1. Red Cross Helps Arabs Steal Land from Jews Date: Sun, 08 Nov 2009 15:38:13 +0200
From: Arutz Sheva <news@israelnationalnews.com>
by Hillel Fendel Extracts The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), attempting to
help Arabs in Samaria take over a plot of land bordering the Tapuach Junction
checkpoint, says it will return tomorrow to complete the project.
Early Sunday morning, IDF soldiers at the Tapuach checkpoint were surprised to
see an empty field suddenly come to life. Some 50 local Arabs, accompanied by
three Red Cross jeeps, arrived on the scene for an attempted ?land grab.?
Eyewitnesses said they saw Arabs emerging from the jeeps.
Over the past decade, a local Jewish shepherd has grazed his goats on the large
plot of land, which borders the southwest part of the large junction and which
has not been cultivated in many years, if ever. Despite this, the Arabs, with
mules and small tractors, spread out over the area and began clearing it.
Major Change of Status Quo
The checkpoint junction is traversed by hundreds of Jewish cars each day; for
the land in question to become ?Arab? would be a major change of the status quo.
After a short while, the IDF soldiers on the scene ordered the Arabs to stop
working and to leave the area until they provide documentation that the land is
The spokesperson explained that the ICRC is in fact helping the Arabs in
question "rehabilitate" the plot of land near Tapuach, and that though actions
of this type are always taken with the IDF's consent, this time there was a "mis-coordination."
The spokesperson further said that the ICRC's mandate is not only to help
victims of armed conflict, but also to provide "protection, assistance and
economical security" for a "small period of time" to those who are in "dire
need." Asked if Jews could also apply to the ICRC for such assistance in the
case that they are actively thrown off their land, she acknowledged that this
was unlikely, as "our mandate is basically for those under occupation... Israel
is a democracy with organizations and bodies to which citizens could apply for
help." She brushed off suggestions that Arabs in need could apply to the
Palestinian Authority for help. 2. Arabs Tell Lies about Israeli Water
Usage but Highlight Genuine Problem From: imra@netvision.net.il
Zionist's future wars will be over water resources
Al Qassam Website/Agencies - Dr. Ghazi Al-Rabab'ah, a professor of political
science at the university of Jordan, stated Saturday that Israel's future wars
against Arab countries would be over water resources.
In a press statement to the Jordanian Al-Arab Alyawm newspaper, Rabab'ah said
that the first war would be in the Jordan basin area in the Lebanese Shebaa
He added that Israel also steals Gaza water resources and sends salt
contaminated water from Tiberias lake to Gaza.
The professor stressed that Israel also steals 350,000000 cubic meters of water
from Litani river in Lebanon, noting that Israel rejects any settlement with the
Arabs which does not take into account the issue of sharing water supplies.
The professor also pointed out that Israel is one of the poorest countries in
water resources in the world and its water supplies will run out in the coming
yearswhich portends that Israel will resort to the strategy of waging wars over
water recourses in other places.
He also expected that another war could take place in the coming seven years
against Egypt to control the Nile water.
The International Committee of the Red Cross today released copies of its World
War II files, some of which provided verification that it knew of the
persecution of Jews in Nazi concentration camps but felt powerless to speak out.
The files, 25,000 microfilmed pages, were turned over to the United States
Holocaust Memorial Museum.
The Red Cross said its knowledge about the treatment of Jews during World War II
had been written about by Jean-Claude Favez in his book ''Une Mission
Impossible.'' The book was published in France in 1988 and later translated into
German but never appeared in English. Some American scholars and Holocaust
survivors in the United States were also aware of the Red Cross's knowledge, but
generally it was not known more widely.
The Red Cross has long acknowledged its awareness of the treatment of Jews
during World War II, maintaining that if it had disclosed what it knew, it would
have lost its ability to inspect prisoner of war camps on both sides of the
No one at the museum has had an opportunity to study the material, said Radu
Ioanid, the museum's specialist on Holocaust survivors. But Mr. Ioanid said
documents that he had briefly seen disclosed that the Red Cross, which is
supposed to maintain neutrality, had rescued thousands of Jews in Hungary and
Romania and had assisted Jews at a concentration camp in Ravensbruck, Germany.
For the most part, however, the Red Cross's assistance came late in the war and
beneficiaries were relatively few compared with the millions of people who died
in the camps.
Another scholar at the museum, Randolph L. Braham, Distinguished Professor
Emeritus in Political Science at the City University of New York, wrote in his
book, ''The Politics of Genocide'' (Columbia University Press, 1994): ''The
International Red Cross feared that intervention in support of the Jews might
jeopardize its traditional activities on behalf of prisoners of war.''
Mr. Ioanid said, ''There is no doubt that the Red Cross let itself be used by
the Nazis.''
He gave as an example the ''positive reports'' that Red Cross inspectors wrote
about the concentration camp at Terezin, Czechoslovakia, and said the
organization had been ''clearly manipulated.''
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