantially to solving one of the most difficult
mysteries of our decade.
The absolutists on either side of the WMD debate will be more
than a bit chagrinned at these disclosures. The documents show a
much more complex history than previously suspected. The "Bush
lied, people died" chorus has insisted that Saddam had no WMD
whatsoever after 1991 - and thus that WMD was no good reason for
the war. The Neocon diehards insist that, as in Raiders of the
Lost Ark, the treasure-trove is still out there somewhere, buried
under the sand dunes of Iraq. Each side is more than a little bit
wrong about Saddam's WMD, and each side is only a little bit
right about what happened to it.
The gist of the new evidence is this: roughly one quarter of
Saddam's WMD was destroyed under UN pressure during the early to
mid 1990's. Saddam sold approximately another quarter of his
weapons stockpile to his Arab neighbors during the mid to late
1990's. The Russians insisted on removing another quarter in the
last few months before the war. The last remaining WMD, the
contents of Saddam's nuclear weapons labs, were still inside Iraq
on the day when the coalition forces arrived in 2003. His nuclear
weapons equipment was hidden in enormous underwater warehouses
beneath the Euphrates River. Saddam?s entire nuclear
inventory was later stolen from these warehouses right out from
under the Americans? noses. The theft of the unguarded
Iraqi nuclear stockpile is perhaps, the worst scandal of the war,
suggesting a level of extreme incompetence and gross dereliction
of duty that makes the Hurricane Katrina debacle look like a
model of efficiency.
Without pointing fingers at the Americans, the Israeli government
now believes that Saddam Hussein?s nuclear stockpiles have
ended up in weapons dumps in Syria. Debkafile, a somewhat
reliable private Israeli intelligence service, has recently
published a report claiming that the Syrians were importing North
Korean plutonium to be mixed with Saddam?s enriched
uranium. Allegedly, the Syrians were close to completing a
warhead factory next to Saddam?s WMD dump in Deir al Zour,
Syria to produce hundreds, if not thousands, of super toxic
"dirty bombs" that would pollute wherever they
landed in Israel for the next several thousands of years. Debka
alleged that it was this combination factory/WMD dump site which
was the target of the recent Israeli air strike in Deir al Zour
Senior sources in the Israeli government have privately confirmed
to me that the recent New York Times articles and satellite
photographs about the Israeli raid on an alleged Syrian nuclear
target in Al Tabitha, Syria were of the completely wrong
location. Armed with this knowledge, I searched Google Earth
satellite photos for the rest of the province of Deir al Zour for
a site that would match the unofficial Israeli descriptions:
camouflaged black factory building, next to a military ammunition
dump, between an airport and an orchard. There is a clear match
in only one location, Longitude 35 degrees, 16 minutes 49.31
seconds North, Latitude 40 degrees, 3 minutes, 29.97 seconds
East. Analysts and members of the public are invited to determine
for themselves whether this was indeed the weapons dump for
Saddam?s WMD.
Photos of this complex taken after the Israel raid appear to show
that all of the buildings, earthern blast berms, bunkers, roads,
even the acres of blackened topsoil, have all been dug up and
removed. All that remains are what appear to be smoothed over
bomb craters. Of course, that is not of itself definitive proof,
but it is extremely suspicious.
It should be noted that the American interrogators had accurate
information about a possible Deir al Zour location shortly after
the war, but ignored it:
"An Iraqi dissident going by the name of "Abu Abdallah" claims
that on March 10, 2003, 50 trucks arrived in Deir Al-Zour, Syria
after being loaded in Baghdad. ...Abdallah approached his
friend who was hesitant to confirm the WMD shipment, but did
after Abdallah explained what his sources informed him of. The
friend told him not to tell anyone about the shipment."
These interrogation reports should be re-evaluated in light of
the recently opened Iraqi secret archives, which we submit are
the best evidence. But the captured document evidence should not
be overstated. It must be emphasized that there is no one
captured Saddam document which mentions both the possession of
WMD and the movement to Syria.
Moreover, many of Saddam's own tapes and documents concerning
chemical and biological weapons are ambiguous. When read together
as a mosaic whole, Saddam's secret files certainly make a
persuasive case of massive WMD acquisition right up to a few
months before the war. Not only was he buying banned precursors
for nerve gas, he was ordering the chemicals to make Zyklon B,
the Nazis favorite gas at Auschwitz. However odious and well
documented his purchases in 2002, there is no direct evidence of
any CW or BW actually remaining inside Iraq on the day the war
started in 2003. As stated in more detail in my full report, the
British, Ukrainian and American secret services all believed that
the Russians had organized a last minute evacuation of CW and BW
stockpiles from Baghdad to Syria.
We know from Saddam?s documents that huge quantities of CW
and BW were in fact produced, and there is no record of their
destruction. But absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
Therefore, at least as to chemical and biological weapons, the
evidence is compelling, but not conclusive. There is no one
individual document or audiotape that contains a smoking gun.
There is no ambiguity, however, about captured tape
ISGQ-2003-M0007379, in which Saddam is briefed on his secret
nuclear weapons project. This meeting clearly took place in 2002
or afterwards: almost a decade after the State Department claimed
that Saddam had abandoned his nuclear weapons research.
Moreover the tape describes a laser enrichment process for
uranium that had never been known by the UN inspectors to even
exist in Iraq, and Saddam's nuclear briefers on the tape were
Iraqi scientists who had never been on any weapons
inspector?s list. The tape explicitly discusses how
civilian plasma research could be used as a cover for military
plasma research necessary to build a hydrogen bomb.
When this tape came to the attention of the International
Intelligence Summit, a non-profit, non-partisan educational forum
focusing on global intelligence affairs, the organization asked
the NSA to verify the voiceprints of Saddam and his cronies,
invited a certified translator to present Saddam?s nuclear
tapes to the public, and then invited leading intelligence
analysts to comment.
At the direct request of the Summit, President Bush promptly
overruled his national intelligence adviser, John Negroponte, a
career State Department man, and ordered that the rest of the
captured Saddam tapes and documents be reviewed as rapidly as
possible. The Intelligence Summit asked that Saddam's tapes and
documents be posted on a public website so that Arabic-speaking
volunteers could help with the translation and analysis.
At first, the public website seemed like a good idea. Another
document was quickly discovered, dated November 2002, describing
an expensive plan to remove radioactive contamination from an
isotope production building. The document cites the return of
UNMOVIC inspectors as the reason for cleaning up the evidence of
radioactivity. This is not far from a smoking gun: there were not
supposed to be any nuclear production plants in Iraq in 2002.
Then a barrage of near-smoking guns opened up. Document after
document from Saddam's files was posted unread on the public
website, each one describing how to make a nuclear bomb in more
detail than the last. These documents, dated just before the war,
show that Saddam had accumulated just about every secret there
was for the construction of nuclear weapons. The Iraqi
intelligence files contain so much accurate information on the
atom bomb that the translators? public website had to be
closed for reasons of national security.
If Saddam had nuclear weapons facilities, where was he hiding
them? Iraqi informants showed US investigators where Saddam had
constructed huge underwater storage facilities beneath the
Euphrates River. The tunnel entrances were still sealed with tons
of concrete. The US investigators who approached the sealed
entrances were later determined to have been exposed to
radiation. Incredibly, their reports were lost in the postwar
confusion, and Saddam?s underground nuclear storage sites
were left unguarded for the next three years. Still, the
eyewitness testimony about the sealed underwater warehouses
matched with radiation exposure is strong circumstantial evidence
that some amount of radioactive material was still present in
Iraq on the day the war began.
Our volunteer researchers discovered the actual movement order
from the Iraqi high command ordering all the remaining special
equipment to be moved into the underground sites only a few weeks
before the onset of the war. The date of the movement order
suggests that President Bush, who clearly knew nothing of the
specifics of the underground nuclear sites, or even that a
nuclear weapons program still existed in Iraq, may have been
accidentally correct about the main point of the war: the
discovery of Saddam?s secret nuclear program, even in
hindsight, arguably provides sufficient legal justification for
the previous use of force.
Saddam?s nuclear documents compel any reasonable person to
the conclusion that, more probably than not, there were in fact
nuclear WMD sites, components, and programs hidden inside Iraq at
the time the Coalition forces invaded. In view of these newly
discovered documents, it can be concluded, more probably than
not, that Saddam did have a nuclear weapons program in 2001-2002,
and that it is reasonably certain that he would have continued
his efforts towards making a nuclear bomb in 2003 had he not been
stopped by the Coalition forces. Four years after the war began,
we still do not have all the answers, but we have many of them.
Ninety percent of the Saddam files have never been read, let
alone translated. It is time to utterly reject the conventional
wisdom that there were no WMD in Iraq and look to the best
evidence: Saddam?s own files on WMD. The truth is what it
is, the documents speak for themselves.
John Loftus is President of IntelligenceSummit.org, which is
entirely free of government funding, and depends solely upon
private contributions for its support. The full research paper on
Iraqi WMD, along with the supporting documents and photographs
can be found at
3. Brit-Am Office
and Neighborhood Experiences Minor Earthquake
as yet Not Reported by Media.
On Tue, middle morning 20 Nov 2007 the Brit-Am office (situated on the third
of an old building between the Center of Jerusalem and the Knesset) experienced
a minor earth quake as testified to by the Brit-Am Moderator
and a staff worker. Neighboring residents in the adjacent streets also reported
the phenomenon.
Never a dull day.
Jerusalem News-698
13 Kislev 5768, 22 November 2007
The Temple
Mount Destruction: Pros and Cons, Official Reports, Photographs
2. Earthquake in Israel Reported
3. Survey: Religion in Israel; Israeli Jews classified as traditional
1. The Temple
Mount Destruction: Pros and Cons, Official Reports, Photographs
2. Earthquake
in Israel Reported
Two earthquakes, measuring 3 and 4.2 on the Richter scale, were felt across
Israel on Tuesday morning. The Geophysical Institute of Israel (GII) reported
that the quakes shook the entire country and originated in the northern Dead
According to the Magen David Adom rescue services, there were no reports of
injuries or damage.
Room for Concern
'Major earthquake in Israel - a matter of time' / Roee Nahmias
GII picks up two small earthquakes in Jordan rift valley area over past few
days. Study shows major quake is pending
Full story
The first quake was felt at around 11:19 am and the second one at 11:30 am. Ynet
received reports from readers in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa and southern Israel,
who said that they had felt their houses shake for several seconds.
Rami Hopshteter, manager of the GII, explained that "this was a moderate
earthquake, but was strong enough to be felt in many areas across the country.
We received reports that the quake was felt in Haifa, Ashkelon, and of course
Jerusalem, which is close to the quake's origin. We are certain that our
Jordanian neighbors also felt it.
"The quake is not surprising," he added, "As there is a lot of activity in the
Dead Sea area" However, it is impossible to draw any clear conclusions about the
future. The State of Israel has been preparing for an earthquake since 1999, but
more can be done to improve out preparedness."
'It was something you see in the movies'
Sidra Muoio from Ma'aleh Adumin, near Jerusalem, reported that the quake "lasted
for about 10 seconds and the whole house shook".
Dina Dagan, manager of the Bainkini beach in the northern Dead Sea, also felt
the quake. "It was really scary. Everything started shaking and I suddenly saw a
huge wave ascend from the Dead Sea and it looked like it was headed toward me.
"It only lasted several seconds, but it was terrifying, like something you see
in the movies. I experienced a few minutes of real anxiety. The quake today was
not as strong as last time, but it was nonetheless scary."
"Everyone felt it, but we remained calm," said Eilon from his workplace in
Herzliya. "It lasted between five to 10 seconds."
"The chairs and tables moved," said a Jerusalem resident from his office on the
fourth floor. "Everyone felt it at the office, and it ended a few seconds
Yaron, who lives on the seventh floor in Kiryat Ono, told Ynet, "The entire
house shook for more than 30 seconds. It was terrifying. It was relatively
strong compared to last year's quake."
The strongest recent earthquake to strike Israel took place about three years
ago, measuring 5.1 on the Richter scale. A number of people were injured and
damage was caused.
About a year ago, two moderate quakes were felt in central and southern Israel.
3. Survey: religion in Israel; Israeli
Jews classified as traditional
Jewish observance in Israeli society can be classified as traditional and this
traditionalism has held steady over the past three decades, according to
findings of a survey published by the Israel Democracy Institute on Thursday.
A moderate rise was recorded in the percentage of religiously observant Jews,
alongside a gradual erosion over the years in the percentage of secular Jews.
A moderate increase was also noted in the percentage of traditional Jews since
the start of the 1990s: their numbers have climbed by an average of 12% in
comparison with the first two decades analyzed. As of 2007, one fifth of the
Israeli Jewish public defines itself as secular, one half as traditional, and
one third as religious. In total, some 80% of interviewees reported some
connection with religious observance.
The findings also indicate that the highest rate of religious observance is
found among the Sephardim, and the lowest, among the Ashkenazim.
A total of 56% of Sephardim surveyed reported being religious, as opposed to 17%
of Ashkenazim. By contrast, 37% of the Ashkenazim defined themselves as secular,
as opposed to 7% of the Sephardim.
Cumulatively, 93% of the Sephardim reported some connection to religious
tradition as opposed to only 64% of the Ashkenazim. Among native-born Israelis,
roughly one half of the respondents define themselves as traditional, while the
percentage identifying themselves as religious is 2.4 times that of the secular.
Some 85% of the Israeli-born group reported some connection with religious
Cumulatively, 83% of the young people report some connection to tradition,
compared with 77% of both the middle-aged group and the seniors, respectively.
Among native-born Israelis, roughly one half of the respondents define
themselves as traditional, while the percentage identifying themselves as
religious is 2.4 times that of the secular.
A correlation was recorded between religious observance and political
identification with the Right. And conversely, there was a correlation between
non-observance of tradition and political identification with the Left.
Among the adult Jewish population in Israel, 18% of respondents reported that
they identify with the political Left, 27% with the Center, and 55% with the
Right. Examination of the data when broken down by religious observance reveals
that 71% of religious respondents identify with the Right, as opposed to 49% of
the traditional group, and 43% of the secular. By contrast, only 8% of the
religious respondents reported identifying with the Left as compared with 21% of
the traditional group and 27% of the secular.
The research was conducted by Eliyahu Sapir based on the Israeli Democracy
Institute's democracy index, overseen by Professor Asher Arian. 1,016 people,
representative of the adult Jewish population in Israel, participated.
