Events, happenings, and Opinions Concerning
Israel, Israelites, Judah, and Everyone Else
News, Views, Blues, Jews, Whos, and US
Jerusalem News 859
26 Iyar 5769, 21 May 2009
1. David McLeod: The USA, Israel & Judah
2. 2 men attacked while kissing on Tel Aviv street
3. EU
Funds Pro-PA Stance on Jerusalem
4. US Muslim Attempt Attack on Jewish Reform Temple
5. Saudi Anti-Terror Cartoons
1. David McLeod: The USA, Israel & Judah
From: David McLeod <>
Many in Israel, including those in leadership positions, are beginning to
experience that sinking feeling . It's the feeling that comes when you look up
at the horizon and see dark storm clouds gathering en masse.
The new administration in Washington, and the European Union, are putting
pressure on the new Israeli government to agree to a 2-state solution in efforts
to solve the never-ending Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The two-state solution
envisions two separate sovereign countries within the borders of present day
Israel. The state of Israel would continue to be governed by the Jews. The other
state, the yet-to-be formed Palestinian state, would be governed by Muslim
Many in Israel fear the two-state solution because they believe a totally
sovereign, independent Palestinian nation would be manipulated by Iran and used
as a proxy by the Iranian government to wage war upon Israel. Also, Israeli Jews
believe that the terrorist organization Hamas would impose its will on the new
Palestinian nation. Hamas goal is to drive all Jews from the land of Israel,
killing them if necessary. A new Palestinian state would only embolden Hamas -
an Hamas that would continually wage war against Israel.
EU Angry with Israel?
Recently, EEuropean Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana made it clear that
the EU will only remain on good terms with Israel if Israel agrees to a
Palestinian State. Speaking of Israel, Mr. Solana was quoted saying:
"We will be ready to do business as usual, normally with a government in Israel
that is prepared to continue talking and working for a two-state solution...Let
me say very clearly that the way the European Union will relate to a government
that is not committed to a two-state solution will be very, very different."
European leaders are usually careful to hide their anti-Israeli feelings, but
some are now losing their patience with Israel and becoming more vocal. Many
European leaders believe Israel is the main reason there is no peace in the
Middle East. They view Israel as the oppressors of the Palestinian Arab people.
It is not just European leaders who are biased against Israel. The European
press often bashes Israel whenever they get the chance, painting the Israeli
government as bullies and depicting Palestinian Arabs as victims.
It is easy to see the bias in the European press. For example, one high-profile
correspondent of a major news company told a Hamas rally that journalists and
media organizations are waging a news war, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with
the Palestinian people.
Increasingly, in Europe the average man in the street is growing more and more
angry at Israel. A survey done a few years ago found 59 percent of Europeans
believe Israel represents the biggest obstacle to Mideast and world peace. In
January of this year, when Israel was forced to enter the Gaza strip to stop
Hamas from bombing Israeli towns and villages, anti-Israeli protests erupted all
over Europe drawing thousands of people.
Many Europeans believe that if only Israel would give over land to the
Palestinians, enabling Palestinian Arabs to create their own state, then
Palestinians would no longer feel the need to attack Israel; such conclusions
are foolish, and naive at best. Land for peace has not worked in the past and it
will not work in the future.
Washington to Pressure Israel
Where does the new administration in Washington stand on the issue of a
Palestinian state? Washington along with European leaders appear to be on the
same page when it comes to a new country for Palestinian Arabs.
The Obama Administration in Washington has made it clear it will accept no other
outcome to the Middle East peace process than the birth of a completely
sovereign Palestinian state. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited
Israel in March and informed reporters that she and President Barack Obama plan
to be "vigorously engaged" in bringing about the birth of "Palestine ??,
asserting that, "there is no time to waste."
President Obama's Middle East envoy, George Mitchell, will be pushing Israel to
cave to Arab demands. Those demands include that Israel give up strategic
land-packages as well as give the Palestinians total control over East
Jerusalem?the desired location of the new Pallestinian capital. Such demands are
repulsive to incoming Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who insists
that the Palestinians have demonstrated they will use such a state to launch
attacks against Israel.
