Jerusalem News 891. Views, Jews, Ten Tribes News
29 December 2009, 12 Tevet 5770
1. Hizbullah
in Lebanon Supports Drug Smuggling to Israel
2. Help the Poor Arabs in Gaza and the West Bank!!
3. White People Do Not Get it.
Only the Bible makes them Different!
1. Hizbullah
in Lebanon Supports Drug Smuggling to Israel
From: Guysen International News <>
Subject: mailinfo Guysen International, Thursday 24th December 2009
12:50 Lebanon's drug-producing heartland is back in business with a resurgence
of marijuana and poppy fields, challenging the country's underpowered security
forces and adding another dimension to Israel's war with Hezbollah militants,
according to a report in Haaretz. Associated Press interviews with farmers and
Lebanese officials, and documents from international organizations that monitor
drugs, show that the drug trade in the Bekaa Valley has ramped up again since
its drop following the 1975-1990 civil war. Israel's Anti-Drug Authority claims
Hezbollah is behind the flow of cross-border drugs as part of its war against
the country. Hezbollah denies abetting drugs, saying it's un-Islamic. (Guysen.International.News)
It's hard to pin down independently what role Hezbollah plays in the trade, but
the flat, green Bekaa Valley, with its sunny Mediterranean climate and
terrorism-filled history, is a Hezbollah stronghold. The accusation is that
Hezbollah, given its strong presence in the Bekaa and its unmatched influence
there, is heavily involved in the trade, though indirectly, for ideological
reasons, said Bilal Saab, a Lebanon expert at the University of Maryland.
However, there is no independent evidence of this involvement. Aram Nerguizian,
an expert at the U.S.-based Center for Strategic and International Studies in
Washington, D.C., says Hezbollah has enough financial support without depending
on drug money, but uses the drug trade to gather intelligence on the Israeli
military. Shamai Golan, a spokesman for Israel's Anti-Drug Authority, agrees the
main goal is to gather intelligence information, but also to weaken Israeli
2. Help the Poor Arabs in Gaza and the West Bank!!
They Have to Move to Paraguay or Austria or Somewhere Else!
This news item falsely alleges that Israel mistreated the Arabs in Gaza and
suggests that the enlightened children of West Europe should have intervened on
behalf of the poor Ishmaelites.
A few days ago Rabbi Meir Chai was killed in a drive-by shooting near Shiloh.
The culprits were tracked down two days later to their hideouts in Nablus along
with their stockpiles of weaponry and ammunition. The IDF had to take them out
for the sake of public security and administration of good old Obama Hussein had
the gumption to demand an explanation!
Uri Avernery is the spiritual granddaddy of all the bleeding heart Arab lovers
in Israel.
He is also (unfortunately or not?) one of the few who is half literate.
Concerning the recent incursion of Israel into Gaza (Operation Cast Lead) he
writes recently:
THIS WEEK, hundreds of thousands gathered in the Gaza Strip for a demonstration
in support of Hamas. Judging from the photos, there were between 200 and 400
thousand. Considering that there are about 1.5 million inhabitants in the Strip,
most of them children, that was quite an impressive turnout - especially in view
of the misery caused by the Israeli blockade that has continued throughout the
year and the ruined homes that could not be rebuilt. Those who believed that the
pressure on the population would cause an uprising against the Hamas government
have been proved wrong.
# It seems that most of the people in the Gaza Strip are more or
less satisfied with the functioning of the Hamas
government. In spite of the misery of their lives, they may also be proud of its
steadfastness There is order in the streets, crime and drugs are decreasing.
is trying cautiously to promote a religious agenda in daily life, and it seems
that the public does not mind.
#TAKING INTO consideration all these results, one can draw the conclusion that
the war has ended in a kind of draw.
#Except for Goldstone.
#This war has dealt a fatal blow to Israel's
standing in the world.
#Is that important? David Ben-Gurion famously said that "it is not important
what the Goyim say but what the Jews do." Thomas Jefferson, on the other hand,
said that no nation can afford to behave without "a decent respect for the
opinions of mankind". Jefferson was right. "What the Goyim say" has an immense
impact on all the spheres of our life - from the political arena to security
matters. The standing of our state in the world is a vital factor in our
national security.
# The Gaza War from the decision to throw the army into a densely
populated area to the use of white phosphorus and flechette
munitions has raised a dark cloud over Israel. The Goldstone report, coming as
it did after the gruesome pictures broadcast throughout the war by all the
TV networks, has produced a terrible impression. Hundreds of millions of people
saw and heard, and their attitude towards Israel has changed for the worse. This
will have far-reaching impact on the decisions of governments, the attitude of
the media and in thousands of big and small decisions concerning Israel.
# Almost all our spokesmen and journalists, from the President down to the last
TV talk-show host, keep parroting that the Goldstone report is "one-sided",
"vile" and "lying". But people around the world know that it is as honest a
report as could be expected after our government's
decision to boycott the investigation. The damage increases from day to day.
Some of it is irreversible.
Uri Avnery
It is obvious that Avnery admires the Hamas administration of Gaza. He ignores
the fact that in its very constitution it speaks of the religious Islamic duty
(from its point of view) to in effect attempt an extermination of the Jewish
people no matter what.
People like Avnery existed in Britain and France before World War 2 and almost
succeeded in emasculating our civilization.
The world is not lacking in Quislings and Petains.
The only solution must be to transfer the Arabs somewhere else as explained in
our article:
3. White People Do Not Get it.
Only the Bible makes them Different!
Here and there we come across or get sent to us laments about the fate of white
people in the USA and elsewhere.
We agree that in many ways in the past things were better. There was never
really a Golden Age however. Problems always existed.
Taking an overall historical perspective in very general terms one may say that
the only thing that made the white man of western Europe better than others was
some degree of adherence to the Bible and Bible Values. This may have in effect
affected only a minority but somehow its influence spread over the whole and
especially into a handful of chosen individuals who kept on attempting to raise
all the others and often succeeded.
It may be also that the Bible had this effect mainly because those it influenced
were of Israelite Descent.
In other words one cannot abandon the Bible and remain immune from damage.
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