Jerusalem News-699
15 Kislev 5768, 26 November 2007
1. Saudi Terrorists Attack US Forces Via
2. Guysen Israel News Friday -Extracts
3. Israel to be Offered Up for Sacrifice at Annapolis?
1. Saudi Terrorists Attack US Forces Via
Foreign Fighters in Iraq Are Tied to Allies of U.S.
Published: November 22, 2007
Extracts Only
BAGHDAD: Saudi Arabia and Libya, both considered allies by the United States in
its fight against terrorism, were the source of about 60 percent of the foreign
fighters who came to Iraq in the past year to serve as suicide bombers or to
facilitate other attacks, according to senior American military officials.
Where the Fighters Are Coming From
The data come largely from a trove of documents and computers discovered in
September, when American forces raided a tent camp in the desert near Sinjar,
close to the Syrian border. The raid's target was an insurgent cell believed to
be responsible for smuggling the vast majority of foreign fighters into Iraq.
The most significant discovery was a collection of biographical sketches that
listed hometowns and other details for more than 700 fighters brought into Iraq
since August 2006.
The records also underscore how the insurgency in Iraq remains both
overwhelmingly Iraqi and Sunni. American officials now estimate that the flow of
foreign fighters was 80 to 110 per month during the first half of this year and
about 60 per month during the summer. The numbers fell sharply in October to no
more than 40, partly as a result of the Sinjar raid, the American officials say.
Saudis accounted for the largest number of fighters listed on the records by
far, 305, or 41 percent. American intelligence officers found as they combed
through documents and computers in the weeks after the raid. The data show that
despite increased efforts by Saudi Arabia to clamp down on would-be terrorists
since Sept. 11, 2001, when 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi, some Saudi
fighters are still getting through.
Libyans accounted for 137 foreign fighters, or 18 percent of the total, the
senior American military officials said.
In contrast to the comparatively small number of foreigners, more than 25,000
inmates are in American detention centers in Iraq. Of those, only about 290, or
some 1.2 percent, are foreigners, military officials say.
They contend that all of the detainees either are suspected of insurgent
activity or are an ?imperative threat? to security.
About four out of every five detainees in American detention centers are Sunni
Arab, even though Sunni Arabs make up just one-fifth of Iraq's population. All
of the foreign fighters listed on the materials found near Sinjar, excluding two
from France, also came from countries that are predominantly Sunni.
Over the years, the Syrian border has been the principal entry point into Iraq
for foreign insurgents, officials say.
Yet the senior American military officials said they also believed that Saudi
citizens provided the majority of financing for Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia. "They
don?t want to see the Shias come to dominate in Iraq," one American official
The Sinjar materials showed that 291 fighters, or about 39 percent, came from
North African nations during the period beginning in August 2006. That is far
higher than previous military estimates of 10 to 13 percent from North Africa.
The largest foreign fighter hometown was Darnah, Libya, which supplied 50
American officials have accused Iran, the largest Shiite nation in the Middle
East, of sending powerful bombs to Iraq and of supporting and financing Shiite
militias that attack American troops. They also contend that top Iranian leaders
support efforts to arm Shiite fighters.
But whatever aid Iran provides to militias inside Iraq does not seem to extend
to supplying actual combatants: Only 11 Iranians are in American detention,
United States officials say.
American officials publicly expressed anger over the summer at Saudi policies
that were destabilizing Iraq. Sunni tribal sheiks in Iraq who risked their lives
to fight extremist militants also faulted Saudi clerics.
"The bad imams tell the young people to go to Iraq and fight the American Army,
because if you kill them or they kill you, you will go to paradise," Sheik Adnan
Khames Jamiel, a leader of the Albu Alwan tribe in Ramadi, said in an interview.
According to the rosters found in the raid, the third-largest source of foreign
fighters was Yemen, with 68. There were 64 from Algeria, 50 from Morocco, 38
from Tunisia, 14 from Jordan, 6 from Turkey and 2 from Egypt.
Most of the fighters smuggled by the cell were believed to have flown into
Damascus Airport, and the rest came into Syria overland through Jordan, the
officials said.
In some cases, one senior American military official said, Syrian authorities
captured fighters and released them after determining they were not a threat to
the Syrian government.
Israel News Friday -Extracts
From: <webmaster@guysen.com>
2007-11-22 , 12 Kislev 5768
Limited Extracts Only
23:28 Lebanon: Hezbollah officially announced Thursday evening that they would
boycott the Presidential elections. This means that Parliament will not meet the
quorum of two-thirds of Parliamentary members which is needed to elect a
successor for President Emile Lahoud, a pro - Syrian, whose current mandate ends
Friday at midnight. (Guysen.International.News) (Guysen.International.News)
22:29 Lebanon is at a standstill and a resurgence of violence is feared. On the
eve of the expiration of President Emile Lahoud's mandate tomorrow, Friday at
midnight, no solution seems in sight. (Guysen.International.News) Both European
mediators, the French minister of Foreign Affairs, Bernard Kouchner, and his
Italian counterpart Massimo d'Alema, are still trying to find a compromise but
they are not very optimistic. (Guysen.International.News)
20:18 The three EU countries charged with responsibility to negotiate with
Tehran on the Iranian nuclear issue (Britain, France and Germany) said Thursday
that Iran had not done enough to dispel their suspicions and that the UN had to
now consider a tightening of sanctions against the Islamic Republic. (Guysen.International.News)
''A sit and wait approach is not an option,'' said the three countries to the
leaders of the International Agency of Atomic Energy. (Guysen.International.News)
16:47 One of the targets in Syria attacked by the Israeli air force September
6th included a radar station near the Turkish-Syrian border. This was indicated
by an American weekly paper on aeronautics. (Guysen.International.News)
According to the article this week, the radar station was bombed to create an
air corridor allowing Israeli fighter planes to fly through Syrian airspace
without being detected. The article also states that the Syrian defense systems
collapsed during the attack. (Guysen.International.News)
13:55 Nicolas Sarkozy invited Binyamin Netanyahu to the Elys?. The President
will meet with the leader of the Likud party on December 10th, to discuss
diplomatic issues and the Iranian nuclear issue. (Guysen.International.News) (Guysen.International.News)
13:28 The United States provided Israel with information on Syrian defense
before the IDF carried out its air raid in Syria in early September. This is
what the American weekly 'Aviation Week', claims in Wednesday's edition. (Guysen.International.News)
Thus, Washington might have told Jerusalem the Achilles heel of the Syrian
defense which allowed Israel to electronically cripple the Syrian radar via
computer hacking. This is a new fighting technique at the forefront of
development in Israel. (Guysen.International.News)
10:09 Iran will test in the next few days a new ballistic missile from its
arsenal of unconventional weaponry, according to the daily Yediot Aharonot.
Sources at the Pentagon have indicated that this missile has a range of 2000 to
2500 km, can be equipped with a nuclear warhead and is capable of reaching
Europe. (Guysen.International.News) (Guysen.International.News)
08:29 Seismologists estimate that the weak earthquake Tuesday in Israel is a
precursor of a much more serious earthquake in the coming decades. ''We can not
yet predict earthquakes, but we know that a large earthquake is always preceded
by small or medium-sized shaker'', said a professor in geology from the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem. (Guysen.International.News) While it is unpredictable,
a major destructive earthquake is expected to hit the country within 10 to 50
years. He called for caution in setting furniture on the walls, a simple measure
that could save many lives. (Guysen.International.News)
07:48 Knesset Member Guilad Erdan (Likud) Wednesday presented to the Knesset a
bill urging the government to appoint a minister responsible for organizing
activities for the release of Jonathan Pollard. A former Pentagon analyst who
has spent the past 22 years in the United States sentenced to life imprisonment
for espionage on behalf of Israel. (Guysen.International.News) Mr. Erdan found
the opportune moment before the Annapolis conference. It is hoped that in the
last year of the mandate of President Bush, information campaigns in Israel and
in the United States will intensify in order to create an atmosphere conducive
to the release of Mr. Pollard. (Guysen.International.News)
06:04 On November 21st, Le Parisien devoted an article to the anti-Semitic
tensions in the 10th quarter of Paris, Rue de la Grange-aux-Belles to rue Louis.
''The insults that we endure are just one aspect of violence, says a Jewish
mother. The youth threaten to burn our buildings, they shout: ''Here, is
Palestine, go home.'' On a daily basis, it's hellish''(Le Parisien, November 21,
2007). (Guysen.International.News)
03:58 Germany: Customs police discovered during an investigation that
approximately fifty German companies sold equipment to Iran, allowing the
Islamic Republic to complete the construction of its nuclear reactor at Bushehr.
(Guysen.International.News) (Guysen.International.News)
03:14 Iraq: 3,872 American soldiers have died in the country since the
beginning of the intervention of coalition forces in March 2003, according to
the United States Department of Defense. (Guysen.International.News) (Guysen.International.News)
02:58 Iran: President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad reiterated Wednesday in an Iranian
daily, that his country would not make any concessions on its nuclear program. (Guysen.International.News)
02:28 Sports: Football, England will not participate in the European
Championship 2008. The English lost against Croatia on Wednesday night, at
Wembley. Final score: three goals to two. (Guysen.International.News) (Guysen.International.News)
3. Israel to be Offered Up for Sacrifice
at Annapolis?
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2007 13:19:51 -0600
From: Steve Collins <scollins@sio.midco.net>
Subject: Fw: 60 years to the day after Partition
Shalom Yair,
I thought you'd want to see this. It was sent to me by a reader at my website.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, November 23, 2007 7:44 PM
Subject: 60 years to the day after Partition
Annapolis - 60 years to the day after Partition
Annapolis - 60 years to the day after Partition - By Stan Goodenough -
On Jewish calendar date 17 Kislev 5708 (the evening of November 29, 1947 in
Israel), 46 countries voted on United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181 -
the proposal to partition the Land of Israel (known then as Palestine) into two
states, one Jewish, the other Arab.
Thirty-three voted in favor, 13 voted against. The Arabs rejected the outcome,
immediately initiating hostilities that erupted into the War of Independence
after Israel was established and recognized internationally six months later.
Next week, on 17 Kislev 5768, 60 years to the day after that UN vote, nearly 50
nations have been invited to Annapolis for the US-hosted International
Conference on the Creation of Palestine - an Arab state the international
community wants to see erected on the biblical heartland of the Jewish people.
Of these nations, only 15 are Arab states. Included among the rest are France,
Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, the United Kingdom, Canada, Poland,
Sweden, Norway, South Africa and India.
Observers have noted that this will indeed be a gathering of the nations of the
world in a united stand against the rights of the Jews to their sacred soil.
The international community is virtually single-minded on this issue: the theft
of Jewish lands for the establishment of a Palestinian state.
Not a single invited national representative nor journalist is expected to
challenge this position at Annapolis on Tuesday.
Jerusalem News-700
17 Kislev 5768, 27 November 2007
1. Women Soldiers in the IDF:
The End in Sight?
2. The Hebrew Bible: Change of Terminology Needed
3. Important and Interesting Short Articles by Daniel Pipes
a. Mr. Palestine?
b. The Unthinkable Consequences of an Iran-Israel Nuclear Exchange
c. Canberra Leads the Way, Vetoes Saudi Funds for Mosque
d. Papal Aide Warns against
1. Women Soldiers in the
The End in Sight?
An article in the weekend edition of Maariv ("Sofshevua" 23-11-07 p.32)
by Arik Weiss and Vered Kelner discusses the problem of women soldiers in the
The article was written after consultation with very senior officers in the IDF
some of whom preferred to remain anonymous.
"Maariv" is probably the largest possible forum in Israel for floating ideas of
this nature.
Israel is the only country in the world where, at least formally, females are
subject to compulsory military conscription.
Girls who do not want to serve for reasons of religion, family, biology, etc do
so with the greatest of ease.
The IDF encourages girls not to serve and more than 50% of them do not.
Of those who do serve, another 5% drop out before the end of their term.
12% of Army Occupations are closed to females.
2.2% of the frontline positions are filled by women.
30% of the Compulsory Conscripts in the IDF are females.
This is considered at least twice as many as are needed.
The conscription of females results in a great deal of wasted "manpower"; it
overtaxes IDF resources; and deprives the economy of working females.
It appears that the IDF would prefer to do away with women soldiers altogether.
Tasks in the IDF traditionally filled by women such as clerical staff etc could
be filled by outside workers engaged under contract.
It is foreseen that this would save the Army enormous sums.
Historically women were conscripted both for ideological reasons and because
there was a need for them.
The situation has changed but the ideology has remained. Leading officers are
afraid of a "feminist" reaction.
On the other hand, some leading feminists such as MK Tamar Gozanski (Member of
the Knesset for the Hadash Communist Party) are in favor of abolishing
compulsory conscription of females since the girls time is wasted; they
sometimes are looked upon as there to provide companionship to the males; their
chances of promotion are limited; etc.
In short a large female presence in the IDF is not necessarily to the advantage
of the feminist cause.
It appears that most leading officers and experts on the subject favor doing
away with compulsory conscription for women but there are exceptions.
General Yaacov Amidror, former head of Army Intelligence, emphasizes the
indispensable role played by women soldiers.
The IDF in general as well as the IAF (Israeli Air Force) is progressing towards
increased efficiency and contracting to outside bodies many of the tasks formally filled by conscripts, both male and female.
Economically it makes more sense and allows the Defence Forces to concentrate on
what they are for, fighting and being prepared to fight.
Yigal Hengin, a military expert from Bar Ilan University, quotes from a British
Army study that out of all women who can be conscripted only 0.1% have the potential to become the equivalent of
a male frontline soldier while for women soldiers who pass preliminary screening etc and receive the necessary training the
percentage goes up to 1%.
In other words if females are to be in the Army they will always be largely
limited to certain tasks but there is a limit to how many of these tasks the Army can allow itself the luxury of keeping.
2. The Hebrew Bible: Change of
Terminology Needed
"Nothing old about it"
Argues for use of term "Hebrew Bible" instead of "Old Testament"
3. Important and Interesting Short
Articles by Daniel Pipes
The latest postings by Daniel Pipes include the following
notes that are both short and well worth reading:
a. Mr. Palestine?
