Jerusalem News 882. Views, Jews, Ten Tribes News
10 November 2009, 23 Cheshvan 5770
1. French FM: " Israel will not tolerate an Iranian bomb"
2. RafiEitan
Admits Failure, Regrets on Pollard
3. Yemen's Jews. The End
1. French FM: " Israel will not tolerate
an Iranian bomb"
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2009 16:12:59 -0400
Subject: DEBKA Newsletter Oct 30, 2009
26 Oct. French foreign minister Bernard Kouchner warned that Iran 's nuclear
ambitions have started a "race to confrontation" with Israel and the world's
leading powers must break the deadlock before the Jewish state "reacts."
The French minister added: "There is the time that Israel will offer us before
reacting because Israel will react as soon as they know clearly that there is a
threat. They will not tolerate an Iranian an Iranian bomb," he stressed. "We
know that, all of us. So that is an additional risk and that is why we must
decrease the tension and solve the problem."
2. RafiEitan
Admits Failure, Regrets on Pollard News/News.aspx/134134
by Gil Ronen
( Former minister Rafi Eitan, who recruited Jonathan Pollard as a
spy for Israel in the US, expressed regret over the espionage debacle in an
interview on Channel 2.
"I admit the failure and I regret it," he said.
In an interview to Maariv in 2008, Eitan said that the US intelligence services
made a joint decision not to permit Pollard ever to be released until the end of
his life. "The reason isn't Pollard. It's Israel... It's connected to the
relationship system between the American intelligence services and the state of
Israel." Eitan went on to confirm that the US intelligence services were "taking
revenge" on Israeli intelligence through Pollard.
Asked if anything could be done about Pollard, Eitan said: "To my regret, no.
What can Israel do? Break relations with the US? This is silly... Every visit of
an Israeli personality with Pollard harmed him. The recognition of him as an
agent, the Israel identity card. All this harmed him, worsened his situation."
In 2006, Jonathan Pollard appealed unsuccessfully to the Israeli High Court to
prevent Eitan from taking office as minister in the Kadima-led government. 3. Yemen's Jews. The End Nov. 1, 2009
THE JERUSALEM POST =1256799063127&pagename= JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull
History will record that 2,500 years of Jewish life in Yemen is now over.
As The Wall Street Journal reported October 31, the US State Department
has completed a clandestine operation which brought 60 of the country's
remaining Jews to America. The newspaper quoted Yeshiva University's Hayim
Tawil, a Yemeni Jewry expert, as issuing the certificate of death: "This
is the end of the Jewish Diaspora of Yemen. That's it."
As Israelis and Jews we earnestly appreciate the efforts of the Obama
administration on behalf of our Yemeni brethren.
THE RESCUE illuminates an often overlooked aspect of the 60-year-plus
Arab-Israel conflict. Whereas the Arab world has purposefully maintained
the 700,000 or so Palestinian Arabs made homeless in the course of the
1948 war and their descendants as permanent refugees and political pawns,
the State of Israel and world Jewry have worked hard to resettle a roughly
equal number of Jewish refugees forced to flee Arab lands.
The behavior of Arab leaders toward their Jewish subjects after the
creation of Israel was (with notable exceptions) characterized by
scapegoating and marginalization culminating in mass exodus. In 1947, Arab
rioters in Aden killed dozens of Jews to protest a two-state solution in
Palestine. In 1949 and 1950 the bulk of Yemen's Jews, some 49,000 souls,
were airlifted here in "Operation Magic Carpet." The broad Arab refusal to
accept the legitimacy of Israel as a sovereign Jewish state is partly
attributable to Arab attitudes toward their Jewish minorities.
Coexistence was possible - so long as Jews knew their place.
JEWISH life under Muslim rule was historically neither the utopia Arab
propagandists claim nor the purgatory Jewish polemicists assert. As the
doyen of Middle East studies Bernard Lewis wrote in The Jews of Islam, the
actual state of affairs varied depending on the era, locale, political and
economic conditions, the stability of the ruling Islamic regime, and on
developments within the Jewish community.
Jews were granted Dhimmi or tolerated status. They paid a special jizya
tax to underscore their subordinate position in society. If they missed
the point, Islamic tradition allowed for the local Muslim authority to
deliver a ceremonial slap on the neck to the Jew upon payment of the levy.
Jews were required to wear distinguishing clothes; they were expected to
deport themselves deferentially in the presence of Muslims. And unlike
everyone else, Jews were not permitted to carry weapons.
On the other hand, Lewis wrote, Jews were not required to convert to
Islam, and could enjoy a high degree of acculturation.
At any rate, this social contract crumbled in part because the Zionist
movement was a direct assault on the Dhimmi principle.
The Yemen experience also reminds us that the Arab world's antagonism to
modern values has led it to extended periods of internal instability as
well a visceral rejection of Israel for embodying the Western liberal
POLITICAL instability is always "bad for the Jews," and Yemen has long
been a volatile mess. The ancestral homeland of Osama bin Laden is
burdened by internal strife, poverty and a dysfunctional regime. The north
and south (where the oil is) are at odds.
The secular-oriented government of Ali Abdullah Saleh, a Shi'ite, is
corrupt and undemocratic. He is battling an insurrection by Shi'ite
religious extremists who were once his allies against fanatical Sunnis.
Extremist Sunnis, supportive of al-Qaida, are also battling the regime and
attacking Western targets.
Yemen has a Sunni majority with a large Shi'ite minority. On top of all
this, there are also tribal tensions; the president's tribe dominates the
security services.
But the Yemeni masses were able to put some of these differences aside
during Operation Cast Lead... and attack the Jews. With few friends,
Yemen's president sought to stay in Washington's good graces by trying to
protect the besieged remnants of Yemeni Jewry.
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