1. Counter Replies to Holocaust Denial Nizkor.Org has gone thru all of Ernest's Zundel's arguments and has
issued a line by line response.
http://www.nizkor.org/features/qar/qar00.html 2. BoRonn:
Good news from Sweden.
Good Day Yair Davidiy and Brit-Am,
This time news from Sweden is encouraging. A student union takes a firm stand
for the State of Israel. The article below is copied from Wall Street Journal as
it appeared on the Swedish blog Sapere Aude,
That Sweden's dockworkers' union staged a week-long protest against Israel in
the wake of the Turkish flotilla incident is hardly surprising. But the response
of a 2,500-strong student union that supports Sweden's leading Moderate Party is
worth noting. Last month, the student union showed Israel some welcome support
by offering to load and unload Israeli cargo themselves. The students slammed
the longshoremen in a press release and declared that 'It is Hamas's fault that
people are suffering in Gaza, not Israel's.'
Their statement contains more clarity on Palestinian-Israeli relations than most
anything we've heard lately from Europe's grown-ups. Stockholm has been
particularly vociferous in denouncing Israel's efforts to defend itself, with
Swedish Foreign Minister and Moderate Party elder statesman Carl Bildt having
called for an investigation into Israel, and telling the Swedish press that
Israel's Palestinian policy is 'catastrophic' and 'leads to one problem after
another.' All of which is pro-Israel compared to statements from Mr. Bildt's
colleagues on the left.
Gustaf Dymov, 24, who chairs the contrarian student union, stressed in a phone
interview that the offer to scab on the boycotting dockworkers was almost
entirely for show'but then, so was the 'boycott' itself, since very little cargo
actually passes between Israel and Sweden by sea. Mr. Dymov says that's what
outrages him the most: 'It's very obvious [the dockworkers] did this not out of
a will to support the Palestinians but to show hatred toward Israel.'
So Mr. Dymov and his compatriots decided to show the love: 'We view this as a
conflict between Israel, a democratic and free country that deserves our
support; and Hamas, a terror organization that has an explicit aim to destroy
and kill other people,' he tells us.
Given the political mores of contemporary European youth culture, this stance
defines courageous rebellion. Too bad, then, that a Moderate Party spokesman was
quick to distance his party from the students' cause, telling us over the phone
that Mr. Dymov's group is not their official student faction and is 'totally
separate from the party.' Mr. Dymov confirms this, though he notes that his
group generally supports the Moderates in other matters, and that Mr. Bildt once
chaired the 'quite libertarian' student union himself. 'That was a long time
ago,' Mr. Dymov adds.
The Swedish students' dissent has gotten little press, but Mr. Dymov said that
what feedback he has gotten has been mostly positive. For anyone who agrees with
Mr. Dymov's code to 'always stand on the side of free countries and
democracies,' this student movement comes not a moment too soon.
// Shalom / Bo R'n
3. Half the Public Wants to See Holy
Temple Rebuilt
http://www.israelnationalnews.com/ News/News.aspx/138655 by HillelFendel Extracts:
Half the Israeli public wants the Holy Temple (Beit HaMikdash) to be rebuilt.
This is the main finding of a poll commissioned by the Knesset Television
Channel and carried out by the Panels Institute.
The poll was taken in advance of this Tuesday's national day of mourning, known
as Tisha B'Av, on which the two Holy Temples in Jerusalem were destroyed, 2,000
and 2,500 years ago, respectively.
Forty nine percent said they want the rebuilding of the Holy Temple, while 23%
said they do not. The remainder said they were unsure.
The public is about evenly split on whether they believe it will happen, with a
slight edge ' 42% to 39% ' to those who believe the Third Holy Temple will be
Should the State of Israel take active steps towards the reconstruction:
Forty-eight percent said no, while 27% said yes.
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