- A Criticism of President Bush and his
Palestine State Agenda?
b. The Unthinkable Consequences of an Iran-Israel Nuclear Exchange
What might Happen if Iran gets the Nuclear Bomb and goes to War with
c. Canberra Leads the Way, Vetoes Saudi Funds for Mosque
Australia refuses to allow Further Saudi Encroachment
d. Papal Aide Warns against Islamization
Recent Statement may Presage a coming anti-Islamicization Crusade
Led by the Vatican?
Msgr. Georg G?swein:
"Attempts to Islamize the West cannot be denied. And the associated danger for
the identity of Europe should not be ignored out of a false understanding of
respect. The Catholic side sees this clearly and says as much."
Jerusalem News-701
20 Kislev 5768, 30 November 2007
1. Israeli Troops Essential in West Bank:
2. Time Magazine: "Iran's Secret Weapon: The Pope"
3. Jewish Tefillin
(Phylacteries) Mistaken for Terrorist Bomb!
4. Kissinger in 1969: Israelis most likely to use nukes
5. Guysen Israel News Thursday
1. Israeli Troops
Essential in West Bank: IDF
From: imra@netvision.net.il
Israeli Troops Essential in West Bank: IDF Leaders
By BARBARA OPALL-ROME Posted 11/26/07 17:43
TEL AVIV - As Israel's political leaders prepared for West Bank scenarios
likely to come up at this week's U.S.-sponsored peace conference in
Annapolis, Md., military leaders here were conducting the largest
counterterrorist command post exercise in eight years.
And while conclusions, if any, from Washington's grandiose attempts at
Israeli-Arab diplomacy will surely be open to interpretation, findings from
the low-profile urban war drill were brutally clear: You can't fight terror
by remote control.
"There's no way to control terror without a persistent physical presence,"
said Maj. Gen. Yair Naveh, the recently retired commanding general with
responsibility for the West Bank and Jerusalem "The essential elements are
intelligence, attack, attack, attack and more intelligence; without them you
can't win."
Referring to the diplomatic track, the former commander of Israel's Central
Command said the greatest challenge was distinguishing terror operatives
from civilians.
"An occupying army cannot expect to find friends ... but we need to give the
uninvolved population every opportunity to have some kind of a quality of
"I don't want to control the population, but I do want to control terror.
And that requires presence in the sector at all times," Nayeh said.
IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis
Website: www.imra.org.il
2. Time Magazine:
"Iran's Secret Weapon: The Pope"
Monday, Nov. 26, 2007 By JEFF ISRAELY/ROME
Shalom Yair,
there is an interesting article about the relations of Iran and the Vatican on:
Thank you for your constant work for the unification of Judah and Joseph. May it
be very soon!
H'Shem bless you
3. Jewish Tefillin
(Phylacteries) Mistaken for Terrorist Bomb!
Is that a bomb strapped to your forehead?
Jewish passenger saying morning prayers on Chicago train causes panic by putting
on tefellin, which other passengers thought to be wires of explosive belt
Itamar Eichner
A Jewish passenger on a Chicago train was arrested after fellow passengers
accused him of being a suicide bomber.
The incident took place on a train that left Chicago early in the morning ? when
Jewish men are obligated to put on tefillin (phylacteries). The passenger began
strapping the head-tefillin to his forehead and passengers unfamiliar with the
custom rushed to the conductor and told him there was a man on board who was
fastening a box to his head with wires dangling from it."
The conductor approached the passenger but the latter refused to answer him as
he was in the middle of the prayer, heightening the conductor's suspicions.
Meanwhile, the passengers grew even more frantic when they noticed that the
passenger sitting next to the Jewish man had a Middle-Eastern appearance and
wore a turban.
"That was too much," said the Bob Byrd, NICTD chief of security.
The passengers panicked and the engine driver stopped the train. Police officers
rushed into the train with a bomb-sniffing dog.
Police investigators soon realized their mistake and apologized to the
"This incident has given us all an opportunity to learn about other religions
and their customs," said the chief of security.
4. Kissinger in
1969: Israelis most likely to use nukes
5. Guysen Israel News Thursday
2007-11-28 , 18 Kislev 5768
21:37 Saudi Arabia: the country's security forces have uncovered a terrorist
cell, with 200 members, who had planned to assassinate several politicians and
religious men in the country. According to preliminary reports, this terrorist
group also planned to attack an oil refinery east of the country. (Guysen.International.News)
20:37 ''Palestinian refugees have the right to return to their land.'' This was
said on Wednesday by Cardinal Renatto Martino, head of the refugee issue at the
Vatican. (Guysen.International.News)
19:27 The Israeli Ambassador to the UN agencies in Geneva, Itshak Levanon, said
that Israel was going to sign a free trade agreement with Mercosur, the economic
community of the countries of South America. (Guysen.International.News)
18:59 Road accidents - the daily report from Magen David Adom: 107 people
injured in 83 accidents in the last 24 hours. One of the wounded is in serious
condition, three were seriously injured and the remainder of the accident
victims suffered minor injuries. (Guysen.International.News)
13:54 The largest archives from the Nazis are finally accessible to the public
in Bad Arolsen. After more than 60 years the International Research Service of
the Red Cross has finally completed the ratification of the procedure for
opening the archives to the public until now available only to Holocaust
survivors and their families. These archives contain more than 50 million
documents on the persecution and extermination of 17.5 million victims of the
Nazis. (Guysen.International.News)
13:36 ''Israel will not last long'', Mahmoud Ahmadinejad predicted. The Iranian
president expressed these views in the context of a critique on the peace
conference in Annapolis organized under the auspices of the United States. (Guysen.International.News)
Jerusalem News-702
22 Kislev 5768, 2 December 2007
1. Study: U.S., Israel should begin
planning Iran strike
2. French FM: France is not ruling out a military strike on Iran
3. Leading Ultra-Orthodox Rabbis Issue Warnings
Against the Circus of Annapolis
1. Study: U.S., Israel should begin
planning Iran strike
By Aluf Benn, Haaretz Correspondent
Israel and the United States should begin an intense dialogue on ways to deal
with Iran's nuclear plans and should examine ways to attack Iran's nuclear
facilities, according to a new study published by an influential Washington
think tank.
The report, by a former deputy head of the National Security Council, Chuck
Freilich, says Israel and the U.S. should discuss nuclear-crisis scenarios
between Israel and Iran. The report, entitled "Speaking About the Unspeakable,"
was released over the weekend by the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
Freilich assumes that detailed talks between the U.S. and Israel on Iran do not
extend beyond exchanges of intelligence, coordination of diplomatic moves and
the supply of sophisticated weapons to Israel.
According to Freilich, a lack of symmetry exists between the U.S. and Israel on
the Iranian threat, although both use similar rhetoric toward it. From Israel's
perspective, Iran presents a potential existential threat, so its nuclear plans
must be stopped at almost any price. In contrast, the U.S. is disturbed by the
implications of nuclear weapons in Iran but does not see it as an existential
In Freilich's view, this difference in evaluations dictates the nature of the
dialogue. The U.S. is leery about talks with Israel on military action against
Iran, and Israel is concerned about talks on security alternatives if Iran's
nuclear status is accepted.
Freilich lists the alternatives; he believes that diplomacy and sanctions have a
slim chance of success. He mentions a quasi-military alternative such as a naval
blockade or secret sabotage action, an Israeli or American military action, or
coming to terms with a nuclear Iran, with the U.S. giving security assurances to
Israel. He opposes the proposal that Israel move to an open nuclear policy to
deter Iran.
Freilich says Israel would prefer that the U.S. attack Iran. He notes that if
Israel believes it can successfully attack Iran, Israel fears that the U.S.
would veto the plan, so Israel would not unveil the scheme ahead of time. The
U.S. would also keep secret from Israel any intention of attacking Iran.
Freilich believes that despite these mutual reservations, detailed discussions
between the U.S. and Israel should be held on possible military action against
Iran because of the need to separate forces if Israel attacks Iran and U.S.
forces are in the way. In addition, Iran in any case would see the U.S. and
Israel as cooperating and would respond against both.
Freilich proposes a dialogue on Iran's possible responses, on terror attacks and
the disruption of oil shipments from the Gulf to the West. But he also seeks a
dialogue on how to live with a nuclear Iran.
2. French FM: France is not ruling out a
military strike on Iran
By Adar Primor, Haaretz Correspondent and Reuters
French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner maintains that the report by the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) late last week on the Iranian nuclear
program and Tehran's "increased cooperation" with the agency does not alter the
seriousness with which France views the crisis or its stance on a potential
military strike against Iran.
In an interview with Haaretz, Kouchner, who along with French President Nicolas
Sarkozy is leading the European hard-liners against Iran, described the crisis
over Iran's nuclear program "as extremely serious," adding that France "will
never compromise on Israel's security."
Will France support the use of force by the United States or Israel? Will France
be willing to participate in an attack on Iran? Kouchner did not respond
directly to the questions but used language that suggests that for France, all
options, including that of military force, are open:
"I intend to continue with great determination along this path [of pressuring
Iran] which is the only way to bring about an agreed solution, the only one that
will prevent us from having, one day, to be faced with a dilemma of 'an Iranian
bomb or bombing Iran.'"
Jerusalem News-703
23 Kislev 5768, 3 December 2007
1. Anti-Jewish attacks in Australia
reach record high.
2. PA Policemen Murder Jewish Motorist
3. Iran Extends Submarine Range to Hit Tel Aviv and US Mediterranean Targets
1. Anti-Jewish attacks in Australia
reach record high.
From: Yocheved Menashe <menashe@MAIL.H-NET.MSU.EDU>
Subject: H-AS LEBOWITZ: Anti-Jewish attacks in Australia reach record high
From: "Arieh Lebowitz" <ariehnyc@prodigy.net>
November 29 2007
Anti-Jewish attacks in Australia reach record high.
The peak body of the Australian Jewish Community has been told that 638
separate reports of anti-Jewish assault, vandalism, intimidation and
harassment were recorded during the 12 months ending 30 September, 2007, a
figure more than twice the previous average and eight percent higher than
the previous worst twelve month period.
The Executive Council of Australian Jewry at its annual meeting in
Melbourne this week received a comprehensive briefing on all aspects of
antisemitism in Australia by Jeremy Jones, a former President of the
Council and an internationally acknowledged authority on contemporary
ant-Jewish vilification and prejudice , who has provided detailed annual
analyses to the Council since 1989.
Mr Jones said that reports of anti-Jewish harassment are divided into the
broad categories of "attacks" and "threats". Incidents of assault, arson
attacks, face-to-face harassment and vandalism, which are broadly defined
as "attacks", were recorded at the highest rate on record, and an
"alarming" three times the previous average.
"Threats", conveyed through the telephone, mail, leaflets, posters or
e-mail, were recorded at a rate nearly twice the previous average.
Amongst the incidents recorded during the past year were
* An orthodox Jewish man was verbally abused and punched in the face while
walking to synagogue.
* A Jewish school student was hit by a full can of drink thrown from a
passing vehicle, while waiting for a school bus.
* A Jewish day school student abused, physically assaulted, on public bus.
* Bricks were thrown through windows of classroom of Jewish school.
* Vehicles parked outside a synagogue were spray-painted with swastikas.
* An orthodox Jewish man was injured by a bottle hurled from a vehicle
while he was walking to synagogue.
* A Jewish man traveling on commuter train abused and assaulted.
* A Jewish youth was assaulted and kosher cafe vandalised in a suburb with
a substantial Jewish population.
* On numerous occasions, eggs were thrown at Jewish people walking to or
from synagogue
Threats and abuse yelled at Jewish people, but not involving assault, was
recorded at five times the previous average.
While reports of graffiti were received below the average rate, amongst
the reports were:
* Graffiti "Fuck Jews" in CBD.
* Graffiti at primary school, including "Die Juden", "We hate Jews",
"Fucking Jew" and swastikas.
* Antisemitic graffiti "Jews go to Hell!" spray-painted in suburb with
substantial Jewish population.
* Racist graffiti in urban centre including slogan "Die Jews Die".
* Antisemitic graffiti daubed on fence of Jewish day school.
* Antisemitic graffiti "kill Jews" daubed in school grounds.
* Graffiti "There is a Jew among us. Weed him out and kill him" and "The
Holocaust never happened" daubed at the business premises of a Jewish man.
The receipt of abusive, threatening and other antisemitic email sent to
individuals and communal offices was reported at a rate of more than seven
times a week in the year in review. The total during this reporting period
was almost five times the average and forty percent greater than the
previous worst year.
Telephone calls, which often contained extreme antisemitic abuse, were
recorded at the fourth lowest rate in eighteen years. Most of the
(anonymous) threats were received by Jewish institutions. Incidents of
hate mail were also recorded at the fourth lowest rate in eighteen years,
but abusive and threatening mail continued to be received at private homes
and by Jewish institutions. In addition to the modes of harassment and
intimidation identified above, the Jewish community receives reports on a
regular basis of the receipt of text messages, leaflets and other material
placed in private letterboxes by hand, the sighting of posters with
anti-Jewish themes, stickers on buildings and telegraph poles and other
similar forms of dissemination of anti-Jewish propaganda. Reports of
material in these categories were received in the twelve months in review
at twenty four percent of the average.
On the positive side, in a matter litigated by the Executive Council of
Australian Jewry under the Federal Racial Hatred Act, the Federal Court
determined that the individual responsible for the Bible Believers'
web-site had acted in breach of Australia's Racial Hatred laws. There were
also court findings against antisemitic behaviour in Victoria, against
members of an antisemitic neo-nazi group in Perth as well as disciplinary
action against participants in sporting competitions who had engaged in
antisemitic harassment.
In his overall assessment, Mr Jones observed
* "In Australia in 2007, to accuse any person or organisation of
antisemitism is to allege that their behaviour is antisocial and
unacceptable. No one with aspirations to public credibility admits to
holding antisemitic views or to associating with openly antisemitic
organisations. While individuals and organisations associated with the
political left who promote extreme anti-Israel racism, which sometimes
included offensive and gratuitous anti-Jewish imagery, are particularly
keen to assert that they are not antisemitic, even some far-right and
neo-Nazi groups publicly profess to be "anti-Zionist" rather than
anti-Jewish, although the material they distribute can give the lie to any
such distinction."
* "In the mass media, during the year in review, commentators and
contributors of letters and other forms of public feedback occasionally
crossed the line between political commentary and anti-Jewish slander in
discussions of the alleged strength of "Jewish lobbies" in both the USA
and Australia, as well as in some discussions of Israel. Notably, this
took place less often in the period in review than in any of the previous
seven reporting periods. Anti-Jewish rhetoric was also invoked in other
discussions such as Australia's anti-terrorism laws and on Australian
Jewish support for victims of racism."
