1. "Needed: A Turkish Flotilla to Rescue
the Arabs of Stockholm, Sweden"
Source: "Hatzaga Humanitarit" by Ben Dror Yamini, Maariv, Mosafshabat, 2.7.2010,
Extract. A free and rough (or rough and free') translation by Yair Davidiy.
# And what about Stockholm' Admittedly, there is no Occupation in Sweden. There
are also no agents there of the International Falsehood Industry with its vast
budgetary resources. No one to spread the news of "Apartheid" against Moslems.
In point of fact the Moslems were well received. They have been there for one or
two generations. Last month however riots broke out. The rioters burnt a school
in "Little Mogadishu", as the neighborhood (in the heart of Stockholm) they live
in is nicknamed. Policemen and firemen who arrived to control the fire were
welcomed with a pelting of stones. They did not succeed in reaching the arson
epicenter. It is not that the needs of Moslems are being ignored by the Swedes.
Just the opposite. In the eyes of Moslem youth however it seems that the Swedes
are a bunch of white racists who ceaselessly oppress them.
# The uproar and riots began when several Moslem young men were not accepted, or
did not otherwise succeed in entering, a School for Dance. It was not that there
was any Racialist agenda behind this "discrimination". Neverthless the reaction
was emotionally charged. A kind of minor Intifada. This story did not receive
any headlines around the globe. After all, it was only a disturbance of several
days. Nothing more than a school burnt to the ground along with automobiles and
a bus that were engulfed in the conflagrations. A local disturbance. Right.
Similar events occurred elsewhere in Sweden. It also happens in other parts of
Europe. But it did not take place in Gaza, or in Jaffa, and not in Jerusalem.
Therefore there is nothing to be disturbed about. There is no need for endless
TV coverage. No reason to describe Sweden as an oppressive polity. There is also
no need to deny the right of Sweden to exist.
# It could be, who knows, that there is a need to send humanitarian aid to the
Oppressed Moslem Enclave in Stockholm' Perhaps also a mobile School for Dance'
After all, life without Dancing Lessons seems unbearable. Denial of this
elementary need must compel violent reaction and a miniature version of the
Intifada. Details concerning the coming flotilla to Stockholm should be
published soon on those Web-Sites that concern themselves with Human Rights.
2. Moslems Rape Non-Muslim Women!
Western Muslims' Racist Rape Spree By: Sharon Lapkin
FrontPageMagazine.com | Tuesday, December 27, 2005'ARTID=6161
In Australia, Norway, Sweden and other Western nations, there is a distinct
race-based crime in motion being ignored by the diversity police: Islamic men
are raping Western women for ethnic reasons. We know this because the rapists
have openly declared their sectarian motivations.
When a number of teenage Australian girls were subjected to hours of sexual
degradation during a spate of gang rapes in Sydney that occurred between 1998
and 2002, the perpetrators of these assaults framed their rationale in ethnic
terms. The young victims were informed that they were 'sluts' and 'Aussie pigs'
while they were being hunted down and abused.
In Australia's New South Wales Supreme Court in December 2005, a visiting
Pakistani rapist testified that his victims had no right to say no, because they
were not wearing a headscarf.
And earlier this year Australians were outraged when Lebanese Sheik Faiz
Mohammed gave a lecture in Sydney where he informed his audience that rape
victims had no one to blame but themselves. Women, he said, who wore skimpy
clothing, invited men to rape them.
A few months earlier, in Copenhagen, Islamic mufti and scholar, Shahid Mehdi
created uproar when ' like his peer in Australia ' he stated that women who did
not wear a headscarf were asking to be raped.
And with haunting synchronicity in 2004, the London Telegraph reported that
visiting Egyptian scholar Sheik Yusaf al-Qaradawi claimed female rape victims
should be punished if they were dressed immodestly when they were raped. He
added, 'For her to be absolved from guilt, a raped woman must have shown good
In Norway and Sweden, journalist Fjordman warns of a rape epidemic. Police
Inspector Gunnar Larsen stated that the steady increase of rape-cases and the
link to ethnicity are clear, unmistakable trends. Two out of three persecutions
for rape in Oslo are immigrants with a non-Western background and 80 percent of
the victims are Norwegian women.
In Sweden, according to translator for Jihad Watch, Ali Dashti, Gang rapes,
usually involving Muslim immigrant males and native Swedish girls, have become
commonplace.' A few weeks ago she said, 'Five Kurds brutally raped a
13-year-old Swedish girl.'
In France, Samira Bellil broke her silence ' after enduring years of repeated
gang rapes in one of the Muslim populated public housing projects ' and wrote a
book, In the hell of the tournantes that shocked France. Describing how gang
rape is rampant in the banlieues, she explained to Time that, 'any neighborhood
girl who smokes, uses makeup or wears attractive clothes is a whore.'
Unfortunately, Western women are not the only victims in this epidemic. In
Indonesia, in 1998, human rights groups documented the testimony of over 100
Chinese women who were gang raped during the riots that preceded the fall of
President Suharto. Many of them were told: 'You must be raped, because you are
Chinese and non-Muslim.'
In Sudan ' where Arab Muslims slaughter black Muslim and Christian Sudanese in
an ongoing genocide ' former Sudanese slave and now a human rights' activist
Simon Deng says he witnessed girls and women being raped and that the Arab
regime of Khartoum sends its soldiers to the field to rape and murder. In other
reports, women who are captured by government forces are asked; 'Are you
Christian or Muslim'' and those who answer Christian, are gang raped before
having their breasts cut off.
Retired Australian detective Tim Priest warned in 2004 that the Lebanese gangs,
which emerged in Sydney in the 1990s ' when the police were asleep ' had morphed
out of control. 'The Lebanese groups,' he said, ' were ruthless, extremely
violent, and they intimidated not only innocent witnesses, but even the police
that attempted to arrest them.'
In most French prosecutions, the Muslim rapists state that they do not believe
they have committed a crime. And in a frightening parallel with the gang rapists
in Australia, they claim the victim herself is to blame and accuse her of being
a 'slut' or a 'whore.'
Swedish translator, Ali Dashti, stated that in Sweden when three men raped a
22-year-old woman recently, they said one word to her. 'Whore.' Such stories,
according to Dashti, are in the Swedish newspapers every week. And, the
politically correct 'take great care not to mention the ethnic background of the
Oslo Professor of Anthropology, Unni Wikan, said Norwegian women must take
responsibility for the fact that Muslim men find their manner of dress
provocative. And since these men believe women are responsible for rape, she
stated, the women must adapt to the multicultural society around them.
The BBC pulled a documentary scheduled for screening in 2004, after police in
Britain warned it could increase racial tension. 'In these exceptional
circumstances... Channel 4 as a responsible broadcaster has agreed to the
police's request...' The documentary was to show how Pakistani and other Muslim
men sexually abused young, white English girls as young as 11. The number of
rapes committed by Muslim men against women in the last decade is so incredibly
high that it cannot be viewed as anything other than culturally implicit
behaviour. It is overtly reinforced and sanctioned by Islamic religious leaders
who blame the victims and excuse the rapists.
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