1. Tsunami waves reasonably likely to
strike Israel
From: imra@netvision.net.il
Press Release
October 25, 2009
New geo-archaeological research at the Leon H. Charney School of Marine
Sciences at the University of Haifa:
Tsunami waves reasonably likely to strike Israel
*The study, carried out by Dr. Beverly N. Goodman, exposed evidence of four
tsunami events on the coast of Caesarea.*
"There is a likely chance of tsunami waves reaching the shores of Israel," says
Dr. Beverly Goodman of the Leon H. Charney School of Marine Sciences at the
University of Haifa following an encompassing geo-archaeological study at the
port of Caesarea. "Tsunami events in the Mediterranean do occur less frequently
than in the Pacific Ocean, but our findings reveal a moderate rate of
recurrence," she says.
Dr. Goodman, an expert geo-archaeologist, exposed geological evidence of this by
chance. Her original intentions in Caesarea were to assist in research at the
ancient port and at offshore shipwrecks. "We expected to find the remains of
ships, but were surprised to reveal unusual geological layers the likes of which
we had never seen in the region before. We began underwater drilling assuming
that these are simply local layers related to the construction of the port.
However, we discovered that they are spread along the entire area and realized
that we had found something major," she explains.
Geological drilling - in areas of 1-3 meters in length and at various depths -
enabled Dr. Goodman to date the underwater layers using two methods: carbon-14
dating and OSL (optically stimulated luminescence). She
found evidence of four tsunami events at Caesarea: in 1500 BC, 100-200 CE,
500-600 CE, and 1100-1200 CE. In an article published in Geological Society of
America, Dr. Goodman explains that the earliest of these tsunamis resulted from
the eruption of the Santorini volcano, which affected the entire Mediterranean
region. The later, more local tsunami waves, Dr. Goodman assumes, were generated
by underwater landslides caused by earthquakes. "'Local' does not necessarily
imply 'small'. These could have been waves reaching 5 meters high and as far as
2 km onshore. Coastal communities within this range would have undoubtedly been
severely damaged from such a tsunami. While communities onshore clear the ground
after such an event and return to civilization, tsunami evidence is preserved
under the water," she explains.
Amir Gilat, Ph.D.
Communication and Media Relations
University of Haifa
Tel: +972-4-8240092/4
Cell: +972-52-6178200
Over the past two decades we have witnessed the emergence of a mass movement of
political extremism and support for totalitarianism on Western college campuses.
Large numbers of university professors and administrators today advocate
politically extremist positions that combine support for totalitarian
Islamofascism and its terrorism with deep hatred of Israel and anti-Americanism.
The dimensions of the phenomenon vary by campus and also by academic discipline.
Middle East Studies is arguably the worst. The pro-totalitarian ideology and the
hostility towards Israel and the United States have been documented for years by
campus monitoring watchdogs like Campus-Watch<http://www.campus-watch.org/>
in the United States and by Isracampus<http://www.isracampus.org.il/>
in Israel, as well as by web magazines, notably Frontpage<http://frontpagemag.com/>.
Reading the exposes about campus political extremism today is numbingly
shocking. No doubt many a reader responds bewilderingly by asking how such
behavior and fanaticism could have been invented in the early twenty-first
century. Actually, it was not. It was around many decades ago.
Campus radicalism, support for totalitarianism, and general political extremism
are not new on Western campuses. Indeed some of the worst political extremism in
academic history took the form of enthusiastic support on American campuses for
Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. This is a disgraceful chapter in American
academic history and one largely unknown. Its story is the topic of a new book<
http://www.cambridge.org/us/ catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9780521762434>,
"The Third Reich in the Ivory Tower," by Stephen H. Norwood<http://www.ou.edu/ cas/history/fac-staff-norwood.html>
(Cambridge University Press, 2009). The author is a professor of history at the
University of Oklahoma and holds a PhD from Columbia University (of all places;
Columbia University is one of the schools whose ties with Nazism<
http://wcbstv.com/topstories/ columbia.university.prof.2.239504.html?detectflash=false>
he documents carefully).