* " On-line communities, Facebook and You-Tube in particular, have been
the venues of crude and intense anti-Jewish prejudice being expressed
openly and unashamedly. While the sum total of reports of each and all
such behaviour is not sufficient to suggest that it is rampant, it is
nevertheless cause for genuine concern."
* "Antisemitism emanating from Islamic sources in Australia was a
significant topic of public discussion during the period in review. The
first Mufti of Australia was the subject of continued media focus and his
supporters included some who were openly anti-Jewish. A number of media
reports appeared noting anti-Jewish books available in bookshops serving
Australia's Muslim community, as well as DVDs originating in Australia and
circulating internationally which defamed Jews and Judaism."
* "There is no evidence to suggest that Australians in general think of
Jews in negative terms. Unlike many other societies, Australia does not
have a past to which antisemites can comfortably look with nostalgia.
Nevertheless, some Australians have anti-Jewish prejudice which equates
to, for example, anti-Asian, anti-Aborigine, anti-Arab or anti-African
prejudice, expressing itself in terms of racial superiority. In addition,
anti-Jewish prejudice considered normative in some other cultures has been
brought to Australia by immigrants and can exist for many years within
sub-cultures. However, antisemitism in Australia often goes beyond simple
contempt, hatred or discrimination based on the fact that a Jewish person
is perceived to be in some way different."
* "Sources of anti-Jewish stereotyping and vilification are quite diverse
and it would be misleading to portray antisemitic organisation and
individuals as acting in concert. Although some of the antisemitic
organisations will present a grab-bag of stereotypes to rationalise their
prejudice, it is generally possible to identify a central theme in
organised anti-Jewish campaigns".
* "It is unfortunately common for extremists and antisemites in Australia
to use the experiences of Jews as victims of Genocide, murder and assault
as a means to insult Jewish people and incite or justify hatred of them.
The most extreme example is the historically and logically inappropriate
designation of language and symbols associated with the Nazi genocide to
Jewish people, such as accusing Jews of being "Nazi-like", committing
"Holocausts" and/or Genocide, or supporting "concentration camps"."
* "A thread common to a number of types of prejudice and vilification
which are specific to Jews is the depiction of Jews as representing an
existential threat to non-Jews and who have enormous power and drive to
achieve their aim, generally presented as "world domination".
* "The Australian far-right fringe is internally dynamic and in a constant
state of flux. Individuals who promote, for example, a return to policies
which actively disadvantage Indigenous Australians, have shown a mobility
between overtly antisemitic groups, populist movements and pseudo-militia
groups. The extremist element of the anti-immigration movement divide
their time and attention between these groups and neo-Nazi or
quasi-nationalist movements. For those who have antisemitism as their
prime concern there are alternatives such as the various Identity
Churches, conspiracy propagandists with no firm affiliations, as well as
groups who have social division high on their political agendas. Amongst
the small group of individuals who, figuratively and literally, wave the
flag for US-based neo-Nazi groups including the Ku Klux Klan, the Church
of the Creator and White Aryan Resistance, transference of allegiance
takes place at a pace which seems to be determined by the
intent of gaining optimal media interest."
Mr. Jones added: "While the sources of antisemitism are many and varied,
the reality in Australia is that there has been excellent political and
moral leadership against antisemitism in recent times, with the Federal
and State Parliaments passing strong, unanimous resolutions on the subject
in 2004 and 2005, and a growing awareness of the responsibility by the
mass media to avoid being hijacked by racists," Mr. Jones commented.
"In the current climate it is very significant that Muslim and Christian
leaders in Australia, as well as senior figures from other Faiths and the
broader community, have joined with Jewish leaders and the Jewish
community in common cause against those who would use religion to justify
hatred and racist violence, a fact which sets Australia apart from many
other societies," Mr. Jones concluded.
Further information:
Jeremy Jones
Email: ecaj@ihug.com.au
Yocheved Menashe
List Editor, H-Antisemitism
2. PA Policemen Murder Jewish Motorist
Kept Secret Until After Annapolis: PA Police Murdered Zoldan
by Hana Levi Julian
(IsraelNN.com) The IDF and General Security Services (Shin Bet) released for
publication Sunday night that two Palestinian Authority (PA) National Security
Force officers and another accomplice are the ones who murdered 29-year-old Ido
Zoldan on November 19.
Israeli security officials knew Zoldan was murdered by PA policemen, because two
of the three terrorists who shot him to death were arrested the next day in a
joint IDF and Shin Bet operation.
The information was withheld until after the Annapolis summit, however, and only
cleared for publication after Prime Minister Ehud Olmert returned from signing a
joint declaration with PA Chairman, and acknowledged Fatah leader, Mahmoud Abbas
(Abu Mazen).
Zoldan was shot to death by the three terrorists at approximately 11:30 pm near
the PA-controlled Arab village of Funduk, near Kedumim. Magen David Adom medics
who arrived at the scene tried desperately to revive him, but to no avail.
The Fatah terrorist group, Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade, took responsibility for the
murder and said it was carried out to protest the upcoming Annapolis conference.
Two terrorists are members of the Palestinian National Security Force in which
Israel and the United States have invested money, political support, and actual
weapons as part of their effort to prop up the Abbas government.
The two PA policemen and their comrade-in-arms were all members of a terrorist
cell from their nearby village of Kadum, close to the northern Samaria Jewish
community of Kedumim. Dafar Baram, who was apprehended along with Abdullah Baram,
serves in the PA's Ramallah police department.
The third murderer, Fadi Jama'a, also served in the PA National Security Force
and was apprehended by fellow PA police. He remains in PA custody. All are 22
years old.
"The first two admitted during questioning that they were responsible for the
attack and even handed over the weapons they used," said the IDF spokesman. They
also admitted to waiting in their car by the side of the road for an Israeli
vehicle to pass, and when Zoldan happened along, they followed his car, firing
at him at point-blank range as they drove past. "After the attack they escaped
to their village," added the spokesman.
Zoldan, a resident of Shavei Shomron, was expelled with his family from his home
in Homesh when 25 northern Samaria Gush Katif Jewish towns were destroyed by
then-Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in his 2005 Disengagement Plan. Zoldan leaves
behind his wife Tehilla, his 3-year-old son Aharon and his 1-year-old baby
daughter Rachel.
Jerusalem News-704
26 Kislev 5768, 6 December 2007
1. New Site Opens to Counter 'Peace Now'
Britain and Norway Subsidize Israeli Quislings
2. DM Barak Nixes US Assessment, Says Iran is Working on Bomb
3. Scythian Queen Converted to Judaism and Built a "Just Now-discovered" Palace
in Jerusalem!
Note: Helena and the Lost Tribes
1. New Site Opens to Counter 'Peace Now'
Britain and Norway Subsidize Israeli Quislings
by Shimon Cohen and Hillel Fendel
by Shimon Cohen and Hillel Fendel
(IsraelNN.com) A new internet site has been opened with the goal of pointing out
the damage caused by the far-left Peace Now organization.
Aryeh King, a long-time activist on behalf of Jewish interests in eastern
Jerusalem, has opened the new Hebrew-language website as part of his long-time
struggle against the dangers of Peace Now. Peace Now was founded in 1978 on the
basis of the belief that only the removal of all Jewish presence from Judea,
Samaria and Gaza would lead to peace, and has ever since made it its goal to
destroy all vestiges of Jewish life in those areas.
King is hoping to prepare an English version of the site as well.
The new website is replete with little-known details about Peace Now and its
history, and tells the stories of the organization's founders: Education
Minister Yuli Tamir, Eran Shendar (who was Israel's State Prosecutor until last
week), Meretz MK Avshalom Vilan, and Attorney Tzali Reshef, the brother of
nationally-known Army Radio broadcaster Rafi Reshef.
One section of the website includes the various legal cases that have been filed
and opened against Peace Now members, including accusations of assault against
Tel Aviv Municipality workers, stealing a caravan in the Binyamin area, contempt
of court, false accusations against Rabbi Zalman Melamed of Beit El, and more.
"If it Can't be Sued, it Can't Sue"
Website founder King recently filed a suit against Peace Now based on Tzali
Reshef's admission that the organization does not legally exist. In response to
an earlier suit by King against Peace Now demanding an award for damages, Reshef
said that Peace Now cannot be sued because it is not technically a
legally-recognized association. King then countered with a suit demanding that
Peace Now be erased from all the cases it itself brought against Jewish
interests in Judea and Samaria.
"If it can't be sued, then it can't sue," King says. He expresses astonishment
that the State Prosecution - headed until last week by Peace Now co-founder Eran
Shendar - never "realized" that the many court suits filed over the years by
Peace Now were illegal.
King's new site invites all those who feel they have been harmed by Peace Now or
its members to submit their stories and reveal relevant documents. A warning
reminds would-be submitters not to include information that may serve Peace Now
in its efforts to close down the new site.
King writes that his new website has three objectives: "To reveal the truth
regarding the radical organization known as Peace Now; to enable mutual help
among those who have been hurt by Peace Now in sharing information and the like;
and to encourage judicial and other legal actions against Peace Now and its
Bedein: Peace Now "Spying on Israel" in the Service of Foreign Countries
An often-forgotten tidbit that appears on the site is the fact that Peace Now
was funded to the tune of nearly two million shekels by European Union countries
in 2003 - including from the Foreign Ministries of Great Britain and Norway - as
well as another 1.75 million in 2005. In later years, reports independent
researcher David Bedein, other EU countries joined in the funding, which was
reached a total of five million shekels ($1.25 million) in 2006.
Britain and Norway are fundamentally opposed to the existence of Israeli
communities in Judea and Samaria, thus the money they give Peace Now invariably
serves those governments' foreign policy interests. Bedein reports that Peace
Now is thus "in effect spying on Israel for foreign governments," as its
surveillance activities cover not only Israeli communities, but also military
installations belonging to the IDF.
The new site also informs its readers that Reshef is the Director-General of the
Erldan Company, which has built in the past in Gilo and French Hill - areas that
were liberated from Jordan in the Six Day War. Similarly, Peace Now co-founder
MK Vilan is a "settler since the day he was born," the site tells us, as he was
born and lives in Kibbutz Negba - on lands formerly occupied by two Arab
villages, Biet Afa and Abdis.
2. DM
Nixes US Assessment, Says Iran is Working on Bomb
3. Scythian Queen Converted to
Judaism and Built a "Just Now-discovered" Palace in Jerusalem!
Second Temple palace uncovered
Israeli archeologists have uncovered a monumental Second Temple structure
opposite the Temple Mount that was likely Queen Helena's palace, the Israel
Antiquities Authority announced Wednesday.
Major 2nd Temple structure uncovered
The building was unearthed during a six-month excavation in the Givati parking
lot just outside the Old City's Dung Gate, ahead of the planned expansion of the
Western Wall parking lot.
The site also indicates that the ancient City of David was much larger than
previously thought, said archeologist Doron Ben-Ami, who is directing the dig at
the site.
The palace, which was destroyed by the Romans when they demolished the Second
Temple in 70 CE, was dated to the end of the Second Temple period by pottery and
stone vessels, as well as an assortment of coins from that time, Ben-Ami said.
He said the elaborate edifice, which is an anomaly in the landscape of the lower
city at the end of the Second Temple period - otherwise marked with only modest
buildings - was probably a palace built by Queen Helena, a wealthy Babylonian
aristocrat who converted to Judaism and moved to Jerusalem with her sons.
Helena became known for her generosity in helping the city's poor during a
famine. She was buried in Jerusalem.
According to the prominent 1st century historian Josephus, Helena's family built
lavish buildings in the City of David, which stood out at the time in a largely
residential area that was noted for its almost complete absence of public or
monumental buildings.
The archeologists carrying out the dig have not yet found any inscription to
identify the building they uncovered, but Ben-Ami said there was a "high
probability" that the site was indeed Helena's palace.
"We need more evidence to decide, but almost everything fits," he said.
The well-preserved structure being uncovered in the excavation is an impressive
architectural complex that includes massive foundations; walls, some of which
are more than five meters tall and are built of stones that weigh hundreds of
kilograms; halls that are at least two stories tall; a basement level that was
covered with vaults; and remains of polychrome frescoes, water installations and
The narrow openings that were discovered in the basement level of the structure
were likely used by its inhabitants to flee shortly before the Romans destroyed
the palace, Ben-Ami said.
The building was destroyed by dismantling the walls of the large structure,
causing the massive stone walls and ceilings from the upper stories to collapse
onto the basement.
The large edifice was covered with remains that date to later periods -
Byzantine, Roman and early Islamic. Below it there are remains from the early
Hellenistic period and artifacts from the time of the First Temple.
"It is like an open history book of Jerusalem," Ben-Ami said.
Brit-Am Note:
Helena and the Lost Tribes: Helena was the mother of
King Monbaz
of Adiabene.
Adiabene was a Sakai (Scythian) settlement in Mesopotamia which at that
time was ruled by the Parthian Empire. Many from Adiabene and Carrae (another Sakai settlement)
converted to Judaism as did King Monbaz and his mother. At least a portion of the Sakai were
descended from the Lost Ten Tribes and may have contributed to the Khazar population at a later
Those of the Sakai who remained in the north in Scythia moved to the west
becoming the Angles and saxons and related peoples.
Jerusalem News-705
27 Kislev 5768, 7 December 2007
1. Expert warns of water crisis in
Middle East
2. Why I hate the 'Peace process' by Ted
3. In Defence of Zionism
by Yair
(in answer to a question posted to the Brit-Am List)
1. Expert warns of water crisis in
Middle East
Khaleej Times - 06 December, 2007
The Special Adviser to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP),
Svein Tveitdal, yesterday cautioned that the Middle East could experience
extreme heat and scarcity of water due to global warming.
He was speaking on "Mother Earth-What is Happening with the Global Climate?"
to students of the American University in Dubai (AUD) and The Winchester
School at the AUD campus.
He is in Dubai for an environment seminar to suggest ways to make power
boating more eco-friendly.
Tveitdal, a former UN director, who is also responsible for the Secretariat
of the International Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) that will receive the
Nobel Peace Prize this month, said the world was facing extreme weather
changes because of the alarming increase in emissions of greenhouse gases.