The New Prime Minister has not ruled out negotiations with the Palestinians, but
he does not believe Israel should concede territory to the Palestinians in
advance of negotiations. The Palestinians want total withdrawal of Israeli
forces from the West Bank before they will negotiate. Prime Minister Netanyahu
believes such a withdrawal in advance of negotiations would only encourage
Palestinians to demand more. Mr. Netanyahu believes Israel must insist on
retaining 50 percent of the West Bank ? the open areas in the Jordan Vaalley and
the Judean Desert that serve as a buffer for Israeli security concerns.
The Iranian Concern
No doubt both the Europeans and Americans will be pressuring Israel to give up
land for peace. What a tragedy. It is yet to be seen whether or not the new
Israeli government will cave to the pressure. And on top of the Palestinian
concern is the Iranian nuclear threat. It looks as if Iran could have a nuclear
device within the next 12-18 months.
The Obama Administration favors negotiations rather than military action when it
comes to Iran. But as some Europeans are now saying, ??We have been negotiating
with the Iranians for years and nothing has changed. Years of negotiations with
Iran have only allowed Iran to work more diligently on their nuclear program.
Israel is very concerned and cannot sit by indefinitely in a passive attitude
while negotiations drag on and on.
On March 16th Israeli army chief Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi told his American
counterparts that while diplomatic efforts to curb Iran's nuclear program should
move forward, Israel has no choice but to prepare for military action. In
meetings with special US envoy to the Persian Gulf, Dennis Ross, and US
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Ashkenazi said that Israel wants a peaceful,
diplomatic resolution to the crisis but cannot under any circumstances tolerate
a nuclear-armed Iran. Washington does not want to hear such blunt talk.
Israel's problems are many, and they are great; it looks as if she can only
expect a thin veneer of support from the U.S. and even less support from the EU.
Increasingly, there are whispers heard in Israel that?Israel stands alone.
Bible prophecy tell us that those who meddle with Israels capital city,
Jerusalem, at the end-time will come to regret their meddling:
"Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of
drunkenness to all the surrounding peoples, when they lay siege against Judah
and Jerusalem. And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very
heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in
pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered against it" (Zechariah
Human solutions will be futile. Only The Lord and his return to this earth can
solve once and for all the problems that continually plague the Middle East.
2. 2 men attacked while kissing on Tel
Aviv street,7340,L-3719416,00.html
Daniel Edelson
Dangerous liaisons: Two men who were seen kissing on a central Tel Aviv street
were the near-victims of an assault by several local youths, who took aversion
to the public display of affection.
Nadav, 29, recounted the terrifying end to his Tuesday night date: "We were
kissing and then a car sped by and the passengers began yelling 'homos! We'll
kill you!' We ignored it at first, it was after all only a yell, but then
the car stopped.
"Two men stepped out, opened up the trunk and pulled out iron maces. We
understood what was going to happen and ran into the stairwell of a nearby
building. They chased us, but stopped at the door to the stairwell.
"Luckily for us," he continued, "they weren't smart enough to realize that the
door was open and they could get in, so they banged on the door with the maces
and nearly broke it."
Several minutes later, the assailants gave up and left, leaving Nadav and his
date completely shocked. "It wasn?t until they nearly smashed the door in that I
realized that this was really serious. We thought they were going to kill us,"
he said.
"Living in Tel Aviv, you think you are shielded form these kind of things, but I
guess that even in 2009, there is no safe place. I can't understand what would
make a person stop his car and come after another person like that."
Funds Pro-PA Stance on Jerusalem
by Maayana Miskin
( The European Union is providing millions of shekels to
organizations that promote the Palestinian Authority's claims in Jerusalem,
according to NGO Monitor. In a report released Tuesday, the group detailed EU
support for groups ostensibly committed to human rights and coexistence that are
also overtly pro-PA on political issues.
Among the offenders were Ir Amim and B'Tselem, both of which refer to Jews
living in historic Jerusalem as "settlers," despite the fact that the area in
question is historically Jewish. All areas occupied by Jordan between the years
1948 and 1967 are considered rightfully Arab, even those in which Jews lived for
centuries prior to the establishment of the state of Israel.
