Jerusalem News 890. Views, Jews, Ten Tribes News
24 December 2009, 7 Tevet 5770
1. CIA Linked to Palestinian Authority Torture
2. Are Pet Dogs and Cats an Environmental Menace?
3. European Money Subisidises
Anti-Jewish pro-Terrorist Monsters
NGOs and the BDS
Movement: Background and Funding
( The CIA is aware of, if not helping, PA "special forces" to
torture prisoners and terrorists, mainly those of the rival Hamas faction, the
London Guardian reports. The use of torture by both the Fatah and Hamas factions
has been well-documented in the past, but this is the first time that the United
States has been directly linked with the practice.
A PA minister responded to the report that torture "happens all the time in
every country in the world."
The Bush and Obama administrations have pumped tens of millions of dollars
directly into the fledgling PA army, trained by U.S. Army General Keith Dayton.
The American Congress several days ago approved a new foreign aid package that
for the first time includes the PA and awards it half a billion dollars, on
condition that it halt terror and incitement and that it formally recognizes the
State of Israel.
It now appears that some of the American funding for the PA has been used by the
CIA to work with PA forces, some of whom routinely use torture, despite orders
signed last year by U.S. President Barack Obama prohibiting torture of those in
American custody. Human rights groups have not charged the CIA with authorizing
or teaching torture, but they also have not ruled it out.
They accuse the agency of turning a blind eye instead, rather than ordering PA
forces to cease the practice. At least one diplomat said that the CIA is aware
of the use of torture.
The Guardian reported, "The relationship between the CIA and the two Palestinian
agencies involved, Preventive Security Organization (PSO) and General
Intelligence Service (GI), is said by some Western diplomats and other officials
in the region to be so close that the American agency appears to be supervising
the Palestinians' work."
PA human rights groups have documented several deaths of victims of PA torture,
such as forced sleeplessness and victims being forced into staying in painful
positions for lengthy periods of time.
Sa?id Abu-Ali, Interior Minister for the PA, admitted to the Guardian that the
"Americans help us" but denied they supervise the PA forces. The CIA also denied
it supervises PA forces but conceded its operatives work with the PA. Concerning
the use of torture, Abu-Ali declared, "[Abuses] happen in every country in the
Last year, the Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group released a report that
documented 14 years of extra-judicial brutality under the Palestinian Authority,
with the direct and explicit support of Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas.
2. Are Pet Dogs and Cats an
Environmental Menace?
by Isabelle Toussaint and Jurgen Hecker Isabelle Toussaint And Jurgen Hecker ?
Sun Dec 20, 3:23 pm ET
PARIS (AFP) ? Man's best friend could be one of the environment's worst enemies,
according to a new study which says the carbon pawprint of a pet dog is more
than double that of a gas-guzzling sports utility vehicle.
But the revelation in the book "Time to Eat the Dog: The Real Guide to
Sustainable Living" by New Zealanders Robert and Brenda Vale has angered pet
owners who feel they are being singled out as troublemakers.
The Vales, specialists in sustainable living at Victoria University of
Wellington, analysed popular brands of pet food and calculated that a
medium-sized dog eats around 164 kilos (360 pounds) of meat and 95 kilos of
cereal a year.
Combine the land required to generate its food and a "medium" sized dog has an
annual footprint of 0.84 hectares (2.07 acres) -- around twice the 0.41 hectares
required by a 4x4 driving 10,000 kilometres (6,200 miles) a year, including
energy to build the car.
To confirm the results, the New Scientist magazine asked John Barrett at the
Stockholm Environment Institute in York, Britain, to calculate eco-pawprints
based on his own data. The results were essentially the same.
"Owning a dog really is quite an extravagance, mainly because of the carbon
footprint of meat," Barrett said.
Other animals aren't much better for the environment, the Vales say.
Cats have an eco-footprint of about 0.15 hectares, slightly less than driving a
Volkswagen Golf for a year, while two hamsters equates to a plasma television
and even the humble goldfish burns energy equivalent to two mobile telephones.
But Reha Huttin, president of France's 30 Million Friends animal rights
foundation says the human impact of eliminating pets would be equally
"Pets are anti-depressants, they help us cope with stress, they are good for the
elderly," Huttin told AFP.
And pets' environmental impact is not limited to their carbon footprint, as cats
and dogs devastate wildlife, spread disease and pollute waterways, the Vales
With a total 7.7 million cats in Britain, more than 188 million wild animals are
hunted, killed and eaten by feline predators per year, or an average 25 birds,
mammals and frogs per cat, according to figures in the New Scientist.