Speaking to Khaleej Times, he said, "The Middle East could see more hot days
and extreme heat, besides water scarcity in the future because of global
warming. There could also be coral reef bleaching and erosion in the coast,
where the sea level would rise."
He added that the carbon emissions in the UAE were of high proportions. "It
is about 39 tonnes per capita while the global average is only about five
tonnes per capita," he remarked.
The global warming the world over is much more in this century and the
European Union is trying to ink a policy that will reduce and stabilise the
phenomenon, noted Tveitdal.
Dr Basel Dayyani, Associate Professor of Information Technology at AUD and a
former NASA scientist, said that eating meat could actually add to the
climate change and it caused more harm than vehicle carbon emission.
"In the United States, a person consumes 270 pounds of meat a year while in
India it is only about 11 pounds. The UAE is also a meat-eating society and
there should be a change from meat eating to grain eating," he said.
According to him, to meet the growing demands of meat eaters globally, more
cattle were grazed, which, in turn, caused deforestation, affecting the
ability of nature to absorb these emissions.
Hadi Malek Zadeh, a management student at AUD, said, "There is not enough
information on the issue. Television and radio should be used to promote
awareness among people. Besides, they should give us solutions to the
problem and how we can do our bit in helping the climate."
IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis
Website: www.imra.org.il
2. Why I hate the 'Peace process'
by Ted Belman
From: Steven Shamrak <stevenshamrak.e@gmail.com>
Why I hate the 'Peace process' by Ted Belman
[1. It ignores the fact Israel's legal right to all the land. The Arabs have no
legal right to the land.
[2. It ignores the fact that Jerusalem is the holiest site in Judaism.
Christianity and Islam can't make such a claim.
[3. It ignores the fact that Israel conquered Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria in a
defensive war thereby entitling Israel to keep them.
[4. It ignores the fact that the Charters of Hamas and Fatah call for the
destruction of Israel.
[5. It ignores the fact that Islam requires that Israel be wiped off the map.
[6. It ignores the fact that any "peace" agreement with the Arabs is a Hudna
[7. It ignores the fact that the PA has never lived up to its commitments
undertaken pursuant to the "peace" process.
[8. It ignores the fact that the PA harbours, aids and abets terrorists.
[9. It ignores the fact that the PA has always incited its people to hate and
kill Jews.
[10 It ignores the fact that the PA has never done anything to advance peace.
[11 It ignores the fact that Abbas is a puppet without power or authority.
[12 It ignores the fact that Hamas is the elected government of the PA.
[13 Although it ostensibly supports negotiations, it constantly puts
restrictions on what may be negotiated, e.g., Palestine must be created, must be
viable, must be contiguous, must have its capital in Jerusalem.
[14 It requires the right of return to be open for negotiations.
[15 It is under the auspices of the UN which discriminates against and demonizes
[16 The US under the guise of being Israel 's friend, forces Israel to act
contrary to its interests.
[17 No one in the Quartet is impartial.
[18 The end result is a foregone conclusion.
[19 Israel doesn't have the right to say "no".
[20 The Arabs are not held accountable for creating both the Arab and Jewish
[21 The Arabs are not held accountable for terror or anything else.
[22 All promises made to Israel by the US and the PA are routinely broken.
[21 Israel is accorded no respect.
[22. Israel is denied the right of self-defense.
[23 Israel is subject to constant criticism.
[24 It will bring war not peace.
[25 The Arabs refuse to recognize Israel as a Jewish state.
I could go on but will leave that to you.
(26. Only Jews are able to reunite all land of our ancestors and bring peace to
Eretz-Israel. No one else will help us!)
Food for Thought. by Steven Shamrak
Not just Arabs or Muslims are responsible for 9/11 and other terror attacks
around the world; deadly riots in Paris; their poor education performance; high
crime rate; heron distribution world-wide; gang rape of Christian girls etc. The
Western democracies who are also responsible for it all. Why? Because, due to
our complacency and silent stupidity of 'political correctness', we have allowed
them to move to our domain and terrorize us, believing that their behaviour is
our fault!
3. In
of Zionism
by Yair
(in answer to a question posted to the Brit-Am List)
Gabriel Ljungstrand <gabriel.ljungstrand@gmail.com>
[including us in a a long Cc: Lists] wrote:
How do you look at this jewish indictment of zionism at the time
of the holocaust?
Gabriel Ljungstrand SWEDEN
Answer by Yair Davidiy:
The URL you referred to presents itself as an Ultra-Orthodox critique of
It has evidently been put up by a bunch of hooligans who instead of learning
Torah (or anything else that is positive) as they should be go around slandering their fellow Jews.
I see (from your Cc: list) you are sending this question around to a great many
This indicates that you are not so much interested in receiving an answer but
rather in besmirching the Jewish State.
I see you are also from Sweden.
Why did Sweden not take in more Jewish refugees during WW11?
If you are so certain that Zionism is a bad thing why do you not ask why your
own country did not provide an alternative when it could have?
Before, during, and just after WW2 Jews were begging to be allowed into any
country that would take them.
Sweden could have had lots of them, dirt cheap.
Sweden could have provided an alternative to Zionism. Why did it not? Why did
not any other place?
Sweden is a liberal country, not especially anti-Semitic and a number of its
citizens still retain Judeo-Christian values.
But it did not help. Jews were not wanted.
Not before the war, not during the war, and not after it.
Arabs however apparently were welcome.
Even now, Sweden and Norway and even Finland give money and support to forces working to the detriment of Israel.
Where does this hate come from?
The only countries that appear to have been half way humane before WW2 when the
Nazis took over Germany and Jews were trying to flee were France and Belgium (before the Nazis conquered them) and Great Britain.
The site you are referring to quotes from some Zionist leaders from before WW2.
These "Zionists" are quoted as saying all kinds of things against helping their
fellow Jews.
First of all we could analyze each and every one of the quotations and show that
several (if not all) of them have been taken out of context.
Zionism before WW2 encompassed hundreds of thousands of adherents and was split
into numerous factions, "2 Jews, 3 synagogues".
Some of the factions and their adherents were not
positive or mistaken in some of their
attitudes towards the Jewish Religion and their fellow Jews.
This problem still exists within Israel where there exist forces working against
the Jewish State and Jewish religion.
These forces are heavily subsidized by foreign nations and Scandinavian States
(except, at least so far, Denmark) are heavy contributors to these Quisling (a Norwegian word) elements.
Getting back to Zionism.
Zionism is a Biblical Imperative.
God is a Zionist.
Not all Zionists are good people.
When compared to members of other movements, however, there is a greater
proportion of genuine positive elements in the Zionist movement than elsewhere.
Jewish Religious Zionists are the most genuine of all.
All other types of Zionists sooner or later loose their balance and become like
the Swedes.
As for the people who put up the site "jewsagainstzionism" we have only their
word for it that they are Jewish but what if they are?
Some of the early secular Zionists made mistakes and alienated Jews from
Judaism and alienated religious Jews.
They should be excoriated for that.
It was a tragic mistake, a great crime that is still continuing in some circles
especially those close to "Scandinavian" tendencies which you represent.
Nevertheless, the State of Israel and Jews living in the Land of Israel which is
the essence of Zionism has proved itself the least of all evils even by the most strict of
Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Religious standards.
In the State of Israel more Jews remain Jewish. Less Jews marry non-Jews than do
Jews outside of Israel and the Jews that are here have larger families. Jewish existence is more
certain here than elsewhere.
More Jews are religious. In Israel even the non-religious have more knowledge and respect for the Jewish religion than Jews outside of Israel.
In Israel it is easier to conduct an Ultra-Orthodox lifestyle than elsewhere.
I life in Israel. I have Ultra-Orthodox members of my family and I mix in
Ultra-Orthodox Jewish circles.
I know that the Ultra-Orthodox in the State of Israel hold that in Israel even
the Ultra-Orthodox are more religious than those outside of Israel.
In Israel a larger percentage of the population live an Ultra-Orthodox lifestyle not in spite of Zionism but rather because of it.
The State of Israel protects and educates Jews all over the world and it gives
us all a little self-respect in the face of Gentile hostility.
Apart from that it is a commandment from the Torah for a Jew to live in the Land
of Israel if he can.
Anyone who has any complaints may take them to the management.
Jerusalem News-706
29 Kislev 5768, 9 December 2007
1. Milken: Israel is Worth '15 Exxons
in Human Resources
2. Norway and Sweden poised to defend each other; Russian Menace?
3. Arab (especially Iraqi-Kurdish) Oil Supply Likely to Grow in Importance
4. Iraq: Another Reason Why the USA will Probably Have to Stay
5. Israeli International Investment Prospects Improving
Israel is Worth '15 Exxons'
in Human Resources
by Gil Ronen
(IsraelNN.com) In a "Globes" sponsored talk at a Tel Aviv Hotel, financier and
philanthropist Michael Milken heaped praise on Israel for its human capital.
Milken is in Israel trying to foster connections between the Milken Institute,
an independent economic think tank, and Israeli life sciences and cleantech
He stated that in terms of assets, Israel is worth a third of the Exxon-Mobil
corporation, but that Israel is worth 15 Exxons in terms of human resources.
According to the Milken Institute, Israel's human capital is worth $7.15
'Israel could be the "research laboratory for the world'
Milken also spoke highly of Israelis' level of education, noting that 32% of
Israelis are graduate students, and 56.5% of students are women. He also
pointed out that Israel has the world's highest per capita number of life
sciences patents, and said Israel could be the "research laboratory for the
world." He mentioned the training medical doctors receive in Israel and the
enriching effect that the wave of immigration from Russia had on the sciences as
additional advantages.
"Every single one of your research institutes is an oil well, of the kind that
is never depleted," Milken told the audience. A drawback of the Israeli economy,
he said, is the fact that too much of the wealth is in too few hands, too many
of which are institutional.
"All global trends are operating in favor of the Israeli economy," Milken told
the audience. "Let the human assets break through," he advised, "nurture them,
and Israel will turn into an economic power within the next few years."
Elvis impersonators
Milken explained that in the human assets race, Israel is competing with
fast-growing countries like China and India, and small but ambitious countries
like Singapore. He said that if the present growth rates continue, China, India,
Russia and Brazil will be among the 10 leading economies in the world, edging
out countries like France and Canada.
Still, Milken advised caution against predictions based on present growth alone.
He noted that the number of Elvis Presley impersonators has gone from 50 to
3,500 since his death, and that extrapolating from this could lead one to the
unlikely conclusion that in 50 years, one out of three people will be an Elvis
impersonator. The conclusion, he explained, is that the present growth rate is
only true of the present.
Milken, who became very rich and very notorious as the "junk bond king" in the
1980s, served two years' jail time after being convicted of financial
wrongdoing. He has devoted much time and money to charity over the past three
decades. With an estimated net worth of around $2.1 billion as of 2007, he is
ranked by Forbes magazine as the 458th richest person in the world.
2. Norway and Sweden poised to defend
each other; Russian Menace?
Sweden, long a neutral nation, is now making overtures that it will come to
Norway's aid if its neighbour is attacked. Norway will do the same for Sweden,
even though Sweden is not a member of NATO.
"Norway (which is a member of NATO) won't be passive, if Sweden falls under
attack," State Secretary Espen Barth Eide in the Norwegian Defense Ministry told
newspaper Aftenposten.
The Swedish government unveiled new military policy this week that showed
unusually broad agreement among the government coalition parties. It also
reveals that Sweden is more uneasy about its relations to Russia than it's been
for years. Russia has recently been flexing restored military muscle, not least
by sending fighter jets and submarines along Norway's coast.
"Sweden won't take a passive role if a catastrophe or an attack should strike
another member of the European Union or a Nordic country," declared the
government. "We expect that these countries would react in the same way if
Sweden was struck."
3. Arab (especially Iraqi-Kurdish) Oil
Supply Likely to Grow in Importance
Oil-Rich Nations Use More Energy, Cutting Exports
4. Iraq: Another Reason Why the USA will
Probably Have to Stay
As Iraqis Vie for Kirkuk?s Oil, Kurds Become Pawns
<<The issue is further complicated by Turkey's desire to safeguard Kirkuk's
Turkmen minority and its hostility to the notion of the Kurds gaining control of
Kirkuk's oil fields. Turkey fears this could embolden the Kurds to declare their
own state, thereby encouraging Kurdish separatists in northeastern Turkey.
<<"No Iraqi government could 'give' Kirkuk to the Kurds and hope to survive, in
view of broad popular opposition in Arab Iraq," said the International Crisis
Group, a nonprofit organization that seeks to prevent or resolve deadly
conflicts. "The Kirkuk question could, therefore, trigger total deadlock,
breakdown and violent conflict, just when the Bush administration hopes its
security plan for Baghdad will yield political dividends?"
<<All sides decline to give exact figures of their population, but the Kurds,
who won 26 of 41 council seats in the last provincial elections, appear to
believe they make up more than half of the province's 1.2 million population.
The oil belongs to Kurdistan but if Kurdistan gets it, Iraq
disintegrates, and Turkey invades.
The USA could sacrifice Kirkuk but would be liable to loose control of all Iraq
in the process.
This could result in an end to the dollar, the bankruptcy of China (which has
vast dollar reserves) which might be tempted to go to war as a consequence, and no end of other
Welcome (again) to Colonialism and becoming heirs to the British Empire.
5. Israeli International Investment
Prospects Improving
VC Funds See Israel as Top Investment Locale
by Ezra HaLevi
(IsraelNN.com) Venture capital funds across the globe prefer Israel as one of
the top five locations for investment, according to a survey by accounting and
consultancy firm Deloitte Brightman Almagor.
American VG managers, according to the survey, gave Israel top rating for
quality deal flows. 70% of those polled named Israel as a major source, compared
with 21% who named Canada, 18% China, 17% for the UK and 10% for India.
In terms of entrepreneurship, Israel rated second in quality of its
entrepreneurs, with 20% of VC managers naming the Jewish state as a prime source
of high quality entrepreneurs; 21% named Canada.
Israel was rated in third place as a preferred location for research and
development activity. Ahead of Israel?s 7% were China, 8% and India, 29%.
Igal Brightman, Chairman & CEO of Deloitte Brightman Almagor and Global Managing
Partner of the Technology, Media and Telecommunications (TMT) Industry Group in
Deloitte, told Globes: "It is clear that the interest that US venture funds are
showing in Israel will continue and even intensify further in the future."