ARIJ, Ir Amim and other EU-funded groups have also delegitimized Israeli
archaeological research in historic Jerusalem. Ir Amim has reported that Israeli
excavations are an attempt to create Jewish "settlements" in Jerusalem, while
ARIJ has blamed Israeli excavations for damage to Arab buildings.
The positions espoused by B'Tselem, Ir Amim, ARIJ, B'Makom, and other such
groups have a serious impact on international policy, NGO Monitor warned. EU-funded
"studies" conducted by such blatantly political groups have been taken as fact,
with EU countries making no independent attempt to verify the findings, the
group said.
The EU contributed millions to Ir Amim, B'Tselem and other such groups in 2007,
NGO Monitor found. The EU, Norway and Britain together paid most of Ir Amim's
four million shekel budget in 2007.
NGO Monitor director Professor Gerald Steinberg said the EU funding provided to
politically motivated groups such as B'Tselem and Ir Amim is one of the most
damaging aspects of European funding directed against Israel. The funding given
to such groups is used to mount diplomatic offensives against Israel, he said.
4. US Muslim Attempt Attack on Jewish
Reform Temple
Riverdale Synagogue Terror Plot Busted
May 21, 2009
Four men due in court Thursday to face charges of plotting to bomb Jewish sites
and shoot down military planes were arrested after planting what they thought
were explosive devices near a synagogue and community center, authorities say.
Federal authorities announced the arrests of James Cromitie a.k.a Abdul
Rahman, David Williams, Onta Williams and Laguerre Payen, all of Newburgh, on
charges arising from a plot to detonate explosives near a synagogue in the
Riverdale section of the Bronx, and to shoot military planes located at the New
York Air National Guard Base at Stewart Airport in Newburgh with Stinger
surface-to-air guided missiles.
The suspects were arrested shortly after planting a mock explosive device in the
trunk of a car outside the Riverdale Temple and two mock bombs in the backseat
of a car outside the Jewish Center, authorities said.
Police blocked their escape with an 18-wheel truck, smashing their tinted SUV
windows and while apprehending the unarmed suspects.
Meantime, New York City's mayor and police commissioner reassured Bronx
worshippers following the revelations that the four men plotted to bomb their
Jewish temple.
Mayor Bloomberg and Commissioner Raymond Kelly met privately with congregants
Thursday inside the Riverdale Temple.
"They stated they wanted to commit jihad," Kelly said. "They were disturbed
about what was happening in Afghanistan and Pakistan, that Muslims were being
killed. They made statements that if Jews were killed in this attack that would
be all right."
Officials said the arrests came after a long-running undercover operation that
began in Newburgh. Federal authorities tell CBS 2 HD the motive for the attack
was revenge over the United States involvement in Afghanistan.
Cromitie, said to be the leader of the group, is the son of an Afghani immigrant
and an African-American woman. It is that connection to Afghanistan,
investigators say, and an unhappiness with America's ongoing war efforts abroad
that allegedly drove him to become a terrorist.
In their efforts to obtain weapons, the defendants dealt with an informant
acting under law enforcement supervision, and the FBI and other agencies
monitored the defendants actions up to the time of arrest, including providing
an inactive missile and inert explosives to the informant for the defendants.
The investigation had been under way for about a year.
In talking to the FBI informant, Cromitie expressed interest in one
day returning to Afghanistan, of dying a "martyr" and wanting to do "something
to America". When discussing the best targets, Cromitie allegedly told the
infomant, "the best target (the World Trade Center) was hit already. When the
conversation turned to attacking a synagogue, Cromitie allegedly said, "I hate
those Jewish -expletive.- I would like to get a synagogue."
5. Saudi Anti-Terror Cartoons
The Internet as a Source of Terrorist Propaganda
Cartoonist: Muhammad Mas'ud

For more see above URL
No Country Could Survive Two State
Map of Proposed Two State Solution
No Country Could Survive!