Likewise, dogs decrease biodiversity in areas they are walked, while their
faeces cause high bacterial levels in rivers and streams, making the water
unsafe to drink, starving waterways of oxygen and killing aquatic life.
And cat poo can be even more toxic than doggy doo -- owners who flush their
litter down the toilet ultimately infect sea otters and other animals with
toxoplasma gondii, which causes a killer brain disease.
3. European Money Subisidises
Anti-Jewish pro-Terrorist Monsters
NGOs and the BDS
Movement: Background and Funding
NGO: Non-Government Organization or No-Good-Oddities
BDS [Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions for Palestine or Blaggards who Damn Self].
Background: The Durban Strategy has become the core of the global
anti-Israel boycotts, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement, led by NGOs
and linked to war crimes cases against Israeli officials ( lawfare ).
Much of this activity is supported by government-funded political NGOs
(primarily European and private foundations).
This BDS campaign resulted from the NGO Forum at the 2001 UN World
Conference Against Racism (Durban), which adopted "a policy of complete and
total isolation of Israel as an apartheid state," and called for "the
imposition of mandatory and comprehensive sanctions and embargoes, the full
cessation of all links (diplomatic, economic, social, aid, military
cooperation, and training) between all states and Israel. "
NGOs involved in BDS and their funders (partial list):
*The NDC mechanism is funded by Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands;
Listing: NGO, Primary Funders, Funding Amount , Central Involvement
Al Haq Netherlands $461,201 (2008) Diakonia $204,134 (2008) NDC* $150,000
Norway, Ireland unknown BDS is part of mission statement
Al Mezan Sweden ??105,000 (2007-9) NDC* $500,000 Norway, EU unknown
Signatory to 2005 BDS call (
Alternative Information Center Ireland, Sweden (via Diakonia), Catalan gov
unknown Yes to Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Against Israel
Alternatives (Montreal) Canada $C2 million 2008-10 (halted?) Signatory to
2005 BDS call (
Applied Research Institute Jerusalem (PA) EU ??374,174 (2009-11) Spain
??98,347 (2009) Switzerland unknown Signatory to 2005 BDS call
Badil (PA) NDC* $100,000 Leader of BDS movement
Christian Aid UK, Ireland, EU combined ??22 million 2007-8 Partner
supporting calling for BDS andpursuing parastata Zionist orgs
Coalition of Women for Peace EU ??247,954 (2005-7) NIF $285,509 (2006-8)
Runs "Who profits? " website, which is central in the Norwegian BDS campaign
Defence of Children International -Palestine Section Sweden ??316,000
(2009[1]) NDC* $450,000 Signatory to 2005 BDS call
Diakonia Sweden $42.7 million (2008) EU unknown Advocates for divestment
strategy against Israel, lobbies against EU-Israel upgrade
Human Rights Watch Soros "Open Society Institute $2,353,895 (2007-8) Ford
Foundation $445,000 (2009-11) Netherlands via Oxfam-NOVIB $987,818 (2007-8)
Supported Caterpillar boycott, Call for cuts in U.S. foreign aid to Israel
Israel Committee Against House Demonstrations (ICAHD) Spain ??105,000 (2009)
NDC* $80,000 Leader in BDS activism
KAIROS Canada. Funding was recently halted. $1,575,966 (2008) Main
supporter of church divestment campaign
Machsom Watch EU ??251,650 (2007-2010) NIF $165,198 (2006-8) Norwegian
Pension Fund divestment campaign
Miftah EU $100,531 (2008) Denmark $101,767 (2008) Norway $129,870 (2008)
Signatory to 2005 BDS call (
Mossawa NIF $517,642 (2006-8) EU ??298,660 (2006-8) UK unknown Norwegian
Pension Fund divestment campaign
Norwegian Association of NGOs for Palestine (incl. Norwegian People's Aid)
Norway ??57,000 (2008) USA ??8,000 (2008) Sweden, Netherlands unknown
Coordinates Norwegian Boycott Israel Campaign
Palestinian NGO Network (PNGO) NDC* $130,000 Received France's Human
Rights Prize Leader of BDS movement
Sabeel Sweden ??76,000 (2006-8) Leader of global church divestment movement
Trocaire Ireland ??23,499,837 (2008) UK ??640,682 (2008) EU ??1,698,692 (2008)
Supports BDS movement, lobbies against EU-Israel upgrade, calls for review
of arms export licenses
War on Want UK ??256,000 (2008) Ireland ??77,000 (2008) EU ??266,000 (2008)
Advocates for sanctions, including arms boycott
[1]Grant shared with other NGOs; breakdown not provided.
NGO Monitor
1 Ben Maimon Blvd.
Jerusalem, 92262 Israel
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