Brightman pointed out that although VC funds around the world have taken notice
of Israel, Europe seems to still avoid investment in the Jewish state. "European
funds still do not consider Israel an attractive investment location, even
though Israel is close to Europe, and is suited to European funds' policy of
investing in neighboring countries," he said.
The survey covered members of venture capital associations in the US and Europe,
as well as 16 other international VC funds.
Jerusalem News-707
2 Tebet 5768, 11 December 2007
1. Iran stops selling oil in dollars
2. Russia working to get its emigrants back
3. Pioneers Establish Six New Points of Light
1. Iran stops selling oil in dollars
Tehran moves closer to confrontation with U.S.
By Jerome R. Corsi
Iran today announced a decision to end all oil sales in dollar transactions,
moving one step closer to confrontation with the United States.
Iranian oil minister Gholam Hussein Nozari told the press the dollar is not
considered a trustworthy currency any more, considering dollar depreciation and
the dollar losses experienced by crude-oil exporting countries, according to a
report published Saturday by the Iranian Student News Agency, or ISNA, in
Nozari also strongly suggested OPEC should move to a trustworthy currency to
stop the loss of oil exporting countries, according to the ISNA report.
Iran currently has a proposal before OPEC recommending that OPEC oil-exporting
countries move to sell oil in a basket of currencies, rather than dollars.
Nozari also told the ISNA that Iran plans to fulfill the Sinopec Chinese
Company's recent request to purchase more Iranian oil.
In April, WND reported Iran successfully pressured China to begin paying for
Iranian oil in euros, not dollars.
At the Abu Dhabi summit last week, OPEC decided not to increase production,
concluding there is currently enough oil in world supplies to handle winter
Iran is the world's fourth largest producer of oil, producing 4.1 million
barrels of oil per day.
WND previously reported Iran and Venezuela have joined forces in an effort to
undermine the U.S. dollar.
In October 2005, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez announced that Venezuela was
ready to move the country's foreign exchange holdings out of the dollar and into
the euro. He also called for the creation of a South American central bank
designed to hold in euros all the foreign exchange holdings of the participating
WND also reported Iran is seriously considering establishing an Iranian Oil
Bourse (or Iranian Oil Exchange) with the goal of establishing competition with
the New York Mercantile Exchange, NYMEX, and London's International Petroleum
Exchange, or IPE.
2. Russia working to get its emigrants
By Anshel Pfeffer, Haaretz Correspondent Last update - 07:24 10/12/2007
The Russian Embassy in Tel Aviv is operating a branch of a government body,
under the guise of a cultural center, whose goal is to persuade Russian
emigrants to return, according to Israeli intelligence sources.
The cultural center, which opened about two months ago, is headed by a Russian
intellectual, who the intelligence sources believe worked for the Soviet secret
service, the KGB. Senior government officials have reportedly expressed concerns
recently over the development of "competition" between Russia and Israel over
where former Russians choose to reside.
The Russian Embassy was unavailable for comment on Sunday.
The intelligence bodies are certain that the Russian cultural center that opened
two months ago on Geula Street in Tel Aviv is a cover for the local branch of
the Sons of the Homeland movement, established by Russian President Vladimir
Putin to bring back Russians who emigrated to Israel.
More than three million Russian-speaking Jews are living on five continents.
Just over one-third live in Israel. They mostly came in the large wave of
immigration that took place after the former Soviet Union opened its gates.
After Putin was elected in 2000, he established the Sons of the Homeland to
maintain communication between Russia and its emigres, and eventually Putin
charged the group with bringing back as many Russians as possible, with an
emphasis on those in skilled professions.
The high level of education among many of the Jewish emigres and the fact that
they are concentrated in large communities have made them a desirable target for
the organization. Putin's goal is not only economic; the millions who have left
Russia since the fall of communism are a blow to national pride.
Putin also wants to counter the image of Russian anti-Semitism, by showing the
country as a place that attracts Jews.
A number of groups, like the Russian-Speakers Congress, are considered fronts
for the Sons of the Homeland.
The cultural center opened following an agreement between Prime Minister Ehud
Olmert and Putin, which also authorized several Israeli cultural centers to
operate in Russia.
During last week's general elections in Russia, the cultural center held
activities in 60 towns in Israel to encourage Russians to register and vote, and
collected their contact details.
Meanwhile, some Israelis have reported received tempting job offers in Russia.
"I was offered a job in a research institute in Moscow for $15,000 a year," said
a leading academic in her field, who has been in contact with the cultural
center. She mentioned additional incentives, such as an apartment.
The cultural center is headed by Dr. Alexander Kryukov, a leading Russian expert
on Israeli culture with extensive connections in Israel, who has also translated
a number of books from Hebrew into Russian. When the Russian government last
year announced his appointment as a diplomat in the Russian Embassy in Tel Aviv,
the Shin Bet security service tried to prevent him from receiving a visa, citing
his past as a KGB spy. However, Russia insisted, and Israel acquiesced in order
to avoid a diplomatic incident.
Israel and Russia are not the only countries seeking to court as many Russian
Jews as possible; Germany is also encouraging Russian Jews to settle there by
giving individual grants and special funding to communities to assist in
settling the newcomers. According to government officials in Berlin, the arrival
of some 200,000 former citizens of the Commonwealth of Independent States is an
opportunity to rebuild the great pre-Holocaust Jewish community. Canada and
Australia also have programs to encourage Russians with professions in demand to
According to Absorption Ministry statistics, more than 100,000 Jews who came to
Israel from the CIS have returned to Russia and Ukraine, and an estimated 70,000
Israelis are currently living in Moscow.
It was decided that, in light of the competition for Russians, the program
approved by the cabinet yesterday to bring back Israelis living abroad would be
marketed as early as next week in Russian and tailored to Russian employment
The Russian cultural center activity gives the government organization Nativ, in
charge of contacts with the Jews of the former Soviet Union and under the aegis
of Strategic Affairs Minister Avigdor Lieberman, a reason to undergo a
controversial expansion to other countries with large groups of Russian Jews.
3. Pioneers Establish Six New Points of
by Gil Ronen and Hillel Fendel
(IsraelNN.com) The nuclei for six Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria were
either established or strengthened Sunday by Jewish pioneers, in a special
Chanukah settlement project. Despite scuffles with police and the IDF, which
declared the points of settlement closed military zones, Chanukah menorahs were
lit in at least three of the sites.
At Shvut Ami, near Kedumim, about 150 people participated in the lighting of the
Chanukah menorah.
Residents of Maaleh Adumim and other pioneers climbed the hill known as E-1, and
which they have now named Mevaseret Adumim. The hilltop was approved for Jewish
settlement by the second Rabin government, but American pressure halted
construction of its 4,000 planned apartments. About 50 pioneers lit the sixth
Chanukah light there, and some remained for the night. Security forces
dispersed them Monday afternoon, but the pioneers said they intend to return.
A few dozen protesters from pro-Arab group "Peace Now" demonstrated against the
pioneers, saying that construction at E-1 would "destroy prospects for peace."
On the nearby hill, however, more than 500 pioneers gathered in the course of
the day, accompanied by MK Aryeh Eldad and musician Ariel Zilber. As police
confronted the pioneers, Zilber played his trumpet, sang his songs and made
happy sounds for all. The pioneers waved Israeli flags as well as the banners of
soccer team Betar Yerushalayim, which is considered to be a bastion of Jewish
"They will evict them today, and they will come back tomorrow," Zilber said.
"They will never give up. This is our role, to settle the Land of Israel."
At Givat HaOr, near Beit El, three families moved into five empty structures
that date back from the time when the area was under Jordanian rule, before
1967. Former Kedumim Mayor Daniela Weiss took command of the operation, putting
pioneers to work with pickaxes, marking paths and clearing the residential
compounds. Some 30 people remained there overnight, and work continued the next
day as well.
Jerusalem News-708
4 Tebet 5768, 13 December 2007
1. Abandoning Israel
Stephen Flurry
2. Russian Mediterranean Naval Build-Up Challenges NATO Sixth Fleet Domination
David Eshel
3. Frimet and Arnold Roth: Murdereress of
by HBO!
4. IDF Army Chief: Gaza operation unavoidable
5. How Much Does Weaponization Matter? Judging Iran's Nuclear Program
6. Short Video of Results of Arab terror Against Israeli Jews
7. DEBKAfile Reports: Most members of Israeli defense cabinet favor independent action
against nuclearized
Iran - despite US intelligence reassessment
1. Abandoning Israel
Stephen Flurry
Abandoning Israel
December 7, 2007 | From theTrumpet.com
How recent U.S. diplomatic strategies are forcing Israel into a perilously
lonely position.
On the morning of the Annapolis summit, theTrumpet.com posted a story about how
the growing divide between the United States and Israel was of greater
geopolitical significance than any of the topics discussed at the conference
that day. "Whatever the outcome of Annapolis," we wrote, "the months prior to
the conference have already revealed a dangerous erosion of U.S. support for
Israel." In the week and a half since the conference, the U.S.-Israeli
relationship has been further pounded by a combination of two deadly blows.
First, there is the sell-out of Lebanon. Contrary to what Israel might have
thought going into Annapolis, Syria did not show up in hopes of laying the
groundwork for retrieving the Golan Heights. We now know that its participation
was contingent upon the U.S. allowing Damascus to handpick Lebanon"s president.
Over the last three years, there has been a violent power struggle in Lebanon
between pro-Western and pro-Syrian forces. In early 2005, a pro-Syrian suicide
bomber assassinated Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, who had been calling for Syrian
troops to withdraw from Lebanon. The murder triggered an onslaught of anger,
both in Lebanon and around the world"virtually all the wrath pointed directly at
Syria. Facing enormous pressure from the West, Syria agreed to withdraw its
15,000 troops from Lebanon, allowing the Lebanese to form a new government.
Since that time, Damascus has been feverishly working to undermine the ruling
March 14 movement (named after the date of Lebanon"s 2005 "Cedar Revolution").
The coalition has seen its majority rule in parliament dwindle to a slim 68 out
of the 128 seats. Six parliamentarians in the coalition have been assassinated
in the last two and a half years. Syrian operatives have simply been murdering
the opposition in order to obtain a majority rule.
Without regard to Lebanon"s fledgling democracy or the security of Israel"s
northern border, Washington handed Lebanon to Hezbollah in hopes of driving a
wedge between two terrorist-sponsoring nations"Syria and Iran.
The National Intelligence Estimate
Within days of Hezbollah"s political victory in Beirut, the United States dumped
another diplomatic bombshell on Israel. In a move intended to spark another line
of dialogue with a state sponsor of terror, the United States extended an olive
branch to the one nation it had worked so hard to alienate just one week
earlier"the Islamic Republic of Iran.
This stunning reversal came in the form of a politically driven policy report
masquerading as an intelligence analysis.
In the story posted on the day of the summit, theTrumpet.com wrote, "Besides an
Iranian bomb, the greatest threat to Israel"s existence is diminished support
from its long-time ally, the United States." What astonishes me about the
National Intelligence Estimate the United States declassified on Monday is that
while shamefully denying the existence of an Iranian nuclear weapons program,
Washington simultaneously managed to nuke what remained of its strategic
alliance with Israel.
Could it possibly get any worse for the Jewish state"
As recently as October 17, President Bush warned, "We"ve got a leader in Iran
who has announced that he wants to destroy Israel. " [I]f you"re interested in
avoiding World War iii, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing
them from having the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon."
But with the release of Monday"s report, everyone from the Bush administration
to the New York Times editorial board to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad all breathed a
collective sigh of relief"even if for different reasons.
Israel, though, is not relieved. It is deeply concerned"and now, very alone.
Israel"s top officials were quick to reject the nie assessment, albeit as
tactfully as possible to avoid adding further strain on an already dead
relationship. On Tuesday, Defense Minister Ehud Barak told Israel"s Army Radio
that while Iran may have momentarily stopped its nuclear weapons program, it has
since been revived. When asked if America"s new assessment, which directly
contradicted its own 2005 estimate, now diminishes the chances of a U.S.
pre-emptive strike against Iran"s weapons facilities, Barak admitted that that
was possible. But "we cannot allow ourselves to rest just because of an
intelligence report from the other side of the Earth, even if it is from our
greatest friend," Barak said with false optimism.
Other Israeli sources, according to Haaretz, assessed the situation more
bluntly, saying "the Bush administration appears to have lost its sense of
urgency regarding Iran"s nuclear program, making a military strike in 2008
increasingly unlikely."
Ron Prosor, Israel"s new ambassador to Britain and one of Prime Minister
Olmert"s leading experts on Iran"s nuclear weapons program, said this in an
interview with London"s Daily Telegraph yesterday:
At the current rate of progress Iran will reach the technical threshold for
producing fissile material by 2009.
This is a global threat and it requires a global response. It should be made
clear that if Iran does not cooperate then military confrontation is inevitable.
It is either cooperation or confrontation.
While that may still be true, the transformative event from this past week now
means Israel stands alone in using force to confront the Iranian threat. And if
the United States is no longer justified in preemptively striking Iran, what do
you suppose world opinion would be after an Israeli strike" If American
intelligence thinks Iran froze its nuclear program, a former Israeli military
intelligence official told the New York Times, "that makes it harder for Israel
to go against it."
Describing Israel"s lonely position in a Haaretz column on Wednesday, Amos Harel
wrote, "Over the last year, a certain hope has developed in Israel that the U.S.
would do our dirty work for us ". Yesterday, from talking to a number of senior
officials in the defense establishment, you could sense this hope had been
buried in the wake of the report."
The sad truth is that while purporting to prove that Iran abandoned its nuclear
weapons program in 2003, in actual fact, Monday"s National Intelligence Estimate
proves America has abandoned Israel. As Clare Lopez noted in a column for Middle
East Times,
2. Russian Mediterranean Naval Build-Up
Challenges NATO Sixth Fleet Domination
David Eshel
This week witnessed a great thrust by Russia to demonstrate its military
strength, when Russian President Vladimir Putin alarmed Europe by finally
declaring Russia's official rejection of the Conventional Armed Forces in Europe
Treaty (CFE), (the treaty entered into force on July 17, 1992 limiting the
number of combat elements that Russia could deploy along its borders with
Europe). Immediately following this declaration, Russian Defense Minister
Anatoly Serdyukov announced sending a sortie of six Russian warships to the
Mediterranean, led by the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier.
