Jerusalem News 901. Views, Jews, Ten Tribes News
18 February 2010, 4 Adar 5770
1. US Weapons Embargo on Israel - Flood of Weapons to Arabs!
2. RavPeretz:
The Goyim from Russia Include Murderers
3. -Semitism of USs
Justice System for Spies.
1. US Weapons Embargo on Israel - Flood
of Weapons to Arabs!
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2010 23:12:09 -0500
From: Steven Shamrak <>
A new report by the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) has
warned that the Obama administration has implemented a virtual weapons embargo
on the Jewish State. At the same time Obams administration is conducting a
massive U.S. weapons sale and projects for Arab rivals in the Middle East, which
has eroded Israel's military superiority over its neighbours.
2. RavPeretz:
The Goyim from Russia Include Murderers'p=41450 November 2, 2009
Ra'anana Chief Rabbi Yitzchak Peretz was among the more outspoken voices
opposing the mass aliyah from the former Soviet Union, which included hundreds
of thousands of goyim according to most estimates. Rabbi Peretz served as a Shas
minister in the 1980s, holding a number of cabinet posts including minister of
the interior.
He told the Chareidim news agency that he warned the current situation would be
the result of such an aliyah, a cause for 'crying for generations'. He made his
remarks with the lifting of the gag order on Monday on the arrest of a suspect
in the murder of Eduard Ushrenko and his family, all over a head waiter being
fired from his job by the victim.
'The goyim who came from Russia include murderers and anti-Semites, who harass
the Jews'. He lamented that 'there is no one to blame but ourselves', explaining
'this is the fruit of the light-handed decisions made by previous governments,
and now, we are paying the price for those decisions'.
As interior minister, Peretz visited Russia in 1995 and announced one-third of
the aliyah was non-Jews, a statement that was met with a harsh response. Rabbi
Peretz reports that then Prime Minister Yitzchak Shamir phoned him in Russia and
spoke with him for 25 minutes, seeking to persuade him to retract the statement.
'Shamir suggested that I tell the media that my statements were taken out of
context, but I told him that these are the facts and I cannot deny them. I urged
Shamir to amend the Law of Return to prevent goyim from coming to Israel. We are
taking about children who were totally non-Jewish, who were granted the right to
come on aliyah because they had a Jewish grandparent. I am embarrassed to add
that at the time, they waged a war against me and even the religious MKs did not
really come to my defense'.
On today's standard Rabbi Peretz explained, Shas leader R' Eli Yishai, who also
serves as interior minister, is waging a similar war, seeking to oust the
children of foreign workers, also non-Jews, stating he stands firmly behind
Minister Yishai's decision.
(Yechiel Spira ; YWN Israel)
3. Anti-Semitism of USs
Justice System for Spies.
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2010 23:12:09 -0500
From: Steven Shamrak <>
A Chinese-born aerospace engineer, Greg Chung Dongfan, has been jailed for more
than 15 years after being convicted of selling technology related to the US
space shuttle program to China. Jonathan Pollard, who gave Israel security
information which the US supposed to provide to Israel , is serving the 24th
year of his life sentence. (Even Soviet spies were treated better!)
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