Jerusalem News 906. Views, Jews, Ten Tribes News
14 March 2010, 28 Adar 5770
1. Michael Williams (age 14) from NZ:
Jews in Israel are a very Godly people!
2. Judea & Samaria: Emergency Refuge for the Central Region
by Hana
Levi Julian
3. The Shocking Legacy of the Oslo Accords
"Peres's extracurricular clinchers" by SARAH HONIG
1. Michael Williams (age 14) from NZ:
Jews in Israel are a very Godly people!
Re Jerusalem News 905
#2. Why Israel is the world's happiest country by Spengler
Maybe Israel is a happy country because they follow Gods commandments
well (thats what I think).
Its been proven that keeping the Sabbath is very good for your health article.cfm'article_id=22
As you know many Christians do not keep the Sabbath, but many religious
leaders are quite aware of it.
Many Christians think it is ok to eat unclean foods
King James Version (KJV) Isaiah 66:
15For, behold, the LORD will come with fire, and with his chariots like
a whirlwind, to render his anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames
of fire.
16For by fire and by his sword will the LORD plead with all flesh: and
the slain of the LORD shall be many.
17They that sanctify themselves, and purify themselves in the gardens
behind one tree in the midst, eating swine's flesh, and the abomination, and
the mouse, shall be consumed together, saith
the LORD.
(modern Health food organisations know this, God himself has told us
this but still many refuse to listen.)
Jews in Israel spend much more time of their life with God than those in
other country on average.
Also as I have noticed many "Christian" people my age (I am 14) have
anger management problems & swear a lot & do not keep the spirt of the law
(but of course behave well in Church).I don't know if its like that in
Jews in Israel are a very Godly people.
Proverbs 3:1-2 (King James Version)
1My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments:
2For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee.
Michael Williams
from New Zealand
2. Judea & Samaria: Emergency Refuge for
the Central Region
by Hana
Levi Julian
http://www.israelnationalnews. com/News/News.aspx/136434
( The IDF has taken a second look at the Jewish communities of
Judea and Samaria, with an eye towards their use in wartime, specifically as a
refuge site. During a recent military exercise conducted by the IDF Central
Command, top brass looked at the option of moving Israel's population in an
emergency from the central region to communities in Judea and Samaria. So says
Avi Roeh, head of the Binyamin Regional Council.
Roeh told Arutz Sheva's Hebrew news magazine this week the IDF had discussed the
possibility with the Binyamin Council, which explored the option with the
communities themselves. 'We found that within the settlements there are warm and
good people who are ready and willing to take in fellow citizens," he said.
'The state, Home Front Command and the National Emergency Authority understand
that such an absorption process would be part of the preparation for evacuation
of large communities,' Roeh added. 'The communities themselves would also need
assistance, and officials examined housing options for operations and support.
It is important that everything come from the establishment, and not be
Roeh noted that thousands of families could be involved in such a move, though
he did not give specific numbers.
The Binyamin Regional Council has been busy in recent months, demanding to be
involved in the planning for the new Palestinian Authority city that is to be
built in the region in the near future. The city, Rawabi, which is to be located
in Area A (under total PA control), is considered by many Jewish residents in
the area to be a looming security threat.
3. The Shocking Legacy of the Oslo
Accords Peres's
extracurricular clinchers
By SARAH HONIG Columnists/Article.aspx'id=170746
Almost 2,000 Israelis were murdered, and thousands maimed for life. Stretches of
historical homeland were relinquished and strategic assets surrendered to
genocidal enemies, whom Peres imported here by the tens of thousands from Tunis
as per the Oslo Accords.
Some 150,000 hostile Arabs were added into Israel's population to further
'family reunions' under Oslo. Those who made gregious concessions to
still-implacable foes dramatically exacerbated the country's demographic
distress, the very one which purportedly served as their pretext for the Osloite
machination in the first place.
Peres's 'New Middle East,' Oslo subterfuge and derivative Nobel Peace Prize
earned him prodigious accolades from chic international cheerleaders. Yet here,
in the sands of the reprobate Mideast, Oslo caused Arab aspirations to replace
Israel and the delegitimization of its very existence to be tolerated as never
previously in the valued venues of Peres's social conquests.
Peres conferred respectability upon Fatah and ushered in Hamas rampages. In
pre-Oslo days there was less call for targeted strikes, roadblocks, security
fences and suchlike image-tarnishing measures. There was more peace prior to
Peres's peace.
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