The Russian Black Sea Fleet contingent, which has already set out for its new
mission from Sevastopol, will rely on the naval facilities at Syria"s Tartous
port. Its presence for several months will be a complication for the Israel
navy"s operations opposite the Lebanese and Syrian coasts, especially if the
Russians could be joined at Tartous by Iranian extended Kilo class submarines
armed with the Russian-made "Sizzler" Klub-S (3M54) missile, as some unofficial
Israeli sources reported.
Sending such powerful Russian warships onto the Mediterranean, for any amount of
time, is no small matter. With the Mediterranean having been a "NATO lake" for
the past 15 years, since the demise of the Soviet Union, the simple presence of
a naval Russian force will require reviewed strategy and tactics of many of
western and Israeli navies.
In the latest twist to worsening East-West relations, NATO submarines and
surface ships, which may include Royal Navy vessels, are already engaged in
trying to gather information on the new Amur stealth class boat, being secretly
tested by the Russian Navy in the Baltic. Adding to this greater-than-normal
scrutiny effort is in part, a response to Russia's recent decision to resume
long-range bomber flights close, or even penetrating into NATO airspace, which
has revived memories of Cold War confrontation between the two blocs. In fact,
twice during last summer, Russian Tu-95 Bear nuclear bombers have been spotted
heading towards British airspace off Scotland, prompting the RAF to send fast
reaction interceptors to head them off.
The prospect of Russia reactivating its cold war naval bases in Syria's Tartus
and Latakia ports, could have a most dramatic strategic impact. High-profile air
defense missiles and surveillance systems deployment around any Russian-manned
installations in Syrian ports, might also shift the military balance to Israel's
disadvantage, or even threaten a clash between Israel and Russian forces, as
happened during the later stages of the so-called War of Attrition in 1970,
along the Suez Canal.
3. Frimet and Arnold Roth: Murdereress of
by HBO!
Please Pass This On!
Very powerful. Be sure to click on the link to see the pictures!
The New York Times carries a review of a film called 'Hot House'
that goes inside Israeli prisons and examines the lives of Palestinian
prisoners. We're not recommending the film or the review . But we do want to
share our feelings with you about the beaming female face that adorns the
article. You can see it here.

| The film is produced by HBO.
So it's presumably HBO's publicity department that was responsible for
creating and distributing a glamor-style photograph of a smiling,
contented-looking young woman in her twenties to promote the movie.
That female is our child's murderer. She was sentenced to sixteen life sentences
or 320 years which she is serving in an Israeli jail. Fifteen people were killed
and more than a hundred maimed and injured by the actions of this attractive
person and her associates. The background is here.
Neither the New York Times nor HBO are likely to give even a moment's attention
to the victims of the barbarians who destroyed the Sbarro restaurant in
Jerusalem and the lives of so many victims.
So we would be grateful if you would pass along this link to some pictures of
our daughter whose name was Malki. She was unable to reach her twenties - Hamas
saw to that.
Though she was only fifteen years old when her life was stolen from her and from
us, we think Malki was a beautiful young woman, living a beautiful life. We ask
your help so that other people - far fewer than the number who will see the New
York Times, of course - can know about her. Please ask your friends to look at
the pictures - some of the very few we have - of our murdered daughter.
They are at
And remind them of what the woman in the Israeli prison - the woman smiling
so happily in the New York Times - said last year. 'I'm not sorry for what I
did. We'll become free from the occupation and then I will be free from prison.'
With so many voices demanding that Israel release its terrorist prisoners, small
wonder she's smiling.
With greetings from Jerusalem,
Frimet and Arnold Roth
On behalf of Keren Malki
See also:
"The Real Ahlam Tamimi You Didn't Read About In The Times"
Terrorism Awareness Project:What Every American Needs To Know About Jihad
The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of
those who look on and do nothing.
--Albert Einstein
To paraphrase one of the greatest moral insights of the Talmud, those who show
mercy to the cruel will be cruel to the merciful.
4. IDF Army chief: Gaza operation
Roee Nahmias YNET Published: 12.12.07, 17:07 / Israel News
'You can't defeat a terror organization without eventually taking control of the territory,'
5. How Much Does
Matter? Judging Iran's Nuclear Program
Patrick Clawson, Washington Institute, 12/04/07
The just-released National Intelligence Estimate (NIE), is about weaponization,
not the enrichment and fuel cycle issues. The NIE suggests Tehran has changed
its sequence - something that does not slow the country's progress toward a
nuclear weapon by a single day.
6. Short Video of Results of Arab
terror Against Israeli Jews
Photos are shocking and you may prefer not to have seen them.
7. DEBKAfile Reports: Most members of Israeli defense cabinet favor independent action
against nuclearized
Iran - despite US intelligence reassessment
Jerusalem News-709
7 Tebet 5768, 16 December 2007
1. Global Analysis with J. R.
2. Venezuelan Jews: We Live In Fear
3. Israeli Research: "Fat Old People Live longer than the Elderly of Normal
4. Poll: Americans Have Overwhelming Support for Israel
5.Gingrich: NIE Report Deliberately Worded to Hurt Bush
1. Global Analysis with J. R.
From: Steve Collins <scollins@sio.midco.net>
Subject: FSO: Global Analysis with J. R. Nyquist
Shalom Yair,
This analysis explains pretty well the denials that now govern American
politicians about Iranian/Russian/Chinese intentions. According to Debka.com,
Olmert seems just as deep in denial as the US leaders.. We are in dangerous
times for Israel and Judah.
by J. R. Nyquist
No American politician, therefore, dares to acknowledge that China
intends to destroy the United States as a great power, exterminate 100 million
Americans in a nuclear exchange if necessary, and has combined its manpower with
Russian missile power in order to win the next world war.
Take the problem with Iran. The Islamic fanatics in Tehran have been attempting
to build a nuclear weapons manufacturing capability. Perhaps they only want to
make ten or twelve hydrogen bombs each year. Maybe they'd ultimately like to
have a thousand nuclear weapons one day. Why not? Why shouldn't the people that
brought you suicide bombers have nuclear bombs? After all, a nuclear bomb is
only a bomb. It merely explodes. Furthermore, the Iranians can only hit Israel
and parts of Europe. It will be several years before they can lob nuclear
rockets at New York or Washington D.C. Therefore it's a shame that anyone in
America should worry about Iran, especially since our feeble attempts to
intimidate Iran have failed.
The recent National Intelligence Estimate concerning Iran is a case in point. As
a matter of convenience, we are told that Iran's nuclear program is no longer a
military threat. Why admit a threat when the best political heads know there is
nothing we can do about it? Best to rationalize it into oblivion. After all,
negative news from the Middle East has already cost us higher oil prices.
Shoppers don't like it. Bad news of this kind makes the markets jittery and the
dollar weaker. And so, our intelligence analysts are determined to help the U.S.
economy, to slow the meltdown in its early stages. It's a wonderful assignment,
isn't it? ? Analysis for the sake of convenience.
2. Venezuelan Jews: We Live In Fear
By: David Bedein, The Bulletin
3. Israeli Research: "Fat Old People
Live longer than the Elderly of Normal Weight!"
Extracts Freely Translated and Slightly Adapted
from the Jerusalem Newspaper "Al HaMakom" 14.12.07 p.10.
<<Surprise in Medicine: Fat old people live longer than the elderly of normal
This suprising phenomena was revealed by a new study carried out at the Rabin
Medical Center (Beilinson) in Petach Tikvah and involved 470 elderly citizens.
Out of the 470 elderly whose average age was 82 that the study traced during the
course of five years
248 passed away. The researchers discovered that the fat measurement (Body Mass
Index, BMI) of the departed
was 24 which corresponds to normal weight. On the other hand the BMI of those
remained amongst the living was 26
which indicates overweight.
Those who conducted the research were Dr. Avraham Weiss, Professor Ehud
Grossman, and Dr. Mona Boaz.
Dr. Weiss said: "The results of this research are surprising. It is very
possible that recommendations now being given concerning the desired weight of elderly citizens need to be reconsidered.
Dr. Weiss pointed out that, "The research project did not examine why the
elderly and fat stay alive longer. It may be that the extra fat in the body serves as a store of
energy and helps the body cope better with situations of stress and strain."
One of the theories that the researchers will now need to examine is that the
BMI in practice should not apply to the elderly in the same way as it does to youth.
The reason for this is due to physical changes that take place with aging
including a reduction in muscle mass and a corresponding rise in fat layers.
4. Poll: Americans Have Overwhelming
Support for Israel
5. Gingrich:
Report Deliberately Worded to Hurt Bush
by Gil Ronen
(IsraelNN.com) The National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) that downplayed the
danger from Iran's nuclear program was "fundamentally dishonest," former Speaker
of the U.S. House of Representatives Newt Gingrich said in an exclusive
interview with Israel National Radio's Tovia Singer.
"If you simply change about three words you change the whole report," Gingrich
said, adding that the report seems to have been "deliberately written to
maximize the pain to the Bush administration." It was written by three former
State Department officials who were "deeply opposed to what President Bush is
doing," he said, and who wrote the report "to maximize confusion."
Military attack? Only as last resort
If read without the opening paragraph, Gingrich said, the report actually shows
Iran poses a great danger: "Iran has 3,000 centrifuges. They could build one
bomb a year with 3,000 centrifuges? you go down this list and you realize
nothing has changed," he said. "All that happened is that there was one specific
weaponization process which may have been suspended but not closed? and
meanwhile everything else in their program is moving forward."
Gingrich played down the importance of the report, predicting that "in a few
weeks the report will almost be as if it never existed."
Gingrich said that a military attack on Iran should only be the last resort. In
the 1980s, he reminded the listeners, President Ronald Reagan, Prime Minister
Margaret Thatcher and the Pope helped bring down the unpopular regime in Poland
by creating an alternative to it.
Jerusalem News-710
16 Tebet 5768, 25 December 2007
1. Study: West Bank pollution threatening Israeli groundwater
2. Britain's love affair with the Saudi kingdom
3. Short Film: "what-really-happened"
1. Study: West Bank pollution threatening Israeli groundwater
By Zafrir Rinat Haaretz 116 December 2007
For several years now, a white river has run through the Hebron Hills. The
color comes from pollution - waste from a sawmill near Hebron. And according
to a recent Israeli-Palestinian study, pollution from this river and others
like it is threatening the groundwater inside Israel, and is impeding
attempts to rehabilitate Israel's rivers.
Israel has tried to deal with the problem by collecting and purifying the
waste at the Green Line, the boundary between Israel and the West Bank. But
that is insufficient, because much pollution enters the groundwater in the
West Bank and spreads to Israel underground.
The two-year study was conducted by the Arava Institute for Environmental
Studies, the Blaustein Institute for Desert Research at Ben-Gurion
University and the Palestinian Water and Environmental Development
Organization. It focused on the Alexander River, which runs from Nablus to
the Mediterranean north of Netanya, and the Basor River, which runs from
near Hebron to the Gaza Strip. Major investments have been made in
rehabilitating both rivers in recent years, including by establishing waste
treatment plants along them.
However, the study found, the Basor is now full of both municipal waste and
toxins emitted by the stone- and leather-working industries around Hebron.
It estimated that anywhere from 45 to 90 percent of the pollution seeps into
the ground before the river reaches the Israeli treatment plant, thereby
endangering the groundwater. Moreover, some of this underground waste then
reenters the river downstream of the treatment plant.
The study found that faulty sewage systems in Israel also pollute the river.
While the Alexander River has improved substantially, the study said, it
still is being polluted by municipal waste and the olive oil industries
around Nablus and Tul Karm, as well as various sources within Israel, such
as fertilizer and insecticides from nearby farms. In this case, too, about
half of the pollution on the Palestinian side seeps into the groundwater
before reaching the Green Line.
Amos Brandeis, chief planner of the project to rehabilitate the Alexander,
noted that the German government plans to build waste treatment plants for
Nablus and Tul Karm, but they will not be operational for several years. He
also noted that the amount of municipal waste on the Palestinian side has
grown, due to population growth and because many more houses have been
connected to the sewage system in recent years - and this system flows
directly into the river, rather than to a treatment plant.
Hydrologists Lior Assaf and Hila Ackerman of the Arava Institute said that
more could also be done on the Israeli side - for instance, said Assaf,
"planting buffer zones of vegetation along the river banks, which would help
prevent pollution from entering the river."
Professor Alon Tal of the Blaustein Institute, in his summary of the
research, noted that Israelis and Palestinians had managed to work together
to reduce pollution despite the political tensions. "Nevertheless, what has
been done to date is only the first stage," he wrote.
2. Britain's love affair with the Saudi kingdom
by Jemima Khan
3. Short Film: "what-really-happened"
From: valerie knowles <selahtorah@mac.com>
Subject: Fwd: AWESOME short film : What really happend!
Begin forwarded message:
Subject: AWESOME short film : What really happend!
THIS IS AMAZING, short and well done....watch it!
Jerusalem News-711
16 Tebet 5768, 25 December 2007
1. World pledges billions to build Arab
state on Jews' land
2. Argentine Bombings Ordered by Iran: Prosecutor, American Thinker, Rick Moran
3. Iraqi military source reports 300 lightly-armed Turkish troops enter Iraqi
1. World pledges billions to build Arab
state on Jews' land
By Stan Goodenough
Representatives from virtually the entire international community met in Paris
Monday and pledged fully $7.4 billion towards helping create a Muslim Arab state
in the heart of the 4,000-year-old Land of Israel.
That nearly 90 nations and global organizations came together for the
post-Annapolis "donors' conference" and so generously poured financial
assistance out upon the "Palestinians" illustrated the universal stand of the
world in favor of the Arabs and against the Jews.
According to reports, the European Union pledged $630 million, the United States
$555 million, Saudi Arabia $500 million, Britain, France and Germany a combined
$1.08b, Canada 300 million, Japan $120 million, Australia $45 million and other
nations smaller amounts.
2. Argentine Bombings Ordered by Iran:
Prosecutor, American Thinker, Rick Moran
3. Iraqi military source reports 300
lightly-armed Turkish troops enter Iraqi Kurdistan
Iraqi military source reports 300 lightly-armed Turkish troops enter Iraqi
December 18, 2007, 10:31 AM (GMT+02:00)
Kurdish PKKPKK village-base in N. Iraq after Turkish air attack
They are said to have moved into the Gali Rash mountainous area 2-3 km inside
Iraq. No reports of clashes. The crossing, which is not confirmed by Ankara, is
condemned by the Kurdish regional government in Irbil.