None of what follows is my own original research. All of it is taken from
Norwood's seminal study and he deserves all the credit for uncovering these
things. The simple lesson from examining the behavior on American universities
in the 1930s is that that the appeasement, the support for totalitarian
aggression and terror, the academic bigotry, and the anti-Semitism that today
fill so many American universities were all predominant forces on many campuses
in the 1930s, especially at America's elite schools, including on much of the
Ivy League.
Norwood sums up the situation at American universities in the 1930s thus:
"The leaders of American colleges and universities remained for the most part
uninvolved as others in this country forcefully protested the Nazis' barbaric
treatment of Jews. The Nazis anti-Semitic terror in 1933 precipitated
demonstrations and boycotts (of Germany) on an unprecedented scale. But although
academicians were the Americans most conversant with European affairs, few
engaged in public anti-Nazi protest.. American universities maintained amicable
relations with the Third Reich, sending their students to study at Nazified
universities while welcoming Nazi exchange students to their own campuses.
America's most distinguished university presidents willfully crossed the
Atlantic in ships flying the swastika flag, openly defying the anti-Nazi
boycott, to the benefit of the Third Reich's economy. By warmly receiving Nazi
diplomats and propagandists on campus, they helped Nazi Germany present itself
to the American public as a civilized nation, unfairly maligned in the press."
(Norwood, page 34)
Starting in 1933 anti-Hitler mass protests were being held throughout the United
States. Americans of all creeds joined in. So did labor unions, political
parties, and others. Perhaps the most memorable anti-Nazi sign from the marches
was that of the Undertakers Union, "We want Hitler!" American streets were
filled with anti-Nazi protests every week. At the same time, "College and
university presidents and administrators did not convene protest meetings
against Nazi anti-Semitism on the campuses, nor did they urge their students and
faculty members to attend the nationwide mass rallies held on March 27, 1933."
(Norwood, page 15).
Some leading German Jewish scientists and professors managed to make it to the
United States. The most famous was of course Albert Einstein. Some American
schools went out of their way to hire these refugees. Harvard and Yale (which
has a Hebrew slogan on its official coat of arms) were NOT among those!
Harvard University stood out above the rest in its moral failure and in its
collaboration with Nazism. Many of the faculty members at Harvard were openly
anti-Semitic, including Harvard's president James Bryant Conant. Later, after
the war, Conant served as US Ambassador to Germany and worked feverishly to get
Nazi war criminals paroled and hired (pages 243-256). He lobbied for
appointments of Nazis to various public posts in Europe and at the United
Nations. Harvard's law school Dean, Roscoe Pound, was openly sympathetic to
Hitler, vacationed in Germany and attended anti-Semitic events there (pages
56-7). Harvard history professor William L. Langer strongly defended Hitler's
reoccupation and remilitarization of the Rhineland, which was the first step in
launching World War II. More generally he served as a sort of academic apologist
for the Nazis (pages 41-2).
Harvard went out of its way to host and celebrate Nazi leaders. The high Nazi
official Ernst (Putzi) Hanfstaungl was invited as the Harvard commencement
speaker in 1934.
Some MIT professors came out vocally in support of Hitler and Nazi Germany,
including mechanical engineering professor Wilhelm Spannhake (page 16). His son
Ernst was a student at the time at MIT; the son insisted that the Nazis had
committed no atrocities at all and he defended the Nazi boycott of German Jews
and Jewish businesses.
Professor Thomas Chalmers of the history department at Boston University
publicly demanded a "hands off " policy regarding Hitler and opposed American
denunciations of Nazi Germany (page 17). 3. Nearly Half of US Supermarket Foods Are Kosher
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2009 15:09:37 +0200
From: Arutz Sheva <news@israelnationalnews.com>
The annual KosherFest expo served up a full course, from kosher popcorn to
pomegranate mints, at its exhibition and trade fair in New Jersey on Tuesday and
Wednesday. For those who want to improve mental focus, a kosher Brain Toniq,
?the only non-caffeinated think drink?? was introduced there as well.
The burgeoning kosher food industry now accounts for 40 percent of food products
on American supermarket shelves, according to the Mintel research organization.
Orthodox Union (OU) official Rabbi Eliyahu Safran noted that producers of
beverages, baking and organic foods are leading the increased requests for
certification that their products are produced according to strict Jewish
dietary laws.
Industry officials estimate that more than 10 million Americans, approximately
double the number of Jews in the country, buy kosher items.
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