1. The View from Lebanon:
Iran, not Israel will start the war. By: Elias Bejjani
http://www.10452lccc.com/elias%20 english09/elias.charbel27.4.10.htm
April 27/10 Extracts:
...The mullahs in Iran are cunningly working day and night on the last details
of a devastating war that they are planning to ignite against Israel from
Lebanon through their militant terrorist proxy, Hezbollah, when the time is
appropriate for them, exactly as was the case in 2006.
Meanwhile, Iran's intentions to annihilate the Jewish state are becoming bolder
and more aggressive. On 18/04/2010, Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said
that Israel was on its way to collapse, as Iran's military displayed a range of
home-built drones and missiles at the annual Army Day parade.
In 2006 Iran was under tremendous pressure from Western countries to halt its
nuclear program or face very tough sanctions. To distract the entire world away
from their program they gave orders to their Hezbollah army in Lebanon to engage
the Jewish State in a war that they did without any hesitation. The war lasted
for 33 days and shifted all the heat away from Iran and its suspicious nuclear
In fact, Syria under President Bashar Al Assad has become an Iranian puppet and
has no say in what Hezbollah in Lebanon does or does not do. Meanwhile, the
current relationship between Syria's president Bashar Al Assad and Iran's
president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a replicate of the master-slave one that
existed during World War II between Hitler and Mussolini where the first was in
full control of the decision making process and the second just a puppet who
carried out his orders with no say whatsoever.
Retired Lebanese army officer, and renowned worldwide expert on Hezbollah and
terrorism, Colonel Charbel Barakat, wrote yesterday for our site, the LCCC, an
analysis with the title, "Who is beating the war drums this time'"
Barakat concluded that Iran desperately wants Hezbollah to pile these Scud
missiles in its arsenal because their longest range is 700 km and thus they are
a must for its scheme that aims to reach Israel's nuclear plant in Demona, the
Israeli Nagave airports and other vital military and civil institutions.
What is actually very striking and scary in Barakat's in depth analysis is his
strong conviction that Iran is the one which will soon launch through its
militant proxy, Hezbollah, a preemptive war against Israel's nuclear plants,
before the Israelis or the US attack Iran's nuclear facilities.
2. Brazil Sends FM Amorim
to Speak to Persian Nuclear Criminals Ahmadinejad
Says Brazil and Iran Should Work Together for a More Just World
http://www.brazzilmag.com/component/content/ article/84-april-2010/12154-ahmadinejad-says -brazil-and-iran-should-work-together -for-a-more-just-world.html2010
- April 2010
Written by Renata Giraldi
Wednesday, 28 April 2010 02:13
Brazilian president Luiz In'io Lula da Silva sent his Foreign minister to
Turkey, R'sia and Iran last week. The issue at the top of the agenda in all the
conversations: Iran's nuclear program. Celso Amorim met with Iran's president
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Tuesday, but before he saw the Turkish Foreign Minister,
Ahmet Davotoglu, over the weekend.
"It is very important to reach a peaceful and negotiated solution for this
problem. I still believe that is possible. It is not easy, but it is possible,"
said Amorim after talks with Davotoglu. The two ministers discussed a uranium
exchange proposal, as well as ways and means to keep talks going between Iran
and the West.
Ahmadinejad told Amorim Brazil and Iran should work towards a new world order:
"Iran and Brazil must play a bigger role in the creation of a new more just
world order."
Note: The family
name of the Brazilian Forein
Minister "Amorim"
in Hebrew is the plural of Amorite which was one of the major Canaanite nations
the Israelites were commanded to expel from the Promised Land.
The given cause of Islamic antagonism to Israel is claimed to be the
Palestinian problem.
Perhaps if all the Palestinians would have their passage facilitated to Brazil
(already ca. 50% would leave tomorrow if they could) this problem could be
3. "the very existence of Israel is an
insult to Muslims"
by Tzvi
Ben Gedalyahu
http://www.israelnationalnews.com/ News/News.aspx/137241 Extracts:
If war breaks out between Iran and Israel, it likely would last for 'years and
not weeks,' according to Bar-Ilan University researcher Dr. Moshe Vered. Iran
also might target Jews around the world.
He calls on Israel to internalize the prospect of an unprecedented lengthy war
and explains that once the government and public understand the threat, they
will be better prepared to find ways to shorten the conflict.
A researcher at the university's Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, he
recently published a sobering paper that based his hypothesis on the Iranian
Shi'ite Muslim approach that the very existence of Israel is an insult to
Muslims. He states that its philosophy is that 'Allah promises them victory' and
there is an obligation of Muslims to sacrifice themselves and surrender material
goods for the sake of annihilating the Jewish State.
Entitled 'The length and conditions for ending a future war between Iran and
Israel,' the research paper notes that Iran fought Iraq for eight years despite
suffering the deaths of half a million people, with another two million wounded
and catastrophic damage to the economic infrastructure, amounting to $100
Dr. Vered (pictured at left) pointed out that the war ended only when the
Shi'ite rulers in Iran realized that the regime was in jeopardy. Until then, the
leaders felt there was no room for compromise.
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