Monday, the Turkish army chief Gen. Yasar Buyukanit said that the US had opened
air space and provided intelligence for a Turkish air strike a day earlier on
PKKPKK bases in northern Iraq?s regions of Zap, Hakurk, Avasin and the Qandil
mountains. Gen. Buyukanit told a TV interviewer: "The US gave intelligence. But
what is more important the US opened northern Iraqi airspace to us. By doing
that the US approved the operation."
U.S. Defense Department spokesman Bryan Whitman said Monday it was helping
Turkey gain the "actionable" intelligence needed for a strike against Kurdistan
Workers Party (PKKPKK) insurgents hiding in northern Iraq. He would not say
whether Washington gave Ankara precise targets used in weekend raids.
DEBKAfile adds: Washington for the first time opened the door to action by an
external power in defiance of the authority of its two allies in Iraq: the
Shiite-ruled Baghdad government and the autonomous Kurdish administration in
Irbil. The beneficiaries were Turkey and Iran, both of which are fighting
Kurdish groups carrying out cross-border strikes from bases and havens in Iraqi
Ankara blames the PKKPKK for the deaths of nearly 40,000 people in terrorist
attacks since 1984. It says some 3,000 PKKPKK fighters are based in camps in
northern Iraq.
Jerusalem News-712
16 Tebet 5768, 25 December 2007
1. Peace Now Suspected of Financial Scam
to Mask Backers
Britain, Norway,
and Finland Fund Quislings
2. USA punished for anti-Israeli actions?
3. New Study: Do Israeli Soldiers NOT Rape Arab Women Because they are Racists?
1. Peace Now Suspected of Financial Scam
to Mask Backers
Britain, Norway, EU,
and Finland Fund Quislings
by Ezra HaLevi and Gil Ronen
(IsraelNN.com) The Peace Now movement is suspected of setting up a financial
scam to mask the European sources of its funding for its reconnaissance work
against Israeli Jewish towns in Judea and Samaria.
The Non Profit Associations Registrar suspects Peace Now of operating a front
organization for improper collection of funds, according to a report on Channel
2 TV by reporter Amit Segal.
The radical left-wing Peace Now group allegedly used a non-profit organization (amuta)
called Sha'al, which supposedly dealt with educational matters, to receive and
disburse millions of shekels over a period of many years.
Some of the organization's donors were exposed in the course of the inquiry.
They include the British government, which donated more that 500,000 shekels,
Norway (800,000 shekels) and the European Union, which donated 451,000 shekels
earmarked for Peace Now's ongoing "settlement hunting" activity: the
documentation of construction activity by Jews in Judea and Samaria.
This is not the first time Peace Now has crossed the lines of legality. In 2004,
journalist David Bedein revealed and later the Knesset Interior Committee
confirmed that Peace Now had received a budget in the amount of 50,000 Euros
from the government of Finland to conduct intelligence activities in Jewish
communities in Judea, Samaria, the Golan, Gaza and Jerusalem. The Israel Penal
Code for Espionage was distributed to Knesset Interior Committees, with the
third clause defining ?photography of sensitive areas of Israel for any foreign
power? as an act of espionage, punishable by ten years imprisonment if
2. USA punished for anti-Israeli
From: Steve Collins <scollins@sio.midco.net>
Subject: USA punished for anti-Israeli actions?
US Sponsored Israeli-Palestinian
Meetings Coincided with Two Major
Record US Disasters in December -
Bill Koenig
3. New Study: Do Israeli Soldiers NOT
Rape Arab Women Because they are Racists?
Heb. U. Paper Finds: IDF Has Political Motives for Not Raping
by Hillel Fendel
(IsraelNN.com) A research paper that won a Hebrew University teachers' committee
prize finds that the lack of IDF rapes of Palestinian women is designed to serve
a political purpose.
The abstract of the paper, authored by doctoral candidate Tal Nitzan, notes that
the paper shows that "the lack of organized military rape is an alternate way of
realizing [particular] political goals."
The next sentence delineates the particular goals that are realized in this
manner: "In the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it can be seen that the lack of
military rape merely strengthens the ethnic boundaries and clarifies the
inter-ethnic differences - just as organized military rape would have done."
The paper further theorizes that Arab women in Judea and Samaria are not raped
by IDF soldiers because the women are de-humanized in the soldiers' eyes.
The paper was published by the Hebrew University's Shaine Center, based on the
recommendation of a Hebrew University professors' committee headed by Dr. Zali
"I do not have the entire text in front of me," Gurevitch said, when contacted
by Arutz-7, "and I don't think we can jump to conclusions based on partial
sentences, but I can say the following: This was a very serious paper that asked
two important questions: Is the relative lack of IDF rapes a noteworthy
phenomenon, and if so, why is it that there are so few IDF rapes when in similar
situations around the world, rape is much more common?"
Observers and Academia
Arutz-7: "Can't it just be that Israeli soldiers come from a culture that very
much condemns rape? And why not mention the much-touted 'purity of arms,' i.e.,
the high moral conduct, of the Israeli Army?"
Gurevitch said that observers do not have the right to demand a particular
explanation to a given phenomenon. He said that the researcher had done a
serious job, based on interviews with 25 soldiers and other accounts, and that
the right-wing should not jump to the conclusion that this was simply another
"secular, left-wing" generality.
Makor Rishon editor Amnon Lord, who first publicized the story, wrote that not
only did researcher Nitzan not consider Jewish tradition as an explanation, but
neither did she "raise the possibility that her initial assumption - namely,
that the situation in Judea and Samaria is just like any other situation of
conquest - may be wrong."
Demographic Fears
Nitzan's paper did, however, give much space to the explanation that the Israeli
soldiers refrained from rape out of demographic considerations. She explained
at length how fearful the Jewish population is of the growing Arab population,
and how in cases of wartime rape, the baby is generally assumed to be of the
mother's nationality.
"It is noteworthy," Lord concludes, "that Palestinian propaganda around the
world frequently accuses Israelis of murder and rape. Such that this situation
is unique: An army is found blameworthy of rape, and is also blameworthy of not
Jerusalem News-713
17 Tebet 5768, 26 December 2007
1. Britain: Mohammed to overtake Jack as
2. Guysen Israel News Monday
3. Guysen Israel News Tuesday
1. Britain:
Mohammed to overtake Jack as favourite name
By Sarah Womack, Social Affairs Correspondent
Mohammed to overtake Jack as favourite name
By Sarah Womack, Social Affairs Correspondent
Last Updated: 12:01am GMT 20/12/2007
Mohammed is on track to become the most popular boys' name in England and Wales
by next year.
The name was second only to Jack in 2007, which has been top for the last 13
But there were just 385 more children called Jack and because of the high birth
rate among Muslim families, the name is set to become the most popular boy's
name by next year.
While Mohammed is in 17th place, its position would be number two if all 14
variant spellings of the name were taken into account.
While 6,772 boys were called Jack, 6,387 were called Mohammed or a variant.
An analysis by the Daily Telegraph of the names, compiled each year by the
Office for National Statistics, shows there were 3,009 babies called Mohammed,
the most popular spelling; 1,595 Muhammads, 903 Mohammads, 429 Muhammeds, 349
Mohameds, 39 Mohamads, 12 Muhameds, 11 Mohammods, nine Mohmmeds, eight Mohamuds,
seven Mahammeds, six Muhammeets, five Mohmmads and five Muhammods.
There were 5,803 babies called Thomas, which is listed by the ONS as the second
most popular name.
Muhammad is regularly cited as the most common name in the world. It means "one
who is praiseworthy", and is often given to boys as an honorary prefix and is
followed by the name by which they are commonly known.
Muhammad Anwar, professor of ethnic relations at Warwick University, said:
"Muslim parents like to have something that shows a link with their religion or
with the Prophet."
Overall, Muslims account for three per cent of the British population, about 1.5
million people. The name Mohammed first entered the top 30 in 2000.
Grace is the most popular girls' name.
The most popular names in Scotland are Lewis and Sophie, and in Northern Ireland
are Jack and Katie.
There are two new entries in the girls' top 50 for England and Wales. Ava leaps
23 places to number 41 and Summer rises 15 places to number 44.
Evie has climbed 46 places in the last five years, making it the 15th most
popular choice for girls in 2007.
The boys' top 50 sees three new entries this year. Jayden climbs 36 places to
become the highest new entry at 32, followed by Isaac and Finley, which both go
up 13 places to numbers 42 and 47 respectively.
Other girls' names gaining popularity are Isabelle (up nine to 20), Imogen (up
14 to 34) and Sophia (up 12 to 37). Significant climbers in the boys' top 50 are
Alfie (up six to number 10) and Oscar (up 8 to 39).
In Wales alone, the top boys' name remains Jack but Dylan is number two and Rhys
remains stable at five. The Welsh girls' list is topped by Ruby. Megan is second
most popular while Ffion is number six.
Celebrities continued to have a bearing on the names chosen by parents for their
Leona has almost tripled in popularity over the past twelve months, due to
X-Factor winner Leona Lewis. In 2007, 238 babies were given the name.
Former Hear 'say member, and 2006 Celebrity jungle runner-up, Myleene Klass,
named her daughter Ava earlier this year. This could explain Ava moving 23
places up the girls' rankings in the last year, making it the 41st choice for
girls in 2007.
In 2007, Alfie made it into the top 10 for the first time in recent years. This
may have been influenced by the hit single Lily Allen wrote about her brother,
Alfie, as well as the remake of the film Alfie starring Jude Law.
Nevertheless, Elizabeth has maintained a top 50 spot from the 1940s through to
2007 when 1,268 girls shared the 36th most popular girls' name.
2. Guysen Israel News Monday
From: <webmaster@guysen.com>
2007-12-23 , 14 Tevet 5768
23:46 The Syrian Minister of Information Mohsen Bilal has accused the United
States for torpedoing the efforts of Syria and France to achieve the election of
the new president of Lebanon. (Guysen.International.News)
16:28 The lower the socio-economic status of the driver, the greater the risk
of being injured or killed in a car accident. This was indicated in a study
conducted by the Technion in Haifa, which also showed that Muslim Arab drivers
are 2.5 times more likely to be involved in a car accident than Jewish drivers.
12:54 80% of Israelis consider it necessary to prepare the population for a
war. According to a survey conducted by the Home Front, the vast majority of
Israelis feel insufficiently informed about securing their homes. (Guysen.International.News)
11:19 Israel is planning to build 750 housing units at Har Homa and Maaleh
Adumim. The 2008 budget of the Ministry of Construction includes 100 million
shekels for the construction of these homes in the Jerusalem area, to the dismay
of the PA, which is demanding a freeze on the expansion of settlements, after
the Annapolis conference. (Guysen.International.News)
3. Guysen Israel News Tuesday
From: <webmaster@guysen.com>
2007-12-24 , 15 Tevet 5768
20:12 On December 10, 2007, Father Pierre Roubaudi, head of the Catholic school
Sasserno (1942-1947), was posthumously honored as Righteous Among the Nations.
Under his leadership, the staff of his school saved young Jews from the Nazi
persecution in 1943 and 1944. Thirty two Jewish children were hidden in Sasserno
and other Catholic schools, thanks to the network of Bishop Paul R?ond, bishop
of Nice (1930-1963). During a symposium co-organized by the CRIF (Representative
Council of Jewish Institutions in France) of Nice, Rudy Salles, the Maritime
Alps parliamentarian, spoke of ''the need to create a European law against
Holocaust denial.'' (Guysen.International.News)
19:40 The IDF opened fire on 2 [terrorist] suspects near the settlement of
Beitar. One of the two men was wounded, while his accomplice managed to escape.
The police have opened an inquiry. (Guysen.International.News)
18:38 According to a report published by the Jerusalem Post, the Armenian
government is expecting that Israel will soon recognize the Armenian genocide
perpetrated by the Turks during the First World War. The former Armenian
Minister of Education, Sergo Yeritsvan, said: ''Nobody can understand our
situation better than the Jewish people. Our peoples are united by the suffering
they have endured.'' (Guysen.International.News)
18:16 The younger brother of the president of the United States, Jeb Bush,
arrived this morning in Israel with his family for the Christmas holidays. The
latter, who is also the governor of Florida, is expected to visit Jerusalem, Tel
Aviv, Nazareth and Masada. Jeb Bush will meet with several Israeli MKs,
including the president of the Knesset, Dalia Itsik. (Guysen.International.News)
14:16 According to data published by the Central Bureau of Statistics, on
Christmas eve, there are 152, 000 Christians living in Israel constituting 2.1%
of the population. 80.5% of them are Arabs and the rest are Christians who came
to Israel with their Jewish family, under the Law of Return, mainly from
Russia. (Guysen.International.News)
11:16 The Department of Biology, at the Faculty of Science of the University of
Haifa has discovered a substance that can be used in an oral treatment for
diabetes. Derived from yeast, this substance is called glucose tolerance factor
(GTF). It has been successfully tested on rats with diabetes whose blood sugar
and lipids in the blood was reduced. It strengthens the effectiveness of insulin
injections. Diabetes affects 5 to 10% of the population in developed countries
and was recently declared an ''epidemic''in developing countries. (Guysen.International.News)
09:27 In the Gaza Strip, the atmosphere is gloomy on Christmas eve. Members of
the small Christian community are preparing for their holiday discreetly, three
months after the assassination of a member of the Baptist church, Rami Ayad. The
body of this Christian bookseller was found in the street after he was abducted.
Six months earlier his store was burned. Nobody claimed this murder and no-one
dared to formally accuse Hamas. 3,000 Christians live in the Gaza Strip among
1.5 million Muslims. (Guysen.International.News)
08:09 Synagogue-goers live longer. According to a study conducted by
researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and published in the European
Journal of Aging, the mortality rate in a group of people who do not attend
synagogue services was 75% higher than that reported in the opposing group. The
study was conducted on a sample of 5,000 people over 60 years old. (Guysen.International.News)
07:44 35% of young Israelis would want to live abroad given the opportunity.
According to a survey conducted by the Smith Institute for the Zionist Council
in Israel, it is clear that young people have confidence in the IDF, much less
in the political leadership, and felt that Israeli Arabs are not loyal to the
state. However, 48% deem it preferable to live in Israel. The Council also said
that young people are more and more losing their sense of belonging to the
Jewish people. (Guysen.International.News)
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