1. Guysen:
Record Number
of Tourists and Gadaffi's
son harasses Switzerland Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 13:29:30 +0000
From: Guysen International News <webmaster@guysen.com>
Subject: Mailinfo - Guysen International News - 13/04/2010
Record number of tourists
12:05 Record number of tourists visit Israel in March Tourism Ministry says (Guysen.International.News)
A a record-breaking 313,000 tourists visited Israel in March, the Tourism
Ministry said. The ministry says the number marks a 56% increase when compared
with March 2009. Since the beginning of the year 747,000 tourists have visited
the country, a 54% increase since the same time period in 2009.
Switzerland and the Junior Gadaffi
10:30 Swiss court rejects Gadaffi's son's request for compensation (Guysen.International.News)
A Swiss court has rejected Hannibal Gadaffi's demand for 100,000 Swiss francs
($94,500) in reparations for the publication of a police mug shot from his 2008
arrest in Geneva. The son of Libyan leader Moammar Gadaffi had filed a civil
complaint against the daily Tribune de Geneve and the cantonal (state)
government after the paper published the picture.
2. Amazing facts about Israel by Rabbi
Ephraim Shore
Israel is the 100th smallest country, and has about 1/1000th of the world's
population. It is only 62 years old,
Relative to its population, Israel is the largest immigrant-absorbing nation on
earth. It has absorbed 350% of its population in 60 years.1
Israel is the only country in history to have revived an unspoken language.
Since the founding of the state, Israel has more Nobel Prices per capita than
any other country. It has more laureates in real numbers than China, Mexico and
Israel has the 8th longest life expectancy (80.7 years), longer than the UK, US,
and Germany3
Israel is the only country that entered the 21st century with a net gain in its
number of trees, even more remarkable -- in an area that's mainly desert.5
Over 90% of Israeli homes use solar energy for hot water, the highest percentage
in the world.6, 7
Israel will be the first country to host a national electric car network.8
Israel is ranked in the top five Cleantech countries of the world, and operates
the world's largest desalinization plant.9
Israeli companies are producing the largest solar energy production facility in
the world.
Science & Technology
Israel leads the world in the number of scientists and technicians in the
workforce, 63% more than the U.S. It also has the most physicians and engineers
per capita.10
Israel's scientific research institutions are ranked 3rd in the world.11
Israel is ranked 2nd in space sciences.12
More Israeli patents are registered in the United States than from Russia, India
and China combined (combined population 2.5 billion). It leads the world in
patents for medical equipment.11, 14, 15
There are 26 official Muslim states in the world, and 18 official Christian
states, but there is only one Jewish state.20
3. Guysen:
Amsterdam's Chief Rabbi dies aged 101
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 13:04:09 +0000
From: Guysen International News <webmaster@guysen.com>
09:08 Amsterdam's Chief Rabbi dies aged 101 (Guysen.International.News)
Rabbi Meir Just, chief rabbi of Amsterdam, passed away at the age of 101 on
Thursday. Just was born in Vyzhnytsia, Hungary ' currently in Ukraine ' and as a
youth studied in important European yeshivot. After surviving the Holocaust,
hidden by a gentile in Budapest along with his wife.
4. European Converts to Islam
Responsible for Most of the Violence!
An Islamist in Professor's Garb: Tariq Ramadan Returns to America
by Brendan Goldman. American Thinker, April 15, 2010
http://www.meforum.org/2636/ tariq-ramadan-returns-to-america
According to her findings, Mogahed claimed, "Muslims in general are no more
likely to express sympathy for violence targeting civilians than non-Muslims."
None of the panelists challenged Mogahed's statement, which seem especially
spurious in light of a recently released report showing that anti-Semitic
incidents in Europe have more than doubled in the last year and that for the
first time in the history of the study, Western Muslims are the primary culprits
of these attacks. Nor did Mogahed state that, even according to her own
research, the percentage of German and French Muslims who believe that 9/11 was
"completely justified" is in "the double-digits."
....Cooper Union can carve a notch in its stock for hosting another "dangerous
man." The rest of us will be left to wonder how a college that hosted one of the
great Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1860, in which the future president outlined
the evils of slavery, became by 2010 a refuge for those who would justify
misogyny, anti-Semitism, and terrorism.
5. Lt.-Gen. Ashkenazi: the Bible is the
Guide by Gil Ronen
http://www.israelnationalnews.com/ News/News.aspx/137024 Extracts:
"The IDF sees the Bible as a guide in the deep and practical sense of the word,'
IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi said Wednesday in a meeting with
participants in the International Bible Quiz for Youth. 'It is no accident that
the IDF swears in its soldiers with a weapon in one hand and the Bible in the
other ' a custom that reflects the uniqueness of the IDF and the deep bond of
the Jewish people to the Book of Books,' he added.
The 47th annual World Bible Quiz for Youth is being held with the aid of the
Jewish Agency...The quiz will take place on Independence Day, April 20, the
Ninth of Iyyar.
The contestants ' all of whom won the Bible Quizzes in their respective
countries ' have been taking part in an 18-day preparatory camp which includes
volunteer activity, hikes through Biblical sites, a visit to Yad VaShem and gun
training in the Gadna Youth Corps base. Four of the 46 participants are the
Israeli quiz's finalists, one of whom is the Prime Minister's son, Avner
From: Debka@thejmg.com
Subject: DEBKA Newsletter April 16, 2010
April 11, 2010 Briefs:
New report finds anti-Semitic attacks in 2009 doubled making it the worst year
in two decades.
Peak violence in UK and France, according to Tel Aviv Anti-Semitism Institute.
Far-left and Muslim radicals were worst offenders, likening Israel and Jews to
Nazis to delegitimize Jewish state.
Report was published Sunday, eve of Israel's Memorial Day for 6 million Jews
killed in Nazi Holocaust.
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